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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1963, p. 2

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* Laughlin Carriage Company motive Museum, more atten and the Mu "Landa fer substa taxpayer is e beth sat down <8 que «the same ,day tour in Oshawa next Wednesday, sand Orono to Brighton and back to Oshawa July 10 the Hotel "OAM on Simcoe str ~of railway t teh eee eee oe eee eee ee eee eee) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 8, 1903 'Loggers Dispute Decision Given TORONTO (CP)--Two arbi-|}ment which the union regarded tration boards handed down de-jas the pattern for the entire cisions Saturday, setting outipulp and paper industry in contract terms for 1,400 mem-! Northern Ontario, bers of the Lumber and Saw.) An arbitration board under mili Werkers Union (CLC) who! Dr, John Deutch, an economist, went on strike at Kapuskasing granted the union the wage pat: and Longlac in Northern Onta-jtern and hours reduction rio last winter achieved in negotiations with The strike at Spruce Falls) Abitibi and other pulp and paper |Power and Paper company at/companies, i Kapuskasing led to violence and) The pattern settlement in: ithe death of three strikers, overs) cludes a reduction in the work shadowing a strike at the same/ week to 40 from 44 hours, with ttime by 300 union members at/compensating wage increases Kimberly-Clark Pulp and Paperieffective Sept, 1, 1963, From Company at Lenglac, Both com. Sept. 1, 1962, to Aug, 31, 1963, panies are subsidiaries of Kim- hourly rates are increased by deriy-Clark Canada Lid six cents an hour, with compar: | Labor Minister Leslie Rown.| able increases for workers hired jttee idirected subsequent nego-/Sy_ the day and piece workers, 'tations in both areas which) The Kapuskasing board com! brought about an end to the promised on the company's de- GOOD EVENING By JACK GEARIN ANTIQUE CARS TO VISIT CITY WEDNESDAY Memo to all antique car enthusiasts The annual London to Brighton tour by the Antique Auto mobile Club of America, Ontario region, will end their three- July 10, The tour will July & Oakville to Orone, July --- ---- travel London to Oakville, The cars will start arriving at the Oshawa Automotive Museum about 3 p.m. July 10 -- there will be a parade of about 30 antique cars through downtown Oshawa that night, starting at 6 p.m, Participants will attend a dinner-dance at Genosha in the evening As a parade highlight, George Chariton will lead it in an old-fashioned, horse-drawn buggy manufactured by. the Me- RON FAWCETT IS A LUCKY MAN Ron Fawcett, historical consultant for the Oshawa Auto- had an exciting six hours last Thursday, but it all ended up well His briefcase -- was stolen about valuable Museum documents from his truck in the rear of the t It contained all documents from tracts signed for cars in the museum as well as impor- tant -- cor with a five-day work schedule.) Critical issue ai Kimberly. But the board, under Chair. Clark was the company's re-)man Judge C. E. Bennett, ruled! fusal to grant wage increases/in faver of a seven-day opera- and other improvements won by! tion for eight weeks during the the union at Abitibi Power and)haul period from. January to Paper Company under an agree.) March The award requires the com. pany to pay time and a half for Astor Home Makes News sues customs Six hours ater advertis campaign to re the Oshawa papers when he was preparing an extensive the brief case, he received Department -- it had been rolds who found it on a stretch avenue area Larty ae cover r Police ed rack Nive Knox and Harry Ron paid them a who urned were The bevs Ranting aveny MAYORS' CONFERENCE A BIG WASHOUT The recent he Ontario Association of May- ors and Reeves in Pe etty much of a washout the social me words of wisdem from two Queen's Par presentat The dei : down {to se canference of mbroke was except for Pes and se ves oo much willingness to get