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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jul 1963, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 3, 1963 WIMBLEDON FINAL COULD BE LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, AFFAIR 19-YEAR-OLD Billie Jean Moffitt Ousts Two Favorites WIMBLEDON, England (AP);1 guess it's my turn to winjand 1860 with great fighting Billie Jean Moffitt, with two vice again," tories under her belt bracea herself today for a thivd giant: kidding effort that would take her inte the singles finals of *he; Wambledon tennis champion) ships for the finst time The 18-year-old player from he AT FAVORITES | To reach the semi-finals, Be: tie Jewn had to knock ou bwC hot favorites for the Wimbledon) ratia, seeded No, 2% and for mor champion Marie Bueno of Long Beach, Calif, meets Bris) Rrail, seeded No, 7, The Ame ish Wightman' Cup star Ann! Haydon Jones in the semi-finals v. "And I guess this is the most ampontant match of my = life," Bilie Jean said as she polished her apectacies, "Ann and I are all square, 1 beat her in the Wightman Cup in Chicago in 1961, She knocked ican ginl henself wes unseeded Wimdiden fans are getting used to seeing Ae Jean in ac: tien, Las* year she upset top. seeded Margaret Smith. of Aus tralia in the first round Tuesday she cruised to a 62 74, quarterfinals win over a pathetically off . form "Miss Bueno, The Rrazitian girl bad ovown -- Lostey Turner. of Aus: hopint, "1 just oancentrated on hold. ng my services," ah Butie Team, "She was serving so badly hat | knew 1 would break brough seoner or later." It could be an adh. -- ined. Ja the other Danone Hard, alsa of ae Reach, faces tap favorite Miss Smith Miss Hawd found herself in the vemivina's after winning ane vief set, Her opponent, Jan Le eof Austratia, twisted her ankle badly and was carried off the count, Later she went (0 hos pal an an ambulance, Miss Hard won the first set 61 and was traiting 12 in the second me out at Wimbledon last year, won the Wimbledon tithe in 1930 when the accident happened, PLAY STARTS TODAY Tommy Aaron Among Favorites For Open By JACK SULLIVAN place tie with Tony Lema, but! They are Jim Penvier, -- c * . . that didn't bother him Austrahan now living in Bur Se a -- "No, 1 didn': have any qualms bank, Calif, whe won in 10. TORONTO (CP)---For @ Ye@r nour meeting Palmer in the 51; George Bayer, Pasadena, or more now veteran AMEMCAN! ovo' he said at an im,|Calif., 1937 winner; Dong . gol professionats, possibly With) niu press conference Tam O'Shanter, N.Y. 1839 tongue in cheek, hay e boon va shortly after his arrival, "there champion; Art Wall Jr, Pocano ing that the Big Three--Arnold was pressure, but if was on Ars Manor, Pa, 1060 tithehalder, . : Palmer. Jack Nicklaus and nie. He's the champion and he and Kroll DARLENE HARD, of Long of Australia, in the Wimble- because of a twisted ankle. BILLY JEAN MOFFITT, day when she scored an upet eliminated Miss Bueno 6.2 Gary oe ac . Me @RY proved it; The Canadian cantingent | Beach, California, has "that don, England, Lawn Tennis Miss Hard's next opponent, in | Who also hails from Long victory over former cham. &84@ 7-5, If she can survive to- others y can de Deaton The Big Three passed up thisied by Leonard, Al Beidide, datarisined teak' as aha thdkes 'Ciiaudienihingd, Wisi Hard the keastdinal pound: Ol be Reach, California, also ad- nton tiie Sak Gk hy day's match, she could meet r A sige gooey ag mel oh al; tournament in favor of tte Buti George Kaudsen, Alvie Thomp- a return during her mat won 06 und 1A a a mages sage vanced to the semi-finals gana an ea TAR. her "hometown" rival in the | TOMMY Aaran, xe reas ish Open son, atl of Torento and Jack rn r match Rl 3 hen the »p-seed argaret Smith, the Women's Singles Wimble. 