ree COHAWA Times, Wednerdey, July 93,1963 § | See: WHITBY and DISTRICT Isnt) pce: [Promotion Results From Anderson High : | The BATD examination rey) Pilkey, Linda Clark, Commend sults were released recently, ed: Mary Miller, Jane Hallett,! Joan Kennedy, 76.9 per San MaoRae, - 76.8 Students were examined at A Henry High School by Miss BRITISH MEDALLION TAP Pass; Gail Clarke | Following are the promotion) Peter Hedier, per Linda Majoher, 76.4 per Manfred Ziegenhagen, Manager: Rae Hopkina Tel, 668-3703 Heron, cent; cont; CoM; Howardcent Sadie Simpson, of Scotland ; ee ree os 2 Mary ' » y ne . 0 jresu ts release rom nderson Ona owar Following are the successful wee ea Street High Schoo! Tie Shad LIGHTNING CAUSES $11,000 BARN FIRE = won medals and cer Rees Jone / PRIMARY CERTIFICATE TAP Honors: Joey Taras, Francis |Koenen, Anna + Marie Fryer, iKathieen Stannett, Kathy Rrit- itain, Wendy Ackerman, Joanne > Marpell, Elbert Rekma, Cathie | Byberg, Karen Alexander, Cath '/lerine MeMonagie, Janice Tay: lor, Cathie Parrons, Gail Cros sau, Debbie Hewis, Gaye Crossau BRONZK MEDAL TAP ;| Highly commended: Helene + | Disney, Commended: Jane Kai. ser and Alyson Hutchinson, Pass + iplus; Leslie Hart, Pass; Retiy * \dimmo and Noreen Jimmo, i SILVER MEDAL TAP >|. Highly commended; Jacinta Van Roxtel, Patricia Carswell and Kileen Allen, Commended: Jane Kaiser, Shirley Hawkins, ? Wendy Sutherland, Trudy St > Joba, Susan Jones, Joy Saman ski, Mary Clark, Pass plus Kathy Pegg, Hilary Lawson Pass; Anne Parish, Rarbara Debdling GOLD MEDAL TAP Commended: Debbie Me Laughian, Debbie Hiscox, Devie Taylor, Dale Rassne! Pass; Linda MeCabe HIGHLAND BRONZE MEDAL Pass plus: Shirley Hawkins, Rarbara Hurley, Pass: Kathy Pegg, Hilary Lawson, Trudy St John HIGHLAND SILVER MEDAL Pass plus; Susan treland, Janice MeLaren, Pattl Willard, Blizabeth Nodwell HIGHLAND GOLD MEDAL Pass Martha Lawrence, Nandy Dymond, Linda Clark SILVER MEDAL BALLET Pass plus; Susan Ireland PRIMARY CERTIFICATE BALLET Pass; Judy Myles, Janet Kin geriee, Lesiie Hart RRONZK MEDAL TRISH DANCING Highly recommended: Cheryle Reitis, Wendy Sutherland, Patti Willard, Pass plus: Shirley Hawkins BRONZE MEDAL JARE Highly recommended: Jacinta Van Roxtel, Andrew Hiscox, Gail Clarke, Nancy Dymond, Commended: Martha Lawrence. Sharon Sutton SILVER MEDAL JARF Fey Seymour, GRADE 2 GENERAL COURSE First Class Honors Marion Nielson, 80.2 per cent; Sandra Jack, 797 per eon Clarence Rurton, 75.2 per m, decendary School Graduation Diplomas = five options: David Bradley, Clarence Burton, Twada Hartman, Sandra Jack, Robert Kostiuek, Marion -- sen, Mary Lou Robinson, Car John Spelien, Heather Vipond Secondary School Graduation Richard Ciechanowicr, Joan Conibear, Lacitle Curl, Victor Humphreys, Rodney Lamb Alexander MacDonald, Keith Millard, James Mitchell SPRCIAL COMMERCIAL Grade 2 First Class Honors Rarbara Puckrin, 82.7 per cent; Ruth Reretman 798 per cent; Shiney Hill, 76.2 per cent; Bonnie Townsend, 76) per cent Pass Anne Avis, Janet Birch Neil Catherwood, Dorothy Don ald, Georgina Galloway, Joe Main, Vivian Maschke, Helen Roberts GENBRAL COURSE Martha Jager, Joynt 76.2 per cent Kenneth Holyk, Roberta Lockyer 73.8 per cent; Trudy Manson, Susan Mason, 73.3 per cent Wayne MoOneady, Barbara