STUDENTS AT SUNSET HEIGHTS SCHOOL Outstanding students at Sunset Heights Public School were honored with certificates and awards during the closing exercises at the school re- cently. Among those honored were these four outstanding students. They are, seated: Sharman Lott, top senior stu- dent, and a recipient of the Fanny Hislop award. Stand- ing from left are: Elizabeth Although school vacations have now started it does not mean the city's mothers are complete. ly at the mercy of the young- sters. The Oshawa Recreation Committee has Jaunched into an extensive program of summer activities, Available to all and in all parts of Oshawa are a variety of activities ir city playgrounds that include arts, crafts, games and sandbox play. | Playground leaders will be present at all parks and school grounds to help activities under way and to givé the youhgsters a hand at having a good time. PARKS PARTICIPATION The programs will be in pro- gress from July 2 to Aug 23, Plan Extensive Park Program from 9 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. and) from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the following locations: Rundle, Radio, Thornton's, Valleyview, Fernhill, Nipigon, Brookside, Sunset Heights School, North Oshawa, North. way Court, Connaught, Dr, S. J. Phillips School; Woodview, Ba. ker Memorial, Bathe, Eastview, Sunnyside, Kingside, Veterand Tot, Cowan, Harman, South- mead, Lake Vista and Storie. Registration has started at the municipal swimming pools for gly classes. Sched. led for six-week periods these THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 3, 1963 3 classes will lead to Red Cross tests. The classes will be held in the mornings, while. in the afternoons and evenings there will be recreation periods for children and adults. CITY AND DISTRICT Registration is until (includ- ing) July 5, from 9:30 a.m, to 12 noon, Registration fee is $1.50. NO BAND Due to the inability of the \411 Squadron RCAF (Aux.) Band to keep its engagement | play at the McLaughlin |Bandshell in Memorial Park 'this Thursday night, a program jof records and movies will be presented at the shell. Carson, top intermediate stu- dent; Henry Kolodziejczak, Fanny Hislop award winner and Janet Farrow, junior top student --Oshawa Times Photo Bars And Letters Presented Legion Adds At Sunset Heights School | 42Members The annual bar and letter pre- sentations were held at' Sunset! ley, Henry Kolodziejezak, Linda Louise Wilson, Ellen Woods Heights recently The aims of the Bar and Let- ter System are as follows: 1 To give recognition. of pupil contribution to school life. 2 To help maintain a high level of schoo] spirit. 3. A concrete reminder of 'the pupil's public| Banfield, Doug Brooks, Cather-|Kinsman, ine Neal, Gail Walmsley, Janet Tasso school days. 4. To provide an in centive for pupils to strive for higher standards. 5. To help in! penter, Caro] Bind, Tasso Per-|Patsy Neal, Mary Lynn Cook, promoting good citizenship The guest speaker was Dr. C. M. Elliott, Superintendent of Public Schools who, along with Mrs. B. J. Salmers, president of the Home and School Associa- tion, assisted 'the staff in the presentation of these awards The three pupils receiving the scholastic awards for top stu- dents of the year were Shar- mon Lott, top Senior student; Elizabeth Carson, top Inter- mediate student and Janet Fal- low, top Junior student The two students | Kathrine Betty Hrycyshyn, Richard Cow Latimer, Machael Mike McCullough, Pearse, June Skelton, Lee Wilson, Joanne Button, Beverley McMurtry, David Johnston, John Peterson, John Russell, Peter Seitl, Norwick, Bryan Wendy- Mills; Monica Seitl, Mary Car- nokes, David Piney, Zorgdrager, Donna Kuchma, Springstein, Louise Wilson, Edith