'The 1%year-old Billie Jean, ' chap from Gainesville, Pia Aaron is one of the favorites) Rissogger af Val Morin, Que. yesterday against Jan Lehane Australian girl had to retire also of Australia don Championships. yester- not rated highly at the start, (AP Wirephotos) ned ges ecg gy g 1008, to win the T2-hole tournameniiand A} Johnston, Montreal. ; " pales espite a hi in that ends Saturday Tor veteran Army, he has won nearty $30," field of M47 pros, including yin Woman at nee Deen a 1 e 000 in two full years on the cir. defending champion Ted Kroll,}) ve ee pond en GIONS . lee, both of Toronto, SPORTS MENU ;cuat 42, of Fort Lauderdale, Fia., : ud! } aric ad ]] i S Ld The six-foot onednch pro ar. and nine amateurs are set. for ; rived here Tuesday night, eve/the apening tee-off this morning HERE'S ONE UMP > lever Scarbore course, Par is Tl By Geo. Hi. Campbell (Scuaeae. Canadian Open tally gh iadig- aby" Ye gPghins WHO CAN GNORE c pe p i Q les, Te is I He said he wasn't uneasy to the low 75 and ties SPORTS EDITOR : ver raves, nnin S; jabout meeting Palmer in last The weather forecast is for WINDOM, Minn. (AP . : as Monday's three-way playoff in cooler weather with a high of - < wy a ; Everything From Soup To Nuts |e $110,000 Crvcient Gata It about 75 degrees There are MO noisy argue lis history that Aaron finished!) Five farmer champions are in ments when Maurice Potter of Windom umpires baseball \behind Palmer in a second-ithe field " games, CITY AND DISTRICT Major League softball teams are H y nearing the end of their reguiar schedule and cu ul ar Ss | BALTIMORE ORIOLES NOW | ani ye eS { paper and a pencil, race for the coveted playoff berths is keen and hec Patter, umpire for high schedule goes two more weeks, afier tomorrow n witt Gath teams having about five games iefi to play. Int Ry MIKE RATHET tled four hours and 10 minutes, Pittsburgh Pirs ste an in the seventh in HAVE OWN FINE SYS1 EM school and semispro base- F . aentnat tha © . ball games in southwestern Southern Division, Bad Boy Appliance registered their ' Associated Press Sports Writer * h Braves' -- Warren delphia Phi : wa t the Catts ¢ . hy iy hn ie oe s Spahn, 42, a left-hander. Then) Maricha! inging his record producit jouble by V i inne i ' igre Ry GORDON REARD _-_ peal, indicating a conference __ Minnesota, Is @ deat mute, wi st night, imbling ava? pad i Sart Parr { . in las gh umbling away a-2-0 lead to Port Perry ; Willie Mavs hit one out of Can-'to 13-3 with hi : raight's sits e hit in 9 xtraiont : i ' , RALTIMORE (AP) -- Balti, with Oriale president | ¥ covet eeee chants but coming back to w out 42. Bad Boys are cr Hn Bitagtgeh ; -- Hestick rk with one out in victory, scatter ; . alema ond : lee ing : en aithfully as they d day 5° ; tah ai crak ai 16. Maen dave : hee al more Orioles, apparently MacPhail was the reason for Hill Pi Is the entire league, { that matter. Brooklin Concret Sah aay cate ak ball's ¢ 34 } mistakes, his tardiness ies ickens and Heffering's imperials, with seven wins apiece. are ' F re ee ae throw from center field nut lahon, @3, was. the Mave decided to clamp down aca Fy @ : : ' ' truggle stole the Na- down Norm Larker at the plate lase on viola'ers with self-imposed , as poche ig eel by Pres. Golf Press fones t UF DOOR aS ie 4 to clear up and at the moment, are third in the Southern greates mor : thir t 2 rt a dodger r 1 de randal!" 