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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Aug 1963, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 21,1963 § y party were: Darla and Doran, visited in Galt as the guests of PERSONALS Fueller, Peter, Robert and Jef-/Mr. and Mrs, Peter Waugh. frey Hancock, Bryan Ullrich,)} so -------- Lorne and Roy Grylls have Karen Schmidky, Janice Pierce, | : Michae!| Wolf, Peter Cronin, returned from a two-week trip Linda Thomson and Larry! One-Stop In Saskatchewan. In Saskatoon|Knobbs. Assistin , | . Assisting Mrs. Gunn they visited their grandfather,|in serving was David's grand: DECORATING C, W.'Grylls, and also visited! mother, Mrs. Victor Tuffley. ostgigenict Mr, and Mrs. Edward Kee- SHOP During their vacation, Mr nan have returned from a and Mrs. Joe Igel were guests) motor vacation trip to points|| @ Custom Dreperies jot Mr. and Mrs, Don Brazeaujwest, In Windsor they were thei] @ Broadioom and Rugs lot North Bay. They also spent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wil] @ Wallpaper end Murols a few days visiting Fantasy} jj "hurchill ' , : Island in Niagara Falls, New an Oe © CLL. Paints and Varnishes 'York. Their son Chris and} Mr, and Mrs, C,. F. Guesti] © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Pointe daugheer Kathy accompanied spent their two-week vacation oo A them in the States, at their cottage at Bayfield on DoDD & SOUTER : |Lake Huron, David, son of Mr. and Mrs.| me HAE Decor Centre { William Gunn, celebrated his} Mr, and Mrs. Tom Puckrin 107 Byron St. S,, Whitby } fourth birthday, Tuesday, Aug-jand their daughter Betty and/ Phone 668-5862 'ust 20. Guests attending his!Mr, and Mrs, dames Greenlaw| UNITED CHURCH WOMEN GATHER FOR SECOND LEADERSHIP SCHOOL way |- FOR EASY More than 400 United Looking on are, left to right, to, Mrs. W. A. Weatherhead, Church Women from the Bay Mrs, J. E. Marsh, of Belle- of Sharbot Lake, president, of Quinte Conference of the se hg nd = Ssoeere = Bay of Quinte Conference, WHITBY A United Church of Canada reg- elleville, Scho egistrar, OW « : P ais I } istered Monday for the sec- Mrs, S, G, Saywell, of. Osh- UCW, and Miss Jane David, of ond. school. for leadership awa, chairman of the Leader- India, a Nursing: yp ricpelinctal Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West training among the United ship Training Committee, Bay dent at Queen's niversl'y, s SPECIALLY SELECTED--FRESH--BONELESS Church Women's groups, be- of Quinte Conference, and are seen scanning some of 'Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. 668-3703 ing held at Ontario Ladies' Mrs G. S. Murray, of Lind- the reading material made College. In the photo at left, say, Assistant School Dean. available for women attending ngs- ' > school, It will continue ill be because it was too Mrs. D. R. Moffatt, of Kings- In the photo at right, Miss-D, the sc hoo it will be ton (far right) School Dean, is Young, program secretary, until Friday : : great for our small hearts LACROSSE PLAYOFFS seen signing the register. Board of Women, UCW, Toron- --Oshawa Times Photos. Our purpose is right -- we jknow it is the more excellent S il . jway. We have made a covenant S S 400 UCW MEMBERS ATTEND | Study, commitment, service -- al or ven erie . jthese are the more excellent! bled Mrs. Patterson empha V At One Game Each "THE IDEAL PORK ROAST" Church Schoo i es Mt, Te are _ 'ae wel FAMOUS FOR QUALITY--SCHNEIDER'S --PLASTIC TRAY sion Pe books for sale in the By CLIFF GORDON place team In the mean- COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE 4 LB. 4 library: she especially recom-, Port Credit Sailors came up time fans make your way to the IT'S SCHNEIDER'S WEEK AT RED & WHITE! mended "This Is Our Faith', with a strong defensive game Brooklin arena tomorrow night e i e +d i iby Dr. John Dow; "Thine Is last night as they downed the|to ace these two fine _teams SCHNEIDER'S RINDLESS--WELL-STEAKED---FLAT. PACK The Kingdom" by James §,.