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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1963, p. 26

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3 -- TIMES, Wednesdey, July 31, - | Federal PCs Seek ee gag Growth Observed it Forme Help From Roblin |th Byelection In African Unity "v7 recognizing their growing influ By KEN KELLY more than another five years or!' MONTREAL (CP)--firic Klor-| LONDON, Ont, (CP)=The de+) world meeting here this week, [nce In world councils, they are OTTAWA. (CP) = Conserva-| so, an, ; ae Tneues with altermination of African leaders] The cloved vexsions will dratt/*!*? He by ag tives, taking long-range stock of] 'They say that if Mr. Roblin/fiair for acquiring succoxsiui cas)! Improve the lot of thelr peo}proposals und suggestions for} oi Oh pelone ing onether the state of their pary and tho) has any ambitions in the federallroers, is of on another=Que:|le and the loaders' growing/policy makers of the Anglican/ "nit the w hee he prospects for the next election, |field--=and they are confident-he|beo's provineial politics, sense of African unity wereladvisory vouncil on missionary b kt _ _-- Influence "is are pressing Premier Duff Rob-/has--two main courses are Open) "T have some alight idea of/stvessed here Tuosday by seniorjstrategy, Primates and are "| cagmits AO indy ate of lin of Manitoba to make a move| to him, What I'm getting into," he said| Anglican clergy from Africa, -- /bishops of the 18 churches of the) "HANNE Bn To Bayne of into the federal field within the|" One would be to ait tight in}Tuesday night in his acceptance! "The African Christian is|ANgilcan communion will bogin|s oto r senn erhoes oF tae next year, Manitoba and wait for a Con-jspeech after he was nominated| working feverishly to produce| arriving here this weekend for a Anglican communion, said a The 46: year-old Manitoba pre: servative leadership convention, unopposed Libera) candidate inj trained nationalist leaders to policy conference Aug, 5 + 10,/posentmen: felt in the emer ol mier haa long been regarded aaj building up support for his ownja forthcoming byelection in/fight ignorance, disease and headed by M R ; A. M_Jnations is directed more Pig a possible successor to Johnicandidacy wntil one is called, Montreal Notre : Dame = de-/poverty," valid Most Rev, Leon- mS BY OM PM 'ensan (political xvstem than at. the Diefenbaker, especially sine e/The other would be to enter fed:|Grace, ard J, Beocher of Nairobi, Arch.|Ramaey, Archbishop of Canter) nay the former prime minister prac-|eral politics as early as possi:) The date o the byelection,/bishop of Mombasa and Bast Af-/bury "Older Western peoples often tically named Mr, Roblin as his! ble caused by the death last May 22)tvea, "The church stands wholes) Archbisnop Beecher said in anisee the new. nations only in successor on a public platform| On the idea of waiting, seniorjof Revenue Minister Paul Bari,|heartedly behind this." interview the native clergy of/terms of rebellion against colo in Winnipeg during the last elec.) men in the party say that there/has not been announced Archbishop Beecher, who went! rio <a y ™ salism," Bishop Bayne. said, tion campain, isn't enough. strength behind) Mr, Kierans, who sald he will/to Kenya in 1027 as a secondary mon 8 vot moatly under 'We need to see rather the vige Mr, Diefenbaker makes no se-| pressure for-a leadership con:/resign within a week from hisischool teacher, was among) tal Conditions," It was @ pri) vous determination of the eret of his intention to lead the! vention next year to result in a/$40,000-a-vear job as president some 40 representatives of Ans/Mary need for the church to/voung nations to provide dignit _| Conservatives into the next elec: »| change before another election,/of the Montreal and Canadianielican churches around the! provi ide retraining: to Moet | the and deconey for thoir peonie,® tien nor of his confidence that/In effect, that would mean ajStock Exchanges, is considered -- nena he once again will become! five-year waiting period for Mr,|sure-fire cabinet material in the) prime minister, However, he|Roblin with the danger to his/Quebec government, is said to feel that the Conserv-| leadership hopes of a strong/HAS LESAGE'S BACKING \ -- " ~ - 4 " ative party should be thinking|/challenge developing from oth} Premier Lesage is said to Z | i i } R now a putting a strong lieuten:| ers in the field who have yet tojhave given his backing to Mr./ aa ound! af Re ie es his side for the period prave themselves in an election, manent nommastion as Libera) leading up to the next election) Both Premier Robarts of On-/candidate. Political circles say ' S campaign, tario and Conservative Leader/it is just a matter of weeks RETAILERG TO THRIFTY CANADIAN Mr, Roblin, fluently bilingual,| Davie Fulton of British Colum:/perhaps onty days, before a cab and Mr, Diefenbaker met at) bia have been mentioned as two/inet appointment for Mr, Kier juncheon last weekend when Mr,| possible federal leadership can./ans is announced Roblin was in the capital for aj didates, Neither man has led his) For Mr Kierans, 49, it ds his federal-provineial conference party in a provinelal election/second attempt at polities A number of Conservatives) campaign while Mr. Roblin is aj He tried unsuccessfully for the 'think there will be another fed.