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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1963, p. 19

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1@ THEOSHAWA TIMES, Wedneodey, August 21, 1963 Teller Gives Arguments On Test-Ban By JOHN BARBOUR WASHINGTON (AP)--Dr. Ed- 'gard Teller has long been a neighbor to the shadows that menace the world. Tuesday, for the second time fn eight days, Dr, Teller offered his arguments to a Senate com- mittee considering the ratifica- tion of the nuclear test-ban mgreement that would limit test. ing to underground shots, neces- sarily small and difficult. A Jew, he left Europe in 1934 when the shadow of Hitler rose from the ashes of the post-First World War Weimar Republic. Somehow, in 1959, his aged mother, Mrs, Ilona Teller, and sister, Mrs, Emma Kirz, es-| eaped the Communist shadow! that hung over Eastern Europe, The last of his family behind the Iron Curtain, they were al- lowed to leave Hungary and now live at Berkeley, Calif. But he has been closer than neighbor to the greatest shrJiow of the 20th century, '4 He is called "the father of the) hydrogen bomb." He fought for} Mts development, Certainly his| ideas gave hope it could be done He has defended nuclear arm- ament and nuclear testing against equally famed scientists 4 ri hong re seer O eadar a We've painted this picture of a typical war, i Wh "4 =, beh oe | 'Mom' prepare a oe ro . So cious fruit Sundae, They're happy an a 7 Ragecrence told the Sen-| oie" . Ly excited, No wonder! The creamy scoops ate that the test-ban agreement . as 7 of Richmello Ice Cream covered with is "highly dangerous" to the . we "i? ; summer's favourite fruit is irresistible, United States, would impede de- ~~ . a. i) aa. After all, it's not every week in the year ee ee ee BALA \ Te, y they can enjoy the 'pick of the crop' system and poses grave conse- z quences for the security of the! goodness of fresh fruit! free world, = } : : Mom's smiling too! She's pleasing her Floren Pgfl oe Bag = 3 \ family and looking after her budget too, drogen bomb" that usually ac- > \ , cause she regularly buys Dominion's Seenpeniee Wis name in print. : x aaa wey < own Richmello Ice Cream. It's far lower would rather be known," he 3 wy } : iced th t brands and ev bit ; pS : priced than mos nd every Da an ee an wy Se ate 63 as good! Get the picture Mom? Now it's dren are Paul, 90, and Wendy,| ' : : your turn to please your family! Come 16 today! Teller's scientific cohorts con: | cede his brilliance as a physi-| \ } a HILLTOP SPECIAL cist. But his opposition to the! test ban has left him nearly wn ~ alone among the = scientific s : ranks. _ Teller, 85, was born in Buda- ; ; pest. He studied at the well : C spring of modern' theoretical : . . \ PKG physics in Germany and Den- 3 "i . F mark in the 1920s and 1930s . of 90 He came to the U.S. by way] \ \ of Denmark and England as a/ ; : professor at George Washington = : University here. In 1941, he we went to Columbia University in New York and thence into the GREEN GIANT FANCY SPECIAL wartime atomic bomb project \} Nationalist PEAS MEDIUM SMALL 2 TNS 35 Guerrillas | ple JAVEX SPECIAL + THIN SKINNED AND JUICY NO. 1 BRAZILIAN srt On Mainland | CONT. c TAIPEI, Formosa (AP)--Fit- \\ LARGE SIZE DOoZ @eeeeeese teen groups of well-trained a \ 216'S " Cc ogy ay gp IE et CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND STEER BEEF between May 17 and the end « July, an official agency here r ported today, The agency, which declined t EASY TO CARVE be identified by name, said the (Ory | guerrillas established secret Sdases according to plan, The Cc | size of the individual groups was | not disclosed, but they probably CALIFORNIA NO. 1 Ib averaged about 14 men each. on r Zee" "<i SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT 6 «55° The landings were made in TENDER AND JUICY three seaboard provinces -- rapir ; Kwangtung, Fukien and Cheki- ONTARIO Ni ang vo is opposite For- Cc aoe Keane ios rel CUCUMBERS 3 for 2 *in the south and Chekiang on or ¢ Ih. 'the north. The landings were successful largely because of the co-oper. : DOMINION PLEASE USE ation and support of loca! anti- IDEAL FOR MEAT LOAVE FAMOUS BRAND SHENANDOAST CORNISH 'Communist elements, who are 1 . ' So errme erect, ee ATHOL ST ' Ground Chuck 59° Game Hens ut 69° the Chekieng coast encountered resistance from Communist FRESH CUT ECONOMICAL SHOPSY VAC PACKED SLICED troops, public security guards 3-02 c and militia, The guerrillas suf OSHAWA : fered casualties, Although heav- a e fea s ae. mo e ee PKG. ily outaumbered, they inflicted greater casualties on the Com- 'ae tet ssgned trans eb gece sok alla <The guerrillas are maintain.' GRAND LIQUID Ing regular contact with head. | quarters in Formosa One of the guerrillas' objec- : HALVES 15-OZ. tives is to stir up and direct TINS revolts against the Communists. Two-Year Sentence cone 5 - C GERBER'S INFANT GERBER'S JUNIOR he For $12,700 Theft : BABY FO 0 D S 8 44.07 99. BABY FOODS 4 Shan 69: TORONTO (CP) -- William ; JAS Lee, 37, a former Toronto book- keeper, was sentenced to two) PINK -- AQUA -- GOLD DIAL -- 7c OFF ' DARES OR SCOTIAN GOLD years less a day here Monday Rea. on charges of stealing $12,700 TOILET SOAP eA 39° 48-07. from his employer to cover , BS TINS e gambling losses. HIGHLINER DOMINO CHOIC! Det.Sgt. George gone aa de i 28-0Z testified that. Lee, left Toronto " ' AA last September after collecting CoD FILLETS TOMATOES 4 TINS 89° RICHMELLO -- PLAIN -- SUGARED -- CINNAMON 9400 from customers of Ken- ' PKGS. OF tes Fae Co RICHIELLO FRESH DONUTS 2™°:" 49° ited on his day off and betting SPECIAL INSTANT COF 2-02, the money "in a desperate at- FEE ot 33° - tempt to Y x even - 16-02 C JAR : Detectives. told Magistrate PKG 6-02. c Crawford Guest that Lee began JAR stealing in August 1962 to cover gambling debits PANTRY SHELF aes oe 7-02, rom, ga nn Boneless CHICKEN 37 1.00 Trade at British ports in ' one ess e creased by almost. 50 per cent between 1051 and 1961.

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