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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Aug 1963, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 23, 1963 PLA LONDON LORD MAYOR TOURS DUNLOP London, Sir Ralph Lady Perring and B the Whitby plant Arthur CBE, Chief Commone k over with Mr plant e ) Mayor Perring J, McBride of Dunlop Can of ada Ltd. (left) shows the Lord pid the Dun McBride n's Bay Man Chartran's Ties Series | tr To Youth y..15.9Win asked Max BOWMANVILLE Chartran's Men's Wear: evened ip Junior Men's Softhbail League final series here last} night by swamping Sam's Finer! Foods 15-9 The winners were leading 15-0) nto the fifth inning when inced back for nine Frenchma group of the ¢ the hend a been|lums worthy Mag ther vere on Staff) hman's Bay ded i (Staff) at rown ICKERING i Fre Fibs for t : their trate Harry Jermyn said cnte was no doubt of. Max worthy's guilt and ordered him kept in pending tence Tu n Whitbs The charge of being a found dismi ter Max proved was ourt + GUN USE DENIED Maxworthy's \ Tr Wadsworth received a negative reply when he asked the con Stable "did you run with a gun drawn Crown Attorne noted Maxwo jone seen to enter the house w liquor and Mrs, J. R testified that when she residence Friday was no alcohol in. the house He added. that Maxworthy was the only one seen entering the house with beer then it fol-|. Restaurant owner Mike Trjk lowed he was.the one who sup-|told the court Maxworthy } ~ jcome into his restaurant on evening of August 3, after being jtold not to enter the building "He was pretty well. drunk land when I asked him to leave jhe swore and raised his hand at me," the witness said 1 ( 0 oe ounse| custody sen Jack Maxworthy, 4 osday Rom street time not William boarder at the home of J bous Commerce Frenchman's Bay at the the offence, pleaded to charges of n roing Sam's bo was sed B was Affleck |in vy worths dent of i DROPPED BRICKS thors The third charge of creating *"la disturbance was heard by Magistrate Jermyn who | Maxworthy. guilty of the offen ice the on he was a re e¢ Rombough house g pitcher Bill Nicholson of Chartran's was pulled after} his laught and reliever Har.| old Micholson went in Micholson also led Chartran's} in hits with his two triples and| three singles Blane P * hitter for rad ols omboug eft the night f fou year-old youth told the if he was in the Rombough| the evening of June} rd was home run Willy Willowdal way .on the mound He started off well alier the third inning The series resumes next Tues day, August 27 at 6.30 p.m. at he High I Another heduled the Sergeant R. Bodley of the plied the minor Pickering Township Police said) Maxworthy said he was board he. in company with Const, G.jing at the Rombough house at Hutchinson, had raided thelthe time and had brought home Rombough residence on the eve-|a case of 24 bottles after work ning of June 14 under the; He added that after arriving authority of.a liquor search war-|at the house he and Mrs, Rom rant bough and another man pro The house was kept under ob-| ceeded to drink the beer and a servation for almost an hour|most all of it was consumed be:|throwing prior to the inspection and loud|fore he went-out to play base-jon the ropf of ' noise could be heard from the) bal : He was drunk and dumped m party inside, the officer added{_ ¥ at the ball sugar bowls all back Two girls were observed in| Rombough borrowed. AP ina yard,' he added front of the house and when|2"d went to Ajax to get anotl When handing down they saw the cruiser they ran|-* bottles, he said tence of the court, M to the back of the residence; After walking home from the/Jermyn commented - alerting the crowd inside, the/ball game, Rombough added, /lows wouldn't have officer said "I laid down on the couch, enough to pick « In the house, a youth was ap-|'¥45 sleeping and the next think | who big enough prehended as he ran down the|! knew the doors flew open andjhimself.' cellar stairs, two young girlsj4 police officer ran in with a e Affle were in the kitchen and a 15-|revolver in his hand year-ol oy who } n; Under cross amit b Sekine = oan nthe I bong attarhe rt r ok Cobourg Boy he had lied office . . Wins Piano . Title At CNE g room, the sergeant added Maxworthy admitted I went all the for Sam's but folded