TRACK AND FIELD TRAINING RNY Duplate Workers Hold Fine Picnic pated in the i Social and Oshawa Nperis Clad pice t i Hy Pe Bariay chook, Keith and Rarb Park in iit others who helped make the pic ic gne of the best yet SPORTS EVENTS Bveat winners aot previously haned appear below run Off smoothly by tive of the Duplate Soc Take assisted by Ress Rennett. Joh Ditton proved very Raterdas wagh were Rariowe : Tar the Dap a 2 Baath awa Track and ot Cour RBarek ran off the bik The popwlar tug of war cor ders, ranging mA age cap to 24 years PAK APS SHaaser ) STOMP ea hon ann ne a Trace (Mrs, X was Audrey MoConkey) . Adak WheeRarraw Race Marre and Jean Hutcheon, Bad: & } Sea assists: Ronslas Lawreace MeConkey darsesdoe Cantest GOLF TOURNEY ny Neemray -- Pas Stan Koaarowsk Fernhill Bridge Club Hi gh Scores Tennis And NAVAL FIRING > TS SCHEDULED RAMILTON -- Nava 'hee Popular FURST CARRIER dald ot Mande Sadun, -- Bdong Menealg am wane ~Neoeee Done Pao o Vat ®@ dere PROGRAM DRAWS MANY BOYS Car Hits Pole Driver Injured Peter John Dubyk, 612 Somers ville avenue, was slightly im jured Thursday when his car went out of control and hit a pole, He was treated at the Osh awa General Hospital for a braised left calf and a lacer ated right hand The accident occurred on Bond street east at Division street, The = police reported they found traces of brake fluid on the road leading to the point of wpact, It was believed the car's wheels were caught in the ONR tracks on Bond street and when Dubyk applied his brakes a brake line burst Damage to the car was estls mated at $150. 7 'Masons Honored -- he Oshawa Fimes oy dead tole Five members from Ontario District were among the large Varied Programs Feature iiss sectors the Cedar Brae Secondary | School, Scarbore Township, of f Playground Activities HE ; : Province of Ontario, AF and Many and varied programs)competition in which some ofjcourse--Sharon and Candy an have Been taking place on Osh. the parents, Mrs, A, Harding,' Knox; dall tarow--Ken Zimmer Herbert Earl Duvall. of awa's parks q@uring the first/Mrs. H. Witiams and Mrs, J.)man, David Swinson; wheel Orono was elected to the office SECONN SECT 1ON FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1963 PAGE NINE three weeks of the Summer pro. Hickey, were the judges, Win barrow race, Olive Osborne @istrict deputy grand master gram ners Of the various dances Jerry Cowle; skipping contest Those in the district who were " &* Bastview Park suck ie were Debbie Villenire for under ~- Elizabeth Ukraineteand, Can. appointed grand stewards were § esting aad revel smecial events Cig limbo contest and Gary dy Knox Gorgon Corer,- Brooklin: A have been succesfully rua in. Vilomire for the best single neg AND CAR Snow C. Heaya, Port Perry and M eluding a "Rig Toe" contest, Wwister, Winners of the twist) Woogview Pa ark had a real Meeking, Port Hope to see wha could decorate their Marathon were Joan Soloman pic doz and car show in which Thomas L Wilson. of Osh big toe the Dest, Valerie Thom, and Jim Harrison with a record ihe following won prizes foriawa, who fer the past year as was first for the pretties:/¢f one hour and 15 minutes. their ails and cargs--Dariene Served as Grand Junior War tee and Kathy Yakenishyn won Percy Patfield and Nancy Hic Jennifer, don, Was appointed to the hoard the funniest tee cantest xey WOR the eight and under penay & general panpeses ladian Day was also held at tWist Contest and Linda Pat Janet Approval was given by Grand Bastview with prises being fel and Don Campbell worn Joanne Lodge, te the establishment of fatfered far the best @ressed the BiRe and over twist