----------__|Housing Proposal New Democrat Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings BIRTHS ULASSIFIED | Glaims Party [| yore wath ie" | soo ame sen tevenMe| ten' tom wonrevanee) seer" -- tum tn vowel eT Rothman ete ee Bae Jacobus 10014 144 HTT Vale Lead 000 8 8 8 OM : =) ADVERTISING | rks Exchange rt tm aan gg EO Le pri es J (Quotations Aa conte unless, marked, & Royal Bank 100 872 72 2 Jaye Expl ge ee ee Zulapa 190 a 7 MN q er, Kathleen Gai weight Fite (Continued from Page 15) arrow- In e fant xwelnwarranta, Net change It : Maurice 7 pod % Hoty | Kecleye Andi Sales to 1) am: 671,000. General Hospital, Ty 0 n m e . alada ri? a " * i iow " trom previous board-lot closing sale.) . de oo 6 5 » 1963, Mother and baby fine SORNWALL (CP)-A Mont-/tional facilities and a "green" ,., 7 T. ' Sayvette 400 310 900 | Ke Asher 7 ei 32--Articles for Sale ata cn property in Corn:|belt, ls chomp . iy . hag LS Shen' ooh Neate. ' . et MT Ronan y ww " irthday presen if 1 , ' ; ry a emocratic arty member. of) Shell 0} t a ele. Whe b Ve Many "Trani. fo, Doctors" Sargant | and] REFRIGERATOR partment size, Tele wall clashed Wednesday night) John Sepejak of Town Plan: paniament, reprimanded . tor INDUSTRIA Ree ee ee at % mo om COMING EVENTS Jaciw, else the nurses of the 4th floor,/phone 7237284 before 3 p.m. {with the chairman of Cornwall's/ning Consultants. presented a attending 'a Vane ouver MAY) -- Stock Sales High Low Clo' chive - fener 1 HOU Wa Yur b owe mys 1942 JAWA 280 CCM, Telephone after 4) » s * ive l an. . a 4 ane MAY) toe ales ah Low Close Ch' Southam $0 $204 2M J a ' 0 over a tentative) drawing of the company's ideas nagawns . PReaeaty a i "i , He 30 Leiten 700 180 180 380 MACLEAN = Gord and June (neelpm, 7285915 planning board |drawing of the company's Day rally, replied Wednesday) Abacon 200 100 100 100 S| Steel Can #70 20% IOLA ha | Aeltch ? 1m 18 NOVEL BINGO | ea aN tentas| PLOPOS deacre UN-/and outlined the plans, assur: Hodson) are happy te announce the ar Wilh tenta,| Proposal to turn a 200-a and p . pee "ritie . ty } ya alta 4a eA 1s a _% Ss : calf tat, Rome, WEAN San yrand oles developed area into. a housing! ing citizens who agked: that //R criiclam of his party as) anim, $a 4 GY TT Aas ha ty ty | eG a tag! =| THURSDAY EVENINGS 7.48 egy AON al grandeni. tor mr,|gteves picnic tugs, coolers, Best prices in and industria! subdivision, was only an artist's idea and) , . Alte. Dist 18) 309 300 300 TRin A 400 $138 1M LM Maritime s "3S at ST, GEORGE'S HALL eral Hospital, First gr town, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond West, : hid being legislatio H, W, Herridge, MP for Koo-| Alta Dis vt 1450 260 260 3480 Tr Can PL 260 $000.3 29 Martin & kson Sts.) and Mra. E, Hodson of London, Eng: Clarence Rosenhek protested) {ar from being legislation, Ww 'edriv (OC Alumini TS $2604 2684 26M Me : 0 10k Yea YoAG tg) Mattoml 90 (Albert and Jackson Sts, land, Third grandchild for Mr, and Mrs ' a d plans! Mr, Rosenhek said he hadjtenay West, and Cedrix Cox.) Qn or 425 $3004 39%-- 088 Un Gas $00 91984 198k THM} V9) Marigot , . $6, $12, $20 a res one gg eae 8 oa rdiwritten in vain to Courtaulds,|NDP: member of the British.Co.] Alum ipr mo gta a Ne wan Sav deve ot meken 9100 30Va Whe Ila -- May be doubled or tripled PICK VOUR OWN LARGE "Willamette" Piggy | . incilumbia legislature for Burnaby.