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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Aug 1963, p. 24

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" . 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 28, 1963 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |TV--Radio Repairs Sale| WHITBY TV. Aeris and tower service. Hen-| Diai 668-8344. Ki PSS GARANTaRD repairs to all makes v radio, car .radios. Thompson Elec- tronics, 157 Eillott. 723-9792. Fred, Giey. FY. For Oshawa and Surrounding Districts Guaranteed Satistaction Paul Cieslar, Prop. 511 Dean Ave. 725-0500 8 Gm. to 5 ai Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 16--Female Help Wanted [2e--Femente Help Wanted WAITRESS WANTED, experience not/AVON opportunity now open in this area, necessary. Apply 580 Ritson Road South. |A valuable territory for Avon cosmetics, WOMAN to come daily and care for|cusfomers waiting for service. Write PO three children while mother works. st Cedar Street. Telephone 728-6967, |EXPERIENCED girls wanted for tallor HOUSEWIVES, part-time, earn $300, to|shop to sew by hand and machine. Must $400. extra for Christmas shopping plus|speak English. Steady work all year benefits. For particulars,/@round. Apply in person, Harry Sheriff, write Box 103, Oshaw: Times. Upstairs over the Rose PRACTICAL nurse, permanent position, |B! Restaurant Apply Box (07 Oshawa Times. |STENOGRAPHER, accurate at figures GIRL required for general office work. jfor down: town Oshawa offce. Previous Some typing required. Write to Box 110,/experience in general insurance business Oshawa Times. jPreferred. Apply Box 49, Oshawa Times, MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for three|WANTED AT ONCE sales clerk for eve school-age children, Live in. Apply 301 pid 6 to 10 p.m., clothing and chik Olive Avenue. dren's wear department. Experienced pre REQUIRED immed ~------ |ferred. Apply Box 47, Oshawa Ti lady to care for two middle- ede dt Linole -age chil- RELIABLE woman to come in, f dren, one pre-school. duties, After 6 p.m., 728-3439, co household | eee and care for- pre-school hile mother works. Must WOMAN {o look after hae: Children, | 13--Business Opportunities SILENT PARTNER wishes to sel! equity in garage and service station, Oshawa area. To act as a -minded person. Going concetn, Have interest, Mher part of province. Excellent oppor- tunity to right party. Interested persons only need apply to Box 111, Oshawa Times. By R. J. SCOTT SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK MODERN CUT STONE service station \3/ Prince Street, and restaurant for rent, in centre of town on busy highway, town water, tiled jtoilets, oil furnace, paved parking. A better than average station, well lo- icated. Post Office Box 220, Oshawa, | Ont Accountants ALBERT HOSMAR, |Cartage |Mortgages account-/BARGAIN i moving, rubbish removed FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. ant, 323 King Stree* Wear Gana Tele-|anytim ime. Call after 6 p.m. 655-4690. |agreements purchased and sold. phone 72 73-1, | JOHN'S MOVING AND c CARTAGE, |N'ck and Hennick Barristers, 31 YALE a aiebLANDER and CO,,|Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully /Siree Eas!. 723-7232 Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trusi/evpped ant insured. 728-3661. |PRIVATE and corporation monies fo loan tees in Bankruptcy 64 King Street East. 'Dressmaking jon all types of mortgages: mortgages 728-737) lane agreements of sale purchased. DRESSMAKING alierations jCrevghton Drynan and Murdoch. (See ing' experienced, reasonable rates. padng "Barrister.') Eldridge, 67 *Aontrave 725-6476. aon' 'on Ans CAN SLEEP WHILE FLOATING, PARTICULARLY W SALT WATER. FOR SALE ONE CHAIR BARBER BUSINESS VERY GOOD FACTORY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT AIR-CONDITIONED SHOP MAKE OFFER Apply 524 Simcoe St. South pant cuff- HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char.) Mrs. fered Accountants, 18/ King Stree East, Oshawa, Ontario. . 125-3509. