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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1963, p. 23

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 21, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |21--Room & Board Wanted TELEPHONE canvassers. Must be ex-|CLASS A MECHANIC, all benefits'|/¥OUNG man, single, requires perienced. Salary plus commission.jcnence of advancement for right man.|boarding house. Central or on bus line, . Telephone 728-1352. Ask for Mr, Roa cel aug with all makes of cars. Apply|Write Box 30, Oshawa Times. ArT ry Sen live in, hrae chico arage, 226 Celina Street Osh- ont KEEPS live inv Wires | ea "ia eae lis YOUNG CHRISTIAN High Schoo! teacte dren, One, oy 1d pas --w=w-@r (male), wants bed -- sitting room or 725-0277, APPLY now for permanent position! For particulars phon bedroom and study plus breakfast and WANTED -- waitresses, short order|Men between 18 and 25 years. Excellentimcst evening meals, with a "happy" ' cook, and part-time dish washers. Apply treining program Qualifications are neatifemily in West Oshawa - Whitby area Buildi Trad Painti dD oti 5. Paranal Mr Campbell, Genosha Hotel. pod aa eee ah ee kwith enlleren over nine if possible), WIN oe 3 a -- a |be in area Saturday, Ai 4, aaeer mae Chartered account. ia ap ate = |e pn eaten eee R | of fluous hai wi : KY for tue Young senso! eniidren while math plakaniiel adit, ix Onn tie rN , HAL $ of building repairs, rooting,|NEW FALL rates for paper hanging emova superfluous hair, ; : EXPERIENCED man for auto wrecking ant, 323. King Street West, Oshawa. Tele-ichimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops.|and painting. Free estimates. Call 725: Marie Murduft will be in ace ' dow, works. After 4 poms tele sa. Apply Alex Auto Wreckers; Valley 22--Offices, Stores, Storage phone Re _ |Gerdon May, 728-0396 7297. Oshawa, August 19, 20 and 4 | SiEREME GUI Ge oR, General Road off Base Line, Ajax. T | Ehartoreg Accotonsticeaed, Trot Ai PAINTING and pape hanging| 21st, Phone Genosha Hotel PO etna gee gg Fay Laci eee Son in Benkruptcy. 64 King Street East.| ACKERMAN J Jensen after 5 p.m, 725-7213. on ihese dates for appoint- 4 : ; manent position, $25 weekly. Live in or RAWLEIGH BUSINESS 728-7371, ; LIT ment CLOTH FOR, oul, 72 . Excavating -- Loading DODD and SOUTER Waa pe wavrhniT = lencaa pi * NOW OPEN ee MENG I King direst Sond, Grovel, Fill PAINTING AND DECORATING ELECTROLYSIS MGHOMNBIN |irect tonogeress, Soulh-End Restaurant] in Oshawa & Durham Co. FOR RENT plaints lily shang sspabhlivest heals 723-4641 , HI Bee Sees Trade well established, Office spoce approximately ¥'§ "Accounting Service. | Dump Truck i NEED EXTRA MONEY? $50. and more j ' BOB CLANCY'S Ac ng | P Painting, Paperhanging, : cap easily ne earned by showing our Excellent opportunity, Full time. 350 square fect. Close to Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond R | , ; pany Street West, 7250097. Ges, 729-7408. gente oo pang Mangos --- 3----Pets & Livestock fabulous Christmas cards, gifs, foys, to Write ants ' downtown area, Parking avail- be -- j re p TR eet: SER AES iy BALE DOR 5 f were lends and neighbors. lo. experience Dept. H- -) able. For informat MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and : GOLDEN LABRADOR, purebred" pups, / ; i" col Pee , SrMAtiON Cou Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, BOWMANVILLE 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY |six weeks old, excellent hunters. Very Sone P aaitvoue: ae Sette i i ae igey| 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 72> Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax é | DAYS 668-5862 good pets for children. Telephone 725- $ Zz g y orders. Send no money. Write today for CALL 725-5132 WH 2-890, Whitby MO_ 86-4131. artage NIGHTS 725-7426 $953 oo With \christmas cards on approval and free Three full-time and WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered ACigapgain in moving, rubbish removed . GERMAN SHEPHERD, white, black bs How MUCK WHEAT I< catalogue. Monarch Card Co. Dept. 16, " ! countants, 114 King Street