| Alum 2 pr 220 $46te able 4fle Coast Vt 285 $13te 19h 1 Mentor 0-2 MOM PA QIPLYNN, = Cathy and David |ar8) raspberries #1 Chomke's Farm, 18 ceataichairman J. A. ~_ replied Or a yor re ening received falters fro the exoc,| Avie © i 4 Moe dt Werteel elie atone our tet Mi Wright BOO 41.4) $180 IN JACKPOTS announ la pint, No lidren Ui rhole idea was only! » as b. y sate AR bs ank Mon na $8 a 8 N Co 00. 180} 190 wrray 290011) 2 WwW eee eraser inka. Conor Sore mr aut cantelners, Phane Wnty onus ces now, and|the plans 'so that I can come/utive of the B.C, branch of the} Bank NS" 100 $47 GA AMM Ne W Pacilic 1250, 81% I tate tl Name cr 3300 1017 18 Door Prize $15 inesday, ust 14, q 4606 for picking days. Sts ' | } . a ' " yarty. critic . p Ng raril. pr "M$? ? Jeston A ws? Wo New Bid 00S 5 eee 4 "oe a arama eral Hospital, Thanks to Dr. A, Malan POTATOES and dill pickles, bushel or ANRTY words flew, here. intelligently prepared, i! arty Ay ee ling the lyn als Br Tank pr 350 $22Ve 22M 228 ikea ws res 4 ars ans 5 | Neweonex 200-8) 88 ORD OSHAWA JAYCEES Andree end start ibag wholesale and retail, Apply SP®) 'The clash came at a meeting! "You'll get them when the lowing the mselves to be used by! aa oi 100, $2644 26M 26% Zenith ao se 3 New Hoseo 2200 189 159 } bs lelalived. Growers Association Lid. corer itime is ripe,' Mr, Phillips said, /Communist or Communist-front) 8¢ Forest NJ Nida OL ay N Senator ($00. 199 ROBILLARD =~ Frances and Mary Lou/siiree Grower venson Roads North of Called by the planning board tol Ma YOITGA ta "a Selotganizations.* BC Pow 480 $23%0 290 Been | Nick Rim 1500 20 18 nee O'Leary) are happy to announce the) ony va Pnaeae0) give the public a chance to look] Jt Seems. you've had an axe) organin : oe Re OILS HorAnene a ae | ' 2) $20 m1 ? ! birth of a daughter, Denise, on Monday, jto grind for the last five years,"| Provincial NDP Secre: Breck A Norbeau : t proposals for the site and to! *',! ; i ' : crs! abe ' » Ss 4 sale 2s 903 Jor! ' -- "UC FARMER'S etl ction | "I have not," Mr, Rosenhek)tary Ernest Hall said in Vans) €3)°how 180 Nt ate te ft ag i No Rank ? | oe " : " i is a 200acre unde jsaid, "All I want is a plan, , . ./couver the letters urged the two] Can Cem Mo M4) CS Bete eee ies eee Northgate . BOWDEN == Robert and Patricia (nee MARKET aoe 48 wea ge Gres Why have I been denied myjmen to exercise greater solf-| £2. "ia c a, Opemis O'Neil!) wish to announce the arrival of be oped Acag : ¥ oc - rights? discipline © Brew Ye 10 ab ge ) ae ; Serraxy 20 games ot $20, 5 games @ daughter on August 13, 1963, ; ibre plant o ourtaulds 0 afor ran ' ' ' : 44g , " & ' r Tee | at $30, 1 $150. Jackpot General Hospital, Millwork and Canada Limited, Cornwall's! yy -- Bet gn tes Bo sta for mabe - Her ry Teg oS hae bar "4 she pg bee ' ¥ ---- . 4 Leah Jockoote aid ile . ges ; | * * ridge sal the party howed) Che $0 SPS APS 2? 