pepe possession, $70. '723-7970. TWO-ROOM apartment, private bath, re ! frigerator, range, Furnished or nished. Young couple, Close to hospital, Mary | Street 723- 2104 after 4 THREE-ROOM move and refrigerator, and entrance, Sweet, Dial 726-6180 iis THREE: Room apartmen, tove Sree 205 15. age Apt, 2, 67 Gib! supplied, $60. "Centre Streets, Apt, 2 ADELAIDE STREET Res apartment, unfurnishe private and entrance, per keg<e tal. Apply 8) Robert Street BOWMANVILLE -- Park Road South . TV outlet. Laundry room. basement private $55. poly Apt, 2. 67 & Lady's and Street RITSON Road an self. egg vont three-room apartment, furnished, hea! and lights, includ: 'adults, Dial 723 THREE-ROOM main floor apartment. $60,000. Terms Private entrance, hydro and hot water! Kowal Real Estate, Baldwin and 53 ONE-STOREY house in "Nestieton, four. FIV room rooms: with bath; garage, drilled well, bath $7,400, with. $1,000. down. Brooklin, tour 728-8909 Four = room unfurnished apartment main floor, private, entrance, two chil dren welcome. $40, month. Dial Bow manville 623-2818 UNFURNISHED four-room apartment, all conveniences, private entrance Close to downtown or bus. Adults only o business lady. Call after 6 pm Dial 725-106! SIMCOE North close to four corners three-room apartment, also. bachelor apartment, refrigerator and stove Three-piece bath. Private entrance 725-1932 after 6 p.m. 725-0855 MODERN, spacious, two - bedroom apartment with colored four-piece bath and vanity, Hollywood type kitchen and ROOM apartnient, com) on 401 * ville 623-5344 evenings ESTATE SALE -- five-room, rame house with three-piece bath and for quick sale, Telephone mornings -or lot with evenings. minthly, garage os school and stove, This is good value UXBRIDGE ~- 39500, Terms arranged, Kowal Rea) room ranch sty' abarunent Eetate, rd NASSAU Stree unfur ad rey bachelor 655-3457 5 PRIVATE eight room brick house, 2\) apartments. > storeys, oi) heated, quiet location. 496/ full price. Mary Street North, Telephone 735-6916. PRIVATE SALE -- lovely two-bedroom BROILER "FARM. operation birds. Good seven-room brick home, No agents, barn and garage. 45 acres on lakefront,/5 p.m refriger -- » Washing ranilitiess 4 lose to hospi: Real Nestieton, 986-4894, GUIDE REALTY water, couple. Oniy S45 now. Dial 728-8862 dinette. In duplex, 723-2977 THREE-ROOM apartment in new build ing, in residential district, Available August 15. Apply 589 Lansdowne Drive Dial 725-4183 : ONE-BEDROOM = apartment, suitable for couple, 60. monthly, including hydro. Available July 3. Dial 728-5026 26--Rooms For Rent BARGE furnished room, kitchen privi! jes. Suit middle-aged lady. Apply joor East. Telephane 726-8817 PONTIAC INN -- Rooms, single o double, Television privileges. Free park- ing. Weekly or nightly rates. FURNISRED room for two friends or one single gentieman Dial 728-6387 25-905 KING STREET West, 378, near shop ping centre, partly furnished, upstairs bedroom, private entrance. Telephone 725-5610. ROOM, tedroom, abstainer preferred Quiet home. Bus service outside the door, Near GM. Dial 736-9994 DREW STREET, 2% -- Off King Past, five minutes' walk from four corners two furnished housekeeping roams kitchen with sink, cupboards, refriger ator, heavy duty range. Suit couple BRIGHT ROOM in private home. Suit able for two men or Close to hospital and High Schoo! area Abstainer, Dial 7: 288 ONE FURNISHED light ream TaI-Te00 LARGE furnished housekeeping roo with = refrigerator stove and refrigerator. Apply 107 Fern- hill Boulevard or telephone 725-4373. FURNISHED single room, lady gentieman, 336 La Salle Avenute South TWO FURNISHED rooms. heated, hot Would -- suit Available eeparate meters monthly ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in privete home. Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PAR KRD. NORTH two brothers or single gentleman housekeeping Pelephone m, INVESTMENT property, industrial land, Bloor Street West, fac ine @)l, Open hed otters. 'Tekphene 723-2176. 27--Real Estate for Sale » acres, ceamsenntapeatesrme Asking $7,500 with Near Memorial Park ? rooms, 2 baths Private or income home 723-7278 terms CARL OLSEN REALTOR, 723-1133 FARMS DAIRY FARM -- with Milk Quote, 160 ocres ot Brook can be purchosed os oa going concern, full line of modern mocrunery optional. Rore oppor own one of Conodo's show hers. This requires cop tel RAGLAN -- 155 ccres with with two storey house, mo dern conveniences, pring creek, excelient soil, third of Rd. Full price $45,000 with terms. WORKING MAN'S SPECIAL ~-- 100 Acres ot Burketon, 2 storey brick house. 