show a strong preoccupation ivia -- most proposals were nt resolutions commiutice in some instances in the with subj vastiv ohly considered ¢ ' mpeorta 48 hours and tor Deputy Minister ef Munici- Affairs Lorne. Cumming Premier Robarts speakers who ut- with serious fine pa and were Johan {wo Cumming "Your ne: teld =the dehbera- tions always vain fal Valence e taee ng a i ey present the mode Viscoun f John hve amendments tte and ne Reps iA I an miat On Municipal Association the Ontario Mayors and The OMA is com- nis Queen's Park pays ute ef Assessors Sunday work and for work on rvifscheduled days, as well as a pr mt um of five cents an hour for all hours worked during the scheduled period Twenty Reena weg weed cul ers are being held for trial on charges 2 non-capital murder Second Time as a result of the clash in which the three strikers were killed al Reesor Siding near Kapuskas LONDON (AP)--For the sec. ing ond time in 27 years Cliveden An investigation inte all the stately home of Lord As: pecis of the loggers' age a tor, has bit the world's head be undertaken by Labor Minis nes--but. for dissimilar ter Rowntree, with hearings set reasons fer July 3031 In fact, had it aot been Conciliation boards dealing beautiful Christine Keele rs; with disputes between the union nude swim ia Cliveden's out-/and three other pulp and door pool, there might never cral producers have der have been a Profumo scandal.) marking time nding the ou Fer, beside that pool, shapely come of the arbitrations goed ume ¢ Caristine, then 19. met Britain's minister o war John Profumo th : who recently resigned in oves -That started it a Profumo and his wi former British actress Hodson, were spend orming end at Cliveden were the present Sores OF Mal Or, ihe third Vescoun aysia « nd woe pe = aretty 'Guan 'on LONDON (AP) ~--Srime Minis Astor is a descendant o ter Tuake Abdul Ralsan i Jacoh Astor of New York, who gy i -- oda didn't remind the d a vast fortune in furs.' ~ . oe nehnie ks mation of Mal aysia--a new fe< pepe _. &S GORGHOUS ESTATE erati@n in southeast Asia that h uthorities are ng three miles mort theast oa; calls a bulwark against comm © OS bad ude d about 33 miles ™S™ the River Rahman told a press ¢ liveden is a gorgeous CRCt Be Roped te sign an S great house, elab-/ He" sous * te Br ict Abas smailer ..~ rita en Daeg 2 hh i be made up of Ma aya, Swagapore and the Brit any BOrMeD ft Rones of Bruae e Sarawak and Nerth Bornea s The prime minister said the fedex ration would Thames, C as eiale with erate forma bu Aang and gardens peony CRACLS Association mace of a group of politi mieliectwals and de-pooders. A f magazine editor na cknamed . 'ra them the Cliveden Set he In 1938--when the ( set began te fet nie the news-- present Lerd Astor's father suggesting thal the was the head man a Cliveden poor everburden. The head lady Ine urdened in #H'e Lady As the nye man. Or" Nancy Detractors Set said. in hat sadst Pre ty Covaciiler rence when he asked the municipal preperty be a good idea if we he stated.) region af scene mst the federat ber, has held meni to Dal Rahman : sad the @ suRanaie could jo t doesn't now. The ¢ he Was M : at was tg ever ory waste and boards week when of the 1838 and Rra ast ne da warned the ¢ ew City Hall mus leans The allegedix of soz veden be var he wax BLLwS oft im aras sate the Oonser eased vamabie tax w cz essar su Works vard. a heavx na MSNA Ss more as long as the be satistied." ves want Well never Mace because of ed representa? Say ~ pal sper NO RED CARPET FOR RCN bap TRIr ar > > aboard. mastiy Wednesdax Sunny, Warmer During Tuesday me s® cool. Winds be Sand Mu speeches, Chamber of Com he tag red welcome mai with van garbage trucks frem the confusan ard cansternauen) wneificial, unexpected. As guess you would ca 5am Syaepsis: 4 coo! nartheriy c celatien now covers Oniana A arge highpressere area rep Mag Soethward fram che seuth ern shores af Hudson Bay prom sts mainix shies ff Teesday be: femprratures comlunue below merma Late St. Clair, Lake Erie Niagata, Lake Buren, «ester Lake Ontarie regions, Windse: Landon, Hamilton, Te renis Twes@ay maniv sunny and a | We warmer, Winds becoming hgét mertheriy Teesdax Eastern Lake burten regions: Tuesday sunny with cleady prreds and net quite se coml. Winds bec COMINL nerthwesierixy 28 te 15 ag Tars- dav Georgian Ray, Timazam Oechrane regions, North "ar Satbury Tersday mainiv seni HORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES tadastriel and Commercial The evrmbirched cebeble Ger Deere: om ener ere 31 CELINA ST. 