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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jul 1963, p. 13

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~) She Oshawa Fimes PAGE THIRTEEN Auditorium Group To Stage Blitz Though the amount collect- ed is still around the $660,000 The second phase of the Osh- awa Civic Auditorium cam- OSHAWA, CNTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1963 paign commenced Tuesday and at the end of the day Committee Chairman E, R, S. "Dick" Mc- SECOND SECTION mark it is expected to take a big jump at week's end. Then in the evening some 22 voluntary workers met at the committee rooms and they were told by committee members McLaughlin, Kelly and Bill Kurelo that there are in the city of Oshawa some 6,000 peo- ple who are not directly con-| uo nected with any local industry| | Laughlin and Finance Chair- man Terence V. Kelly were happy with the results, Plans are to blitz the business men of the community this week to complete the canvass of the people who are in the cate- gory other than pay roll deduc- CHILDREN REGISTER FOR SWIMMING CLASSES Oshawa municipal. pools, At Zakarow, the children of Mr. left Roy Fleming, pool pro- and Mrs. Michael Zakarow, gram director, is seen regis- 639 Ritson road south, tering Debbie and Michael --Oshawa Times Photo. Tuesday marked the open- ing of registration for the swimming and water safety classes which will be held dur- ing the summer months at the City Will License Refreshment Vehicles bejtorical Society requested use notiof land close to Henry House | | NN ie alae, «some te i a ee cle tian of catresteaeet velncies ee PO within 200 feet of any pub-|Museum for the location of a Oshawa streets were accepted lic park or within 200 feet of/building of historical value by city council Tuesday as rec-|sating establishment; refresh-|which is at present located on ommended by the parks, Prop-| ment vehicles shall not park for|Farewell avenue, This matter erty and recreation committee.|ionger than a total of 30 min-jwill not be considered by the] "Now if a person wants to/utes per day in any one block./parks, property and receration) put wheels on an over-sized/A bylaw will be prepared for|committee until Alderman Mur-} piano box the city will have/licensing refreshment vehicles|doch investigates and control in the matter," com-|as provided for in the Municipal/back to the committee mented Ald. C. B. Gay. He was! Act The committee recommended referring to a reguiation stating) Council also passed a recom-|that Tim's Drive-In, at the cor-| that new applications for li-/mendation by the committee to/ner of King and Queen streets,! cences mus be dealt with by/appoint Ald. A. H, Murdoch as/be rented to W. B. Bennett Pav- city council a. representative of city council/ing Limited as an office during Other regulations are as fol-on the committee on preserva-|reconstruction of King street.| lows: a $100 licence fee for the/tion of historic buildings. |The recommendation was pass-) reports icity to follow up companies who ibe available by the end of the jweek, said Mr. McLaughlin and ijtermining what type of building will be built. tion which includes downtown businesses and smaller plants throughout the' city. Yesterday morning there were close to 20 people at the committee rooms on King street east when it opened at 8 p.m. to report for duty. These included such as Mrs, Chris- tine Thomas and Robert Wilson of the auditorium committee and numerous businessmen who are taking time off from their regular work to help the cam- paign. They fanned out through the have had their canvass in oper- ation but no final returns as yet and also to canvass companies who have not been reached yet. The results of this work should this will go a long way in de- and can only be reached through a call at the person's home, The 22 people, Ted Webb, Alan Dionne, Frank Geng, Russ Learmonth, D. Steckley, J. H. Henderson, Geo, Tanton, Stan Cruwys, Harold Linton, R. H. Broadbent, Ted McComb, Geonge S. Lean, Mark G. Maly,|@ Henry Suddard, Dick Snowden,| © ~ Don Mallett, Bob Woolcott,; © W. E. Mann, Murray Mac- leod, Colin Lavaile, Bob Sud-| | dard, John Calder, and Bill Kurelo all agreed to contact] ~ four others to help contact the| °° 6,000 persons. Each person will take 25); names and report back to the committee within the next week. "With .the type of co-operation we have been getting from all citizens in the community so far it is expected that this un-|} tapped