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL, and Co., Chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 129 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax WH 2.0890, Whitby MO 8-413). WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered Ac- countants, 114 King Street East, Oshawa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA: G, Edmond! Burrows, CA, 728-7554. Chartered farce. Dial Bowmanville 623- 13-3905. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Loam and Gravel ay child, have own |IT'S FUN to read "Personals" in the {Oshawa Times Classified Section. Don't miss the messages you') find there daily. | transhortation, 728-0282; two school-age, and care for home. Park| EXPERIENCED girl or woman, general Road area. After 7 evenings, 725-9641, Lense acipho ced home, aah family, neat teed 2 : WAITRESS experienced. veggie ei bi ion, $25. weekly. Live In Apply Soutnend Restauran' 17--Male Help Wanted Scraps e WHAT 15 AN EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR ACKE 2 APPLICATIONS OF DRY ICE. ons Gardening and Supplies LOAM, sod, manure and evergreens, also! posi hole digging and fencing. Reason- |fbie rates, Telephone 725-172), | |DARLINGTON Garden Service, dis- counted iandscaping and garden mainten- 'Steady days. ' IMMEDIATE Ist and 2nd | Mortgage Loans | | ANYWHERE NEED EXTRA MONEY? = ane ore can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toy, to friends and neighbors. No experience necessary. Our exciting; full-colored catalogue helps you to get plenty of orders, Send no money. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept.. 16, 217 Cannon, Hamilton. RELIABLE girl or woman to mind two children while mother works. Also house- | 14--Employment t Wanted held duties. Live-in preferred. After 4.30 COMPTOMETER operator requires apply 257 Wilson Road South or tele- jwork to do at home, also will do typing.|phone 725-7987. |Please reply stating full particulars to iy in per- | EXPERIENCED wai waitress, Ap Apply In per- }Cox 46, Oshawa Times, son, Terrace Restaurant, 120 Brock Street WILL GIVE day, evening and weekend|North, _Whitby. Vicinity. south end. 'Telepnone 7204569." CLERK. | REQUIRED | FOR SHOE STORE | WORKING MOTHERS! qualified day CAN SWALLOW A MAN, OR BIGGER PREY: A SEAL. eur YOUNG MAN required to fill full position in prominent MEN'S WEAR STORE No experience _ necessary. Write stating age and edu- cation to Box 4, Oshawe Times Boys, Boys, Boys OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Guaranteed Parts and Service TV REPAIRS DAY OR EVENINGS 728-5286 TELEVISION SERVICE All Makes. Sets Repaired in your home. | Wayne Appliances Telephone 723-1 1411 AMS NEST: time AMACHED To At BECIRIC CORD WAS USED 20 SUCCESSIVE. BIRDS, DEPENDENCE, "isironwias" | Low monthly payments. Call Mr. Day or Evenings James 728-2868 Mortgage Funding | 167 Rosehill Boulevard Oshawa, Ontario Soe St Wl es "MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages est at 7% Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East i Oshawa, Ontario j 723-4697 | Musical Services PIANO, reed jfuning and J} Hiddink, | 3--Pets & Livestock | GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, quarter) ce horses, colts, registered. Cozy J. Ranch| . Kennels. Champion bloodlines, stud serv Two FURNISHED cottages tor rey Pl jices. Ashburn, Brooklin 655-4662. Save L@ke Simcoe. Sacrifice sale on each fo | number: cash. Telephone 725-0188. |9---Summer Properties For Sale or Rent of Columb) Ontario} atic, jazz 12 years and up. Salary plus commission, full time now, Part time af ter | school starts, Should earn $20 to $25 weekly. Hall Bon ae Motor Sale and nurser Accountan?. Suite 205, Oshawa Shopping) Centre, 725-9953 are HAROLD E. DEWAR, Accredited | Pub- Washed Stone, Fill tant, Commercial Buliding, ths King' Street West. Oshawa, 728 2221. Excavating, lots leveled, 608 CLANCY'S Accounting Servi ce. Loaders, Trucks for hire. i bookkeeping service, 184 Bond) Sireet 'West, 725007. Res. 723788, | BEATTY HAULAGE | Auto Parts | 725-2156 | SAVE AT WESTERN Instruction BURNS' ie oF DANCING. Regis- SERVICE CENTRE (fantceiectn, SrentnN on) Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS og re ate ae : Simcoe or a 145 King West--728-1607 Se odin Pail y oe ' "FIVE BAY TO SERVE YOU" cation for children 3 - 5 years of Q for fall term. For in J 29 pinto mare, 4|11--~Articles For Rent e 16--Female Help Wanted | WANTED -- gir' for light housework dut-| » while mothe: works, three schoolage| |children, Dial 655-4978. |GIRL or woman, to live in. ». General, jhousehold duties. No cooking required | Dial 728- 2503. i EARN a FREE! |WARDROBE in your Spare Time. Just |show Fashion Frocks to friends. No in-| vestment, canvassing experience necess- ary. Write: North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd. 