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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1963, p. 15

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25--Apartments 27---Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sale |29--Automobiles For Sele THE OSHAWA YIMBS, Seturdey, August 17, 1963 18 ft al Fe ach | xa ' MODERN ? 198 PONTIAC Parisienne convertibie|1952 CHEVROLET good body, motor and ; COMPLETELY | FURNISHED threeroom/BBAUTIFUL six-room two-storey on|BOWMANVILLE, Blgin Street, buliding bree SAL Psi Y. Five-room sgt 'MB engi full power|tires radia, $65 Whitby, 668-5071, 30--Automobiles Wanted 32--Articles for Sele lot, nor y rimen A large, home Im-jlot, 7§ x 120, suitable for duplex, All separ 'ae re ie ' inion, 8147S or best Sulteble lee ee. working couple. mecviste. in and ouisige, "Asking $42,500) services, Near school, Telephone 623-3855./schoo's, $ - Ara S per cent NHA eos. Close to stores, schools, bus. eal ga prot io Ph i iar FO VOLKSWAGEN ven This here sires ro Segoe ge a + 970 monthly. Apply 386 Caditiac South. easy terms. Call Arthur Wein Ol PRAL BSTATE, $8900. -- Private, (Velo |mortgace. we We gs gene ----~| 799-0558, ag OER. im agi Wr Seaway stor A Ey uat) yeu Nels Wian ae hipag NS. Telephone after THREE-RC ROOM heated apartment, untur- UE ener Rerey Saul brik hours, | feur , ArSee PRIVATE: sale, 2 storey Suner eee in and schools, Asking. san0e.| 187 +L, by pel lon marae pl i AR BI a8 Hanfrt Went, men 10 CEDAR posh, 25 Cul 5 } % y ss! Apply whee Wrest, Wee caicner daa tartieohe He wing Asay, alow natural here tone ry me cee eye bis Pegg "0 dd Street after 6 p.m./Call 725-963) after 5, wh ay t) . Soman Nee. 200 Dun-| 19469 oes -- automatic, apg tt oan ea es Ste x ow) orenara Vi Lateg bathroom. Apply | cortas, 1 |*elephone 725-6916, GUICBING lor TK DW Weer, Has well das West, Whitby 668-8893, fully cet seals, Diplomat for ya lanes! pr pal moro on : --lawnings, elevision tower, landscaped. |"enna, double gar Ly and driveway, Asking. #1400 Telephone | isgy- GHEVROLET Immpalay super" aport piven wnite '~ Private, Telepnone| Wentwort , \ ia = + Bhar me OsNAWA BLVD. SOUTH -- Two-room| pply. S85 Grierson Street, good garden land to Highway 7: r : -smmrwon|WwOrdoor hardtop, black with red trim, Hamp mariner. Unfurnished, bulhin up| ES 'in open'e ote." "LOOK «HERE TWO-BEDROOM brick i ne and, geral, 300, NP aul | 88 OLBEMORILE. hardiop. mower sear 31----Automobile Repair BABYS ork, igh chain roller, cee anette meno ; Cook No. agenin, Telephone 7207843. "lextras, 'Can be sven at 49? King. Street|iMP and, Drakes, Clean interior, Runa well "iT ero ie" Ga RAGE [eommote, mean Al" 'condition "Angi? PURNISHED alee", kitchen and LLOYD REALTY ; | have just listed @ reol love- | swiyaye SALE = No real estates ten: E43! iw my VMourn Sood fires; molor and -and SERVICE STATION Wing room cimbined, bedroom, clea TE R RAC E ly six room. brick family -- | year-old Sis-room storey and 8 halt|ita) PONTIAC Parisienne, Generis ng R{WTe|poay. Reasenable, "Telephone 725997) scr -- ih ae se A en ee reoreie Gony pent Dian W Apply 24 tatreene Wet wenn. sireel' Bane eer APP bss pontiac, INTIAG, perict conan, Tay TEXACO sive daar ws en " working