EE NEY eae MT RIN Professor's Hideaway THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, August 2, 1963 13 Tendune Jay Show ; 3--Vaeation Time 4--Millionaire 2--Capt, Bod MONDAY EVENING $100 PM lieFamily Theatre %=Kiddo t--Early Show 4+--Pive O'clock Show d=To Tall The Truth See | Se See [eed Soe (eee | | RCMP Seeking AND THE CARRIER, Confidence Man With Daring MONTREAL (CP) -- The ROMP is looking for a 4 gine a man Meg man " o steal even citizenship papers and birth oor: tificates than he had expected 19:90 PLM. P--Conclusion of Flim Ode-Trumh or equences Fo-Father Knows Best 4-Search tor Tomorrow TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel li--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2----Bulfalo WBEN-T'V Channel 4--Buffalo WEKBW:TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel §--Rocheater CFTO:TV. Channel %-Toronto CKVR-TV Channel 3---Barrie SATURDAY EVE, 10:90 AM, Route 66 4:00 PLM, &-Frontiers of Faith @>Kingfisher Cove HI Time 4-Unele Jerry's Club 4-Mr, Ed a-Thists The Lite a--Pather Knows Best 10148 AM, | 3-Hobby 48 PM, #3-All Sar Baseball 4-Gyiding Light 4 PM, | beThe Rifleman | dBi Jubilee 1100 PLM, | #Vacation Playhouse t--Diveree Court PGeneral Hospital 4190 PLM, 4---Meet The Millers Professor's Hideaway 3 Popeye PEarly Show d-Mideday Matinee 3 sal pee 1190 PAM, Busingbeoh Our Mouse - 4:00 PAM, P--Afiernean Show ier bh rteney Burke 4 d--Teleseope 4eoLleyd Bridges Show 9:00 PM, Vee The Untovehables Femiteh Mv j | | As The World. T L payman 7100 PLM, 4mAa The Wor VEMe | d= News #2--Ensign O'Toole d-Movie | coy, ss @d---Harel ne ea Hu 9190 PAM, teArt Linkletter snow Camvinry Theatre -\ PM 1 " Bachelor Father Divorce Court Maurice Pearson ings Leave it To Reaver News) Weather; Sports 445 POM, hedd---News: Weathers Sports 4 sites bevee hes ove pane " | Veeaptain Andy | | | | | | d-Greal DeoMeta Presents &---This is The Life Fe-Holy Mass 4-Camera Three Talk Back 11190 AM, S--Apectrum 7--The Bible Today 4-William Tell 2~Great Books Books 12:00 NOON \i--Hawkeye aram ed--Reverly Hillbillies | Seitatian Journal 4-UB_ Round Table Pane! 2--Dragnet nw PM, ta-fam Benedict }--The Gallent Men @4-Lucy Desi Comedy a-Candid Camera 4:00 PLM, View Pather Knows Best Saturday Movie 0:90 PM, V-Club Eleven Dance Barty &--Peter Guan J-Hiotenanny Red River Jamboree 4--The Defenders 2~Playhouse 4----News; Weather Sports 2--Frontiers of Faith wis PM, S-Brave Thealre '4Congress 120 PAM, |VienLet's Talk with ' Father Meehan 4--Washington Report | 2-Family Playhouse 1:00 PLM, li-Rev, Oral Roberts &--HMour: of St, Francis 7--Champlonship Bowling 4--Film Featurette 3--Wave Gun Will. Travel P= Cartoons 2--Joey Bishop 9:00 PLM, #2-Movie Lawrence Welk &}---Great Movies 30 PLM &-Diek Powell Theatre 4-Have Gun Will Trave' 19:00: P.M, V-Wrestling Boxing 4-Gunimoke 10:0 PM %-Anawering Service e3--Juliette 10:48 PM BeMake That 'Spare 1:00 PM. VN ib-dhde- News: Weathers Sports Vid PM Saturday Night at The Movies Late Show é--Nignt Metro doMovie hi PM TheSport -- Norm Maranali 4 Snow hide PLM, VieeBingkbuster Movie é-- Thriller de AM, #~Twilignt Zine SUNDAY a AM The Crristopnere 9:0 AM VheCathedral Chimes 