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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1963, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 21, 1963 Unchanging Love | Binds Quebec Pair Married 70 Years , ST. PLACIDE, Que. (CP)--In 70 years of marriage there, must be one constant Without it, those 70 years to- ether could never be, says osephine (Guay, "To make a marriage jast that long it is necessary that love not change." She sat in the kitchen of the house where she was born 84 years ago and smiled across the table at the man. she married when she was 14 years old Earlier Josephine and 90- year-old Epiphane had attended a mass in honor of their wed- ding anniversary, surrounded by 140 of their descendants | It was in the same mail frame church in which they| were married, | Now they sat and talked of the things that have come and gone. Fmiphane doesn't talk much but the bent former) ; woodsman still tends his potato) { "J 4 : 3 . y 2 patch in the summer and his| - ; ; { rabbit trap lines in the winter. | ' .. ' es " 0 6) But he ventured that life z = eae, =e ' ; 3 y around St. Placide, 60 miles 4 ' ' f : north of Quebec City, Ix not \ Shee Boys' Wash 'n' Wear Sport Shirts "recognizable." . r; Super value in boy's long : ' a4 Toke your choice of some of the Roads were poor and only sleeve T-shirts. Big array ' smartest patterns you've ever seen wide enough for a team of . = of boy's fine washable, ? in Quality Cotton Sport Shirts, Long horses and now there are so ' : : ; few Bove left... 1 miss the . combed cotton T-shirts in fo) 5 sleeve, button down collar, pullover : : : * - stripes or Jacquard : or coat style, on horses but they took two days Lie ° to get to Quebec," R j -elegirw " $ ; . ' ' pocket, Sizes 12 to 18 $ 99 ui 1208 4+ OR. .00 = : Plain Shades red, blue, gold 2. By / WOODS SPOILED He is saddened by what has and green happened to his beloved woods : . " . é ; : ' . \ x : : ; where once 'he "fihed and) om i 4 | y £ Fa ; Big Value in Boys' or Youths' hunted moose and bear é < ! es ' f Pa Flannel (Dack-Style) Pants Starters for the Young ry . . ' t Wash 'n' Wear, Boys' or Youths' Flan- 3 trees and left the rubbish." | gancnait "fe Y nel Blend Dress Pants, Good heavy Josephine's face has the wrin.| First ear Washable Sweaters ..@ , quality, 2 button expanded waist band, ies A age, wre oan oti , -- Warm and let school * A, . T front with two metal clip closers, 2 whom 13 died before they were ' for Back-'o" thi & ate hs, ee hip pickets, finished cuffless bottom, - wear this, ¢ y oS Colours: Grey, Charcoal, "The woods are like a torn.) down house. The paper com-| : 3 i panies have cut down the best \ : i) be praud to But she is still gay. She and] : The little On Aah Vineet pullover, 2- q ¢ re Black, Sizes; 12-14-16. Smart! Epiphane enjoy their television! Si) P : : Boy's 100 ae pattern all oround body ' ; d Pri $ 9 mar set, particularly when it shows| tone jacque N : Ss ' ne 2 2.8 & 8 eS e their favorite folk singing and and around Wo Price $ 99 ; } ; Size 18 dancing programs Sizes 4- 6X. *# °.° * e % i £ ii ' ne 9 $ Josephine demonstrated' by mn 4 N : slightly higher .99 dancing a jig while Epiphane > q Ce . 4 , kept time tapping two spoons . . i wee ei i ys Ra << i i against his knee, "L think I can : : = 4 ; : wt fy SS YOUTH 5 PULLOVER SWEATER outdance them aili," he said) / . SS jah 1 ; : : ! with a laugh. 