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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jul 1963, p. 3

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Expert Cites Reasons For Athletic Failures "In becoming respectable," he says, "some fundamentals of physical fitness such as co: ordination, flexibility and bal- ance were thrown away, In a choice between skills and basic fitness, I would take the lat: ter,' Mr, Dyson charged that "some physical education ia. structors" he has met in his 54 months here are "wholly ignor: ant' in that they know theory but "have never taken any exercise themselves," "They wear white coats, try to look like physiologists as they stand beside a treadmill, Why don't they take some exercise thamselves? DYSON-ISMS CITED Dyson-isms delivered Wed nesday night at O'Neill Colegi: ate and Vocational Institute as North Bay MPP, who is pro vineial chairman of the sports Canadian runners and jump: ers are poor, in comparison to European athletes, becauseltraining program of the Le. they lack 1) know-how; 2) prop-/gion"s provincial command; Ed er facilities; 3) good competi:|Jones, a General Motors em: tion, ployee and former English AAA But Bruce Kidd, Bill Croth|Javelin champion; and Barclay ers and Nancy McCredie have Law, Oshawa Legion member shown that Canadians have/and chairman of the Oshawa world-class potential' and can/Track and Field Council, develop into world beaters, Mr, Dyson emphasized the These opinions were viced|Need for clinics to "instruct Wednesday by Geoff Dyson,|2%4_ inspire" coaches across British national coach to their] Canada Amateur A thietic There is a tendency in the New World to concentrate on Association) for 14 years British Olym: : years and Britis naithe good performer," he said, "Rather than coach the top pic team coach in 1982, 19356 and 1980. | jfew, we want to raise the gener, JO BDESCRIBED jal standard," In a brief stop at city hall) The controversial coach skew- Wednesday prior to three other ered the idea that Canadian win. meetings in a full day here, Mr/ters could have an adverse Dyson described his five-yearjeffect on training job in Canada as one of "coach:| "What about Russia and Fin. ing the coaches and teaching/!and? Their winters are no hard.|ne lectured, with the aid of the teachers," ship to them, Russia came from/films, to about 90 persons who He was hired by the Royal/nowhere to be a track powerjturned out: iCanadian Legion whieh has/by 1932 i jchosen 10 aid the national physi.| While admitting that many joal fitness drive by emphasizing! Russian athletes trained = in ~Canada is absolutely "rot: ten" with youngsters whe could, with proper coaching run a mile THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, July 28, 1963 § jtrack and field large, government-built _ field. The Legion, through Dyson,/houses, Mr. Dyson said he) hopes fo have hundreds of/thought it possible to do some ' thousands of youngsters across training cakinare "in the 30 to/StPons enough, Whatever they the country, both male and fe-/40 belo w(aero) temperatures of Were 100 years ago when they male, running, jumping anda Winnipeg winter," erossed the prairies, they aren't throwing | : we [ROW : Not only the young, pointed LITTLE PRAISE | = Kor heaven's sake, do some lout Mr, Dyson.. Next month at POR COURSES Ihurdling in Canada, Parents the Guelph clinic, which he He had little that was fat /seem to be afraid to have their promised would be "the larg-("hRs. to say About physical little dears go over them ast coaches' clinic ever assem. education courses and physcal) --Canada could have a bal bled anywhere," . he -warneg Cducation instructors in Can-janced, international team: in 10 that the students who turn out, 248 years; don't hang your hat on whether six or 60. will have to) .He@ said onty a small portion /Kigg, Crothers and McCredie lwear shorts af one year of the physical edu-/Build a general standard | cation course at the University) --You have toe make sacri af New Brunswick is devoteditices, Peter Snell of New Zea: to track and field, and tne/land ran 3200 