potential will realize a great amount of money,"' con- < cluded. Mr. McLaughlin, Courthouse Is Favored As Museum | The possible acquisition of the] old county courthouse in Whitby for use as a museum is to be) loonsidered by Central Lake On-)cer, tario Conservation Authority At a meeting, in Oshawa City all Tuesday, the authority de- died to refer the matter to its H ch for consideration and report The question was raised by Reeve John Goodwin, of Whitby Township, who said the court- Would Control Flood Plains Afier Reeve John Goodwin, of Whitby Township, complained at a meeting Tuesday of the Cen- tral Lake Ontario Conservation Authority about subdivisions in flood plain areas, the field offi- H. L. Hooke, was instruct- ed to prepare a report om per- missive regulations which al- lowed local authorities to regu- |public relations advisory board/late the dumping of fill in such areas, Reeve Gd@dwin said planning boards. were encouraging the passing of sub-divisions which Seen here is the group of 22 Oshawa secondary school stu- dents gathered on the plat- form at the CNR station Tues- day morning prior to their de- parture for the Lake St. John district of Quebec, The' group is participating in the Visites Interprovinciale in which the students live in the homes of their French Canadian hosts for two weeks. The Oshawa EXCHANGE STUDENTS LEAVE FOR VISIT TO QUEBEC students will return July 16 with their hosts to spend two weeks in the Oshawa area. --Oshawa Times Photo. Bird Sanctuary Is Suggested Concern that one of the best wild bird sanctuaries in On- tario might be. destroyed be- cause of the amount of shooting which takes place there was expressed by Deputy Reeve G. Brooks of Whitby, at the Tues-) day meeting of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Author-! ity. Deputy Reeve Brooks spoke | HEAT WAVE BROKEN ' Lightning And Rain Cause Heavy Damage A noon hour electrical storm,|ing the structure on its founda- accompanied by torrents of rain brought the heat wave to an end Tuesday in Oshawa. The storm, which dropped tem- about a swamp immediately to)peratures 10 degrees, resulted|the concrete steps of the resi-) in two homes being struck by tion and ripping a hole in the clapboard siding. After leaving the garage the bolt cut across the yard hitting | jdence leaving concrete chips} reported Joseph Woods, Board of Work Superintendent. Water pressure 'was so great in some locations, he said, that metal covers were forced off drains, There were several calls, Mr. a i Rr -- 2 oe oe ee ei = the west of Ontario Hospital in) -_______|house was over 110 years old jand was of a type of. architec- ture which used to be pre Lake Vista Area | U.5.StartsCut Woods reported, regarding flooded basements, some of which were due to backed up sewers, but most because of seeping ground water. Whitby Township and at his/lightning. Power lints werejstrewn on the ground, It came suggestion the authority decid-/knocked out and subways and/|to an abrupt end by cutting off ed to investigate the possibility| catch basins were flooded. Hail/the electrical power in the of leasing the land, at present/fell in scattered areas, | house, under private ownership, as @ Damage was estimated at! allowed building near flood- _jladen creeks. The most glaring {dominant in Ontario, He under-|°X@mple of this was in the Ains- 4 , . ley Court sub-division aorth of stood it was one of the last of Rossland road 'west, Oshawa. } | Of Strategic To Be taproves musik works committee at Oshawa/drive was denied in favor of City Council Tuesday contained) re-ditching. improvement of conditions as ps by the Lake Vista TO, DISCUSS ISSUE Ratepayers Association. : Recommendations urged that oan fer yp matior of city "eer quick action be taken in the council assuming the service) °Tdetly and prudent" disposal matter of burying boulders On! roaq running between Farewell| Will be maintained. There will a vacant lot on Wecker drive.