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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1963, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, July 8, 1963 . t e 4 t . By GED, H, CAMPBELL ° (Sports Editor) * The 1963 edition of the Osh- awa City and District Softball Galt Juveniles Score Brilliant Triumph In Best Tournament Yet ~ SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY SOFTBALL East Toronto Junior. Ladies' League -- Toronto Lou Myles vs Oshawa Scugog Cleaners, .at Alexandra Park, 8.00 p.m, Oshawa Minor Assoc. -- (Ki- wanis Bantam League) -- Val- leyview at Nipigon Park; Wood. view at Bathe Park and Con- naught at Lake Vista, All games at 6.30 p.m. (Midget League) Sunny- a taste of the strikeout treat-/duced a host of highights and/ald Brownell, Bowmanville; ment, most had a couple of several games that were just aL, W, Hamilton, Bowmanville doses, little better than sensational. 'and Noreen Mossey, Oshawa, A single by Ralph Davis, in In he first. round, John Mc: postr AND FOUND DEPT, Association's annual classic,|the sixth inning, another by Tavish hit a homer in the 12th their All-Ontario Junior OASA| Bob Young, to open the seventh) inning to give Burlington Park- da ta bia cas ae eae Tournament goes into the rec:/frame, these were Oshawa's|er's a 1-0 victory over Binbrook, jng His full uniform pikes ete ord books as the finest ever|two hits, Eccles only gave out)in a game scheduled for seven in "the wrong car' (identity held and if one comes along in, One free ticket, in his fine con+ innings, Ernie Krilins, pitching unknown) aa he wants ed Subsequent years to eclipse Sat.) trol pitching, to Ray Suddard. for Binbrook, struck out 22 bat. much to get i vane Finde car urday's presentation, then at/A couple of others got on Via ters, only to lose out. cae ps "Oakoes City, ond frewt the ae event ge hg bale and that was il, In another first-round game, District officer, for arrange: remembered as one of the UAL STAR Owen Sound Slaters had to go ments, baat Beau | INDIVID steed exciting and colorful of all Sicot ot how wats tine Menage beat cut Brockviil e MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS Climax of the 15 games reel-| Plays and how much excel itp i ed of in 16 ae of cram,| Softball the fans saw on Satur. Stoney Creek 4-3 in eight, packed action was the sensa- day came when the "Most) Other First Round results in- fional pitching rformance of| Valuable Player Trophy" -- for cluded -- Hamilton Bad Boys J6-year-old Bob Baclen of Galt,/the individual star of the entire) over Richmond Hill Kents, Ul. who thrilled a crowd of over| day's play -- was presented, it}3; Sarnia Chalmers over Osh. 4,200 on hand for the floodlight/ also went to a Galt player -- awa People's Juveniles 6-4; By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|?-™: side Park at Fernhill Park and) Storie Park at Southmead, Both games at 6.30 p.m, UAW League -- Plaza Foods vs Ward's Billiards and Dy- JUNIOR LACROSSE HASTINGS -- Oshawa Green Gaels snapped a three-game losing streak and moved back! into a tie for second place Sat-! urday night, defeating Hastings} Legionaires 12-10 in the On- tario Lacrosse Association Jun- jor league, Manager 'Fred' Whalley} took over the coaching Satur-| day, replacing regular mentor 'Jim' Bishop, who is under doctor's care and has been or- dered to take a two-week rest.