East, Oshawai| srviime. Cail after' 6 p.m. 6554690, Personal Service nose and dark eyes, registered, female, 217 Cannon, Hamilton. five part-time SUITE Ronald F. D, Wilson, CA; G. Edmond vearepuerotigtia reer et | ear iaeracmpaecogea core omciemcaemeriecions IW ANOINE OL SAE, Car ana Kittens tree IW STORAGE DO § Co Aes BROOKE Charierea oomawes Whiy. Renwnade vsies Fuly! MAODERN GRILL tee ane. | INSEcts DEstRoy ; Moe inian ars ia SALESMEN OF MODERN LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered | *)Owe: Sioy r COCKER spaniel puppy. ava ths, : duties. Live in or out. Excellent wages, z : . Aecounan, Sul oS, Osnawe Shopping |°¥-PP@d and insured. 728-361, a met seve pirered" Ha had tome Us. Rh : Slart last week cot August Write tll de Coolers ve qualified < AIR-CONDITIONED Centre, 25 SER ss | : ar-B-Que: icken, Turkey shots. Partially sebroken, . Dia 5 SEEM 6A RIBESMEX OF MADAGASCAR, jails includin: piicants. $O senior gra WAROLD €. DEWAR, Accredited | Pub- Dressmaking Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home 8097 MoT UNcOMNO| --_ EMOUGN-% FEED LIVE 1X PENTHOUSES: number 10 Box 32, Oshawa Times. | Students for temporary sum- | OFF ICES AVAILABLE lic Accountant, Commercial Bu' aa ORESSMAKING alterations, pant cuff] Made Pies and Desserts. . 16,000,000 PEOPLE. LIVESTOCK, AND GRAIK ARs BOOKKEEPING machine operator, good) mer. work, Fuller Brush Co, Approximately 1000 sq. ft. 206 King Street West, Oshawa, 720-2221. Ing experienced, reasonable rates. Mrs " ideal pets for children of any age. Males FOR ONE YEAR. KEPT ON THE FIRST FLOOR- working conditions and generous em) | 44 Apply: Tilden Office, 14 SERVICEC BY ELEVAT Eldridge, 67 Montrave 725-6476, WE DELIVER |$30., females $25.Telephone 725-6052. 'cunedueaed polyee benefits. Apply Canadian Autom, Rives tt. Ginswa. Fado OR Auto Parts TT Fee tytn, tive Trim, 274 Mackenzie Avenue in e " wo, 'Y, Ask for MR. T, L, WILSON eee ae oad Sanclea 345 RITSON RD, SOUTH |THREE horses for sale, pinto mare, «| Alex, 10 o.m, to:9 o.m. SAVE AT WESTERN ican sox manure ana everorosmas ats hetacwib did aan year-old bay gelding, three - year - old) HAIRDRESSER -- preferably . TELEPHONE post hole digging and fencing, Reason- ; 1--Articles For Rent 14--Employment Werted enced, also shampoo girl. . |18----Male or Female SERVICE CENTRE jable rates, Telephone 725-1721, |Plumb ng and Heatin |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for/ 723-3474 DARLINGTON Garden § "ge - TYPES of repa |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs.! RMN SC OS Ga ne | g ATHOL STREET EAST -- woman want- Help Wanted |DARLINGTON Garden Service, dls:|ALL TYPES of 'repairs and remodeling, nn, , 'AIKINO | strain. | RENTALS jcare available at Peter Pan Day. Nurs-/° " | ad, gin Street Eas ery, 581 Simcoe North, Call 728-2604. = [WANTED -- gir' for light housework Gut /p1y Genosha Hotel, King Street East. ----- 2 Ree Oy J. Foley $40, Also two female Beagles, needies experienced. In auto "mhachanies,, desires children, Dinl 655-4978 | |ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies : j 0 and babysitting while mother works.| agvancement. 723-9242. phone 720773, lita, Plumbing, riced 3 "SAI 'f . a Barristers Excavating, lots leveled . On ae Wo Peustetale Babel LADY fo take care of two boys, one and over 15 years of age, piece work. Trans-laq six or seven room house in Oshawa. ry : WORKING MOTHERS! qualified 4 ®Y/04 tor babysitting. One hour daily. 728-4961 Repairs to All Makes cunt. lerwiscapire and garden mainten-irew and used materials Reasonable sinposeidiahcanecninn AER EO | W Ki | ks, th 'nool ar i 2 390. i 1 | -- |; i orks, three $ th ct thcrshe AE vabinbel ae LICENSED MECHANICS - |tcce._Dla!_ Bowmanville 623-3905. rates. Estimates free. Dial 723-1193.) DACHSHUNDS, 1 weeks old, registered,| Of All Kinds MAN with chautfeur's licence and car,| (Sc ,wenlle moines works, three schoolege, STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS requires23---Wanted To Rent , 8 0 | Eos BEER ER sli HN r i - Jone full time,. two part-time sales repre-l two. or three bedeoom houce Mata ihe 145 King West----728-1607 | Loam and Gravel » years old,$35. Telephone 728-1875. HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- sorition. 