|.venue and the east limits of|be no dumping or surpluses on The report said nothing yes bel the city, south of the CNR! domestic or foreign markets. i fe vith naga a Marl tracks, be postponed pending) ray avenue, bat the owner has| iene rom he Fyn = ti ink os tame te appear-| istways psy" ing a meeting ance of the shack by painting it oe ply held by the . government The report of the committee, , Council adopted a recommen-| would be reduced by about one- called for notices sent ordering|@ation by the committee that/third, aluminum would be cut the cutting of "noxious weeds"| the Roman Catholic Separate/to just a fraction of present on any vacant lot about which School Board be advised that it stocks while lead and zinc hold-| complaints are received. A re-/ ust pay the cost of the sewer)ings would be eliminated alto- quest for catchbasins on the easements requifed in order to! gether ' --_--_--------= | construct the sewer to the new These new 'Corpus Christi School on the) »commended inter--de- north side of Hillside avenue. partmental committee and ap- Ald. Clifford Pilkey pointed proved by Edward A. McDer- out that the committee reached) mott, director of President Ken-| this decision because of a pre-/nedy's Office of Emergency cedent set when the Oshawa) Planning, the official said : Board of Education was requir- Othe ategic materials. in- ed to pay easement costs at! ciuding 'nickel. now are unde Ridgeway Senior Public School.| raview by this committee vedo - ; ¥ this committee and a peencrtand also -- a Te-' decision on sed objectives is commendation that a sanitary gyno, within + ste : ae sewer, storm sewer, catch ba- -- a i ot ee ra B aml sins and granular base be con- a ../ structed on Dean avenue from' Normandy street to Hillcrest, ¥7%?' drive at an estimated cost of 2C'9re g on any dis- 5 $21,500 posal could disturb City coun was notified of world markets. Canada is a this Tuesday after a letter from OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS major exporter. of many of the Honorable S Mc-| Other recommendations are these items including alumi- Naughton, x high- as follows num, lead, zinc and nickel ways, Was Council; The the City of Oshawa enter was also. notifie » Minis- into a contract dated June 17, <j : ter that the the de- 1963, with Miller Paving Limit. ny tee ee ae partment al y one con- ed for the construction off pave-\to gather their Naleriastan | nd necting link from Highway 401) ment and curb and gutter sub-/present their case." say tral bu ss district ject to the city paying an addi-* aegis 1ony tional amount equal to any tax p Mayor Lyman on materials which has been sted that when a cost of the added to the federal govern-|@°!@¥ 5 Tequested council should om Highway 401 ment budget presented June SY™Pathize and be courteous, $2,640,000. re- 13th and which js not refund-| "I feel we have given them . tersley. able all reasonable consideration," 2 That the policy regarding Sted Ald. John Dyer subsidy of urd for arter- storm sewers and sanitary sew-, A motion to table the issue ial streets the government sub-/ers in a new subdivvision be until the law firm of Creigh.| sidy would have been $880,000 amended to provide that the ton, Dry and Murdoch had} and the cost of the city $1,760,- subdivider be required to install.an opportunity to make further 00 all sanitary and storm sewers Submissions was defeated of the to the extreme limits of the a connecting link the subdivision and if a case oc- government subsidy will be curs where a subdivider is also $1,870,000 or an increase in sub-| required to extend sewers in a sidy of $990.000. Net cost to the previously registered subdivi-) city would then be $770,000, he sion which was not subject to said. : . this requirement, that such case The Department of igh- be considered by the public ways indicated that it will pay works committee and that a the full cost of the Highway|recommendation be made to 401 interchange which is esti-/ Council with regard to the pay- United States has started a drastic reduction of its strategic! recommen-) } Valley Route Qualifies As Highway Link The proposed eek Valley) Route qualifies as a conr gi link from Highway 401 street according t of the Ontario Highways objectives by an were er rev ks t to consult bg countries "Depar re policy tment of plan that d by the licy of Gifford estimated delay Valiey Ro to Bond s ported Al On the a basis of the or designation So ¢ Cm f « mated at $1,830,000 ment of costs in such a case.! The section of the Creek -| Valley Route from Highway = ) 401 to Wentworth street will be Co ] Backs --"-- eligible for the norma! one-third unc " subsidy. Estimated cost of this e <<< j section is $390,000. The subsidy: Zo D j will. be $130,000 and the net cost ning ecision to the city $260,000 / Total estimated of the A delegation representing Creek Valley Route from Went-/Rossiynn Plaza area residents | worth to Bond street is $4,860,099 left Oshawa City Council cham-| of which the provincial govern-bers Tuesday when their re- ment will pay $3,830,000 and the Gest for property rezoning was) turned down s another - illustration. The decision of the planning of the value to the city of the board to refuse rezoning on the Traffic Planning Report in that morth-east corner of Rossland the necessary data was avail- and Stevenson roads was sup- able to present a factual © ported unanimously by council.