2 berns, hen house, etc. Bus service for all schools. Priced ot $14, 700 with term NO. 35 AND 115 HIGHWAY ---- 95 Acre form in this ex cellent -location, suitable for motel, resteuront, etc LITTLE BRITAIN ecres, 2 miles from No. ? Highway on county reed etross the rood ke ond frame eight room house, 3 drive shed For further these or other prorert 23 cOn- tect Cherles Neylor ot 723- 1133, evenings 728. 2857 WEST bors, large bement slab silo. informetion on 25--Apartments |27--Real Estate For Sale WOUTH END large apartment, | pri. LOT trontage by 100 ft, deep fate entrance, two bedrooms, large Dial after 5 p.m 4 midern kitchen, rugs rou ss eabaraes aGee RRR throughout, ag range and pefriger- Sulit business couple, 'and, Near, Mosport, Pm, 725-3562, Call Orono ARS, i ACRES -- "six miles east of 'Oshawa 6537 Telephone Bowman: Highway. Well-treed = o-acre Located east of Oshawa, close Bowmanville 623-2453, rnished or $9000, Telephone Annual capacity, Real -money Estate. Call Marvin 723-1121 ARLINGTON AVE - On this quiet dead end street, you can. cut down your over- head. and live in comfort in this 6 room brick, New heat- ing system, new. plumbing and wiring. Hardwood floor throughout Large modern kitchen, 4-pc. tiled vanity bathroom, Low heating costs and taxes only --_ 00. Call and let us show ou this fine home today 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW a quiet, street, F.A._ oil heating, gleaming hardwood and tile floors, Good garage with cement floor,and room t garden in back yard ries for $85.00 _ per SUBURBAN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW with RANCH attached garage, custom bu with double Pierson Windows built stom ; ss, House 320 sq. ft. Must be owner leaving the city. Good financing with N.H.A. $4 000. down, Immediste pos sessior sold TRIPLEX NEAR NORTH GM and downtown, 3 separcte private bath apartments with and bedrooms each. A steadily rented. Convenient to shopping and schools, Hot water oil heating, The price been reduced ond the vendor will give good terms one open mortgage 9 ROOM BRICK 3 family home between Park Rd. and shopping centre. Lot 60 x 190 ft. Excellent commercial lo cation. Immediate possession pate: STREET full price ,800. for this 6 room Rls family type home. New roof and furnace. Gorage ond private paved drive. Conveni- ent to bus, schools ond shopping COUNTRY LIVING W room home on 3 acre. lot, 4 kitchen, 4 meters for 4 apts, Town woter, Close to schools and store. Bus serv- ice. Only 16° miles. from Oshawo. Priced et $12,900 WINONA AVE lovely brick. and stone bungalow in one of Oshowa's finest resi- dential districts, Large living room. swith) =o natural «stone fireplace, Good sized kitcher bedrooms and 4-pc. tiled bethroom Extras include broadioom, a well finished recreation ond tiled loundry room. Atteched gerage ond peved drive. $5,000. down and belence on one open mortgoge INCOME HOME ON RITSON RD. 4 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms. Brick building m very good condition. $11 $00. Vendor w take back one Open mortgage with very good terms RESALE -- HARMONY VIL- LAGE ---- lovely 3 bedroom home close to all schools aved street and sidewalk ly lendsceped. Carport possession $1,200 wn payment WASAGA BEACH -- 3 mod. ern 2 bedroom housekeeping cabins, «!! conveniences, Fully furnished, 128 ft. beoch with sofe swimming for children and good fishing. Full price $16,500. 2 CHOICE RESIDENTIAL LOTS in North End. Close to Seperate and Public Schools Let us build the home of your choice. Trade in your old home. Free market eva ation. Call todey for full particulars Chen day Sa ishdeba " 723.112) r full porticulers co 723 * Jean Peacock Steve' Zurbe hlnok Rey Flintoff Leon Monitius Licyd Corson Steve Englert Dick Young rere Brown Lucas Peacock GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors 16 Simcoe St. $ '27 --Real E King Street. East, 10" Reasonable price jic, separate or. high school, 1va-storey four bathroom t, six-room stucco house, unfurnished agen, Roun Smith, bandltndh BrookliD PRIVATE two-storey house with two! maker. FOR\SALE -- building lot in new sub Bowmanville 633- es water supplied, 100 x 214, by Fred Cook fisted. 