Me. Pass Robert Allan, James Alison, Phaden, -- Sharon McQuarrie, Philippa Muir, Lomaine Ball, Danny Bell, Janice Bind, Janis Book, Peggy Janice. Ormiston Joanne Parsons, Rica Pit. Bowyer, Anne Bronsema, Lar Rod. raine Bryant tens, Gloria.tean Powell, Marion Crawforth en Powel) Donnis Scott, Ruth Shedden, Wendy Dart, Cynthia Dil. Giians Shepherd, Stephen ing, Smal, Cy Seymesvak.,, synn Behevannia, Kenneth John Vander Meulen, Mino Edwards, Madoline Beckhout, Van Van Dyke Sue English David Weslake, Mary Wright. -- Frank Graves Grade X -- Commercial Judith Hartman, . Reverley First Class Honors Hatcher, Jane Heorschop, Man William Green, 75.2% garet Howie Tobia Zyistra, 75.0% Catherine Kelemen, Virginia Pass Kirby Sandra Rowers, Lexina Bur. Ronald Lotthouse tinsky, Helon Compton, Patri Phyllis Mackey, cia Coyle, Rodert Dawson, Midgely Thomas Doyle, Betty Kyers, Susan Nott JN Porrester, Jean Fowler, Brenda Ormiston Lorraine Graham Marsha , Wiliam Seto, David Sticheer, Kinch, Patricia Kirkwood, She Rennie Snudden, David Spellen, Lambert, Diana Mitchett, Maeione Stackaruk, Helen Star Edward Morrison, dadith Mor > Gloria Stephenson, Pat: risen, Shirley Nichols, Sharon ridla Storey Perey, Mary Dawn -- Pettes poe pe : Anne Reid, Sharlene Ridley, wana, Gondor 'Wick' Darlene Schad, Helen Seto Wilson suse --_ Marie Slack, Agnes Thrower, Doris Vander Ende, Ineka Van Alberta James Mana Graham ReGner, Harry Ryistra SCTENCK TECHNOLOGY AND TRADES GRADE 9 ner First Glass Honors Michael Volker, 77.1 per cent: Per Peter, Nekkens, 76.2 per cent per Pass Paul: Aquilina, Donald Rarta, Pe Geoffrey Cartwright, Barre PT Couke, Bernard Couke, Gary Per Crawford, James Fertile, Lorne Pet Grylls, Robert Hall, Warne ped Lawson = 9.2 Robert Liebregts, Harold Mea Colm, Michael McCormack, Thomas Melanie, David <! Mahoney," David - Povinsky, Per -Thomas Scott, Martin Treffers, Michael Wilson, Colin Rrown French, W. German , Sey, Brena, Richard Treaty In Effect Johnsion, Gilbert Kontner, Roland Laehrogts, BONN (AP) France and James Potter, Martin Rottine, Rich. wn Taw, West Germany put theit treaty 24 Scott, of cooperation inte effect ahead Calvin Stargess BUSINESS AND ©0) SRC Arthurof schedule Twesday te make MMERCE sure UVa the forthcoming visit GRADES af President de Gaulle will come First Class Honors wander its provisions Patricia Lake, 81.2 por cent: The treaty marks the formal [ena Brodbel, 84 por cent; boginning of close consuttations Barbara Lee, 73.2 per cent between the two neighboring |. Pass coumtries Who Dattied each _ Gall Antle, Jacqueline other three wars in the last Browne, Diane Fitzgerald, Rane 1A vears deiph Gostlin, Susan Hayden, bisaie De Gaulle's visit here Trars. Dennis Hendersen, Lorna John. Tas aay and Friday has been termed 808, Riteabet? Kortekaas, Carel Ron. OY the West German govern. Lee, Donna Lae, -- Mantie, ment a model for fature moet oar = Nichols, Landa Ol ngs between representatives of MAM, Craig Rivers, Lynda Tew the twe Countries nant, Manilyn Thaxter, Poter The treaty of co. operation Thornton. calls fey at least tea mectings a year between the Freneh pres. ORI the West German OREAICH Whitby and Pickering pashed to the scene after Shisko's neighbor turned in the alarm Oshawa Times