'But they might << : : Youth's or boy's 100% Hi-Bulk Orlon Knit Sweater, , i ; f : : cnio's HIGH BULK Ss Fancy olympic high V-neck collar with contrasting beat me at the twist.' | MESIGAN y ; The couple received many] ORLON a ail : colour trim. Colours: Black, grey, cinnamon, Rib neck, 2 N letters and messages of good] j e : ~ < + : { rey reindeer de: ) : blue. Sizes: Small, Medium, wisn fon Their vaonvestry| | e ay ec nen by ier rin oi6.tecs SM QQ Jos ; or) Site . ar white and Bl = . husband neither reads nor Pte i ' pert 2 $2 99 ; : writes. . ; " . " Ya ines 4-6-6%. ° y . : Their plans for the future ee ld «a Be i & og : *< . : . SPECIAL BUY. ulky Knit SS - ~ i. | ae a Oa a\ cuneate BOYS' HANDSOME T-SHIRTS es T° | Wea Pah cits ® ; stitch, pointed BS : . bl Very popular lon collar, Colours: = t . : aN ae knit T-shirts, 2 ee Sra combed cotten Ae soc'S9 99 | wk ay 3 ooltei { reinforced shoulders ha qvet with collar, seats 6-6-4%. . f, , ' Stripes and n ' ° eat Price -- ae 4 Sizes: 8 to 14, Patterns, » Fancy Woman Manages Auto Race Track | DETROIT (AP) -- 2) Joan Simmons never won a race during her eight years of auto racing, but she wound up as the boss of some 200 drivers The Michigan-born housewife is believed to be the only woman general manager of a race track. She has been 'head man" of the Flat Rock, Mich ae Corporation since - 4> \¥ 1962 : . i Joan, who scraped fenders "= Looks snare st orion S T p-E-1-C- H i A al girls' sotton with both men and women ; Boy's bu y ai an. 2- vdie ' pees : ee a Short or Io racers during her 100 racing Veneck coreieind on | Children's and Misses [() ee wa : \ ng starts, says her auto racing ca ' ' ' tone stripe 5° down RDS j : . Sleeve blouses reer gave her some definite) 'at v-neck and 9° LEOTA ' . % seen traffic safety on the} : front. _nadium (Children's j "ee nt iy Colours: Grey 100% Nylon 7 Beautif She is convinced women make ble, red. Sizes $2.99 Jess tights. Plain : y \ ; utiful: matched safer drivers, since men tend| . 4-6-6%. Price seamies , ' ; set sends you back to become distracted too easily ™ gio knit, elastic worst SS f to school: in f "When a woman is.driving in : .* : rray of colours : N tvi 'In pertect the daytime, she is generally! mig aIrSY $ 59 * . BG ye: Girls' 100% either going shopping or taking) : ; They're New! Sia0" 7 10 10 a . ' N , lexturized Nylon yarn. her children somewhere and Boy's Thermal e . deal wit 9 x f : Pullover and she concentrates on the road briefs. Keeps heat 'n $| 29 Ma 1.7 : < . Aa \ classic cardigan, I ' i whee ae othe ae end cold out. Softand e ; _ ' Shrink and |< | | 1 a | "Men, on the other hand, tend ; ' : eS : q cre $ % ra , to bring the problems of their | shrink -- Misses' and Children's Ps 'dba : j Sizes Hari, ty t q office and work home with them y White only, Siz08 A%. N PANTIES . . " , : 0 14, Pall ' '|. Girls' Whiy and many times they start] } 2-to 6X, Price corrTo ; " ; \ *~e ; j Long sleeve YT at Tail ry thinking of those problems. with Fae . soe! ond children $ : ™ . ' . é ew \ ! ailored Blouses the result that they do not pay seen stitch briefs, ; 3 ' \ } \ long sleeve pin . "Sik cad 100 - per-cent attention to the a' » hoice of 2 »band * vo ae Ss ey \ ear ge oad and: iat Waker Ue mes : " « \ A Crean or fine elastic W th lace © . a AN : > baa more accident prone. Also i. \ Boy Sardine dress leg. Misses' sizes AM ae N wire: ae A many men coming home from ye iace? I) self belt, 8 to 14, ! ' Se ie . : : } work are tired, and their driv . . : pants. Fu hidren's sizes ; ' 3s j 8 to} ' ing reflects it." ae / Wide griptex it . ; ax Tt & "Hae - ' S si 4 i ockets. to . = Ba, hort MEN BETTER RACERS : 3 . back. 2 slash P White and Colours wi \ sail iy $ 00 As far as race track competi- Choise ot £7 $2.99 -- : ky : ; , : ve * ee. é -- ' ss : : : and Misses' a... tion is concerned, Mrs. Sim- : Sizes: 3 kod RS ky ' : j "100K TEE! | mons said she would "h ee i j mJ i R ? ~ : : Be mend compete sesinst sci e : 7 é £oy : iy a : . &S \ : = NAGERS, BIG NYLON BUY ee ' y j : ' : ARS 8 Vy, {| Miss Pri m Nylons "When women get on a race ~~ ; s . : - "s iy , : : Young Atisy, especially made for track, they do not like to he passed and that makes for more difficult driving Men will yield 7 Wonderful Runabouts! ' the right-of-way more easily dur i ' aie f oe one ing a race as they figure they 'aos Mave, : ' ne | ¢ "¥ can make up the time later and ~ Ladies' and Misses SODA POP FLATTIES - i | onstruction, assures \ pass you." . 4 ' hy { wrinkle. The 33-year-old Mrs. Simmons rinkle-free fit, a sale sachs te Oar Rory » Ever popular soda pop flatties. Soft fine leather ished third against the field of Ye: uppers, has elasticized top line, female drivers, Her racing ca- ~ ripple foam soles. Wear with: reer included meet ichi- : en. Olin cal Oa a 2 skirt or slacks. Colours: "a Her interest in racing devel : Bone and Black. tos STYLE . : ara semi. oped in 1951 wh rried : on ae : had : ; ee oe te a ee ¢ Sizes: 5 to 9 bulky knit sweater, 100% Virein AEWAYS A FAVOURITE! ; top drivers on the Michigan- Y \ ; , ay f : t Perfect mate Uxuriously soft 100% Ontario stock circuit " Ass, j Rats. a f SY White 'Reg . digan, with ribbed Orlon Bulky Car. } 4 rf sesbtes pega ' : ed, White "Blue, Whit cuffs, 8 b ed collar, waist and never figured there was " 3 ' « ' Black, White Green. x, hd utton front, washes ; anything unusual about a > . P ge = Sizes: 8 "ee With ease and dries j woman being an auto race é : to 14. Price wink, White on! vi ; na ENR driver and as soon as my 2st SS patie, ys $ } 'ye. birthday . Se . RR gene 'zes: 8 to 14, Price e i he, . ~ TSR. -- j ™, Junior Miss, unique, 4 racataee So Comfortable and Smart. came I entered com- / SS . S petition. I finished secona or . A ~ y sonsy. 5 . ini - KS third a few times, but never} ' ~ won c reti i 58° * ¥ i lodies' ond M , won a race. I retired in 1958."") Children's, Ladies' : ; 3 rey sage rainy . s Joan continued her interest in| Heavy duty tread rubber sole with block ren's, Ladies' and Misses g La coled bine | BOYS' KROY WOOL racing and soon was d al Gs \ ae side men SENVGS Corduroy, Balmoral Oxfords v hit Honkles, reinforced toe AND $-T-R-E-T-C-H F sure TO FIT sieve of jobs Pak a 'pss a| uppers, ventilated holes in side, firm arch support Topered seo with wath tponge rubber J ' yard heal -- NYLON HOSE nav eae a f t un racks o' mge ro! ee OT nn ee eee Lee hee hi In 1962, she was offered jhe) Little Gents y's Size: Youth's Size: Men's Sire insole and rubber outsole, Many v4 iff fa ("e Will not shrink, foney Youth's cushion sole. 4 job of genera! manager at Flat| © * 10 11 to 13 6 to 12 colours to choose from, é 39c. § ay patterns and sure to ttheteh nylon hore, Rock Speedw te er a tA Mr, Sneeker - 3 please colours. innerlined theaughout ae deter" ie ane gp tbe $1.79 $1.99 $2.29 Children's: 6 to 10 .99¢ lodies' aaa ; BACH a \ with soft a ta ot x 'a ' y a ; : i Sites nance of the track and stands,| Men's an f en 2 $1.19 Se? m Siaem, Warne 3 PAIR . De beoe ie rm vou 8 to ates of betes aumento d Boys Mr. Sneeker Oxford cack ae.' $1.49 Gnd Beige. Prices slightly . . $4 : 6 te 8. rong eae approval of driver applications } Size 1 to 12-- Men's $3.29 Boys' $2.79 higher ot $2.19 Pair " .00 6% -- 57 "I find the drivers are great ° . r « to get along with and we have had no major problems with any of them!" she said Tf one gets out of ine occasional), ause. of some m onduct o other. | warn him and 'that does the trick i

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