| to the government of "Their request has been turn traffic needs 4 »- ed down by council, the Ontario Emergency workers are seen posals for solving s," Municipal Board and the plan-| here looking for survivors of commented Ald. Atte ning board afler consideration,"| the crash of a Mohawk Air- aid Tsley. needs, the present copper sup-| lits kind in the province, as sim-} jilar old courthouses had now jbeen demolished. Deputy Reeve G. Brooks, of |Whitby, said there were only Valley two courthouses of WASHINGTON (CP) -- The|!eft in the Domin , ( ada. An outstanding feature of/!& ; the building was the two large|Were no houses in the f100d\the only birds which hunters that kind jon of Can- muzzle - loading cannons which Further reports of the com-| materials stockpiling needs, but|had once guarded the harbor of Vately-owned i y i Halifax. If they ca an official says the policy be bere it, there was quite a his-/the backyards went down to the! tery in the building, he said. The old courthouse is to be Ald. Hayward Murdoch, of Oshawa, said the city had zon- ing regulations and there was a plan controlling sub- divisions in the creek areas There would be no flood prob- m in Rossland road. There bird sanctuary. He pointed out: "So much shooting goes on in the fall that you would think an army was in that swamp." Reeve John Goodwin, of Whit- by Township, said he believed $5,000 at the Pinecrest avenue home of Dr. R. S, Irwin when fire erupted in. the attic. Dr. Irwin was at home although other members of the family were away at a cottage. The fire occurred several hours af- ter the storm. Oshawa Fire De- officials believe AERIAL HIT Lightning also struck the aer- ial at the Oshawa Fire Depart- ment headquarters, Simcoe north. It temporarily |knocked out the radio trans- jmitter, A television set at the) |department's north station was jalso damaged. A welding machine in the city. yard was struck by lightning and reported damaged. UNDERPASS FLOODED There were some cave-ins of Streets at locations where re- cent repairs had been made, |The Ritson road south under- |pass at Highway 401 was flood. plain, but there were some Pri-|went after were ducks. partment | A wide area was withoutied and traffic blocked for lots which red to Jook been established in 1950, and) flood plain. Reeve Goodwin then sub replaced by a new administra-/mitted: "It might have been aj tion of justice building, which'bit cruel picking on Oshawa. It Under new stockpiling objec-| Will be erected in the north part\was the only place I know ves based on conventional war|o! Whitby. about," Many Visitors At Darlington Park Campers from Alaska and Floria pitched tents in. Dar- lington Provincial Park, just east of Oshawa, as did hundreds of others in the past week Camp Superintefdant Oscar Irwin reported that a record number of people have visited the park since it opened in May and added that many' records were broken over the Dominion Day long weekend. On Sunday alone 1100 carloads of people visited the park, and a well that "would never run dry" ran dry. Most of the park's 230 camping spots were occupied by trailers and tents over the weekend, said Mr. Ir- win. PERMIT SALE DOUBLED Figures. for permit sales in the past week indicate that twice as many people take ad- vantage of provincial park fa. cilities this year as -did last year. From June 24 to June 30, $49 daily permits were issued, 359 annual permits were sold and 323 camping permits were sold, These figures compare with 554 daily, 228 yearly and 191 camping permits sold in the same week in 1962. Mr. Irwin said that at this) rate of increase the 170 camp! tario Safety League. SW lines plane crash at Reches- ter Airport Tuesday during a heavy storm, The plane, which sites still tos be developed will be in demand before long. All will be equipped with picnic tables, fireplaces and trash cans when the project is completed. One indication of the increas. ing interest in camping is the| according to Robert H. Stroud, rumor Mr. Irwin heard Monday that Emily Park, and others in Southern Ontario were "filled up" over/toll on top of the normal re-| the