Photo WHITBY PERSONALS At_a family reunion held Sun day, June 30, at the home Mrs, H, W, Murray, Orono and Nyrs. Albert Randall Chestnut street, Whitby, were guests of honor on the occa sion of their 30th wedding aan versary, Present at the reunion were people from Whitby, Ost Darlene: Canzi, Martha; Dede awa, Orono, Toronto and West sey Johnny: Dochuk, Donna? Hill, Mr, and Mrs, Randall were Dudgeon, Brian; Dundys, Vida offered a presentation Kdwards, Colleen: Pianagan Corinne; Forbes, Harry: Por gel, Jay Goverde. Henry; Judge, Patrick; Kaiser, Joel Kilby Cathy Krockeastoe!, Retty; Ledden, Johan; Lynch Jayne; MacGillivary, Brenda; Mackey, Jayne; Mackey, Patty: contained BLUE RIBBON TAP Highly Commended Andrew Hiscox, Marge Wilson, Linda St. John's School Promotions Listed ehetti, Lauren; Vai dis; Van Dyk, Annie. GRADE 6 TO? Allard, Prank: Rardeel, Isa della; Raxter, Stephen: Donner, Robert; Rorg, Fred: Borg Theresa; Rrewster, Deborah: Burkhart, Sherrie; Canella, Sa. rina; Cser, George Dragomaiz, George; Teddy; Heffering, Larry: dricks, Catherine: Hurley Jeftreys, Larry; Kaiser, Kass, Joba Keenan GRADE i Angelika Kagert, cont; David Lofthouse. cont: Carel MacKenzie, per cent storm RR 1 CORTEM Mike Shiske of ightining burned ov uk du Stavern, Ursula Wittig, Steven R23 POT Vrowski M84 per ARTS AND SCIENCE 15.2 GRADE 9 First Class Honors Anna Dovgalev, 87.9 Agar, Ronald cont Bien McLean, 88.5 Andrews nent; Bleanor Ford, 83.2 John Bailey, Douglas Ratty, pe Donna Brophy, 85 John Redard, Robert Roychyn, cant: Linda Preston, aad Betty Brant, Ronnie Brown cent: Donald Rovetwn. 82.8 Retty Ann Chonoskie, Bruce pony Rarbara Stark, &2.5 Cravgie, Brian Crawford, cont: Valerie Guthenc, $1.2 Blaine Crawforth cent; Irene Manitivs, $0.5 Peter Daciuk, cent; 'Derothy Schwarzer Rreada Dolmage ner cent Margaret Fisher, Lynda Gale, Joanne Heron, I8.2 per cent: Kaward Gow, Karen Green, Diane Brophy, 77.5 par cent; Diane Guest, Anne Guthrie cont: Brie Batler, 3? John Hamelinck, Donald Harper, Carel Hawksley Witham Jackson, Clyde John. ston, Richard Kapuseinski, Thomas Kirkwood, Janis Knibd, Daniel Korte, Ronald Krol), Baward Kuika Lynda Lakey Donald Long Margaret. Melvor Matthews, Linda Mikolash, Pal nicia Munro Gerald Nekkers, Janice Newland (reemetry) Candace O'Connor Diane Parrott, Dariene Povin sky, Alice Powell (geometry) James Prowse Wiliam Schenk Sieightholm (geometry) Spencer, Nancy Spencer, ay Stark, Erie Startska Myrtle Thompson (geome try) Anita Verfailie, Waher AOSVOR Sharan Walls, Geraldine Walsh, Franklin Wick ARTS AND SCIENCE GRADE 6 Viagiary Jane Delaney, 82.1 Patnicia Coutts, 78.4 David Thompson com: Paal Oornish, HS per cent: Linda Stevenson, 74.1 per cont; Jeffrey Patterson V8 per cont Raward Hunter W3 per com Pass Rarbara Rarnex, Gail Rath Mariivn, Rird, Leonard Rex REss Sandra Cooke deck, Diane Crawford Can Geange Dar Camsmeapher. Dole Ryk Rase-Mame Reckhaatl, Bening, Terry Ragiisk ya Evans Joa Peter Highly recommended: Margo Wilson, Gail Clarke, Commend ed: Andrew Hiscox ed by Whitey Volunteer firemen could enly watch, oan, as am $11,000 barn own rn Henry High School Promotions Listed Janet yess, | a; De h Dax Nekenden i R Po Janis; Pres meau, Linda; Robinson Jonnifer Ryschkow Gay Sleep Agnes; Toffan