miles in trang basics of running, jumping and/the year he broke the mile and throwing halhmile records, DISTRICT OBITUARY DELAYED i At the request of the tamily| the obituary for Frederick George Carswell, of Columbus, | who died at the Oshawa Gener} Hospital Wednesday, July 44 will not be carried until after he funeral on Saturday ne EXAM DELAY POSSIBLE An Oshawa high school prin . ned today that Grade ts should be prepared ait as late as Aug. 12 to nh their its, It was an ced Wednesday that results MAY be available dy Aug. 1 WIN AT STOUFFVILLE Two Oshawa teams won prizes » ladies' tredles lawa dow!l in under four minules. --Canadian women aren't j T KEDRON ENJOY POOL Oshawa o> Wh Pati BOYS A While citizens sweltered in & temperatures We boys at the K Camp were takin MARKET PRICES | &M Duplicate ----| Bridge Club Scores 1 oat swimming meet in the CAMP | wey cowED RY The boys are seen here Mr . na tug-of-war in Mayor MAYOR Dyson Was welcomed by Lyman Gifford, He was accompanied by Leo Troy CITY AND GET SECOND PLACE - owing are the high) Bod Gallagher and Sam Mac Tuiv 18 session of) Millan, of Oshawa, were second Motors Duplicate With 5? points and a plus of 9 in the men's doubles tourna Atitier, MER for the Freeman Bell Tro S Sheridan and R. Davis [PRy Wednesday at Cobourg, To Mes. EK. Wadaworth and) TOPhy was Wor by Maurice Mrs. -Krawys, 7 Mr. and Mrs /Booth and Mr, McLean, of Co rans, Pi Mrs. S Shers./douTa, Who had a score of 38 "Patterson, 70g; T.[points 0 Oshawa Times Photo. Will Direct Houdaille on BUFFALO, N.Y, -- Robert L. Wilson, Houdaille Industries vice . president, Anance, | since 1955, has been assigned the additional responsidility of heading up the corportion's expanded activities in the area of corporate development Gerald C. Saltarelli, presi dent, announced today that ef. fective immediately, "Mr. Wi json's Rew executive title will ibe Vice-President, Finance and Corporate. Development AS this would indicate, Houdaille plans to @iligently pursue a t J. Thompson, 68 Mrs . aneeeione and L, Peel, 67} ven = Road Work Is Y Two Weeks ing tournament Wednesday course leading to farther expan. Stouffvi Mrs, James Mejsion Within Gat present Indux: ne s, RL Clemence andiiries and their markets partici July 33, at the ors Recreation Hall i arke wil] conduct a 7.15 te 7.99 pam Cuten \, Dewland were Mah pation, as well as acquiring © wins with a score of/additional properties for farther Mrs. S, Gidbs, Mrs./diversification, Mr. Wilson's and Mrs, R. Fiintoffiproad experience TORONTO P) cream t were Ur ta for a fair Country dea the federal de culture on Canada delivered Toronto large 3; A 8 SS: Rand C gre 8 are quoted by M arke and J af arr ade RO market Wholesale to re ergs, average W ef July A dium 43.4; A sm Ontario County Farm Calendar UXARRIDGE ----The following ealendar of TR was released by ment of Agrical nr jtien Park Competition for) 2H Homemaking Clad girls at the CNE Friday Aug a.m Park a ev the ume Count road es 3 aut two weeks behind scned @ ia corpora for two wins with ation finance and law uniquely quatifies him to spear head this important area of con CAR Geneva Park -- adersaip TOA RS mb 3 Camp.* Oatare Rlack Dowaey ore of 30 had & Cavan Youth Wins Soil Judging MANVILE ~- md Land WRX dary Cause is spel at 1 AW ~~, T Ww Reev uA Ma Pert! ~ © AY af the co aa to hat With re wen Frou @ailie's plans Mer an acceler ated expansion program, Mr Witson points out that substan. tial sams will be expended in earoh and engineering to rounding @ut progact Hares presentiy owned Hon. companies. R is signifi that § per cent of Hou eS carrent sales volume from prodacts newly de. } er acquired within the PAS eight years In speaking of diversification Wilson stated that major 4 RN be Girected te acquiring basinesses and which are Complement t® Carrent eperations, par larly Fa the Relds of auto ~ ev OAC-- . woald de me » end af the yoat ware hin ~ 4 2 Sem. 22 Sur turday, Sem. 134 Arh a Far ay TR Use Toar ROW s be was Sa t ay 3S FORT ERIE E FRIDAY, 2 - rpedaucts +0 SeRsT RACE - ary ative pre@ects, industrial tools and equipment and constractian