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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1963, p. 6

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She Oshawa Gimes Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario T, L. Wilson; Publisher MONDAY, JULY 8, 1963---PAGE 6 Interest And Dividends Main Items In Deficit the one headed interest and dividend payments which, on U.S, investment mil- lion in 1961, Interest and dividends on British investments in Canada added: $52 million to the total, This is an account which has been grow- yearly. The tendency of the Conservatives was to: pretend that a dodging act During the past two years Canada has had a surplus in commodity $538 trade with other nations; but has" in Canada, accounted Tor gone into the red more than a bil- lion dollars each year on non-mer- chandise transactions such as travel _ expenditures, interest and dividends, business services, freight and ship- ping costs, inheritances and mig- rant funds, and miscellaneous pay- ments such as foreign aid, it would go away -- which helped to. bring about the financial crisis of May and June last year, The Pearson government rt to recognize ster Gordon has Indeed, non-merchandise tran- sactions have been the major con- has made some eft it Fina yled badly in hi tributor te Canada's over-all balance in Lb nee Min of payments deficit for the past years, says Johan W. Popkin, author s attempt to do . Yetitisa proo- one of problems for itly . linked 1 to' our present economic condi- of a report on such transaclions be- tween Canada and the | The report is the fifth of a Sones nibed States, faced -- eer ant of studies on trading problems pub lished. by Committee, the Canadian-American and our hopes and prospects ture, And not kic 1e solution is going to The Committee is com- posed of business, ieultural, labor let's and professional Jeaders from both msored JOINTLY countries and is 3} ning Association other h of Canada and the National Plan- ning < iation of the United ia's role in DS international trade vorid affairs are State Mr, Pop} ng a * the for the vrowtl in I : ad as with some of million deficit oF Canada s Get WacUoens since son to beheve that the Canadian her an our and rease TA become or in $214 travelling higher income ik hat persons emigrating from ada have been able money them}; more cor tween Can to tal with @xy} plex trade h. have payments for suc whi Mag, se , and de ihe bigwest singie it Department Of Industry One of the better piece [ yeen AAMperea niiherto oy Lhe eXis- Act. Th moines SUBSCRIPTION RATES A. GG toregn 24.06. 'COURSE GETS MORE DIFFICULT ALL THE TIME' REPORT FROM U.K. Plant May Start On Severance Pay | Ry M. McINTYRE OOD Special Londen (Bag. Correspondent to The Oshawa Times DONCASTER, England T ' bY yeoo " x ord Motor --A ) PANY YOUR HEALTH looks | Bke wane to wou by For producing worth Their scheme is money thoy ve on being paid off amounting 10 an $459,000 and ¥ which ' n Don them with em- results, pool this to provide Y This unique scheme, which Fears Headaches Caused By Drops JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M Dear Dr. Moluer: My 30-ves old son has b Y A Ry me indirect ad have st TODAY IN HISTORY Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Jj & YRS Tae ton head. © which brings on the em, I prefer Dr, Molner: Dear er had any we have by now ' ° 4 Dear Dr. Molner: is to s a bov GALLUP POLL Bigger U.S. has been widely publicized, has already been given some roecog- of of been receiv of the shop is of the Ford pliant s shortly to be closed conipletely, a short list of the most practical schemes put forward has been drawn up. The list includes LIST OF PROSPECTS A firm building fibre glass car bodies is interested in tak- ing over the unwanted Ford factory; \ manufacturer who plans to make clutches for automodi es is iterested in the scheme; One concern is anxious to dis ith the shop stewards: a ake carth moving segments Several certain industry by British fers have already ed. At a mecting f ier has offered his es free if the For decide to form any and severance pay. BEING INVESTIGATED Jack Bielby, a year-old shop steward's convener at the factory -- which is due to cease its assembly operations. next June, said "All these four schemes will now be thoroughly investigated by our committee, We have been very happy about. the way industrialists. have recoiv- ed our proposals. But all sul! go ahead with our plan to draw up a brochure on Doncas- industrial facilities. This 1. be distributed to 50 of the s in Britain, but rst jobs will be to whether Fords will be pared to part with their fac- at Doncaster." we < Jarvis, was one Shop steward Charlie who is 42 years of age baich of workers Ford factory to r ve a week's notice that his employ- ment was being terminated, He was the originator of the idea that Ford workers shou!d redundancy pay nvest it in any f : to take over the fac- tory. He said I' shall be drawing dancy pay and wages. I do not ha penny of it. It ed io invest In the kes over fac- how confident I this schome will suc- of the firs at the about holiday intend will the tory am thal ceed ahi Have him ex- na nasal ob z ham to be to Re de acoen- phal are om th oS WR cause lying on the back tuates the Sromng Dependence Doesn't Worry Majority a Cor cht Reserved