Shewring, Chris- tine Greer, Sherri Henderson, John Pilkey, Peter Clarke, David Harris, John Rowden, Seott Cook Soccer -- Ted Clarke, Richard Cowley, Bill Norwick, Lauria John Laughlin, John Danny Harris Casey the Fanny Hislop scholarship Gary McDougall, Zan Whitsitt, awards were Sharmon Lott and'Tim Austin, Philip Akin, Eric for perfect attendance with no James, Richard Mooney, Brian! lates McCartney, Duncan McDougall, The Scholarship Bar was pre-/key, Mark Warner, Brian Sal-|simeson, Debby Liston, I Henry Kolodziejczak. SCHOLARSHIP BARS Harold John = Pil-ic sented to the pupils who main- mers I tained an 80 per cent average, Basketball -- Wayne Carson, |Glas e . ' spetgen, Michael Mor on all subjects during the year| pric Gay, Robert House, Randy |H ten Folk. Breads ¥ i : with no one subject averaging) Jackson, John Laughiin, Beyanlerie Lock, ' renda Hatt, Val-| Legion Hall at 12.45 p.m. There/ below 75 per cent Goldblatt Muiville, Michael! son, Mackenzie,'Kahn. Howard, | Whitsitt, Wilson, Susan Hockey -- Bill Mull vill; |Lott, Janice Faint, Patsy Neal. Michael Norwick, Randy Jack-|(also contributed for outstand- receiving Son, John Janetos, Greig Hutton/ing effort). son, Ka hrine Springstein, Canadian Legion, Safety Patrol -- presented to) Royal : chairman, the winning team of the schoo}| membership Safety Patrol and other mem- bers who in the opinion of the captain and Principal have given exceptional service meeting of the branch. Marilyn Louise Wilson, Susan Neal, Jane| bringing the active membership] are ] Hrycyshyn,|to date to 781. There were still/ conducted on a club basis. Low,|130 members who had not yet Betty Pernokes Gilson Kathy Carol Dainard,| paid their 1963 dues Four new members, Janet Ann Mackenzie, Barbara Kim. merly, Philip Anderson, Tim Austin, David Ramshaw. Oratory Bar -- presented to} room winners and city repre- sentatives for Oratory. Sharon Henry Kolodziejczak, Linda Latimer, Jeanette Leddy, Linda McClennen, Nancy Robin- Carol Dainard, Elaine Ebzabeth Carson, Zan Ellen Woods, Lou:se! Neal, Sharman the president, Harry Brown, Ladies' Auxiliary thanking had been presented to them. the Red Cross blood. clinic, donate blood whenever could. Attendance Bans -- presented pate in the Canadian Corps during Scott) Association drumhead parade the year Graham,/Cook, John Davidson, Christine|in September. zreer, Tommy Lang, Lorne! Receiving these bars were the hard Graham, Gary Anderson,'Stephen Bird, Joanne Button, the Legion Hall following: Patricia Desaulniers,|Gary McDougall, Douglas Fal./Bob Howard, Danny Nicholson,| Anne Greig Duncan McDougall Gary Anderson, low, David Houghton, Tim Austin,), John Pil-}; Janet Gilson, Jane Jobnston, Jo. Kot, David John Wilson, Mr. Brown So far this year 42 new mem- bers have joined Branch 43, Pilkey, Arthur "Ted" McLaugh- lin, Harold Hogle and Richard! McPherson, were initiated into| the branch and welcomed by! A letter was read from the| the| branch for the new colors which) the Oshawa Kiwanis wrote stating that the need for) blood was urgent. All members! ural representative, introduced of the branch were asked t0)/H~ Wright who gave a very in.|Chamber of Commerce for per- they teresting talk on farm safety./mission to supply reminded mem- Ramshaw, | bers that this was the last gen-| Mark Thompson,/eral meeting until September 26) prizes. Winners were Heather | safety Act to provide that the PLAN DAY CAMP | For boys from 7 to 18 years | there will be a day camp from July 29 to Aug. 2. The boys will be transported to the campsite outside the city every morning of the five-day period and re- turned home at night. Activities |include games, crafts and cook- | outs. |. A new program this year is lthe offering of track