BABIES BLOSSOM LIKE ROSEBUDS IN THE SUMMER AIR ONLY SIX*MONTHS old when she smiled like this for the camera-man is Cynthia Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edward (Ted) Mounte- nay, Church street. Her grand- parents are Mr, and Mrs. Ce- cil Newnham, Prince Albert, ONE YEAR OLD last month, Donny is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wry, Rosedale drive, Whitby. He is the grand- son of Mrs. Reginald Heard, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. and Baby Robin Blown Out Of Nest Adopted By Bird- robin arr The baby the ivy. vine le this month built their t by our kitchen v was a joy to wate! nutrition of. th a close range. How onés ate! I vividly I "adopte ba named him Ear cause he wa far too soon. It storm th lid bird was y sorven! ng nested i By PATRICIA RUSAK | TORONTO (CP)--Giving birth to.a child need not be an en- jdurance test, says Mrs. \James, | Mrs, James, mother of four, is an advocate of natural child- birth--the theory that a mother, {through knowledge and physical preparation, can consciously make childbirth a painless ex- perience, | She is chairman of the six- iyear- old Toronto Natural Child- lbirth Association, which holds |prenatal classes in natural childbirth. The theory of natural child- |birth was scorned by doctors a few years ago, she says jRhirteen years ago, when she |was expecting her first child,) ishe talked to 22 doctors before ishe found one who would assist ther in having the:.birth nat- jurally, | "But slowly the tide is turn- ing. There is a trend in obstet- rics today toward less surgical interference in childbirth." |ELIMINATES FEAR Fear. causes much of the pain of labor in childbirth, said Mrs, James. In normal cases pre jnatal education can eliminate fear and thus lessen the tension and pain "It would be terrible to go int» labor and not know ) just what is! and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moun- tenay, Columbus, Ontario, She is the great-granddaughter of | Mr. Carl Smith, Toronto; Mr, | and Mrs. Frank Elliott of | Saskatchewan and Mrs, Thome | and Mr. and Mrs John Postma, Codrington. She has a great-grandmother liv- ing in Holland, Mrs, Bouke Halversma --Photo by TERESA DIANNE posed Sunderland, prettily for her first birthday Mountenay of Trenton wee a. we agg he --Aldsworth Photography | daughter of Mr, ana 8 omteees -- rt Nicholas Griffioen, Sylvia street and granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Her nry Griffioen 'CHILD GUIDANCE Children Feel Anxious If Parents Are Away MYERS, lala to r childhood, row-iin the I fel it 'very ane rom ied if, afterjhear mother we at né I return when;cidents ialiy| differ of such ma Terrible to rel andisional mother, ilugly 'beh isobedience wonder)in a child, will tell him she will have hap-/go away if he doesn't improve. | pened to them It is t to think of any'hing LEARNED FROM PARENTS |more cruel to a child or more We did not see crime depicted damaging to his peace of mind on the TV then or hear or read|then and. later about many accidents and hor- : ARE. on in the newspapers. Yet we MAY BEGIN did sometimes hear our parents', . awe geesbeg fa aving ay Oe atone and child is very young and last safe return of other members|Perhaps @ whole lifetime. Some} lof the family, It doesn't take|Parents, seeing how the Young) carvatory. She 'had $50 a month! 0! e hoe hilare ster two, three or four CrIES| tg Jj dit sn't until she worry oT ee ie = they leave him) betes omablnued that she ¢ o > Now and then mother writing or longer," dscove * le ae ee 1 i mo of 8 child fear that she 'hey : x "sp aW28Y! DEBUT IN 1904 might leave home or not re |Without his seeing them go She adopted Donalda as a turn when she goes away for a This procedure may seem to) stage name when she began her -|short while, From some of work for a while. But the/career, taking it from Lord| these letters, the reason for the;youngster who discovers that/Strathcona (Sir Donald A hild's anxiousness isnot ap-jthe or parents have gone! smith). parent, so subtle and hidden it without ing him know what) "I made my debut in Nice in| may be. to expect ghee gg eg J gt 1904 in the title role of Manon ze + at ivery much upset y and byY\and was personally coached by ag ee a is he may acquire a