couple, 7 Telephone 72 WORTH END of cily, three-room apar| THEN CALL YOUR MOVER ESTATES Four piece tile bath, Clean |s1800 DOWN or laie model car for Thih|1955 PLYMOUTH station wagon, 6900 or UTA sialon wegen BH ot fai Crate Come by "Ba Wile Geel PRODUCTS AUTOMATIC. oll stove, 'with Ba ett ( Suitable for cou- 'ondition, Vacent September 3 bedroim brick bungalow with carport./nearest offer ' tank) e) wood us cs hee ae NeW SX PLEX WHITBY Ty era any fee isis tates Severe ae omer nent ek | «7 KING ST weer a Nie I ale NOW RENTING Nigh Coser. virore 'chool| Tiophone PIT devas or afler's ping 'aur Noor . tea. win wlnche S880" Sy eto reom 'tment, unfurnished, private " tarts, Tatephone 728-869 ne : " ditlon, $375 or offer, Can fi » Apply trailer Spur TE Rt ga gpl "oom $690 ONLY $13,300 -- ia Vi FAUT AUXHALL "Velox Wor" doar. Bie 205 Lupin Drive, wait nares. 408 32---Articles For Sale Bond West, dial 725-0990, Ih, penned "nrevahou! Apply 208 Steven: electric heating, ; : von Road South, individually contralled. 'Bal With $2,000 Down New NcH.A, cellent condition, _ AP VAURWALL ge Meng fa Wig or RANGE: Frigilre@ leek, Gutie BEATTY AVENUE, 184 -- furnished two) cony, laundry room facilities i j but to offers, i957 PONTIAC, f seeder Soi stle bahy pram. brongetone, room apartment, sink, cupboards retrig:| built-in stoves and fridges, Down if you qualify to one "' beard Home ie vai: te erent rp nu ent SILLA tur stp "Taiahed Tal ee wer france, 'laundry facilities, suit. couple,| paved parking, Call "Bill N.H.A. 61% % Mortgage ston, Apt, 4; 718 Dunlop Street, Snir quipped, Seaway Motbrs Lid. 200 Dun-|WE buy. sell and excnange used tureh vty range, 21 Inch, b Apply above. : Horner this week-end at 728- Call Jack Appleby now. Only $625 Down as Wesl, WNIIGy, eae sana Wear giihce. you nav Tet lgue "ork Seng, saa bedroom apartment, in apariment bull) | oo) oe pont PERRY tached, attached garages (no teleenene radio, aaeranaine etc. Only 12,700 VACUUM leaner repairs, ail" makes,|s195. Rid a he el transmission, radio, | chines. Rentais Wallace Vacuum Serv:|F! possession. Apply Apt. 2, 67 Gibb Street or) 194 feet deep, Rusco al- screens, 60 ft. lots, fully West, Whitby, 668-5893, steering, brakes and windows, ss apartment. Newly decorated, refrigera- . WH PONTIAC Parisienne converiibte, Vi. | "Tasarwedan,| Irading Post Stores. 446 Simcoe nan, ing, stove, refrigerator, broadioom, wash- esmis) some ravine lots, solid or 723-3398 Three bedroom brick bunga- [1959 PONTIAC Parisenne fordor hardiop.|rvites, "Sacrifice at' $2.80, Telepnonel From estinetes, Bari', attaches $58 -- THREE-ROOM basement apart} 6 year old, 5 room bunge- equipment. -seHi deans imum windows, omy $1,000. | landscaped. carries fer $7? | BO) ALICQOD Telephone 725-8503 [in enevaoceT pala canverione| vt", tush burton, radi." Dominion BUY nd sell ored Seana oa aaa in tor and stove, Avaliable now, Telephone) Country, you won't beat this ae -- Dr gragont a : Ltd. PRIV. ATE S ALE fons Searing, | Powe ce Beg Mat ive a VALIANT pM) oBiLe tome Msi We Palesk Se ; oe 2236 or 728-5123., , ' . Wd CHEVROLET an Air, 4door sedan, 3 COLSORNG STRERT EAST One $13,715.00 full price, de 725-6544 For Immediate Sale ian, resis, Seed conaition. Atter & ag automatic, --whitewalls,| SOuIN_ and 3! Bond Street Bast. 72167), @r and dryer, Apply Apartment 2, $8,900. civ Ghak aie wom Honae: low, oil heat, Southeast Osh- |! mmaculate two-tone green with V8 283/709.1 121, brushes, hoses. guaranteed rebuilt ma URNAGET larae ment, stove and refrigerator. immediate) low, oil heating, drilled well lows, plastered, storms and JOHN A. J. awa, Private sale by owner, [seat belts. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas|i0S0 MERCURY convertible, 1 XU tes 'ea. Call anytime, 728-059), boiler, For pest al cheap. To be removed S hos - ees or WAYNE STREET, 68 -- Four - room| Gown, if you like living in the monthly interest and princi- black, red interior, ee, Imyenacuiote condition. |tion, $1495. Telephone 725-5862. Birniture, 444 . a South, 723-3271, ees. Call" Elmer Hampton w 725-3998, deal, Hurry call 'Bill' Hor- r Low mileage. All extras. One owner, Newcastle ster, show ATTRACTIVE three-room apartment.) ner at 728-2236 or 728- for. Your choice of all col- Modern N.H.A, three bedroom [Sacrifice Best offer. 9 a.m. to @ p.m.,|miies, After 6 Telephone 728-7182. 8. F, GOODRICH STORES -- We spares ae dee eae, Sage, i | ours, Sove on the Tax, buy call 720-7586. WSS CADILLAC Eldorado" covertibie,|Batteries, Kelvinater refrigerators, private entrance, four-piece bathroom. 5123, Fail' Sone cihak borne os GUIDE REALTY bungolow. Spacious kitchen, VOLVO fully equipped. New paint Iob. Tele-|vision, Thrifty Budget plan, 7254543, ae . a phone Lovely yard. Apply after 6 $10,900 : | heated, Storms and screens. ae East, 720-6016 low as $12,015.00 with OU neater: Fass otter_7 pm. TELEVISION tower special, © Hi, sirue Qneclal, & f,sI7Ue/breadioom,, bive tier color' BES ' : Decorated, 6 per cent mort. SALES and SERVICE . I antenna We (or ETELY furnished two-room 3 BEDROOM FRAME $690.00 down to one mort 723-112) JAKE & BILL'S wiv RW cme AY conditions new motor yee enucing. ol areal ' & manne ester Ss alx aney we park ' Ag apartment, radio, hydro, heat. retriger-| gage. a sti ct i $2,000 down, balance on GARAGE 95 se airiane, two door hardtop, aon maa my SAILBOAT, " eiomatena 10" sese ator, stove, laundry and parking facili- fies, Neat and cosy. Business couple: 137 easy terms, inspect this fine | SYLVIA STREET -- 5% i RO Faint w rt his eae Elgin Street East, 725-1588, home this week-end. Only AM 7-9712 or room brick bungalow with PRICE $1 1 900 GENERAL REPAIR and body oy on aah Atier Heed " STUDENTS A super value. approxi a Na eS = soe eanention, DIVISION STREET, 366 -- Three-room) six years old, and neor both AM 11-2309 double 'paved drive. Large AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE phone "725: +1013, mately 630 sheets of le\ter sie typing | ci i teay preferred. Telephone 'Tabaavz, "| high, ond public schools, Lot Hollywood kitchen end" fine BROOKLIN Sahone aoe aba WaT PORDS ond Meteors: five to choose BAP hee Past oan erunae (sists ot table, Sour 'chairs one = ee 105' x 165'. Call 'Bi MANDERHILL ished room in basement. 