weekend. "We. heard that the over-flow area at Presqu'ile Park was also filled to capa- city," said Mr. Irwin. SUPERVISED SWIMMING Besides camping facilities at Darlington Park, there are swimming facilities. Lifeguards are on duty through the week and on weekends and watch over swimmers whether they choose the lake or the bay. Their hours are from 11 a.m. to ? p.m. Monday to Friday and from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Satur- days and Sundays. Boating and water skiing are also popular at the park, Special features such as a boating safety demonstration which is tentatively planned for Monday, Aug. 5, also attract many visitors to the park. The display is presented by the On. "ROCHESTER AIR CRASH KILLS SEVEN PASSENCERS was taking'off when it crash- ed, caught fire. Seven passen- gers were killed and 36 in- Park, Bass Lake! ciety's Blood Donor Committee } said the mere fact that guns! ing. jwere going off in the swamp) jmight scare the other | : rare'the property of Mr. and Mrs. ibirds which were there. = Robert R. Heaslop, 1080 Somer. set. avenue, leaving a haphaz: at $200. FREAK BOLT 'Blood Bank Almost Empty Cross officials are disappointed/ shingles. The other struck at at the response regisiered thus/the foundation and careened far. There is some doubt 'ex-)across the garage hitting the pressed that Oshawa will meet metal door frame and: shatter- its 400 pint goal at the coming ing a shovel handle. An antique clinic. car inside the garage was un- A special ls will be undertaken : lightning struck a clothes line The field officer, H. L.. Hooke, and started the attic smolder- Lightning ricocheted through) ard path of damage estimated cross arm of a hydro pole serv. area including Columbus wa affected. Oshawa Public Utili } power when lightning struck ajabout 20 minutes. | | Mr. Woods said half a dozen ing the Brooklin substation. An| crews were on the road to take s}care of the emergencies. A trench dug on downtown j ties Commission crews were/King street east for the instal- ter the storm, | The PUC received a | areas mainly out to repair damage. |CATCH BASINS, PLUGGED ast ~ minute drive touched. The lightning then left) At several locations in the to register 'trough the opposite wall shift-icity catch basins were plugged, Also without power for about |20 minutes was 'he Westmount The lightning first struck ajarea east of Stevenson road) load. large tree 'knocking three-foot|/ and west of Park road, both to) splinters to the ground, then} the north and south of King/ning on Bloor street west and After an all - out drive to re-| split into two bolts. One entered) street west. Traffic lights in the|set off a 'rubbish fire. cruit donors for this Thursday's|the garage through the roof,| area were out of order, but no Oshawa Blood Donor Clinic Red tearing a hole and shattering) traffic accidents were reported.|partment of Agriculture office large/at Bowmanville reported some number of calls from the rural/damage had been caused by busy repairing the damage af-jlation of a gas main filled with water. Small rivers flowed | down side streets as overloaded catch basins could not take the A tree wxas struck by light- An official of the Ontario De- where lightning] hail to tobacco crops in the dis- blew fuses. Three trucks went|trict. No estimate of damage jhas been made and officials of | the department are visiting dis- | trict farms today in an effort to assess damage. ladditional volunteers this week }chairman of the Red Cross So- "The holiday weekend accident} quirements for blood have left the blood bank almost empty) jand the lives of many in dan-/ ge \ | 302 Meters morning. At a cost of $26,000, 302 park- Clinic hours have been length- ing meters in Oshawa will be ened in order to cope with aj/converted to nickel-dime opera- record turnout which is re- tion, 250 meters will be repair- jquired if the free transfusion ' pare ll is to be maintained. |°4 and 409 meters will be trad Clinic hours this Thursday at/e¢d in on new meters it was /Saint Gregory's Auditorium on/decided at Oshawa City Council Simcoe Street North, will be) Tuesday. jfrom 1.30 - 4.30 and from 6.00 -) This was one of the recom- |9.00 p.m. This will provide a full mendations of the traffic and |six hours with two sessions, one nudlic safety committee which jin the ge yf tata -_ one at the was accepted by council. jevening of three hours each, | Council alk babied 4 sebeie: Public -- spirited citizens of Ebvererrietigy ts oer a 1950 