and field }club sessions each morning | Monday through Friday. Train- }ed coaches and leaders wij] be | present. There will be training |and competition as well as local} consider purchasing the Osh-|ton, D.C., editor of the LISTEN Registra-|awa Legion property, because| Magazine. highlighted the fifth \ of "strong indications" of future| day of. the Annual. Summer Con. | The ORC again offers a num-| library growth, was referred for ference of the Seventh-day Ad. ber of Special Interest Group] study to the finance and assess-|ventist churches, gathered for W yy: Activities for boys and girls of) ment committee at the Council) their annual session on the Devenish, reperted at. a recent jand district meets. tions are until Friday, July 5. various ages. These activities include puppetry, crafts, gym- nastics and games, archery, Mr. Devenish said there had) qrama, hiking and nature study, also been 48 re-instatements,|tennis and art. These activities held twice a week and are are at the ORC biulding, 100 Clifford) Gibb street, (Telephone 5-1111.) Farm Safety Is Stressed j | 4-H Clubs held a joint meeting with | Clubs D. Keys, assistant agricult- |He demonstrated, by using a | for farm accidents to happen, Mr. Anderson, a health in. spector at G.M., told us the It was announced that the an-) many uses for artificial resper-| .inda|nual Legion picnic would be! ation, He demonstrated the Hol-| vatimer, Brian Saimers, Corry/held on Sunday, July 7, at) ger-Nieisen method of Artificial rison,| Cedar Park. Buses will leave the| Resperation. | Sergeant C. Hilliard, of the vaurie Mackenzie,|will be a pre-picnic dance on|OPP,' gave a lecture on high-} Pearse, Rory Thompson, Ric-!Brian Pearse, Rory Thompson,|Saturday, July 6, at 8 p.m. in| way safety and the uses of farm! | machinery on the highway. Council donated three i |" John Haliburton, of Edmon- ton, displays a cheque he cash- ed Tuesday in Edmonton. The WRITES CHEQUE ON AUTO FENDER cheque, written on an automo- a $2.85 debt. It was endorsed _ pencil, stamped and paid, bile fender, was made out to at the bank with a marking --(CP Wirephoto) ' CITY COUNCIL -- | NEWS IN BRIEF A letter from the McLaughlin |Library Board suggesting that }city council might be wise to i meeting Tuesday. | TO SPONSOR SUPPER The city will sponsor a civic the menace of drinking drivers. 17 for the pag who shawa 'high jsupper on July |French exchange will be guests of Registration for all activities) school students for two weeks/ing with human life. lin July, it was decided. The re- quest came from W. P. Cote, vice président of the Oshawa | Junior Chamber of Commerce | OFFER TURNED DOWN An offer by William L. Horner of $7000 for property at 599 Vet. }erans' road was turned down.| Asking price for the property is) | $8500 as suggested by the parks, |property and recreation com. Robert Stroud, chairman of/Brougham and Port Perry 4-H| mittee. | REQUEST REFERRED A request from the Oshawa convention jdelegates meeting in Oshawa The branch agreed to partici-| model tractor, how easy it is; with free parking stickers was jreferred to the traffic and pub- | lic safety committee. RESIGNATION ACCEPTED The resignation of Reginald Aker from the board of direct-| ors of the Oshawa Housing | Company Limited was accepted. CONSIDER RESOLUTION A request from the council of jthe County of Welland for en- The Ontario County Safety) qdorsation of a resolution for door} a mending The Construction Hutton, Elaine Kahn, Deborah/key, Billy Reimer, Mark War-\Lindsay Hagerman. Chris Sal h sossbbecotgi -\Cooner. Brace Batty and Har-| f d Toaze, Elizabeth Carson, David/ner, Scott Cook : a : s Sal-|and wished everyone a happy per, , | costs of inspection be borne by Chambers, John