SU PERVISE D in Oshawa by thousands school-age chil their summer park are supervised by tra where Leana Ch In thu lowe ed teen e Ost Commission tion of t . oper Osh- on Mm spot und as sit? join th the bors n that s Cowan PUC 'Washo Program Amounts To $900, 000 ston sees. the spending 000 this year. Projects costing an est $658,299 are listed unde tric", The general system improve $413,008 and are way: --Land: $17,500; and equipment, inc! projects and those ca from previous years -- distribution * projects and $73,602. Relief Recipient ADDITIONAL WORK oer Six. Carry. distribution t ed in some of ncluded in Nur. new i extensioz --- $3] 900. Cc ; esumat need by gross e2 for $ and sturplus hand, according to the report passed t $240,575 FOR WATE oR An estim spent oR ¢ the "Water" a Hospital area kat 208 .. es wil funds on SSESSMENT OFFICIAL | od from revenue receipts $1700 Da amage | In Accizient Can Own Auto man welfare Sentence Youth To Two Months « A i}-year was sentenced in the coanty condact. He the Oshawa Evidence r records 3 worthy He was on the coarl was Y tried on ths charge Jaly. 22 GM Workers| Share In $50(10 Award» Too Body Plan Dinner For Tour Participants NORRIS REPORT 23, 166 who was the nn he s SOON bor Min- © |mountain of candy floss ha jentertainment for more than 30,)will S jaround 5 p.m, 'jtreasurer of the local, said y: 'Local 222 Picnic Plans Complete An ocean of ice cream and aladded that there will be other attendance prizes for adults, a Ghe Oshawa Zimes SECOND SECTION TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1963 PAGE NINE DRAW FOR AUTOS Russell McNeil, secretary- TEACHER RETURNS TO SCHOOL than 200 Grade 13 teachers have been attending this ninth annual OSSTF course. Toronto during the summer refresher course sponsored by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. More George Tarian, Central Col- legiate Institute, Oshawa, is shown in class at Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute in tries some the GRADE X PIANO Class Honors--Theresa ! Mary Henkelman GRADE IX PIANO First Class Honors--Geoffrey Woods Honors--Mrs. Margaret Tay- Stewart, Carol A. (equal); Stephen J.| ley, Beverley Morris (equal). Pass--Andrew J, Kryczka, com ) Louise 'R. Tis Barbara oth to to ning building been ordered for the 17th An-/hi-fi set, a dryer and an electric nual Picnic to be held by I Local! }awn mower. 222, UAW, on Saturday. The children will be enter- shows, rides, pipe and trumpet/strong man act and 12 rides, bands will add up to a day of|Children's attendance prizes be; six bicycles, six tri- held at Lakeview Par! starting] ver dollars. at 9 am, and winfing up) All the things that children) > jlove to eat and drink at, fairs 50,400 bottles of pop, 41,520 ice- jeream cups, 35,000 packets of tato chips and 12,000. sticks terday that two 1963 model cars . members during the day, He|/SPORTS EVENTS = | All the picnickers can work A di e up an appetite by competing n UGItOFIUM SEP ont. Ne jpresented to the adult winners jot the competitions, Fund Now | Other entertainment will be |provided by the Colborne Trum- Pipe Band of Oshawa. A judo Pipe Band of Oshawa. Ajudo demonstration will also be given) Oshawa. Announcing today that the|® Oshawa Civic Auditorium Build-| The crowd will be mainly, ing Fund had reached tne composed of the 13,500 local) chairman of the finance com-|'S expected civic dignitaries will mittee, also said that donations @!S0 attend | were expected from many firms) Mr, McNeil said that a dance} of small businesses and indus-/0n Bond street after the picnic tries. He noted that the picnic will be When these came in, the total/held on July 20 if Saturday's but this will not include con- tributions from major indus- which are also being ieee RS. "Dick" Mctaughin esults Announce irman of the auditorium . mittee, had loud praise for) T Fill ( e last week on the blitz 0 ap j He was pleased with the pro- gress of the campaign to date In Ed cati on momentum of u 1 The following is a list of suc-;ald E, Macleod (equal); Karen)Laurie Burnett, Elizabeth Lam- campaign seems to have we ed down, this is not the case s held recently by the Royal/(equal) Pass -- John F, Sands, Ralph This' is ampaign which 's|Automotive Museum will fill/Conservatory of Music: of To-) Pass -- Carol Saunders; Ruth|A. Sonley (equal); Gytha S. being conducted h voluntary »s in the textbook edu-/ronto in Oshawa, The names/Pascoe; Margaret Michael; /Soloniuk; Brenda Jewison; ass being cation of Canadian students n : nerally in the wor! ARCT PIANO GRADE V PIANO _ GRADE Tt PIANO ' and of course thisa member of the Oshawa/Solo Performer's and Teacher's) First Class Honors--Susan| First Class Honors -- Cathe takes time." Chamber of Commerce staff, in) First Class Honors--G le nda M. Entwistle; Judith Krause. [Tine Dennis; N. Susan Kirby. lu f Osh- i Patr } '\Dwyer, Gail Walmsley (equal); are in Whitby today addressing img of the Rotary Club of Patricia A. Shaw (equal); Jan the employees of Sklar Furni-/ 24. First ice E. Drygala; Arne Bishop; Karen Cummings, canes ture Mr, Cadeau said the museum Coje: Brenda Cairns, Dean N. Dal- Gough, da Hess, Sheila s : it stress pee - Gail Watson (equal); Marilya Nels ie ntiny.