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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1963, p. 21

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proposed equalization tax. onland Securities Ltd, on behalf of/6644 and Noranda 4 foreign securities that the gov-|a group of private investors,|senior base metals, 149.4 427.9 60,2 400.8 662.5 66,8 415 100.9 65,4 91.4 61.7 217 255.7 140.8 409.7 49,6 4112 632.2 57,6 M49 101.0 64,5 82.5 64.8 204 222.3 \chartered banks other than ac-)Kitchener among 1, 1963 ' 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 2 Canadian Bank (oie the federal govern:| London June 1963 73,1 50.9 405 49.7 45.5 621.2 58.9 129.6 £ H 1" Prices Slightly 58.2 . ' ernment was willing to consider|The group offered to buy a} In speculative mines, favored vi Higher During exempting outstanding issues of}minimum of 51 per cent of out-|Tuesday by investors, Lake Du- 349.1 owned by Americans, However,|standing shares of Ontario Loan/fault advanced 30 cents to $8.15, 648.4 Li ht T di most investors preferred. tolat $52.50 a share, Last month|Dickenson 35 cents to $6.40 and ae 1g ra ing 'await further developments, [British International Finance/Black Bay. 14g conts to 15% al mn 1 " : Industrial gainers included|(Canada Ltd, offered $50 a/Cents, ; TORONTO (CP) = Prices oe were slightly higher although|Southam, up 1 point to 30, CPR/share in a control bid, ,On index, industrials were up 91.2\investors avoided major stocksjahead 4, Great Lakes Paper) On the minus side Ontario a3 to 615,53; gold gained .78 to g7.g{during extremely light trading)and Imperial Oil % and Alumin>! steel} fol! 1% to 20, Canadian dye ge a gen advanced 2 gg g(n the stock market Tuesday,jium and Bank of Nova Scotlal sa. bi 1, [to 204.90 and western olle 20,2 Vy perial Bank of Commerce %,|,) " ag |, Brokers heard the news Tues|'4. Mil 1 slipped ,60 to 118.60, Volume for *"*\day afternoon that U.S, Trea-, Ontario Loan jumped 2% to and MacMillan, Bloodel and In) shy day was 1,048,000 shares sury Secretary Dillon had told\52% following the announce:|dustrial Acceptance 14, compared with 2,166,000 Mon: 10,560.5,11,249,210,289,7/ congressional hearing on thelment of a takeover bid by Mid-| International Nickel rose Ya to'day, | A&P HANDLES ONLY: MEATS PURCHASED FROM FEDERALLY INSPECTED PACKING HOUSES "CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF" BEEF ROASTS Short or Cross Rib «| Short Cut Prime Rib EXCELLENT POT ROAST, ROUND BONE C to be reached in 1965 or early|has a potential of 1,000,000,000 DIVIDENDS M ; iment, N. Falls BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Debits Rise | Debits as reported for allloshawa : ] 'clearing house points in Canadal ottawa ; During Ju y (in millions): |Pete'brgh V MONTREAL (CP) ---. Debits July July) Pt, Arthur Flood- olume against Canadian bank accounts biden 75,7 70,4|S5arnia e Canadian Bankers' Association/Chatham 64.3 51,9)5: §, Marie Pr ct Starts eaperven Ment Cornwall 40.2 49,6, Sudbury J In June, debits were $31,187,-l14 wm 'Ll 4g.9| Timmins 900,000, In July, 1962, debits to} . : : Windsor . ' tite of ield. Water @!ted_ $29,087,800,000, Guelph 47.9 43.4, n . WEYBURN, Sask. (CP) -\to the life of the field, Water) 'ponits represent money with-|Hamilton 656.6 594,0/Toron 0 working in the new Weyburnithe pressure in. the basin for oil field are co-operating in the!easier recovery, : formation of the largest flood-| By January, Del Rio plans to, volume project in North Amer-/have 118. of the 540 producing ca, jwells in the area of the injec-) , : Bud Williams, field superin-| system, ok Ltd., which operates the field,|--when it is completed--will be : said Del Rio is representing the!about $10,000,000, Mr, Williams 58 oil companies with inter-jsaid, Lease-holding companies ests in the oil producing areas,|will receive a pro-rated share AT THE about 60 miles southeast of Re-lot the oil produced through Del gina, Del Rio is installing 200) Rio. KITCHEN placement pumps to force water/about the future in oil drilling THEATRE into oll wells, because of technological ad- When completed, the opera-|vances, He said it is possible | THE tion