'Commee et &ehet me fer secial amenities wf the Oshawa Harber Com- > caspatched twa of his Fred Malloy and David L. Bowman TEE ( ORRARLSS im@ary whe arrangements Bowman we SWANN Forecast: Temperatarcs Lows overnight, ows. Win@ser ..... 3 SR London ' Anichene ees Moam Forest. Wingham .... Mamiten St. Catharwes Tornns w WN SOX thas gave fee displays of from being a compete RIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE IX MAY -- 2.82 Robert Nocol and Robert Penny are members af the Qovie Tye Staff, winch prompted an execetive want many mickels and pennies if "yer Oshawa Bagh Schoen OCVI--S, OOCI--He8; Schon! attendance tata! for Omari Peervrouph fe Ral ere gmng tor par ehe ast Vas May were Poh DCT. and M Perret was $863 kh Me Max 7 Kapostasing MAGISTRATE ane wone Te «ITY Magistrate ot Guiana, < alse chair Bigh Schoo! ot Arts teachers Bis Worshop from heme fo: tical pocture there Geargeieen, Brush here last Tuesday. He Governers of the Twiterial i like % grt Scieare and CALL OR SEE DIXON'S 'ON. FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OvER 30 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 recened anx he mas WROTE per strike last February and led to mand for and the union's resist. compulsory arbitration of all is. ance to a seven-day operation} ® take ~ %@ set ch > Budget Decision Expected Tonight OTTAWA (CP) and the country learn F whether Finance Minister Gor. iakeover" tax on large don has decided on a second sales to foreign investors major retreat from his June 13 *K in Canadian companies, budget, om Mr, Gordon's At issue is the highly contro statement, 'te man dusiness versial move to apply We 11. for the Commons Mis week will percent federal sales tax to be government leg'siation, with building materials and produc. he prospect of a speodup in the ion machinery. aace of business, Opposition The S?-year-old minister Was parties are understood to have deluged with criticisms, from agreed to a government motion both inside and outside Parl'a. under which the House will start ment, over the budget measure) sitting Friday nights and Satur. which was primarily aimed at/day starting next Friday, reducing the huge federal defi. T gavernment oi pocied to vive Mr, Gordon will make a far. this week of ther statement on the sales tax/he summer when the Commons opens its evening Sitting a 8 p.m, EDT The fact that he will speak after the stock markets close- and at the same time as full. . . scale budges normally are pre- sented--as lent weight to Pos On Russia Trip ulation that he may ease the impact of the tax, either across) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Un- the board or on certain indus. dersecretary of State W. Aver tries, el Harriman leaves July 11 of ' R j@ mission to Moscow that's WILL, CLARIFY somewhat mixed up before it Gordon told the Commons even starts." ast Tuesday his statement) wrong cor ROR se asi : lanitication' of the t up YUKON HERO GOES BACK crowd be "a afticaton" oft ike Suartng auf were e oS a : : be on prospe Ss for a nuclear DEW radar Flores ere plane Fed - ul last week re es was the test ban. New Soviet Premier n passenger, SWajyect of Jengthy discussion' Kyrashchev wis broug Riaben within the cabinet and the fi- aaded eave psn Ris not rescued Rance deparimeat itsel! NOR-ARTTession pact--Dat no one March There have been suggestions Sere