'Call Glen McKinnon, 8. D. Hy Nesbitt, nan Ltd., 728-826 |27---Real Estate for Sele \27----Real Estate For Sale LoT F FOR mR SALE - ron 120', Landscaped, one block south off * Five minutes' walk- 12, house, barn, creek, sale. Sacrifice, Gall Port Perry, 985-2985, Iiness forces! galow in Kingsmere Gardens. | Hall, §. D. Hyman La. 728-6286. Call Les | brakes, padded , on one acre of ing distance from bus, churches, pub- $49 per frontane foot with services paid, 728- LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER age a HANDY MAN SPECIAL a ee ve Four room bungalow wit 'onvens! er. amall bj Lage ipo to Om garage. New forced air oil School bus: at door. $10,500, Fred) furnace aluminum storms and screens and doors. Large lot 50 x 180 feet, 4 piece col- ored bath, Priced for quick sale at $7700, Call, Irwin Cruikshonks now ot 728- 5205 or 728-5123. PRIVATE BALE _ ~ income property, on King West, 16 rooms, nine furnished, Low down payment, 725-9272 could be made as separate kitchens, 7,900, Owner must sell, 728-5770. Fully" automatic! house with large kitchen, 10 Ritwon ce 192,000 Road North just north o! elaide please, Dial 728-1349 after mnie bey sy Three bedrooms, large living room. and . modern kitchen, 728-4809 nicely decorated central to schools buses and shopping. Owner very anxious to sell, Hurry call Irwin Cruikshanks Co ROOM bungalow with attached e, locate. in North End. Just - ot 728-5205 or 728-5123. $12,900 for five-room bungalow a garage in northwest area. Call Doug) $13,000.00 DOWN ie 6 Een a ree) ach puneatow res ORES la wi ulin: on Highway 28, ten miles north of Port N:HAA. -- kit |Hope, in resort area. Apply Box 82! 3 bedrooms ollywood = kit- |Oshawa Times chen, close to shopping cen DOWNTOWN Oshawa, six-room frame, tre. Asking only $11,300.00 two storey home. Tile floors, large and on mortgage corries for modern kitchen, forced air cheating; $¢87°00 monthly _ including range and dryer. Open to cash offers fe Must sell, Telephone 723-3065 taxes. Don't delay seeing this = one to-nite by calling Ed. PRIVATE 1413, acres, just east of Osh-) O85 58'8123 or 725- awa, Good leve' garden soil, $350 per rumm @ acre, Telephone 723-2094 ' 9345 LAKE SCUGOG, house, barns, and about 20 acres of choice soil, near lake, Lic all city conveniences, good roads, wil sit property by porions, if desired 5,000 for quick sale or consider rent Hee Telephor) Port Perry 985-7076. THREE REDROOM 3 winterized cottage Bowmanville Beach, all conveniences syd Realty (Oshawa) Limited 101 Simcoe Street North, OSHAWA, Ontario OPEN EVENINGS $2,000, Telephone 623-3278 AKER THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, close te a schools, churches, bus. Available Sep tember Asking $12,500. Call 723-2140 after 7 p.m. Private sale. No agents PRIVATE SALE Fairview Drive , ¥ Whitby. Three-bedroom house -- with leshaped living dining room, large kitchen, panelled ree room 3x & Newly decorated. Many extras. Choice ecation Whitby 668-8635 YEAR OLD 4 room bun- galow loceted in a quiet set WANT ting of green lawns, healthy areen cedors ond a babb ling brook. Home is compris ed of 20° living room, large modern kitchen, 2 bedroom ond 3 pc. bath. Ideal for re tired couple living on @ mar income, Toxes only HOME SOLD gine $98.98 INCOME HOME OPPORTUN ITY $11;900 is the full price for this attractive home the North End. Presently ented for $115 es the > 7 cn main tloo $60 for th CALL /geotds | ee SS ae want someone to help you We specialize in poy for your home, don't > miss this opportunity. Coll Resale Homes now ST WITH LLOYD & ROOM BRICK RANCH YOUR MOVER BUNGALOW with 2 cor gor- age loceted in Beou Valiey Lot size 60 x 144. Features LLOYD REALTY include Hollywood kitchen walk-out through sliding (OSHAWA) LTD doors to patio, 4 px, cere- mic tiled bath with lorge vanity - 3 good size bed- rooms well planned Rec area in basement hes extra flue for fireplace. Give us a LLOYD REALTY | feet treslee. Give ws LIST WITH LLOYD up becouse of the ADDED THEN CALL THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 11% Sales Tax on building moteriols. 10 FULL PRICE $ "fen Gee, SERVICE STATION AND GROCERY BUSINESS located 1 3 o or Y Lovely 3 bedroom storey end just off Simcoe St. N. Profit- o DOt home wiih exive Sere able operated by present living room Yes it even hos owner for cost \? year. GM. plo so % dis Owners would accept reason- heart Gy e Bill Jokn tc able down payment or toke nee at TOR: 1OK , © home in on a trade. Poor se Gy tcloers health reason for selling. For 1500 DOWN further detoils call Bill Mc- on , | Feeters of Schofield-Aker Se or Ltd. ot 723-2265 'aha Recreation room. Lov ely fenced fot. Call Bill LISTINGS -- LISTINGS Johnston. at 728-1066 WE ARE: RUNNING LOW FERN l BLVD." ON LISTINGS AND UR.