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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1963, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY \ ~ Success is only a matter of luck -- just ask the man who failed, Ohe Oshawa Times " WEATHER REPORT Tuesday mainly sunny and a little warmer. Winds becoming light northerly Tuesday. VOL. 92---NO. 159 oa Nazi ' Says Informed By D KARLSRUHE, West Germany Reuters)--A former Nazi intel. Jeence officer told a court to- ay he obtained secret wartime information in Switzerland from Allen Dulles, later head of the American Central Intelligence Aue. eing Felfe, 45, made the statement during his trial with another West German counter intelligence agent, Hans Clem- ens, 61, on charges of selling information to the Russians. Felfe told the court he was head of the Swiss department in Germany's wartime espionage' service, and under his leader- ship, his men gained Dulles's confidence. "From his (Dulles) mouth they learned for the first time about plans for Tehran and Yalta (the wartime big - three conferences among the United Guiana Strike Ended, But Riots Continue GEORGETOWN, British Gui- ulles States, Britain- and \ Russia)," Felfe said. His reports were not believed at first by his superiors, but they were later confirmed by co German spy Cicero ope: Turkey as valet to the Bri sh ambassador. Felfe said he was assigned to sabotage and espionage work behind Allied 'lines in The Neth erlands in late. 1944 and. was captured and tortured by Cana- dian troops. "IT experienced how ' peo were tortured to death in ti most brutal manner, in a way which I can compare only to what I learned later about con- centration camps," Felfe said. Felfe, Clemens 'and their al- teged go-between, Erwin Tiedel, are on trial.in the eg he court here on chai Gling secrets to Rod aid while serving as members of West Germany's counter'intelli: gence forces. All three were wartime mem- bers of the Nagi security serv- ices, Felfe testified he worked for released from a prison camp after the Second World War. Clemens told the ana--Workers began returning to their jobs today after the end of a costly 11 ~ week general -- in the Nazi tice in and in Bertin Jater. strike. But appeals for an endiwas sent to Rome in a and to racial rioting went un! Two East Indians were killed and two other rioters severely/He wounded in a battle Saturday oy Itey Indians spe night between East a Negroes in Georgetown. Coild- stream Guards, flown in from Britain recently to maintain cr- po fired into the mob after hed an execution gy 300 wartime in 1648, nues, Nearly $2, was lest. PROTEST LABOR BILL The accord stipulated that give him vaictutarial control ever union affairs. The legislative as- sembly adjourned iast month without acting on the bill. But the labor agreement is} brought not expected to ease the racial) tensions. East Indians have a) majority in the population of! 600,000 in this British South) | Santa Emilia was holed above the waterline. The Patrician, owned b: Ellerman Limes and registered American colony and control the/at Liverpool, was homeward. government. Negroes are dom- jenn from the Black Sea port! inant in the capital. Romania. MISS ALLISON TURAJ, 25, (eft) of Washington, D.C., continues her anti-segregation maroh through Gwynn Oak Amusement Park yesterday By THE CANADIAN PRESS cat kill all the black nig-) "ene man screamed as) a rrested, more than 100 witite and Negro integrationists trying'to open a priv ately-owned amusement park in suburban! to. Negroes Sunday. + with 'em," shouted! 2 racial problem was of the reason for the ay ga A white youth was shot in the face in the same area Sunday night. despite a cut over her right eye that required 10 stitches to close. She was struck by a rock thrown by someone in a mob of angry whites. More demonstrations because integra. itien isn't progressing fast jenough in the Chesapeake Bay city, Governor J. Millard Tawes or dered guardsmen into Cam. bridge, a town of about 12,200 pee it after demonstrations previous nights. Negroes were fighting among themselves on the best way te obtain more civil rights for their race. The moderates. were vahanpy with direct-action attacks used "iby Negro groups and said so publicly. This brought a strong reprimand from Roy Wilkins, executive of the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Colored People In the