3 | 655-3157 Oshawa 728-09: {hort alt "in. Ani conaition Seaway Meith) Gundes Guest Week US" After 6 pom gal Mba i - = tors Lid, 200 Dundas West, Whitby.! ef Horner ot 728-2236 or 728- bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled GENERAL REPAIRS __ |sé0-svs. SECTIONAL chesterfield, tape recorder, range, srindclas se ' , ter, 97 THE DIPLOMAT 5123, Real Estate imtted both. Full price $13,500. ALL MAKES OF CARS _ |i9s0 VAUXHALL, good" mechanicai™ con: [fatten patie ietorcs, ecenslonel a hired pace, Brel ee Ry ae New luxurious apartments LUNCH ROOM 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW PEN HOUSE PARTS AND SERVICE [Whitby pe iad paintings $350 cash: ching white with Gold, Dial 72 mba. $2,50, Call 248, diggs of Soudiien Broil : $4,200 Scarboro, Ontario with 3 room basement apart- All Foreign Make Cars |i984 AUSTIN" AGL" Body in good condi WET. fibreglass boat, 35 H.R. 5 rau |care Galkcy lobby. Air ceriditioned "hells Seats 15, long. established, ment with privete bath ond TATHAM jon. Motor needs repair, Make offer. "olor ,elecles, sails, taller, we janie lto Pigg yy oe ae ve -- good ow a entronce renting for $70. BA. SERVICE Telephone 723-3916 ENS tiple Orie, ates v ' G main office. Lock up, per month, Large lot ond at- THIS WEEKEND |S FORD, two-door, h, V8, twi 340 Marland or Apt. 107, | store. will tease ot $75. SCHOFIELD-AKER | tocnea garage' locorea'. on Ritson Road and King |etnwutte radio' "Sedy' seaprayes, sas (RFT, sabes Teak CR aag Okage THOR weahra wastine ee St, or Phone 728- monthly , nedieg heot, Ritson Rd. North BY ROTH CONSTRUCTION -- _723-4733 and 723-7712 __|Very good buy 723-9583 or 728.5311, | hW0, I cabin. MOREAT aerate Te Rw de urry, call Bill" Horner now z é | 1958 VAUXHALL Super, new exhaust and % frosting, Kenmore 26k For R ot 728-2236 or 728-5123 OL oie patie ; bee EXCELLENT COMMERCIAL | ~ SPOT CASH |brakes, block heater, good tires, Used] Eom RAVSTONT mavle somare. Tet | wringer, Kenmore stove, a ractely ne 6----Rooms For Rent ; i [ sierey Brien > Tones 9 200 00 LOCATION ---- on Green Directions: Two blocks South PAID FOR J@8 second car. Broaklin 455-3319, otter, Bowmanville 623-3732, Apply 06 Quebec Street FURNISHED room, in "adult home, no CADILLAC AVE. eho k ny tok Sa ~ | Street in Whitby, Lot 76 x | on Grandview, off King Street, 162 ENVOY wagon, white with red_ ll WONESY Cal's Furniture Tend "APSE PREST-OLITE cooking, gentlemen. Telephone 725-3208. | $12,600. FULL PRICE This wont last long - call us to- 130 with 10° room insul | East Good clean cers. Trade up --_--[erior. One owner. Low mileage car Inlances. Name brands at biggest dis-/OF Des " i 3 bedroom brick bungalow day, ew condition, Seaway Motors Ltd. counts anywhere, We carry nyrawe ROM, Suitable for two business girls 90 brick house with garage. or down, Liens paid off. iDundas West, Whitby. 668-8899. pe ph hah ry Rie pind ha vane trina ro Dial 423-2406 | with gorage Situoted very ly $17,000. lis ' scOn for rent tor gentleman, Appiy| Close to all schools. Asking | NEW 6 ie ng gs ig | whence naeidloa ye JOSEPH BO BODD MOTOR SALES eI gg ll = 'aan Nout "ea sn King, Sites Street ant Nas eines 'earaea, Cea oot oee 109 Park Road South or telephone substantial down payment. | GALOW with 2 cor garage loc- | N.H.A, RESALE --~- 542% 314 PARK RD, SOUTH | Telephone 725-5759, Road, open 2 houra daily, 9.0 ~ " 72-1890, Call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 neal a bbl eal mortgage. Large modern bun- REALTOR 723-9421 |1957 MONARCH, two door hardion, 5 Telephone 7209 SUTROARS ervien, Seat sieene j ' # include dor wil - | | siescnas igen Q Tailor Medel "SPA| oc Abe aig jg ov ge ved a oe ar 72a, 9 84 out, sliding glass doors to paiis, galow in a good location near : {1943 Dodge, $50. Telephone 725-8571. | REMINGTON Field Ni versa pon heed, chi . gir ra schools and bus service. 