18 «THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, August 6, Ld 2 2 Communist Camps Emerge From Meeting fy WILLIAM L, RYAN tendencies among artists and; The heaviest impact of the H AP Special Correspondent = [writers--apparently fearing to jsplit seems to have been felt Only a month ago a Commu-jantagonize intellectuals in It-{in Brazil, AP correspondent Ed- nist Chinese delegation arrived|aly gar Miller reports from Rio de in Moscow to discuss Peking's) In the smaller countries of Janeiro ~ the party is torn quarrel! with the Kremlin, For|Europe, though most Commu ito shreds, A recent Communist: Communism, an age has passed nists are on the Kremlin side,/sponsored student meeting since then there are evidences of uneas!-/brought an open battle between The talks ended in monumen-iness, Pro-Chinese elements pop|the pro-Russians and: the pro tal failure. The Communist)up, . propagandize, 'proselytize,|Chinese wings camp will never be the same/The example of Chinese defi : AOE again ance of the Kremlin has en ASIANS VAC ILLATE As of now, in reality, therejcouraged some in the rank and), The Chinese attack on in are two camps--and two Com-lfile in Western Europe to re|{li's borders in October, 1962 munisms are emerging sist certain aspects of Moscow|>?usht an explosion inside -the One is the revolutionary|policy which have had little to Indian Communist party Offi. movement sponsored by Mos-ido with the Peking .« Moscow cially, it condemned the Chi cow, Its support comes from/split nese, But pro-Chinese wings re- main, notably in the Caloutta most of the European Commu . . nist camp and party members SPLITS IN LATIN: AME <n A jaren Many. of these have gone in advanced countries, It con-| There is evidence of split injunderground because of an In tends that the Western way of/M@ny Latin American aities dian government crackdown, -- | | life will eventually, be wiped/more eS AOE GE ALES POE, pronounced -whereyer For the Japanese party, the} from the face of the earth, But! there exists what Communist { Was painfully embarrass | : as it holds that' this 'must beltegard @s a revolutionary situa the party tends toward| Desk and Chair Modern Buffet Room Divider Metal Wardrobe: yeas 7 vin, tion Poking, It has clamped dov on achieved short of igniting glo- : ; ; sien : ; the y 1 ac no Four drawers, including one deep one for Top, sidea and front are "Formica"® in rich, dork Exterior surfaces are "Formica" in dark walnut Roomy two-door style for bedroom, office, hall, bal war | Cuba's Communists are in aj@iscussions of the dispute, but Hardwood construction (approx, 39 x 22 x woodgrain pattern, Low section with shelf has Upper section has slic 9 etc, Pull-width hanger tod takes about 24 gor "1M 1" } ne g "y ' nut OC \ atterr rhe other is the revolution-\curious position: There has long|it' language sounds like that of| high), i's ready to paint or stain or we'll tine Walnut wooggrein pattern sliding glass panels front and back for easy » Chinese sh it for you in light or dark waln ed maple ir ass doo ood sliding doo ane ' he Chinese ewe ha ¥ ing gloss doors end wood sliding doors conceal access on both sides, and there's @ counter and ments and there's a shelf above, Approx. 30. x ary movement sponsored by Pe-/been a split between the "new! t a aeaes far a ral , é 5 acorn tc small extra charge, ' king. Its support comes from!/Communists" who came in with) Indonesia's huge Communist Bale, each ' 29.95 the lower section two open shelves above 19 x 63" high, finished in Sohere sand 29.95 colour, Sele, eech parties and wings of parties in/Fide! Castro, and the "old party of 2,000,000, biggest out the underdeveloped world, It;Communists, owned by Mos- side the Communist blocs. is ob Finishing extre 4,00 About 44 x 16 x 41" high 49 50 Approx, 48 x 14 x 54" high overall 4 50 contends that Communist power cow, Castro now professes to viously troubled, Its words sup Leddersboek Choir, Sole, toch 11.95 Sale, each " mh on Oo must be seized aggressively follow Mascow a! hough port the Chinese, but its lead Finishing extre 2,00 and violentiv without regard for/Khrushchev's: 