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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1963, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 21, 1963 IN INDUSTRIAL A REA Pickering Approves $6000 For Services BROUGHAM -- Reeve J Sherman Scott related. that 'Satok Developments Limited had offered to purchase a par- cel of industrial Jand owned by the Township to add to another parcel recently purchased by them, at a meeting of Council on Monday night. An offer by Nordel Developments on this parcel had been withdrawn Mr, Scott stated that the ad vent of Supreme Aluminum in «the industrial area had changed _ {the picture in the installation of -sewers and water in the indus 'trial area, Councillors agreed that it + would be practically impossible} .to charge these services against Local Improvement in the area The sale of the land hinged on it being serviced * The cost of the services had «been estimated at approximate "ly $6,000 4 bylaw to accept the agree ment of sale was unanimously spassed, with the agreement that 'services would be provided, The cost will be charged to the gen eral funds for industrial promo "tion Council! Milton Mowbray 'recommended that this charge be dealt with in this way OFFICE HELP Considerably more discussion was spent on the engaging of a fulltime office worker in the road department, whom Road Superintendent Robert Duck had asked for some months ago Mr. Duck was ked for a re port on the ne ich heln and s Mr. D there were yy I vas read ported that in 195¢ o ight employees and icks the road Now, since the in the Sanitation Depart jurisdiction of tment, there were art-time employees three sanitation maintainers, four ® power mowers, a y and a chain saw Sometimes, Mr. Duck said there were as many as 40-phone calls in a day He 'said that the work had j creased to such an extent that bookkeeper Clifford Dunkeld has been to take work home to do evenings and week ends Deputy Pherson pared a motion some weeks 'for thehiring of Mrs. C ata salary of $2,400, but that it had not been even put before Council it 4 problem $8,000 or said ICK three gravel tr esi lusion meht unde the road de l and pe ob $s presenting a bigger than hiring a man at $9,000: a year,' she Councillors stated that Mr Duck had implied at a previous meeting that part-time help was Satisfactory He contradicted Mr. 'Scott think suggestion himself," Sal where there of increase sdepartment," d Councilley Mowbray "recommendation should come from the head the department why the su = in s ndicating S required. We and I am on the mo increase cha prepared tion Coun now "we ave report to vote or he ded" Greening had Mr report said that Duck's he was that wor scontent tn vote on a motion again presented herson re ner motion oh 2.400 * ADENAUER ON VACATION CADENABBIA AP)-- West German Chancellor Aden te Ita auer has arrived at h resort at Lake Como.in northern Italy for what w n ast vacation Tr he &7-vear-old is expected to retire \ spokesman said Monday that Adenauer plans to stav u mid-September--just a month before ving » office "e Statesman in October ¢ Of} "Has the resolution that pro-, vides for anyone employed by the Township to live in the municipality within one year been rescinded' asked McPherson, She was that Township Engineer Paul Poulsson had been with the Township for one year and was living in Scarborough i "He is aware of this, and he knows he has to move into the Township,"' said Councillor Hu bert Wank. "I don't think we are going to say, 'Move in, or else ga "What resolutions Pherson "I only say 1 would not jeop ardize a man's position because of this," said Councillor Wank 'If he doesn't move in, get another engineer" "Yes," said Mrs. McPherson I cannot see any point in hav