4-Popeye's Playhouse 2=Cartoons 98 AM. Texas Rangers d-Big Rascals 10:08 A.M, VeeNudson's Bay SBocial Security B-Cartoans 4-Lamp Unta My Feet B-Sacred Heart Program elt AM, O--Induatry on Parade 130 PM, Vie tt ts Written &--Felix The Cat 4=The Living Word Cartoons 2:00 PLM, 1l--Mavie Shawease Music Fram Chicago & Playhouse &3---World af Spart 4-Cimarran City 230 PM }--lasues and Answers &-Film of Juan Fangie 2:08 PLM, Douglas Fairbanks P=Miaml Undercaver é-Camera Canada 4--Chautauaua Program 2 BM Sar Theatre T--Wirestling | @eHeritage 4--Flilm Peaturette 4:0 PM, %-Rasepall @3--Country Calendar 4-The Law and You Boston' Symphany Orchestra a PM 1--Planeers he Take Twe P.G.A. Golt Tournament 5:00 PLM. lieFamuy Yreatee R--Malor Adams #3 The Valiant Years 2-Pick-A-Polka & re \ al a--Texas Rangers 4:00 PLM, &2--Mee! The Press Polig Show af the Week 4--Twentietn Century 3--Cressreags 4 PLM, -taternational Showtime 11:00 AM, : Lassie ° nae PM, lipefiunday Movie Special =-Bunday. Movies #2--Disney's World of Color +The Jetsons @3--Some of Those Daya 4~Dennis the Menace 4:00 PLM, Sunday. Night Movie @43---Ba Sullivan Show #0 PAM, #2-Car S4 Where Are You 9:00 PLM, 62 d-Rananza 4<The Real McCoys | 190 PLM, lieNaked City 4-Jack Webbs True 10:00 PLM, | SeBet Your Bottom Dollar #2--Dupont Show of the Week 63---Claseup 4-Candid Camera 10:90 PLM, lie Brothers Brannigan Se The Story of a Prisoner B Howard K #3 Discovery a=What's My Line 100 PLM. Smith n VO Pededed de NO@wE? 1d PLM, h4eLale Show \\te=Weekend Sports Metra Final Award Theatre 190 PLM Christian Counsellor Pierre Berton Hour An Age of Kings MONDAY nO AM, Bdueational Showcase nw AM, Rocket Snip ? Big Mae Show 0:00 AM, Caplain Kangarea 9:00 A.M, Morning Movie Popeye's Playhouse Biwana Bon 920 AMM Bachelor Father Te00 AM. Kidde Cartoans BdeSay When Pooitl Talk 4--Calendar Reasoner 10:90 AM, Program Quis Play Your Marry + & PeDay in Court dent Love Lucy 108 AM. *Merning Matinee &2--Price ia Right a Jane Wyman Show 4-The Real McCoys he AM &3--Concentration *--Seven Keys 4-Pete and Gladys Tete NOON &2--Your Firat impression Tennessee Ernie Ford 4--News and Weather hts PM. %~Noonday Report 4~Speaker of e Mouse %-Theatre a #2---People Will Talk 4--Pasiword oacth " tei e Doctors 4-House Party +News 3:00 PAM, t}--Loretta Young PeQuedn For A Day 4--To Tell The Truth doSurvmerama a PM, | 2-You Don't Say t-Who Bo You Trust 4--Eedge of Night epor | 4-News with | Crankite no P SoHawalin & Pr, Spock 4100 PM, +=The Honey: li--Randy Dandy Show xa Mickey Mouse Clue | Soy Bber &-The Mate Game >P-American Bandstand 43-Searlett Hill 4--Seeret Storm 40 BM, 02 Movie Th-Rocky and his Friends! ?-The PM, \¢ Broadway Goes Latin | -fea Mun Vite News; Weather Sports 4145 PLM, VeFamily Theatre Sinan ey Brinkley é--feven-O.One deWyalt Earp | 118 PAM, | Pe-News; Weather ny PM, Dakotas ete: Walter 4 ' dT (My ye PRaOn ere Vette wi Story a Maine Sergeant Peter Gunn 10:00 PLM, The P.M, Show Password 10190 PLM, Joey Bithee She \ Temps Presents | +-ftump The Stare 2~TAC %-Special-Groveho Mar @2--Brinkley's Journal PoBen Casey Wie PM, mu Metro Vv Sporta Crysdale ' Final lewpeint Sports Highlights Wi PM, Joe