will handle 225,000 barrels the lifetime of the Weyburn of fluid daily--60,000 barrels ofjfield, for example; may be ex- QUEEN oil and 160,000 to 175,000 bar-jtendecd 60 to 75 years as new ELIZABETH Peak production is expected|has been estimated the field 1966 barrels of oil, Two treatment plants are un-! AT THE der construction--one to handle : SS 65,000 barrels of oil a day and Special Means ; C.N.E. the other to push through 30,000 : =e barrels of water, | To Trade Stock f \ A - rn Purpose of the injection sys i 4 tem is to increase the oil re-| covery rate, Mr. Williams said Below Border the recovery rate can be in-) TORONTO (CP)--Howard D per cent and can add 20 years onto Stock Exchange, said Tues- By THE CANADIAN PRESS Economic Investment Ltd,, common seven cents, Sept 30, record Sept. 16 Famous Players Corporation Ltd., common cents, Sept. 13, record Aug, 28 Gordon Mackay Ltd., class A 12% cents, class B 12% cents, Sept 1968 1962/St, Cath, in July were $31,212,800,000, the| Brantford More than 50 oil companies|forced into the well increases drawn from deposit accounts in'Kingston 61.2 55.6) tendent of Central Del Rio Oils) lue of the injection system VISIT AsP miles of pipeline and 17 dis-| Mr, Williams is optimistic rels of water, techniques are developed, It creased from 13 per cent to 32 Graham, president of the Tor- Sept, 1. Ingersoll Machine and Tool Co, Ltd, class A 12% cents, Oct, 1, record Sept. 16 Molson Breweries Lid., class A 25 cents, class B 25 -cents, Sept. 27, record Sept. 6 The Niagara Wire Weaving Co. Ltd., common 15 cents class B 15 cents, Oct, 1, record Sept Buying Upsurge New U.S. Autos OTTAWA (CP)--The big Ca- nadian upsurge in buying new American-type cars, a rise that began with the 1963 models, carried over into the first half of this year, Latest figures Tuesday from the bureau of statistics: show sales up 16.7 per cent in the January-June period compared with the first half of 1962 Meanwhile, sales of European models have slumped badly The decline in the first half of this year was 48.4 per cent Sales of passenger cars manu- factured in Canada and the United States in the January- June period rose to 284,077 from Trust dian. securities between Ameri Canadian special 95 bayers and sellers grows out of and Stores tion that a 15 per cent tax be 15, record of day that the board of governors has approved in principle that special facilities be established "as soon as possible' at the ex change for the trading of Cana can buyers and sellers He said establishment of the market. for American iproposed United States legisla- levied on all American buyers already issued Canadian stocks, " The proposed legislation pro- vides, however, that if both the seller and buyer are American the tax will not be levied 'It is logical,' said Mr, Gra- ham, "that such facilities be »stablished if at all possible "If potential American buy- ers know that within the law they can purchase Canadian stocks on an established Cana- dian market without a 15-per- cent penalty, it would seem probable that Americans would continue to be interestd in Ca- nadian stocks, By maintaining this intrest we feel our ex- change will be rendering an im- portant service to the financial community, the Canadian econ- omy and to American in- vestors."' He said details of the opera-| tions of the separate market are bing worked out and will be announced today or Thursday NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Anglo - Canadian Telephone Company, & mos.. ended June 30: 1963 $2,218,148; 1962, $1,627,-! 361 David et Frere Litee., \\ i on ai a he i MY ue | afd Anil year 243,504 a year earlier, Retail ended March 31: 1963, $132,228; | value was up 18.6 per cent to 1962, $302,451 $892,642,000. Delta Acceptance Corpora- European passenger cars sold tion Ltd., § mos ended June 30: in the same period totalled 25,- 1963, $1,037,000; 1962, $402,000. 