Howard, John Neil, Zan Whitsitt, Carol Bind, Kathy Low, Patsy Neal, Janice Faint, Bob Howard, Betty Hry- eyshyn, Sharman Lott, Richard Mooney, Susan Neal, Louise Wilson, Janet Crawford, Harold Graham, Carolyn McCartney, Allan Mouck CITIZENSHIP BAR The Citizenship Bar was a- warded to not more than five pupils in each class on the basis of displayed leadership and out- standing service to room or school; and promise of develop- ing into a leading citizen of the future. The following were presented with this bar: Henry Kolodziej- czak, Linda Latimer, Linda Mc- Clennen, Brian Salmers, Barb- ara Scott, John Janetoy. Terry Lang, Bryan Pearse{ Wendy Bassett, Nancy Walmsiey, Jane Johnston, David McDonald, Brenda Meredith, Pau! Roberts, John Wilson; Richard Gamble, Randy Jackson, Ellen Latimer, John. Keenan, Gary McDougall, Linda Wood, Eric James, Don- na Kuchma, Doug Reeson, Bob Brown, Carol Fisher, Bradley Jackson, John Rowden, Bobby Gilson, Peter Gray, Janet Crawford, Harold Graham, Sherrie Henderson SCHOOL LETTERS A senior letter is awarded to pupils in Grade 8 and a Junior Letter is presented to the pupils of Grade § These awards are based on the obtaining of 1! points in Grades 7 and 8 and 15 points in Grades 4, 5 and 6 as represented by obtaining shoul- der bars. Recipients of the Senior School Letter for this year were: Henry Kolodziejczak, Linda Latimer, Janice Faint, Bob Howard, Betty Hrycyshyn Donna Kuchma, Sharmon Lott Richard Mooney, Susan Neal, Louise Wilson, Brian Salmers Junior Schoo! Letter Recipi- ents were John Keenan, Gary McDougall, Zan Whitsitt, Louise Gilkes SPORTS BARS Sports Bars were presented to winning teams of the School's House Leagues FOOTBALL -- G Clarke, Richard Cowley Cranfield, Graham Eric Cay, David Ramshaw John Wilson, John Howard, Richard Gamble, Bob Howard, Richard Button SOFTBALL Richard But. den, Bob Brown, Cary) Haines Sandi Henderson, Bob Howard, n Clark, Ted Brian Monroe Volleyball -- Valerie Lock Cynthia Thompson, Mary Car- erine Neal, Gail Walmsley Forser, Linda Nancy McDuff. penter, gare Wood, Janice Faint, Betty Hrycyshyf. jaune Phillips Track and Field Ted Clarke, Marlene Clement, Ric- Katherine hard Cowley, Bob Hutton, Shar-'j ea}. on Goldblatt, Rickey. Ireland, Linda Latimer, Jeanette Leddy, Graham Morrpe, Bill Mulville Murray Nicholson, Michael Nor. wich, Paul Starr, Nicole Frigon, Mike McCullough, Ian Paterson, Wendy Lee Wilson, Stephen Bird, Jane Johnston, Rick Kuchma, John Wilson, Rihhard/C™ne | Ne 'e oy Cath-\J2nette Kuchma, Danny Harris,|" Gamble, David Houghton, erine Neal, Sandra Hosking, Hilary Hagerman, Cindy Thompson, Janette Kuchma) Dawn Martin, Blake Salmers Nancy Forster, Casey Zorgdra-|Brenda ger, Frances Foote, Mary Car- penter, Judy Gilson, Michael Evans, Sharman Lott, Richard Mooney, Edith Shewring, Betty Heycyshyn, Eric James, Janice Faint, Caryl Haines, Bob Brown Bob Howard, Susan Neal,. Patsy) Neal, Jane Kinsman, Jimmy Nicholson, Sherri Henderson Choir Bar presented to members of the school choirs who have been in faithful at- tendance during the year. Mary Lynn cook, Richard Cowley, Sharon Goldblatt, Rickey Ire- land, Pamela Jones, Henry Ko- pdziejczak, Linda McClennen Graham Monroe, Murray Ni- *holson. Brian Salmers, Pau Starr, Janice Taylor, Weady Bassett, Pat Desaulniers, Helen Falik, Cindy-Lou Glover, Brenda Hatt, Robert House, Valerie) Lock, Nancy Robinson, Janna Tisdall, Nancy Walmsley, Joanne Button, Ricky Kuchma, Janet Gilson, Bruce Graham, Ricky Kuchma, Linda Leddy, Beverley, McMurtry, Marilyn Banfieid, David Houghton, Kathy Janetos, Elaine Kahn, Patsy Werry, Ellen Latimer. Catherine Neal; George pe nokes, 'Nancy Taylor Gail Walmsiey, Hilary Hagerman, John Howard, Zan Whilsitt Judy Gilson, Louise Gilkes, Bar- bara Kimmeriy Gi lliaa Frances, Carol Bind, Danielle Laberge, Mary. Carpenter Dawn Martin. Kathy Low Nancy Forster, Frances Foote, launa Phillips, Mary Jane House, Margaret McDaff, Char lene Shewring, Monica Seitl Phihp Anderson, Jane Kinsman, Alan Mackenzie, Patsy Neal Danny Nicholson, Linda Wood, Janice Faint, Catyl H ines, Sandi Henderson, Bob Howard Betty Hrvevshvn. Donna. Kuch ma Lott Richard Mooney, Susan Neal, Doug 'Ree- Sharman Mar-lary Hagerman, John Keenan,| .