|Somewhat inept Brooklin Sr meet in the playoffs that will ' in ewart; "Discipleship For team 7-9 in the second game of [ead to the Mann Cup ,,. LEAN BACON ts 79° Today'. by Dr. H. L.. Pottle, |the Eastern Canada Sr. semi-\ SUMMARY Inited Church Women of Bay| ."'Thou shalt love the Lord with, She ' le ih AOE vj ny. finals FIRST PERIOD United Chu Mrs. Chalmers, Hamilton Con Mak Credit, Mandar: Schneider's--Testy--Tempting Fresh Sliced of Quinte Conference, the Unitedia thy mind,' Mrs, McKinnon ned, and been happy over some ference. UCW president is a\. The win for the Sailors knots 2 : are Schneid as Church of Canada gathered quoted, stating that we want a »ocuits) many new members treasured guest at the school, the: best of 'seven series at onc i i yp HEAD CHEESE u nog '35¢ COOKED HAM oun PACK 53¢ Monday for their second annualjintelligent confident approach have come into the organiza. As a former music teacher in game each, with the third game se! alice ' ri School for Women to get inspira-|showing that we have the an S Sah aad "WOW an St Catharines public schools, slated for the Rrooklin arena } f Oe ee | , ~,| ion adership tr 1c. 'a bet-|swers. We have carried much 5 x run aiacs ; Soe eer Hall 9.42 ch eordide 184 tion, leadership training, a "_ delegates belong to a United/she brings many inte rvals of tomorrow night at 8.45 pale tos 's 8 BONUS BUY !--SAVE 8c ' - ¢ of the rkjover r ur childhood ' is ter understanding of the work ~ : hy "em : - Pegmion ga Church Women to which every|pleasure in singing led by her Flory Tomichesen paced the RPL edo di dik 5-LB " road. Pr car t , ' " be - . of the organization, and a br vad 3 ide shi dish hinge'? woman in the church belongs -- skilled voice attack for the winners with two Henderson W145 Cc er knowledge of, and a seep away ne if not, why? Miss Dorothy Young, program goals witl: single counters going) $ Brookln: | Helternan, K. Lotton 14.39 BAG devotion - the total Mission of! We -- know w hat = be iis ae aha secretary for Board of Women,|to Paul Henderson, Chub Brown yp 5 agin e Chure ieve about personal integrity -- MISS : ; a di atin A > arr Sicua 8 all +) &. Port Credit: Hall th h who has attended two Assem-|Larry Ruse Dave. Hall and e BONUS BUY !--SAVE 10c--KRAFT CANADIAN Kapasky, | Ruse 7.07 As in other years, the fine about the goals worth striving) The total mission of the blies of the World Council of|Bryan Ahearne PE ees SER vol ae 1-18 facilities of the Ontario Ladies|for, and presenting to our chil-/ church is a big order -- how Churches, brought inspired lead-| For the losing Brooklin team'. Penalties Spits ty ci Chames 348 LS, Cc College were in use and after dren An eva uatoOn was sug eg afieck tne wovennt in ership to program planning In it was fleet-footed Grant Hef Ruttan 4.16, Hall 15.00. PKG. registration the delegates were gested -- What would Godjhomes, congregations, commun- the local UCW. fernan with two and _ single 10. Brookiin Bi he Baad 1245 g" ty, Canada, the world, She chal- cs ied aken on conducted tours of the think of what I am doing" to)it 'AMEN'S -EPES 3EDS | counter -hampion|!!. Breoklin: Batley, Ferguse -- keep in mind for one whole day. lenged women to assume their WOMEN'S DEEPEST NEEDS counters to scoring champion '}). Brooklin: gy (Se hg aa ae BONUS BUY !