- 800 GENTLY NEED YOUR HOME Qniy $1500 down three NOW, ARE YOU THINK- Badicen bucsion ve ING OF SELLING? WE as ek ee wayne HAVE WAITING CASH AND ct Gat ct oo an TERM BUYERS. CALL US Public schools. Cell Bill TO-DAY ton now ot 728-1066 ue : Se eee z 723.2 - Open 9 to 9 - EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME t ee oo SOMERVILLE ST 'Sat. 9 te: Three bedrooms, 2 bot PAULINE BEAL 725-0239 » NHA. $12,000 BILL McFEETERS 725-1726 sa Medd eis aioe AKER 725-0201 now by calling Bill Jonnston MARGARET HALL 723-1358 ot 728-1066 STEVE MACKO 728-5868 KEN MORRIS 623-5406 Lioyd Realty (Oshowe 107 Simeoe Street North Oshewe, Ontario m ted) Bowmanville) 360 King St. W. Free Parking ~ Would You Take Our Your Own Appendix? CERTAINLY NOT! YOUD CALL YOUR DOCTOR AND PLACE YOUR FAITH IN HIM LIKE YOUR DOCTOR, WE SPECIALIZE, KEEPING INFORMED AND CONSTANTLY LEARNING IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE We have never removed an appendix but we have sold many homes MAY WE SELL YOURS Your home PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 King St. E thot is) Bde og 28-9474 728-9475 WHITBY CLASSIFIED ea caus Street West FOR. RENT tamed apartment vengeonnenat ply 209 Brock Street South. MO FOR RENT -- ~ tained apartment, available July |. 207 Telenphane Whitby 668-4379 - coats . rate 665-23 prompt 3 serv itby 668-2363 Three rom floor, $35. ~~ FOR RENT Boating and Camping Equipment WILDE RENTAL CE AND SALES 1415 DUNDAS EAS WHITBY 668-322 SERV apa Ketth Strect after. 3.30 FOR RENT- bath. Separate entrance peapie, Dundas East. Taio. SEPTIC tanks cleaned, prompt service! on calls. Walter Ward, oak mt Street West, Whithy. FOR RENT: One bedroom, self con ed FOR RENT Fa xeemng room phowe 668-2053 er apply Ken dresses, FOR RENT: Three bedroom upper du FRting plex, private, heated, immediately Call oe. 4496, after 5 2 4. Batt Chastant FOR RENT -- One-decroom apartment B 1286 Brock Street South triplex, washer, dryer, refrigerater heat amd water inchaded. Available Au ees pred wast. 4322 Telephone 6&6. Three-room seif-con large unfurnished rooms, Sa elder Qesa (663-2563. mtushed gm Private entraace. Tele garage. Available Ground Meer apartmen:.. shared hoaae.' Sa Mary Gwent) EXTRAORDINARY VLA New 1.140 so foot brick cungelow, 3 bedrooms, dining ream, lovely living room plus 40° x 12° panelled rec room with bor. Ceorport. All on }2 ocre land serviced with municipel woter end lighting. with fruit trees. lovely lawns and perenniels. Com: perable et $17,000 in Oshows. Yours for $14,500 under the Act Lots on Western Heights, Newcostie with Town weter end street lighting, bleck top roads. Fruit trees on most lots Enquire about F. J. MISKELLY, REALTOR 255 DIVISION STREET COBOURG FR 2-2144 i |HENRY STREET -- Large three-bed-| tion, One owner, oom brick bungalow, modern kitchen, | 2490, 'built-in oven and stove, fireplace in liv {ing room, sliding glass door in dining wall to wall broad-/0fer, extra|i958 PONTIAC, \ excellent off master bedroom, finish: standard, Jed recreation room with bar and sink./very clean car Call 723 |All led walk-out basement bchag Agen room and patio, 'loom, ceramic tiled bathroom, washroom |poom, two-car garage. Has to [to be appreciated! At least $7,000 down, lent condition, to finance remainder. j will arrange | Whitby 668. 18 KEITH PETERS. | Realtor 728-7328 | 103 King St. East | $14,400.00 | real value, room brick now being com- pleted with many extros in north end 6 apartments all with baths and kitchens, gapdge facili- ties for 5 cars, entrally lo- cated in Osha Check. this one for value $10,900, cetra!l location 2% storey brite home over | looking park, rage and asphalt drive, oil furnace, home in excellent condition. | North West District, 3. bed- room brick bungalow, good | condition, large lot, close to schools and bus, $11,500. WHITBY 1% year old brick bungalow with attach- ed qgorage, large kitchen 3 bedrooms, nicely decorated and landscaped, excellent lo- cation $5,000.00 Small home, needs repair mear Courtice $5,000.00 with $1500 down needs repair good fresh water 89 acres $4200 $1,000 down, 1 hour's drive METCALF Reai Estate Limited 40 King St. E DIAL 728-4678 SUTHERLAND AVENUE Extra good 2 bedroom bun agalow, located in a lovely residential area. Asking only looking $12,900.00 ot worth WHITBY TRI-PLEX Probably one of the tri-plexes in this oreo nicest at $100.00 per month priced, see this one soon MINDEN STREET 6 room 3 bedroom lovely shape, well londscep ed paved drive storms screens ond doors plus many more extro's. Plus ge. Ask- reo- 6% N.H.A. mortga ing, $12,800.00 with sonable down payment SWITZER DRIVE 2 bedroom bungalow living room ond kitchen, de corated and londscoped $8500.00 with $2,000 down. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Dick Borriage Joe Maga Ken Hann Jack Osborne John Kemp This is @ specious 3 bed- Two apartments rent for $110.00 per month and one furnished Well ranch aluminum lorge only 29--Automobiles For Sale is? PONTIAC Laureatian, fourdoor * V#, automatic with power si whitewalls and discs, et. Phone 7 TRO548. 1931 STUDEBAKER four-door, , good shape. "he be = woe vr st ol Te! Tas-12m KELLY DISNEY USED CARS:LTD 1200 Dundes Street WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Alwoys Top Quality TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS {All Mekes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Moke Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVIC Ritson Rood 'and k ng 723-4733 ond 723-7712 two-tone, best offer, The Home Of Good Used Cars Before You Buy Give Bill A Try" New Telephone Numbers 668-5871 ond 668-5872 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY |29---Automobiles For Sale |31---Automobile Repair age na ie RE farm, frontage 01 Highway sits yp buys ® new ranch bun- j, 1961 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four-door) power steering and/ ih. Excellent condi-| sedan, automatic. 'elephone oy BUICK automatic, $273 or best] 728-5468. offer, Telephone jlow and white, good tires, $699. Tele! phone 725-9478, 'condition, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 3,1963 23 HOUSTON'S GARAGE |39__ articles for Sele 32--Articles for Sale and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 7%. WESTINGHOUSE ¢! jrange, also refrige: xcellent condition phone 723-4256 PAINTINGS. Oi ic, four-burner » 12 eubie ft in| Se h tor $85. Tele A BEAUTIFUL Zig-Zag Singer, inciud- truly outstanding cabinet for oniy t; landscapes, decora stitches, etc., ee Various without attachrients, Your old machine dition. Reasonable. Apply from 1 p.m. jto 9 p.m, 555 Cromwell Avenue, NELS |HYLAND \ le 25 'adio, scenes and character ow mileage r 67 KING ST. WEST dink' 'vaniour eeloak. Som eats as_down payment, Dealer, a A 723-7822 jpreciate, Call Carl Clark, 'dial ¢ ese-a01e. Write 308 Oshawa Times. i960 MORRIS Minor series 1000, excel --. -- - a Preto tte a mechanically and body- SERVICE | TELEVISION, General Blectic, cabinet| AWNINGS, canvas Prom: service, \wise, Private sale. Reasonable. Dial walnut finish, 2l-inch screen, sa con-|free estimates Chair, le srentals. 725-2316: Have your Austin, Morris, {sieiah a8. 'Telephone p.m,|Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. ----w-=eem | 1992 FORD, three-window coupe, chop-- M.G., Healey, Sprite, Volvo, Fi ateiadecitseiednein woeeiniaies |ped, channelled, Oldsmobile 'moter | TR. serviced by: factory | CHESTERFIELD and chair, tignt| 33-----Market Basket oe | Telephone V0) mechanics, large ports de- as ays necoen lance Sind other na:|STRAWBERRIES picked fresh daily, ivié GMC pickup, good condition, vel-| partment, work guaranteed, merous household articles in good ¢on- ma quality. Apply 912 King Street STRAWBERD) RATES for sale. 35. coats pet cer ROLET Impala, two door 1750 Danforth, Toronto , post art, $2 Scoit Street. 730-9009, bn ga man = 'Telephone HO 1-7572 RB | bey nd 8 ft, tae Bowe 3 ora WEERRIES ae i by | 725-3652. : esis P.m., dial 725-9202, Ask for Nick, crate, Abply Fred R Stevens O22031, | owt" PONTIAC ~ Laurentian tiation 32--Articles For Sale | FRIGIDAIRE Imperial range, 30°, In-| VANDYK'S strawberries for sale, east wagon, four door, automatic, radio, ~ glis washing machine, wringer type./of Bowmanvill Dial 623.5548. $1905. Telephone 725-8193, | WEDDING GOWN, floor length, | size, Both good condition Telephone Whitby| stRaWBE RIES tor s, Andrew 1937 CHEVROLET Be} Air V8, Pr artnet veil and "ee pace | 668-8 H crighsing bog a, cae ei lhgrenwe gee radio, $845 bal cv i ae ay. Reasona ; Searke hot water, 33 gals like new, ae RR No. 2, 'Townline North, 73% i9s¢ METEOR sedan delivery, > rebuilt! B. F. GOODRICH STORES -- "Tires, | old, $13; also one good condition, Will take trade Batteries, motor, 01 best offer, Dial 668-4500, TRUCKS: 1957 GMC, one ton with | sulated walk-in box, 'Scott, Kingston Road West at the, sell, rent, service. Hamilton Office Taunton, Poultry Farm a __|Baulpment, 137 Breck South, Whitby: | gtiviNG or selling turniture ef Apple 1957 FORD Fairlane 500, automatic, OLD GUNS ances? power steering, real gied condit! | Dial_ 728-3945 after 6 p.m, Has to be Whitby |1M0 PEUGEOT 403, one o jeconomical, $1,000 or ne seen. i Telephone 728-2038. ine VOLKSWAGEN -- 37,570 miles, real good one, 4908. 