(Graham, Douglas Rollo, Laug mers, Wendy Gould, David)time during the summer. Houghton, Greig Hutton, Cath- jold Guthrie. Hil-| Danny Harris, Blake Salmers Ken Norwick, Donna Kuchma, Ron Fisher WOODBINE ENTRIES THURSDAY, JULY 4 Springstein, Susan Sharman Lott, Betty | $1900 ter twe-pearelés Hrycyshyn, Bob Howard, Janice|Jet Impala, No Boy M8 Faint, Patsy Neal, Richard But-| Marlboro Lady, No Boy ms : e y us ton, Doug Crawford. Asean the Toned Gubbine 108 Writing Bar -- Graham Mon- Centores, Dittfach M5 - Tavy Blue, Dalton 118 roe, Janice Taylor, Nancy Rob-|pominiin Brave, Remillard 18 mson, Pat -saulniers np | Grand Fleet, Gordon 118 Desauln . --_ Top Bunty, Fitzsimrhons 116 ? ath-| arctic Flight, No Boy 18 W hits i t,|Jazz Round, Harrison MS My Chop, No Boy 15 5 furlongs. Neal, Zan Linda Desaulniers, August Dien-| 115; Wedded Bliss, lane sthuber, Scott Cook, Elizabeth/ Out. I Pay (A128; Mec Mas, No Bay : (Aya , Billy Reimer. . Orchestra -- Joanne Button,/* ve peter Bren Meredith, Margaret SECOND RACE Glasbergen, Naomi Piatt, Carol|ciaiming. Purse $1900 for three-year Dainard, Kathy Janetos, Gail/oMs. 6 furlongs Walnsiey. Richard Butts ¥ V Sanh, Harrison 104 Sley, Richar utton. |Gardens Win, No Boy (A)l12 Ai A 5 |Neros Hero, Burton 108 Be Merry, No Boy 111 Grand Vitesse, No Bay 104 Five For Fun, No Boy M6 Warren Road, No Boy (A116 Admirals March, No Boy 109 hesd Viein Names Omitt A number of omissions andisimmens 16: errors occurred in the cut lines igh Bonspie!, Mo Park, Uyeyama 112 Secret Star, No Boy 109 Parkside Drive, Fitzsimmons 19 Gum Swamp, McCimb 109 Also Bligible:Little Robinson 108; Rascally, whith ran in Saturday's ltsuelnn an san a in connection with the pictures 7 of the Fanny Hislop Scholar. ™icheel entry ships, In the second picture the) yamp Rack -- Chitiwack name of Sandra Cain, Dorothy Purse $2100 for three-year-olds, Fice and Dey Brownlee, all of "85 . Ridgeway Public School, were Hucetlandig pone. Bp af de omitied as was that of Cathy sons Shoes, Ne Bay Ins » > Nas >..},, Davter, Simpson X106 Pages Be T. R. McEwen Pub-/pobys pride No Boy 108 ; ': Menelaus, No Boy 121 The name of Andrew Bobas! i Nina No Boy 106 . 8 River Bully, Robinson 118 Andrew Baker. In the first pic- 3) Brief, Uyeyame 142 Moonfame, Wolski 113 was given erroneously aS Like Velvet, No Boy 11! ture the name Sonia Srosmax Rude Awakening, Dittfach 108 should have read Sonia Cros-) Also Eligible: Action Station, Potts maz; while in the second pic- ture the name Dennia Hercia' FOURTH RACE -- Lansdown: should have been Dennis Hercia. -- ogg $2100 for three. ~ s. The name Joan Chmara in the Laayship, Hernandes (A)X108 third picture should have been Safe ws No Boy 110 ~ Gormley Girl, No Boy 106 Joanne Chmara Britain's Ally, No Boy 12 In the third picture the .ittle Baron, Hernander X106 pees MAME Kiondyke Lil, Dittfach 166 of Inspector T. J. Heath was arra Go On, Dittiach 108 also misspelled Top Caddy, No Boy 18 ae Bombadier Buck, Robinson If Senior Master, Fitzsimmone i Medalia S.. Gubbins 111 ' Dark Gem, No Boy SECOND CLASS HONORS Darren L. Michael, 13 Rock-; cliffe drive, Oshawa, was suc cessful in securing second class/# honors in the second year ex-! aminations at Osgoode Hall, 206 "KINDNESS BEYOND PRICE, YET WITHIN