knows yet just what he's (AP Wix Vhal the minister may announce offering some exemptions from the tax-- Finding an answer to that on building materials going inte question will be a rst objec. sohoo!s and universities, for ex. tive for Harriman, a former ample ambassador to the Soviet capi- Any major change announced tal tonight in the budget's extension om ~ Parliament ine 19 the maister atm withdrawal of a 3dper. also is ex some indication ts target date for TeEORSS, Harriman Gis month, the Ralph Fieres his wi before system vived exposure th and his Helen were ond of edex of sever earher Frankie -Many. Crossing Border :To Red East Germany = FRANK | "i | Ba x AP \ - + Aides © the undersecretary Une sales tax would be the announced Saturday he will second major alteration ie be leave next Tharsday and stup made in Mr. Gordon's budget over in London for a day of eoch as Une reswit of heavy consultations there. The British riticism are Une Uhird party to the Mos- cow talks and heir group will be headed by Sciente Minister Lord Hailsham The Moscow been officially scheduled as a renewal of the lengthy three. power discussions on a nucleat test-ban treaty but recent ecents may make it a landmark in a current cold war histery Bewdley Man Dies, Shot By Officer PETERBOROUGH (CP) Paul Tracy, @ of . Bewdley, hospital here Frida shot by constable last Under 18 Ban sss Tics Somme | Qn Cigarettes "Sousa. Said Needed OTTAWA (CP)--The Oniarioe puncil of the Catholic Women's wants the province to ; enforce Mirictly a 1968 slaluic 3 Which forbids the sale of cigar is to persans he arte POLL MADI meeting has MAMAN AM DIOS S@SS.OR passed Sunday al a ck of a fourday meting | which ends today The resolation makes no men oe Reged Links ie-smoking and | he was pokce yee John Corville claimed tevelted a shoteun at him e wer to is home to ar rest him on a Warrant charging m with assaulting his step. d 1 cague Members also agreed © eGducaon department greater emphasis on eCOROMMCS COUTSes dealing baby care. child bys psyohelecy and te teach abjects in Grades 8 and y YorkFaculty Pretty Red Head 222% 0. The resohat Gaven noted that Regrets Ross ; = ee : > Criticisms Changed History =. 2.5 2s narod sufficiem knewledze of). 5 ' he duties of that state of hfe CO? from. a New York high nad what ebbails eumectat schoo] jasi season. was sent to ne problems ef cattherhens (puttale Bisons' of the Interna- PP ay patrygol yy hag ememeae onal League and lefty pitcher ; ane Wee TRAMAE O Grover Powell was recalied Trem Raleigh the Carehna Learue Ne rs FARM KRANEPOOL NEW YORK (AP)--New York farmed: out one bonus and brough? up another Fy baseman ~ out- Ea Kranepool an I8- signed afier gredea- DON of province wil] be asked to share "af more af homemakers and %©. interpret the we of Uhe service te man wal Qoveraments MU ST BE RIGHT Daring a workshop on adap Peter McCabe Y larger COSIs CLEAN YOUR FURNACE TODAY FREE TO CUSTOMERS au PERRY 723-3843 BAY OR NIGHT MORTGAGES Ample Funds for Ist MORTGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES We Also Purchese Ist and 2nd Martgeges N.H.A, LOANS ARRANGED Wi fret eadser. war ; mat proper atuitudrs PG MOUVALBRS WETE HOCSsSsarv SVK' esstal adaptians Molives fer adaption, sech as te aS 4 R bbe. | lane ih ace of a child. who had died 9 Of % ComeR a Marriage, Were WHORE me want a child tm ceddic ¢. te Gress up and show Father McCabe said. "It prising how many prapic ® ferget that a child +s ve and a person--that a child s @irty, talks back and haies as loves RO RAE QUESTION NOT OSTRACIZED RICHARD. DONALD B. Yo the be~insy Get ix 2 can't miss your Savings t th PSP arHat w Ned QuaTanieed Savings pian, tks at Sootiabank. Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY | a calnaneete RUGCO.LTD. ||. ee | Oe ' 374 MARY ST AUS TOM VNHYORS wh wo exciusae with oil V/7/ BANK THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA

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