Baltimore suburban community of Woodlawn, where the amusement park is lecated,| 13 clergymen were among those arrested. The arrests brought to nearly 400 the number 'aken inte custody since July 4. THREATEN ACID Integrationists cailed off a demonstration at a Long Isiand Beach area Sunday when threat- ened with acid - 'throwing and maiming. More trouble was brewing in Maryland with the scheduled withdrawal of troops from Cam- Dridge today, As soon as the treops leave, integrationists ipromised to begin new sit-in INCo. Workers Praise : Contract Settlement SUDBURY (CP) -- A last members for strike action, the, Local 6300, Sudbury, said the minute contract settlement with settlement appeared te consoli-| jspecial meeting of '3.38 mem. i date the Steelworkers' hard-won) bers had indicated a general ap Inter Nickle © recepi Sunday from mem-) got an enthusiasic! yeed as bargaining agent in preval of the recommendations. }t was a very satisfactory p20n embers of United Steelworkers! -- security "had been a) Meeting." of America (CLC). The threat of a strike seemed deadlocked lifted for 13,500 workers here and in Port Colborne as union officials said they were confi-| major stumbling Bleck inthe Inco officials finaily agreed Laiunaee dent members would approve entire package at '22 i an the terms in a vote Wednesday. hour, union officials said. After nine months' bargaining) The company's last contract and an overwhelming vote by was with the International Un- and Smelter) @ur- and te, Mr. McNabb and other union Inco estimates cost of the benefits under the|rean of statist HEAR APPLAUSE j@fficials were continually inter- Tupted by applause as they de- stribed the settlement to the meeting. "If you reject it you are ask In |22e fer a strike. I ask you how jong you are prepared te stay jeut fer any further gains?" he told members The terms were also well re tived by members of Port Col- berne Steelworkers Local 6200 The agreement reached by un are nezetiatars Birth] Rate] Hits Record Low Level OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's birth rate in 1982 declined to its Rowest level since 2343, the be. nes said teday. The rate in 1982 fell to 353 fer 1,888 population compared with 24 im 1945 and 24.1 im 1M] high of 28.3 in 187, refiecting the post-war baby b00m. The jrecerd lew was im the depres- Siem year 1937 when the rate ,@repped to 20.1. The marriage rate im 1982 wax wachanged from a year earlier fat. seven for 1.09% popwiation }The death rate alse held at 7.7, Police Chaef Robert Lally or- dered K-9 dogs inte action Sun- iday as the first demonstrate arrived and the tenor of crowd. became apparent termed the onlookers a crowd and said the prevecation could have t off a major Under M ness proprietor y refuse mission to whom he choo The integrationisis c groups of 18 te 15 Re iminutes apart. As the ar iders were given for & knelt on the pavement We Shall Overcome | Socred Denies Move Aimed AtCaouette RED DEER, Alta Rodert Them p a leader of the party, Says @ mo he oaks was mat nally at Real Caourtte ent deputy Mr. Thompson the pesitien ha and the su previncial ference He denied any split i cial Credit party ht has never been quest that the national policy ments were the respanstbili*y be party leader, he said Mr Caourte had t override na som! policy but had spoken persomally with the previncial affairs in mind "The Social Credit: members of Parliament are still werk as a team and I do mot pate any change arising ithe convention decision." te de away wt the y Fring pest was Simp recommendation to the next 2 henal convention te 1865, be said meet VANCOUVER Credit party ve Geputy kader Real ( wont amount te anyrtinns mier Bennett teld a mening im suburban Saturday Mr. Bennett said that for cial Credit te be a creat nat-ana force. the party merds a hemenant in Quebec. Mr. Cave aonyel te Pr Pretit Barn 4 be ene ef the lowest im the world. lette coud be that figure. than 100 white and Negro inte- | grationists were arrested yes- terday, and 283 on Independ- ence Day {AP Wirephote) Race Picture In US. Painted In Violence song of the civil rights move- ment, Many were young adults fac- arrest for the first time Their hands: shook and several young white women fought bac tears as they faced the white mob only 20 feet away. As police walked and carried the demonstraters to waiting school buses and patrol wagons, a rear went up