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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1963, p. 2

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QR THE OSHAWA Pridey, August 9, 1963 i CHURCH AND STATE premier is Most Rev, Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Can terbury, who was attending private meetings of the Angli ean Church preparatory to Ontario's Premier John Robarts (right) was installed as an honorary fellow of Huron College London Ont W ednesday th the n Wi New Lounge Proposed the opening of the world Aug conference 18 in CPW For House Members and a asa members with AVES a a ba niended for tended as feor room oom respectively Ry OTTAWA ment of a bers of Pa can enjoy a conviviality is again as a possib liament H The proposed toric mnections | in are na Hament's West over Over the main western entr and at been agitation among the base of the kenzie privately for the service Tower wines and spirits in the The by nm. mentary restaurant, Successive Speakers of Commons and Senate have been amenabie, bul have beer JAMES NELSON (CP) Estab ounge h mem. ing ament and se ated quiet momer and tobacco being ised th eiling--but both are ty Y sed as Commons There is members smok n wh deco nato ping no other pla mee rooms has an t room wr ' y here has members of Riock years ance Ma para bull me ower ada's see Alexander minister the nrie, & ne yom rime ministers p is f axed The vears the minis suggest minister construct as a non-denom roam for ame has an oak-pane'ied intricately arved place and windows jnoking west'a Ottawa Rive Another emalie has now been apened as a so-called *™! and quiet room. which mombers and senators can meditate. Th frees arger Mackenzie room other uses DRY SINCE 1916 Parliament Hill has been dry since 1914 destroyed all of Centre Rinck exce mentary library har ip which started memora the pres REJECTED BY KING When: the new ; 'uh ~wcupied in 1922. nr D efenbaker d ng st prevailed it on of the West ack) the late W. 1, Mackenz ational praver, (fen prime minister ntatians, 11/tified at the thought ceiling ant ng a bar stone fire The subseque ke summed up in magazine by T. ka Press jing wa yhib Ontario on and e King ho: hv forr of ests nar st VAS ealé Bu niary respond th chape Gothic ap . Ted) ame ong the Pat ery gove Sudbury former Ga ater eer yom > rnament infor the for affic when f the origina pt the nr ia There bu TORONTO N executive of om . 8 Le supervising and it h say as Room hae Room though it number ts foes not ymmons MPs roam contains ae CHANGE TROOPS SYDNEY Australia The largest a af Austra troops and fam tween Australia and has begun. Ry the time in November diers and their half going ea mored in 22 WEATHER FORECAST Showers Tonight © their Mitehe that Stanislaw Sraw a ed of asphyx ation at ood m when he w wet ore at 600 asi about families--about have main,mat committee on. officer now Montrea R. BR. Bennett 1930-35) emprramen me soci (p was. ant and kep f, wolfing nerate re wer 1948. 193 ate in life lerstood ngs either As (John he mara Malie the late Dief burder work foy minis 1957-83) was the hig ty of a town tee Par yt Mr.. F In a yromise based and respe ona nent ament H sucht to the s ek country where mute i] surviva Bu nat jmore abou ts WAY le sumed hese t Inquest wher hev perhaps essare off e scommenda ans are andearn eameone else jnxin the same wa pr chureh's Toronto rephoto me enbaker with sma as cor : Probe Announced Cooler Saturday ux. accepts uN White River Partly Cochrane gami regions cnoler. Saturday mastiy s and cool. Winds northerivy 1 0 Forecasts by the Toronta wea ma ther office at S$ am Synopsis: Cloudy weather and a band of showers and thunder storms are edging southward from Northern Ontario and should reach Southern Ontario late today Generally coaler W weather follows and should more to Southern Ontarie by Saturday afternoon Lake & Lake Huror tare, south Hatiburion.: 1 on a en : Mainiv showers and afternoan : ending Saturday ing and t n afternoon norther!y Noarthe gema re bury, Sa clear and orday. Winds northe: y 13 cloud Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, Neh Saturday ndsor &S Thomas....... «2 Landon *2 K 82 Mount Wingham Ham fair ad : $1 hener ... Lake Erie Forest amara Lake | On argiar tne ] er N \ Ain Timmina no Visit To Borneo LONDON (Re fecided to a i ed Na » has ent ta ANS setting up the new nation NDPs Resume Debate Over Foreign Policy By KEN KELLY REGINA (CP) -- New Demo feratic Party delegates resumed ldebate today on a new foreign policy statement after beating down a resolution to. demand limmediate Canadian with ldrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization | The anti-NATO forces in the party, staging a repeat per jformance of the founding con jvention campaign two years lago, lost by an estimated mar- gin of five to two; indicating a dwindling of their strength Debate on the NATO-with i drawal proposal found two NDP |MPs_ lined up on. one side against National Leader T. C, Douglas and two other MPs Mr. Douglas made a. strong plea to the convention