1955 BUICK, $695 two door ~y 0: best offer. Apply 791 Simcoe So 1938 MORRIS Minor, ide: Apply 1993 PONTIAC sedan, standard. or best offer, Dial 728-9838. 1997 OLDSMOBILE super 88, sedan, good condition of Taunton 1937 CHEVROLET four-door, radio, "+ phone 11-12. Hardwéod flooring Tele. VACUUM cleaner, Sunbeam, o one ye year Two. Phone cylinder, standard deluxe model, tone green, $395. Dial 723-2 1953 CHEVROLET, four-door, da green finish, extra brake cables, good 038 price $1,000; also}Plicators, chequ 1954 3-ton dump truck. Apply George B,|three hundred nm one owner, condition, » hardtop, new @'tio transmission, radio, signals, dises, $350 REFRIGERATOR. 593 Ritson: North after 6 p.m.) SPANISH GUITAR, ~~ $330/ tube amplifier 4-door | 10° x 10° wood panneling and glass, $65 Apply Fer- guson's BA Service Station, 3 miles east CHEST freezer. $45; one Torcan electric heater, 5 mos, Kaivinator | television, 'Thri refrigerators, | condition, Dial 72. y Budget plan, 723-4543. COGA-GOLA' coo! ngette, $12. Gale _.__ |34--Lost And Found jectric, in. TYPEWRITER rites doo: plete; Arins Ped roto tillers, cat used. We buy, hoy 'Ferguson's BA, 10R WANTED 'Telephone Oshawa 725-8183 table, $23. tion, $15, Phone after 6 728. i 725- 8727, Ly, condition, Dial 623-5139. COLEMAN space heater, | | c full size, good condi |tion, new tires, $25. Telephone 723.3065 BABY CARRIAGE, Thistic, blue, reasonable. Apply 283 a Boy Sciut uniform, size 668./ Jarvis Street. Dial 723-9535. plete. Dial 723-1760. BICYCLE, boy's, 38° model, Good con-| VIKING < dry Telephone | 725-7730 Best offer com: er, used only a few times. Also piano. After S$ p.m. "7 'elephone 728-6428, like new Telephone Orono 260. Dial 728-6708 COMMERCIAL overhead garage door, and five appliances, {Eure 444 Simcoe Street | Good condition. 723-7539 vole at cu, ft. , Fairbanks Morse, bee-bee gun, two boy scout uni Whitby 668-5349. pinewane 728-5057 BABY carriage, Liovd, white, excellent ENJOY rk -- $25, or best offer. old. $50 or nearest offer, 728-7634, "summer camping with tents Dial 728. sleeping bags. ground sheets, lanterns. tow. Dominion Tire Stor ier, electri _ sdiders, cashiers, dur SODaRBAY alsc 9 x 9' overhead garage 3 miles east of] Contre, 3.30 p.m. Reward, 723-7639. GE 22°. Ideal for cottome, A-l ideal for your in new cottage. Cort $90, will sell for $30. Also | BUY and sell, good used furniture and| One location only, Pretty's South, ABY carriage, $25. Baby blankets and stoves, picnic jugs, coolers, Best prices 48 Bond LADY'S Bulova veerwenn: white gold, black velvet band, set with diamonds on shoulder. Vici Oshawa Shopping ursday. Keepsake, all Elmer, Hampton, 263-2894 36--Legol 3 -- KITCHEN table with four chairs, with 1953 FORD. Partly customize ™$250. | BANGEIEE, electric, two burners and additional extension " Dial Telephone 668-8371, ie: jood_ condi THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT, R.S.O. 1960 TAKE NOTICE thot the ap- plication of Con Litovchik, R.R. No. 2, Bowmanville, Ontario, to change his name Westinghouse, Be RE meoe South. cu, ft., in good condition, $30.: rang:| PORTABLE generator, 1,500 watt, 110, to Jack Con Locke, and thot second car, ette, Sunbeam, $20. Telephone 725-3664. volts, Suitable for summer cottage of his wife, Shirley Marjorie Litovchik and their children, Randal Peter Litovchik, Sherry Lynn Litovchik and Sendra Judith Litovchik to Shirley Marjorie Locke, Ran- dal Peter Locke, Sherry Lynn Locke, and Sandra Judith Locke, respectively, will be .| heard by the presiding Judge | of the County Court of the United Counties of Durhom radio, two new tires, $100, Telephone! Ov (eaiee motor, Johnson § hp, Rea- 725-6832 sonable. Apply 140° Wilson Road' South.