edb News? eather and Sporte sane CROSSWORD 14, Plague 15, Rubbed vigorously 17, Greek letter 20, Reading matter 21, Spoiled 23, Beau's Gaelic 'andaon 18, Diplomacy 28. Note: 80, Coin: Uysal a4 32. Bret------, 40, Hebrew writer measure S4,Aplatter, 41, Blunder 42, 24 houre for one af, Chide severely a |} [¢ ao L) 28, Reptile 20, Spirit Na 90, Gold or silver coin '¢ | | j | | | S\ CASH HAS BEEN ON BOARD 'TEN YEARS / WiLL 1S CASHIER. AT THE BANS / LEN. GRAVES |S A DEACON \N THE CHURCH / FATT KNOWS WHO'D BELIEVE MES : IS Nope, t JUST GAW MYSELF THE MIRROR THIG MORNING we, IN A GOOD LIGHTS . " PONTIAC - BUICK - ACADIAN on nang Splge! DEMONSTRATOR SALE --A T= The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634 CONDUCTS aj las AS PROJECT SHRINKAFELLER LEONARD BERNSTEIN > WHY AREN'T THEY APPLAUDING MY DARING WIRE-WALKING ACT P Neaeaie, MUGGS AND SKEETER TM SELLING THe Bast ACCIDENT: INSURANCE POLICY ON THE in his ingenious swindle. The documents were handed him by persons who answered the Montreal Star for fictitious South American mining at visory positions with a $15, a-year salary bait, Applicants didn't have to have to be patient with their native underlings, More than 300 persons an- swered the advertisement at a Queen's Hotel room rented by @ "Mr, Neville." He had to hire a downstairs salon to accommo- date the eager throng, "He sure looked amazed," a hotel official said today, "He ew ay not expected anywhere near the response." "Mr, Neville' then told the applicants their great numbers made personal interviews imp possible at the time and sug- gested they make application to the hotel by mail for individual interviews on appointment. Almost as an afte t, the imperturbadle "recruit agent' suggested the applicants bring along their passports, na- turalization papers, birth certif- icates and details of thelr enti tenship forms, | "Mr. Neville' calmly ex: plained his New York'. based firm needed these for the lucky applicants' visas and that te others would be returned in due "The ROMP is ling to e appealing to ap- plic nts subsequently inter viewed to call them with infor. mation and help in the investi: gation, "Mr. Neville" stayed at the hotel for four more days, paid his bill and quietly le away July 16, Some applicants became gue picious as the days rolled by and wrote the New York firm "Mr, Neville" had mentioned, Auto Downs 21 Soldiers FT, DIX, NJ. (AP)--Tweanty- one soldiers were mowed down by an automodiie as they marched along a road on this military post Thursday. rmy spokesman said jdriver of the car, Pte, Robert C, Keyser, 33, of Toms River, NJ, was being questioned by military police, He added that |Keyser apparently failed te yield the right of way, oy Ba 144 men, was re- PUT FIVE ON WAIVERS | WINNIPEG (CP)--Bud Grant, coach of Win Blue Bom jers, Thursday t announced jfive players have been put on waivers, They are veteran Ca- nadian halfback Frank Fraser, jrookie import fullback Vie Davis lof the Untversity of Towa and )Canadians fullback ~ linebacker |Ray Wickland of the University jof British BANQUETS PHONE 723-4641 GENOSHA HOTEL Mekal Sie forces Satter, ERNIE CAY /.. DOORS - SASH ROOFING