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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Aug 1963, p. 5

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_™t GOHAWA TIMSS, Paidey, J Augua 23,1963 § WATER MAIN AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORK KEEPS WHITBY'S LABOR FORCE BUSY Further construction on the left, a huge hole is dug on the tunnel js completed a 24-inch standards: Wires crossing ways 8 road 'maintenance crews water pipe line for. the new east and west sides of High valor main will pass under both Dundas and Brock streets were also busy at the four CM Ad : Slide 'ean enable A. eeaelal the highway, At the four cor are sagging and the additional comers, Wednesday, as work vunty Administration Buile vay 2 CNAME & BPECiAL ers, centre, Wilf Edwards, of -- height 18 needed to raise the crews sprayed faded cross- n ng and Courthouse began drilling crew to bore a tunnel! W hitby Bngineering, is weld. wires above the tops of high walks and guide lines Thursday. Im the photo above, under the highway: When the ng an addition to traffic light trucks, Department of High Oshawa Times Photos Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West hand is the government's pro- Manager: Rae Hopkins Tel. 668-3703 Port Credit Sailors Parliament Opens pasa ft the wee Mucins juntons Rp operate on the Great Lakes, This step was Women Are Neede Serco aie poston » Take Series Lead Again In 5 Weeks [27st %otine'a'ss jinquiry into labor violence on Moffatt spoke of 'th Di at 7. . ORDON 'rs to Gord Platt, Glen Lotton ithe lakes College and Hospita by CLIFF GORD( and 1 ay csi er oe on : OTTAWA (CP) Parliamentiernment's minority position : f don't run, don't shoot "ig 're , If you de 1 We did not venture into the resumes in five weeks with aj Social Credit Leader Robert Vellore in which such inter ¢ 88 3 t play a . : oe had already been shown; 'of don't pass and don Pan saa sh : Thompson said in an interview hurch Boards ' saat gf ce ei at out you will never win a la nc oyige a he che ag at huge. backlog of business this week his group does not GOLDEN GATE 8 the as ctan{ beginning Crosse game Brooklin Sr. Le chat with their coach after la hand that is sure to run this! want another election this year RESTAURANT ; " pial BINNS) crossers found that out last Might's game as we feared the 1963 session into December and would not support any move ny Seen Ih ts Senet OM Dr. Ida: Scudder, who with fet . . ; \ ' ' ! ' t t ts pe avi! works. might be more than Sessions at the Second Schoo He told his people they mustjin India, one-third the size o great wisdom and determination sht the hard. way as they wa could stand Already some members ofjto topple the administration tor United Church Women atiwork.for the good of the country|Canada, There are 1,000 birth asked only one step at a time/dropped their second consecu-)") "lo a do-or-die effort for/Parliament are trickling into} Once the money matter is out CHINESE FO0D Ontario Ladies' College hegan'to which God had brought them, control centres in rural India o¢ the Mastey stone roomie, game to the third place the Rrooklin crow come Satur.{tt@ Capital to catch up on of-lof the way, the House will have Thursday morning with a devo. pray for the good of the country!and 500 in urban centre a 1 her father's hou we Port Credit Sailors Aa nicht t a thee elit fica tc fice work and confer with gov-iplenty of legislative business to! tional service using the top pul God to the test, try Him-- well as in other medical cen jrgian s hin h 5 Last night's game was & Close) ,i)) un their socks or forget! eriment departments about con-) ponder TAKE OUT and Happiness "He that hath a will be their God and they|trey, Birth control is felt a earn and train as nurs 7-8 win for the Port Credit team hint a bis shit and the leet stituency matters before the; Among items already on the merry heart hath' continued will be my people'. They did/Christian responsibility at Vel- 1990 She herself travels »/but still showed poor play on)s 4). rush of work begins with thejorder paper, awaiting approval, FREE DELIVERY peace" was quoted from Pro. listen and gather for prayer and lore, Plans based on the faith pujiock and ox-cart : he part of the home side Sept. 30 reopening of the House./are the Canada Pension Plan, verbs, with the reminder that thus the synagogue grew of one have so grown NOlithe village as, is ' sing! 