720-2592 or 720-4902. |@IRL or woman for general housework|centatives, Cor an asset. Opportunity. for TWO io three bedroom house, "Must be "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" | Washed Stone, Fill Telephone 725-3521 Harold H. Stark, edb dail PUPPIES, registered, tem; folding chairs, hand planes, | Shone yeeaen ater 430 p.m ni Ret a : é esa aren Stent Sa priced trom SiS "Also "Boston" Terrier] Mail pullers, staplers, bolt /16--Female Help Wanted WANTED cucumber pickers, must be) WANTED by Christian family, translerte ling, imcoe Str u % il tt coulkin i | a eenernernemeereneneceeensme | PUPPIES; Dial 728-9122. cutters, tile cutters, coulking = | h r onan i 'i a 'i ; | inst three years, live in. Modern farm home. rtation supplied to and from certain 4 LOUI§ S$. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soll-| ee tacks te nie [Pentt tonee' Ne estatiation cee? Kiet ' da oli al hee Nee | Free after S p.m. dally and weekends ints. In Oshawa, Apply af farm. Spe- ne i wie oe ee tes prt mired yg + nee BEA T T i HAULAGE en and bathroom remodelling and gen: 5----Farmer's Column | transistor radios, tile stich Ea FEMALE HELP | 728-6576. Hamed calized Growers Association Ltd., cor- Two ier ----_-- ---- ~ Street East, 723- Mortgag! s era: repairs. For further information, FARMERS, need tires? Call "Bill" your) ers: Yocuum cleaners, bissell |WOMAN for general housekeeping, and|ner Taunton and Stevenson roads, north|TWO large or three-bedroom house. "or available, s 5 725-2156 please call Murray Miller Co., 7239343|nominion Tire representative, 725-6511 or| sampooer, portable cooler, | taking charge of three children, live in,.of Oshawa airport. 7.30 a.m. or tele-|aculls, one school age child, Rent ree MANNING F SWARTZ and RONALD L- lor 725-2993 evenings after 6, 725-7263, | dehumidifiers, air condition- | WANTED Good wages. For information, telephone|phone 728-3901 sonable, 720-1505, SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. 1 . ss SH EER RE MBIT GDS re a imme pauncnnprbialanh | 725-7547, | WANTED to rent, a house with the , 1. nstructi NEED.a loan? Then check the depend: | wy 'i Sale, er, flight bags, megaphone 'i oe nacebinaamateaniiticieet ; f ee ito day or aad at ag 2 AD cheap | eles on lable tinms lated In Chnenition taht Bow Ree whe aes Pye uses peaker, strapping machine, MIDDLE-AGEO woman or girl fo do WANTED potion to buy, 'with at test halt, acre a hy FE yi : LEARN TO DRIVE for friendly, courteous service. 728-6865. : by carriages, C.C.M, "ex- Full time, days; Also [fight novsework and look atter | three. TAXI DRIVERS palettes sl lelbtdddiacodidt $ . ES EE SES | -- ee oon areas Se styspiiniy? UJ U i ekends off. Telephone - oF four-room ESE | ie | - aad : 5 year-old, live In, weeket o 1 WIDOW requires three- or four-room HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN) § (Oshawa Driving School /Rug-Upholstery Service oA chad and cariecbio toe, el es ee ee t ti f GOK Al We ei ee ee . Loror Vid Teer nin toe Barristers, olicitors, 36¥a King - Street Pate. wey eee dead and crippled farm stock, Tel Massaging belts, coffee urns, par ime. tor wee WOMAN to" tor twoyearcld girl @ Men or Women Large living room. Immediately. Perma: East, Oshawa, R. 8. Humphreys, QCr DAY or EVENING CHESTERFIELDS ~ reupholitered and phene | collect © Hampton 2622721, appliance cart ends: and. kitchen OT Sb Sarita weenie § nent, Reasonable. Write Box 35, Oshawe G. $. Boychyn, QC; W, Hillman, LL re-styled. Free estimates. See our mate.) Wargwill's Fur Farm, Licence 24! . * B sedehah fi App! Ti ' Oiftice: 725-1177 Residence: 778-4326. Lote Models, Standards rial for re-covering. Dalton Upholstering, CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 ' : Light houseconeing Guten, Oil send! Je pply Nbc ila Aen eevee Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604, NHA and other) ° Automatics Dual Controlled 78 Chares Street. 