not to tie jhands of the parliamentary jgroup with a get-out-of- NATO ipoiley, READY TO Quit The defeat of the anti-NATO forces may have staved off a serious split in party ranks. Un ion sources said many union delegates were prepared to quil the party if the campaign had succeeded Chief points of the foreign pol icy statement 1, Support on pac' the Warsaw for a between Pact powers 2 Canada to join Norway Sweden and ather smaller na tions in establishing a non-nu clear club within the United Na tions 3, Canadian support of British Labor party and German Social Democratic party demands that NATO reverse its bals tactical nuclear forces 4 Continued opposition to es lablishment of a NATO multi nabonal or multilateral nucle force non-aggres NATO and §. Diplamatic recogni UN China ion' and membership for Communist 6. A permanent Canadian mil tary contribution at UN dis. posal for police on 7 A forei act gn aid program CLC Asks Voice In Preparing Civil Service OTTAWA dian Labor government (CP) Cang? The Cana has told lt wants a voice preparation of co Dargaining machinery \ service CIs Pr said in. an the OS« the the tive for the psident ntery aude Jodoir ew Thursday congre to present ows to the specia the 'print for co ab comm nment as we as ttee set ul draft blue ective bargain g and arbitration for Canada's 140,000 federal civ ants He said the CLC the government's ite collective bargaining the same time has aim as spokesman the soa a emplovers by gove to gery Pan 0 inst but at for many prevailing the at ed rate of feders governmer I preva ees are ted by red anadian abor MATES M ernme urged by them nounced me. Min Wed a kmmitte of senior als w t with civil cer ass eparir tive bargaining Robarts Claims No Decision On Vote Date TORONTO ha (cP Prem Wednesday 1: sion oh ts said as dale vet for the 1 reral elec He was comment shed report date nt ona the * The Siar the dale in quot nuh that nrehahie wanld he Sept ath pronpnsals an be in read Asked niember ' staked a campaign wssible late nuclear power and whether Canada should accept nuclear arms 'T don't want to be sent back to Parliament and be put into the position of fighting a side issue and letting the Liberals ig. nore the real issue facing Can- ada," he said If NATO accepting proposals based. on two-per-cent of the pendent gross national product DOUGLAS RE-ELECTED Mr, Douglas, re-elected na tional leader by acclamation earlier in the day and given a unanimous vole of confidence just before the NATO debate, argued that with the cold war beginning (0 thaw it was bestia take it an independent nu for Canada to remain in NATO piggy power, "our position Is fo exert pressure for a nonag, ; re-we'll get out,' gression pact Supporting Mr, Douglas were He said Prime Minister Pears MPs Andrew Brewin (Toronto son has for years tried to "trap" Greenwood) and Harold Winch the New Democrats intovcoming Vancouver Bast) out against NATO, The real The antinuclear forces in sue wasn't whether to stay in or cluded MPs Colin Cameron (Na- get out of NATO but whether naime) and NATO should become aa inde+!couver Burrard) Socred Showdown Over Leadership OTTAWA it's Quebec press for \s§ (CP)-Social Cred Sept, 1 at a classical college tn wing expected to Granby, ) miles east of Mont a showdown on the fed eral leadership issue at its an Ah nual convention late this month More than 2,000 voting dele gates have been invited to the convention, set for Aug. 31 and Well-Organized Shopbreaking Ring Caught TORONTO Kor months a hig ganized mta shopbreaking ng ducting daring raids around the ens city and suburbs ated po The. last ce efforts of hefore it was held in Was ght to when Robert Court heard ted Real C nesday aining rship in a machinery of the fang which 'commander' commane supermark ightning Members were ardered dentification is OA gh-ranking official of Le Rallioment des Creditistes said he convinced the Quebec group W call for a eadership convention by next ummer, one year ahead of the timetable -set in the party con stitution is There is a "general feeling' among Croditistes that the party should choose a bilingual leader and abolish the position of dep uty leader, he said rhe Creditistes would press for a revamping of the national coune the party's 28 member ruling body in the four year intervals. between conven also (CP) hiy-ar three io con trust federal Ottawa convention in August, Thompson aouetic for the secret ballot ater created deputy leader and Caouette to it CRITICIZED aouetie has been leading Social Alberta bypass apture brou just wed cate sevenanembet ated = with "deputy eé ounded CAQUETTE Mr. ¢ red by ankesmen. in Katel Thampson on yuistt 1 misam testimony exp the int convention a th post cted M ope of and er ti Credit and Sas ng Mr such issues as ac ear arms, bicul campaign prom AaSsigt 'wan for stores, Fach was on of muy and pair of gloves The victed breaking ny ties t ed S after a and at eeting here 000 mend the puty convent seven & tional council an three that elimi der's on rty official has on 27 arg ¢ . na PAY ENVELOPES said the day Normar