Jennifer: Visser, Helen White, Dar raapherry boxes and fer Fire Tuesday after nt of @nty bara st ng a tilize trucks = fram e Pass Gail Aiken, Wiliam per at Mr 412 Following is a list of students Vi promoted at Jonn The Evan gelist Separate School GRADE 1 TO 2 Brown, Michelle; RButts Riase; Butts, Janet: Reyne clunas, Donald Dair GRADE 12 PROMOTED TO GRADE 8 Honors Charlies (85.4) Kg snael; Rates, Ma Susann Pass Alexander Geraldine cher, Marilva Becca ert; Re Sandra; Rlove ricia Rremaner Chizen, Dwight: Cross Davidson, David: Evans Herder Pri geri, M Schilling Gayle na PAY Guaik, Ven Jane; Jane Mrs. D, Uliyet, Hillcrest drive, opened her home to the farthcoming antique show and sale being held by the House of art: Gibsan. Rass: Giffin. | aes bn Windsor Chapter 1ODE Gener Glanfield, Susan: Gooda Charis: a convener Mrs. C, Freak, re John; Goode, Barry; Hende Hioks aa; Holst, Ro : ay Se ae Martin, Susan, Melatyre, Terri gon, Paul; Holley, David: 4 Hols GRADE § PROMOTED TO & the Whithy Morris, Mary Pat: Nadeau to be held at . : --e Mday, Donna; Lague, Dale ( » $ Ms es .. Liddle , here 8 Lindsay inaaa : ser ig Arena Semtemben sae oct Pineee ») . v ' h was talleresco, Johnny: Pineau Seett: MeKenzi . Me mee a delicious func -- . e i, eet; Me <1 Reet k served Ay Mrs, Ullyet and Mrs, Davids Shevlin, Katrina amd ~~ ald; Her, Susa John Wall Sorichetti, David; Spratt, Jane; oare, ATOR ae cee non ne » Sullivan, Tim: Ullvett, Linda Mowat, Noel; O'Hagan, Dar Van Hout, Nel? Jel; Robson, Jane; Schell, Peter: aa Al tewart, Pamela; Switzer, GRADE 2 TO 3 Richard; Vanderherst, J Ardour, Loretta; Bailey, Ded Webber, Frederick; 'Wensing bie: Raxter, lan; Ribeau Johanna Michael; Rradferd, Joanne: GRADE Suza Davi Sta Sheri Marie: Kortekaas, Biizabeth; Koriekaas, Heary: Kortekaas, Jerry; Levesque Lievd:; MacGillivary, Judy: Maher, Kathy GRADE & TO ? Mallon, Michael, MeCarroli, Sueanne; Novakowski, Carle: Parise, Reth Ann: Ploorer Sonia; Preston, Billy: Renaud, Michael; Robinson, Robin Scholten, Raward: Scatt Michael Seminsky Christine hanowie? Wrst Rran Van Dvk, Risie, Vella Van Gils, Timothy: Verriet Gerrard; Wineck, John: Wal. ters, Margaet; Woed, Renda GRADE T TO & Redard, Ray: Rerte, Vincent: Rarchak Susan Rrowster, Heather; Rryant, Andrew: - Ruriinsky, Kenneth: Cannella Sarina Rese: Carter, Joe: De Pratta, Chery) Desehones, Susan: Dochak Rodert, Pinan, Sharon: Good eack al, Helen, Hendriks, Peter Javorski, Bill: Johasion. Leah: Kortekaas Rer Lavaliey Susan, Lach, Gerald, Mac. Donald, Richard Matheson, Ricky: McDonnell, James: Me Gee, Jane: Miller, Mary Rien Mowat, Terry GRADE 7 To 8 Caralyn Omaiaar Henry; Pitiens, Mary: Povin sky, Jwae: Roberts, Gregory: Reege, Rath: Saulnier, Helen Savlmer, Mary: Sher, Law rence; Stanic, Irma Swain, Gregery; Thagiers Patricia; Vaillancourt, Don: Vaillancourt, Sandra; Velden, Cerry; Vella, James: Vilaati Vicon; Wiisea,. Catherine GRADE & te & Allcock, Sasan: Rardeel Amana Marie: Bedard, Peter Rieve, Suzanne: Berckack, Dew at; Bryant, Laarie: Calder ore, Viecem: Cheneski, Viebi De Pratte, Ricky; Dad geaon, Dewayne; Daffiwes, Victor: Ra. gethart, Linda: Poemia, Sher. ral; Garrat, Liada: Garratt Saltv Ane. Gank, Joan Mamiten, Mary Anne: Ber mann, Patneia: Hottie, Rar. bara, Kaiser, Pawla: Kearnan, linda: le Vera. Laeralvn: Maher, Neal McDerald, Rednev: Mowat, Re@aey: Ohoan, Dennis: Pee. Dies, Wilham: Pennings, Rita: Quesrelie, Margaret: Redert. sm, Patricia, Rebiesen, Lindy Law, Samaash, Sasa: Sari. meni, Warne, Sanic, Le @ia: Meter, Gregers: Tater, Red Van Meet, Pawla: Wineck Jaane: @hev, Valerw (D> lettrexs, Gary (T): MeCarrek Danie (T Dandy Cleaners . = oF ning@ Onder of S12@ Wilson, Mar Wotton Nove Nichols Peter Roy Ho 18 - Diversified Occe. Pregram Pasy ylbas, Robert Dawson, Barbara Walter: Fitzjoha Graham, Gail; Grant Hamer, Noel: Hurst tegen Keefer, Lestie; Kal edna ' Michael; McCabe, Les MeCall ugh CUORON, ie: McPherson, Donna: Mease, Karen; Seatt, Linda: Seminsky, } Stephensan Sy Viteger, "Rowald: Visitors at the home of Mr mark, Bi ang Mrs. Ernest Courshesne. ee oy anced cans Ms « 36 Girls To ~ Attend Guide = Camp Maynard King, George Roard rorT Re Davie. Downham Mars Peter Gary a Tattle Lynn Wagner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Avard Wagner 810 Dundas street west loft Sat urday for a twemonth vaca tion at Weymouth, Nova Scotia whore she will visit with her grandparents en; Kurziwern Lawier, She nar tame, Monte. Dace Sephern: Steffier Taylor, Terry: Ur Christine: Vander Manky; Vander Rwet Canela, Tony: Cormier, Noelia: DePratio, Denise: Doachuak Christine: _Edwards, Rabb y Finan, Shelagh Gallant Jocelvn: Gould, Jackie: Goald Razer Grech Rian. > Ver One-Stop DECORATING SHOP ® Custom Draperies ®@ Broedionm end Rog Wellipaper end Moreh CLA, Pointe ond Vernivhes DODD & SOUTER i PROMOTED TO GRADE 2 Herers Kathryn, (88.8): Per Pritchard, Mary Lar Merle, Pr Hoag Pollard and Caddy Joey Navid MeConne Elizabeth ee ry ar ra ard Narwead he Gwodrz ck: Mac Pavlis Dianne; Lanny, Palr Kay, Frank: Nettie, Danay Otteandrite Robbe: Pineag Machae Mary Lee Swain Stephen Van Rager man and sons of South Wood bary, Vermont, Mr and Mrs Tiewelvn Patch, Plainfield Ver mow, Qn Sanday the greap toured Niagara Falls. and rewnding area Susan SR per per per TRS Vaive aenet cont, con, per Pass Allan. Ronnie ert Armeld, FE s); Atkinson Rar lan Goametry Geometry) Rrec Kenr age Rrvant phine: Rrvar sh; Cary Jocelyn: Col ton. By Christaph Eyvada (Latin (Geometry Freach) (Latin): Ha Harlow, James Anderson, Ter: an Pa ; R ' to Mary Hove-Browe wan Bal Resaly HaneRra . Moat and Parikha Sugden. Maria . Anne: Hamer. Marzo! Hiscox, David ne (Geame? James Aten Rob Renaud zabeth John (Bag Rentie Rawcat Rowes Rarbara Dale: Rrvan Py Pays a ti, Rennie Gie Nrich 7 » -.Vaiclwnas, Darias Revert Rrawn : se area Then Prillip: Vaan Hout, Rert aii. Lath, Hanky: Wylie, Mark he bali. * ne GRADE 3 TO 4 Riv AD) Riboau, Deddie: Ror Rorchak, Gary Carnevale, Ralph DeHaas, Mane Gils Van Mr. and Mrs _ and daughter Joanne dax street west jay weekend home af M Rancraft, Onta PERRY " Or A Rrownie Mothers y le WMVA ay and Mrs. Barzan a 4 Mic CHaK Cans Chiven DeHaas, Marrax DePratta, Teresa Dedbie: Dachak, Ricky: Forbes dale @rive Susan; Grevier, Lec Hen Netson has aricks, Mary her writ Kaiser Kaha, Onris oe Frances; Keonen, Fran, a Camp of her First Guibackk Rosanne, Pailias In A-Weapons 233°": Said Planned Sanchert Russell; Tayler, Ricky, Wegelers, John NRW Y¢ WRK AP PRLS aS Se an mele Family Monuments Created