1 as ar = 7 ee & ties Whbe dead & nous of wis ab ake aver Soabe ~ s thy i lenis te & . I 0 te s who took ond on I el andall's ing r by ts her ! ; a mick. Bob Johnson and Jack p : ' s 1 iy f r one ove Rog of ap ile ageliyger a era ¢ rst, place from St. Louis} Spahn, 11-4, who had pitched kson, &8. scored three un Of Sem for pitchans--went Pickens of Montreal, publisher Cleaners, in order t nch a playoff berth while § ME SR i " * by beat t é ' into effect Tuesday. The fines Brandt, he wil have to DAY of ene Canadian § ma Juar arichal almas » who were upset 54 by People's Juveniles last nig . lale five-hit pitching going into the also had @ and held on behind the six i : * anon) 3 Fairly's run-scoring lowed only eight hits and had hit hurling Rob Buhl, 73. "We dant know ® i will po Begg hy te appes! |S inadian Golf Press Assgelation maining games, if they hope to finish out of tt r ie improve our play" said Mike Upheld, Ns accuser must PAY onocday mes, u i . Hout of C ; . i UKE ves sue he triumph moved the Dodg- only one walk--an intentional in the second after Andre Rodg- . Sem representative and one of four Once Tyesday's game fot | 2.0 ade up of wi *12, seem fairly sure of a playoff spot but while Genosh And the record books the Cardinals, with the out, then Mays hit the first The Pix es scared what Players who drew up the reg. under way, Dick Brown drew sporescasters p Pelee ou bes hat the » Giants went or place Giants another one. pitch to him over the left feild proved * run ulations, "but it will make all & : om ' . ve iain 'over People's Clothing, so the Aces can not afford to r Soee kes : ' , nthe h inning when. Ro. Of US mare conscious of our Scare a runner from thind > af the Hamilten ehind incinnati crept to within 2% airly got Drysdale, 10-9, th Clemente doubled home jobs. It's passible some of us dase in.the second inning With cnoctator and Dallis Beck of the . in the first half of the doubleheader at Alexandra Par rile 5 s just wa nut af hie - . " 7 a "Port Perry Merchants clash w Fe ee es se ie . 'mans te-breakit two-run sin r Frank Howard . 1 Al MoRean then cut Dall as much as we should The $i 'fines inciude such | vice ~ president and Chariie nadia Bae letaas " ei Rie Cart the Reds to a 64a reached st off ar nning y by the "Manager Baétly Hitehcock miscues as missing a sign, Roire of the Montreal Star was clubs, Scugog Cleaners and Genosh € i meet ix twi a aleeyyn ae a Mu Chicago: Cubs Simmons' record at 7 ' rt 23. Dallas fease when he watked into fore the fans, and menial er- r r \ ad New York Mets 4 x x x : THE OFFICERS of the Oshawa City and Distr ' + | rule 19 which says everyone Naf their last 38 games Step From Plane | Sssu'rome wave soss'ts Ther won Tosser 'tome. SPECIAL CADDY All-Ontario Junior 'A' ball tournan ] g t a home game however, 43 ever Las Angeles ch pty aes 5 i tournament . Hitchoock said he may ap. Angels TORONTO (Cc Dave Saturday. A belated entry from Owen Sound, - : : ~ TORONTO (CR) = e } " , i i . me a League star with Torente Dona! official list of entries to 16 teams Miss ve LONDON P) Oa smen Maple Leafs, became a rem British Columbia's Shawn eaddy Tuesday--and one af en Saturday high noon", with all teams ; at and it Lak oO e- au amp the first caddies ever ab is exnectec ey') n bwe with '¢ t¢ n the Royal Henley Regatta to ' . at the Scarbere Golf and have had little rest will be playing against teams from the The Shawnigan Lake eight is | c woth "g a the day when he affered te : : : : " -iteg aa SEM 14K : substitute for a friend, Bil * games again at about 7 o'clock, Then will come Associated Press Sports Writer in the fifth im the third, and doubled don's Tidewa u : final games in each group, with those winners me in Fastt mung Al Dow Down winner in