ing resolutions if we don't ad here to them. If we the taxes have to be paid by a cer having Mc of Mrs the use asked is " Say Mrs,} recalling! do we! Brooklin Bull Grand Champ | At CNE TORONTO (CP)--Beechcroft Viciors Thor, a five-year-old Guernsey bull bred and owned by Robert W, Batty of Brook- lin Ont. was named grand grand champion Guernsey bull at the Canadian National ht bition Tuesday. ve oe | tain time, taxpayers have to pay them, or pay a penalty." ; "1 think he should be asked if} Reserve champion was Hens- he is taking steps to dispose of|lee Farms' D. Nobel, owned by his present residence," said/H. ©, Matthis of Cobourg, Ont. Jamaica Golden Mo, owned Councillor Mowbray. c le "He is a good engineer, andjby A. V. and ©, L, Gundy of took the jun- L would be sorry to have to re-| Newmarket, Ont., place him. But 1 agree that/ior champion bull title, with when he is hired on g particular Tannery Hill King's Token, basis, if he proposes to stay he! jowned by Henry Borden of should be taking steps to move.|King City, Toronto, winning the "Tf he is taking steps to move,|reserve championship. a we should not hold him to the Tannery. Hill Roger's Tillie, exact day," he said owned by Mr. Borden, was the Mrs. McPherson said she had junior female champion, --Re- no quarrel with the fact that Serve champion was Jamaica he was a good engineer Carol, owned by the Gundys. Romandale Reflecting Mar RAIL SIGNALS quis, a 3,000-pound Holstein An item on the agenda re-bull, won the Canadian Na lated that EF. J. Hilts, of the tional Exhibition grand cham \ttorney General's Department,|pienship. The animal is owned ecommends that protective de-|jointly by Romandale Farms, vices be placed at railway)Unionville, Ont. and Agro sings where fatalities occur,' Brothers,. Hamilton | Ridiculous,' said Reeve) Last year the bull was grand/ Scott 'They seem to think;champion at two top North there has to be a fatality be- American shows, the Royal! fore a wig-wag is erected Winter Fair and the National cro Seven Quebec Youths Admit Mosport Theft | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) - Seven Montreal vouths found their weekend visit to Mosport Raceway a costly one, They were fined a total 'of $178 or a comb red jail. sentence of 210 days on charges of theft from a concession booth on the Track by. Magistrate R. I. Moore here yesterday The ward John veldt Dubble and Ed Kaye Fast Wayne seven youths Fitzgerald Fastveldt, Richard Richard Heskith Jerry Fayie They were charged by OPP Constable Bruce Tillson with the theft of 10 cases of an unused concession booth Constable Tillson testified that the booth had been broken into prior to the theft of the. pop and that quantities of chocolate and toba had been stolen The were Stefan pop from flim eco boys are not sible for this, however constable made clea Magistrate Moore the youths 'You don't look like criminals to. me, You lucky that you. weren't charg ed with the whole theft. Don't you think it was a pretty. stupid thing to do' The bos agreed action was a folly They have been Saturday night, and Magistrate Moore felt that this, coupled with the fines was punishment enough in this case REMAND OSHAWA MAN An Oshawa man was remand ed on bail for one week al presentence report afte ound guilty of steal new tires om a sery on August 14 Elroy Ledbetter, 0) enue Oshawa Was after police found the the basement of his house respon e addres were that theiy n s ja nce for he \ ce station vie al charged tires rooming DRAWS REMAND 4 Nestletoh man of drunken driving one week on the ¢ Richard Lovekin advised the Court be unable to take the case and that his chent, Nei] Kerr, should have Counse! before registering a plea Kerr had heen remanded out of custody since August 6 i