| jett's Sports vs Oshawa Quality /Fuels; Both games at Alexan- idra«Park, 6,15 p.m, Civil Service League -- Osh- awa Times vs Excelsiors at Of against Hastings, The gen-/mie Hinkson and Dwight Davies Cowan Park, 6.45 p.m, SOCCER Oshawa and District Assoc, -- Kickers vs Polonia, at Kinsmen weekend, firstsplace Brampton|added a pair while Barry Gol- Civic Memorial Stadium, 8.00 Armstrong's all but sewed up/die, ithe pennant, dumping Guelph'O'Grady, John Tighe and lan LACROSSE Whalley did an excellent job in his debut behind the bench, using a makeshift line-up play-! eral manager is expected to handle the coaching duties for at least another two weeks, In other junior action on the Mohaw ks 10:3, "Davey" Lough, the Univer- sity of Toronto student and the "Gaels" co-captain, sparked his mates to the victory, firing four goals and adding four assists for a big eight-point night. He set up the tie-breaking goal by Larry Ireland at 17.58 in the final period and tallied the "in-|s surance" goal, with only a min- ute and 27 seconds remaining, | Rookie Davey Houston had his finest night in junior action, pot'ing three other Oshawa markers and the veteran Elmer Tran collected a pair, Besides Ireland's winning marker, Jim. shared singles. For Hastings, was three Billy Armour the top triggerman with tallies. Bill Livingston Jack Armour, Tim Barrie scored one goal each. Branch, | Saturday against the same Cas- goal: Dunn; defence: O'Grady, j¢ 33, J. Armour, Gooldie, Self; wards: MacDonald, Hopcraft, Livingstone, MoMahon, Donag- a hue and Hutchison. 7 Whitey Frick, both of St, Cath. |8 jarines, Green Gaels End Slump: With Win In Hastings Penalties -- Gray 3.16, O'Grady 10.16, Armour 1,17, Ireland 11.17 and Me» hon 19,20. SECOND PERIOD ya: Tran CLough) a: Houston (Lough) Davies ray) . Pan (Hinkson) -..., Lough on B. Armour Houston B. Armour J. Armour a Hinkson 3.54, J. Armour Tonight, the Gaels play the), Long Branch Castolites in Long! via Next home encounter will be Clreland, » Oshawa: Oshawa: Hastings: Oshawa: Hastings: Hastings: ena ities trolites, 1 OSHAWA GREEN GAELS -- al, Marshall; defence: Hink- , Davies; Tran; forwards; |!? Hinkson, Braiden, Ire-/12. Brady, Houston and, wre 34, Gray 6.06, J..Arntour 6.06, Tran HASTNGSI LEGIONNAIRES: 10.08 Barrie 10.08, O'Grady 10.19, 4. Armour 13.14, Hinkson 16.40, Daviee. McMaon 19.51 and Livingston lan for: | 18.52, B. Armour, Ty@he, 14 LePlante, THIRD PERIOD Hastings: Barrie 3 Hastings: O'Grady (J, Armour) 6. Hastings: Tighe 12 Hastings: Livingston iJ, Armour) Oshawa: Hinkson (Lough) Hastings: Goldie (B. Armour) Hastings; B. Armour Oshewa: Treland (Tran, Lough) 3.45 22. Oshawa; Lough 18.37 348 Penalties -- Lough 5.54, Barrie 5.23, - 447 Donn 1 Houstin 12,22, Hinkson 18,02 119.17. 7 » Officials -- Pam Nelson and. %, -} FIRST PERIOD Livingstone 2. Osha Lough (Tran) 3 Oshawa: Houston (Hinkson) 4 Oshawa: Lough 1, Masti hnale, with two-hit stymie of but not Eccles Woodstock Pines over Green. shawa's own classy Junior "Abbie" Baker, centre-fielder wood 5-1; Scugog Cleaners over American League ' | AB H Pect.; OLA Junior League -- Osh.) ~ 299 50.100 334;awa Green Gaels at Long | Yas'mski, Bos squad, Scugog Cleaners,- and for the Galt. Slees was the| Peterborough Rock Haven, 3-0 highlighted the job with an am. unanimous choice for this and Oshawa Genosha Aces up- azing 19 strikeou; display, for a award. The fleet-footed outfield. set Scarborough Lions 4-1, when) 6-0 victory er hit four home runs during, Bob Mason fanned 10 and pitch. : ; ae the tournament and two of them ed a no-hitter, POPULAR WIN _ Were tremendous long - distance' Quarter-Final games were in + It marked the first time in clouts in the final game, Each. ,p. paciio mace the five-year history of the\came with a mate aboard and the hectic Class also, Hamilton Junior sofvball classic here thal they were hit to the identical B84 Boys disposed of Wood- @ Juvenile team captured the! spot -- far over the right-field- Stock 9-2; Scugog Cleaners oveted tournament --honors,/er's head. The first made it 2-0 trounced Owen