10 } ' A HAPPY OCCASION = The dirth of Building Supply second largest employer and) must prepare a subdivision plan! ve Ww a oo, 4 a thet collieries Os Vee IRF Nl Nortneal Newt ae ma 20 Wa NUMBERS 50, 55 your ohild, To tell the, ood nes SIMCOE STREET NORTH owner of the idle land, with revisions to xoning bys|) arTOW sy eens ae sat hey : x é 5 : : ; th ee ' Friends and neighbors The Qahaw : 3 anni i ted : .. ye ihe saw nothing detrimental to ; Q mm : ie arly . Times is ae near as your telephone.| Friday 12 Noon Prodded by city officials to dojlaws, The plan would have tolit'i; nis appearance at the May ree ec cee ae ae a . : : : . Early Bird Gome The day of birth just telephone 72): Until 8PM something about the land, Cour-/be approved by the city plan-/ ~ e daial ra - 9 | sting tnd Gas > > Pr ha 0 8 ee : \ 3499. The rate is only $1.90, ' : broug row ans! Put Be seal e L mee ting : UE my \ } : Watch' Millwork Advertise. |(auld8 brought in Town Plan-/ning board and city council and Ne Mk Ml gee W800 780 780 80 io al 2 a1 13 cS 4 MA) C Deini 200 400 Opemiska : Co ants. Li rd whic , y the '| rs} He said he was invited by of \ $= Vai Sout mo 2 PR enent in Thursdey's Times foe [one Consultants. Limited which/then by the municipal affairs! § t DEATHS | Specials recommended ttat 134 acres be: department, Any goning {cers of several responsible un-| mo SO Ste ee Inisphy ree ? BL 3 | Fresh Vegetables, Fruit, Eggs, [Sed for housing, 38 acres/changes would need approval of /!0NS affiliated with the Vancou.) ¢ ' | Sherri . 0 Home Baking, Barbecued and industrial development andthe Ontario Municipal Board,|V¢er Labor Council or the B.C Pa at ' aa haha "oe . . MINES _ 4 BINGO pues hee Bie Fresh Killed Capons, Plonts mall parcels for a shopping) with a public hearing if objec. Federation of Labor, both Ca-) Con Paper $8\8 38a Bate 0 Suddenty, at Ilana Lake, wuaurer and Cut Flowers centre, church, school, recrea-itions are registered nadian Labor Congress affil iP i get a ate : 2 a 49 r wi ae scene Gee flan Mountains wedec, on Tuesday, fos on 6: 10s Wo x 2s 4 4 , | August 33, 1983, Reta Ethel Willson, be at x 289 fore wite of James Dugan and dear mo 34--Lost and Found He presumed the majorit { a sy) Wels We We Ario me 4 M \ rin m1 2 2 ASSOCIATION ther of Rev. Chris Dugan, BA, aD He LOST: Black" Boston Bulldog, female BRITISH BRIEFS ike sot 1.200 se Fg th at ao eT: ak . / . het ba . tor of Tyrone Circuit, Resting at vicinity of Woodcres? and Stevenson Road . 0 1 ' "i 9800 1 ) } . ar 100 184 Morris, Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville Norm, auguat § Queenie" tag and col tatives at the rally were NDP! 0 ' , ' ' ANN RY ) 4 . ray ST JOHN S$ HALL ¢ the chapel on Saturday at... va. 32 2 724.480 evm ion . hd 9 Aune Oo Of Me 0 bak \9 a 2 Pcuieek. vevereent borers Comotery on (tat: Reward, 728.8623 oF call 725-4806 e e ympathizers 2 aay ase : : ; mw . . 1 I a Corner Bloor end Simcoe + 3.30 pm. LOST: Female cat, one year old, diack was asked t he there to © r 1 2 Aas e Q Oo 160 «189 arrival a pr Ber ae rt ae iar che ] Win vt vas ask d to he there te / ee : ; 2 FRIDAY AUG 16 Ea siciaban walks with limp, In vicinity of Adelaide outline the NDP policy on nur Googvear > 8 ike Due 2 Sia 14) Windtall 1000 a ae Qe ' . GERRY, may ee . ond Renovate. Telemhone FAesise ear weapons, civil rights and) GL Pas 9 19% Beth nm 4 - 7:45 P.M AY Memoria ng the Colum bia River treaty we on } wraday morning, August 1% M2 SW Coat mo 3 ; : lame Fa sahy wah ot he late William 36--Legal which I -did." tte " 22 . nlac . 