--SAVE 14c--10¢ OFF PACK buildings and lawns 4 Sh id the deepest needs of Glen Lotton, runner up Cy - ei responsibility where concerne he sa \ 7 " : : McCracken 13.42 6-02. The ladies of the hegentr BIBLICAL KNOWLEDGE with a Christian home: a rn women are acceptance, some- Coombes and the "Rock" Bat- oPanaities ~ Ruttan 3.56, L, Ruse 4.52, NE CAFE INSTANT FFEE $5 Presbyterial UCW, vhee yn We need the realization that jtual growth and counselling, for|oNe t® worship, to give one's ley [oO lanier bie Cabae wee an esses at a tea arranged in the), ause we are adults we arelieadership in weekday activities| life to -- worship is at the cen Pat Baker in the Brooklin ivi > said we have tried, plan for renewing haat ei ag gave fe sonal a makina spa Often there is not much Biblical|toiq his mother. "1 like the the Way" and "The Covena same for Brooklin as the big vite poe = . |knowledge in the home to trans-'days you go to your meeting.,@S Study books, also listed w time and again held the CLEANERS ed mee; mit to the children. Study of W hen you come home you are|™&ny books from the bookroom fort for the Brooklin club who bad PACK ORGAN RECITAL the subject chosen for this year jalways singing when you get the @S_ source material. | appeared to be well off form. & Shirt Launderers The evening featured an organ "The Covenant' can give dinner" A report is coming out from' Qne thing is for sure. that FREE Pick-up & Delivery Daily BONUS BUY!---SAVE 19¢ recital by Dr. S. L. Osborne in Us 'that oben ses f and "That your mother put God's the a of the -- coach Jim Cherry will have PHONE 668-4341 12.02. the chapel of the College. Dr. Knowledge and fait OOKS things first is the probable rea- a ee Fron ee, comice words of advice wide recommended also are by < Working; tape recordings from for his charges before tomor TINS spacious drawing room, which! involved in Christian Education.!anq group leadership, A child|'T®- She listed "The Word and cage was the only star of the SCUGOG ' BONUS BUY--SAVE. 29¢--(2 FOR THE PRICE OF 1)-----DESGERT TOPPING Osborne displayed the son you are here Mrs. P. ' } I Mr al-|\) H > orgia Harkness, Understand : Nancy Edwards series on When row. night's game N M range and beautiful tones of his Ge i d terson re Seay? Nae \ we night's gam Ww. ng the Christian Faith, and Think reminded her audience, a Child Asks ate available ow any ear organ in a program of music!" ink if every woman did ex Brooklin invaded the Port rit pr Unde le. : ee ressed t e of dram: which ranged from a numbe Understanding the Bible actly as you have in attending She stres ed the use of d bhi Credit arena with a record that FALSE TEETH SUNSHINE FRESH from the French School of, The Covenant -- an agree- service, in taking office -- in early days people is something that is to be Organ Music of the late 16th ment betwen two people by we can ce ik ana Sie ae illiterate' ad drama was used eenud of 'They had won thelr With More Comfort century, to a Prelude and Fugue which they lay down the-lines 0 oP earn, (he the whole movement of religious | jact game in the Starc , , FASTEETH, leasant alkaline lala I | men are very sympathetic and/drama spread; the same thing ; nt 73 é rig aig inoncamiay powean holds false teeth | David Ouchterlony: and so: In God's Govenant he is are on the committee with!ets on Asia are ready, Partners 10-8 TEETH 'on your plates. No