matenals Would Renovate Counties Jail COBOURG -- The Report of the Special pPraperty committee Toad % counties council at Oo. THATITOSMVIATS thase attend tr a land inde . a at the farm rong Rres, Fraser were @ag in as on the farm and ef the soll in ack VARIOeS CTaAs WAS Lay Bxevn Sompcan aaa A new book enutkd "Diag at Mineral Deheeencies = by Viswal Somatems" ma % the top tre ach groan. Wir: tien one fer 2H ad SATS age and Howard Marton Pap Winsiew MeMatan of Alnwick Township, recommonded mradernization of the United Counties jail at Co- bourg at a cast of $25,400. The Jal Ras Deon the ban of considerable adverse he Sik pears and HR was onty im the sar PASt Peat that the counties oven. a te a --_-- ON @eovded to heed the eriticicm Fla, teRowed be Garg MOA Was weicea = aint Rewmanrte Winners 2232s overcrowding apen te farm Modernization wil Inclede a nm the county were Brace Rew @ermRory on the second Tevler, Epeisti@en, and Mrs./foar, new staus and a new gee mez, Port Hope tors affine as well as other bad am was an ly neoded Inprerements. wadactea by Har® rwvwuww Www: %& and Creps TA, : A were eo) QWNERAA RETIINS sips 7e SEVENTH Race ray <x TW ware? Palicem section three Syeeroun emt am 6 ~ ORM; Coamar aA---ms. F evs ONY TRR® RACE Carat Perse $228 FRO. wt Agricaltere. at Rooke, Ficka GR (ansdher Rog \ Strang Rros., assisted, APPLIANCES WILL ASSIST BAND AT SHELL CONCERT The Raythm-Counts, of To. O'Keefe Contre, -- om rank the Ontario a. Evans, daritone and Jett | ronto, finalists in the recent forming at the McLaughlin embers of the quartet, from | International Barbership Sing» Bandshell, Memorial Park, left, are Bob Bridgman, lead; Pritchard, bass, The concert j ing Competition this Tharsday night with the Ed, Morgan, tenor; Gareth opens at 8.90 p.m. Cannington A oO : Fuelmen Down CAPSULE NEWS Farmer Wins | New Librarian Nichols Motors Land Judging To Win Series UXBRIDGE -- The seventh At Queen's Park | BOWMANVILLE (Stall) -- Ontario County Land ics iStephen Fuels down i Judging Competition was held) TORONTO (CP) -- Jean R REPORT DENIED fee 62 last ey hog -- in the Man,/Kerfoot will take over as chief] WASHINGTON (AP)--The deiniete a threegame sweep of librarian of Ontario's Legisla-jfence department. said Wednes-jtheir: best of five Men's Town tive Library at Queen's Park/day "there is no foundation" t0 League semistinal series Sept, 1, She will succeed Mild-ia peport by the Chicago Sum) po g 5 red A, Fraser, head of the 138;/Times that the United States) George Stephen went all the 000-volume library for 14 years,/has prepared a plan to use U.S Se ee acer cede Ihis usual strong pitching who will retire itreaps im Laos in event the ley van (He chaiked up his third win of tere ANE ECTURE jCommunists were about to over) ag -- - : ion ---- LECTURER fran the country, A Lesnation series He gr bg up oaly we, e yh aig pal bo ae Bing R, Ont (cl y--Rev jagreement creating a neutral.//ve Tans over the three-game jwas a tour in the ManchesterJames Thomas Lawrence elist government in Laos has SPae jarea to brief the competitors on/James, assistant executive Gis! noon endangered in recent Bill Osborne lost it, The young ithe various soil types te dejrector of St Leonard's House) months by military actions enifireballer couldn't seem to find jfound in the area; and on howlof Windsor, Wednesday Wasithe part of Communist and pro-| , ite identify them named lecturer in theology atiCommanist forces ithe form in the playotts that he j a jexhibited in season play, During Harvey Wright, Soils Special.