ORDERS INTEGRATION SET RECORD | record of almost $2,400,000,000 DURHAM, N.C, (AP)--A fed} Australia's exports reached a in the 1962-63 financial year e 'leral judge Wednesday ordered)" ane a speedup of desegregation in Dur am schools this" year and sigafoo, Sen All: Color Week - End Show ! gation in Durham schools this year and "total and spy desegregation next year, Chief BROUGHAM -- A Bay Ridges| Mr, Webb charged that She, pened. "To a certain extent,| ccool board admit all Negro 'THE Recording tinguishable signs of support Francis Costello at an assess-| "test case," "Mr, McCallum ap-| 8@Ung an action and the re.) EXPORT FRUIT | He. knew about it before we! count for some 11 per cent | AMONDS the hearing, adjourned until/ confident that he had the moral at "these people here, taken| cision of the Pickering Town-/ciation, He said thay following what to do," he continued. "I ship Court of Revision in April]a more recent meeting of the aM asking that costs be assess. arohy "A Sle ito OAT Se ae Judge Costello advised Mr, sis vision Court | perts in the field as I now see TT Geclalon of the Revision Cour jin front of me," he said, Li LE CAESAR x TONIGHT " lhe cost of S804. eet }ment Commissioner, Delbert CONSULS | |Judge Costello repreventel In New York eee ee TONIGHT and FRI, ONLY [tuted as mombers of the Pick) NeW YORK (AP) -- MC ipasis for atest case. If. the erty assessments are currently England, was banned in New August 19. Callum, on behalf of is once to the current vice trial of , Webb was outnumbered bY opinion the book, better known Sa " \ \ : : Ps of farm owners, be hattl-'p it obseer " HES SWIM LESSON ng the urvan appeal | Morale ot HERO'S Addressing the judge without English people of the mid-28th " DOG WATC nse . ISLAND LJ Farm" | CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thureday, July 25, 1963 a LT District Judge Edwin M, Stan: Ww ' ¥ ley directed that the Durham elt Disney's 18 Top resident, appearing without) Court of Revision had acted) my hands are tied," he said elementary and junior hi Ps iy ' » high hae sel and pon other dis, ing ps ip pe Ue, s*¢| serious MATTER school children who formally PARENT Stars! ' i eS , ' from his area, had costs of $204,| into individual assessments but} Solicitor, Jas, McCallum as- ite aa! rite schools _-- TRAP" 'THE BIG levied against him by Judge| would take one property as a sailed the appellant for insti-| naueed EEE B oe | EA ment appeal hearing in Broug-! pears to feel that 1 am acting hogs an adjournment after) ,, ; HAYL LL ham recently, lon . sage of my own,' a ¢ hearing had been arranged, | fanned fruit and "oer cent] li LFY at $s P ee Vincent Webb has until Aug, said, He noted that when the it * A HARLIE BA' 12 to make the payment. or] initial action was taken, he was/ id," he said, "he has called) jot Bulgaria's export wade, | pipe TMIN COLOR Aug, 19 will be disallowed, [and financial support of the! farmers off their land to awai t| TOMORROW Mr. Webb is appealing a de- | Bay Ridges Ratepayers' Asso-| {his pleasure while he decides BILTMURE 1903 that reverted more than organization, it was felt that/¢d against him, This is a very! 300 farm properties back to| the proceedings should be post.) Seriaus matter." the figure set in 1960-61 plus) ten per cent, Mr, Webb con. jWebb to acquire legal . aid, FINAL NITE vends that the "blanket formula") 200-Year-Old "You will be opposed by ex DRIVE OUT fair and only tended t swing a heavier tax iad on Book Banned P -- ae © Seeenewen. Son ond the ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON! |the urban home-owner, j Pickering Township -- Assess» {$1.00 per person (204) Onettt boda . of Kalman 7 hi ely, » Claremont as the { Box Oitice Open at 8:00-----"'Trapp Family" at 9:15 jering Township Farmers' or moirs of a Woman of Pleasure, : ganization Whose present PrOP'y Hook written 200 years ago in sige gh geod germs e | ALL COLOR FAMILY-FUN SHOW! under question, The figure, re york Wednesday by a judge quested by solicitor, Jas, Mo who made an apparent refer Se aman ON am RRR clients was accepled by the grenhen Ward in London judge Justice Charles Marks of JAMES 2 'Ma & Pa WANTED ADJOURNMENT grate Supreme Court said in his MASON about 300 to 1 as the Township as Fanny Hill, could not be de an ee \ Kettle 4 Hall admitted a huge assembly fended as typical of the age and | &' STARRING ng the urban appeal "Morals of the mass of the On The RICHARD BASEHART the guidance ef a lawyer, he century cannot be judged by the a Under the watchful eye of 10. The girls are the daugh Frenchman's Bay near het admitted that he was not pre: narrative of sex and immoralily IN COLOR ADULT ADMISSION DRIVE-IN THEATRE the family doe 'Friendly' ters of Mr, and Mrs. F. home ideal for teaching her pared to carry the matter of a minute few any more than 723: 4972 sever-yearold Shelly Davis Davis of Frenchman's Bay, younger brothers and