REACH OF ALL" | GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 King W. 728-6226 CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS cau PERR 723-3443 DAY OR wont<, fl -- Parkside $3500 Jony Bill, Fitz- Enonymous, Hernandez A--Garden City Stable and J. B. Car FIRST RACE -- Lombary $7300 mai-). Also Eligible: Roman Flare, No Boy/ and District Labor Council, den claiming foaled in Canada, Purse/(A)118; Easy Goin W., No Boy 118. A--J. W. Hanes and Windfields Farm entry FIFTH RACE -- Gileenwood $6000 | claiming Purse $2300 for three-year. jolds and up about 1 mile (Turf Course) Lang Key, No Boy (A)1j9 |Buleck, Dalton 119 |Taronto Street, Dittfach l4 |Stormy Morn, Fitzsimmons 109 |Montana Flight, No Boy 14 Red Sail, No Boy 119 Ettoro The Great, Prueitt 120 Also Eligible: Maple Queen, Bohenkn |Dezory, No Boy 112 LeB 128; Time|Peter Pat, Wolski (A)l17 Nadia, Simpson (B)X109 Never Liok Back, No Boy 125 A~--J. B. Avanza and R.. V. Rees Sct. Bricker, Dittfach 4 Also Eligible: Country Guy, Robinsot 126; Suit Me Fine, Bohenko 114; Calais 2nd, Lanoway 129; Acompanado, Simp- son (B)X120. A--Mrs, N. Bodnarchuck and North American Farms entry. B-- Mrs. F. H. Merrill Jr. entry. SIXTH RACE -- Independence Day allowance, Purse $2600 for three-year. olds about ' mile (Turf Course). Roma Locuta, LeBiane 111 Count York, Remillard 16 Bradbury, Potts 16 Bofjac, Robinson, 109 Johnsel, Harrison 121 Sunny Prueitt 126 » Dalton 18 QUINELLA BETTING SEVENTH RACE -- Clarendon Stakes foaled in Canada. Purse $7500 added \for two-year-olds, 5% furlongs. Buttertubs, Burton 14 iFairmar, No Boy 112 Royal Sirdar, No Boy (A)l2 maidens, ' eo Brockton Boy, Bohenke 119 Abitibi, Dalton (A)104 Corinthian, Fitzsimmons 114 |Canadillis, Gubbins 117 | Wil We, Fitzsimmons 111 A--F. A. Sherman entry. claiming. Purse $1900 EIGHTH RACE -- Jasper 82509 Cussion. He was released Sun- for three-year- olds and up, 1 1-16 miles, \Grocial Hit, Fitzsimmons 129 |Choppy Wind, Fitzsimmens 108 | Sunward, ne Falls View, No Boy 109 Noise Boy 2nd., Fitzsimmons 123 Gray Dean, No Boy 119 War Caper, No Boy 19 Frosty Day, Hernander X104 Mai- Rascality, No Boy 119 5 Burton | jis; Copper Clif, erin (A)iM; Tag POST TIME 2 p.m. CLEAR AND FAST »|Nance's Rule, No Boy 125 | Musical Hit, Dalton 108 Sun Hash, Bohenko 19 Alse Eligible: Prince Porter, And Run, No Boy (A)129 A--R. C. Siege! and B. Ferrari entry jthe construction industry was jreferred to the public works) committee. i STATE POSITION A letter from Keith Ross, sec- |retary-treasurer of the Oshawa} ad. |vising that it is the position of! the labor movement that it does while under the influence | To Nine Months | Tuesday. {month for carrying concealed Marvin Miller in payment for e . | Hold Club Meeting Curbs Proposed. Members of The Oshawa Ki. jwans Club held their weekly | luncheon meeting Tuesday, at Francis A. Soper of Washing- ... the Grandview Golf Club, where they were welcomed by propri- etor Dr, B. A. Brown, In his words of welcome, }past-president Bryce, who head. jed. Oshawa Kiwanis Club in 11987, voiced his pleasure at the |opportunity of holding an an- campus of Oshawa Missionary 2 nual summer meeting at College, by outlining a five. © ; : "Grandview", at which he could point program of coping with renew friendships with many of the long-term members of the He told the session that any- FRANCIS A, SOPER thing less than banning liquor | from the highway is temporiz- club and also meet the newer Kiwanians. An opportunity to tour the premises and golf course was jextended but unfortunately, the | arrival of a heavy thunderstorm | "washed out" the opportunity. Vice-president Reg. Lancas. ter, who chaired yesterday's 'meeting, reminded all members {that starting next Tuesday, the Kiwanis Club's regular weekly luncheon meetings, for the months of July and August, will be scheduled for Adelaide House }lawn, Members will be notified of exceptions. His five steps to insure sober drivers are as follows: ' 1.