20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 3, 1963 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 2--Bulfalo WGR-TV CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Bulfalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV. Channel. 9--Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie WEDNESDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. U--Famiy Theatre Kiddo &---Early Show 4--Five O'clock Show 5:30 P.M, foasor's Hideaway Ea Show ri 10" eonaulek Draw McGraw iwinkle 700 P.M, ®--The Lawman @--News 2 3--Three Stooges 2--Sea Hunt 6315 2.M, cancers 6:30 P.M, 1U-9-8-3-2---News; Weather Sports &--Jeii's Collie --Seven-0-One 4--Hennesey 3--The Flintstones 2--Death Valley Days 7:15PM, T--News, Weather 2:30 P.M, 9--Gunsmoke $2--The Virginia T~Wagon Trein 6--Paris Theatre 4--CBS Reports 7345 Pat, 6A, Fixit 3:00 Pld, U--Sth Precine €3--My Three Sona 8:30 PLY. %--Seven Thunders ?--Going My War €3--Front and Centre @--Dobie Gillis 9:00 P.M, Ri--Suriside Six @2--Krait Mystery atre 63---Ben Casey 4--The Beverly AUDULES 9:30 P.M, %--Our Man Higgins @---The Dick \VanDyke Bhow 10:00 P.M, U---The P.M. Show $2--Eveventh Hour @3--Expicrations 11:00 P.M. M-O8-7-6-4.5.2--News Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M, @--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 11:20 P.M, ig 3--Movie--Men Against Speed 4--The Millionaire 2--Capt. Bob and Mickey Mouse Club THURSDAY EVE, 5:00 PLM, 'Family Theatre 9--Kiddo %---Early Show #-Eive O'clock Show 5:30 P.M. 9--Professor"s Hideaway 7--Early Show 6---Master of Ballan- a trae 9:30 A.M, 7 2--Bachelor Father a al Hound 10:00 A.M, 6:00 P.M, Kiddo Cartoons @--Lawman @-Calendar -- Harry 8--Metro News Reasoner $2----Say When - a onal Patrol 6:15 P.M, 10:30 A.M, %--Morning Magazine @--Broadway Goes Latin 6:30 P.M. Fereig H Your Hunch 4-1 Love Lucy U9-8-4-3.2-~ News: Wea: ther, Sporta 11:00. A.M, ®&--Morning Matinee saa age Corre Is -- --Jane Wyman Show 4--The McCoys Se re 11:30 A.M, 8.2--Huntley Brinkley 8.2--Concentration 4--Nows With Harry T--Seven Keys Reasoner 4--Pete and Gladys 7:00 P.M. 12:00 NOON Leave It To Beaver 82--Your First Impression 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford 4--News 12:15 P.M, j 9--Noonday Report | | &--Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M, 9--Conclusion of Movie THURSDAY 7:00 A.M. %--Educational Shdw- case 7:30 A.M. T-Rocket Ship 7 4--Big Name Show loming Movie 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--B'wana Don 8--Highway Patrol | News Central §--Seven-o-One 4--Bat Masterson 3--Cheyenne Divorce Court 7:30 P.M, 9--Steel Bayonet | 8--Wide Country 7--Ozzie and Harriet 6--On The Scone h oF 4--Fair Exchange _ _ Consequences i 8:00 P.M, 7--Father Knows Best | U--Henanesey 4--Search For Te | %--Donna Reed morrow | 63--The Defenders 12:45 P.M. | &--Perry Mason iding Light | 8--Theatre i es 3:30 P.M, j 8@--You Don't Say | %Who Do You | 4--Exige Of Night 2--Squad Car 00 P.M, 8:30 PLM, ce Court U---It's A Man's World Hospital | 82--Dr. Kildare © Millers T--Leave It To Beaver | I--Popeve 9:00 P.M, 2~---Mid-day Matinee oney. Burke } 220 PLM. Three Sone lnQ--Our House a. TAfterneon Show i | @-As Che World Durns | | 2:00 PLM. $--Blackouts 2--Peopie Wil Talk 4--Passwo. 2:30 P.M, Cooking tter's House or e ablea 10:30 P.M, | 9--News 11:00 P.M, M 12-9.8-7-6-4-3-2--News Sports Trust | US PLM, 9--Metro Final Viewpoint 1 c ean Bandstand! 74 Hl N--Annie Oakley 9 $~--Professor's Hideaway) 7 te we T--Jun, Jay Show 6--The Detectives 63--Canadian Open Golf | 8--Suspicion } | DO SOMETHING TO GET CAPTAN | CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Grapes cluster 6. Gaze intently 11, Medium for Lily Pons 12. Put into symbols, asa message Scatter Open- mouthed, asin surprise 5, Owl's cry c Swpethear sl, 7, Unctuous 9, Classified notice DOWN 1, Nonsense: collog, 2. Scheming 3, Octavia's husband 4, Flowered cotton eloth 5. Falter, as hem and 8. Despicable: al. 7. Caesar's robe 8. Ist garden- er: Bib, 9. Certain rifle or pistol 10, Dutch commune 21.Oldwoman 46, inthe 24. Greek letter . Expanses of green grass . Bundled, as cotton ointment 18,------ and outs 20. Style of peaches 23, Beard of rye 24. One's paper cur- reney (2 was.) 23, Old times 27. Public vehicle 29, Excla- mation LAINIE BML [S15] PIR RRBANTT LIC) JGUG8 Sues (SN A Yesterday's Answer 31, Rock fragments at cliff base 33. Soon 34, Without hair 36, Melody 37. So. Am, rodent 38, Lay ---- on Qook at) $9. Animal's pelt 40. Dude i 2 2» > e e 139 7 Zz 28, Caen's river 29. Treeless 3 Wt plains of arctic UY . Editorial ZZ I . Elephant's digger 2 . Capital of Morocco $3. Clan 39, Last 40, Raid, as for spoils 41, Island of Western Samoa 42. Martini garnish 43, Tears with violence #4, Romps and wy eh WHAT'S HAPPENING 'TO icy 2 YOU AYBE WE OUGHT % THE iy eg MAYBE TO TALK Y tes MICKEY MOUSE Pope Stresses Need For Unity In 9 Languages VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Paul VI dedicated his reign to world peace and Christian un- ity Saturday night, stressing the Princes and Kings, World and Vicar on Earth Christ Jesus our Saviour," WAS FIRST OUTDOORS A L WHOL BUY HECK, GHE'G 'THE ONLY FELLER TICKET, ANVYAY.S LET'S BUILD iT OURSELVES . . . FOR OURSELVES Every Contribution or Pledge, is urgently needed so we can build and enjoy our own OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM This Message Donated By The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 King St. W. LI'L ABNER DONALD DUCK THE LONE RANGER -- MUGGS AND SKEETER ) ponsse! NO WONDER YOURE NOT JULIET JONES WET Pe GONG TO | SLEEP NOW, SET iT FoR You RIGHT Away vesorarn tut Wt es i By enete, hae, 198d, Wwid gia penne ved. hig hain LARRY BRANNON African waters, by biologists at can museum. | "How ores a supposed » Give te bal" BANQUETS PHONE 723-4641 GENOSHA HOTEL STOP roe GRREKLY 2m> EET ME at THE Se is PHONE 728-5141 299 BLOOR w.