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. THREE horses for sale, year-old bay gelding, 1 __ Strawberry -uan stallion Experience not necessary, Good starting salary, Apply in person, Tammy Fashion Shoes 79 Simcoe North SALESLADY __ Experienced, responsible wo- man to work evenings and Sundays. ROXY-VARIETY ROSSLYNN PLAZA From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m 668-8506 WAITRESSES Must Be Experienced FULL and PART TIME ee ear old ---- --~ _ -_--------_--_--_-- Telephone Bow-| CHAIRS, card and hanquet tables, church 12 isle runners. Fox rentals, 412 Simcoe jorth format LILLIAN "ready "tor | Apply Mrs.| a jie. | Dishes - Cutlery - ~ Glasses | Punch Bowls Coffee Urns Barristers BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister,|gchool, Ballet Solicitor, Notary Public. Mortgage! Pre.Schoo! funds available, 36/2 King Street East,|s 723-1107. Res. 985-7163. LOUIS §. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soii- citor, Notary. Alger Building, 37 King Street East Mortgage monies ava: able. RALPH JONES, BA and THOMAS H./ GREER, Associate Barristers and Solici-} tors, 130 King Street East, 728-62 46.| Mortgage foans available. MANNING F SWARTZ and RONALD t.| SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries./ Money to loan. Henry Block, 262 King Street East, 723-4697. Residen 722. 4029. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN Barristers, Solicitors, 3612 King Street! CLASSIC East, Oshawa. R. B. Humphreys, QC G. S. Boychyn, QC; W., A. Hillman, LLB.) For Office: 725-1177, Residence: 728-4 gives TUCK "MAE MARSH, DEA pane na | Acrobatic, Charac garten. Registration | Sept fe Masonic} ~ LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Apply Room 34 Alger Building King East Rea-| | Bow- 723-4943, 3 to 4 p.m. only OFFICE HELP Young mon for-clerical posi- ctronic: organ} pip le r ients appraised a repair Ajax 9 . == Also short) Campbell, Gen- tion. Experience in handling PIANO Optometrist AL and POPULAR |< " 8. TUCK. RO, Optometrist. Please cath: Goud: In' mathematics accounts at downtown Dominion 74 Burk Street? Dia! 725-4587 pay ree manville 623-2916 TV TOWERS |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ltraining, taiking strain 1 AND |Broed, | 14 Eigin Street East bisingy are ~ puppies, purebred. | i sonable prices. Telephone after 5, Antenna Repair |manvite Si Bod adh Mo |GERMAN SHEPHERD, male, six months| liver tea service TRIO loid Telephone 723-1263 Silver Candelabra |POINTER -- German, short hair, regis- TELEVISION jtered, four years old, good on pheasants, Sargeant s Rentals |$125. Bowmanville 623-5478, 725- 3338 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA | | a eee Zs sme |5----Farmer's Column S |RELIABLE WOMAN to look after four 728-6781 | FARMERS, need tires? Call "Bil", your| BEN a faim. to 430 pam 7255064, Sesser ees Dominion Tire representative, 725-6511 or i jevenings after 6, 725-7263. Of All Kinds [WAITRESSES WANTED, copssinstiacarnginnscetn roaer cool r, GASH on the spol: ighest prices paid] HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT-- [osha Hotel." d and led } ET eA SEL BO Sae TV TOWERS (Cole sled. Hone Aone" Marg-| f0lding chairs, hand planes, |ReLiABLE woman to care Por children, |wil's Fur Farm. Licence 245-C-63. nail pullers, staplers, bolt and light housekeeping while mother cutters, tile cutters, caulking 2 kly. Live In or out. Tele- |Bank or | Economy and Deluxe \6--Auction guns, tape recorders, TV sets, ------________ transistor radios, tile polish- bissell Some bookkeeping knowledge desirable. JOSEPH C. ViCTOR, BA, LLB, rister, Solicitor and Notary Public. 