Harper has found her hobby,|during the day, Is a good-)Rut while we're here we should THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, A | Successful Writer | | golf valuable as a 'source ofjhumored 'but firm believer in| ldo the best we can with what ¢ + lleis = ean: 19 inspiration, \the old-fashioned virtue of self--we have, We have so many| j o Plots Her Novel | "Playing solf is the best way)responsibility, She has no sym-;more opportunities than our nome gd nies grr uminous clothes but be. put. out HARROGATE, England (AP)|of doors to breathe fresh air |I know to be alone and still be} lpathy for the beatnik tendency| jparents did. Yet we 'are-oftenipr, Laura Veale, 95, one of---- ! While Golfin doing something," she re-/to blame one's personal plight! $o petty, \Britain's firat' woman doctors | GOOD FOR DIET g marked, "You hit a ball, think/on Society. : "IT am impatient with people) died in hospital here Wednesday | Average servings of cooked By HAL BOYLE and take a walk, ; aq, Delf-pity is a sin," she said {Who use psychiatry as a substi-!She was one of the first physi- |spinach, cabbage, cauliflower or NEW YORK (AP)--'Success|, 1 4° my thinking walking./"It is a form of living suicide.|tute for boredom. It alarms melcians to advocate that babies|broccoli contain 'only 20 to 30 hae had a very bad effect salt do my dialogue, talking it out "Most of us in the Western that women of my own genet-!chould not be wrapped in ni valores, me," said Harper Lee, smiling |'° myself." world make our own lives. Lifejation decide they are whipped, |----.-- nie ae sais "Dye gotten fat--Dilt extremely |, uss Lee, who wrote most of|/doesn't make us. We create our|then go to a psychiatrist--when| uncomplacent. c "ther first novel at night after events. all they. need perhaps is a tittle "lm running just as scared) working as an airlines clerk) 'Nobody asked us to be born.imore household help." as before," Harper is the 36-year-old au- thor whose first novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, a nostalgic story) of life in a small-southern town, | lit up the literary world in 1960 \like a lightning flash ff } i aie ' It has since -sold 6,000,000) Cats, OR ' , copies, won a Pulitzer Prize, Lies / i ; LA ig = land been made into a film. | is Wi ae i Miss Lee, a sweet-faced, dark-| ' vm hh 2 you'll say of your new hair style when > 2 f eyed woman with a firm sense| Pov . J % you let the capable hands of Antonio's - : @ Fine Furniture -- Broadioom a staff frame your face in a of self-discipline, now is at work) elec nape flottering new hair fashion. on her second book at her home| @ Custom Made Droperies in Monroeville, Ala., where she ou om a Be First With The Newest Hair Styles @ Bamboo and Ready Made Drapes * \lives with her sister; Alice, a "ae lawyer. ee MAKE YOUR & } / te , is) wawows ro AWAY £ oe. | } APPOINTMENT SOON CALL 728 9651 @ Personalized Decorating Service "I am more of a rewriter hae * iy Hy Styling by Anthony & Mario SINCE 1927 than a writer,' she remarked. ' oi Le . sea * : ¥ fe ; Poe, bd MR. AND MRS. STEVEN SCIUK, WED 25 YEARS "I write at least three drafis ane if SAME MANAGEMENT NEW NAME ity Ad I've been writing since I was a ie ' 7 FURNITURE _-- INTERIORS kid of seven. But I have syste ra ; 2 NTO fh S C U E vatitally thrown ieee wont af , A NI OIFF R Pair Honored At Banquet, Dance KENNEDY POPULAR Ww hat I have written, It was a yee 136 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-9651 96 KING EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA f oif-training."" LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit- form of self-training am - . ee cone Marking Silver Anniversary ict boys and girls have named, ® President Kennedy as their fa To celebrate their silver ust was married in St. Gregory's|vorite politician, according to a ding anniversary