2 \ g Ex-Boxe F My 20 Gomes $8 ond $10 ©. Gerry and dear sister of Mra, RR ue \ ' ee Suar 10 $88 . Brov! ah . r acing 5 } MeNichol (Kate) of Toronto, Mrs, Gerry PORATION OF THE Ir, Cox was not available for) ver Te 4 ' . ro SS Seen S----$40 Jackpots is resting' at her late residence 138 Queen COR OR eo aie comment Hawker pr eS $96 ' An > WS a ~ Share- The-Wealth aN Sate wae eae pth Fagin ag Ma CITY OF OSHAWA By M, McINTYRE HOOD = 58, of Anglesey, has been crown waC 2 amtic DRY Extortion Count atiernoon, Interment Bowmanville Cem Special to The Oshawa Times ed Bard at the National Bistedd eo wt ' : 3 0 ww 3 etery SALE OF LAND GREENWICH A bronze £04 in Llandudno, His ode "Tho Party Cruises mp 4 sHu gM 2 asiar wm 10% 2 TORONTO (P)--Police Wed. we Bridge" was adjudged the bes , nesday arrested James J, Par. LIST HOLMAN, Ada Gertrude statue, which depicts the suffer." ' . > of 40 entries . Suddenty, at Oshawa General Hospite BY TENDER ngs of a Yugoslav girl whol 40 entries . R . k a Se ker, 34, former Canadian heavy- ONLY . 1 S and was killed B k d S ] d int U " Ms ' 4 > Sms nig . TO r, bel te of Arthur t & "epRe * $22 ' ' she x Os 3S - weight boxing c! pion, Tewnen sen Ps Sister of Harold of Aah The Corporation of the Ci at the age of 20, has been pre SPECIAL" AT &t 00 e 0 I BO)e 8 '9 C 2 eee nd xing champion, on a on Wednesday, August 14, 1943, Ada Ger the > burn anc Russell of Calgary, in her 73rd] of Oshawa hereby invites ¢ sented to the mayor of Green-| SALISBURY, Wiltshire -- Ser.) _ ; : ty nS) : ) : : YN UN charge of attempting to. extort SELL year, Resting. at. tre Rebineon Funere \ TORONTO (CP) Floating, By, OY , aus A . $40,000 from a Toronte resident dor rovra,} 4 . A oy ® pom) he TT. ~ Buena ch Cemetery, AtNN shoir Maribor, Greenwich's est "special" constable sti} 9. POpweT Relea harbor ' Lad Lav ' aie ERMS ent er St ly visited the borough toof 81 he is still doing tr nye Letand ' Q Q 40 2 Cusee 2300 3) » investigation of a complaint by . even barbershop quartet groups : . Oliver Lander and dear ) lavora, a national heroine Sra eee ee, ae : : Se : : . . 3 REAL ESTATE -- MORTGAGES era mene "team erat 5 SALUTE TO ENEMY nave discovered the novelty of ss ? y : 235 a es, site by a man who claimed he 725-6544 ria (Helen), Mrs r Cathar aortherly 30°?" of Lot tre) and Fred Lander, all ¢ yl " . M 7. N commission as four ' resting at McintosmAndersen Funeral Wilson Roed North [up in the House of Commons/iieutenant. Roberto Commoti ailable for charter Wed ' . . . Home. Service in the Chapel on Satur rth-east corner of Wil , ment rooms, MP's have/survivor of a wartime hand-to r ' s : 30 , I . a > c oh Sexy? Dar a" es wy % nto » Ie . * 2\2 2\a de Union Cemetery . h September, Two large ~ 4 i ay . . Riou eee n_ amine rece ato ates wes mesa he ee eT TN A, A See BENE) (Do ee Bay STEVENSON, Blanche Clemens @ frontege of & sis over $36,500 on its last year li of a memorial to the each third "teres carr & ss 3 . om? 9 9 tain James Lee, at Lytchett i ace ' R wy y 2 4 48 i R nes } ' : , tenett will ome < 2N ' c a ak S| on beautiful Lake Quimet, St. Jovite, Que. Severson of Oshawa and lowing step] oon PAID IN FULL Minister, where Captain Le Revels? ? $ we Ba S$ S40 : Parick, Kathleen (Mrs, M. DeRosa! to the approve! of th 'Please aceem the enclosed $15) Manor. C lake t >. view of the TT begins Aug, 24th, Last week onda December Ist, Desmond, Colleen ang Darcy Kelty | Council and the Minister of las restitution for something I city a narbor lights the ee -- TOA END THE HUGE SPECIAL AUTUMN FEATURE Sept. Sth--Oct, Chapel, Brooklin. Service in the chapel on] . fers for the purchase from h Councillor M Ivy geant William Bailey , k : m . + . » lend a > parties a coc epuises are Friday, August 6 at 2 p.m, Interment) Of the following lends cales, She received it from albury, is believed to be the old.) PAPUes and co AMUSE OES by threats, \ OR . malt \ ' 4 bs ips Friends are requested not to call at the) 2, Lot 7, Plan 599, on th 'A - : . booked solid until! ¢ M Cre re %2 M2 Mata Police said the arrest followed SPOT CASH qhapel ntl 2 pm, Thursday south-west comer -of Cor town in Yugoslavia, which/tive in the country, At -- ree As Bot 20 ' T ' = ee Reed Ea hp Seotiedl 4 oe ak JOWN AL ieee. 'ee GW alle ' petty a coneert, The choit isduty twice a week, He joined the, Sec! clubs, service organiz.| ¢ _ a LR) t : 4 x *a construction worker that he L D hamnsel . « ? 7 a ' ~ yose ations, convention visitors. ar N ' > ae a . ' ' : ant gan Somes Oetee See gran nd a depth of ame : whe g Slava "special" tn 1926 \ » Convention visitors: and "i Ned 8804 Be AW had been accosted on a building BO AHOO bs ale | y ' EPC 7 fee Dic § $ . 'i Chria Deuting ra, © Mar ¢ , rt my . . . . NO rope ree arty 3 a " p} N rallec' rency, Chri Deutinger { Don Ma > of: t ° MPS' MEALS DEARER LYTCHETT MINISTER. Dor. * ) hs Wabecic ' Dome 85 ~ belonged te a collection agency a ' . me ss ' 0 ry 2 x ats 3 a 32: Db far Geta year. Tre tate Mra. Lender hh Plon 685, on the east side LONDON -- Prices are to goset -- Former Italian army . } onli > ate Bests nesdays i Fridays from May @ayy Auger at 2 otcleck, Intermer son Road o Adeloic warned dy the kitchen hand. battle with a British army snc . eh 4 ¥ tab a depth of 110 , neratior man in "% Comb: ex ; Qn & Bh ? Nasting * ® e S LOW T a Raranem, Sraned, 9 Wa Wet day ~ Ste chock aperations man he killed in combat, t 0 persons and a ' a me 3 : 264 eM RATES LOWER AT GRAY ROCKS INN Clemens, beloved wife of the late Hector mother of Dorothy (Mra, John PL Kelly)! : Seen la h vig 2 : ' S Of thi ae mon BUDGET VACATION WEEKS all inclusive Tr ceneure beveved erenamainer et]. sale of these ect PORTSMOUTH - A note Would have been Lord n ri of ay rem the from $67.50 for 6 complete days. First MATT 26th, Learn to golf or ride weeks from $82.50 . 