'The Sailors have the big jump SUMMARY They're had to cope with an| idepartment spending estimates, PHONE even putting on.a spirit of hap Many feel Jeremiah produced CV@n "Open heart surgery 1s done today on Brooklin come Saturday), ,.., pei ip en inprecedented flood of tourists|the Canada Development. Corpo-| piness can cause it to grow the greatest single work of the successfully done at Vellore The growth of the to. night as they host the local) 9 par ¢ edit Mel racker ts * this week, jamming the lawns| ration, redistribution of constitu 668-8321 668-8687 The prayer which opened the|Old Testament, the greatest, But the laundry is not doneiday 900 hed s- team in the fourth game of the) | Anearne |. aanlin front of Parliament Hill for| "7 seed os gree a sec atudy period appealed to all Hebrew who lived. between at the hospi'al even now { it on , ny ff best of seven Eastern Canada] 7, a pret "ithe morning changing of the ae cn es gre por 0 io and! "Slow me down, Lord; ease the) Moses and Jesu eaching|! wore Py ae river still to beinu 100 mex tud emi-fina Brook La 3 guard cere pik and crowding ibaa. Fa Boo s emer. | Golden Gate Egg Roll .15 my heart by the heights never before obtained, |washed, The nurses still do all trainiy 10 te clar , The same hack here! ° 00 L the Centre Block corridors on gence arg : tee rn yl Me Tusslc GS Waee Jeraalecs tor haletais MH tee clebaing of the howpitel: lines offen? Ne't : lnest Tussdee Hieht Portico aa rons | ouided tours Probably the hottest potato oni] Beef Chow Mein . 1,15 ; facili sig parritg be pepe Ft bgt ra " mat ; One of the first big items fac hurried pace with the vision of/he could have escaped, but he/{@cilities are lacking but th because f nh \ edit now lead the series two/Ple & H the eternal reach of time stayed and suffered with the)°@re is of the best willing to b the « ) d,/games to one ing the new session will be ap Chicken Chop Suey 1.00 inspire me to send my rootsjremnant in Palestine, He saw} Miss David brought warm '0 act in fait! For the winning Port' Credit} 7, por: creau torchees. Brows proval, of: another. grant of One-Stop Sweet & Sour deep into the soi! of life's endur-ja nation destroyed, and a/sreetings from her, church in| The Church's ston Is foriteam it was Red McCracken ee ' ae dete ae han te fate -- Spare-Ribs .. .... .95 tng. values that I may grow to-jchurch broken to pieces, but he|India, from Vellore Hospital,/8ll men everyy re, Mrs. Mof-jwith two goals and single coun.| ® Port cre meereee Ww ae the : * be heb : nt ee DECORATING ward the gtars of my greater/did not lose faith in the reality/thanks to the Board of World fatt . challeng hearers, s to Larry Ruse, Pete Ruse . edit: Ahearne, Brown 140? hn eanbidanba ont hs fy tanhed Sweet & Sour 7, ' } Vel cn, B . . destiny." and undying power of true re-;Churches and we ( hrist an women are the) Flory Tomchisen,' Allan an ine niar hig would bring down the coven SHOP Chicken & Pineapple 1.50 Mrs, MacKinnon continued|!igion, By his life and teaching} In the address of Mrs. C. §./i0struments to $ pread the great) Brian Ahearne, For the losing}"'p,, Alien 2.84 S05 yiment and certainly force a new : with her study of The Covenant,/he helped the movement toward/Patterson she again sires sedimenting." of Christ's love for all!Brooklin crew it was Rock Bat 14:12, Burrows. 18.4 election , Diced Chicken & particularly Jeremiah and thela freer faith the need of men and women in ™&Mkind ey with three and single count THIRD PERIOD Party sources say they don'ti| " Custom Draperies Vegetables Almonds 1.35 new Covenant fulfilled by the) Our duty is to ahow that the|the life of the church working hanattiec . eras Bac kiaaue venieXpect such a motion would] ® Broedioom end Ruge coming of Jesus ¢ hrist which he New Covenant means both pe: together on the church Board erguson 08 ows 18.02 pass, despite the Liberal goy-]| ® Wellpeper and Murals Breaded Shrimps .. 