constant fear) Massenet, the composer." of a parent leaving home never that it will happen again. Her success led to roles at -- to see how a child|London's Covent Garden, In s acquire continual anx-| "= --<C<C<S72;S StS" never feel wholly whereabouts of as Hornsby | MONTREAL (CP) -- Pauline |Donalda, one of C anada's greai-} est gifts to the operatic stage, finds that at 8i she is far too busy to live in the past. She coninues to teach prom-| \ising young vocalists and works 'tirelessly with the Opera Guild of Montreal, of which she is founder and president Mme. Donalda has shared the stage with Enrico Caruso, {McCormack and Adeline Patti She has worked with such com- posers as Jules Massenet and Giacomo Puccini and, at one time, was in great demand in) Europe to star in such roles 25| Marguerite in Gounod's Faust, Violette in La Traviata and) Michaela in Carmen. , Not in the least hesitant about revealing her age, Mme. Don- alda said she was born in Mont- real in 1882, one of nine sons jand two daughters of Russian- | By GARRY C. During my ing up on the farm, anxious and wor jmy father and laway, they did not they were expected, after nightfall As I recall, my suffering was jintense and my _ brothers lsisters seemed to share in We would talk and about what might y may hear this *rsation or yer. They or read 'in the Hl sorts of ac lies. Families y as to how much tters they discuss. > he espec I ate, an occa-| aught over} avior EARLY t a parent's Polich. hi when the| Polish-born mother. She studied at McGill Univer-| sity's Royal Victoria College) and went on to the Paris Con- Charles Wry, Sackville, N.B. Mr, and Mrs. William Barker, Verdun road, are his great- grandparents, --Photo by N. K. _Fraczek -Lovers One calling the Audu iety I was. told that a young bird must be fed every 20 minutes during the daylight hours. Well, we worked in shifts nd for two and a half days at little bird was fed every E minutes, starting in the, wn's ea doing pon So It's easy mav thie acanive continual anxe i the box, and we would find him}; * ; iousness jand perched on the edge Deciding): : a ' he was ready to try his wings,|, role th I started to take the boxdown.|S Pare y's mama and papa all buli\pET F AMILY KNOW bebe dws So Even whe rredly, : a worm and lef edge. The train the child in this respon- sibility. PARENTS' QUESTIONS At home, but not at school,| our daughter, six, often wets Yher clothes by day, She sleeps Cidry by night Ba § A. During the next few weeks ¥ Rorig wae cone fr is Riraost, He came beck to theltt,s00 vl later inanior months, post a schedule for fir tree later that morning to o4 aise gaan may child her to go to the bathroom while chirp his inks 2nd prob fescue vhs a chia' home often enough to keep d worm Remind her for some a robins ail made|~- \ to go, aiming to on their own. Our solely responsible good née ors co-operated a Punish her, notfor"acci- ) '. only for failure to follow Jackson, the old tom , , schedule rd the end of the! 7 spied a worm and wa Sat the ond ah oan eraae Mr, Bernard FOR HOME "APPOINTMENTS which the mama while the little birds ted. to offer it to one little|ning LADIES sted that I r arose hist : 4 oft pa ng Toronto Salons 725-6854 robin enjoyed were lear o fly 1 Ne bob perched forlorniy on th me Dey Sie, me See Sete Exper ed Hair Styiist ature I se last perched on' the pet one rest of the 'fam OW consisted mashed hard ed with first Early ater/ ably to get This yee just hool or en he is expected worries could be re ad worms t t vy member of the You have robin spon in the knew | the eve provide a baby kept i SIDE mornir wou ndoors the di temp NZ fellow 2 a good example them and sel parents - should star* arly and strive continuously t & The Peek Frean package gets the biggest hello, whereve Everybody has his favourite Peek Frean cookie. ASSORTED BISCUITS 1 POUND WET Peek Frean bis sold everywhere! Baked to perfection, wrapped for protection by "* PEEK FREAN makers of famous | Pre-Natal Classes Eliminate Fear Of Natural Childbirth Arthur' Canada's Diva, Madame Donalda 'Coaches Promising Vocalists John} 'born Michael Lightstone and al assortment, or buy them wherever you go- [classes every six or seven THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, July 28,1963 week. |. Natural. childbirth has psycho.