5 Sim- coe North. 723-3446. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, Money to Loan Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. a lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King PAY ALL ' West. Oshawa. Ontario. Client parking @vailable, 725-4716 or 725-4717. Have Only One Low Monthly Payment $50 to 85, 000 Whitby 668-2761, 7: me NHA and pea mortgage fi funds av a | 74 BURK pe a OSHAW, 778-5832 CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No} fary Public. Bank of Commerce Build- ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, oshawa,| Ontario, 723-3446; Residences: T. K. | Qc, 4 [Painting _and Decorating _ |NEW FALL. rates for paper and painting, Free estimates. Priced to suit your budget "hanging 25- TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 |Well D illing--Di |BILL LE LEM |aeepening, | 728-091 7 |WiLtIAM KROONTJE, well digging,| |compres ssor work, Clean-out and deepen- jing DODD and SOUTER AINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, Gyptex, Full Wal} Murals Sproy Pairiting BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 HTS 725-7426 NIGHT 107 , Clean-outs, compresser work. Phone Personal Service | 468 Park Road South. 728-3864. | Bar-B- Having -received instructions to clear an estate there will be sold at Stirtevant's auction arena 33 Hall St.°on Thurs- day, August 29 at 7.30 p.m. a quantity of household arti- cles. Bunk beds, .television, washing machine, table and chairs, beds, dressers, book cases, vacuum, radio, dishes, and many other articles to numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE ers, vacuum: cleaners, shampooer, portable cooler, dehumidifiers, air condition- er, flight bags, megaphone speaker, strapping machine, beby carriages, C.C.M. "'ex- ercisers,, sewing machines. Massaging belts, coffee urns, appliance cart. CAMERA EQUIPMENT--35 mm, slide camera, movie projector, slide projector, movie camera, screen, sun- gun, binoculars GARDEN EQUIPMENT--Elec- tric hedge clippers, post hole augers, lawn mowers, lawn rollers, garden sprayer, seed- ers, lawn sweeper, fence stretcher, post drive, tree Must be neat, pleasant, for steak bar, Gc sod working con- dition. Willing to work shifts. APPLY MEXICANA GRILL 816 KING ST. WEST ~ RESPONSIBLE SALESLADY To run record department of retail Experience es- sential phoses of re- store. in all retail soles. Salary will depend upon experience. For appointment Dial Bowmanville 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL APPLY TO MRS, BOWMAN CHERNEY BROS. 80 KING ST. EAST CLERK GENERAL OFFICE WORK Folowing up orders, check- | COMPOSING ROOM APPRENTICE sab ee tha! & King Street East. MBANKABL = SUPERIOR GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli- FINANCE LIMITED citors, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer. | "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company" | MODERN GRILL 17 SIMCOE ST. N Creighton,, QC: G. M. Drynan, 728-8554; G. ' Murdoch, 723-4788. Mort- Gases and agreements of sale bought! anc sold JOSEPH F. MANGAN, GC, Barrister Solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1414 King Street East, Oshawa. 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barrisie Solicitors. Clients' funds available tor first mortgages 20 Simcoe Street ets 728-7336. Charlies ©. McGibbon, Edgar F. Bastedo, QC. ZT. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, "Soliet-| tor, etc. 13% Simcoe Street ' North Office 723-1 Residence 725-5542. Qued Ch cken, Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. 