Sound 15:6 and hich includes individual tro-in the fourth inning. the next in contrast, Burlington barely phies for all players and the one came in the sixth frame, nosed out Sarnia 3-2 while Galt in by Galt Slees was made Galt got their fifth run in the Won 4-1 over Oshawa Genosha ven more remarkable. by the) 7th on an infield error and Jim Aces act ree is only one of Macey's double, In the 8th, In Semi-Final play, Scugogs og midget-aged players' on back-to-back singles by Earl eliminated Burlington 6-1 and is powerful Juvenile team. Gooding and Dave Baird and Galt beat out Hamilton 41, Galt won the All-Ontario Mid-'then after. two out. one by et OASA title last season and pinch-hitter Jim Currie com. ATTENDANCE PRIZES is year their Juvenile team) pleted their total Oshawa City and District competing in the North Murray Hobbs, pitching for Assoc. officers received glow. ., Juvenile League Scugogs; was tagged for & hits (M8 praise on all sides from is safe to say that most in five and one-third innings, C¥eryY one of the satisfied 16 @f/the huge crowd would have|Biddy Yahn relieved in the (€ams that competed, for bdgrudged any other team beat-|sixth and gave up four more, ¢¢ in conducting the tourna. out the popular Scugog Jim Macey and Ear! Gooding ©¢ in conducting the tourna Cipaners team but the presence each had three, with Baker Ment. In spite of the several @f/ these two favorites added having two homers and Baird "OVertime" games, Secretary Zest to the tournament final two hits Alex Donaldson was ready to and the Oshawa softball fans) SCUGOG CLEANERS -- Present the day's attendance ave the classy Galt Juveniles Davis, ss; March, 3b; Mapes,| Prizes, at 10.30 o'clock. In his great ovation when they were/rf; Young: cf; Suddard, if; remarks, he thanked all the presented with the champion-) Wilson, 2b; Kornylo, 1b; Cheese./'¢2™Ms for their attendance and Ship trophy -- but until then,' man, c; Hobbs. p; Yahn p in'the spectators for their sup. they had rooted vigorously for 6th: Solomon. c in 6th. port, and also all the "helpers" Scugogs to solve the mastery GALT SLEES who had co-operated to make of Eccles' fine assortment of) .. "Beechey, '2b: Mine = the event such an unqualified pitches, with fine contro! being) wan. if; Baker, cf: Gooding. oe his strong poim, in spite of! +. Raird, 1b: Ecces. D; Fox. Top winner in the attendance excellent "stuff 3b; Foote, batted in 8th; Cur. Prize draw was Wilf McWhinnie * In fanning 19 Oshawa bat: rie, 3b in Sth. of Stouffville, No. 761. Other ters, Eccles played no favorites, prizes went to Chas. Holder, geles, 14-3, .824 Scugogs had 11 players see TERRIFIC COMPETITION Oshawa; L. Mosholin, Oshawa; Strikeouts--Koufax, bction and not one went without' The day-long tournament pro. J. Connell, Qwen Sound: Ron- geles, 150 306 45 101 330 316 37 104 320 302 52. 97 321 Rollins, Min 251 37) 78 311 Runs--<Allison, Minnesota, 58 Runs Batted In--Wagner, Los Angeles, 59, Hits--Malzone, Boston, 104 Doubles -- Yastrzemski, Bos- ton, and Versailles, Minnesota 2 Wagner, LA Malzone, Bos Kaline, Det sota, 21 Stolen Bases--Aparicio, 'Balti more, 28 Pitching--Radatz, R88 Strikeouts--Bunning, Detroit, 117, National League ABR H Pet, 257 27) 84 327 341 50 111 326 252 42 81 .321 347 62 111 320 325 41 104 320 Milwaukee, and 62 In--H T. Davis, LA Groat, StL Wills, LA White, StL Santo, Ch Ruas--Aaron White, St. Lows, Runs_ Batted Milwaukee, 63 Hits--G roat Louis, 1, Doubles--Groat, Si. Louis, 23 Triples -- Pinson, Cincinnati 9 Aaron, and White, St -- Doerlling, 4 5 Home Runs--H. Aaron, Mi waukee, 4 Stolen Bases Pinson Robinson, Cincinnati, 21 Pitching -- Koufax, Los and An- Los An- 'Branch, 8.30 p.m BASEBALL Leaside Junior League Oshawa Canadian Tire