1,25 forecast, Called at 18, Jeremiahjsonal saivation as well as se She said that General Coun @ CLL. Paints and Varnishes Barb d Pork went to Jerusalem because. ofjice in the world -- a Kin ve had been generous and men i i Srnece i i g t ®@ Flo-Gi the opposition of his family andiof God here as well as a hope|and women are working fully Docto I 4 MacMillar D as ) HOMARKET SCUGOG joing mesiancom hcg Fried Rice friends of Eternal Life together in the Board of World : vi uring their holidays, Mr The finding of the Book of the! Various methods of presenting Missions and the Board of Home Rul MacMillan and daughter}and Mra. K. W Harris and FOODS LTD, CLEANERS DODD & SOUTER Shrimps Egg Foo Yong .95 : Ruth Ann have just returned . r . Law must have had a powerfullBiblo study were then p hac Missions ae the Sie < ca beepailgpe daughters Sharon and Sandra The thie ae & Shirt Launderers Decor Centre Ve Southern Fried influence on his life, the reforms | strated by. the prepared leaders. Our United Church has given Prince Edward Island and Hali- spent a week camping at 668 5875 FREE Pick-up & Delivery Doily 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Chicken } 50 he wished to institute, and Hi jof the study groups, and helps/higher position to women than fax, Nova Scotia Barry's Bay and. also spent a 513 BROCK ST. N WHITBY PHONE 668-4341 Phone 668-5862 warning predicting punishment/for study presented other churches have. Those few days in Owen Sound as the for evil ways. His later story is} In a simulated radio interviewjasked to serve on Committee) Mrs. H. M. Shephayd and onec. Mr. and Mrs. Ri : eigen eeeemciwe gut of one of great trouble, but He!Miss Dorothy Young questioned of Presbytery and Conference her daughter Sandra, were co. Harris stayed with his people Miss Alice Jane David who ob-|should do so if they have some-/hostesses at a surprise re aia -- soniaiiaaiitaaae His reforms stressed the re jtained her nursing training atithing to contribute -- not just and saucer going away, party iy Mr. and Mrs. J: F. Harris r mova! of all idolatrous idols and/Christian Medical College Hospi-|because of being a woman ' I Mr Robert A 327 Dovedale drive. celebrated i symbols and emblems; renewal/tal, Vellore. India, and is a Also if there are 'churches ° mil moving r tenth wedding anniver of effort to again _ up Judah/scholarshi,. student at Queen's\without women on the Boards © Don Valley wh i will sary Thursday, August 22 Their} : . ® « * and Israe] -- th Hol Land bh had! University in nursing scienc they s gs tiee i dais establi esidence ' ' friends w hém. ever i . * bean purged Of every outward! 'The, becinnines of tre' Hoos tr" rau speek to the minis-/establish Tesidence. fr vem every mens! | When it comes to whisky... I'm a peciales y evidence of ey all of Israel! pita] were in 1900 by an Ameri:! juoked I i invited to take part in the can missienary with a single The ct rch 'h ae I 1a rant r Irs fred Harris 1133 temple festivities at Jerusalem, bed in her bungalow; growth vassenger hae ne ae De shinies : ham Brock street south, is now con-/ to celebrate together their re-\came, and a nursing school inicrew! and we get back in fh ne f el Hender,| Valescing at her home after birth. No sacrifice was offered 1909 the medical college for what we put ¢ "Reg Hl : y at the Oshawa| to God then in Jerusalem in} women started -- now 25 men A little gir ; z 8: ep reid , raat 'ral' Hospital, Her friends} order to keep the worship pure. and 2) women graduate each day School was sure ge Tt was extremely difficult, and/vear in medicine, and 34 pastizoing to have a good they again fell back on the graduates. It is now a large "Did you have a good time erved a d 'h ' group from the Oshawa means to make religion more'training centre -- a mother in- what did you do?" asked h ng Club enjoyed a. picnic personal stitution father, 'We learned Jesus c gon on the grounds of the Municipal The future of Israel rested' on Its' high standards are such the stars in the sky Debye nd two sons Scott and 'Tony of Altport Sunday afternoon and their religion, Jeremiah cathe in that Miss David felt at home march" was her Peay , Sherbrooke, Quebe were later dined te ner in Whitby to the temple and attacked them when doing past graduate work There are troubles abroad --(¥eStS at the home of Mr, ang hey were len. and Paul vehemently for the kind of life!in Australia and at the Generalour own country is not ge ot Mrs. Harold M. Shephard, Dono. Diedericksen and children Inga they were living,coming to the/Hospital in Montreal. Ve orruption, nurders. ete nere | Yan