3 | N | = |22 Calibre Rifle, new condition, $4, Wal-lcoy re exti Nemen or girls, Telephone 723-4162 FURNISHED COTTAGE extra flue for fireplace in Rec bed: with plenty. of PHONE 728 7377 i "nae wencunr agen gg Rea ok ther 7.65 MM Midel PPK Automatic pistoll lackets, electric re extingulanera, ~ | y |34. Several fishing rods with brass reels, PONTIAC INN -- Rooms. single "ot LAKE SIMCOE Room, end mony mony other |: clothes closet specs. 4 pe Lupin Drive, Whitby, {Could 'be considered antiques. Bailar ra tak by 8 ha Seat doub! Tele rivil F k | | me. Weudy o Auk tear tn Hocti style, 3 nena, er tag er 9 hy tp lnig heat |. tiled btahroom. Large mod CAR AND TRUCK hae EWEVROLET sedan delivery.|sports room decorations, $150, Telephone} outboard, "ery : Moaies " bis room, very beautifu * s Head th dining area es? cash offer. _ Aer 4 Burk Street. rice $1,500 we we WEST END Vicinit ca turni ern kitchen wit ning EDIERADD SNe FS Su Wert BND Vicinity prciean paturnisheg soneition igh Seiad ply ate possession Recreation room portielly fin 28--Real Estate Wanted RENTALS Isormareoa .. [ne saw "Beaver wiih heay doy orien home, Dia! 725-9287. 9 interior, tiie floors, in- | ished WANTED three-bedroom brick | bungalow (All Makes and Models) 4 -door, automatic "| imo and steel bench, 'pal ables aive au - sid th: re , CENTRALLY LOCATED 6 hen, Ter fer 6 be radio, whitewalls ete, Trade or terms.|oval and round, arborite tops. Solid wah{eai DEAN AVENUE "-- "nicely furnished) | SIG@ | bathroom, electricity relat ED acon cori nd CALL 625-6553 [sts Dial 725-9365. a "lt Duncan Phyfe drop leat tanta. |tres bona ae oes, used. We ur Street Bast, ; | lit level j 1 room tor rent Quiet home. Laundry, telephone, only five years | room stone front sp | WARREN AVENUE -- 214 | and kitchen facilities available. Phone old. Owner built. Winterized bungalow with attached garage. | storey rug brick home with [WE have buyers walling for 14 Albert St. |W FORD Meteor convertible, Va en0iNe |New ye a wet hog ment 3) Brock South, whiter, 728-4897 for year round living. $2,000 4 rooms on: main level, consist- paved drive and double gar- bee by hy ig Msentertind of nag Bg ani BUYING OR SELLING [Potters 4 Charles streets she . shi g ide corne! s of | 3--M FURNISHED single and double "room| down and $50, monthly, One | ing of living room 16 x 18, age. Property clear and the (Snort of listings. It you wish your home| TED CAMPIN i989 ~ PONTIAC convertible. eo "aor at Slencairn| 2 jarket Basket st for ladi 1 A 5 2 ai i = ; ton Sie et Abely #5 Divi} hour drive from Oshawo, | family size dining room, = | estate will hold the mortgage sold, contact George Koornneet by call. after 6 pam. 728-9308. eet POTATOUN ond "al bag Bessa a Call Ed Drumm for o ' lar ery modern kitchen, and nv 723-2859, Joseph Bosco, Realtor TWO FURNISHED bearooms fortwo) apt ee 1. 