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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Aug 1963, p. 7

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FORMAL GOWNS, FLOATING VEILS LEND AURA OF LOVELINESS TO BRIDES | SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George God- dard, Warren, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Geraldine Edith, ito Mr, Aleck Morton, Whitby, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph 'Morton, Whitby. The wedding is to take place, Saturday, Sep- tember 14, in St. George's Anglican Church, Warren. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, _ Randolph C, Fraser, Solina, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Juanita Avis, to LAC Gilbert Joseph A, Tapp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tapp, Terrebonne Heights, Que- bec, The wedding will take place at Eldad United Church on Saturday, September 21, at 3.00 p.m. 'England Reduces Maternal Mortality By Fifty Per Cent | LONDON (CP)--A continuing * |study shows that maternal mor- tality in England and Wales was reduced by nearly 50 per cent in 10 years and now is jone-tenth of what it was 30 years ago More than -- 2,300,000 births were registered: from 1958 to 1960 in the areas covered and % there were 928 maternal deaths in that period ascribed {o preg- , -- 1O wPrpopv s 1% ; Anhey aA chide MR. AND MRS. GORDON G. FUREY : These figures were reported : by the Confidential Enquiries IN KNOX PRESBYTERIAN took as his bride Beverley : ped Maternal reget in Eng: ° 1 ; 'hurch, Alliston, Ontario, re- Jean, eldest daughter o r; 4 d Ve 3 is, eget and and Wales, which found} C ] R C t ] t po - erne Melville and Mrs, Lorne Smith of Lisle, % . . . : . Pos : § : iY . that 315, or 42.5 per cent, of the} oup e eceive ongra u a 1001S Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ontario : : 4 ; : x ak bo ome ~ deaths had some avoidable fact- Melvil! old of Oshawa, -Holton Photo Studio : : oe ss On Ap h W ddi A 2 Melville Amold of ¢ hehe shiis 3 . Lea. WHY. said Ake an: The study, in its third such t e Ing nniversary ee ' ¥ ST. MARK'S UNITED report, showed that further re --Oshawa Times Photo " : peers gee Whitby, was 4 gy eg : . Dawson --. B Pf duction of maternal deaths Mr, and Mrs. Gordon G.{daughters, Mrs Ralph Hop. IRIS RUTH Jacenty, daugh- out of Oshawa. The bride's | of the recent wedding 0 he bridegroom js the son Of (stil) is possible and, indeed, it\pae ae ed ba » gee ter of the Reverend and Mrs father, the Reverend John | Lynda Janet Lee and Robert Mr. and Mrs. Redvers King j¢ likely that improvement TP a MarkeG tsi forteta kins (Dorothy), Jones avenue, John Jacenty of Oshawa re- Jacenty, officiated at his | Thomas King. The bride is of Toronto, been made since 1960, as au-| Wedding anniversary recently) and Mrs, Gordon Crawford cently became the bride of daughter's weddng_ in] the daughter of Mrs. Gretta --Photo by Stannett |thorities have been working on|With a reception at their home| (Betty), Rossland road' west. Harold Gordon Rideout, son of the Ukrainian Presbyterian previous recommendations on Greta street, Mrs, Furey, a wih poe 5 Mrs. Doug: Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ride Chur Ireland Studio Me deaths, for example,\the former Elspy A, Cline, 1980 Ther (Marion), died in | i had resulted in the 1958-60 per-| .. : A ; oo ere. are seven grand- daughter of the late Mr. and!children, iod from the failure of the|as.¢ i ta oe : | mother. herself, or her family, | Mrs Archie Cline of Stratford,| Qut-of-town guests at the re. | : id Ee sn Pla sages Ontario, and Mr. Furey were ' : : : to make arrangeme 7 -| ; : ception were Mr. : 3 : die ith rigged oat junited in marriage August 14, Hinest Guriines' tose: Me ne Late oe s : ne epsoht d. 1923, at Stratford, They werelang Mrs Tony Thomas. Wal. | ' ' ght eve Pr ua ty pelebtiee attended by Mr. and Mrs, Wil- lacebure: Mr. Fra k D ale 7 3 Some 740 of the 1958-60 deaths! liam Grandison, Stratford, who Mr. Wilfred Dayus 4 d g Mpg ms a were investigated confidentially| were present at the anniversary John McD yus, and } rs. : : f with the 'help