t gang bute wi ad with GAVE %» ; said already from Social ations in New Ontario, Manitoba olumbia for electing a and increasing on on the Oot was § 1 des would dist ma ribed as velones pants' names \ dete admitted he f lish ( its bilingual Quebec national ms eader has endorsed ' al said Le Raliie break away from party uniess its de equa between the age are re the onal. con hev st¢ a routine Normar . Deit ment 1 nat he feder mands ty groups next nat Mr. Thom @ both psan and Mr. Caou nvited to convention have been acid anby INTERPRETING THE NEWS OK the Ast | Fear Recognition Of East Germany Ry ROD CURRIE Canadian Press | reg Writer as ficiently enhancement German regime hosts may not h private May n London at they SIMPLY has been «1 prevent te "ast be PeASSY that pub consider a Soviet sist cognit regime been dis ations of signing cabinet meeting nas to by Weste elevate next ' he Western fouht had the mind rnique dinto tea when the formula Instead Buddhists Begin sev' unique Ga Hunger Se Sas wees Ar three--ane andon and ale denasition cestem br powers -- eS O0R rat he re nd hree tals Mas Tom Rerger (Van- national) ATTEMPT TO STOP TRUCK A picket pours gravel into the gasoline tank of a loaded trailer-truck at the strike. closed Gould-National Battery plant in Leavenworth, Kansas It was the second day of violence at the plant closed by a strike since May 22. The picket whe shown tamper ing with the gasoline tank was later identified by sheriff's authorities as Edward W, Su is Canada Move 'All-American WASHINGON U.S, congressman day Canadian more l0CK nal w de o 10 years (CP-AP) \ said Thurs plans to build the Welland Ca for at five possibiity an all-American" can between Lakes Erie and Ontario U.S: Army engineers year study lw of a ana York state akes John Pillion, a member resentalives on ay least the ot began ASTD entire Ww conne » the two ast to New f vf York Re the Hous Anrep ommitiee which han bor t anal and har e dots no plans would k study but an anv positive finding think Canadian he feasibility delay DIVIDENDS Ry THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada Steamship Lines Lid common 9 cents, Oct, 1), rec ord Sept, 20 Canadian Lid,, class A %0 ard Sept, 16 Hugh Russel lass A 15 cents ord Aug. 15 International Utilities Corpor ation Lid,, *" nid cents (1 Aug cord Aug. 19 Standard Paving and Mater. ials TaN. common 10 Oct rd Sept. 12 Machine Co ents Oct. 1 lee and Sons Ltd, Sept. 13 ymmMon cents 8) MM 3 ROY WHITTINGTON RADIO & TELEVISION 3 Bond St. W., Oshawe WILL BE CLOSED FOR VACATION AUG. 5 to AUG. 10 Reopening Aug. 12 \eomnennnnewnnel bel ween use the Niag Ships now sa akes 'ana ling must to the two Welland ¢ ara Falls The '{ announ bypass government weekend plans to twin the locks on the Welland Canal simultaneous two-way traffic. The $180,000,000 -- pro fram Ww allow the 2?-mile ca ral to handle almost 80,000,000 tons of arga annually the anadian 'od. las for 0 more an double present ton DECLINE U.S: Art ta comment: on he ¢ { OMME NT mY eng a nadia announ that wou esting .the Ame ment 1 be feasib nt » 8A red of conside ity proposed One Ame rassing PRORE ATOM EDMONTON (CP) Alberta mast Areity af me of the advan arch prajects The £1,.000.000 project nd a $350,000 Van particle accelerator prabe atoms with trie particles ear rese n Canada olves arou raat ssid physics to SATURDAY : « EMERALDS Admission $1.00 Dancing 8:30 to 12 The BEACH HOUSE OSHAWA-ON.THE-LARE Pp lins, of Faston, Kan. Sulline was anrested after he attempt- ed to take the photographer's camera, The picture wae taken by Jerry Mosier, of the Leavenworth Times Delays anal ) annual h00.000 tons tons went rhe seaway 25,500,000 The three Welle and Cana capacity is Sf. About 35,000,000 through it last vear, itself accounted for fast Voar Canadian plan calls for new locks at the Port Ont, end of the Wel. on Lake Ontario and two locks at the Port Colborne ndoon Lake Erie. The three the centre at Thorold, ady twinned for tons ocks in Ont ay two-way f P said the rican by on \m ampted need for ranal delays encoun: SOME VEOSSPIS In PASS. the Welland Canal, en the locks are twinned, said, the passage time hrough the Welland Canal will shortened, giving less. im toa the possible need far anal in the United States, Under these circumstancas, 1e said, there would probably be insufficient traffic. to. justity a second canal for at least five 10 vears and possibly as long as 20 Prese at af TAN 000, one an was ed by through But wi o la Years { ~~ mates place Y lL.American the canal at OSHAWA'S ORIGINAL CARPET CENTRE at Nu-Way, carpet and bread. loom hes been o specialty tor 18 with thousands of on display te select years yords PHONE 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CO. LTD. 174 MARY ST, Seep EAE 'your Assorted Shades Short Sleeves, Be OSHAWA Plain Colored Trim Around $ Collar and Pockets. sure to save at this price. NOW ONLY .. DOWNTOWN HONE Re OSE best fashion LADIES' PRINTED PYJAMAS J 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE buys:

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