440, about half the year-earlier Hardee Farms International 49,292. Retail value was off 47.5 Lid., year ended June 1: 1943,} per cent at $54,594,000. net loss $731,704; 1962, $197,614, ; DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO AUCTION SALE OF EQUIPMENT AT PORT HOPE, ONT. SALE NO. SD 63-109 The Depertment of Highweys offers for acle by Public Auction the following 1 only Chev. 44 ton Express only GMC '2 ton Ponel only Chev. V4 ton Panel only Dodge '4 ton Express only Chey. 1 ton Express only Chev. 3 ton Cob & Chansile MODELS FROM 1957-59 Auction Sale to be held at the D.H.O. Yard, PORT HOPE, Ont. on Wednesday, August 28th, 1963, at 10.30 A.M, Local Time. TERMS: Cosh er certified cheque the Treasurer of Onteric Cheques te be mode peyoble te Successful bidders shell cleim the purchased erticle days from the dete of Auction or articles will be subject te resole items may be inspected ef the above location dolly 8.30 AM. to 4.30 P.M. (Lecet Time) from Mondey August 26th 1963 until time of sole. ttema to be sold "AS 15, WHERE IS without warrenty Onteric Retell Soles Tax ond Federo! Tox where epplicodie Further inf mey be trom within five aubject te ' C. Abroms, oR District Supply Superviver, Material Control Unit FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Faney Quality Reg. Price 2 pkgs 39¢--SAVE Se A&P PEAS = 4 20:0: 69 Reg. Price 2 tins B8e----SAVE Te REALEMON 4 rrtoziins 9De Deluxe Reg. Price pkg 68e----SAVE 4e KRAFT CHEESE SLICES am 59 (PIMENTO, OLD ENGLISH OR PLAIN) Lemonade NEW LOW, LOW PRICES Reg. Price 200----SAVE 4e 6-fl-oz bottle 25« Reg. Price tube 73e----SAVE Se large size tube 6 5c Holly woad WAVE SET Hair Dressing BRYLCREEM Deodorant Reg. Price each 8%--SAVE 100 ARRID ROLL-ON onion 7% Reg. Price bt! Q90---SAVE 40 JERGEN'S LOTION +%0:bo'e 65¢ A&P QUALITY BAKERY PRODUCTS JANE RAISIN PIE 'LARGE 24.02 SIZE wi Qe REG. PRICE EACH 4% -- SAVE 100 PARKER - done Parker Large Department of Mighweys, Ort, Department of Mighweys, Crt.' PORT HOPE, Ontario. DOWNSVIEW, Onteric Phone TU 5-248) Phone 248.2315 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Reg. Price each S9----SAVE Me ANGEL CAKE -39: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables -- Arriving Daily Ontario, Marsh Grown, No. 1 Grade, Crisp and Tender CELERY STALKS 2-19: Ontario Grown, Yellow Cooking, No. 1 Grade ONIONS »=-25: Ont. Grown, Burbank, Sweet, Delicious Eating, No. 1 Grade PLUMS ~=79: Native Green, No. 1 Grade, Fresh Firm Heads CABBAGE 2-19: Shoulder Roast -49: EXCELLENT FOR BARBECUING BLADE STEAKS CHOICE SHOULDER MEAT GROUND CHUCK MAC. CHEESE LOAF SLICED BEEF LIVER MOCK CHICKEN LOAF BOLOGNA CHUBS SMOKED SIDE BACON LIVER & BACON SMOKED SIDE BACON WHITING PORTIONS ws%%. «39 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 24th, 1963 SOLE FILLETS Vv Reg. Price jar $9e----SAVE 4e MAYONNAISE wrorw 3D McLaren's Nut Crush Reg. Price jar 48e--SAVE Se PEANUT BUTTER 1': 39% Pepsodent (Special Pack) Reg. Price tube $1.08--SAVE Me TOOTH PASTE ~:~ 8 Qe Glade Mist Reg. Price can TMe---SAVE i100 be AIR FRESHENER <-:.-~=~ 69: Tomato, Vegetable or Celery Reg. Price 4 tine 49e----SAVE 4e CLARK'S SOUPS 4 0%:m45« Ann Page lb RR SUPER-RIGHT VAC PAC torrie 2 Ze Ad ists Qe r0enr Qe wis T Qe "57 wets Qe CHOICE QUALITY SKINLESS 8X BRAND SLICED 8X BRAND BEEF SwiFT PREMIUM BURNS ALLGOOD SLICED RINDLESS SNOWBIRD BRAND "4% SAVE ON CANNED FOODS AT AaP! aap Reg. Price tin 87e--SAVE Se PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT DRINK or rns 6 9: CASE OF 12 TINS $4.14 -- SAVE Varietion Reg, Price 2 tina Ste----SAVE 10c Cll we" BEANS (of PAGE Pine eapple | Srapefrwit rink 15-Fl- OZ TINS CASE OF 24 TINS $3.39 -- SAVE 93¢ A&P Fancy Quality Reg. Price 2 tine 38e----SAVE fe APPLE SAUCE 7 sstrortion 9c CASE OF 24 TINS $3.39 -- SAVE STe Canned Reg. Price tin Ste--SAVE Ge PREM LUNCHEON MEAT ori 5c Bick's BABY DILLS Reg. Price jar 4?o--SAVE 4e 24-foz jar 43: Monareh, Regular & Quartere MARGARINE cover A rivries B9e Liquid Reg. Price jug 49e----SAVE 4e JAVEX BLEACH «+ierrevcns Se dane Parker Reg, Price each 49e----SAVE 100 COFFEE CAKE ovarci ist acd 3 Qe dane Parker Reg. Price loaf 25e---SAVE Se OLD FASHIONED BREAD =-- «<= «0 2c dane Parker Reg, Price pkg Me--SAVE be CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 021s 29 . ~~ THE GREAT ATLANTIS A PACIFIC TEA COMPANY UID. FOOD STORES P MEANS DEPENDABILITY

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