r. and Mrs; Roman Catholic Church and/pojl conducted by the BBC, He Steven S i fi y avenue, have spent their married life ir got one-quarter of the votes f 2 & received over thre hundred Oshawa hil : } i m ile Russiz *remier Khrush r ty guests at a banquet and dance Guests from the United States while Russia's Prem Ast . : "1% : : in the Kinsmen Community jnojyded Mr. W. Renkiewicz chey was chosen by only one LOmOON CA Re j Centre on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. L, Patrus and British Abtblcitea in 10 Seated at the head table with) con all of Detroit, Michigan; |= the honored pair were their) yy' and Mrs. S. Klimezak, Ch Bee | "un, a Catt ms bese Jan are cago, Illinois; Mr and Mrs Ronald W. Bilsky, D. C. te % = n : eer yt aly he bride's. father Frank Sciuk, Mr, B, Sciuk and : , John Sledzies ki and the bride Hy al peat all if care CHIROPRACTOR : : a ad he groom's father, Mr. Walenty| Fails $ SCIATICA We ote The Peek Frean package Spabeast ghee : inion pee "| Many came from Toronto and} @ SCI/ / B r . ' bride's. brother Aviles ; Scarborough as well as Oshawa |-1Q0 King St. E. 728-5156 : ML ' « § gets the biggest hello, ' od See Sledziewski and Mrs. Sle ter, Wear Anttiony: James, Mr wherever you go, Christine a ees oot aae *: DELICIOUS AND NUTRICIOUS! BR saa a 4 ; Everybody has his ding 38. years ago, Mrs, Helen|| i ae eee Ne A favourite Peek Frean MaciInally, and the usher, Mr is the perfect thirst quencher and ie . Pr" a \ > is ae, ane ' otisfier during hot summer, days " 2 ASSORTED i, \ cookie. Pack an eee ec sed pace, D Everyone in: the, family PoP . teeeee BISCUITS lA GA = A) assortment, or buy an ae retinas, 90 But saa Poa oct, ty A : 's Nets mS ee | fA them wherever you go - half of the company and the fo second serving. 50 be | i 1) oo ne .. S| se) eae | i Peek Frean biscuits are family Mr Sani oz presen oe can et a . your refrigerator, : tas : hie oe 88: ey i " x sold everywhere! and district decorative wall mirror and chest of silver flatware Mrs. Sciuk is the former Miss Sophie Sledziewski. The couple HOUSEHOLD HINT Cleaning cupboard shelves? To anchor shelf paper without B 3 Ss er ale x, | ALITY DAIRY 2 es ei F | : coe using thumb tacks, apply small Qu RAT LIB : ~ , pieces of freezer tape or mask . | Y j - ing tape at strategic spots. It peels off easily without leaving gummy marks when you re- move it. : EXCITING... HISTORY-MAKING... MONEY SAVING ONLY! ee ee ee ee" ee WE RESERVE THE RIGHT « ENT TO LIMIT : QUANTITIES! . wow! | 9c NO. 50 MERCERIZED APPROX. 1000 SHEETS Chlorophyll Treated, Velvet [Mh lt ra: HondFlne 50 YD FINE QUALITY -- FACIAL SOFT Soft, Sizes §, M. L. and XL. COMPARE AT 15c SPOOLS | B aye EGG CUPS wise o*™°| TOILET TISSUES] £28 [== WRITING TABLETS "4st PANTS § +": 2 for Syc for Cc Compare at 19c COMPARE WOW! 2-90f Sir Dep compere ot 9 ie Q: ours a Baked to perfection, wrapped for protection by "AT THE STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR" PHONE 728-6241 makers of famous biscuits 2E WITH 2 - CUSTOMER COMPARE WITH 20c VALUE [iM Chrome Steel, Razor Sharp, PLEASE! wow! 9. WHILE THEY LAST "HILROY" HUGE Double Edge, Blue Safety e Ww SCRIBBLERS RAZO R | -- Boia --------"Ee =COMPARE AT 19c PADLOCKS 2 KEYS "PHILLI ps CREME ici lected (not recommended for banks) WOW! 6-9¢§ PLADES BATH 60GOLDEYE WOW! 2-9c Compere at 25c -- While they. last 1 0 FOR 9. SOAP NEEDLES COMPARE AT 20c RUBBER TIPPED Super San -- Large size copper LEAD PENCILS ff cruoters rusric | WOW! 9.-- POT CLEANERS HINGE FRAMES MENS HANDY POCKET SIZE PKG. WOW! 9- SN ee Ae ; COMPARE AT 15: MMT abies Lance SIZE 6/4" PLASTIC COMBANE A 16 GLASSES | KLE! SIZES 6,7, 8,9, 10 DRESSER COMBS 7 id PKGS. and 11 INCH MADE IN CANADA ¥ PACKAGE OF 15 : SATIN FINISH r Zi PPERS COMPARE AT 19¢ EACH 4 . 3 Pp e z Hilroy ENVELOPES s Compare at 29c ca. La ASSORTED COLORS ff 2 for o.