--Zone all major highways so as to eliminate roadhouses, taverns and .other vendors of intoxicants along these main lines of travel. 2.--In case of accident, hold the seller of the liquor as liable legally as the driver 3--Since drinking was the driver's deliberate choice, he himself should be responsible for the results of his actions 5.---Require full and accurate news reports of every drinking- driver accident. ' "g . ne reported the city ambulance re. Safety. gadgets, multi-mil-| sponded to a total of four calls, , FOUR AMBULANCE CALLS 4.--Whereas every drinking The Oshawa Fire Department driver taking the wheel is po- tentially more dangerous than a disease carrier, enforce prison sentences for every drinking driver, whether caught in an ac- cident of not. lion-dollar highways, stiff driv-' - ing courses and tests, rigid traf. r--F $$$ 5 -- MORTGAGES fic and speed laws -- all prove useless as.tissue paper to save jlife in the face of one glaring jinconsistency; the fuzzy mind of the drinking driver," the ed- Ample Funds for itor concluded. Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchase Ist and 2nd Mortgages N,H.A. LOANS NEW HOME| SPECIALISTS ARRANGED YHA OUR SERVICE iS FASTER OUR COST IS LOWER Resi Estete Ltd. SCHOFIELD-AKER TRADES ACCEPTED Limited 723-2265 -- 728-3376 728-6286 323 King St. W. Youths Sentenced PEMBROKE (CP) -- Two 16- year - old Toronto youths, charged with breaking and en. tering 29 homes in Toronto, Oshawa, Peterborough and Pembroke, each were sentenced to nine months definite and six months indefinite at Guelph re-} formatory in magistrate's court James Oke, alias James Nes-| bitt, and Dale Hopkins, alias! John David Russell, each were | sentenced to an additional) After Hours 728-3376 | SnES weapons { not desire to have people draw. | ing relief required to perform work for the welfare assistance |was referred to the public works' | committee, DIRECTOR NAMED Ben Jacklin and James Gib- bons were appointed to the |board of directors of the Osh-) lawa Housing Company on the recommendation of Ald. A. H Murdoch. John P. Connor was appointed sanitary inspector for the City of Oshawa on the re- jcommendation of Ald. John Dyer. ASKS PARKING BAN Ald. Thomas Rundle moved jthat consideration be given to jthe possibility of eliminating | King street parking during rush | hour periods. ESCAPES INJURY i Andrew Wilson, 19, of Osh- jawa, suffered no apparent in- jjuries last Saturday night when }an auto rolled over on the Cat- |chacoma Lake road.. A passen- ger, Robert Tobin, 25, of Buck- horn, was admitted to Peter- borough Civic Hospital for ob- servation after suffering con- day morning. NO ACCIDENTS The Oshawa Police Depart-/| ment reported no accidents in the city Tuesday. | j ; ' SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial. and Commercial The established, reliable Ges Deoler in your ores. 31 CELINA ST. (Corner of Athol IS THE TIME To have that carpet or chest- erfield cleaned professionally in Othowo's Original Carpet Cleaning Centre . where fully guoranteed sotisfoction is essured Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 728-9441 174 MARY ST. TOMORROW, JULY 4th--1:30 to 4:30; 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. at ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM, SIMCOE ST. NORTH Reoular ond new blood d rs ore requested to attend with ton oppointment WE ARE DESPERATELY SHORT OF ALL TYPES OF BLOOD 74 WE NEED AT LEAST 500 BOTTLES OF BLOOD TO REPLENISH OUR BLOOD BANK -