contest doth: Garry a Charitable foundation with a cwwheys and ladians, Diane North Oshawa Park chikirea animal, /Sarting capital of $160,357 The, "THOMAS L. WILSON Crosk came first and Jowdane had a special treat in store fT Ninicon Park boasted af their {aed Wil be kaown as the Ma cree Planta secend in the Indian Cas. them SY the form of a mMAaTSh® Pecans Rebdia Hood Day which Sonic Foundation (Ontario) would be exempt from income tame Awards, Cewhey awards MAlew delight contest TR warned aut quite successia While the specific purposes of tax, succession duties and em were won by Pav | ang arsdmaiows wee -- boys made Rebdin Heog he foundation will be leh im rate taxes Rava in @a strings = he children while the girls made some he Rands of a board of direc. peace ea: the marshmallows » hat R ors, Grard Lodge ix thinki Pe e * whoo? are (Or aTar age 3 URE KINGSIDE PARK with their hands dehind their a mare Ve At Kingside Park such things Backs, Heather Valline as a Bagey and Bike Show, aicame firs: and Randy Hemsway awhout the caurse WHI be availadle te eververe. andy sale and. a scavenger laced second. A pet show was aie view . j : regardless of race, coler er ment were eld. Pripes were alse enjoyed and Rov Hankins This we > . x ' R ek's Program culmig. creed awarded respectively te Fie. tek first prive with his Beagle ated Wednesday even ne when The Mitial capital ts the ac. ain MeLaagh Toannedog while Ray Jenkins came ihe IMA anneal «Children's COMMlated surplus Ieh over te and Cherri Sproule for second with Ror three kittens, Panay 5 1a behing {TOMA ¢ e donevaion: their Hee efforts in dressing wp) Dr S.J. Philips held ala, ORC ain Jay WTR -- ald te widows and or th Baggies and to Julie Ann mock Olvmaic Day with the in growmds @i@ a tremendous jab PMaRS of Masons. TRis need t jax ga raves fr the be eased cure" Soa oie yan, 4 Sees a he Oem, ecting ithe ow Ay rises for St @ress CAPRIS and physic iQ PP 7 adios x STOWth ZWwernmMent social _ S 4 ha leader te . : os @als went te Sandra Thomsen fe OWIAK Masseheations 2 een e wes e s a ing at the Rotary corated. Stage? setting wp research scholar active games SPS of various types, They) a ive NAVEN opngratatated fer their @igqe Welfare. measares such as Fr and Darel Davey. Discus threw -- Jerry Cowie, cies eel widows' and old peasions Of Alex Thursday, Fiaaace A tabloid meet, a dress wp day David Swinsen: javelin throw -- it ae & Pi Reel, Fair h is an Ceihated tee te feande Ne Gee ---. S Ned wad a scavenger buat are averry Cowie, David Swinson; aeannsd RG, wan be enlarged werent tow Righhgits af Veterans Park Miceest erin -- David Swinson wayamer pregtam. Warne Sads Sharan Rear treckie contest bere's Team A" woa over Jan Temple, Candy Knox: talk Team "R" in sack events ag AS CORteSt--Qaren Knox, Dav Standing bread jump. posture 4 Swinson, Shet pat: David! Bee hore rere anticipated bequests and con. (ee SMe that the campaign ie tidations from members of MME im Canada in that the the crah, These contributions Committee is attempting to col in RROANTONS ject $1,000,000 by first obtaining pledges from the man in the ~ oar a ar 1¥ 4 walk : blewing, soccer Swinson, Deborah Raniford Market SI Street prier t Teceiving CORTE Rawk PORAY rap Cras walk--Jlerry Cewle, David um dations from the yajer Con Sta hele a dance. Swiasan Moppag oabmacie POPAHBORS Follows JFK He told the Rotanans that twe months age prior te the parade which started the Nraancial Caw 1 paigan, the committee dad 4 whether the project woe TORONTO (CP) -- A shang ee, eee OO Preeet Stock market stamped deavily Mr. Kelly sai@ that to date Tharsday flowing President