| "es! - Ad Northumberland, in 1961 AUSTIN SPRITE, Used rr oy FIANO. pri new scale Williams, Oe! TELEVISION tower speci : ambers, on Wednesday, car, in excellent $150. ot 725.2999, | Structure, ig all ch the 7th day of August, 1963, Never raced, Telephone 728-890 and guaranteed by experts at 11:00 o'clock in the fore- , F i958 STATIONWAGON, Pontiac, deluxe lwindshield and controls: 5 7 "MOTOR (electric): boat with with trailer; life Television, telephone 728-6781 four-door, automatic transmission, V-8/ jackets for tw ; - sesh eshean engine, power steering, power brakes, ee 5988 a oe vacuum cleaner repairs, ro ait makes adio etc. Privately. owned and driven Free Parts, 10 years experience. $30. Trio noon, DATED at Bowmanville, Ont- ario, this 20th day of June, 3000 millon with pemer' wervian Cince SPACE heater, large size, with tank, brushes, hoses guacanteed rebuilt ma. AD. 1963 purchased new Grierson Street. 728-2328 i960 CHEVROLET convertible, excel;|S¢ body. jent condition, power steering, new top, |Phone 728-8230. four new tires, Call after 6 p.m. 688- 4827 STAUFFER posture machine, like new. WE buy, sell an i957 METEOR, Rideau jomatic, two-door. Dial 300, Whitby i851 PONTIAC one-owner, new battery, *tor 9 cu. ft mattresses, new complete 9623. springs, Dial | 725-6201. fuel pump, rear exhaust Best offer. 1934 PONTIAC, two-door, recent paint job, good motor, A-1 Sa. Must be sii Buying or seen. Bowmanville 623 i936 FORD four-door V-6, | e owner. After 4 p.m., 735-8764 195) CHEVROLET, Standard, Good condition, Before phone 728-1296. 7 pm. 1062 IMPALA convertible, power steer- radio, __ rear speaker, executive driven, in top img, power brakes, automatic, Body and interior in|!" 800d condition, very clean condition, $1200. Apply 793/97! sharp telephone | ~ fatto, Valley Creek Furniture jtter. Di $40. Telephone 723. chines, Rentals. vice, Call anytime, 728-0591, GUITAR, Gibson electric, Spanish,|DINING room set, Andrew Malcolm. cherry finish, | lent condition. Di Cost $329.50 plus attachments. "|plete $150. Phone Orono 1642. RANGETTE. $15: Frigidaire vein \Souh and 31 Bond Stree East. 723-1671. $15 each 'ya5.;ances. Name brands at biggest dis. counts anywhere. We carry Restonic THE Waar eee as in Poy enn . |Your autho What $s My Line? Honest Cal's on Varcoe's Road 9.30. 9.30. Telephone 728-9191, For | RODENSPEIN 60 mm Astro Telephone GE dealer, selling used fur niture and appliances your needs phone fe 728-0070. Waltace Vacuum Ser- hange used furni- Com. ture or anything you aera: The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street ger: - Tae Beers $65. Two 30" beds with HONEST Cal's Furniture and Appli- furniture lines. Contact East, Open 12 hours daily. ronoscope with 60 in. hardwood adjustable tripod. will sell for $25 or nearest STRIKE & STRIKE, $250. Tele. mahogany, twin pedestal table in excel- Barristers, etc., '30, 38 King St. West, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Solicitors for the Applicant NOTICE OF APPLICATION to Change Name IN THE MATTER of the Change of Name Act R.S.0, Phas IN THE MATTER of by HAROLD BICYCLE -- Girls. 1 M Tn good 28-4404 or call ot the store Sak. Teleehens Gu-eiee PAUL "MCALLEN. to to change 2 16¥a Bond W STUDENTS A super value, mately 630 sheets of teiter size approx. typing paper (news orint) for only $1.00. Ap Office, Whitby his name to HAROLD PAUL WELSH. conditiin, Telephone 728-7586; evenings =< eg Lakefield beak ply Oshawe Times ofr "TAKE NOTICE thot on the seme. Gea Ga ens Ba. Telenor 14 Ft. Ced S SELLING furniture or appliances? 25th day of July, 196) ot 7ag-3422 edgar trip wen aa, it Pod top cash. Telephone Dagon Mlbbiysn 1 ., a , wi 930 WHITE siate » ruck. model rwe 16 Evinrude 40 HP. electric Store, 728-9191 we o made to Presiding nas | stort motor 1960 model of the County Court n gotd condition.) Complete with remote con. OASIS DEHUMIDIFIERS County of Ontario for Tecent motor overhaul and brake job) Of" windshield, steering Keeps vow hein cp dry an order chenging the name "MONARCH anedan, automatic.) sty life belts, torpaulins, ONLY $129 - eines coined" ol PARKWAY TELEVISION HAROLD PAUL McALLEN tion. $600, 'Telephone 12 wT, $750 918 Simcoe North 76 King Street West 1933 'CHEVROL! eT mandard 'also ams) 7 723-3043 OSHAWA, Ontario Pontiac jt excellent c Dial 723-4491 Closed Saturday at 12. noen TO: tae CHEVROLET RA AU IO deer DAYTIME 728-8252 during Summer HAROLD PAUL WELSH sedan, windshield washers, rear pond \Evenings Whitby 668- 8706 er, 37,200 original miles, BOATS, MOTORS dition. $1,375, Telephone 725-9612. oll PONTIAC, y convertible, Va 1953 DODGE fourdeor See ces four-door