THE CAN, INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC OPINION solid body of Cana- hI (38 bad dev This who have CAVES A Good Net Thing 8% no clear-cul attitude on the con- troversy Quebec is the most enthusias- tic supporter for U.S. influence. with a whopping 6 per cent who describe it as "a good hing" for ( ja happy on are the West- 38 per Least whe is View hows rity object ywed closely by Gallup Poll intervie ed "De vou think dependence on the US. is a good jhing for Canada or not a good Ding?" . x A Good Thing Qualified Cant Say * " % 2% OTTAWA REPOR1 Swing To Liberals . Changed By Gordon By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA -- Parliament ad- journed for the short Dominion Day. holiday weekend in a state of perplexity and gonfusion, Sel- dom in our history can both our major political parties have been simultaneously so low in popular esteem, The Liberal government was under increasingly heavy attack from many sectors of our eoa- omy. because of the ill-consid- ered novelties in its budget, At the same time, it was shiken by internal fears and doubts concerning its leaders, Substantial changes within Mr. Pearson's cabinet wore being widely whispered on Par- liament Hill, Finance Min ster Gordon had so shaken Cana- dian and foreign confidence in the economic stability of the government that he would have to go, He would be replaced by Trade Minister Sharp, who has proved himself the greatest Lib- eral success in this Parkament after Prime Minister Pearson himself. Hon, Lionel Chovrier might be appointed chairman of the Canadian ational Rails ways, being replaced as justice minister and as the French- Canadian leader in Parliament by Hon, Guy Favreau, tne par. liamentary rookie who is al. ready the highly-regarded min- ister of immigration, And some ministers, notably Postmaster- General Avellus Denis, who were appointed as a "thank you" for long political service, might be transferred to the Senate or elsewhere Then as ai disturbing boit from the blue came Speculation about the health of the prime minister" himself. Widespread sympathy was expressed by PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM A woman columnist savs most successful men are married, Yes -- and so are most of the fail If you think you are an un- fortunate being, mull a. moment over this science note rhe worker bee jis sexless, and 'he strenuous work imposed-upen it kills' it.in a few weeks." Even for an Engli certain London low in u asked his Keeler, he said, seem that she's tionate." i atement opimon of Ch "Well, does rather affee- ' friend and political foe alike; but it was soon reported thot the invalid was making a satis factory recovery, AGAINST TORY, THEN GRIT In the business communities of Monireal, Toronto. and other large centres, one could not find a Tory supporter three momhs ago, The pendulum has swung so far that today one cannot find a Liberal. So the Conservatives in Parliament, becoming in- creasingly unsettled by internal dissension, yet suddenly per. ceived the tantalizing odor of possible victory, But these wishful - thinking Tories overlook one jmpor'ant angle: The two small parties, Social Credit and NDP, have a'ready voted once to throw out the Conservatives under theit present leader, They wont' change their mind; they woa't now take any step which would put that rejected combination back into office. The small nar- ties hold the balance of power in Parliament and they will use it to keep Parliament alive and carrying on the nation's busi- ness, Also,/ they are both 1e- sponsible enough to believe tha. another election shortly would QUEEN'S PARK not be in. Canada's best inter ests, TROY SIGNS So we may see more of the recent tactics where, on two important divisions, the NDP refrained from voting, They dis- approved of the Liberals' stand, so would not support it; but to vote against it meant support. ing the insupportable . Tories, And for variety we may see more occasions when a number of Social Crediters will stay out of the House when a vote is called, Unless many Liberals are away through sickness or accident, the Tories could only overthrow them on a vote with almost 100-per-cent support of those two small. parties, And this 'they will not get under . present circumstances, But under different conditions, sigh an. incfeasing number of rst and present Tory MPs, their party could garner the popular suppor! lost to the Lib erais by their budget, Suppose George Hees was their leader, Say some. Suppose, suygcsts the compromise idea among some dump-Dief Tories, they had as leader now a man whose image was not associated with the Diefenbaker government st all, such as former Speaker Roly Michener, who is admired in all parts of Canada even among Liberals, These Tones say that their present Icader ship is 'the lifebelt whica saves Prime Minister Pearson frei Sinking today, So, on our 96th birthday, the Grits sat pretty and the Tories dreamed of glory. Another Brewery Gets Suspension By DON O'HEARN TORONTO--LCBO Chairman Allan Grossman has now one point of unchallenged distinc- tion: He has "knocked off two breweries within a year. In fact he is the only LCBO chairman to ever kneck of a brewery so he may be said to be doubly distinguished, A year ago Mr, Grossi announced the Toronto privileses of Dow wer being suspended week at their main retail store. This year he did even better, He suspended 'Carling Brewery for a week, and not only ai its main retail store but for all Toronto .. Mr, Grossman is not carryin on a vendetia against the brew eries HAS TWO REASONS There are behind t suspensions Ese BY-GONE DAYS 15 YEARS AGO William McNeil was-presented with a silver. medal by the Rose Society of Ontario for the best rose at the fourth annual Rose Show held at Centre Sireet School Safe driving awards for 187 were given to 23-loral te drivers from the Ontario § League. H. A. Myers, who 13 years to his credit wi an accident, won the hig award Lt.