| three-time winner in Manitoba jLiberal nomination in the rid eral general election in 1944 or) Conservatives here are put-|ine at a federal election in 1057 at latest early in 1945, They also! ting pressure on Mr, Roblin to Tn the last federal election, he consider Mr. Diefenbaker maylenter the federal arena in the /SPOK@ Out at non-nolitical meet : not remain active politically for'nexy few months ings against Social Credit's ----omennn MORCIATY policies, In the last few weeks he issued statements -- ' some propos: als in Fi AWAITING AMBULANCE | One Purchasing ar eincce' sin : . SeE ax on Lieyd Hunter, a i4-yearold was thrown from his motor. scené and was not involved | Amer "arcane @ Cane (ot anetty Ae Shown) Calga: outh, lies waiting ecyele in the city Monday. the accident, 3 fervan aim ainbulance. after he The car was parked near the (CP Wirephoto) | gency an e THRIFTY, Reg. 49.88, 2 ee | Cre E cycle 2.5 h p.. Power Prod: i . Ww scapes | ucts Engine, 19" blade and INTERPRETING THE NEWS | Council Suspends OTTAWA (CP)--A major pro-} Planning for this wat sup! deck recoil starter, 6" | iposal of the Glassea royal com:/plies agency was begun in 1980) Burni Pl wheels ly steel imission en government organiz-iunder the former Progressive] ing ane eels, sturdy steel con struction, Exceptional low J ® e South Africans ation--creation ef a single pars Conservative government bie or inion GENEVA (AP)--The United/Chasing agency for the federal) Mr, Drury, who also is minis), GANDER, Nfld, (CP)--Seven price, eavernment=is the goal of cur ter of the newly-created indus./CheWw Members of a U.S. Navy Nations Economic Social] * » Nations Economie and Social), planning, Defence Produc:ltry department, said that de- ye al tg Wr <a : \ PSday ents be ® bd Council Tuesday suspended ton Minister Drury said Tues:/partment will take ever defence to its rica South Africa from the UN Eco-iday production's role of fostering de- lle so lage 8 pe . jnomic Commission for Africa.) He said this could come about fence industries jOf a runway at the inthancastl 5 ing a re vit he 7 By CAROL KENNEDY _jforeign reserves touched the One of th council's subsidiary ge bowl gett gg hi Meanwhile, bas defence pro-jairpott, ani hi betel ceil tag epaie eR ate! FPSO new agency £ Ag ¢ x MS aneth dey ment "is eur The ft an oi an Press Staff Writer!hi shest level last February! agencies e fourvengined plane. base » it seems, So £./8736,000,000--since the national defence production department, rently engaged in a study with a jat Argenti rf} , "4 e CHARGE IT, NO DOWN Suddenly, it seems, South Af Ne F a Se ae ae ; seiesbortenny gentia, Nfld, had been rica has come up against world ists came to power in 1M? hy 18-nation council accepted/now the defence department'siview to converting itsel inte alme aking prac stice landings and T. epinion with a painful bump Phe rift with the Common: 28 American . Argentine + Col./ purchasing agent eneral procurement agency forjtakeaffs at the airport. It made PAYMENT.--1.25 WEEKLY In the debate expected this|wealth in May, 1961, caused amb an resolution suspending) Mp, Drury, appearing betore!all goods and services needed! an approach and apparently had week in the United Nationsionly a momentary slump South Africa from the commis: ihe Commons defence commit by the government.' tanded safely, but when the pi Security Council on South Af| Investors who then whipped) S08 because of her apartheid) iee, also reported that the een) ~----=--=--= Hlot gunned the engine to take off rica's apartheid (race separa:/their capital out new are flock-| (facial separation) policy ral nucleus of a war supplies] PRINT FAMED DIARY again the plane failed to re --. -- 4 ~ tion) policy, some Afro-Asian back: One who recently; Under the decision the Affix! agency has-been created to take LONDON (AP)=The diaries! jspond a i. members appear determined to/placed $15,000,000 worth of faith) can commission itself shall de:/contrel of production, @ stridur ew te | Tt careened off the end of the » , re try to lever her out of the world/in South African investments/@ide When the suspension. may ton and prices if a national: jam Gladstone, Britsh runway, crashing through a erganization was Canadian spies million.) be lifted. emergency should occur Liberal prime minister in the/small unoccupied buildin: The South Africans, who havejaire Garfield Weston Tn a similar minority decision) He said the structure of an in-last half of the 19th century,/Packed with electronic équip decided to send only an ob: Migrants flow south over Reitithe council eartier this month terim organization. to meet the will