sisters |inrough until more time was we should today indict the peo STILL ONLY 75Se wh . receives her first swimming, aron who is a good swim. to sW i = allowed for preparation of a ple of England for immorality jesson trom her. sister Sharon, mer finds 'the warm water of : Oshawa Times Photo case, He said that he had ask: reason of the lurid recital of . Ze THREE STOOGES COMEDY fs - ed for an adjournment but was sex acts alle Vv engaged in by SELL WELL told that such couki not bea mere handful of its people, THE MOST WONDERFUL Sales of Swedish cellulose in arranged, "Iwas hoping the he said in his decision : 300 Swimmer g [nh es PRO ee Ses, al I ENTERTAINMENT EVER EVER] amounted to 70 per cent of the * he said. "Under the cir junction against the publication Ge - esiimated annual output of tances, I would still seek sale, or distribution of the book REAR ARS P 3,000,000 ons adjournment," he said n Now York City Ajax Competition = a arn vir Yor Oh AJAX (Staff) -- More than) Steve Hewitt; Steve Grosse, Ed. 300 Ajax children entered the ward Heslin, ewimming competition held in' Side stroke under 13 -- Bar rhe Al aX Swimming pool Tues: bara Horton, David MacGregor, Thompsoa The varie events were open : 13 : ers enrotied in er r . Ed the cox arse of swimming in- ward slin, Steve Gr asse a and water sat fety now Senior A Only - Tom being bel a in the pool, Mela Keith Bilinger. nner and two runners Senior, Breast Stroke -- Keith com pete for the Re . Steve Grose, Martin a imming championship War against teams trom Oshawa Re ay Event --- Ken O'Brien a Whithy oa Saturday err ard, Steven Hewitt and The swimming competitions Ed dward Hest in ne Saray w a ' ' Pewee ee 'th "Sherket RinetteClub | {Midsummer {] Aluminum Cashway Lowers | _ Petic CHAIN, J) SOK ons. ae ae wi be manne os Names 1963 S ALE Combination sie ripe cuass Pps. windows } Prices Again! jf sueers Joa th © various events held on Tues . "the election af MANY OTHER glue height) be tote of five e 42" é e3 ows st place for the com QUALITY ITEMS-5$ ot more -- --> $12.79 Keith Simpson ter esaent Kay Cam werd SUISIT HWAY . se; 23 and over prpeglapne P< an, The president will be ; & save! 4 $9.65 -" Firply:c FACTORY ~_ peepee i, Keith Bilinger, Y vr . Shut? at mn Ward oti ggg ow Fig " S0%2" ~ 70 in, $10.65 . >= Fret Swim = dim Waggyguitede ow bir yige : 70%4"-100 in, $12.95 GRA \DE POSTS Hesun, Glen Nelson, John Mo ke th Connell: secretary, M: ; 100% in. Up $15.75 3 ® AURMIA rh S tr : CANADA'S $ ay tess pager adda Vac per sq. » x . y Mrs > t ar 2} ~~ Glide B dutter Ki asters; 7 Quality DOOR | a Be ow pan in lots of 25-$8.9S da Feldmas, r Passant;y direct r | Sealgeti apes tim Resin Michael Smith y Dotiacutt t { FULLY j GRADE STAMPED for "alas "Prac: ig ig ed NWA. Just 3.22 Per Sheet carol bay in Bomba il 2x4s--8 YOU'LL SAVE BIG MONEY ON KEEP COOL! ! t Crawl ander 13 -- Rar 188 were On aiaplay arton, Jira Pierce, Rod. RE wer T "ptging STRIKE Ba . SPRUCE $84 THIS BIG MILL FIRPLY? . THIS SUMMER oe ters) -- The per 2008 WARM NEXT WINTER "A-1" QUALITY 210 LB. awl. 33 and over Frey > today Ken O'Brien, Steve Hewitt, Tom ic a ' e t r ~ > dlp wi -- tom Rack Crawl, vader Fim vot 35 -- althoarh the bit! : : = ! meres || | INSULATION BERIT eatge he ee ee RES ee 231 | SPAR VARNISH Oo. nire neo. GRaniTe BROWN a : 21 | Top Grede 15 77% SJIS) ASPHALT « prog POLYETHYLENE SHINGLES 5 ™ WATER PIPE = § ovner stock Colors $6.55 per aquere t = = art Foot Reh : , NTARI a" $3.95 fl 2" Red Cedar ON' oF ARIO y ee ag 1" $5.95 Picnic Tables $14.75 =: Combination |" &® isa The Minimum Wage Cs So scone seu * FARMER'S * ASBESTOS fly peorme + Branch oo . ": he gg my SIDING is now located at ? 1 sate gt 95 '0. 74 Victoria Street SRE Peete < saa7 Sal eee ve" 2 68" ane $0" x 3° 0" $29.37 Johns-Manville $9.10 29. Terento 1, Ontario [I~ anion Sm. dT cee omotadad Telephone: 365-4392 Like A Free Price List? ELECTRIC T" AJAX YARD or 365-4393 Ali cons Sst: CIRCULAR SAW ON THOMPSON ROAD JUST CANADA CASHWAY LUMBER LTD. Fell 8.0 Amos 5,000 OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 Write Head Office: BOX 330, MALTON | 'P.™. ! Teor Werrenty PHONE 942-1221 aS $9575 Brooklin Yard ~ ren to a ain "over the 91 age » Executive of 14 ROWMANVILLE -- at the gf $ OF ALUMINUM 9° sesom naan te Swat " ? ? FIRST GRADE ceere and ienaerean in| ROWMANVILLE At t MEASUREMENTS UP TO SO Y/ 4 8 d d Winners and tae : g of the Kinetic DOORS AND |; UNITED INCHES (Width Ya X4 Xx ande = WOW! GIANT DOUBLE FEATURE ELVIS PRESLEY, IN "GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS" "WHO'S GOT THE ACTION" BOTH IN COLOR BOX OFFICE OPENS 8.00 P.AX, INC, SUNDAYS AMS THO BE MURS -AUS 4 COR CRIDON" LAAAAA 59666666066 66966:" e @ a © e eu DEAN MARTIN, LANA TURNER ef e e e a e e ADDRESS ° CORNER HIGHWAYS 7 AND 12 ) HON, HL. ROWNTREE TOWN OF RR PHONE 655-33 Ri com of Lato PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY, Therk You . 13