white walls, order, ine CHEVROLET Tmpala, hardtop, automatic, radio, $75. Telephor "extra an ice ke pe and Installations Storage & Supply Ltd. ool ng Used RANGES from $23] Brooklin, Ont. 655-3641 Bae week, twoxdoor V8, radio, white walls Generot Electric ond Moffat COTTAGE very ood. con : PORTABLE TELEVISIONS tai EDSEL, excellent condition, eri -- TIME inal owner. Call 723-278 after 6 p. 1980 PONTIAC, Parisiene, sedan, Telephone 723-2765. . station" wagon, four! Rice clean car 3422. Va, auto- xtraa. Tele- ne, four-door ON DISPLAY Grew Cruisers, Traveler Ma- son, O.M.C. and Larson Boots. Evinrude, Volvo-Pento and O.M.C, 88 Maters. Open Until 8 P.M. MARINE KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER | FANS and AIR-CONDITION- ERS. The right size for every need. Call us for estimotes AND TAKE NOTICE thot ony person objecting to said application may appear at the aforementioned hearing ond be heard, DATED ot OSHAWA, this 14th doy of June, 1963. JAMES A, MACDONALD, Barrister & Solicitor, 286 King Street West, OSHAWA, Ontario. i Your Authorized Oshawa General Electric Centre See ELMER for Furniture and Appliances. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Rood) 723- 4494 Res. 725- $574 $ ALL CASH $ For Cleon cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-800! - 668-8101 VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd S Oshawa 728-092! WAYNE'S APPLIANCES 78 Simcoe St. N. 723-1411 See All The Rest Come buy the Best for less. OPEN 8 A.M, TO 10 P.M. EVERYDAY CALL HAMPTON 263-2294 or 263-2695 Shopping To Save Let us help you GET Food and Personalized Service Custom and Ready-Made DRAPERIES Most Reasonable Prices Drapery Fabrics Regular Price per yard $1.98 SPECIAL NOW 79c We install drapery tracks at a Nominal Fee M. And C. Drapery and No Obligation No Down Payment $16 per week PEOPLE'S 30--Automobiles Wanted Dry Goods Store For your decorating needs FOOD FREEZER TAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want c for wrecking. Highest prices paid Wentworth East. 725-1181. "100 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to Ted" Taik "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer ond SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 are Coll us today SERVICE "a 723-7827 c 74 Celina Street, Oshawa | Phone 728-9403 ROSES Growing in Special Rose Pots Plant Complete with Pot 100% Guaranteed to Grow. 29--Automobiles For Sale SPECIAL PRICE THIS WEEK Oshawa' s Service Centre for Chrysler-Dodge-Plyméuth-Valiant Dodge. And Fargo Trucks Chryco Parts and Accessories SMITH SPORTS 353 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-7341 Everblooming Gleze Climbers, Paul's Scarlet Climb- bers, American Beauty Climbers, Doubloon, Yellow, and Orange Climbers.. In bloom for the licant, HAROLD PAUL aires (Continued on Page 34) Move Causes Four Obsolete P sae ositions TORONTO (CP)--Reorganiza- tion of the Ontario department of travel and publicity has re- sulted in four positions becom: ing obsolete. Guy Moore, deputy of the department, said coved night the four men have a ;chance to apply for four new seh an at a higher salary which are being created within a | reorganized department. However, he said, the men-- Gordon Hogarth, J. R. McHat. tie, F. A, Venn and Colin Mc- Donald--would have to compete | with other qualified applicants. "| Three hundred applications jhad been received when the |deadline closed Tuesday. A se. gg board wil] sit in mid- Mr. Hogarth is director of the present publicity and advertis- ing division, Mr. Venn is direc. tor of information, Mr. McDon- ald is director of photography and Mr. McHattie is director of tourist development. Mr. Moore'said the men were Lin no danger of losing their jobs entirely, There would be a place for them in the department if they did not get one of the new positions. GOT TANKED UP LONDON (CP)--Young Davie Phillips climbed into his tank and secured the turret hatch EACH $1 .00 iIt took a squad of firemen to Hybrid Tea ond Flora-Bundas in bloom] Lawn Ornaments, Patios, Spray Materials, Lown- mowers. jget him out. Seven - year - old |\David's "tank" was a washing machine which had to be dis- mantied to free him. Landscape Designing.-- Free Estimates LIBERTY NURSERIES 128 LIBERTY ST. N_, BOWMANVILLE DIAL BOWMANVILLE 623-3074 e } jtarctic whale oil BIG DROP Norway's share of the An- production dropped from 35 percent of the world total in 1961 te 149 per cent in 1062. Sf