| cational institution as it stresses Gail P. Denby. doce ee ii: "te with llancourt af listing peo-| tanadian achievements in the Pass -- Terry Haas; Ronald: Dawson; Anita J. Trull; ple in the Oshawa directory who {eld of automotive engineering Dennis, Miriam R. Taylor re chard Harman; Louanne pi s 1 3 10 iat "Whinni side it. The total has reached! Pager 5 Eh pti -~ seeeed (7 _GRADE Iv PIANO perenne S. Borysic the 5,000 mark and tonight six!" . re oem Fi cl Honors--Suzanne Katheri iy Bre ite eet voluneer typists will complete "The club was told that in Brews: E. Ralph' Bri dgland; a ee cards and publicity material/ dian accomplishments is lack) = Grane VIII PIANO Honors -- Mariya J. Balin Peek lwill be delivered to about 100/imZ and there is a need for] 5.0 Clacs Honors--Vicki Ge- _. Paul Winkler (equal); aieapiany lvoluntary canvassers renovated and painted and toi-} et ie a Norwynne Fiess; Orysia a! GRADE I PIANO aie A Honors--Peter Graper, Rita my i " Bio : Canadian, The nation, the : ee ee Harding, Ronald Mc-|©. Broadbent, Joanne Gilewski, ~seecnlny Ff abstgg a, for an) speaker commented, lacks joo a: v echotac Kenzie, Peter McLaughlin, John/Dawne L. Love (equal); Diane as the oat 'Cuntre which|tustorical background and for)" 2 ara aumerss iF. Mercer, Joan E. Staniey,|Gilewski, David Horne (equal); t < museum here is a step toward (° Dale. C. Anderson ' Barbara Gunn; Diana Lov 41: /A. Chyb (equal); David Thom- oy sy _ vec aeekl The Shan-| the fitting observance of Can ' Bothe, Nancy Will em * Maginprined A. Young (equal), dels, a te orc a "te ada's Centennial in 1967 romas S Worde n : (equal ; fonors -- Olga Nowosad; ng r n roll an e st . ar terior of the Simcoe street mary McLaughlin, na Soa a be ne nccneng/ South building has been paint- Powell (equal); Barbara Conlin, : ill announced! a the parking lot has been on In Assault Case Patricia Fairhart, Gail Sugden jor of the building has deen Pearce, Diana Phillips, Mary >, Gary Wall, (equal )3 was All the goodies as well asj'ained by a clown, puppets, a 000 people. The picnic, will be|cycles, six wagons and 750 sil- land picnics have been ordered] } : : of candy floss, will be given away to local jsoftball games, trap . shooting pet Band, The General Motors by the Maple Leaf Judo Club} $690,000 mark. Terence V, Kelly,; members and their families. It) § as a result of last week's blitz/ Will. be held in the UAW Hall would pass the $700,000 mark,)event ts rained out approached E the volunteer workers who spent and poi rinted out: "Although Be cessful candidates in examina-|Gulenchyn, Janet S. Richardson|bert (equa!) The fact that the Oshawa ad with the c are arranged in order: of merit./Margaret Kayes Christine F. Tole s)was stressed by Peter Cadez Terence Kelly and Arn Green|2® address at the Monday meet-/Varty, Honors -- Carole Campbell,| Honors--David Crome, Mary M Bob Suddard ang/!S unique in Canada as an edu ish, Gail Tresise (equal); |eslie (equal); Alfred L. Page, live in the city. but work out-|2m@ museum, he said, leads (equal). Ayre, Carol Goreski (equal); the lissts and kits with pledge|many respects pride in Cana- |Nancy L. Gardner. Trudy Hart, Jacqueline Mal. Mr. Kelly also said today thar/o! tuings' which are primarily '7: Donald G. Werry. Luchak, Jane Watson coun First Class Honors -- Robert has heen demaind be the Kine {that reason the founding of the Karen Gray, Barbara L. Smyth Cynthia L.. Young ' Elizabeth J. Beaton, Christine It was explained that the ex- * SE Meh J. Liv is one Of two bands whic on mpose $50 Fine fenced and surfaced, the inter ve ual); Debra Griffith, Mary Dorothy L committee is : ne ' removed and painted and toi. LOW (equal), 4 231 Bruce street, E Winter (equal); Irene lets installed Mary G Southwell fined $50 in the Oshawa/Lytwyn; Nancy L. Daniels; 7 p Susan E. Neal; Si court Monday when found guilty/Diane Marceaw. Bead egedteorel gto 1808 gq Brown jof_assaulting Wilda Allen, of GRADE I PIANO to 1930 have been secured for, _ GRADE VII PIANO eens. First Class Honors the museum. In addition there}. First Class Honors--Diane E.