Sa before Maxwor ment 1e night M rest2 ih Wy hile park, Charles over the Taste Of Jail For Teeners Drinking PICKERING (Staff) youths were found lilty oof consuming liquor while minor n Pickering Magistrate's Court here Thursday Pleading guilty to the charges vere 'Clair Calhoun, 20, Toron to; Peter Smith, 18, Front stree Frenchman's Bay and Ivan Mar coux, 17, Frenchman's Bay The three youths were charg ed following a police raid on a Frenchman's Bay house on June 1114, the court learned Calhoun, Smith and Marcou were charged with consumin quor while minors and = as found-ins Sgt. R, Bodley of the Picker ing Township Police testified that he led a raid on the resi dence of J. Rombough, Com the car you fel courage somebod is to defedd Three atir ati " { Maxworthy was on the couch and was "not sure with a p + bottle of beer be-/ had a gun in h side him and beer caps were strewn on the sink, Sgt. Bodle fied har Do you say an e officer who to be your father would raid a experience is old enough er said four males, house with gun drawn to appre CROWN ATTORNEY NEEDED Durham Liberal Irked By Delay NEWCASTLE Allan Beer Bethany, Liberal candidate for Durham in the provincial elec : allied on the Ontario rnment to appoint a Crown Attorney for the United ( ties of Durham and Northum berland Mr. Beer urged the necessity of an immediate appointment in his address at a meeting of the Durham Liberal Association executive held in Newcastle on Wednesday evening "It has been almost months ce Harry was appointed Judge Peterborough County t and one would think that the Provincia! government could find a replacement for him in that time.' Mr. Beer declared Noting that Harvey Brent, a Cobourg lawyér, has been serv ing as the Acting Crown Attor- ney since Judge Deyman's ap pointment, the Libera! candi date for Durham said that suca an indefinite arrangement is Notignpointment should be fair to Mr. Brent, or his clients,|without delay, and that and it is not keeping with|made on the grounds of expe... myn here Thursday the proper administration . oflience and merit th found guilty of justice in the United Counties [basis of i ses Mr. Beer said i NEED ONE NOW The president of :the Dur- pleaded 'Tf Mr. Brent is to be ap-inam County Libera! Associa-|that arose ou pointed, the decision should be]; Glenholme Hughes, was'Township S announced, and he should bel; an of the meeting car, July 27 paid accordingly. This would) Campaign plans were dis gt. R. Bodley told the Court remove the indecision in reicussed, and arrangements|that he saw the car travelling spect*to his private law prac-imade for the public meetingjalong No. 2 Highway full tice, and would permit those/to be addressed by Hon. John/youths responsible for the administra-/Wintermeyer, the Ontario Lib-. He tron of justice in these counties|eral Leader, which will be held and foun to knqw with whom they should!in the Dr. John Powers High The accused wa deal on a permanent and con-/School. Ward and Hope streets ger in the car and tinuing basis Port Hope, next Thursday strongly of alcohol. He admitted "We are interested that an/evening at 8 p.m. jhe bad been drinking beer." ORONTO (CP) Windsor named Tom: G Thursday the x winner of yun z } holarst witnnal auonai yiano dian N Piano Jana Boyce; onto and (Bach) Oliphant 15 and under Naom Radu Azdril bourg, Ont, (tie): Frank Scott Hamilton. and Dawid Spiegel- man, Kirkland Lake (tie) The open piano duet class was|. The police officer told the won by Marlene Young and/court that he could smelt! liquor oe Bonny Shewan of Ingersoll, Ont.}0n the youth's breath. A quan Open piano: Rosemary Rat-|"tY Of empty beer bottles and cliffe Science Hill, Ont * Cath.