from the enlook- lane A white woman among dem- onstraters who waded a stream) to get into the park was struck above the right eye by a rock. It required 10 stitches to close, he wound. In the New York racial trou. bles, the white youth whe was struck im the face by a bullet but not severely wounded said he was shot by -a Negre who fired from a passing car. The shooting took place near a diner in the Bronx where ra- cial disorders broke out early' Suaday morning. The race prob.! tem entered the picture when miesration set up sts OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 8, 1963 SIXTEEN PAGES Authorized a: Second Class Mail Post Office Qepartment Ottewe and for payment of Postage in Cash. JOIN BUENOS AIRES--Arg¢ voters today pushed doctor -- the preside a cou country and also set back to exiled dictator Peron, Only 14 per cent of the voters heeded the Peronist cal blank ballots i tion, In previous elect cotted by Peronists bl ank bal tlots have run as high as one |thi rd of the vote | It appeared, however, about 2,000,000 of Arg 111,500,000 eligible voters st home despite fines prescribe the compulsory vot coule be due to > a Juan D that jlano Lima, who had been the ifavorite Arturo Mia, a 62 tor, held a steady ie jing of the votes the fell far short feent required for e WOULD BREAK IMF LINK Ihia, head of the P e's Radi cai ; liberal platic ised to scrap al i oil conce and break links with national Mo ? As the re commented: "Th t very gratifying. This mea Argentinians seek a ru their problems through & ing box. The country is reenter. jing the read of constitution and jtaw,"* Voters' cast abllets for tors pledged to the ; y jeandidates, not for th dates. The Electoral co! meet July 32 to : dent. Since no candid: per cent of the vo tors are free to sw If no candidate cent vote in = ge, the e} Congress confined to th Electoral The elec a bers of the Presic tand every rey th Peron Setback In Argentina of election t nos Aires province, had 824.430 work to keep about 50 > votes, and retired Gen.- Pedro'workers and concrete workers; way, the new aeroquay and air 4 counted * Canadian Singer Highly Praised topera singer Teresa Stratas of) Toronto. . Said =:\Killed By Plane ~ charred and broken remains of 36; her daughter, Sandra, 1¢, ~' caused the plane te crash inte a anuel Milton Fine, 47, and Caro- AJAX CARPENTERS WAGE STRIKE | Toronto Area Strike | Could Affect 20,000 AJAX (Staff) -- Twenty-five, tion Association for Wednesday construction workers walked off|in an effort to negotiate a set- their jobs at the site of the! tlement, throughout the $6,000,000 Ajax and Pickering) The union's members rejected 69 parties contested the General Hospital today to en-a 2-cent offer over the next force wage demands by the! two years, Wih about half the vote United Brotherhood of Carpen-| It is the first major strike in unted, government figures ters and Joiners CLC, the commercial construction in- gave Htia 1,173,000 votes, or) A construction foreman said|dustry here, tying up building about 25 per cent. Dr. Oscarjthat with the carpenters on/from Oakville to Ajax. Alende, former governor of Bue-| strike there will be only enough; The strike has stopped con. steel-' crete work on the east-west sub- ARogether Aramburu, a former provisional) busy for "three or four days." /line terminal at Malton, the president, had 805,717, Construction of the CNR/Gardiner and Don Valley ex- Don Nadie--Mr. Nobody--the| overpass in Pickering Township|Ppressways, Torento city hall, popular name given to the blank/at Liverpool read and Fair-|Moss Park housing develop: ballots was fourth with 680.960./port read will be closed down! ment and scores of similar proj- other candidates polled/ within a week, reported a fore-/ ects, of the 4,631,513 ballots man at the site. Twenty em-| Contractors estimate they will ployees are left with four days'}be able to work around unfin- "work following the walkout of/ished carpentry for about a inine carpenters. week and then will have to shut . have TORONTO (CP)--Some 4.209/ S08" mest of their projects | carpenters went on strike today, jvirtually paralyzing $100,./ 000,000 worth of commercial con-| an rel MOSCOW (AP) -- Canadian) struction in a 25-mile radius of} BERLIN (Reuters) -- West German Chancellor Adenauer's right-hand man went on trial ia his absence here today -- with television cameras grinding in a Communist court a few yards from the Berlin wail. The absent defendant was 64- year-old Hans Globke, West German a secretary, with crimes under the Nazis, The judge, Hearich . itz, the Second Toronto has received @ warm) The strike was called to en- review for her performance with' force wage demands by the the Riga Opera Company last! United Brotherhood of Carpent- eek ers and Joiners (CLC). If it is} "or newspaper Soviet Latvia,| prolonged a month, it could af-) ving here today, described fect about 20,000 employees in as young and talented and) the building industry she "charmed everyone) Angus Smith, secretary-treas- with her accomplished acting."'