istody of his mother He was harged at that time with rape and indecent assault The drunk-driving charge was made on August 17 : Magistrate Moore told Kerr's mother that she must a cash: bail of $200 before he had his case adjourned lea of Counsel Mr. Lovekin that he would post Magistrate Cautions 'Law Must Be Respected' + BOWMANVI Oliver asked the ( f there were more ti @ there and was assured -th dithere was } nine Rarrs Map e Grove; Paul Courtice: Ray. Cro Gill, Jon Hancock and rig Hately le and Eri men mbie Ken wo not an aer im front of Palm $a'es, Bowmany ons Don ?« oo mame h Was wary i3f irned around and laid Against these nine men." Macintyre, w Ken ar away About onstable Park were 4 20 feet ¢ as said No, onl There were 2 ena try itizens of this foster bun should spect for its law-enforc d ement type of i h ties like Toronto You are 'land order in this country." responsible products a hardened , as} How *28 to be releas-,order to supply it,' seal Magistrate Moore, "so lL'l| fine him on both charges together.' NETS FINE Vincent RR 1 manville fined $75 and costs or days in jail on a jcharge of impaired driving by} Magistrate Moore Tuesday | The charge arose from an ac-| cident last Friday night at the| corner of Ontario and King} streets in Bowmanville | Constable John Bird of the} Bowmanville Police _ testified| that at the time of the accident| Proutt had bloodshot eyes,! iquor on his breath, and stag.| gered noticeably | Magistrate -Moore informed Proutt that his licence would be suspended for six months as al result of the charge HONESTY BEST POLICY Honesty is the best policy in Magistrate's Court. An Oshawal man who admitted that he was! driving foo fast to negotiate a} turn was. fined a minimum $25) and costs on a charge of care less driving would allow: Kerr ed to her was warned by stav off period of the Ma | the road remand Kerr gistrate during to 75 Proutt, was 21 } his Bow FINED $870 Lyall B of Newcastle was fined a total of $70 and $9 or 38 days in jail on of failure to produce insurance or unsatisfied jadgment on a motor vehicle, neration of an unsafe vehicle and failure to notify the Depart ment 'of Motor Vehicles of of registration of ht, 21 charges proof of a change his Constable Les Rickard of the Bowmanville Police testified the steering wheel on ght's car was cut off' at-the ike an airplane's." that the brakes When I tried right to the B i top He did also said work they went not them floo Blight told ' the Court unemy month that he loved and to pay the ¢ to I give vou two weeks ay Said Magistrate Moore and if you do not pay by that time vou can spend the 38 days in ja The charge arose from an ac cident at the curve just east of the Railway Bridge at Bow. manville's west end, police said| that an automobile driven by| Haydon Roberts of Oshawa skidded over 200 feet of as phalt and shoulder: before stop ping and cut off a guard rail in the procedure ani How come" asked Magis-! ,.. trate Moore two | ina Barrell, 21, of} |! Was going too fast," an Oshawa and Judy Burgess. 18, Sered Roberts of Bowmanville admitted to po- "Well e that they were drinking replied obtained for them by him s Rickard of the Police - told the found half of a he trunk: of and that he found a iy-consumed pint of ale 05 Judy Bur SUPPLIED LIQUOR \ Bowmanville man who was found guilty of supplying liquor minors: was fined $200 and ts or #0 days in jail by Ma- gistrate R. J, Moore here ves. terdav Rever arged to cos ui on July 14 is, Christi y Bruce, 25 when that's His honest Worship anyway,' beer Ct BURY 'HOODLUM PRIEST ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Sixty Je suit seminarians dressed n black escorted the "hoodlum priest" to his grave as rain fell Monday. Carrying the coffin of