gummy, SWEET JUICY S.A. vear is A More Exc ,/benefits upon man, His prom. |" i ga a women sues in Southern Asia less of whether it be la) Tasteers Of SRY Crus counties t resident, Mr ; ises, When God is one part and." e. curnculam ini. 7 " : . heal Ay achat waGerkesd seal it the man the cleo all benefits are Schools -- the liquor outiets Milan Ada Gana! ag <gpe reat yon t » : abe -- Gen shave abr ncrease; interested in the Sen- liss Ad im eRnaeH, am Be eae have you, it doe nt matter how this week's close. Reading from 1 Cor, 12 the well-known Love to bring a'--their only hope is in God. It'the Burns Lake Hospital, Hea!/the women of Korea were ur yme tomorrow night. As has 121 BROCK ST, NORTH FINEST QUALITY ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 ) offa ¢ Kine- and ¢ ' 5 5 , ' j ; 2 ; gg s Bs ag ag y apne gr hy Mc Kinnon concluded, 0 homes for senior citizens;,and hospital care was elemen- make you realize that you i eee een W j 4 & ct ni School. .anc t nnon ¢ u i: 71 Indian congregations served; |tary -- a 50-bed capacity, Dr. have got to get on the ball and RADIO CRISP, BELLE SWEET chu ORNING SWIN reat . , opened every week of the year: untrained and illiter, vhat of a slam at the Brook 7 ICE CRE srick 27° MORNING SWIM riveness, strength to go on the year;)\ I vat of a slam at the Broo ONTARIO YELLOW NO. 1 LARGE the morning and Morning Delegat were divided 'into. The total missicn in the world Were Offered; three accepied,'down somewhat Phe lat ast period the class rooms and further dis- More -- this is our responsibil. 192 the first graduation cere. personally feel that after watch CARROTS 2 20-0Z. POLY 19¢ -0Z 2 » Mrs. Johr he Bible study under pre- ity. Brazil is a new venture mony was held. Most gradu. ing Brooklin for all of their BAGS LEMON JUICE 2 pry gc } ! TINS Mrs. McKinnon was the last president of the Women's Mis- There i . re an Six Years public school educa- than any team in the league, if ) 1 e esident of the me 1 ere is a new trend in Japan € bse PEN SAVE 6c--SOLID WHITE MEAT SAYE 10c--4e OFF PACK--CLUB HOUSE man of the Committee on Lead- the theme A More Excellent' Part of our covenant is study JAPANESE TAKE OVER sed in fourth spot aod they wil ecg SAVE 20c--FRUIT DRINK CANNED WHOLE She was a delegate from the ining eves told of the new be- for our allocation and the over the hospital had returned to the', God would break down the give full time service to the called, when cuts had to be Years of restoration the Korean BUG KILLER FROZEN FOODS WHITBY Last Complete Show At 8:20 was, "we will carry on by leav.|taken to Japan by. our Govern FOODS LTD. give a stone for bread'" After a year's ugh. Miss 668-5875 36 Exposures DISCOUNT PRICES! sters. doctors. deaccnesne camps at Koje Island where 5.79 ea. VAM HAIRDRESSING 59¢ | LISTERINE TON! HOME REGULAR 69% REGULAR S3c!--MEDIU: by Handel. and concluded withalong which they will deal with willi x a cor of and then w g ing t . ; 3 Locate s ite saa é on > talk in mo! a Trumpette arrangement byleach other--pledged to act thus! , ng to listen when women) is happening today, Study pack- the first game of the playoffs Share Bren Fe see cic wits EA ' them. We should raise i < ta ana Chweiis n & hard fought contest.) goo, ty taste or feeling. Checks The Theme of the School this/conferring certain unmerited |; ee Se a voice/in South Asia, and Christian Is-' pit as is the case in playoffs Folate odor" (denture breath). Gee centre of her Vespers service bestowed by cue t the fool r lv . : 'gots a ; ' ior Citizens and retarded