three of Orioles' decking run 'in th ames cup, an event ranking O0fS, 4 2-year-old who has the injury as critical, but ruled ter at a summer scheal. He * grand finale game, under the floodlights, at 8 nelock Sat. fired ' pole-vaulted higher than any out immediate surgery, eaddied the whale round for : aha ceaak il te fal ; sha}} noted m the minors four tw x ' urday night. Almost all of the ranking J r softball g:me four, It was a night casualtie pea pais ug e vu a eks ago hele d the opposition r,. grioles. Starter St pt his at Henley, Be-) partially paralyzed in a hospital pores neck was broken, but did) Orlando, Fla ? e wMarter om » r ta ¥ ¥ Yr ; . ech + 'dra Park ; f softha wie & » Net gs for t ray their plane is not ex. today as the result of aW aCCh no: giscount the possibiliy When Ragen ete' cee " . ' . SOISOS y. 4 aing B Red x e af I > SOC t t time. He did) y woising his right } % en. pected to z H of ri nt to they , tt . st oruisi S rig ' ha a rampeoline. A ox inee! a a ' varied Be ton last hase collision \ eis' laser Pace Ay eer t back until : pontcsnl whose 16 - foot, * hey 4 , avetved He was tanch ation the round, he placed in traction didn't Vielate any club rules, > REMINDE R cee | nd rict players and off ais are t ¢ nuscle to. kee e gainst White Sox, the 2 "eS the -- -- ho ehae esday . : i q old world record, was hurt Tuesda werd rece - at the ¢ Lamp fon in. SOR bere chub rently the u t paders of the Southern th i them down " OM COWR: eatest : inthe fourth inning wit rifle it for Bob Purkey tired 'of their own in line. MacLean's Esso have a couple of postponed games Exacily 3¢ ars after : ibbe - ng spotlight fromias he tried to score f " rhe : ted a throw anne ny; f. MeCo: : 4), A list of 23 violations. six appeal Airy ot wc | TORONTO (CP) = Biles ph over § he Cardinal t ~orel ardinals 1-0 on consecutive scoreless innings earned run n the second i S ' . i S . wes © second in ranre fram $1 to $3. double the usual $1 fine for | oc lected preak'ent af the Ca. * face the task of hav to win all or almost a their re 5 nt , : ngie ' struck out two while iss ¢ Jackson threw. Buhl's bunt away dauble : B ~ McCormick, the team's player © as --- , the Northern Division, Brooklin, with 14 and Port Perry with ay nig ers out front by one-half game pass to Mays, He got the first ers had sir , The group, founded two yeare . Aces are now in third. they have only a four-point margin ' fine of $1 for falling to . ner game -back. Fourth-place fence + Incidentally, tomorrow night finds People's facing Macl y Cor 'ee ia . . i : ' ' I chins ' an } "AMeSs 0 as Gordy Cole- run he needed in the seventh rdon. 'Relievers Harvey, haven't been thinking base. 'ess than two out Winnipeg Tribune were elected Boy Appliances visit Brooklin nere a p Junior , ng arn , pcision Houston Colts Skowren's infield o That left Phillies to preserve triumph was charged with the first of using profane language be made seoretary-trasurer light game, at Bathe Park ' ; ne pr, bat-idowned } or ts 41 and Trailing 3.2, the Reds scored Green, 1-3, was the loser the clubhouse at 5:12 p.m. rors | 12 minutes late according to -- The Orioles have deopped DAVE KEON IS tion met last night, to finalize their plans for the Right Into Water Keen, Ne ecker ; tenders the Oshawa classic. has br g tional # 5 they've ever had in the nament. The draw will be made gan Lake School will be racing | go i cht s off in e « i lowed in the members' area "A" sect rs ur games at one o'clock. Then the sh la ist Sig hours after they bade he Country Club teams in "B"' group will go into action. So that t , h touch down at Londen Airpor : ree ee zg RC a at teams who " . g i Keon became a caddy fer 'own group -- the knockout system will proceed wit! By JIM HACKLEMAN ng room with a two-run homer the second, singled home a run Ners in the SEATTLE (AP)--Brian Stern. the spinal cord, They described Nobje, 18, who had te regie- four decisions since being pro- seventh *} . 