be published, Gladstoas ment, and nosed inte a highway server to the council meeting, /Bridge from the uncertain Rho:| expelled Portugal fram the Af:/country's supply needs during), : hans. eat the end of the ranway may feel fairly confident thai/desias, seeking business opper|rican commission. because of the first few weeks after a mar \eee (&e diaries from school) Moments after the crew es THE PATIO SHOP -- OSHAWA'S SHOPPING CENTRE Britain and the United Statesjtunities and stable property/hor white-supremist policy inijor attack on North America aly @ays. at Bion wail his death injcaped the plane burst into RETAILERS YO YNRIFTY CANADIANS will block an expulsion vote on'values in booming Johannes. | Angola ready has been developed 1898 (fames os oe, meueate wat the universal burg s of the UN would collapse = if internal policy were made a OFFERS GOOD WAGES condi ry" " ats as well as " Fans gg & Country's mem WAIe, One should point out: for i J L - oe They also may figure that mier Hendrik Verwoerd's see De Britain will oppose aay move 2ePudlic still offers African Ne 5 : ' to clamp economic sanctions arjS'*S Some of the highest ! Toy arms embargoes on the repub. "ages 0a the gg inent A y Ori ; s / f ; mee SS aT ee, tot, Britain has to consider ge mT, ene r mee agreements which|Witter than for some time--a : include use ot ihe Simonstown! Situation admittedly brought ; me Peet seeemene ' NTE " ~~ SH RNR NES maval base, about by severe police action * Furthermore, Britain is wary!t is estimated some 5,000 ef anything that might invite/@*tests have been made in the reprisals against her three pro. W8dersround Pan ~ Africanist tectorates within the republic 'ess and its branch mave Basutoland and Swaziland ment, 'poge," a black terrorist society DEBATE CAN HURT From. recent speeches by Ver . ' The UN debate nevertheless woerd and his foreign affairs ' ee 1 maust have an important psycho. minister, Eric Louw, one sees : . ' : : f =~ 2 rice ea rance 1 effect on South Africa./no intention to relax apartheid : aii = j Kt comes like a body. ble t the keystone of \th ss f tep of a steady barr alicy that any concession will i ar international iwevitably lead to "one man. a : : ¢ rat. one * apd eventual black : = ing ever since the Sharpeville ral : . : shootings of March, 1960 ~ ' . ay at he & FY The deterioration shows Big snubs like trade bevcot and the severing of diplc inks by Afro-Asian sta a . ' 3 po 4) all, personal sau Like om A \ cestiesiion " , --, "dogs and South Af oS | - eaas Rot welcor i a : - The white. oo country's iso. Of Metro Club . . a lation occurs just at the time when, internally, things seem to . TORONTO (CP) -- geri be going better than at any General Cass Tuesday ordered she, f period in 15 years of nationalist '"°¢ Prowimcial Police to investi ' : F Reg 4 98 19 98 party rule ie a ' rs of the bankrupt ge ° ° to e e Economicaliy, the republic is /ECatily Clad . Fiding high on the golden wealth , MP Cass sa @ he took the ac. of the Rand mines, Gold om aber reading newsps per re reeemrrmtneneestenee, POTTS Of 1B ree Sts stranded i ' ta and England Secnene \ / "-- > club, which organized pre : a. o : ; P rsonal Shoppi lv Drastic Steps ay es pom 2 a " jeg ag pay for their retarn ie o x (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) . ¥ .* take action against cud after be receives re. In Br. Guiana <item be OF GEORGETOWN, British Gu -- awhile, an official of the Ne An excellent selection of slims, shorts, surfers and separates ama (Reuters) -- Drastic steps "So ¥ ork based | € cal eae ania Ain. m have to be taken to resto ong q | 7 nao a baa : = et : in a wide variety of fabrics. Exceptional colour choice! Sizes 10 year's } Lweel tT Mm ree t oR , rel strike, the government said|go"e 68 _CGradiane stranded Elizabeth A rden Soap to 16 in the group. Do shop early for best selection! Tp the speech from the throne, 248 Would be returned to Brit. read by Govermer Sir Raiph *S Grey, Prime Minister Cheagi .. The aitine offered Tuesday to Sagan's People's Progressive "Y Ut 123 tourists home for af UN THE NEW 'HAND-CLASP* CAKES rty government set out fare of S100, although it had policies as the Legislative s Fokae © SO with the Origiwall This is the one time every yeor you ean stock on hurcurto tr Oka EATON S i I P i h ate yOu can stock up on Ravurtous 0p tn the favourite pecial Price, eac scents of Blue Gress or June Geranium. Wonderful lasting, so finely milled that it The Fons cece be 50,000 Ton Cc ier tethers to the last! Attractively gift-boxed, : or ke Often BATH SOAP, HAND SOAP, wa mntonam anal the conte Planned In u x. REG, 2.00! SPECIAL, box of 3 REG. 2.25' SPECIAL, bex of 3 t Depa Ms 00 © 9 TY e 50 2 of Commons i aaa ah cost £90,000,000) EATORYS SAKA REVEL DEPT. 202 puonte 723.7373 SPORTSWEAR, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6. p.m. Monday te 5 lay. Open. Friday. Nights until 9 MS BW Carrier "Hermes and Eagie," ei

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