723-7212 6--Auction | mm. slide camera, movie help. Apply in Pere: [ayR viene "ew, % 9 } MERCURY TAXI] WANTED TO RENT -- immediately, & mortgage funds available OSHAWA AND WHITBY HAVE YOUR chesterfield suite factory) --------------- | projector slide projector, tin hd 2h eed ~ bedroom Navse in vicinity of "Oshawe, josePn ¢. VicTOR, BA, LLB, Bar- CALL 728 0091 retail. low pric Teashans Yaesu movie: camera, kereen.. 'suns son RELIABLE WOMAN to care for two chil- 14 Albert Street 725-4771 Pat ae re rister, Solicitor and Notary Public. § Sim- CALL 7 -_ |Evenings, 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering Having received instruction gun binoculars 3 . dren, 2 and ' pig _ beptonwer| Bb hn 2 Bl ESO ECL coe North. 723-3446. Limited to clear on estote | will sell : ' ENVOY Hours 8 to 5. Ritson - Wolfe vicinity. | NEW URGENTLY required three - bedroom = a Mortgages sebiecasies a s GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- phone 728-7136 j house, preferably north area, reliable JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, os i ' 5 CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered) by public auction at Stirte- h RELIA' "GIRL to e for two chil- family, mo small children. Telephone Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale/like new. Why pay more? Our rates are) vant Auction Hall, 33 Hall tric hedge clippers, post hole RESTAURANT RELIABLE G Pedic BE Abr 725-1179 or 728-6694 atier 6 p.m lic. The Commercial Building, 286 Kingiagreements purchased and sold. Hen-/reasonable. Setisfaction guaranteed. Mat St Th 4 A 22 augers, lawn mowers, lawn dren, while mother wor! J aT oer RESTAU RANT tharntbeb in btict Me ad <b gt PR West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client' parking/nick and Hennick Barristers, 31 King tresses -rebu'lt, Oshawa Upholstery Co.,| 2¢,0 Thursday, Aug. 22 at rollers, garden sprayer, seed- ution) live in preferred: ApS y ae RELIABLE couple, two .small children, available, 725-4716 or 725-4717. Siree: East. 723-7232 0 Bond West, Dial 725-0311 7:30. p.m. a quantity: of sa: Seen: alanine, | fence Soe Telephone after 4.15 p.m. OPENING IN WHITBY std to Oshawa, requires lower two wltbiecacnaanacincata lo a | shleeslinceatat ; " ' : % tment, Box 38, Oshawe GOD0S AND DONALD, Barristers nd| PRIVATE 9-4 corpcration monies fo loan CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re| household orticles, 2 piece : D * ___ -- re Solicitors, ete " King Street East.'on all types of mortgages; mortgages covered like new. Get the best for less at; chesterfield suite, tables and ae ts eb Bon LA bd bares Seger pin Bi pi oan REQUIRES Tienes, Telephone 723-220 ant agreements of sale purchased.|Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South latf k | , . z be i 4 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll. Creghton Drynan and Murdoch. (See Cali 728-6481. Free estimates. ot nolan conn, aaseeon. | fare a FOR WRAPPING Times sae Sh ceasicutas Po OI WAITRESSES Son eae ree 1 Barristers, So ety sl. fd ty, be, mes. cltors, ete. 14 King Street East, Dial/heeding "Barrister." --- nest of tabi ' ame gun, Mh t % Shoah Rsk DEM are = . est es (woterfall de- _ Pp 3: 2. M. CO HOUSEKEEPER, good cook, preterably Tarai. Tevitance Chanee: 2. i, Creer: Nasd A Sales and Service sign) writing desk, end tab- CAMPING EQUIPMENT oe age 50 to 40, light duties while mother Part or Full-time. cobra NBR eal ll id 778-5832 M L. 9 ; Eee les, rugs, clocks, lamps, ran- -- pill heaters, sleeping be works, live-in, liberal time off. Write Box THE COACH HOUSE ON er Reet = 'small two-room Foss ss celeliaiaaiie . 