Rev. Charles Dismas Clark, 62, who helped 3.500 former con. viels toward rehabilitation were six of the men he had be friended--a convicted murderer other|and five men convicted of theft The pr the hoodlums died ast Bowma ourt that he case of ale n Bruce's car parha the gess Both told Bruce who had sun , the Constable said uce we aiso charged with having liquor in nlace than his res "He would ille session of girls me that it was ied the aie R ce ve to have it est of Thursday Charge Dismissed Driver Unknown: | BOW MANVILI Hampton failing the Mag da E (Staff) -- man beat to stop and of an accident, in ate's Court here 'Tues- ause il was never estab tha @ was the operator © at the time the occurred, A a charge of aid at had driven it in "T asked Grant the next day if he were the driver and he re fused to answer," said the Ccn- stable He can't refuse,' Magistrate R, I. Moore He can in this instance," re turned Defenc e Counsel Thomas} Harris, "because was never! established by any Witnesses that Grant was the driver The| Constable said he charged Gran he testimony of James Wil. but no where in that testi- mony does Willis state that Grant was the driver of the ve hicle at the time of the acci- dent." I am forced to ag mitted His Worship one here who { Gram was dri himself, and he c Roing to prove his. ow "Constable that Grant being have give scene be exclaimed of the vehic dent The Crown automobile dent at 35 and name they proved that nvolved in the acci he junction of Highways egistered in the cused's wife, but unable. to establish t, RR 1, Hamp the | were s Th fied that nesses' testi- the car jay after © front fen- and with wns wil Grant brought io a service siation ident th banged ome missng .The ree,"' sub "The only the acc de wi up car was Trombie identified by the driver volved in the chrome pick at the scene of perfectiy inte the smashed fender of vehicle guilt you fou adm should means of Fs when of would not the driver sought other ident f cation bid BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" NEW HOMES & HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. (Where Pevement Ends) pe you ove Laton admit James W s showed him him that Grant Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR @ Bi TIS @ SCIATICA 100 King St. E. 728-5156 s RS Holstein Iowa champion Holstein bull was the two-year-old Sunny Spruce Ci- }tation [Dennis Ik Jand District Cattle Breeding As sociation of Woodstock, Green- » sag Rag Apple Hercules, the and reserve champion was! Ebyholm Reflection Master owned Kitchener show at Waterloo, The CNE reserve grand Jan, owned by RR of Oak Ridges, Ont. The joint entry of W. J napp of Galt, and the Oxford At Solina SOLINA Mr. Tony Corbishley Richmond Hill, of Mr, and Mrs, were te : won Wes junior bull championship, A. ofjiss, Oshawa, tea Ruests Clarence were of Mr. by Eby Richmond Hill | Family Guests and and daughter, lees and sons on Monday, Misses Donna Mclachlin, ronto, and Miss Barbara Even-|lees are holidayjng with their Wednesday| grandparents, and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Miss Pat Davis. Miss Phyllis jwas a. bridesmaid at the Cook- |Zackanowich wedding in Trinity [United Chureh, Bowmanville \Mr, and Mrs, Frank Westlake Jy, and Joan and Mr. Ron Mrs, Broome were guests at the wed- ding. a guest, John Larmer, Blackstock, is Yellow-| holidaying with his cousins, Karen and Janice Yellowlees, To} Brenda and: Dennis Yellow- Mr, Larmer, Blackstock. and Mrs, F, EE A ONE PINT CONT, OF' ICE CASTLE with the purchase of a Steinberg FRESH APPLE PIE BOTH FOR ONLY FROM STEINBERG'S OWN BAKERY... FR _ Srawberry LAYER CAKE *. 