725-3887 Turkey lac DIGGING by machine, specializ-| Home fing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chest-) nut Street West, PO Box 329, Whitby, | es 2563 or 668-3809. Dining, bedroom, furniture. Dressers, | china, cabinets, TV, 3 pe. | chesterfield wine and green | (good), 3 s.p. record player, combination radio - record ployer. All types of lamps. |; SALE AT 1:30 P.M, | SOTURDAY, AUG. 31 555. KING ST. EAST OSHAWA R. H, Armstrong, auctioneer. kitchen, s es, law ca- drawers, pruners, scythes, lawn area tors, sod cutters, garden tiller, flame gun. CAMPING EQUIPMENT | Tents, tent heaters, sleeping | bags, liners, air mattress, Coleman _ stoves lanterns, coolers, car top carriers, wa- ter skis, life jackets, out- board: motors. STAN'S | Sharpening and Rentals Ltd. | | | Reply to ing invoices, payroll, ete. Must .be able to take dicta- tion and answer correspon- dence, Must have experience. Excellent salary could be of- fered to person with the right qualifications. | cording | } | WANTED Position open for Bright Boy. Must have good ed- ucation, to learn. typeset- ting and composing room work. Knowledge of type- | writing essential. Apply at switch-board for appli- cations, No phone calls please. OSHAWA TIMES BOX 109 ____ OSHAWA TIMES CASHIER REQUIRED BY LIFE INSURANCE CO. To take charge of small local office. Age 25 to 35. Experience in cash and office routine necessary, 5 DAY WEEK 8:30 to 5 p.m. GROUP HEALTH AND PENSION PLAN Write Mr. W.-J. Atherton BOX 44 OSHAWA TIMES EXPERIENCED SHORTHAND TYPIST required by | manufacturing company located: in Ajax Column Page Halr-| Telephone |1--Women' s PERMANENTS on aressing, 396 Pine SOUTH special. Avenue 725-5363. Plumbing and Heating | ALL TYPES of repairs and. remodeling, | 2----Personal rew and used materials Reasonable TRANSPORTATION for two to Toroni ter | rates Estimates free. Dial 723-1193.) daily vicinity Eaton's of Canada. Tele- 725-6541 J. Foley phone 668-2779. | | | |ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies.|iF YOU have @ drinking presi arm DAILY UNTIL 5:30 P.M jTe' lepton 725-3521 Harold H. Stark, | Box 333, Whitby, or call 668-30 < ates jim cen + heat ng and Engineer- WEDNESDAY UNTIL 8 P.M CLOSED SATURDAY DURING | LEN PULLAN JULY AND Al See lptsbserr Service | ENGLISH TAILOR OTHER E S BY CHESTERFIELDS 're-upholstered _and| Specialist in garment altera- tions, etc, Invisible mending, APPOINTMENT re-styled. Free estimates dress alterations. 17 OFFICE IN ONTARIO _|7*"charces Street i271" 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 HAVE -YOUR chesterfield suite factory re-built, Low prices Telephone 728-3281. 728-2439. Kennedy Upholstering) Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, September 3 and 4th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Round the Clock READY TO BUY PROSPECTS Read Apply by letter Stating experience. _ References ond expected salary. CURVPLY WOOD PRODUCTS ORONO, ONT. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN aa BOOKKEEPING Services, Income Tax Returns. Statement prepared. BC Ser- vices, 708 Newman Crescent, 668-8252. Building Trades BULLDOZING and excavating. -- estimates, Cali Taylor B8ros., crest Drive, Whitby 4 668-5612, ROOFING -- ail types and repairs. Guaranteed. Cali Walter Walibridge, Mortgages 728-9970 = ROOFING, shingiear root and gaoe; MORTGAGE MONEY | } louvers 'instalirc, Siding, carpentry alter- AVAILABLE | ion guaranteed. Mat-| Low Interest ) Bond Bea Hpnoretery Co} etons. Workma Pp, materials guaran-| repairs.| cain | teed. H. Tucker 728-0826. ' CHESTERFIELDS Valuations Arranged | and old chairs "re| ROOFING - concrete floors, flat roofing} ered like new. Get the best for less at! . Aodern Uphoisterers, 142 Simcoe S$ th} Residential of City and District ou «specialty New work and Large and smal' jobs. L. and H, Roofi ee | Cali 728-6451. Free est mates. Summer Properties Vacant Land 223 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-3224 rates. Tag-A-Long| ] 12--Articles Wanted |7--Trailers |REDUCED TRAILER | camping trailers. Trailer heaters and eo Miller's, Alax. Dial 942-3491 ~RENT-A-TRAILER [PIANO -- Wanted good used upright jmodel. Will pay cash. Telephone 728-2695 |WANTED TO BUY -- one set of men's Hitches supplied. |right hand golf clubs. Telephone 728-6952. Moving boat and cabin SHAW trailers. AUTO WRECKING CO. MONTY'S. BA SERVICE Wants Cars for Wrecking SIMCOE AT GIBB Parts for sale, also scrap iron 725-9131 and metals, etc., . bought, Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 13--Business Opportunities