2 i P Times. w ath, Cellar. monthly. Ava r WN ' gette, Westinghouse refrige- ags, finers, air mattress, 39. Oshawa Time RRR AOR eat ee Py . GuakuGe "Gite Gikien, We. ortgage Oan £ | ART'S'GUN REPAIR hg - Coleman ~ stoves, lanterns, LIGHT SHIPPING DAILY BABY SITTER required, five RESTAURANT September 25. Telephone 723-1303, RDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, é otor, dish tool turtatlectl Mi doa sr SESE coy Public. Sank: af: Gurmnerce Build-| PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST GUNSMITH | pails pated -- pM leach coolers, cor top carriers, wa- : day week. Two children, school-age; one 939 DUNDAS WEST VN bettgatir house. two bedrooms, large Ing. $ Simcoe Street North, Oshawa! IN Ist and 2nd: MORTGAGES 18 BOND ST. W l $6 mantion ter skis, life jackets, out- " two. yeors.ld..,.No.Nevse woth... hunch Coll For Appointment th RR AAR ol on) Ontario, 723-3446; Residences: T. board motors, JEWELLERY STORE (2 | Whitby 668-4592 lh ean CLERK -- for drug store, single, sales| Y SEVENTEEN ACRES of leve! land. ideal x Creighton, QU; G. M. Drynan, QC! p-rcements fo } . Guns bought, sold traded. | a 1 78-8554; G1. Murdoch, 723-4783, Mort: s bench Fr <0 ONG (| Arno, telcodiig eauipment TERMS CASH STAN'S experience preferred. Apply 907, Simoe|50 poo ond Board [oe erat Sepang ihe Gea | a |\Oshawa wi lovely five-room bungalow, pages and agreements of sale bought} mortgages purchased. Low | components FRANK STIRTEVANT | O Street North | $ apis wet ag nent | At j Street Norn. PREM HEHAPER GURNEE, fret ABERBvv re ciRadrtar cette Gace g } a cr aay Se After hours Whitby 668-2497 AUCTIONEER ge rendigiaginaheng WRITE BOX 21 RELIABLE GIRL fo mind child while|ARTHUR STREET, 332 -- room and|pees 'pneig tyson tT AtmUr Weir JOSEPH F. MANGAN, QC, Barrister,| lems gladly discussed." No 7 223 King St. W., Oshawa mother works. Vicinity of Grandview/board for gentieman. Good board. Selicitor. Money to loan, la¥e fees. No waiting. Immediate 28-97 31 Ph 723-322 OSHAWA TIMES Village. Must have own transportation.|Lunches packed. Laundry. Telephone 728.| Realtor. King Street_& sh u service for quick results 7. il oO -3224 Tervephone 728-0282. 2433. Hi Ouse, mn, ps sane ce fo ick results, -- Trailers e e 82. oe nears belese th elo lates gareie: cine 'STE Se Sel A - ] -- | WOMAN Wanted in Ravine Road area to,TWO PRIVATE ROOMS for two lady| Solicitors. Clients' funds available. tor| ant ecg: 1 at AEE BIE oe RENT-A-TRAILER 112---Articles Wanted | WOMAN Wanted id: care for schoolage|school teachers, In adult home. Gne|cerera! Motors North plant. Telephone a sy og gic Strest Nort VENINGS 725-2539 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On-| NT-A-TRA | TOYS Fl IN-$$$ child. Staggered hours. 728-2011 after $, [block to Simcoe North and bus. 'Close to| 728 3 ibbon, Ci tario t urveyor ' ' os ¢ nee : tee in tetntcae ied tebe hence its IE 3 8013. 'ario Land Surveyor. Commercial bive/ WANTED good used, 'portable eal RELIABLE young woman of 9 char-| separate and public schools, 725-8013. 25. Apartments Bdpar F, Sasteda, QC MORTGAGE prints, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5 | Hitches supplied. |writer, Telephone 728-4245 Ee Eg 4 ge ist -- acter, over 18, to assist with housework|ROOM and bcard for gentieman, close to} --__* _ isuiacinaacasicilacmis i spp orig Bag Barrister,| FLIM AND TROLLOPEF, Ontario! Moving boat and cabin 'PIANO WANTED. Cash. Private, Dial "oe presciagiiey Be a in modern home, No small children, All/South Géneral Motors plant. Good bus|/SIMCOE SOUTH, 1268 -- three-room for, y ul "cee Be LOANS Land Surveyors, 11). Elgin Street East trailers, 23-2658. Even weekends, XTRA CHRISTMAS evenings free, every Saturda afternoon service, Telephone 725-3955. lp eceraie' Cotas gf Bothy ne Phone 725-68) | ' ane - : ; TO EARN E A ana Sunday off. Live in. Private r0om/ ROOM and board for three refined girls,| P zis ~ | MONTY'S BA SERVICE SHAW MON) ana television, Liberal wages. Telephone/ nome privileges near bus stop. T: rm. na THO! Moneys for first mortgages . i " iT rwo 50 os ntalned,. HW JON a i. : gag ees , | | Whitby 668-4767, 725-2563, |TWO ROOMS, furnished, self-contained, SERN, Meee erie Oe Fane] rere ot. 7% LA aint Bone as - SIMCOE AT GIBB | AUTO WRECKING CO. SEPT., OCT... NOV. GIRL Tor lunch counter, wight pI. | ne pen Wem BONS toes WT Hlcor. Relisuie: teenies Gi went: Tae Oshawa. Call Pickering TE 9-3012. | iacistanidel | | | E BY WORKING EVENINGS Jeena j BE to a ick RR fors, 130 King Street East. seupsstee Open Mortgages GUARANTEED repairs to all makes! 