chil-.2°Y Suest at the school, spent bad vou smear these fellows which brought the evening to a ob igations on the part of 'man dew s ded chil 35 years in Korea; she was bom during the season it is how we : Co yenesis Zives us two ( reat on in Lamante, Albera and re-|you can play and beat them in " 7 a prelude to the wel l xnown stories but is agreed on God, UNITED CHURCH VENTURES (tired at the last Board the playoffs qt 13th chapter on Love, s he \po nt- Divine control, a faith that sees The speaker recounted many|meeting. In her lovely Korean! Brooklin just lacked that add- ; ed out that we in the Chr sya all things to be in the hands Of United Church ventures -- the|costume she pointed out that it'oq drive in last night's came . C ) ' Lane Oat Church are part of the hody ofa God that cares for men total missions in Canada -- from/is distinctively Korean, neither':hat is needed to make them 5 Zz Christ, His head, hands and God knew about evil; he gave missio boats and one aero.\Japanese nor Chinese true champ " W a feel SHORTY $ e ' + fe trat ibsti. fre i ~ . . oho octets taahaek hi : rue champions e o feel ; feet, She demonstrated subs a diac will choice to men. Men plane; eight hospitals and one, When appointed first as a mis-/ however, that they will snap out : tuting the word oncen forvneed not make terms with evil hospital unit -- the legend over sionary nurse to North Korea,'of that 'slight scoring slump CIGAR STORE DISH TOWEL . 4 oO ' 7 nrese D te ar ar "OL ld, vi be ' as clear meaning to the present -- gael » he age me fe te he sick. and say to them The educated, only teenagers having been the case as long as we can WHITBY 668-8361 GREEN BEANS 2-LB. 33¢ in checks of RED + YELLOW ¢ BLUE day. see refuge with God himself' Kingdom has come to you; 20 just attended school. Nurs emember it takes a loss to BAG Mrs S Murray af I ae --_* car api agi gt gas of support 240 students in mission Murray the doctor, and herself really roll REG. $29.95 c ag Teed sei nen na i hi sae The bor fields across Canada; c the nurse, their assistants were' JUST TALKING . . . Some] DISCOUNT 19 95 PEPPERS 3 FOR 19 SUNSPUN ts is Registrar ne ee nay ssh y mak extension shows church is two discarded Korean widows fans may fee! that this is some. PRICE ¥ or our sins; mercy in } for ne ren "a aii whether tate , . the greatest increase since pio. A School of Nursing was es. lin team as we write it ) - 60 - 100 Watt BB gear celina - at "645 ° n DISCUSSION GROUPS neer days : : a sential courses. for six girl they may teal that Brooklin let he ' BS ONIONS a ies 33° ClIrEN | 0: ; oy rs . LIGHT BUL SLICED BREAD "ic; 21¢ n the Chapel at 7 12 discussi . t .- was | a @ she were trained and graduated. In ter may be the case . . . We 1 tt A Lape ae discussion groups to meet in Was touched on -- we should do . ee oe . te ca Ve 19¢ ed. DELICIOUS MARSH GROWN NO, 1 TREE SWEET Y. Me 'Kinnoa duced her ee we are co-operating in taking @tes Were married immediate- home games that they are at FOUNTAIN PENS Bible Study outline Patterson, the last the Christian gospel to Brazi},;!