A MODERN well equipped "beauty salon |with annex barber shop. Excellent oppor- tunity for right party. For information, |telephone 728-4159. BROOKLIN HOTEL BROOKLIN, ONT CR SALE OR RENT APPLY M. COLLIS 78 King St. West, 725-0332 AFTER 6 P.M, 723-9210 Uphoistering, | CHESTERFIELDS rebulit, + recovered | Why pay more?: Our rates are} le. Seti |9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent SUMMER cottages for sale. Lake Scu- geg. Winterized lakefront coftage, two bedrooms, refrigerator, stove, heater,| running water, new. Large lot. $6500, After 5 p.m., call 728-8409. |HOUSEKEEPING co tages, _Kennisis| |Lake, Aug. 17 or to Thanksgiving week-} jena for fishing and autumn color. Mrs. > |C. Harnden, Box 420, Haliburton, Ont. }Phone 2318 |COTTAGES and lots on. the Black River, 10. miles north of Uxbridge "elephone Black River Securities, UL | 2-683) collec'. tor appointment |LAKE ST. PETER, | three-bedroom A- frame style cottage August 25 on _week- jends, id. kK, weekly, 1723-4435 STURGEON LAKE, norih shore, 3 miles wes! of Bobcaygeon, 150' lake frontage with perfect safe, natural white sand |heach, nicely shaded by mature trees. |250° depth, high, dry, level lot. Private jroadway, accessible year-round, hydro at }'ot line. $6,900, terms if desired. Newell and Mcinerney Realtors, Minden CITIES | Bobcaygeon, 738-2532. SERVICE BOBCAYGEON -- | Pigeon Lake, Buck's Bay. Fine tamily 3 bedroom cottage, n.cely furnishen on safe sand waterfront | 2 é io three miles east of Bobcaygeon. Three} pece bath, gax range and living room| dah $7,800, Terms arrenged Newell ang; HAS A PRIME LOCATION, | |henden. Pa Bl uiabe Bobcaygeon and) SERVICE STATION FOR | STURGEON LAKE -- Biytheshore, 4 year LEASE ON A MAIN ARTERY IN OSHAWA GALLONAGE IS NOW oid frame cottage, insulated, very smart |three bedroon cottage with breeze-way 140,000 GALLONS PER YEAR Station has three bays and land Qarage. Moderr kitchen and bath. two hoists. This is a very pele decoraier throughout, oil heat, HD 'dro, picture window, hot water tank, 1V aerial, dock. Completely furnished, 4 good opportunity to have your own business with o minimum § investment. burner electric range. Choice waterfront pieperty. 'deai family or retirement Salary paid while you are in training school. and Construction, 725-6937. YOUR LOCAi CHiMNEY Chimneys built and repaired, gas {in ings Installed turnaces vacuumed estimates. 723-2997 ALL TYPES ot chimney Geraon May PLASTERING New and repairs stucco, cement work, patging + ments. Remodelling moanship -gucranteed "cleaner. | Free} |Sales and Service | ART'S GUN REPAIR | j GUNSMITH j 18 BOND ST. W sold traded 1ding. equipment, C ents After hours Whitby 668-2497 728-9731 Surveyors rie AND TROLLOPE, < 1 eyor mW 4994, SIZES Mie---24% Memt ers Ontario ss : : Mortgage Broker's Asséciation -} Suns bought Oe ae "SUMMERLAND estimates SECURITIES A. WOODS 728-3420 | LIMITED ACKERMAN Land Excavoting -- Loading Sand, Gravel, Fill And Top Soil Dump Truck Reasonable Rates PHONE 623-5756 BOWMANVILLE _ Want Ads hold the key to Extra Cash Applicants must be exper- ienced dictaphone and short- hand typist. Please phone Ajax 942-2120 for appointment, po Work- Free ~COSMETICIAN | Saleslady required to run | cosmetics department. Ex- | perience with franchise make-up and conditioning preparations prefer- | red. Salary will depend | upon experience. Write BOX: 108 OSHAWA TIMES TOYS-FUN-$$$ WE ARE LOOKING FOR LADIES WHO WANT TO EARN EXTRA CHRISTMAS MONEY BY WORKING EVENINGS SEPT., OCT., NOV. We will train you as a party demonstrator. To sell a full line of toys. Commission. Car essential. No investment, de- liveries or collection, CALL NOW 16--Female Help Wanted 668-5253 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER FOR ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Duties include typing, financial statements, ac- counts payable, general office routine, Good start- ing salary plus company benefits, Location in Ajax, Ontario, Ontario Elgin Street East Times Want. Ads _ BONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, | arie Land Surveyor. Commercial 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632, On-) blue! "Need A Mortgage Loan ? PRIVATE PARTY TO INVEST prints, 2--Personal | end : MIKES DRIVE-| UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Michael Conway GIBBONS AND KING STREETS Formerly Fred's Drive-In OFFICIAL OPENING (Not applicable tor merchandise advertisements.) SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st COTTAGE Rita ase Sine ek DEADLINES |rooms, bathroom, tile floors, insulated, Word ads .