725-9131 Apply 345 Ritson Road South. ing to share rooms Single beds. Tele-|1s Mortgage toans avaliable. 'i } radio, car radio | r fee ns ortgag No bonus TV dio, car radios. Thompson E} Wants Cors for Wrecking We will train you as a party WANTED -- Giri, for general housework.|phone 728-3396 or 725-9910 & ¥. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solicl-) No charge for valuations eee oe, yaa, Fred ; | Parts for sale, also scrap iron f 806 Soar ps : rge fe tior idlnacichdes lichen | - YORE mer Propertie: | ' | Own room, TV. All modern conven|ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. on ng Rd pworted gee North Mortgages and Agreements WHITBY TV. Aeris' and tower service 9 sue op Nai9 and metals, etc., bought, recigeyen h ben ro . = ree were feier oe Mrs. W'iting to share room. single beds. THE DIPLOMAT Otiice 723-110; Residence 725.582 | Oe Dial 668-8344 For Sale or Rent : ine of toys. Commission. Cor . iw gucher, 44 Trenton, Montreal 16,!"uncnes packed. Home' cooked, meals. } satis snes ats ACen sea Re wae Open Soturday all day. Phone essential. No investment, de- [Que. |caundry done. GM workers only. Tele| New . luxurious apartments, 2 Moneys for second mortgag Ist " : S Rue aac ae Snes they Bessie eA Bookkeeping = iialeaaias Fast service -- OSHAWA ELECTRONICS |L2k*; Aug. 17.0n to Thanksgiving week-| 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. liveries or collection. EARN $23 WEEKLY plus a FREE|phone 720-9523, Controlled entronce,. modern BOOKKEEPING Services, income Tax, M. F. SWARTZ on enc for fishing and autumn color. Mrs. WARDROBE in your Spare Time. Just) ROOM and board, five-day week, lunches) lobby. Air. conditioned halls Returns. Statement prepared. BC Ser- . Es C. Harnden, Box 420, Haliburton, Ont./79" Bustin acs Opportunities CALL NOW show Fashion: Frocks to friends, No in-/packed,~ parking, near South GM and! with broadloom. Loundry room vices. 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8252. | 26% King St. East Guaranteed Parts and Service [Phone 2318 | Bc ttianian niallaeetok ab aatobabsianavidbiae 6 8 5253 peas heggetto Pha Pesnion downtown, General Motors only. APPIY) Oo. Goch floor "Apply a site . on an x oer Faaney arg 8 | o. ry. rite: rr Lh ; Building Trades Oshawa, Ontario TV REPAIRS rere Tok ted bei ws oe) | CROOMLIN HOTEL 6 [Erpeks, fa. 305 Industrial Blvd, ep ee mor in-mosernaece| 340 Marland' or Apt. 107, 723-4697 DAY OR EVENINGS Terms. 0. A. McKellar, "RR 4 Pet BROOKLIN, ONT |Mts21, Montreal_39. Sas eon. Golinan 'Gel mane} 845 Gibb St. or Phone 728- GENERAL welding service. All kinds of ) ) ING: erms. © cKellar, h Peter: , one |rated. home. . Gentlemen. Good meals, - oF ne meta! fabrication and repairs. Guaran- gsi Nag . borough | |LADY WANTED for meat wrapping de |parking facilities. Dial 725-4177. teec, 24 hour service. 728-2525. MORTGAGE MO EY 728-5286 COTTAGES and lots on @ he ince! FOR SALE OR RENT YOUNG egies prey Sprouie's, King: Street LEAN fr bon Reverb Te NEY la Bice Bit Shae APPLY WOMEN . [Rect & me eee TT pseudo AVAILABLE TELEVISION 2.6831 collec' for appointment. M. COLLIS [through T.V., be the Avon Representa-| OSHAWA TIMES PA ERNS Stimaten. Cah Tayor Grey Hilt tow Int [THURSTONIA PARK -- Sturgeon Leke,| 78 King St. West, 725-0332 _._ |write P.O. Box $12 Oshawa, ow Interest SERVICE Mage for rent, accommodation for six AFTER 6 P.M. 723.9210 Work in downtown office. | cres! Drive, Whitby 668-5612. poe apeatseeeteenepeeneenceresessesaiesesestie i able arter August 17. $35. -- week, | ROOFING -- el types and repairs| Ali Makes $140 month. Telephone Oshawa 728-4418 Wa Ww | Guaranteed. Cai Walter" Wallbrigge| Valuations Arranged Sets Repaired in your home, jor Dunsford 25R22..-- 16--Female Help Wanted Guaranteed salary of $30 Te ee PRINTED PATTERN EE ae Residential WwW Appli PIGEON LAKE -- Novies Creek, Bobcey-| = =SOLADIES~~--~----«|:«COP week plus commission' /FUEL OIL sxtesmen wont awa Bow] CHIMNEYS Duill "sidewalks "and stoops ayne PPHONCES igcon area. Very smart 2. bedroom mod-| : 6 hour day. Pleasing per- |menville. area. 