7 days 6 eights all inclusive, : a ae Mun cipe Atte rs for the Lole from one of your hospitals OFFERED FREE HOUSE Cena at of Mm tO a "* . > LOCKE'S FLORISTS wee oe ee a few years ago" has been re) EALING -- Ealing council Is Ponere errangement and Further rticulars of thexe ceived by the Portsmouth Hospi-/ seeking an elderiy couple to oc. h ran be Ss I ARR 7 DYMOND floral requirements for cl! av t toined ot. [tal Management Committe2./cupy rent-free a house at Cor chartered for $100 an hour londs with occasions the Assessment Depertment, The money was given to the Stonation Cottages, Baling. Roth minimum time limit of two OSHAWA SHOPPING City Hell Mary's Hospital Chapel, jhusband and wife must be over hour ; ST, JOVITE CENTRE Aitiin tek tea ois : : 70 years and must have lived R TEL, 425-2771 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE above lots me ' FARMER BARD n Ealing for more than 2 EIGHT KILLED x 728-6555 ee aca das 3 ek LLANDUDNO, Wales =. In. years BOMBAY (Reuters)--Part of Saturday, August 17, 2 P.M rat pose by the City Clerk, Sed [valid farmer Tom Parry Jones) in Kn t g co n South SWISS CHALET _ tormery Greenwood Pork) Hear, City He i : esd x : IN MEMORIAM bar Ri LONDON i. Viena aa. ale as child (S$ miles West of Brooklin on No, 7 Highway) ie : F oa threatened cight p 3, ding a child o.oo strike, which would have para. and injur t least 19 Mtore| FREE RIDES @ GAMES @ RACES GROUSE -- in loving memory MT) Auoust 26th, 1963, oF yeed the British film industry, peo] ere feared trapped in ENTERTAINMENT So perc a | een ae : has been averted. Terms were th Wee er Gare Deautitul garden: City Clerk. C ¢ agreed between employers' and Srevlered trom karen and pain, in @ seeled envelene ¢ union representatives in a Sate i God's wondertyl Keeping aed: "Verdes tee las e nie achabe ann Ma "ae Sha Goma bee cae morkec ende 2 pute ov a pay claim by 5.00 Sadly mised dy the family end shall be eccompenied by eonnicians y EAT g ST VALU § | Q certifie deposit. cheque miners SSS | UK, Planes vesror enon THE MONTH'S GR : Pared away Acguwt 15 LONDON -- The Eze Marke Father im Thy gracte > Rn rd is asking the Home Leave Thee now, Thy servant seeping > offer ne Corpor Ry M. McINTYRE HOOD ee to pat ents en th "5 ad Rapa aa ao tart ae C i gs Special te The Oshawa Times r ; nm prisons. The board & FRIDAY -- SATURDAY AND MONDAY ONLY e WOOD -- tm loving memory of my gear . if LONDON -- Britain's aircraft Says that if Br ¥ 3 pris sf beaband, Cory W. Hood, whe aamed | FT) e ays be pcg ln c-_-- CC , est or r ustry s achieved a major ORTS had 0 ae &E boty fe E ! ENSA IONAL NEW Along Te road to yesterd , ate the United Sales Would rise by mar » N & ® T Trat leads me atraen ts yee market for ened./1.500.000 CEES a. year Are memoria, of Pre Danny S Market for Moe yea :S Scie! Seema cme | f | Ml -- 16-PC. LIVING ROOM ENSEMBLE rat © tors ives the RDIFF, Wales -- England's SS ck MO meet ye IN MEMORIAM webbing yon that orieket captain Tea te he Always remembered Dy wit, Emme } n rior beDa chosen as the prospect PALMER -- In Worg mamery of 8 MEMORIALS 8135 aia that 3 aa South mt ae wae ¢ enatner and ioe z : > party te op . a . ' ans Mand we CAMAat te eign bbab : athada, too, is ing in the aa, Labor's At MALT AD Mary Moma ee ' ; J OF he one we 82, TROT . yy Ure 9 United Rai y nce for shadow chancellor a Monument Co, Bhtss aft. Tre Unt: REST GARDEN 38 XK Be" a is buying am EAST ACTON -- For the thira orth of Cari. time im seven years garden t transport h@ed bythe talanman wer Frank 3 Tragren Perry ang F take-ay le Poot e Geeargee