* 5 ; day previous Specializing in é modern kitchen, picture Classified Display 2:30 p.m doy previous ei beach and' fishing. oe kien Oe ee ROTOBURGERS -- CHIPS fF ae CHEESE BURGERS MILK SHAKES-SUNDAES BANANA SPLITS | SOFT ICE CREAM The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nét for .m than Open 7:30 A.M. Until Mid-Night TAKE OUT ORDERS | } | i CALL "ANYTIME 723- 3291 | or 72 539 "Classified Ad Rates _ 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results Cash ifn 2.25 figure of abbreviation as QUICK. NIT HIT By ALICE. BROOKS Knit this. rainbow - bright afghan swiftly, enjoy. it at lei- sure, Use large needles. Quick - knit afghan with simple picot trim. 544-in, wide strips; done in garter stitch. Pattern 7338: knitting direc- tions; color schemes. Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to. Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft »pt., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario Charge 4.13 2.48 | one word. | 15¢ | heme. $8,500, terms arranged. Newell -and Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcaygeon and | Minden, 738-2532. ay |PIGEON LAKE -- Nogies Creek, Bobcay- }geon area. 'Very smart 2 bedroom mod- err cottage as new inside and out. Nice |bathroom, new electric HW tank, range and frig. All furnishings as new. Screened jverandah, nicely landscaped lot with safe jwaterfront, dock and bnathouse. $5,995. Newell and Mcinerney, Realtors, Bobcay- 6 consecutive days... 3 consecutive days Count each word, Box number {* not paid within 7 days, charge rate applies. initial, LOOK SLIM By ANNE ADAMS Smooth sideline clearly ae. cented by binding in a dress that's bound for success season after season. Note pretty neck- line curve. - Printed Pattern 4994: Half re-idents add 1 cents sales tax.|Sizes 1444, 164%, 18%, 2014, 2214, Prin! plainly PATTERN NUM-/24%. Size 16% requires 414 BER, NAME, ADDRESS. yards 35-inch fabric. 1963's Biggest Needlecraft) FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in Show stars smocked accessor-jcoins (no stamps, please) for ies -- it's our new Needlecraft|this pattern. Ontario residents Catalog! Plus over 200 fresh-to-|add 2 cents sales tax. Print you designs to knit, erochetjplainly SIZE, "NAME;, AD. sew, weave, embroider, quiit., DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Plus free pattern. Send 25 cents) Send order to Anne Adams, now! care of The Oshawa Times, ge ' age Ont. 1 , E "al N 1 * Want-Ads Don't TeWinte Cost-They Pay For interview write W. G. ROGERS 4 CARLAW AVE., TORONTO OR PHONE HO 5-3511 Protessional listings only, 3 lines per month i> eee Each additional line per month 1.60 good Sacrifice. 723 Fall Specials COTTAGE LOTS FOR SALE Cash or low terms. Best of fishing on the Trent River south of Campbeliford. Lots are level and seeded with plenty of trees, god road and hydro, For information, write or phone Jack Meier, Box 293 Campbeliford 653-1970 One incorrect insertion of any advertisement,: nor be yond the price charge for a single insertion ot the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper clossification In the case of display advertisements, The Tifnes will not be heid responsible for more space than thot in the. actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour all aaver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liabi lity of gitvertivn ment if ony snaccuracies in any form ere contained therein, } pon inside new Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog, ready now! Over 300 desigi ideas, all sizes Send 50 eents for Catalog. which TELEPHONE MRS=3ANGEL AJAX 942-5080

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