'performance iners have been trying to. serve : risk, It holds that compromises|the Cuba crisis last October an-jas mediators. But wih the pros with the West, inspired by war noyed him wets for a Moscow-Peking rec fears, betray the world revolu., The Castro regime cannot ex-onciliation seeming dimmer a bon st without Moscow's support,jthe time, the Indonesian party : : alee and is hardly likely to oppose may finally side with the Ch REDS SHUDDERED Joscow openly With the departure in a mae surly mood of the Red Chi nese from Moscow in mid-July ®,° hd a profound shudder ran through Politicians Sound the Communist world move ment Confusion, bitterness and riv ~ ' e * flry are evident between the Public Ss O in n two blocs and within individual p 10 parties inside the blocs \ survey by Associated Press correspondents produces a pic ture Hike this nside the Communist orbit Communist-ruled nations in Europe, except isolated Alba nia, support Khruschey. But Moscow's troubles have in creased, Moscow's lead has) Their findings will determine ceca been' questioned by the Chi./the flavor of the second part of) Some Parliament Hill circles nese, and this encourages sat.the 1963 parliamentary session) suggest that when the members! ellite leaders to try for more|"Pening Sept, 30, just eightitalk to their constituents they] independence and to wheedle Weeks from now may find their work in thed %, ' R . el) is ' "7 9 6 M + | concessions The final days of the sess veeks abead growing heavier : ¥ CE ' : eco Master Holiday lhe parties of North Korea before. the Commons and Sen eady face a heavy --_. K SS tT SS eige ; and North Viet Nam follew Pe- ate adjourned Frida g for at rogram. A score of : RS ' ' Ad) RY dos: " king. They envisage Red domi- the summer reces re unfinished ft aor "Ss . : : 4-9 +. Sd : 18 Self-Propelled Reel Mowers Also evoileble: as above but in o larger size approx, 36 x 19 x 63" high) EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 370 PHONE 725.7373 Sole, each By JAMES NELSON One of the last acts of Par OTTAWA (CP)----Most of the ment to get royal assent was politicians are back ir mit boost in parliamentary pay] constituencies now, sounding out to $18,000 4 ye or members! public opinion on what WV he Commons and to $15,000} have done and what they should'a year for senate from the do $10,000 'that has prevailed for al ' was left on the nation of the whole coast ofmarked by an unusual « mmons or¢ paper, and com : 3 & fray for yi 3 rive. 2 Ary . ~ rrr \ -- bee fs . ; < \sia from Korea to Viet Nam/iof give-and-take betwee 5 © work has barely been = f : « Much Below Usual Price ! in the foreseeable future, and ernment and opposition parties. started. In addition. the govern ' S SENS 5 see a distant promise of Com munist domination of the whole ), continent ; ! The little au revoir speeches Ment has more bills and resolu : eh : ' a Deluxe work-saver for extra large lawns. 2 h.p., 4-cycle Briggs and . ' . } ees N atton engine with 'easy-spin' recoil starter, Precision ground efore adjournment hint at ber © introduce i ~ ' S a Rede . ' Med § ' ' = : SSaSna...' bed-knife for clean, scissors-like cutting action . 5 ground and . rot much more FACE SPENDING & ed stee! blades double-riveted to steel spiders mounted on FRENCH PRO MOSCOW Ms wiingness to Ccompromist theo . job : % ball bearings, Adjustable cutting heights. The French Communist.0" the lesser points of pol a ie ' AjOT 3 . , party, long a bellewether for @ ference might continue n ' ne Spe pro ; 5 : EATON Special Price, European Reds, is solidiy be. 'he session resumes gram. With the general Throne . y tooo , ; | WOON. ci iii kien cas e h debate ar Lise hind the Kremi: coin 1 debate and discussion o : One rt a. the Trench WAIT AND SEE he budget in general terms party's attitude is that it oper But there was also an under "d away in the -first part ates within a public " h current of reservation, of wait- o » session, there is no ve ' tar nic of 'to ae hat the yr tie } ef ' for pAner aware of what goes on in the ng 'to see what the rolitic now fo a genera World. It is also ane with an oie tes tt NET EARNINGS °° "=".2c™° | 39" SERTA LUXURY CONTINENTAL BEDS Se nae weather is like back home é f-the-nation debate on the Italy, the AP Rome bu more «Gil *, Since any com reports repereuasions tram | BY THE CANADIAN. PRESS iments they to make IS é : ~orts repercussions fro ' t make w 9 i : split were noisy at firer| Canada Packers Lid. we to he pinned tb one ss. Kewnfolt swith peuilen Mel leting can nieten Ordinarily 2 for 208,00! : ' BRASS ene ended March 27: 1963, $3.7 tix ! 