eole at Fast "ton . the Canadian de , oT ees ei - PALMER . nary a ' * ERE hesterciesieey) pay eee ae ius made ote nan c any, which | a est of all" in Loa sh HawkerSid. dea Tr port's station ca > FIND BY PLOWMAN sh Airerah Car WHITOOMRE, Dorset 12%, wh é on a farm at Binplsen R Ot ahd ronan g Rs first Mek combe, Rear Dorchester, has un GRQMO~ Pe Marke o anacnceiren, " ~rn, George Brawn and tamty at the 2 plant at Hara. hed a fourth-ceatary R t in the near fe sculptere of a horseman in hich POWLENTUK ~ I) ene memory of BANNA -- We, Pre ferry of Saheres £ bh has bec | - & Gar Moan are NhatPrees, Ga MARA, REA Se Peek frees. scran "RTC wt as been handed ove = yee TRANS, Meachee, MEMES. HBla ees) an te the Darset County Maseam ™ Mena te Or. Mora , ae wet of Me . Borg hee oe : ; , > Hanne ond Famiy, have boon ordered by Am TWIN TOWN GIFT POWLENTOR -- De ND MEY oF day ic airline aperat > i ae &@ Gear Doher ang wcla Nike Ponies. SPENCER -- | woute Hee te Thark ome LAMBETH -- Lambeth Coun BR, WMD PRLS anny August VS. 86 PEIN ARS, Tay, DEgAIWes AAs Prangect = . 7 CR, which has already sont Tae years Deve pated, we msi yee ua, Community ter er Ananens, ¢ a m eon some localtymade Doulton fic if wee &! aut Perm ary TeTADArS @ ReaeMel fer DOW » me r stands : ' ¥ jo - Trees, a Ber w . ana % De. Mekieree. 3 2 5 ee arines t its twin town of Mock Ye %e pace hesioa bare 5 tn mala yg xsd & we . % ees " varet moar Moscow. and a " LuxuRIOUS FOAM AND NYLON FRIEZE Rage Cf xpresty: as ea 3 » Coal a x books tish i wammber @f. Sides of the bor ' 3 peer and " rd ' J a et ae - 2 bp water Rose ang MSs. A very Soe m Me, ane eee ee, RAIN SSR 8 magh, has Row sent HO dalfed Everything you want for smart living! There's deep comfort in the sofa and PRN ee Fort ang pace Bana ri. Neerear Bee? gore : 7 TTS ae a abies, . ate sf > if a ta * te Gad on oer Ba agg 8 3 he thei or Planting in the Res ae lounge chair with molded foam backs and reversible foam cushions. Cocktail WARTS -- mm he PAPYD = Tete perneenne z « Speers ® = . $ c enna whe ns . Ll te ned table and 2 step tables in walnut finish. pair of colourful lamps and 7-pc. x 2aR a re t@ thal Company Stee Serre . 3s . ~.... STRIKES OVER REAT : ; king-size chine cigarette set provide convenience and hospitality, And in <<" | Court Dismisses, » the order beak fer "'o : DSS er 2. tree x fer expert examination ' c ORD -- " ' > mm ~ are the. oo ge sri addition you get the modem huxury swivel rocker, Hi icide C. comtracts which two other major Amencan airbaes have w : é PORT HURON, Om. (CP)-- 8 Rine : ate-F We Dace Mer & cur Dearth. i . --Agengty reremtend by Gare, Bin, Wenicinal Ry Meet ad Varere : RIMAR charged with sezlageat homicide KOTERE i co-eperation with thea teamprratare af SY dears PARKING MEMORIALS the Blue Water Bridge last % the Concord Preece. | WACARS BRINKS = bias cul ten Delivers dates payed a big, _HAMPSTRAD -- The vicar j "i See "3 Re See be n the decision te bay Rr. St Stephens. B APN DAREAITC . ® Geciner to buy Rrit- St Qe t MONUMENTS : case tha Cctakelanianes FLAT MARKERS piens: Na ieuhecn was let etic Anceatt Deoeartare lee on OA Se a ee = <= ¢2--| 154-156 Simcoe St. South Open Friday Till 9:00 p.m. bveringe