2 Chal} t r @ toe the Grand Nen Challenge ouner athlete in the world, lay Doctors would rot say Stern professional Dave Ragan of «teams in the provipce will be on hand Saturday, so Alexan- peas : ys EE eh : ess thr roUug x innings for : i dave orehead 5 4 ~ f ber had to <« ( ek rrive watil neen. the deat while working out 2 2 fracture in the imiricate series caddy to the ding room fer ; major prize, t will be 3 ss of attendance } B ' wine Moxed aay t Savia ah . if eight-inch vault is pending as a" gy, eraberg set the pending Neon is a member of the year southpaw walke t an t : N walked six, g 1 A r ne wed his first cam. night as he practised with the urged to turn in their 2 m ticket sales, 1 erthan @ ? n vt nerican 89 ; " y 7) mich? - pan var Tammy if ¢ esday r ht but Struck oul 10 . the +h . vitatiag me Jane : . . : ---- sd panarhy Detar iy ete game in nine starts. Sena. University of Washington gym hal meet J . tomorrow (Thursda ¢ i ' asure? si : Lodge will be on hand tomorro to 3 ke ignttas kde hn 4) ' _-- head had a perfect gameit a nastics team, He is rated as one Rob Hall, anather Washington and monies, for all tickets, sold or unsold, now held by \ Cami ea iadah . at Groves until Tito! ¢ t : against loser oF the country's top trampoline SP™MRASHCS Star, was working ' n 4 V wO out Francona walked with two out Ha , and \ riand na with three Un performers with Sternberg when the accel = agp ake sea this ' aS ae : Bex ; seventh and a no-hitter' the & pitoher rned rans it fifth on three Doctars said x-rays indicated Geet Rappened, He said Stery = ven 8 aie Periigasiee : iy a sinias np Me nee wh field led' Daniels, whose only ¢ Y sas City errers, a sacrifice a distecation of the cervical berg was dog a doubie back Both Ca ture team manager, or tomorrow night, at the very latest : cae ee Sf off the eighth with a grounder iories this season are over Ath twa bloep hits vertebra and possible damage te semersauit with a fall twist , ite'that slanced off a pebhie ever when he lost ------ and ta ee a : d baseman Chuck Sehi! felt, partly on Ris neck and via dope test, etc.. to find out, if they can. why the French his no-} bid « Fred hit The only other hit aff More Saehare rp knew he was se eld's bad-hop te leadi ff head was a leadoff homer in eusty hart, Hall said ant tad VANCOUVER (CP) -- Cart horse "Reiko", hot favorite to win the Irish Dert urday -- suddenly went lame afier it got out on t the ninth by Joha Romano, just py THE CANADIAN PRESS National League International Learue Hail not to move him. Help was @8¢ Ricky McGarry. tee and then, even more strange, had a very rapid catinne 24 restored to the active list after American League WL, Pet, GBL Southern Division summoned and the entire tram. Ses Of a Niagara Falls, Oat. THE GOLD CUP, Canada's "Open" ¢ rnament ~ooelthr a Ae e ey = eee ee OY Wal. Pet. GBL jas Angeles 43 2 3 -- WL, Pet. Gus, PRIRC Was taken to the univer MBaTician, headed heme - gets 'under way today at Scarboro Golf and Countrs ' 4 nied obese sing : hand . head i New York 46 A St. Lauis 4 SMT MS Amanita «4 " 393 g boe\4 ag ee wee oe in peg oasstivagely saa Gh apg : ; of sreheak Sal Ke t. Lanis SRR : ° | <eleue threurhoul spectacular pe ~since the weatherman is providing clear but cox weather ers 7-4 behind: the home run Schilling drove in two Boston ---- sg San Francisce 45 M370 Indranapoks 4237 SR dio o_o Canadian igh Chicago Cmeinnati 43.35 331 244 Little Rock 37 42 4R MQ peaships iteday, no doybt the ga! be a large one runs off loser Barry Latman in) poyon 43 BS 'olumbus 2 43 408 ba - aes ae oe =7a i< Ricky. 