39¢ ESH HOME BAKED GOODNESS Ann Westlake) Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Tink)day at -_ Tree Lodge. and family and Mrs. H. E| Mrs Heal, Toronto, visit- Tink attended the Tink familyjed Mr, nial Mrs, Roy Lang: reunion at Hampton on Satur-) maid. i day, Mrs, EF. Hockaday and Elve- Reverend and Mrs. id Tpkilyn spent the weekend with Mr and Miss Joanne Clark, Tra- and Mrs, James Walker and jvers City, Mich, were Friday Barry, Hepworth. ' jtea guests of Mr. and Mrs.! Mr, and Mrs. Charles Grant |Bruce Tink and family. and son, Miss. Dianne Storey, 'Mr. 'and Mrs, Bruce Tink, Englehart, Miss Mary Grant, Nei] and Herbie visited Mr and! qj ax: Mr, Andy Harkness, Mrs, A. L, Blanchard at their Whitby: Mrs, Agnes Harkness, cottage at Caesarea Englehart; Mr, and Mrs, Plante Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Lang: Mayhew and son, Picton, were |maid and family, Mr. and Mrs./Sunday visitors. with Mr, and _D Flett and. Linda Spent 'Sun Mrs. R, Fraser ROLLS FOR SAVE 15¢ MEA te i TIN CORNED BEEF *:°" TAR FREE' STEINBERG'S DEAL OF THE MONTH TISSUE FAMILY TUBE 48 oz. TIN PINEAPPLE Coloured 1 LB. PKG, ] wf MEAT BEEF, SAVE 11¢ AQUA, PINK, WHITE, YELLOW 89: CREST 73: JUICE DEL MONTE 7 g.. i! MARGARINE RB oz. Pkg. CHICKEN or 3 PIES oS] : 39° TOILET syos TOOTHPASTE &. UNSWEETENED SAVE Ile HOLIDAY MORTON'S FROZEN TURKEY LUNCHEON @ 3! 12 oz. TIN TEA BAGS WITH PKG, OF 60 SWEET ROLLS steinserc Fresh 35¢ PAGODA QUALITY ALL CAKE DONUT PLAIN, SUGAR or CINNAMON. DOZ. 29¢ ul TEA BAGS" WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES! SWEET PICKLED.VACUUM PACKED Cotia Rolls soy 3 LB. AVG, (ARS) GRave'a' OVEN READY Roasti Chicke 5 TO 6 LB. AVG. GOLDEN RIPE CABANITA 1 BANANAS © [0 CHILDREN LOVE'EM JACK SPRATT NO. 1 QUALITY PRES MAPLE LEAF Bologna BY THE PIECE 69% g 7 FSS) -LEAN Ground Chuck 2% g Watermelons [rp] Sweet Eating -- Red Cutting 09: 5 Large Size Each TRRISSH ONTARIO GROWN GREEN CABBAGE _ DETERGENT 49 ~ 69¢ 2 COuPON exerts i "$1216 | TH Tee COUN! NO puncwate or HAIRDRESSING 2/36¢ OUPON PeMaEB a. 'WITH THES COUPON AND PURCHASE OF OF One OF Suave every ONE CANTALOUPES COUPON PxPIRES AUG 98/63 'WITH DRE COUPON AMD PURCHASE OF CHILI SAUCE 2c =a Cae FANCY PEAS 3 49¢ COUPON exPiets AG > With THis COUPON stor SALAD DRESSING 4 | cOvPON --. » § } CHICKEN es or BREASTS DF couron exvats « HADDOCK BATTER $)' COUPON EXPRtS « os 'With Tus COUPON a Age OF SKINLESS WIENERS COUPON ExPnES AUG Mes ss we rors OF FACE. CLOTHS ane COUPON EXPREB AUG 28.6) SB poeenhe ee RAZOR BLADES COUPON exPeRt ave Ms) < # x AND Pur: A StEOve as CAKE pera t 88¢ poor wit THES COUPON ret pap ay § or AND PURCHASE OF oF. fVERY 3.8 CEO 80 OF ONTARO Srbwn CARROTS or ONIONS Ps COUPON expats aus mar J segue ec vi By DEODORANT $1.35 $ COUPON exrarsaue pe OU WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 95¢ NESTLES COUPON EXPIRES AUG 24/63 > QUIK 10¢ OFF TT To, AND Pul WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF TWO 100 ROLLS OF APPLEFORD (WAX PAPER 2/85¢ COUPON EXPIRES AUG 24/63 CHASE Fveny 6 Oy SOK? OF ONTANO GROWN FHL OF STARE TOMATOES COUPON EXPRED AUG 7ByA* WITH THIS COUPON 4 AND PURCHASE OF 6.9 OZ. PKGS. OF MeCAIN'S FROTEN RRINKLE cut French Fried Potatoes 6/$1 COUPON EXPIRES AU $ 'WT Ps COUPON AND rg 24/63 WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 31 U8 PKGS OF DAVID'S SALTED CRACKERS 3/$1 COUPON EXPIRESAUG 24/62 ) $) CORNED BEEF WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF A CTN. OF BLACK CAT NO. 7 CIGARETTES hs $ OR 258 COUPON 'exp RESAUG 24/43 $) COUPON EXPOES AUG 10 83 $) New Low Price ON SUGAR! WITH THIS COUPON AND PURCHASE OF 8.18°O2. TINS, OF STRONGHEART CAT FOOD 8 /S1 FISH OR REGULAR & COUPON EXPIRES AUG 24/63 GPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY UNTIL 9 p.m. rat AJAX © Dundas Street WHITBY Island e Road ROUGE HILL

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