Y2_THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednender, Juy 3, 1963 : Civil Rights Bill West Indian Leaders ""_.. Kennedy administration pressed! a key section of its civil rights) program Monday with an urgent: eT e @) call for passage of a bill out- i lawing racial discrimination in} < : ivirtually all business places. * PORT - OF - SPAIN, Trinidad|bill died with the session's end, Suggestions that Premier Ja-| Attorney-General Robert Ken-| (P)--The leaders of Trinidad, but the strike continues. |gan hoped to starve the workers! nedy told the Senate commerce famaica and Barbados have) Negotiations have bog € d/pack to work have not been well|committee "we are going to| been watching with growingidown on back-to-work PrOPOS-|sived in the Caribbean area,/have a good deal more difficul-| rn as the situation deteri-/ais, In the meantime, violent!rhe strike has the full backing|ties in the United States" un-| oe British|clashes between Africans and) (+ the Caribbean Congress ofjless this part of the program What started: as a general East Indians have been increas-/r yor, embracing trade union-|is. passed sive Il Weaks aun ndw threat! : lists.in the whole area. The Con-| SSS tt th devel gtr a racial war} Prime Minister Williams hasicress has Jaunched a fund to| AMERICANS INCREASE } option 4s actisaid he has no sympathy for)aid the Guianese workers, \ Ini hind tween the descendants of East! premier Jagan's'leftist leanings| | The United States poration ian and African races but he is concemed about Brit:| While politicians are con-|rose 10,000,000 to almost 189,- +The offers of the leaders to! ; "gph cerned about the ever present 000,000 between: 1960 and 1963 , lish Guiana's independence, | a page PN haves hd led eal derve as mediators in the 80 which almost certainly will not| eareat of an "impos' settle- ------------ -- 1 strike have been spurned). ; iment"? by the British govern- : be granted until the genera! : Premier Cheddi Jagan of tie ic settiea iment, they are also mindful of BARTENDING British Guiena. Some political sources here|the steat need for internal) : pe ; : junity. This is a task in which FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE FOX'S STORE-W D ; Prime Minister Eric Williams rtd | feel that Premier Jagan may bel the regional governments Trinidad, Prime Minister) . : "+ lexander Bustamante of dy. Teint or refusal of 30° iclearly believe they could help, maica and Premier Errol Bar- to accept his plan for relations!' Premier Jagan would only ac: tows of Barbados have made between A University of Guiena|ce?t their offers. wo collective offers to meet! sich he has set up and the em dagan to discuss the crisis inently successful University of ? The offers were inspired by ine West Indies. The British = for closer relations among Guiana University is to be run Yammonwealth 'countries and i 'a politically-appointed hace | eg 9 the apogee : The University of the West In- a contermmce of British bd a Caribbean neighbors is sched dies is independently run. uled to be held here this month and Premier Jagan has been in vited to attend HOPED FOR WAR END But Jamaica, Trinidad and go had hoped that be meeting Premier J: fould end his war with trade Unions. The strike started when Pre. & wee mame oT Mier Jagan wmtroduced in the legislature a bill which labor un- BROADLOOM fons considered would give the overnment power to dictate! ch unions should be recog-/ TILE nized. The legislature has been| Pprorogued and the controversial eneretenenmanmar ees inmramemertc WEDDINGS --- BANQUETS -- STAGS -- ETC, "CALL 728-8391 OK STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE FOX"S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE Z1VS JINVUYVIID AGiIM-3AYOLS S,XO4 4 SAVE "weexeo® MEAT SPECIALS x" ER RK FX RIB STEAKS -.79° Blade STEAKS ». 59° RACK of LAMB Canadian Made , ROAST FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE ZJ1VS JZONVYVAID AGiIM-JYOLS S,XO4 Best dollar value today. Exciu- Cc sive to Woolworths. Quality and CHOPS combed cotton tops and shorts. lh. Gvaranteed not to shrink out of NO STEW CUTS fit. Double seat. Sizes: Small, Medium ond Large. & Starts THURSDAY, 9:30 A.M. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS 2... 1.00 aw SPECIALS! \. THURS. ONLY ><" CHICKEN 4) | 299 ' | » = 4 j at] \|> Sleeve fF |) 7 > KNITTED pA | 4: 4 ; MEATY > T-Shir t Pork Hocks 5 ths. $ (|p uno ons Veal Patties 3 lhs. | VvvvvvvvVv a Z1VS JDNVUVAID AGIM-34OLS S,XO4 FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE action sieeve, perma stay no-curl collar, ma- D chine washable, ideal for oll sports weor. b Choose either neot check SKINLESS : or plain design. WIENERS 5 LBs. 1.95 _ titer eg AE ' Gold, Green or Block. SLICED SIDE PORK 2.-1.00/, > Feature Value y Sizes: Small, Medium or "BY THE PIECE" r Item BOLOGNA 3.1.00) sna YOUR MONEY iS SMALL LINK WORTH MORE SAUSAGES | . 33° AT WOOLWORTH'S TWO LOCATIONS: 7 SIMCOE ST.S. = OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE | FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE Sait ~OX's STORE-Widb J1VS ZINVYVIID AGiIM-3YOLS $,XO4 FOX