'Car necessary. Apply . Ss casestabe McCann, Brooklin City and District Teleshone 723-1411 err, cottage ax new inside and out, Nice} WE WILL TRAIN: YOU . Jack Perry, Harry ©. Perry Ltd. 285 OOFING 30 S ) seta : sea Gp AN tevhiegs Sata toned YH ERO CANUAG sonality, good speaking |@lcor Street west, Oshawa, ING, | sningies; root and gable ummer Properties Ose pap muaransaia bscedbh.agsadbrcsb tec cali nh ELEPHONE CANVASSING . PAINTERS WANTED -- First class brush movers oe mo eee ster Vian io CITY. TY¥. Kas aah, micely ee ae RENUMERATION BY SALARY voice, only requirements, [goers ent. Apply in person to 34 King ee. cher or Newell and Mel ey. Realtors, Bob } a tr : an -- oo na Ba fr For Oshawa and gran and Minden TRAD LENT PROSPECTS 728-6351 : ee ao Members Ontorio " STURGEON LAKE -- Biytheshore, 4 year specialty, New work and repairs. Ll APPLY ' ' ; arge end smel' jobs, L. and H. Rooting) Mortgage Broker's Associction Surrounding Districts md frame cottage, insulated, very smart) 333 SIMCOE SOUTH for interview. SHIPPER "end Construction, 725-6937. G Set three _bedronn cottage with breeze-way ee LOCAL" CHIMNEY Cleaner SUMMERLAND suaranteed Satistaction ant garage Modern kitchen and bath | "er a < Saperee as se n ndo ot water j Sageng rurenes vacuums." Fre Paul Cieslar, Prop ave, Seen oe, ane, OFFICE OVERLOAD _ REQUIRED sinnomhinontcd SECURITIES 311 Dean Ave. 725-0500: joe Src. tees. ee weer mn reaper' i | property. ideal family or retirement/ j For complete line of 5 ~ heme. $8,500, terms arranged. Newell and/ | PLASTERING | LIMITED TV TOWERS | aktiactenrt Siem" tes| WE NEED MORE HELP URGENTLY | _ ®sna Suro ew and rep 12 Simese St. North eet issn ich eb eee Pen EME @) ; ee aie : = Pigs Boers] : nly Experienced ae. cin gs : Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 AND Soy hire tamliy 3 heirsen® consee| Highly skilled Stenographers, Dicta Typists, Busi- N a * Pate : odeiling Vork~ nvely furnishea on safe sane tr monship. guoronteed. Free Musical Services Antenna Repair | three egg oF Bobenyacon Three ness Machine Operators, Key Punch Operators - ed edi ict d + ates piece bath, oa: rai mn Wi estimates PIANO, reed and electronic organ ester, hot water tenk, 'scresned' versn- For temporary or part-time assignments. In areas A. WOODS 728-3420 toriog and ¢u troments appraised TRIO dah $7,800. Terms arranged. Newell and/ ~ ON siete nil eta Weinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and) = from Bowmanville to West Hill. HOME Optometrist TELEVISION sraneaan ae % S €, nort ore, 3 miles -- IMPROVEMENTS _--€_@. T0CK. Ro. Optometrist Please! 171 BOND ST. E, OSHAWA 2K" St Bobraygeon, 150" lake trontage CALL MRS. CHALMERS /28 4688 descend , natural white sand, pay accounts at downtown Des beach, nicely . shar mature tr 728- Roofin Gg, eavestrough ng Rank or 73 Burk Street? Dial 725 é 728-6781 25 ecpth yy > Bi Phen ros 728 9431 Boys, Boys, Boys Telephone. for appointment Att. Clare McCullough. roadway, accessible year-round, hydro at pointing, Cupboards, Hoor Want Ads tiling. General repairs of all a -- ----/io" Tine. $6,900, terms if desired. Newell] pet TV TOWERS Sze" "="= STUDENT'S HAIRSTYLES --_| 2 cos au, So Find Sheek veka STONE ota r sale, thr | plus commission, full time a hold the key gl Rg A | now. Part time af ter onyti Ne nished. Hydr a fishing, | . : : % ate 6 ha 4 ioe Economy and Delusee Sa complete enivaty. Tomibane taeaee| ectool Sells will soon be ringing. Young Ladies, | school starts. Should earn : ' ig o Extra Cas COTTAGES, folly equipped for light house. rom the tiny tots entering the first kindergarten $20 to $25 weekly = Priced tt it eeping (ex cg x 4 A Telephone 728-2061 tne te Oe a [een Aeneas Meee. ee! _class to the Young Miss in High School or University| Classified Ad Rates TERMS ARRANGED RR 4 Picton, GR 65118 | will be anxious to make a good impression and | Apply Room 34 : | maintain lasting good looks for classroom and rec- | 25 WORDS OR LESS OSHAWA TV z les For Rent reotional or social activities. Alger Building Better described offers get foster results. | @ banquet tables, church , Cash Charge aisio runners, Fox rentals, 412 Simcoe! King East 6 consecutive days 3.75 4.13 SUPPLY LIMIT poised oh Re ane 3. consecutive days ins 225 «2.48 " L ED Oishad Cutlery - Glasses Count eoch 4, initial, figu' abbreviation 4 ch Bowl | i ' ge ; ee | nm | eel Oe nand or machine from back ot SEASON-SPANNER oo ee Well Drilling--Digging Silver Tea Service | FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY | BACK-TO-SCH EXCELLENT each block. Use taffeta, satin, y ANNE ADAMS Professional listings only, 3 lines per month..... 