2 1k. | cau wee eee ee ee MOTORS W989 FORD tudor sedan, finished ln W.| ROSE RIFLE gentiemen. Close to Shopping Centre| S133 ~ 7oe90, mt 7ahe one See Deacon Payment. Home vacant, im- jione grey and white equipped with V8 WANTED Apply 63 Grentel' Street. Cail after ¢ > or 725-9345 Very modern bath, 2 extra size | mediate possession, 29--Automobiles For Sale| jengine A.) new car trade in. Seaway| Telephon Gaave 725-0183 p.m. 725-8721 bedrooms on upper level. Owner | --vawromenies Ter Se) 607 KING ST.--OSMAWA | Motors, Ltd. 200 Dundas West, Whitby.| aga, laa fia" moulded" plywoad Tena |cihme_Alrport FURNISHED room. lady preferred," pri $11,900. FULL PRICE leaving city to live in U.S.A. | SUB-DIVIDERS --- Choice | i08f PONTIAC Va stick shiff, good trans-| (Just East of Wilson Road) |S __|fibregias, windshield, convertible top. side 4 vate entrance. in new home. Dean' Ave $2,100 DOWN Claat gicbetly cpa to offers North Eost locotion, 1334 sertation, S298 1986 Studebaker, fair an] 755 420 "Ro oe gee lias TuavRGLET- Bel Alr, Wwo-daor,/cirrtains, electric 'starter, 18 Np Johnson | S4---- LOSE GR and Found nve. Call 725-6780. 3 bedroom brick bungalow. eat 194 beeen: Balla. dition, $95. 1954 Chevrolet, $75. Apply eS. hard top V8 automatic, custom radio,/ovtboard, steering equipment, spare gas LOST -- Wallet on Av 'August 1a conta acres on 4 Oo Little Chief Texace, 83 Ritson South, M e B '"s power brakes, Handyman's chance $225/!ank, Tee-Nee trailer. $500, Telephone, § 5) personal papers, 30 oh as driver's ficenc com Sree. bedrecy Ghd Biches torsiahe mare eigen ae, er 723 yong youd to 9 | er's terms, [1989 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan. This) fun orice PWM er 32 Oshawa Boule-|until @ pm. 7260614 Telephone hen nook, basement divided for | ee RITSON RD. near King St." economical Geyinder engine end, rodie'| as Tat Rideau 00, hardtop, "ay yg Sagem Se, Towsnene Callteates: male baaale. Srawere Te Name COMFORTABLE shale room fer venti! recreation room. Monthly | CHARLIE CHAYTOR 723-7996 | -- & 1com, 2 storey brick [Scaler mune Lie" Sat tenn Stree) Toronto, HO 1-6364 gleaming yellow and white a 'engine. |Blake's Furniture and Appliances Store, |asne®, pre-sale Nand. Generel" Molors. 7-085 payments $92 including. tex- MARGARET HALL 723-1358 home. 3 bedrooms. Home hos Tolepnene 4 648-5099. Automatic transmission, power steering, |King Street East, 728-9191. FURNISHED single rooms, private en:| @S. Owner tronsferred and Sih crecrane | 2eosl fae recently been redecorated ond N | H | d pare Me Ben ong Seaway mol MOTORCYCLE 1962 Jawa 280 CCM new trance. Board it desired. Telephone 735.1 very anxious to sell, Call big Hag veg pete. the price reduced to $12,- | "$ ALL CASH oe eis an amr ag Oy aN A We conden after S pm. Telephone 720 2 Irwin Cruikshonks now ot | 5 500. 