| urer of the union's district coua- he Riga appearances were cil, said today that a post-con- ast in a month's tour oficiliation meeting has been set he Sovi tet v Rion lup with the Toronte Construc-/ Pear Picnickers PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The; Killed were Mrs. Jennie Klein,} East *s Supreme Court, 'reperters, international od a navy jet were to be pieced and her son, Harvey Klein, 48 servers and other phe t her today as investigators Mrs, Jeanne Arnold, 4, her rose. ght to determine what daughter, Judy Amok, 1¢; Em- Tre TY cameras -- & croup of picnickers, Killing/line Hershfield, 10. All lived in! pain be ge Bag ven persons and injuring at oy being carried live te all Seviet- least 17 others Sunday. apt, Joha Butler, of Boil-| niece countries. The pilot lest centre! of the! ei y rong ~ a Wyearek) t as he started to land, appar.|/Marime Reserve pilot, was 'ISSUE CHARGE tried te head it toward un-j/headed for a landing at Willow) East German justice efficials , . then bailed out/Greve Naval Air Station, 18) have collected a mass ef doce. I ally he Signs Of Crisis lines outside the diner management to hire grees to "f ce more the country cated representation W@ mile away. @ crashed on a base. nd careered in flames camp bathhouse. ¢ there were flames * said Mrs. Samuel husband Was in SYSem miles north of Philadelphia. when something went wrong with the FJ Fury fighter Navy spokesman said U function apparentiy eccar the electrical am iS NEAR CAMP syste ments fram Poland, Czechosie- wakia, Hungary and Nazi ar es in Germany te form the is af a 2sS-page indictment Glodbke with Seecaede ia Germany." 'In Moscow Talks So. 2 qServers Wl] Sc it was her- + The end of the airfield's land. ing is only 308 feet from the Green Hill day camp which the pienickers had rented fer their annual reunion Firemen were'on the scene in between No- and 195 Globke the Reich interior minister on race laws that de. fimed the status of Jews and separated them legally and se. cially frem the rest of the Ger. man community. It alleges that vember, 1932. worked in strip were among the , WINGS RIP OFF Qnme man was, killed as the its Wings Tipped off when five minutes--seme from the hrough trees, bit the airfield--and had the flames out r @ sudden rain- in 20 minutes fest German wer Bodies of the other vie-| On Aug. 2, 1%l--also a Sunja mr aunt Gia ik on > dug out of the lev-'day afternoon--a jet from Willa; his post mm the interior min- bathhouse ow Grove crashed inte 2 disjicre at the request ef Romar ve of the 135 er more per. count store less than three miles) Cathelic authorities and was lable te warn some intended at the picnic were ad-ifrem Sunday's crash site, ki tied te nearby hospital, ene ing the pilot. About 35 sheppers | victims. rious cCenditien, 'were injured. nm oe The ebservers sa ' probably would bb days and: that Sides would agre ether workd-wid Communist _partic = = Metro Program | . Said Needed ° For Juveniles TORONTO (CP)}--A report the eXEO utive com mtan Tore dcalogrcal amid fresh signs between the two na- Lreude cow-Peking today Sis t and Chinese de! 2 sharply 2 handie tt ia adequate The wf the metre r men officers a bs hw comm. t report £ attacks en the Sovi 'party as y "baseless as sie rems."" WARN KEEP AWAY By thi une res? bs least seven and injeting ethers near Willew r *Pa., pester@ay. Disabled plane was approaching for landing at nearby Willow Grove Naval Air Station when crash eccur red. The pilot ejected and part. achuted 2@ earth safely (AP Wirephoto) FIREMAN LOOKS AT wreck- ane wf Navy jet fichier plane m chatred ruims of a house of picnic srewe plane crashed billing at revit) cal about thelthis regard.

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