|ing a painful, routine labor." |miles. You just want to pick up logical value for the whole fam. And a ag oo 2 tog as- aa rs Pe walk home right ; " sisted at the er own|afterward." ily, she said. "A man especiaily|cniig feels better than ever be-| "Very few natural childbirth be.|89e8 through an emotional cr'-|fore. "You feel you are floating|mothers feel any after-birth de- on a cloud, or could run 10!pression,"" she said. * appening," she said, But - knowing iat is happen |sis if he thinks his wife is nav ing to her, a woman can: d) much to help herself. At' the association's classes ;women learn to relax their bod.| ies and to control their breath. ing Many women become aware, of muscles they never knew they had, said Mrs. James. "Women are always taught to} sit with their legs together, but! that lady-like position doesn't| help stretch the muscles used! in childbirth." The exercises, which include} jsitting cross-le gged on the floor! land squatting, loosen abdom-| inal muscles, help to correct! jposture and ensure quick return! |to a normal figure. after the) |birth | Exercises are easier to learn, jwhen young. But ages in the | 250-member association range |trom 17 to 45. ALL ARE WELCOME | Women should be at least four |mont ths pregnant to enrol in tne classes, "but we never tura down anyone because they are |too advanced," said Mrs James, She herself is expecting a fifth child in about four months SPORTSWEAR 110. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE TOMORROW -- anD SATURDAY FURTHER DRASTIC. REDUCTIONS THE GREATEST ( Yoisamte, SALE During Our 35 Years In Business | "Even two or three classes javill help,' she said, The aso- ciation. begins a series of et ght ,1906 she made her debut-on this }continent in the old Montreal Arena, The same year she Starred at Oscar Hammerstein's |Manhattan Opera House in New York for a season before re turning to Europe to the Opea Comique in Paris Grove's Dictionary and Musicians - says "exceptional talent as an ac- tress" and adds: "The. rich, |sympathetic quality and reson- ant timbre of her voice and her vivacious, artistic style won general admiraion." Mme. Donalda sang before royalty in England and at nu- jmerous European festivals, sharing billing with such artists as Pablo Casals and Mischa Elman. A_ high point of her career was in 1912 when she sang at the Great Triennial |Handel Festival in London's |Crystal Palace before an audi- ence of 24,000. |RETIRED IN 1919 | When the rst World War jstarted she interrupted her ca- |reer and gave concerts for the Red Cross and the unemployed iduring war years, She was jawarded a life membership in| sithe Red Cross for her services. In 1919 she gave her last per- | formance at Covent Garden, "I ended my singing career early i perhaps too early," she says. She settled in Paris in 1922 to teach and her 'studio became a }mecca for students, She returned to Montreal! in 1937 and formed the Opera Guild three years later, In 1938 she donated to McGill her mu- sic library, collected over a) period of 35 years and contain- ing many origina! signed manu scripts and scores, The more |than 300 volumes formed. the} jnucleus of the library of the: |Conservatorium at the univer sity, ,which awarded her an [honorary Shy Hes in 1954 as part of the 50th-anniversary cel- ebre foley of the faculty of music : of Music she had WE ALSO CARRY HALF SIZE DRESSES UP TO 24% STOP AT Ansus-GRAYDONG CARPET COMPANY 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE Summer Dresses And Shifts Clearing 4.97 9.97 6.97 1.97 297 297 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 2.97 3.97 1.97 Up To Half-Price And Less Half-Price And Less wad Summer Suits Bathing Suits Shorts Bermudas ee ee ee ee ey Jamaicas Slims Skirt & Sleeveless Tops ........ Pop-Tops Blouses Shirts Jackets Clearing " r you go. Pullovers Cotton Sweaters Rainwear Pack an THE BIGGEST SUMMER STOCK WE'VE EVER HAD MUST GO REGARDLESS OF COST WE CARRY BY FAR THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SPORTSWEAR IN OSHAWA cuits are A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Purchase At Reduced Prices All Sales Final Please SEIGNEUR'S ° OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE biscults