Legion- naires vs Doug Laurie's Sports at Leaside Talbot Park, 7.30 am Oshawa Legion Minor Assoc (Tyke Schedule) -- Whitby M tals vs UAW Credit Union, at e ~'Priples--Hinton, Washington, Alexandra Park, North diamond | y yj ONT ARIO CUP PLAY y Rangers Bla Polonia Ousts Ukraina Rangers crushed Italia 5-0 nk Italia; 'Ward's Billiards Defeat Juveniles LACROSSE SCORES field play with the Rangers' 1 Polonia eliminated Ukrainajholding the classy Italia for-/Brampton 10 Guelph 3 and Spur Gas vs Shephard's'g.3° when these four teams of|wards in check, games at 6.30 p.m, (Bantam League) -- Oshawa Dairy vs Winder's Esso, at At! Boston, 81,,¢Xandra_ Park, west diamond: | Civic Memorial Whitby Legion vs UAW * Local} (222, at Lakeview Park and Jury and Lovell vs Young's Fuels, at Harman Park; All games at 6.30 p.m TUESDAY | SOFTBALL Oshawa City and District Assoc. Major League Gen Aces vs Bad Boy Appliance, a Alexandra Park, 6.30 p.m, and Brooklin Concyete vs Scugog Cleaners, at 8.35 p.m.; Heffer- ing's Imperials vs _ People's Clothing, at Fernhill Park and MacLean's Esso vs Port Perry} Merchants, at Port Perry, 8.15 pan UAW League -- Kent's Wes- ~itern Tire vs Handy Andy's at Alexandra Park LACROSSE Whitby Green Gaels at Allis- ton, 8.30 p.m, BASEBALL Oshawa Legion Minor Assoc (Pee Wee League) -- Jubilee Pavision vs Firefighters Assoc., at Kinsmen Stadium; Houdaille! Home Runs--Aliison, Minne. Meats, at Bastview Park; Bothiine Oshawa and District Soc: Association met in their/ing and Vanhoof, Rangers' at-/Brampton 12 Port Credit 11 34{------ cer own League eliminations of On- tario Cup play, at Kinsmen) Stadium, on! Saturday night The fans actually saw a doubleheader of good soccer en- tertainment, both games being whore exciting than the scores might indicate For the first half-hour, Ltalia, 'and Rangers excelled in mid- Scugog Girls | 'Win 2nd Trophy In Tournament Oshawa Scugog Cleaners Jun- ior Girls' Softball Club, com- peting in an "Open" Ladies' | Softball Tournament at S Mary's, on Saturday, dropped) their first game 6-1, to the South) Middlesex Intermediate team and then came back to win the) final game in the '"Consolation) Trophy" series 3:2, over Port! Colborne Intermediates Vanderstoop opened the scor- tack spearhead, made it about 10 minutes later. Battista, in' the Italia goal, pulled off some sparkling saves to keep his team in the running, In the second half, Lamers, Vanhood, with his second and Vermeulen, in that order, ran) the total to 5-0 and all were good goals, Italia gave it everything they had right to the final whis- tle in a game effort, then sport- ingly congratulated the winners, SECOND GAME CLOSER The second game saw another) yieg fine tussle between two well- matched teams. The heavier Polonia team ex- érted pressure right from the start and after 10 minutes of play, Pawlas opened the scoring with a fine, long-range shot, it took another 10-minutes for Simon to equalize for Ukrania but Pawlas came back to put Polonia ahead again, with his second tally, A penalty shot, taken by Richmond, crashed home for the 2-2 count about five minutes later but almost from the kick: off, Polonia came back up the St. Ward's Billiards, of the UAW League, defeated People's Cloth- ing Juveni 3-1, in an exhibi- tion sotfball game at Lakeview Park yesterday afternoon Maxwell started for Ward's and retired the Juveniles in 1-23 order for the first four frames, including six strikeouts. Powlen- zuk singled to open the fifth and was thrown out at the plate, trying to score on King's two-bagger Lyons, who started on the ; mound in the fifth, was grected . Rain Prevents LJ Ld 1 vs - me iis tk the Tennis Finals 32x22 opening nit in. tne WIMBLEDON, England (CP)| as forced