|the University of Windsor an list for this area, John Ingratta, /Chaplain of Anglican students at} PROTECTION COST HIGH [the season he won eight and lost Fruit and Vegetable Extension ke aged a College. pe a WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thejonty one to pitch Nichols to the Specialist, and Tom Barbor,/ ile Rative "s to Windsor Wi cost of maintaining army tops|ieague pennant Metropolitan Toronto and Re ee = . ake Of Bays/ror the protection of Negro stu: Nich ished . gion Conservation Authority, | M{isston, Muskoka dent James Meredith from ra: Pegs = beg ae were in charge of the instruc] RAISE MINIMUM WAGE [cial violence at the University) [hy 0" favartne te we "tre ition period WINNIPEG (CP) gore me Page ran to about a tinal oan The St ; WIN? mA DiRE/93 962.000, 1 '}s Stephen The Land Judging Compet cent-an-hour increase in Mani) ied Wotsastar nen ieee played inspired ball, how. tien was under the supervision/teba's minimum wage was ap} 103, a ee eaiaiever and capitalized on their | ms eentae 'Witaeenas bv ii "ja Question, the department said R bal jot Lynn Fair and Doug Keya, proved ae ggh ay . Brew l his covered the period through! Pesition's mistakes, Ontario Department of Agrical./RC* cabinet, Obie Baizley, '-)iac June 30, the latest estimate.) Stephens will _now meet the | winner of the "B" semitinal ta fre, Uae 'Saeco ara Following lunch, the groap/workers and 70 cents ah hour QUEBEC =-- -- rely ers wears weer tn Go jwent to the farm of Byron Holt. {8 rural areas--is expected to tik ahpiahaneas ses semitina pe . by, RR 2 Port Perry. us ree become effective Sept 3 and sage Wednesday announced the) See ee cal ok Ped poate will 2 peed k. all pervent Quedee cabinet has approved an ni H ME ws average pay increase of $300 a/ fooations ea the farm N N for] # year effective next Nov, 4 for) bh na ¥ AP ! rs yw i ; es cone he cee naa | DOG ESCAPES members of the Quebec Prov. ants te recagn ze and know the! WINNIPRG (CP) -- A_ man incial Police, The increase will TeCAgAY : wr <Aelwho had taken his Meyearold d00st a constable's pay, after] t cpoket spaniel to be "put to five years' service, to $5,000. by the Hamane Soviety Rookies wil be paid $1,000 wmbfounded eight days) MORE m She returned home @ cried when the dog went BELGIAN QUEEN $8 ay." Ben Dellar Wed.) BRUSSELS (AP) Queen we cried fer jay /Riisadbeth of Belgium, grand _ ck." A Hu.lmother of reigning King Rau spokesman saididouin, obserwed her STA Birth. day Tharsday. j j yannual (Tharsday, July 18, johester area | This competition is sponsored iby the Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservatin . Author.ty working in association with the jOntario Dopartment of Agricul GOOD FOO Breoktest, Lunch, Dinner © AM, te 2 PLM, 3:30 PA, te 8 PLM, Hote! Lancaster eomnenen | To have thet comet or. chest ertield cleaned professionally in Oshewe's Origine! Corer Cleaning Centre . . . where fully guaranteed sotisfoction 5 assured, Phone 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST. age soil Iwpea on and in r vy thelr so a sohuti man The Class were Juniors -- Dean Smith, Ux.)mane bridge, RR & Rodert Smith [the dag escaped from her steel! Port Perry, RR 2 Robort/wite cage and got past a heavy sues jCouperthwaite, Uxbridge, RR 3; wooden door and over a wire John Harris, Claremont, RR 3; gate to begin her Ave-mile jour- jan Leask, Uxbridge, RR 2, Ted Bey home Hunter, Breoktin, RR 1 (tied) Intermediate -- Wayne Beach GRENADE FATAL PLACANICA, Ray {AP) Oshawa, RR 2 Frea Cather ve ren from the same y grenade as they prodiems through Y and to Radar wi better sail/ay | NEW HOME| SPECIALISTS IMA Reet Estete Lee. TRADES ACCEPTED PRS-GIVE 323 King H.W. weed, Uxbridge, RR 2 Day Hawthorne, Claremont, RR Doug B Brooklian, RR Rarry Leask, Leaskdale Senior -- Ken Alsop, Canning ton, RR 2 Lira Wilson, Ux bridge, RR 2 K) 2 We hands, & z brother, Two drethers were in jared. Their mother, Mrs. Anna Fred Taber, /Pacrolani, from the doorway of Fred Wilson the b&b the children} Frank Barkey, > hing metallic] was a toy s MSS, $2 With somret rt Uxby © i a dourg, this week, by Reeve F/ COMMA grand jories over the past) 34 SIMCOE ST. NORTH EXTRA FEATURE RED. RIPE | WATERMELON } FIRST GRADE CREAMER GRADE "A" SMALL SIZE EGGS WR YOUR CONTAINER ) «- CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE : BREAD 2 tor EXTRA FEATURE caicenss 39 e HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS e | LEAN, MEATY -- PORK 5 SPARE RIB 595! Shoulder 99: suit 793 ieacon MAPLE LEAF 45: 39 39 BONELESS - SHOULDER BOONOMY--4 & 7? SHORT CUT Ge @ D e z SVEN READY 2%2-3 B. Ave. vag THICKENS Ree

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