of all professional sin sd *|John McDonald, all of Windsor; : groups concerned -- including! i : Mr. and Mrs, Lamonte Sim- : specialists, general practition-|_ In 1927 the couple moved to|mons, Tipton, Michigan; and H , . ' ers, midwives and medical offi-,OShawa, where Mr, Furey has|Mr. and Mrs. William Grandi. care of heakh been employed by General|son, Stratford. : : : i eee : as . Eee : : <4 Motors for thirty-four years, | <cssssssssssssssssmnanasnaann : Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 ' é ABORTIONS EXCLUDED retiring in. 1959. They have two) a] Sess eee ota EES, sciomeminen ; 2 : . se | The major causes of death--- SSE CURT Tes ae Ata MAPLE CLEANERS THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 23, 1963 7 : " : expressed in percentages -- re- HOUSEHOLD HINT 504 SIMCOE ST. $. OSHAWA mained as in former years ' Cash & Carry -- 4 Hr, Service blood-poisoning 18; hemorrhage). A? incentive for youngsters 8 Hour Service 2] ESS: ? . eS ' % Ito k ir clothi Free Pick-U id Deli ' CHILD GUIDANCE | ~ : a ; 15; abortion 18; pulmonary em- ie ~ ged S =" in order} "Vour Family's Friend" | | bea oe ' bolism 18; other causes 31. When they anare @ Cine: 18 ip PHONE 725-0643 i : ' Summarizing, the report said) een coy Png Rage | that, excluding abortion, there/€4c® Side for the specific child| --------------------- Plan Steady Allowance : were 270 deaths with avoidable|@nd providing labeled boxes for factors in the more than 2,000,-|belemgings. j i :| responsibility was allocated to:|clared: "if the mistakes had not ; RAINS - By GARRY C, MYERS, Ph.D.) temptations to deceive ore, sh The engagement is an- Mr. and Mrs, George God- consultants 85; general Practit-| been made the pattern of events ' ' d Some children 4 vig age. lthe child pap vowei Peetoi endl Hyseel bog gb 'oon dard, Warren, Ontario, is a eek Menge Pay rt pauient ra tt aobbe heen Short, 926 SIMCOE N, 725-3144 MONSIGNOR Phillip Coffey, lingbeck. The bride is the oo Money is doled cut oa? be --, as el eieg | and Mr. Aleck Morton, graduate, class of 1962, * others 4 i assisted by the Reverend F. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. |to them daily or less often as|{'0™ !t for worthy purchases.) vice marriage is to take Se ee Bison pnt eb ig oe K, Malane of Bovmancile, J. Bart of Bowmaneile and |e expen ls ees CSc RARELY WORKS OUT, Pree Waren Outs uG eat Me Motion ie |iseewenty eave othe Sm officiated: in Holy (Cross the bridegroom is the son of nave hed a somewhat irregular SF ig Th gga end oy Reng on Saturday, September 14. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph') Monest avoidable factors was Roman Catholic Church at the Mr, and Mrs. Garfield Killing- | ajiowance for the summer pane 'home chores. He may| Miss Goddard, daughter of Morton of Whitby pone eh rater Pesca agence be marriage of Jessie Teresa beck of Oshawa. Looking forward to the begin-)gain a' sense of money value;------ eS the general practitioner. = Barr and Anthony Joseph Kil- --Ireland Studio jning of school, many parents,|therefrom, but the plan rarely Monday morning, the correctjthey give him many sweets v : sy, aden shane | * 1 The report did not claim that wisely, ae planning, an, allow:works well. As a rue, there is change for the 'week's allow-|Should I tell my child he must ives coud. automaticaly" have anc C sc A | : ek 3 ES k pee seat wha ha CARPET COMPANY the child is in the early grades,|child for not doing the jobs, ance not accept these sweets? been saved by eliminating the 282 King W. 728-9581 | For School-Age Child | TO MARRY NEXT MONTH Coe ee res HOWARD'S Draporios the parents may properly give|though he gets. paid for them/ppany ALLOWANCE A. No. Unless you can prevail -- ---------- |him Some money each day un-|/ anyway 1 once saw a mother with,on the neighbors er - pric Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. ~~ " acre ovens til, from experience, he can as-| While an occasional older) 34, 1. : E your son sweets, either keep certain how much he will regu! child earns away from home eight envelopes, each envelope your child away from them or CHIROPRACTOR e BAMBOO larly