by Cooper and' the The eyes of players, officials inning ended with People's still and fans were fastened on the|Scoreless, However, in the 7th, skies over this mecca of tennis| their last chance, Howard open- today in hopes that four finals} ed with a single. Powlenzuk was of the All-England Lawn Tennis/ Safe on an error, then with two Championships, postponed on} ut, Wayling singled to score Saturday, can go on as scied- Howard with the run that end- ed. ed the shutout For the first time in 40 years, Howard started for People's the championships have ox-) and was hit hard in the third tended into a third week afterinning. After one out, Morden repeated delays forced by rain./singled, McPhee was safe on The skies opened up again Sat-| Howard's own error then Brvan urday, though Sunday, with nojand Clark both smacked dou- matches scheduled, turned out! bles, to make it a 3-run rally: to be ideal for tennis. Gerry Bourdage pitched the Ready to face one another for) last three innings for People's the women's singles title after/and Ward's failed to get a hit. the two-day delay are Margaret --- Smith of Australia and Billie Jean Moffitt of the United States. Both calmed their flut- ering nerves Sunday wih short! practice sessions. | Miss Smith had extra doubles) By THE CANADIAN PRESS Saturday Ontario Senior Catharines 10 Brooklin Ontario Junior Oshawa 12 Hastings 10 ' Sunday Ontario Senior Brampton Juniors Wallop Mohawks -- 3-Run Rally In 8th Enables Merchants Win Over Belleville Oshawa Merchants tory, here at Lakeview Park on Sunday afternoon, when they broke a 44 deadlock with a three-run splurge in the bottom of the Sth, to defeat the league-! Jeading Belleville Kenmores 7-4 Lucky Wills was the hero of) Yhe piece, for the homesters, with an effective six-hit pitch-; ing performance. Using an old-| Jashioned "'round-house" plus a sharper-breaking variety of the same pitch, Wills kept the Belleville batters off-balance amost of the way and after a shaky start, settled down to have only one bad inning, the fourth, in which he gave no In the first game, the Middle- field to take the lead again when Jeckel scored a pretty jgoal, and then just before the 'Doc' Kearns 'Made Boxing Industries vs People's Clothing, | sex batters gathered 11 hits off at Alexandra Park, North dia-\sandra Paradise and scored mond;, Dairy Queen vs Bolahood steadily after the third inning.| i i - ' 3 half-time wh ' Real Estate, at Harman Park)The Oshawa girls managed al nis third bo ge oa Faken and Police Assoc. vs Ideal Fish )totai of five hits off two pitch:| ahead 4-2. chalked)three of the half-dozen safeties) Belleville batters off - up a valuable Lakeshore Inter. Belleville was able to collect mediate Baseball League vic-) Wills struck out eight batters.|shaky start, 'Really Boom MIAMI! Fla. (AP) -- Two months ago Jack (Doc) Kearns, _. one of the most fabulous charac- atak at hk Wa oes amg ters of boxing's golden era in i : after @ the 1920's, said from a hospital settled down to) peq In the opening frame, an open-/have only one bad inning, nee ' ing infield error, followed byjfourth, in which he gave up. 2ell. the mob Tl be. back Oshawa Merchants. chalked three of the half-dozen safe./S00. 