|CaPs were found in erine L. Donion, Windsor gran Constable Open piano, (Bach): Stua id th : "don? McCallum, Amherstburg, Ont _ bel hi grad Posy Karen Moore, Willowdale and/are a scourge to society.' Niagara-on-the-River! The foursome nag. and Maureen Kassbaum He Sanwa? wes. xemended Seuebore: ' in custody for sentencing next Tuesday at Whitby The short jail term "give them a taste of smarten them. up," Magistrate Harry Co June 14 vi eo R. Parker work They oun igh Piano, 17 and under (Bach) Tom Green;: Danny Corrigall Barrie and Eileen Bedel, Cale donia, Ont Open piano Hail, Onillia Toronto and caster should jail to commented two Jermyn Metro Woman Found Drunk (Ba Fred Ethel! Aronovitch Susan Stone, An h)} h | Scarboro Youth Draws Probation On Highway PICKERING (Staff) A 1 PICKERING (Staff) year-old Scarborough youth Woman "Who was found drew a six months suspended|drunk on side of the 40) made Sentence and placed on proba-|Highway was sentenced to three t beltion by Magistrate Harry Jer-|days in jail by Magistrate Har af beiry W. Jermyr Pickering drinking'Court, Thursday Paula Jacqui To to pe Magistrate's ¢ being drunk Const. Gro Picker £ ALLAN BEER } ' the the ing h at } ¢ I ared in kering Aylesworth t charge a Pickering \ rgeant's ona sion ank ap yurt in a e harged with publ Hutchins of Township Police said on August 20 he found the accused g on the side of Highway 401 in a drunken cond tion' place v1] kK the of sne had already completed, thus 'allowing her to go home merce street, Frenchman's Bay} the house,} Failing To Yield Costs Youth $20 PICKERING (Staff) -- Ter- 'rance Austin Beatty, Sherwood . ldrive, Pickering, was fined $20 Fined $50 jand costs when he was found jguilty to a charge of falling to' yleld the right of way, in Pick- PICKERING (Staff) Alering Magistrate's Court Thurs- charge of careless driving laid) day, against a Whitby man, Ernest) Const. L. Watson of the Sutton, resulted in a fine of $50) Pickering Township Police told and costs when he was found|the court he had investigated | Drives Truck IntoAuto; -- Trespassing Costs Youths $30 In Fines PICKERING: (Staf!) -- Three Pickering youths who trespass- handed on private property to 'watch a beef' found them- |selves minus $10 and costs each Tearing Tickets Costs Youth $105 PICKERING (Staff) --° Park-,then made out, Constable Wat- ing on the wrong side of alson said highway; failing to' produce a} Maximum fines were driver's licence and squealingjed out by Magistrate Jermyn, his tires away from a> Police} Vogelson was fined the follow-| Constable, cost a Squires Beachjing: unnecessary noise, $3; fail.;when they were convicted of youth fines totalling $105 here/ing to produce driver's lj-/Petty trespass, in Pickering Tuesday cence, $50; parking on {th e/Magistrate's Court Thursday, ~ Youth Fined '$0 For Traffic Count PICKERING (Staffy -- A 17- year-old Toronto youth was J lfined $25 and costs for careless Ad-ifignt between Viggers and an.|and a private car. The accident) qriving by Magistrate Harry he and li h 18. of Toronto 0 " \ ea of h rday's 61 two W. Jermyn you are prop t heen pla trio yea leave someone of : you get off, and she was convicted of 22 of false pretences She told the We've had erty fast Fines of $10 and iven. to each of the noise Wa we oft magistrate so tnuch trouble ehuld HAPPY CELEBRATION MONTREAL (CP)--The erip pled children's camp at St. Al phonse, Que, 50 miles. north of hére in the Laurentian moun tains, celebrates its 25th ann versary this summer. The Prov. when nee of Quebec Society for Crip. son pled Children, which runs the to obtal camp, held anniversary skirt he party for former campers and lie! with counsellors Aug ice. were costs youth were & 0 has been he » Thursday of the offenceja two-car accident on No. Edward Frank Vogelson was|wrong side of the highway, $00,|.\ Bay Ridges resident, Terry pure cherie Vitioge Magis:| Highway in the Village of Pick- fined, in absentia, by Magistrate)" ' Viggers, told the. court that on irate's Court hs une Harry Jermyn the night of August', he hadi". 29 Gr , yo Bentiy pleaded guilty to the The Court learned that Pick Area Woman ordered a group of seven or) Sulton lh bh page ay Rey ering Township Constable 1L.| leight teenagers from the front|cent, appeared before Magis.) 0'lsil Watson ticketed a. car. driven} lawn of his home trate Harry W. Jermyn ang by Vogelson which was park Nets 6 Months They just stood there Jaugh.