-Col his paratroope Manitoba. He command of the or at Ottawa Deyman Wings ati we seco! aance depot Dr, Stanley Osborne suceceed- ed Dr. C. R. Ga l as Governor of Ladies' College, Whitby Westmount ed for annexing the city of Oshawa READERS' VIEWS CHEST SUPPORT Sir ir district to Dear I notice in other evening th complaint by Mr th the Communi'y not have a Roman he Board of Dir that money was ali creeds and the the here was a rnesi Marks Chest did c on paper Commanity Marks not agree n view of his own staie- ments on tt - at ike- wise. all cr pe fore be represented not only Catholic bat Lutheran, Jewish, Raptist and even Chinese who are supporters of the Chest. The Chinese community are al- $0 supporters and I by Seto takes an atlive 7 of The ad Doyle was a C: vieve Alderman the present. Adm also 'a moman Cath + didn't think thai munity Chest was. a religious affair or that there was need te segregate is w e "CANVASSER"™ last OSHAWA Work was started on the cattle arn building in the northwest pr of Alexandra Park by South Ontario Agricultural Society ; Bill Hamilton of Oshawa fin. shed third in the Canadian Olympic trials' 120 . mile hike race at Three Rivers, Quebec, George H. Campbell turned the first sod for the new Kins- nen Civic Memorial Stadium in yfficial ceremony attended Jack Cook, club president, Geikie, Parks chairman, Cox, Stadium Committee man and other civic of- an by At a meeting of the Oshawa Scot Rite Club W. Gordon Bunk was elected following the retirement of J. N, Willson Stanley. F. Everson was elected secretary-treasurer sh Started on a new k located below avenue and west of avenue. Work was took second competition at the games in Hamilton, The Community Recreation Association summer program was in full swing in 10 Oshawa playgrou' and Ritson Road and Rota swimming poois, Rev, Frank P. Whiteley of Coe i} was inducted the new pastor of Centre Street United Church, as successor to Rev. R, H, P, Anderson So OOSLOCHOHOHOHOCHOOCOD © "> 2 8 < . + The dependable VN source of cash GTM {LOANS UP TO $3,000.00 OR MORE) NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 5O0O090O000O00000O0OOOO pending a brewery is almost as Starting as Lieutenant - Gov. ernor Rowe kicking E, P, Tay. lor when presenting him the Queen's Plate guineas). One is that the government, intentionally, has been some- what lax in its regulation of the liquor industry The second is that there is a determination not to let rack- eteering get a toe-hold in the liquor business in Ontario, The laxness lies in that though direct selling and pro- motion by distillers and brew- erles has always been against the law in Ontario, govern. ment traditionally has blinked its eyes at quite a bit of it, Tt has long felt that a tain amount of this was sonable--and would be practis cally impossible to stamp out anyway--and so has permitted detail men who contact clients, ete OFFERING GIFTS It knows that the dd free bottle is going out also, and it is not too concerned But it tries to keep a careful eye on kickbacks and illeyal Saies, mainly through fear iat will bring in the rack- fers, In other jurisdictions rack- eteers have worked their way deeply into the Nquor business. they have done it through apparently simple promotion practices (such as handing out @ case. of beer to the residents of an apartment house, which is what Carling did) If these are permitted it is found that before long tne rackets have muscled in, and bey exclusively. are handliag the "promotions." in Ontario to date is d practically entirely free of muscle And Mr. Grosman wants te keep it that way cer rea Goodyear Appointment ® REL OK q H. Gordon McNeill L. F. Spencer, President and Gen- eralli Monager, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of Conode Liimted, onnoun the appoint. ment of H. Gordon McNeill os General Manager of the Comp. eny's Industrial Rubber Producis Division Bow. manville, Ont McNeiil's res- ponsibilities will now include both monufacturing and marketing of i je! rubber products Mr. McNeill's appointment is part et o Goodyrar monagement pro- gram aimed. at providing the most efficient service to customers ond more tacts between customers Company's. production Ser the Mr. McNeill joined Goodyear at New Toronto, Ont. in 1948, He wos selected for the Company's Special traiming squad and ob- tained practical experience in oll phases of Goodyeer production, in 1949. he wos moved to the Quebec City plant ond seven years loter was made Development Manager ond . subsequently, Piont Manager. in 1960, he mov. ed to Bowmonvilie os Piont Man- eager ond held this post until his Present appointment

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