1 think Pll beat the count up a valuable Lakeshore Inter/ties, Belleville was able to col. lf { felt any better I'd think it mediate Baseball League vic-/lect. Wills struck out eight bat #5 4 5 tory, here at Lakeview Park on! ters Sunday, the man who man Sunday afternoon, when they In the opening frame, an aged Jack Dempsey to the broke a 44 deadlock with a opening infield error, followed heavyweight championship and three-run splurge in the bottom by Murray Hunter's single, set, Who is credited with bringing of the 8th, to defeat the league-/up the first out, a force at 3rqithe first million-dollar gate to leading Belleville Kenmores 7-4./but the next force retired g 0OXing by making it possible for Lucky Wilis was the hero of|player at 2nd, as Hunter crossed Women to attend fights without the piece, for the homesters,'the plate any social sigma, died at the with an effective six-hit pitching In the fourth inning, Pete 8% of 80 performance, Using an old-' Weston opened with a single The last words my father fashioned "roundhouse" plus a then Pat Asselstine, drew a Spoke were 'we have to get sharper-breakinb variety of the walk. Larry Mavety followed ready-and get on the ball and same pitch, Wills kept the with a single. Wills fanned g0 to Nevada,' said Jack Glen Clarke but rival pitcher Kearns, Jr., at whose home the Larry Sodden was safe on an Old promoter died. He explained error at 3rd, which let Weston his father planned to establish All games at 6.30 p.m 'METEOR' SZERYK DOES IT HIMSELF TIMMINS (CP)--A_ fellow named Metro (Meteor) Szeryk hit. Northern Ontario like a lightning bolt Sunday The bespectacled softball pitcher with the touring Sud- bury Silver Six tossed two no- hit, no-run. games, allowing only one man to reach first base in 15 innings And he struck two batters Szeryk 'fanned 20 Sunday afiernoon -at Cochrane as the six-man Sudbury team scored an 8 win over Cochrane Commandoes in seven inn- ings. One man--walked by Szeryk--got on base The team then travelled to Timmins and Szeryk struck oul everybody--24--as the Sil- ver Six edged Timmins Mon- out all but collect was in the third inning when March walked, Turner} singled and March scored as} Turner was being forced out at second, by VandeWalker Scugog Girls won their first) round game in the Consolation) in handy. fashion, when! St. Mary's Jets, one of the host clubs, defaulted In the Consolation Trophy fin- against Port Colborne, Inter. Comettes, Sandra Paradi a four-hitter to earn The losers trailed 1-0 going into the 7th and) then with two out, Augustine doubled, Stewart was hit by a pitched bali and both scored on an error at first base Scugogs came back half of the 7th, to te it up Mary Clough opened with single, Linda McCord was safe on an error, Warner grounded for a choice play and when the throw to third was wild, Clough went all the way, to tie the score at 2-2. Clough's tripic apened the 3th for Oshawa, and series al me in their jclub will represent Oshawa in and Chips, at Eastview Park: !ers. but the only run they could Barly in the sctond hall, Cale reduced this to 43 only to have Anastaijevich make it 5-3, and then shortly before the end of the. game, he notched another, for the final tally of the match. MEET SATURDAY Polonia and Rangers will now meet Saturday night, at Kins- men Stadium, eight o'clock, in the final game, to decide which Ontario Cup playdowns, against Peterborough in the first round. Other games this week find Kickers meeting Polonia' in league action tonight and on Thursday, Bathurst meets Po- --she is scheduled to compete) BRAMPTON Bramptan and mixed doubles in addition to|single goal in each period Sat: her bout with tough Miss Mof-!urday night and easily defeat. ton Arena in an Ontario La- WEEKEND FIGHTS crosse Association junior game, jton attack with three goals and By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS! pon Arthurs added a pair. Sin- 150, Mexico, outpointed Billy| Bavis Jim Richardson, Bob Belio, 151, New York. 10. Haw and Brian Hunter. Diaz, 149, New York, outpointed Kid Tough, 148, St. Croix, 10. | West Berlin, Germany--Kar! Mildenberger, 174, Berlin, out- New York, 10. Osaka, Ja 'Tsuyoshi Na- pointed Charchai Laemfapha h 109%. Thailand, 