|pleaded -- not culty to ine ed facing the wrong direction ing at me," Mr. Viggers said offence : in front of Dan's Restaurant Viggers' sister told the court) Const, IR. Brown the recently For Fraud she saw her brother in difficulty|Pickering Township Police (oid Constable . Watson = Said and went to. phone the police the court he had investigated went into the restaurant : : Ore of the accused, Josoph|a -motor vehicle accidemt July asked the accused for his PORON'TO A 44-year-old Rombough, Commerce _ street {12 on Brock street north cence Brooklin mother of five chil} Frenchman's Bay Pickering,| The officer said the driving "He replied that e didn't aren was Thursday sentenced/said he was standing on Town |conditions were good and tho! have time to show it", the con./!0 SX months in jail for fraud |ship property in front of thejaccident involved a tractor' stable told the Court Anne Boule pleaded guillty/Viggors 'residence waiting for ajtvailer truck driven by Sutton Vogelson was then personally before, Magistrate Joseph served with the ticket for park:|ison to the charges of obtain:/other youth happened when the driver of the) Jermyn here Thursday ing on the wrong side .of the}! goods worth $1289 from de) James Bricknell, 16, of §48/Private car stopped in the road) Ronald Compton admitted highway plus another one for Paltment stores with. phoney|Bem avenue, Bay Ridgés, saidjbe'ore turning right into Aldriving through a flashing red failing to produce his driver's cheques he had consumed "a few beers" {driveway and Sutton who fail light and stop sign at the in- licence She exchanged the goods f0'jand had come to "watch ajed to stop in time drove into sersection of Liverpool road and At this point, Vogelsonj¢ash, the Court was told. None/beef between Viggers and an.|the back of the car, wrecking pichway 2 threw the tickets al my feet] the money was recovered Jother youth ; lthe- car, the officer said "T just didn't see anything saying, 'I don't want these The woman faced @ total of; Peter Smith Sutton told the court he Was|; was driving about 50° miles. Vogelson then entered his charges false pretences! was also fined driving the truck north On yer.hour with my dim lights on and drove away squealing trial Magistrate Harry Brock when he-saw a Car 10) didn't see the flashing red tires, the Court was told had Lt told the when front of him ght or stop sign I just An additional ticket for creat probation whenitold te He said al a sudden the didn't see anything." ing an unnecessary Tat vehicle in front-of him stopped) (Constable J. Brown said he and he could not miss hitting saw the aceused's car drive him because of children on the through the _ intersection at side of the road and an ONn-|ahout 50 miles-per-hour with bills. One jcoming car in the passing lane "The traffic was heavy on sick from the was ALL GET TOGETHER | Sutton denied seeing any turn| Highway 2 at the time because born LONDON (CP) Dubdlin's|signal when the driver of thejof the people coming from. the Police caught her last week stormy Behan family is to makeother car involved said he had drive-in theatre,' the Constable her 4 old|@ long-playing record for a Brit-|them on said to an Oshawa glore/iah compan Writer Brendan; Sutton told the court he had) The reason given by the $40 fox Will talk play the mouth-jdriven for a number of years) youth was the "type of excuse had purchased Dominic will sing folkland never had a ticket before|we hear every day at inquests heque iid 'he rest'of the family|Magistrate Jermyn passed sen-|into people's death", said Chief the 'chat. = "tence (Constable R. Parker she sel eal i a laN anid east two ear | Orpar p tore an ong will a bop waiting lJ al the importance of money There are many yardsticks for measuring success. But one that everybody understands is good hard dollars and cents. When we use dollor volume to compare advertising media, two facts stand out clearly: j | ® More advertising dollors are invested in newspapers each year than in television, magazines, radio and outdoor combined. ® Newspapers continue to grow in importance, Since 1949, newspaper advertising volume has increased by $136.3 mil- lion--which is more than the total advertising volume of TV today, As national income rises, as the education level of the pub- Ne rises, as purchasing power rises, as dollar volume of goods ond services rises, newspapers prosper because they become more needed by more people. When it's time to pay out good dollars, advertisers whe know the importance of money put theirs on the best buy-- daily newspopers. MORE PEOPLE DO MORE BUSINESS THROUGH NEWSPAPERS | | | | | Photos fact Looney | } She Oshawa Cimes

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