ts SB inaavrdual Requrremeants STAFFORD BROS, MONUMENTS Ga 338 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Gerry Denna 107 Byron Si. S., Whithy Mrs. Marilvn h. daugh Gerry and a nephew Kenneth Raker af are <nen their the Ny Femia af Dave Sm CUifora Crad Gary Tere . ferry OAT th « Coarnawa VACANOR and Nirs Drary Ran@all: Denes Dirk De heme af a (rade twa MN . Ma trenal 1 Dive Program mS WILLING TO EARN $10,000 A YEAR? We're looking for men of your calibre whe teke Darotin ~ George Care Oden PANS & fox -- Marn? Sheoren Poecies Peter, Pi Power, Joba: Do badge How'< Was presented GRADE $ PROMOTED TO GRADE Moaan % Seon chartered ta PARP, leaving at 1% am Valenas, Ramona; Vander Keltt, He Van Dek, Rietta: Velden, Maria: Gallant, Billy GRADE 3 TO 4 cock, Warne: CQairmont am a trom anal The ad aS CORE { substantial oat < "vem: en back im the predaction af atomic Crema, M el: Cxer WHAPORs VACe The ® egy one ac Derks cond Wenig CORESS Dronink, Randy; Re Times Sars A, ERC orget, Jway Gatan, Dera Grech. Haak Nelferng Judge TN Mary Reth Lyach Me FREE ewe your 'Netere Ckereg fee oe qQuenemeee Poudie tee of wires, @ yor Burchene "Whine Rese" wevified tel of thom Western, QA Sa. DIAL 725-1212 Ri@ap alt Bh War, the N A Wastagton Detomd | the Sex x ow Yor pata WT AVADY Sas sa Slates (ones MAT AR DAP BAR OXEHS areas in Study af ye that eA aR ars max x ae sion and per SN? Ramber af mec meel NS mary Reeds Tike manor fear cancermomg tine MWS «a aS tha won MICAS the Chances of ac RA CKDO@ReR or WraRthor wee of the weapons." The the United nnal af teas af ALAS S Otanse -- Stratford ae » . ' i the § © fre Wayne ; NMid.. samee 100 -- - . Angeles Young. Baward conde meth (Physics GRADE 1¢ PROMOTED To GRADE, th Pat O@en Reamrara Margaret: Seeit cack, Dennis Spratt, Pater Gary, Scoliard, Patty: Sim Swacock, Peger Veta, Grace GRADE 3 TO ¢ Raxtey Ameer; «= Ribean Loraine: Rroaks Rarer: PATS n Davew, Catherine Drary ~AT © Towrzar Datzcecon, Michal Congres: Biman, Sean: Flanagan, Rese SOA COMMATIC® OR alOGC -- wary: Parkes, Mary E> Gar ® the past Ras Broom dart Jexnce : : predtung Ue 5 ik rsgand JummRe, Eeabeta A a Nareern, L.ededern na Nettle, Mary Jarre at: Oem, Denna Wittam: Pisani, Mary Power, Cathiecar: Scot are Me TR RMepien Dai, Sercherti, Kathy HOMARKET FOODS LTD. FOR THE FRNEST WN FOOD AND FREEZER SERVICE ' 668.3875 Sa BROCK ST. M. WHTRY Lex 8 i rads salar to, nal Pa cavered . . MOORS and was wired OS THEN ence & ake bog be shared tm the joint ce JowMA Margaret Orea Don Pi Rips Ne rey -- Rech wind A preeOR wade ender ID tom ot mesure seme fer Vee Fret Fore even, wape quality et @ price yoo wi Hea, "Ryde Premed" Weta ere fest vevitert tox. WR) cor con@ete serge of sien end cts, yoe few Fave Tre wilt ctvike of Gevigne fer your Pete ond Sidewok, Dah wa Ysay or viet Ser plat for complete Intormation ond Pree POE TY BPE KEE SRE ATO EINE Crate ror rans, SS" "The nanpetes far the carrem WOR WAS Sax Ga have wnt Bere from wa of ine Dade? and Winte Moase ad VANNTS than from the dehece de parimrem. In general, Yao ae ~ fence S@eparianget was reparted Wm @ad@erse Ue Tre oi BARINAS Dod Ger River Sari The ORat FREE DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Bawa Telephone Serve Ph, 668.2582 yea Sy) oar eaie ,