12. Nakamura'§ lonia in the finals of both the women's) Armstrongs limited Guelph to a fitt. ed the Mohawks 10-3 at Bramp- John McAuley led the Bramn- New York -- Gaspar Ortega.) oles went to Alex Smith, Jerry San Juan, Puerte Rico--Gil)----- pointed Wayne Bethea, 184, kamura, 100%. Japan, out won Orient flyweight tit TRACK a nd FIELD ~ , . produced their first run score and-Asselstine crossed on a health centre in Nevada and ' : their Jr. Legionnaires Beat Richardson's « Oshawa Canadian Tire Legion- with a pitched ball, walked Ree panes Sports 104, at Kinsmen defeated Richardson's son to fill the bases, then with Civic two out, hit Dave Ferries with a Memorial Stadium, on Saturday pitch, for force in the first run afternoon. to tighten their grip tm first place in the Leaade Junior Baseball League stand- ing ? Rager Reeson pitched the win Jor Oshawa, claiming a total of a@n even doren strikeouts while giving up three walks, Richard- son's collected eight hits, half of ahem in their big fourth inning, when they scored half of their turns * Dick Todd apened with a pingie, John Gartely also sin- pied, then with one out, Gary Jabb singled. Steve Snook forced odd with Gartely scoring oa jhe play and then Rob Weiss Houbled to score Snook, making at 3-2 at the tome Whe they reached the 7th rdson's trailed 74 having picked up one in the fifth on 2wo giaring errors. In the ?th, sReeson hit Dalton Ridgely with % pitch and then with one out Tedd trinpied and Gartley fo Jowed with a single Tedd got his third Mi. this Fee a doubic, in the Mh dul Mfartiey grounded into a choice Slay that ended up being a je killing, which ended the ame - Dick Todd started for the tvisitors. He gave up the first trun to Oshawa in the second -John Plews fanned but was safe «on the catcher's miss. Then he was forced by Dave Mitchell Todd then hi Randy Stewart ar Mitchel! walked to apen the for feurth and scored later sacrifice and back - to - Ferries The fifth was Oshawa's break, when they picked up fe on & started it back singles by Ted Latton and Dave poo, biz walk ~ur sums on only one hit. Todd walk- ec Ron Bel! to start, fanned Bod Marshall, then walked Newitt, a pinch - hitter, sing and Stewart walked, se did R sen. Lation hit an infield Plews ted ee. fly, for the stcond out, but with the bases til leaded. Todd who had completely lost his contro! walked both Ferries Domm. to force in cuns John Gartley took over at t point then inning. but nicked him for singletons Sth ad frames two in the 8th when Jim Cox sagied and Reeson walked: "hen! Reig with one out Ferries tripled Lattea,. Ferries each with a pair of hits Oshawa's top batters RIGHARDSON'S -- Ferguson. was shared %. Todd. p and and p; Kinnear, tb Snook ; Weiss, ss 3; Ridgely, rf LEGIONNAIRES 8; Ferries, 3b: Domen ef, Marshall, 2: Pilews Mitchell, if: Stewart. rf son. p, Johnsen, if Couch, 'rf. in Sth G New jbatted for Mitchell im jth Gartely Jobb ' Lait! and Py two more aul his and fanned Bell to. end... Legionnaires! yay i the and added ach and Domm af of Meadows On Bell ib; t Larry Soules' single That made the score Rick Locke's Soules Sodden ors. single erchants bunched twe walks, plus four runs with a second second "Butch" four stole uamolested Dowe was to fill the bases Te the ley's foulline ny Hoge's fly Whiteley. after ta the ieft Single to left Merchaat picked up 11 aliteld, kepi pecking away but heavyweight : couldn't get a rally going anzil fought Floyd Patterson fer ine #4¢ phia was bey broke out in the Mh. I heavyweighi crown under tne SO" of Toronto and Rog en tutelage of Kearns Stared w error ton groundea Gut singled, advancing when Maciéan Coie stid in safety, followed with a both Hal Whiteley hit score Read Wills Oshawa