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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1963, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 17, 1963 BIRTHS OBITUARY one eee Nency (nee V ) ppy fo announce the arrival che 7 Ibs, § 088, on Friday, Arguit Tas % 1 a cone gener nee . Miller al Sin fleet stat wooowano -- My name a tee thew. my appear inser, Ai wer RAL at Oshawa ati Saom and Dany ay PN etn tins Wttle brother for John, Robert and Gloria, Many thanks ge to Dr, McKinney, GON, Da aR sg or Triplets, you will want to tell the whole town about the latest arrival in your home An- nouncements are accepted until 9,00/t a.m, for i paeorees the same day for only $1.50, Just telephone 723-3492, DEATHS FORSHEE, Orville 0, in the Oshawa een ote ae Saturday, August 17, 5 'of shee, beloved husband of Elizabeth La Mere and dear father of Harold, of But faio, New York: Arthur, Mrs, D, Starr (Biva); Miss Grace Forshee, Ny George Peters (Laurel) and brother of Benja- min, Fredrick all of Oshawa) Mrs. FP. Fredricks (Gladious) St. Louis, Mis sourls Mrs, A, Herrington (Edna) of Picton, in Nis 63rd year, Mr, Forshee Is resting at the Mcintosh » Anderson Fu- peral Home, 182 King Street East, for service in the Chapel on Monday. August 19, at 12 a.m, Interment Union Cemetery. | LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangement o 'La Mere in Oshawa in 1950, ORVILLE D, FORSHEE Orville D, Forshee, 13 Celina street, Oshawa, died in Oshawa General Hospital today in. his 63rd year, He had been inpoor health for the last five weeks, Born in Picton, Ont,, Mr, For-|I'riday shee was a son of the late Ben-\iused to withdraw its charges against Police Chief Leslie Pon. ai soa the police chief that the amin and Margaret Forshee, Mayor Ross Fewster announced withdraw the charges or face Mayor Refuses |: prcceting. Mayor Fewster said council, during a closed meeting Thurs. To Drop Count day night, had authorised its solicitor, Warwick Marshall, to . s write Pengelly, telling him the A ainst Chief council did not intend to with g draw its charges Foc ig ene __|for alternate dates for the hear. INGERSOLL, Ont, (CP) ing, me "| In a letter to council--in town council hes ts which Pengelly denied all of the charges--Mr, Poole said he has e was formerly employed by golly, suspendel without pay police committee acted in the McLaughlin Coal Company,|M but had been retired for the last ay by council, uy ti lice Pengelly's lawyer, flagrant violation of the pol Ww. R and any attempt to sus. act' 14 years, He was an adherent Of/pooie, had said Thursday that!pond him trom hiv duties was the United Church, His first wife, Evelyn Gray, council had 10 days in which toliilegal and improper, predeceased him in 1949, He married the former Elizabeth He is survived by his wife, two: COMING EVENTS sons, Harold, of Buffalo, and Arthur, of Oshawa, three daugh: ters, Mrs, D, Starr (Elva), Miss Grace Forshee and Mrs, George Peters (Laurel), all of Oshawa, two brothers, Benjamin and Frederick, both of Oshawa, and two sisters, Mrs, F, Frederick (Gladys), of St, Louis, Missouri, and Mrs, A, Herrington (Edna),/~ of Picton, Ontario and 15 grand. children, The funeral service will be held in the MclIntosh-Anderson Funeral Chapel Monday, August 19, at 11 a.m., with interment in Oshawa Union Cemetery, The flora} requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING ENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-655 IN MEMORIAM BROWN -- In loving memory of Mrs. Alice Brown, who passed away August 18, 1960, ~Sadly missed by Rose and the boys.) service will be conducted by Mr, E, White, of King Street United Church, Indians Seeking | Representation OnFilm Board (~ WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canada' ' Watch Tuesday's Paper LIONS BINGO | Wednesday, Aug. 21 8:00 P.M, JUBILEE PAVILION | what a Want Ad can do, ""WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO-MONDAY, AUG. 19th. Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize 2----~$250 Jackpot Nos, 52, 56 1~$150 Jackpot (Must Go) Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos. or Less 20 GAMES $20 and 5 SPECIAL GAMES at $30 IREGULAR GAMES PAY DOUBLE IN 17 NOS OR LESS $100.00 DOOR PRIZE EARLY BIRD GAME AT 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 -- EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA DANCE down - In rmernory, of * Gear me lindians decided Friday to ask r, who pass away ugus! 5 We will always miss you for representation on three ew Although we know In our hearts jor public organizations -- Yoo were 30 tired that God took you National Film Board, Into His, leving arms. tional centenary Commission Sadly missed Alice and Chris jand the Canadian World's Fair TO THE MUSIC OF the NeLITTLE CAESOR AND THE COUNSULS SATURDAY, AUGUST 17TH, CARNOCHAN - In memory of @ dear: |Planning Council ty feved husband, father and grandfather! who passed away Aug, 16, 196) | We had a husband and father we were proud to own, | How much we miss him will never be) known. We miss him when we need 6 _triend,| On him we always could depe: He bap ate share our troubles ar "help! us alon His jeagrent clear and fine Loved dearly in life and living ye tn the hearts of us who will BB forget teat missed by wife Mildred, son Morley, daughters Donaida, Lorna Carolyn, son-in-law Gerald, grandchit- dren Randy and Sherri Lyna. KNOX -- In loving memory of a dear mother, Maude Knox, who passed away) August 18, 1956. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps her memory ever dear." ~--Always remembered by daughter, Edna and son-in-law Ted. WALLS -- in memory of a Walls, who passed away VA, 1962. ling stream of life goes on But stilt the empty chair Reminds me of the face and amile Of one who once sat there --Sadty missed and always remembered by Perc Daniels, YEO . In loving memory of a dear] mother, Airs. Florence Ywo, who passed) @way August 17, 1954. in our hearts your .emory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true: There ts not 8 day, dear mother, = | That we do not tink of you. ~Ever remembered by son Donald, daughter-in-law Doris and family MEMORIALS MARBLE end GRANITE Designing, Corving, Lettering Installation, Repoirs Open Evenings Until 9 The decision was contained in a resolutich passed at the an- nual conference of the National |Indian Council of Canada Delegates from British Colum: bia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, | |Manitoba and Ontario submitted ,, about 20 resolutions but only a ifew were dealt with The majority will be dealt jwith by the council's executive Nater this fall, Among resolutions adopted was one asking the federal gov- ernment to make it an offence junder the Indian Act to sell for. | | | | eign-made articles purported to be Indian handicraft The council decided it will de- dear Stan 8 seal of approval to label Indian handi craft Tobacco Farmers | Cry For Pickers BARRIE (CP) -- Tobacco |farmers in this area are faced jwith the greatest shortage of labor in years C, E, Kramer, manager of jthe Barrie branch of the Na- tional Employ ment Serv ice, said Friday: {there would be workers avail-! "We thought able from areas that were jhailed out in the southern part lof the province for our harvest! |which 'started last week." Oshawa Monument Co.| 1435 King Street East 728-3111 RIMAR MEMORIALS Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS Im Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St. S. Oshowe | i 723.1002 728-6627 | Office Evenings CARD OF THANKS) LITTLE -- We wish to thank our reia- fives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of/ sympathy shown us during the lliness ate dereavernent of @ dear sister and aun' Mrs. Edith Littie and pol ty.! WATSON -- Warren Watson and family) wish to thank their relatives. friends and! neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy during their recent bereavement. ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) S6--Legel_ The City of Oshowe will re- ceive TENDERS for the erection of on addi- tion to Oshawe Fire Depart- ove Headquarters Station No. Simcoe Street North, wo, until 4 p.m, on ote pee 30th, 1963. Drawings and specifications may be obteined from the office of Herbert G Cole, architect, 73 King Street East, Oshowa, upon deposit of $50.00. Lowest or any tender will not mecessary be accepted. TENDER FOR. SEPARATE SCHOOL, WHITBY. ONTARIO Tenders will be received ot the offices of W. W. Rankin Architect, Church St. N. Pickering, for a new four room plus ouditorium school to be built on Gifford St. in Whitby, up until Friday, Au- gust 23 ot 4 p.m. Drowings end specifications mey be picked up ot the offices of W. W. Renkin, Architect, Church St. N., Pickering, on deposit of $50.00 certified check, BENSON S. HAMILTON, Sect, | Whitby Seporete Schoc! Board, Whitby, Ontorie. GOOD PARKING 9PM, TO 1 AM, POLISH: HALL 219 OLIVE AVENUE ADMISSION $1.25 MEMBERS 50c REFRESHMENTS ALL ARE WELCOME FREE ADMISSION --_ FREE KINSMEN BINGO KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST, WEST TUESDAY, 8 O'CLOCK $150 Jackpot -- $20 each line plus $50 Full Card 5 ~~ $30 Games; 2 -- $250 20 -- $20 Games JACKPOT NOS, 57 - 51 EARLY BIRD GAMES -EXTRA BUSES 7:30 BUS DIRECT FROM 4 CORNERS Monday, BINGO 8:00 P.M. ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 KING ST. EAST AT FAREWELL FREE -- ADMISSION -- FREE 20 REG, GAMES --- TOTAL $300 SNOWBALL 56 NOS.--$120 - $30 Con, Plus $10 Each Horizontal Line Jackpots Regular Jackpot 61 Nos.---$100----$20 Con SHARE THE WEALTH EXTRA BUS SERVICE NO CHILDREN, PLEASE THE CORPORATION OF THE OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF | STREET CLOSING | TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its meet- ing to be held on Tuesday, the 3rd doy of September, 1963,. ot 7:30 p.m. at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Qshowa, intends to pass the following bylaws: @) a bylaw to close-up for vehicular traffic thet part of the highway known os Veteran's Road which lies immediately west of the west limit of Forewell St shown on Plon 397 having e@ width of 18.88 feet on the south limit and 7.00 feet on the north limit of Veteran's Road. @ bylew to close-up ond e@uthorize the conveyance of thet part of the high- wey known os Forewell Street which lies between @ point 5.879 feet 6% inches south of the north- west angle of jot 5 in the Broken Pront Concession of the Township of East Whitby (now in the City of Oshewo) end a point 6.442 feet 632 inches south of said northwest ongie of tor 5 @ bylew to closeup ond euthorize the conveyonce of that part of the public highway known as Mont- gomery Street (formerly Hoig Street) which lies be- tween the south limit of Dean Avenue and the north limit. of Monash Avenue }.@ bylew to close-up thet port of Ookes Avenue shown on Pian 306 which lies between the north limit of Colborne Street end the south limit of Elgin Street as shown on said Plan. 306. AND TAKE FURTHER NO- TICE thet at the seid meet- mq the Council shall heer in by his counsel, OncITOY OF Cgent cry person who cloims that his lend will . be prejudically affected by the said bylews and who op- plies to be heard over. -- casual - with ~ dash look that's tavored this fall. is smartest above a slim skirt Pattern AS®#i by the imagina- tuve, young John Weitz, His de- jsign Maunts a big sailor collar Times, that looks equally great with ortario residents without 'your own pockets, three-quarter ae Sian tabby swear, jersey or sheer wool for| Stella Sloat. DATED at Oshowe this 10th doy of August, A.D, 1963. L. R. Barrond, City Clerk PULLOVER IS TOPS FOR FALL Sing along with the happy folks who have discovered | A804 career er casual, SIZES 10-18 town PRINTED PATTERN into. the Pull shape-skimming cohege, wear Printed Pattern ASM is avail pullover able in Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 4 sleek 16 and 18 Size 16 requires 44 Printed yards 35-inch fabric Send ONE DOLLAR for print- ed Pattern ASM to The Oshawa Oshawa, Ontarie, On. add 3c. sales color spark of tax. Please print plainly YOUR Note the flat NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE. short or STYLE NUMBER and SIZE Choose' Next Week -- Watch for a transition Promineat Designer Pattera by Put yourself the The exactly as in the scarf, choice of sleeves cotten for READ THE CIRCULAR, COMING TO YOUR DOOR, FOR DETAILS OF DOZENS OF TIMELY SPECIAL VALUES! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIALS ON SALE AT 9:30 A.M. MONDAY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Personal Shopping Only -- (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Manufacturer's Clearance! MISSES' TAILORED SHIRTS "Seconds" of Much Higher Priced Line PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY---(PLEASE NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS) Neatly tailored cotton shirts with minute flaws in the weave which should in no way affect their appearance or wearing qualities, Manufactured by a well-known maker , , . styled with long sleeves, neat pointed collar and shirt tail, Excellent to wear with skirts, slims or jumpers, Avail- Limited Quanti ecu "een 3 able in ever popular white, attractive pastels, or captivating prints, Sizes 10 to 18 in the group, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 246 2.99 Women's Linen Handkerchiefs SPECIALLY PRICED! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! @ Good quality linen @ White only, @ Dainty picot trim on edges LIMITED QUANTITY sg SPECIAL, 6 for eee @ RATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 203 Spinning and Spin-Cast Rods AWAY BELOW USUAL PRICE! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! End-of-season elearance for fishing enthusiasts, 2-piece, aplit bamboe reds, Celoun, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, wach 4 .88 TATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 261 "Rand McNally" Book of Nations MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! A most useful book for r udents, Gontaina tur ndreds ef maps and fides en every country in the world LIMITED quanti RATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 205 Leather Bowling Shoe Bag 6.93 _.._. SAVE 2.96! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! Handsome grained leather bag . , . is neatly tailored with inside seams trimty finished, Convenient long zipper opening, Handy carrying strap, Complete with chain end neme tog on zipper, End-of-line, LIMITED QUANTITY RATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 267 SPECIAL, each . '/o Price Clearance! Women's ITALIAN SUN GLASSES! REG. 1.98 TO 3.98 PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! Sturdy plastic frames, Colours of rose and brown, Assorted smart stylings, Ends-of-tines, LIMITED QUANTITY 94 to 1 gy SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 SPECIAL, each Fishing Tackle Box REG, 9.95 . . . SAVE 4.00 PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS? Sturdy fishing tackle box ef pressed steel Assortment of teckle Included, Clearing end LamnreD QUANTITY 5 95 a SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 261 Caramels - Specially Priced ! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! amy caramels in three delicious flavours, Lime, raspberry end lemen, You' want several pounds at this low price LIMITED QUANTITY EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 Softballs SPECIALLY LOW PRICED! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! size with herd-wearing grey split-leather cover, LIMITED QUANTITY 8 9 SPEGIAL, each . . SATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 26) Official 12" SPECIAL, tb. Ve Price Clearance Men's Wallets REG._ 3.95! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS! roth pig akin, with place for bills, Extra ticket pockets, Replaceadte window twa colour, End-ot-tine clearance. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each... 97 EATON'S MALL LEVER DEPT. 217 SOC OR, Ya_PRICE CLEARANCE! END.OF-LINE Pre-Teen Cardigans, Reg. 5.98 PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL 'ole Fine quality Orion. Two styles @ White. with red or Diack trim, zipper e Pieral print; yellow, turquoise, blue pA 18e, Dutton front, @ Sizes ary a ky ee LIMITED QUANTITY 2. 99 SPECIAL, each ee, eM EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 222 Clearance of Corduroy Rattan Chair Covers! MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS t in Mecorater shades of at, tue te transfor yout beage with elastic LIMITED QUANTITY '99 SPECIAL, each ees @ TATON'S MALL LEVEL, OEPT, 222 Swemer of worn choles. Ae) Wiping te e t A xe a mise, green o Nylon Tricot Petticoats REG. 2.69 . . . CLEARING END-OF.LINE PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAN ORDERS! Dainty nvion tricet petticoats with face trim Peach colour, Size amet ent, tite 24% LIMITED QUANTITY ay SPECIAL, each "Sa. a & EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 209 "Dodwell" Sofa and Chair Throws REG. 6.99 .. . SAVE 2.50! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAN ORDERS! mm throws toe hele -- Of Qokd-coknut protect. your Ent-ot @ Shady cott @ Approx gotowts of green, beige LIMITED -- SPECIAL, each . 4 49. EATON'S MALL REVEL, DEPT, 222 Clearance of Little Girls' Pleated Skirts! REG__1,79---BROKEN, SIZE RANGES PARASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAN ORDERS! "Gienelia'" vascosetend-acetete olt-round pleated skirt, Lined shoutder ste Dutton side. Attractive pknds, fst and green predominating, Machine weshobie, eh x44 and 6X mR the group .99 LIMITED QUANTITY EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 220 Salt and Pepper Shakers MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAN OROERS! Novelty earthenware salt and peaper shakers, design, Suiteble ter beige prizes. King ond Queen LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL pat Vok 59 BATON'S MARA LEVEL, DEPT, 252 SPECIAL, each "TEGO" Interior Finishing White Paint MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE? PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAN OQROERS! giess applies easly, Sultete fer wots, co torture LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, quart . 19 RATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 275 Good quedity we mga, weedwerk @nd Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday..Open Friday Nights until 9

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