8.50 ----_____=__ =F S| Silver Candelabra BACK-TO-SCHOOL | STUDENT pant eers | SALES jcotton, Pattern 7262: transfer cau Pane or slin '9 motifs; directions. aban " | EASY TO QUILT By ALICE BROOKS Luxury gifts! Delight a rte mom with this elegant quilted) 3 to 4 p.m. only crib or carriage cover. 144-244 These Hair Stylists are offering the latest in easy- to-care-for and attractive Hair-Dos for Students. ' Med or WELL DIGGING by chine, ia} Each edditionel line per month bas img in 30-inch tie. W. Ward, 204 Chest | Sargeant's Rentals ary 'E CENTS (coi jewel or scooped ne THIRTY-FIVE CE) (coins) the slimming, young s (Not applicable for merchondise odvertisernents.) nut Street West PO Box 329%, Whitby, j oa pri o 725- 3338 COLD WAVES TY-FI DEADLINES STL LEWON, wel _aipping Geena 6.95 | OPPORTUNITY [ter ns aries Brooks, vegee| Sees. from one season to. the erg 7a i a of The Oshawa Times, Needle-| printed . Dy rn 4629: Half as Pm ~ 4 4 Desia th 728-0911 For Public, High School | r Ph ogee etn pear ot thanks rypdte gon a : Round the Clock es Pisa Sulina: " WE STYLE TO YOUR For young. man 22 to 35 'craft: Dept:, Oshawa, Ontario. sizes 1419, 1615, 1814, 2044, 2244, Rei, weaeien,. cord 2 2 eh 8h apres |1--Women's Column | PERSONALITY | years of age for promo- Ontario residents aid te. sslsiag spay: i comuses Oe ns 3 jay of publicati seep en ge ge : | i Ba tax. Print plainly P4é ERN, | vare ch , Cancellations end Corrections--8W0 om. day of publication. Seaman Pew 'Avwe. Teamenc| READY TO BUY $7 50 eee dees | tion and sale of a con- Niner, NAME, ADDRESS, edegy eves Sb) in coins REGULATIONS ch Make Appointments Now sumet product 1963's. Biggest Needlecraft} (no stamps e) for this pat- The Oshowo Times will not be responsible for errors, in odvertise- (2--Personal PROSPECT. Make Your Appointment T: Show. stars smocked accesso-|tern, Ontario s add 2c v ' at ablish- se sn0) 7 : gerne ER eas S sed eens Foy | PEGGY S | New division of old establish ries -- it's our new Needlecraft!sales tax.! Print ainly SI ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for e thon Se Ee eB I one incorrect insertion of ony odvertis mt, nor beyond the 2 whit * = onan Qa. i Telephone 725-9572 ed Oshawa Company. Excel- \Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-/ NAME, ADDRESS, STYL ig ' Read lent future possibilities with (you designs to knit, crochet, sew; NUMBER price chorge for o single insertion of the advertisement in which sinter tase ce | | LEN PULLAN Barbara's Beauty Salon | salary and commission ond weave, embroider, quilt. Plus) Send order to ANNE ADAMS, error occurs. "The Oshawa Times. reserves the right to clossify odvertising ENGLISH TAILOR : fi free pattern. Send 25c. now! care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- Times Beauty Salon | 1188 Simcoe S. (Plaza) ---- tern Dept. Osh Ontario. Corner of Ritson & Simcoe St. S. according to its. proper classif:cotion. i ; : in the case ot display odvertisements, The Times will not be ea poe oe : PATTERN FREE! Mail cou- held responsible tor more spoce than that in which the octuol ai nent meri. j Write Box 22 error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce ol! odver- Tea wea wa ace Want Ads 75 CELINA STREET = 723-1921 ' tising matter correctly, but ossume no liability of advertisement 10 PRINCE ST. ; i id | OSHAWA TIMES if ery inoccurocies in ony form ere contained therein, i 728-5311 Stating age ond experience Want-Ads Don't |pon inside new Fall-Winter Pat- ttern Catalog, ready now! Over i u . . . | Cost-They Pay ine Coe. all sizes, Send

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