while evenly by doren players BELLEVILLE KENMORS -- Weston Mavety, Soules, Locke, cf, Huater, if th, Asselstine. ss; Clarke, 3b; Sodden rf: Gilrey, 2b OSHAWA MERCHANTS Ry Ree- Maclean, if; Reid, 1b; Dowe, ss; in Sth: Whiteley Sb; Wills c; Reaton, RP. f Le ri, le, 43 at the tame and Kenmors tied it in) younger Kearns said. "In two the sixth, after twe out when months ca: scored kept arguing with doctors that piching for the visit had the active mind and sense ran imo serous trouble in of humor of a the fourth inning when Oshawa hits an error, Gerry Maclean aren Single and Bob Reid singled, as EXPRESSES REGRET getting a smash down when scored Maclean death and Reid. Dowe was retired on pecting it Willis' choice growader but John- scored the boxing world catch and Wills scored on Jackie Cole's/him becausé there will never be N° hits Archie Moore who won the light. hen Cole was safe at shortstop. Jim Reat. then Rass Fleischer, boxing historian, a; 'O°% Cale Belleville elected to go to the Medern bailyhoo, the kind of the Aghtweight race ona Span- sr@unted Publicity that draws crowds then and Maciesa aad were Hall each had a pair of hits fer the visitors total a hall Hoer 2a; Hol The Oshawa girls got winning run in the bottem of the 'Sth when Sandra Paradise open- ed with a single and scored on a two-base hit by Bev, March Y. A. Tittle Signs Two-Year Contract NEW YORK (AP)--Putting an end to rumors that he planned to retire after the 1963 National Football League sea- son, veteran quarterback Y. A eta 1-0 in eight innings Scheduled for seven = inn- ings, the Timmins game ended in the eighth when Sud- bury scored the lone run Szeryk hit a homer promote boxing there His body just wore out," the in@ment to bed he he had to be up and doing. He young man." In addition te Demp- sey, Kearns managed Mickey Walker jvey Maxim end ie Moore 40 world cham | plonships 'U.S. Riders Sweep McLAUGHLIN Honors At Mosport ORONO, Ont. (GP)--United _ Sates motorcycle riders best PROGRAMME Monday -- Thursday 7 P.M. - 10 P.M. COLLEGIATE IT am sorry. te hear : Dempsey said in New York informed of Kearns' hog field of 125 competitors at Mosport Park Saturday in the i00-mile international Canadian Tittle signed a two-year con tract with New York Giants Sat- REGISTER AT THE TRACK urday The 36-year-old ace passer led the Giants to eastern divisional championships in each of the last two seasons Grand Prix and the Mumile lightweight international Jim Varnes of Cockransvilie but we had been ex Other tributes poured in from SPECIALIZED COACHING AVAILABLE Pa. won the Grand Prix on his "The sports world will miss eye for rton 500 ¢.c. with a time of saig one hour and 4% minutes, Vic Vila of Las Angeles finished second. Edward LaBelle of Phil- third, Allan John- er Rouil lard of Les Saules, Que. were Kearns is credited by Nat fourth and fifth. All rade Nor another Doc Kearns," GALE "Buccaneer" 1963 Now On Display at your Dominion Tire Store Pick your value-proven 1963 @ 60 H.P. Gale Outboard Motor right now! You'll find just the right @ 40 H.-P. title and also being the inventor of the art of Jef? Thomas of Boston won sh Bultaco 206 c< te) TUESDAY, JULY 9 excitement? 2 MAIN BOUTS 2 OSHAWA ARENA ist MAIN BOUT +e moto: eed for boot os bakin ts ta Oe @ 15 H.P. e 5 HP. -@ 3 H.P. 8:30 P.M. in DOMINION HARNESS { RACING!!! MOTORS STOCK | TIRE STORES | ec © BUDGET TERMS Hans Schmidt The Great Mephisto ws. Jude Jack Terry tor these eubibitions--et the Casing Rest. se -- 1.23 -- 75 Pat sarierh Promoter DOMINIO TIRE .] THe BEAST 48 BOND WEST * NO RED TAPE . . . WE DO OUR OWN FINANCING (Corner of Church) ae a. 9 RACES NIGHTLY 7:45 GREENWOOD LIMITED 728-6511 STORES

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