23. blast ; Mitwaukee 38 33 AM Jactgsonvitie 30 46 400 15 YESTERDAY'S diggin? ca wr - fh 2 number of Oshawa col jasts planning et a ie tor nove : the . and Red Sox gat pone 4 nesoat nto ~» four? dakd a ee : Pattsburgh 38 40 487 vase : . rece, SSS heroes Den STARS Sa, as, ee ikea Syracuse 47 33 SR champion, az 1 event. ... TORONTO LEAF have traded pitcher Steve thres sama : a eneraa | : - Rattimore Ridzik, 34, to Was? ' th ' , Deas "pte bayighipiphiondng ji , MONS Tas Angeles dire need, the Toronte veteran get nother chance to make : . . ry Kansas Oity S #1 a8 stan ce | yrs MOST seceand it the grede in Major League ba ther games wares tee a emer 39 49 372 ae egg Me eS iu By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ship and made the D class hit . oe en Tey Coe ae "Resetis Tateday Results Tuesday Richmend 3 39 488 St, -- Pitehing--\l Downing, Yan. On personal property 3 moage 4 New York 1 Toranto ~ 34 48.435 23 kees, allowed only one Ait, 2 art won both the singles and : tout ever m the class, : Lon sh t Wi ' trogue, owned by s 43 and © stan Sena. YOK ; Chicage @ New York 3 Piss hare eS nbs : g Oo c ins R Otis I of I : Rennie I sted hk i 1 ran hig home' total to Basten 6 Cleveland | leptin é ir ge Sit Resalis Tuesday bouncing single wp the middie ring 3S hits mn 48 shots ia | L 'eat ast seg ee Lo ae te "on a ol oan? ao - re di la rgele OUES N. Litale Rock 3 Buffate 7 dy Camne Carron Im the see the Ss. Re said he would a , ain ? ¢ 1 s Ss . mt ee aie Danie bic 5 ent aa wit oo ha me better uce arge stb he nt Twir oe tie at Da |Kanees City-2 Wackinette Sen Franciace 1 Mibwanhiee 0 [steee § ieee ek ee ok ee ee an ne et ter tad Ms favern m of Ir sO ; \ mit, 3 belied a 430-feot Probable Pitchers Today Prebable Pitchers Teday rain 3 es . igh eons a sae 'end "oe it alter a Dail Double second outing te pay $43 ks collected ' r three-ru n the sixth Chicago, Buzhardt (9-4) af St. Louis, Gibson (73) at Les piamand 2 Toronto 3 ' bbe a ory. eatch stopped working : maha. ownes Aa BE be ry i sever ne t mn was the win. New York, Terry (i-8) Angeles, Koufax (123), N Rochester 1@ Syracuse 5 MICATS e , sun went eff ence and LONDON, Ont Meife Lecter Peres ge renga A WANE 30 i n the ninth from) = Busian, He (1-0) at Cleve- Mit waukee, Lemaster pe x ; Neis ie. Rear the greumd out longshot horses é . an easy ee ' et we 2 : ay WOrkK-nor ever Rill Dailey, land, Kralick (8-4) San } cisco, .Sanford at 7 Games Wedaesday : : tiit thous ful nme ' rn Ween Las Angeles. Char c T). at ms incannat!, mark Qa 4) at tacksonvi e at Buffalo. N driving im ealy rua : math r be started sheeting Hous For . Atlanta at Catumbus, X ning ngie for ctery ealx tw oe and an eve "ide ote B =$% four straight lossts 'two races at tern Fair half-r os . " Cian 34 . * 'Raceway Tu 2 . Pa Se : ' DER who replaced inpare Raiten "manufacture a « double and Marshal " $ hog third aad Heckn Se ee agin i Valen Mi ry A : N : q . t Chi. Lave Reck at Indiaaay et St, Lewis that leh rs ' i Cari te swite' ; i and ' rst inning at Bal: & Bunning (4-9) go, Eltsworth ( Syracuse at Rochester, NX one-half gamed ahead af Ca fram his might te left shoulder s epayolf of $796.20 E . ed t ane nex gave Deuwie saa ate Prt ' nex ni 4@ work: timore, singled and scored ini (Only games scheduled), (Qnly games scheduled), -- (Toronte at Richmond, N inats,

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