| Wall pleaded not guilty, and!caret Ross: will be displays of various com p Sal ud he had not meant to strike ponents showing develop- Honors -- Bon ta Mcleod; either Miss Allen or her sis- ak on 2 tuth E. Young r ; . ter iso testifi i e ment as Canadian products June Mann-/ter, who also testified in the an E. P. age; Bonnie E.)court over the years. John C. Morris (equal) Wilda Allen said Wall had Pass -- Daria Kuch, Irene/beaten her and knocked her An Latin A aiidine Rechitzky (equal); Janet Jar-/d0wn. Her sister said she heard Bathe, Evelyn Blessed By Pope causa). vie; Ruth E. Pickering: Vickie aming behind the house and Davidson S2¥_ ll beating her sister up. sagpalecor GRADE VI PIAN partowner| VATICAN CITY. (AP)--Pope First C oo * leltedgoa ° 3 was beating Wilda," she said, "he was slapping her, saxd/Paul VI today extended his apos- -- hth eigen oe Acene nette Taves; Dianne Yurkow Pee ee en er peg Jane C. McCullough, she was screaming and he was yelling, hitting her." a as he held a special audi-/},. ICs Ss fhe ne a speTial auc Painter (equal) mark the fifth ~ cel i She said Wall hit her across establishment Diane White; Scott ihe 7 the Pont ifical Commission fe D Tucker, Latin America was am The commission for nosals drawings. Reha Door | Youth Fined om Tucker. Mar Anne Winkler; Jeannie Burns. Honors -- Barbara Lennearts; Miriam Silec; Larry Cebuiski, Marilyn McCullough (eq ua 1); Peter Gray, Grant S. Millson | (equal); Janice. Fairhart; Cath- rine E, King, Shelley J. Wil- liams, Ruth Wozniak (equa lj); Nada Silec. Pass -- Diane Heron, Robert Riordan (equal); Lynda Adams, GRADE IV VIOLIN Pass--Jennifer Smith. GRADE IV CLARINET Honors -- Benjamin J. Pank- hurst, GRADE VIl SINGING Honors--Sandra Bonk, Elea- nor Burrows (equal); Lynn Bar- clay; Thomas J. Park. ; Pass--Ruth Milne; Anne W. Rankine. GRADE lI SINGING Honors--Charies E. Watson. GRADE I SINGING First Class Honors -- Lynda Squires Pass--Carol Prest James cus Jean ace iida Allen said she had Coull; | oy wae at Wall'with her purse Sugden,|"Apparently not hard enough," Lillian/remarked Magistrate Frank S stablished E Linda Hopkins,|Ebbs ni) Pone Pius Xi 2 ada Joan $ t (equal);. Barry) The fight, it appeared, start- Be a pee a Lacy Kazmarek, Don- ed when Miss Allen refused to efforts by Roman Catholics - --Jeave the house with Wall. throughout the workd to aid the Wall said at one point she was also fined $19 church in Latin America by went Mise otk ua tke eaded guilty to con-| sending it priests and economic 0 knife as a miaor aid knife and later with a butcher liquor Darlene Audrey onaid Sugden (equal); Hay ker no evidence on Martha- own Tucker when he after Apparently they did not Track Meet His om" , -- For Juniors Picnic Enjoyed By Church Group During the weck of July 1 to 5 the junior program of track and field training was begun. The boys and girls were given In struction in reumning, jumping A slight and throwing events. They are sunny day being shown the proper method enjoved by the congregation of and C of warming up, practising and the Byng Avenve Pentecosta The jur training techniques of each Church when it held its annual was won gt event y afternoon the Sunda | and Church pic. Jerry Coakwe irst of ed weekly events 7 Park. One hun-/In the iz -- i people attended.|cial paper plate The results wer and a ball game were Audrey Cho Dyes Bory (under 16) -- Rive rst events on the pre- Coakwell and Judy ¢ r ash -- Ch anes alah eee ace . gene McDonald, Doug Weeks a Mage go creg very Minor-Midget Boys (under 14) 440 yd -- Brent M n Dave Mosier, Randy Pee Wee Boys (under . Running Broad Jump -- Peter" m Broce Berry, Ken" breeze and a lovely) running race was won by Bever last Saturday was icy B J aquie Simkias running race Bateman, Heard. ne. Simk The nner of the women's shoe s e was Shirley Had. . ey Ww winner of the : dash was Dave Shephe t walk winner imkins Dia Thompson and of the and stood wih e smeared on his announcement was was held for lass. Winners of Kim Hadley ky ad Mary Beth A consolation prize lipops was awarded to al each requaren event. High Coliz (under 190); lison, Atom Bovs Jump -- Grant Lockey, Robert On July 24 track and field event andra Bowmanvi winners ed for the " which finish. at t ed the ev lowing the pr g event|picnic supper was prepared and were: |Served by the Women's Mis- Simston sionary Council and prayer was or girls"offered by Rev. George Carroll. $5,000 to c mire, and Vic- right, both of the Souh Plant : Anyone. betw of 10 and 16 is w iin the program NS Body Tooling --GM Phi» Eddie Simkins, All tor pratt, iand Wad Hadiey. Juni