4 ' vith some belligerent support © ded March 27; : al, ar y of white cotton felt PLUS on extra pad COUPLINGS of Peking. This has s 2 9; 1962, $5,071,403 : : ae od : es : ope e . > i _ Peking. \ nat. val ded. tveic Oh Ce tik 8 : eder Got amed .plas ' ane --, Semi-Annual Sale: Continentar bo imapationce af vonneer Cam [Onaed uume SO: 19 Pa iiictn oe ' ' th « yetailored 'smooth top, prety eds (mattresses, box springs, legs) ; younger Com enue Complete cents a share; 1982 cents whe tough Une, R. Es. Crain Lad, €-mos. ended) aumtion Sen Se ke S10 t ader June 30: 1963, 33 : centsien whan + f $ att ' a Share: 1962, $306,319. 52 c < . nn bd cpio or M towar se m me , nefore -- a Mo cow "but toterprovincial Pipe Line G0, y Plastic 54" Garden Hoses appear to be too Company, § m ond Tu a ature of. the Krem-/90: 1963, $8,719,000, $1.71 vee Be . apnosed Rhrust shar 1962, $8.572.000. $1.6 ' NciS i of lord d trame we ble plast ny sho theadboerds not included) Transparent green plastic. Good quality, heavy gouge plostic hose against lberal Kam-Kotia . af ROAN rk dor c t whit eige. Complete with set of brockets for with chromium-ploted brass couplings, End-of-line, Ltd. 6 mos ie lune IPs a amiles -- « : O63' $508 S70: ses male ee i i te gps separately: ie EATON Special Price, each Winning Sweep, . Normet 'al Mining Corporation sels entr naling » rave , Bes Nts ORS : . $0' e277 43 th 100° Length, n June . mm Geys Reg. 5.9 : Reg. 9.95 Ws nde d Changed Life "Saint." | emer ocr. _ 4.50 6.50 8.50 (Quebec) Lad, 3 ut Little nt ' are ro nd nine THE CANADIAN PRESS » ora ane i Sm vi). gt tana tat, eco tS) | =~ OECTIQNAL FENCE OSCILLATING SPRINKLERS Quemont "hea Corpor ation Sent. ®. record Aug : i Specially Low Priced! WAS BRIDGE CHAMPION Lets you dial the area you wish sprinkled, Metal body, tubular aluminum PHILADELPHIA (AP) Long lasting steel construction covered in green striped polvethviene. Heins Me ". : : ae protect plants and flowers, yet adds to the appearance of your garden. Each runners, "'Perma-seal" motor keeps lubrication in, moisture and dirt out, Sherritt, Gorden Mines Ltd Cabby, $877,000. 7.7 ts as 19 1 lee ein al section is approx. 30° wide and 18" high. Comes in four sections and new . 5 EATON Special Price, Eech: la Sh4_ ORE 5 N " . ' ere en AX! $634,000 ' 2 the life master list who was fou ones can be added easily me cents a share: 1962 $1 eng. ona. times & world champion, died in EATON f Type A--Covers up to 7 95 Type B--Covers up te M2 cents inday, He won every Special for 2,200 sq. ft. Each ..... fe 2,400 sq. ft. Eoch ...... _Texace Canada Lid,, ' t niract j tourna Price, = EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 PHONE 725-7373 odor odor. | te FRONT-END ALIGNMENT on JOHN BEAN PHONE "Visualiner" ge 728-6221 SPECIAL a Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service sau GENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 534 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 Clearance Of oe Women's Dress Pumps _| tsa price: Personal Shopping Only (Please. Ne Telephone or Mail Orders) This group includes stylings usually found in much higher priced lines! Me wi en ln Mn Me, li Ml, Ai Ml, Al, li, Ml, Min hn l,l ty ls Mr Alin Ends oF lines crear S ' 2 hwhi e@ SQV ng to you choose wine- glass' heels in high or illusion heights; graceful tapered designs; care- tully crafted from fine leathers. All are "Sonitized" for lasting fresh- ness, faille-lined, hove leather heel counters ond finished composition soles. Sizes 5 to 9, AA to B widths in the group EATON Special isa BOW eiinnnninn & EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 238 $