¥ Dut continued nursing east two or three goals better SCLIPSE. "Hosted Katgnt president of Dominion Council sionary Society Dominion -- four ordained Japanese are UO" Was the requirement they play their best... . REG, $1.00 WA, and is now a member of Board, and now a member of serving Canadian Japanese Today there are three kchools. Playoffs are a funny. thing, | DISCOUNT ld TOF c -- e i n Japan in ; TIN JAR the Board of Women and Cha he Board of Women, dealt with Canada for university training you can take a team that fin. | PRICE shi " sie 'i thet Way. Gh sei nde : ; sees ; nock 'the te it of rs pom e Wai Peay sh : : Ms "i nee He yes " commitmem, service We In 1941 all was taken over by . eh Dic os oe LOOSE LEAF REFILLS ADE BEVERAGES 3 pg 85¢ Burns CHICKE 2 1.09 mer ice that on January 1, 1962 the must give financial assistance-- Japanese. On her return in 1946 th REG. 23e TINS bi at G D anmell of =e papi iy es cheat 3 ee Papen 9 SAVE 7e---SMART'S FE 2 FRESH DAILY !---WESTON or SUNBEAM -- vag ok al x nited gin ling of the United Church and above gifts. More members old ways -- the only running 8th wall -- and that we en- 1 ced. APPLE SAUCE 20-07. c FROST 'N c gn ya sabe onte 5 omen : € Purpose, the total will mean more assistance. A/Water came through the roof! /"OUT@se our young people to TINS 39 SHORTCAK SERVE 35 Ste Gale No wat iren meet m a of the church ' hristian moving moment came at Gen. It was only megiected, not ot ' a" " g in ¢ rwe witn fellowship, service »ral Council, Mrs. Patterson re-/bombed, but again 'after three - hurch work RAID : made in planned Home Mis./War came; 647 people were put oO RKE j YORK DELICIO RA - BROCK Evenirg Shows at 6:55 & 8:20 sions for $287,000. The decision On One 12 passenger boats and H MA T 1 25 on . yy ag ed ro 1GV CAN SUPREME FANCY GREEN PEAS 2-Ib. Econ. Bag 49e ng undone those things which ment's orders -- those left were FOR THE FINEST IN FOOD 2 "A SIDE-SPLITTER!"--crowtner, n.y. Times should have been done, and tojinterned. AND FREEZER SERVICE Kodachrome 11 35 mm For personnel needed -- min. -andell returned to refugee $13 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY REGULAR 7% REGULAR 3c WAT IETTERI ney ' MA] ZETTERLING-VIRGINIA MASKEILME [itechnicians, the list never cries. met them "We knew you 20c OFF PAK REGULAR 1.09 2e OFF PAK--ECONOMY SIZE--REGULAR $1.09 only + oO can pla: seems to get less: In our homes a forget a Today | Family Monuments eet ree SHAMPOO ee path ig ™ we we must tell our young people e names are being. put P y the wonderful vocat ons they UP as elders -- three women PERMANENT BROMO SELTZER 59¢ CURAD PLASTIC BANDAGES 39 Goa se RIGHARD ATTENBOROUGH - ,FRME (MOR and SONY GLUT Presematin J Can serve in -- Tell them the "*? for election and one wor Gentle--Reguler--Super AJONGSLEY INTERNATIONAL RELEASE need In 1957 Miss. Sandell went to South Korea for medica beipen 1.49 ea Recommended as Adult Entertainment FIRST YEAR PROBLEMS gelistic work, where she t 7 ao My C6i5/ : ; ne ndividua The problems of our first vear her last six years in Korea. She Requirements *SCORE" ALSO -- n UCW we recognize as petty, states that South Korea is 3 M ; ' SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION selfish quirks'-- harking back largely dependent upon aus STAFFORD BROS. HAIR TONIC SPROULE'S DUFFY'S MARKET "WATUSI" to the past we must forget from United Nations countries i LTD. Reg. 49¢ DISCOUNT 3T° CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL 948 SIMCOE STREET NORTH ourselve and lase aursélves in The South cannot exist without PRICE ; ser book "Nicscintecshin th ii whkek idee. miter? MONUMENTS : In Color-Storring service. The book "'scintechty the North where hydra, mine Boingo sven bid OPEN SUNDAY BROWN'S MARKETERIA MAPLE GROVE MARKET MONTGOMERY--TINA ELG If in any respect the idea itjcultura 668-3552 12 AM, till 6 P.M, BROOKLIN, ONTARIO MAPLE GROVE, ONTARIO 'enshrines falls short of the goal, She pleaded for our prayers|

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