crescent and Lisa, Joa and Bill Harris temple without repentance. jx pulling the emphasis on qual-|is a God over-seeing all, "¢ 'ods . Beverly and Ed. Bennett and Later the ruling ASS and jty She recommended twoin His Heaven. all's right ce he ndy Wand, son Raymond, Larry McLean Priests put him Pe prison, but books "Dr. Ida" and "Take the world". The Duke of Welle". Ualland, are spending Dean Kelly, Eleanor and Chuck he said "What God cares for My Hand" -- a paralyzed doc. lington' when asked it he: hele six-week visit at the home of Kemp and daughter Kathleen is not the vessels used in wor- tor now a wheel chair surgeonjlieved in Ch ta eaten their nephew and nie cea a : ship but the hearts the peo: The church in India is be-|Said, "Certainly, Sir, we have 2"¢ Mrs. Archie Hendriks, 314, © oo re aware ple. Pleading with his peo ieved founded by the apostle no alternative. : 7 Rosedale drive Reed officers commanding the ple to turn back he said "what Thomas in Early Christian days) We have our archin ! : . 1. F. Harr pean ae rai army Citadel God comes to search for is of the 'first century. Its Wom-iders. "Go ana ag g a es et ebrate dt r 10th wedding simple honesty en's Fellowship visiis. the sick,{world". We know it is es shee 2 a three week anniversary uesday, August Jeremiah was then forbidden hospitals, and many other such portant to have hospitals Haliburton di hy noe M ee ee a oe to enter the temple -- but he activities as Red Cross Korea. a new church in Bee gee vcs Irs. Reed dined out did not lower God's demands -- In early Indian culture women good schools in Trinidad. as true repentance -- true religion played a great part, After suc. Canada could continue without a templeiceding invasions, and the Mo- Mrs. Patterson reminded we ; Se arate Mark t and its tra ngs God brought guis women were curtailed: have our Purpose, the total mis e them out of Egypt and made During British reign Indian sion of the church - them His own. He made a Cov. women began to educated.|marching orde itx a mat T enant with them but no condi. There are now 3 women in the ter of our stewardship. of or radin tion of sacrifice..We must ad- Lower House of Parliament ife. time, talents, material po mire his courage There are 459 million people sessions--This is a more ¢ ria Bs CREB cuenirdt nO acc aoel tent ara y TORONTO (CP) The Toror d:onto e extent: o : Mrs. S. L. Murray. the De tock | thd Thursday be-/equalization tax if an Plead can} BROCK Evening Shows At 7 and 9 P.M. for aext year's School, led 'inCame the world's only market/bor on the Toronto market.| SATURD ' closing devotions, using old and) Pace of securities with two s Bay street. is visibly _ worried) WHITBY URDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 well loved hymns. Opening devo-jatate markets, both with the.and brokers tions had been conducted by S4me. listed issu a. opi A COLOSSUS quQieem [S'2.2°8 SclactPetas "Mon oo a to at ee Kingston Presbyterial usion v ; the fir olution. I f ADVENT R § ie a service of song chose ¥ n ner n Uy 0 ' fo express essential needs iz n addition ¢ t n mart p to he 3 a devotional he anse : into heir of the ? The concluding sessions w new market calle © eign roeronte ee ; held Friday morning, » t f Mrs, D. R. Moffat. Dez Orr EASTMAN A Schakt Som ix tha cle ' COLOR , tions sar Unite : s sve bega. pe cond taste nh you choose the luxury church to seek Tix tri s ne if both this ms aes epee 9 Hr hist ta populd e¢ -- Walker's Special Old Good taste, a complete recovery realous workers who ar gid 3 F n ' i j he nd wnamy hh to take leadership You have ' m ' i were cok ae ; fe had a taste of this year's study. se: up now becaus ne pre on the market ' opurr pr iced whisky, Next time -- make it a point to buy the abundant resource heips, posed 'tax, yet to. be approved first day but there were bid a \ Walker's s Spec ial Old. new ways of presentation, stim- by the United States Congress. ask prices on abo ut 250 issues You pis te tive 't . na ae 'llinene ON TME SPARKLING DECANTER ave made it Canada's largest selling \r +WATWE CANS LING RAM WALKER & NS LIM} SEVER Oe OVER tee ¥raee nay f ve Torgn nari n up ul opposition, some ap Ned Mae ward ¢ t afined of ings, considerable disinterestd-ito ae per « ve the Tor. wens a er

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