Ratt » bee ned -* T20.008 had been collected. The on S Tak prepesals 10 COR Danses in Oshawa dad Co Base metals lest over fear HTNAa Completely, a aaa. POMS WHR Western ails ang MOMUAT, the PayTel aegaction selds @ethinine sharate. man and R was expected that Heavy lesers among indas the CONT ahONs doing collect. trials incladed Algoma, Distil. C4 ROW and the anticipated ae. ders. Seagrams, Imterprovincial MUeRs From Industry weeld Pipe Line, Moore, Dominion PE he Project over the tap Foundries and Steel, all af 2g, . Wham Bgl Eg cap ana Bank of Montreal, down COTMaR o a eee PR 7 ° range fer tannet day. said that AMIP WIA aNd Rel Pars Were going aoad to cole mea Ts. Rank of BTR Whe reaching of the mlb Campers Enjoy Indian Pow Wow tedians are High Minded" and Ten Lite Indians" were sung Par the contests R Which Jobeston and Bob Ras BOIwWSA aL Pages, the tridal was Came A, Cree R Tramix Gala C ack Peet and Onansetliars, Ne Agra Mckdeg the sing In@ian Lee Wrestling -- Cad Nova Scotia and Trans-Canada Hen @allar ghjective mE af songs swch as "Land af 4. gop Milrex: Cad mB Jen 'Pipe Line 14 and Consolidated «3Prizves, incleding a trantie he Ssheer Bare' raat. i Moning and Smelting 4. Dronxs eT TAGia, SK sport Shirts, Wwe 7 baleen. : ~ ' ., Ride ee af OMe PHIM Went te Alem, Ah Chickenothe-reagh @inners wal a sis : derta Gas, Industrial Accept. 0 Gran _as attendance prizes : men a member a ance and Reval Bank Sanday aherneon at 2 pum, at Indian Chatierex ~-- Cada jand Cadored Quintet az Semer dase metal rambied, Lakouew Park when Jon De a Jam Norris; Cadin B: Daivd travelled throahont the Unit Faloanbridze 1%, Iternationa! Bart's Excelsiers meet Pawel Sapam, Cain C: Jodha Baird: og States and Canada ax well Nike 1K and Noranda BA. Shody's Peapie's Oothiang I aa Lavmpons: Te A and BR RK BeTPsnas he TRISy ef Trihag dipped I cents to CORDON game With all are ew or. In@ian Pakson Pool -- Cabin zo SORE p will De ac. 92.09 dm specelative mines, On Coeds going to The Auditor Kewh Milroy; Cabin BR: companied at the plane by Sen, @acmals fll 15.29 te Pond Crows Attormer W. Brace SRO Maison; Cabin C: Peter Tati, abe of Pasa. SEG: colds 18 te RR dase _Excelnors ar Reding te AWeck retarmed to the cour COMPO: Ket rey. Goma, Ree. CV, Freeman is tactals 228 te BOLTS: and west. Ciel Service Leagee while this We : ates attending a In@ian "Pat and Mike" -- Pastor of the local chalk TR wits 2 8 % 13 bi) __. SPeapie' S are a Favewnle Rar. ae comeee Sex te is Came A: Jee Pecan Gin : jhe Rex: Can C: Kee : SO, Charman: Jor Rancaa x aged Three crewa at "een Casta contest -- < fram Canada. Lectares Gad A: Fim Bienes: Gada el mm Sater . Rite ns larry Var: Gan C > G@eentown Manhattan, Crag Wiken: Cowansoiars: Larry WPeck <a te coarse "st! 'a < ARNT wd ie , We saa ore me Was Geveted ta t <a Wel Prevedare, Lecterers ef es these APEC Were 3 CaPeatiy Bee had wee Tan, ba Sprak, * . ~ ta oe aR TRaCTAR Ya ch gan % tJ Rea Inham Cactame be, Camp larw Vera Cah svstem af lew eaiarce Re cungested ve this Ammen $25 Fine agaX A Scarbere mar Haward Radert Gara re cenwed Times tetalbing $B western @ay when be was Rand gale {ef Growing | Geiecte agree we Sark we fee ® ad Somha, a Ake Magistate's . wT San gerd fend Say RT <2 car wR be here FINE 5S NOOTBORAQ wre an? OOTRIAS BRP BEST FIRST YEAR EFFORT s > Oy TN x NPE WORT miltare Wl, Patricia avemee, QGerwa, of Ariiiewy a: Cams Sha. be wax Droge te cas are dom MINT WRT WS awa De wae fer Techved Bs f i TN . SUS \ n % he Rest Piet Year Bitte 2 7 i ws Sw & < a . lweree. Perm oca@aation exeoriors sc 'Qn Ceawe See Somer Deve Boggs ef a: the Royal Camadian Sohedl ten 2 a se