need for a week, The|the equivalent of an allowance with contents and. child's name accept the consequences and BURSITIS PH TERINI lchild and parent. together can!such opportunities are rare and|--the total allowance for ajsay nothing to the child about ? SCIATICA @ UPHOLSTERING |make up a regular budget, nam-jare diminishing. A better way,|month, That's fine when chil-|the matter, It's too much to ex mth ee . | watch out for busy feet jeach regular need. Then a cer-lance and -require the child to ney pe enough to receive a) sweets offered him jtain small sum is added for do regular specific home jobs monthly allowance, Wonderful) -------------------- |pocket money. because he is a member of the a their eahty ge they) MODERN CONSULTANT | The total amount is agreed on family leat wovtinn ie Eerie Be bgt LONDON (CP) -- Bride-to-he FOR RENT as the regular allowance for| For irregular unexpected] Clothing Fr some of teir Lorraine Poad consulted an the week. It is understood that|jobs, however, there might be} bs electronic marriage consultant. | modern typewriters and adding if unexpected, reasonable needs'some reasonable compensation,|) PARENTS' QUESTIONS She fed details on herself and] machines of all makes: Under- arise, they will be provided for.' especially when the child is try Q. When our son, four, goes her fiance into a computer and] wood, Smith Corona, Royal, Some parents estimate a cer-|ing to save for an appreciablyjto the home of our neighbors/got the go-ahead both stondard and portable lain weckly total allowance andjexpensive item he has long | ; models, Special student rates. jrequire the youngster to make! cherished For Your Holidays LAD! ES " jan accounting before he gets} Your child. about to dash off . the next amount, This planifor school, may shout, "My al RESORTS Four Seasons Ne ard " te | fers Walmsley & Magill strongly tempts the child to re-liowance!" You may have for- TOURS Travel fr Lins Tororo Office Equipment Ltd jport inaccurately, to forge some) gotten it and not have sufficient eaging Tors ajone , Experienced Hair Styiist items in order to make the ac-\change. If, in desperation, youll CRUISES y2ses0t FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS 9 KING ST. EAST jcount come out well and big) sive him a $5 bill, the resulting|[M Official Agent For All Airlines 725-6854 725-3506 jenough to suit him problems may be great. Sup-/F_ and Steamships | When, instead, regular ex-|pose you have several school = = <a meer penditures are budgeted for alchildren then week and a small amount "| A wise way is for one parent ling the amounts required forjas a rule ,is to give the allow.|dren are old enough and self-!pect your child to refuse the | 100 King St. E. 728-5156 pocket money is added. for thelio take sole responsibility for . child to do with as he pleasestalways having ready, say or VVVVVVVTVVVVTVVvVVY Now Available! ! RETAILERS TO a CANADIANS § BOYS' LUXURIOUS ONE PIECE c. SCHOOL =} COVER-ALL qettueeee | ==. : : purchase. We | SLIPCOVERS se 3 $ -- THE MARRIAGE of Emma Grant of Ajax and the late selection of Ann Naomi Grant and John = Mr. Grant and the bridegroom ' esis Poca ee a THAT STRETCH TO FIT SE PEN | sess ; : : x | an VS 0! recently in Ajax Baptist John Terry of Tilbury, all ages and Church. The Bride is, the Ontario, ae 0.C.V.1. -- CENTRAL ; Pi | a" | pera nara McLAUGHLIN q} & Stain resistant 9 99 te. qi B Visit us soon, LILLIAN MAE MARSH and DONEVAN SS Water repellent! One siz fits SCHOOL OF DANCING Get Yours Now and Save Money ai... D.E.A. | Ballet, Tap, Acrobot Charocter, Pre-School, Kinderdonce. REGISTRATION: Sot. Sept. 7th., 10 o.m. to 1 p.m. ot the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St 36 KING ST. E --~ 2 Locections - OSHAWA INFORMATION: 723-7253 "Downtown Oshawa" SHOPPING CENTRE A A fr rn er Mn A Me Mp La Mn Me ML Mn Mi Lr Bi No-iron! Washable! One size fits COLORS: Dark Green, Light all sofas, Green, Brown, Gold, hide-a-beds, Be Turquoise. davenos SHOPPING ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN : 723-2209 723-2294 | 1 KING ST. W. 725-4611

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