1 | = WHITBY S995 downs sicroom NWA bun] 728-5205 or 718-5123 | KEN. MORRIS 623-5406 | For Clean:cars we deal up er 1750 Danforth Avenue hog CHEVROLET erp," aoe here [DINING room sulte Walnut, eight pleces, gelow, Stee immediate. pos ed aie: | Agee (Bowmanville) | FULL PRICE $12,700 brick | down, Liens paid off. ELLY DISNEY new white-walls. perfect condition. fit New, $150, Telephone Hampton bession a ealty (Oshawa td, bungalow wit! rge living | j seven call 728-7837 ca iii MARY Sireet, North End. apeclous, well 101 Simcoe Street North, 360 King St. W. Troom and roomy kitchen. 3 NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | USED CARS LTD TURURY 'converlible" Wear Buick "eiecira ee DING gown, gown, size 13, peau de sole, peony chads ype tho da Oshawa, Ontario. } Free Parking bedrooms, ae tae sel | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 1200 Dundes Street" int pire yyy A oe or oo avon a oa each NOTI " a . | tor as iinloppiicdediaasinlianeineie ai dace BSE AGING ORE os end screens. Close to schools | rst if interior, "alec coral cn) eta enll nhc Fo rao en Wiad | ond bus Bcc onchange ct, ier CREDITORS Lent housekeeping including retrigerator,, 2 storey older type house with 2 large and one small WASAGA BEACH -- 5 mod- } Liens paid off poner ee lo ice tet Yoo ee tove on *elevision. Central to down- | Trade up or down For i town Shopping Centre. working) bedroom upstairs, full dining room downstairs, large ern 2 bedroom housekeeping Al 4 meeting phone Kingston Sabaenr INEXPENSIVE, economical ~tranaparte- AND OTHERS adults, "hay S1S weekly. Diat 7ss2F bright kitchen Asking price -- $11, 500. Call pao ing? all ae Beoutifull ways top quality Hare mance ESBENZ (Diese (Diesel). Excel. bi ond ten gn ot bo~yey con. 1 | . . » reasonal ATTRACTIVELY | 668-585 y, fumished y | coin iene SN srcay Aier't S| In the Estate of call John Adam, FURNISHED ROOMS | beach with ing for iti i) PONTIAC" Racor alandara-"reaig o children ond good' hahing. Reconditioned | BILL. WHIT TICK [Firant¥A&, St, irate PE ie" Usar secre ras ng |MELVILLE CECIL CURRAN, ine year old bungalow spotlessly clean and in ex- | Full price $16,500. D | Alse 1855 convertible: new body lab. top avout oquiemant, Sew valve, $198, Fer ce oes pr vate home. gore condition, fully furnished all ety 4 new, BRICK TRIPLEX on: Simece USE | MOTORS LTD. 'sa er automatic transmission, $795 gr/anvique or modern miltary arm swords, sae a bedrooms, 20':living room, rec. room, full price oa aig } 'GARY CARRIAGE: Pedlgrea"brana--ke 82 PARK RD. N. | $13,700. 668-5859, | ces euble gorge ond ose | WOLKSWAGENS | YEW LOCATION 20--Automebiles Wanted jam ol eta 728-8671 Stewart St. --~ 2 bedroom bungalow with any | meme or | ULL RICE BROOM | 1250 Dundas St. East ser igo egy [pedia, Britenica. in bookcane. Baal eer. room and good sized kitchen on an acre of lan e ; ving @. New Car? RECORDEP, P ao _ va ~ "5 Full price $10,900. Call 668-5853. AD AGNES =~ Trees, Ba $695 Whitty = Pane GOGO Tou saw ned corte "Tol" (Ge tee on ee ne ee : Movie camera, Holiday, 8 mm. Tri-turret, miles east of N t Talk "Cash" to the New [Dent offer, Telephone Seetic Notes Se Eee Jones warehouse space in Oshawa, centrally at $1,000 per acres. Will The Home Of Car Dealer and "SAVE" Weunat we 3 Ban na? Throughout. $13,500 full. price. Mra. Ar locoted. divide to smaller percels On Display at Good Used Cars TED CAMPIN MOTORS bab house behing BA station, = footy nie Bi 21e. eee For full porticulors coli 723-1121 a A FE ak MOUSE in Port Perry, eight rooms, bath, tt j ke for sale. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 aaa) a Atte 5pm. cal SABYAN "Before You Bu |, What's My Line? Fred Cook, Realtor. Call Marvin Nesbitt,| Building lots for sale. Tony Siblock 725-4362 Give Bill A Try" 29---Automobiles For Sale Buying or selling used fur- Nestieton 986-4894 Steve Englert 728-558) j i d . Fi Sener ers Sere'soee 7283824 (Motor Sales Ltd. | | | ar ee ona ment, spacious garden Perfect. Powe. Ir Brown 725-3867 | : i _ en." Dial 728088 ue LIVE H OWE Jeon Peacock 725-4330 | 334 ag Rd. South =| ere pe phot ean nitius = | awa WHITBY | Sivem aia | Telephone 723-3461 10 CARS WILL BE SOLD -- + "VV TOWERS -- CLASSIFIED i REAL ESTATE | Lucas Peacock 725-4330 | Your Authorized AT COST | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | Volkswagen Deoler | AUGUST SPECIAL roe, Tee wer eee Serer] PUNOAS ST. EAST = WHITBY GOR-9P53 | Renters 16 Some & 5 |27--Real Estate for Sala Monday and Tuesday August 19 thand 20th. | 48 "Tver Structure IN Ba eae ae eee ihc kaa devistedh citccwihea j -- on ow These cars will be on display, front row with! Installed $50 ro prices clearly marked on windshield, Sunday, | coe: TY, ed Ltd, FOR RENT: Three room we ore. Se2==5 Welcome to Downsview Park Xsan es a Sone ES VAN HEUSEN MOTORS | ca Rise for couple 16235_Dutferin Street, zt $z $343 z i iil FOR SALE --" One Frigidaire reiri sese= CRAND OPENING ~Gaamc oon Skee wer =<s= CLEARANCE -- USED CARS | Sizttiemeares! | CREDITORS d 1957 AUSTIN A-5O ......... $500 | "Orpinal Cost $5500" Starting Friday at 4:00 p.m; 27 ABINA®.... sts ity seca Drapery Fabrics Outboord DIRECTIONS: Drive North on Wilson Road to Adelaide, ; $1,995 M. oak C apartment, washer and dryer, quiet horn, radio, radio, chrome bow rail, Sea Sevrereee 1. Cee fo sheapiee : ' 1961 MORRIS 1,000... $950 | anchor oy RR oad In the Estate of re Tonks "cheered. Prompt service zi | ed in 4" foom gold vinyl. HAMILTON BROWN, S.5%. toy ssc asl Immaculate condition through- Original Cost $5,500 Sacrifice $3,500 See our beautiful French Provincial home completely decorated, furnished by 'Hold- | 1954 AUSTIN A-..... $300 | Custom ond Reody-Mode s", drapes by "Howards". 8 other distinctive homes in this design controlled sub- DRAPERIES ron SALE: Three bedroom low on - | Manic Sree Ea pe ga NHA financing. Come and see Oshawa's finest medium priced subdivision this week 1963 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE Regulor Price per vont 81.98 a end, SPECIAL 79c FOR RENT Northwest Area is Downsview Park. i CLAREMONT GARAGE Drapery AN NOREEN EXCLUSIVE AGENTS AUSTIN AND MCRRIS 1957 MORRIS OXFORD $600 | i= | PHONE 725-8993 pooh ge RTL na hr division either finished or nearing completion for your inspection. All homes with good : NEW CAR SPECIAL _ Son Complete with Hardtop | We install as gtrecks Boots, Conces, Cor Top SALES AND SERVICE Dry Goods Store MANiNG F SWARTZ, & RENTAL LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED CLAREMONT, ONTARIO i ves deatg nh sro" aoe | 40 KING ST. E. OSHAWA DIAL 728-4678 Telephone, 649-2101 723-7827 Whitby 668-3226 74 Celina Stteet, Oshawa

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