fire /Oshawa who wish to respond to " ' : : truck to the Township of Bex- gent need and to support pe this urgent need and to supy ley for $3,700, a vital cémmunity life-saving |project can still phone the Red, Other recommendations were Cross at 723-2933 and arranges follows: that the offer of the lfor an appointment to give Bowmanville Public Utilities iblood. Commission to purchase one ---- ~used traffic controller from the \City for $125 be accepted; that necessary temporary traffic regulation changes on the King street repaving project be au- thorized. That consideration be given to requests of the Lake Vista Ratepayers' Association regard- jing installation of stop signs at |Lakeview avenue and Oxford street, that the association be jadvised that no allowance was jmade in the budget for traffic \lights at Wentworth and Cedar Streets and that a request for j24-hour police protection in the jarea will be referred to the |police commission. HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending June 29: Admis- sions 345; births -- male 32, female 20; . discharges, 342; newborn discharges -- male 24, ifemale 15; major sutgery, 76; iminor surgery, 173; eye, ear, nose and throat, 56; treatments and examinations, 218; casis, jured of whom seven are re- /45; physiotherapy --_ treat- ported in critical condition ments, 779; visits 476; oocupa- --{(AP Wirephoto) jtional therapy, 172. | | A recommendation by the Traffic Advisory Council that Oshawa City Council eliminate parking on the north side of King street from MacMillan drive to Mary street was de- feated by council Tuesday Ald. John Brady urged that the 36 parking spaces in this area be eliminated and offered alternative parking for 48 cars in the parking lot at Centre and King streets, He suggested ii would show foresight on the part of council to make a ruling stalled in the King street re- construction project and then have to be removed. Ald. John Dyer stated he couldn't see how it would be detrimental to fill in six inch holes if it was necessary to re- move parking meters at a later GM Duplicate Bridge Results Following are the winners and high scores of the games played last week by the members of Bridge Club: North-South -- Mrs. M. Clarke and J. Miller; 9134; Mr. and }Mrs. R. Morris, 81; Mr. and |Mrs. J. Simmons, 77; Mr. and }and J. Bucannan, 68. East-West -- Mrs. M. Smyth and Mrs. F. Love, 89; Mrs. R. Smyth.and Mrs. R. Normoyle, 72%; P. Broersma and A. Dols- tra, 70%; Mrs. C. Baxter and Mrs. G. Wilson, 65; Mrs. A. Neil and Mrs. J. Wild, 5844. There will be no meeting next week (July 4). The next meet- ing will be heki on Thursday, July 11 at the General Motors Recreation Hall. before parking meters were in-| the General Motors Duplicate! Mrs. P. Sullivan, 70; R_ Niglis To Convert Council Defeats Ban On Parking date, "Are we backing up a traffie situation that isn't as jbad as we think it is?" he jasked. (MUST FACE PROBLEM "Oshawa must face up to its jtraffic problem," stressed Ald. | Clifford Pilkey. "My only pos- sible opposition to elimination of King street parking on the north side would be that it jmight harm the downtown busi. jnessmen. The one alternative | would be more off-street park- Ald. Albert Walker asked | Ald. Brady if he had any idea how much more smoothly traf- fic would flow if the parking ; iminated. He emphasized jthat the only answer to the | traffic problem was the one-way Street system. Ald. Brady answered tha' the jfunds are not available at this | time for the one-way street sys- tem. "The traffic engineers say it will speed up the flow of traffic if those meters are re- moved," he added. | NEED UNANIMITY His Worship Mayor Lyman Gifford said he would "bet his last dollar" that there would be no one-way street system until after the next municipal elec- tion. ""We need a lot more unan- imity in council before that can be considered." He added that eliminating meters would be a foothold to making King street a one-way street "'and we prom- ised full consideration," he said. Wording of the defeated mo- | tion was as fojows: The traffic advisory council reommend te city council that no parking be allowed on the north side of King St. from MacMillan drive jto Mary street, that one-hour parking be permitted on the south side of King street from Queen street to Centre street except for no. parking within 350 feet of intersections: and the H jwas el | ---- bylaw be amended ac- cordingly

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