phe Reg BS Pe Be tas Ne bay Sy Ng Se ae PEG PS a OSHAWA TIMES, Tosedey, September, 3, 1965 JK> Congress Hearings -- Affect Area Markets | By IAN MacKENZIE Base metals and western oils Volume at Toronto was 12,432,- Canadian Press Staff Writer |were generally quiet through|792 compared with 9,696,657 The cloud of the congressional] the week; but stocks came/trials gained 133 to 61929, base setetin ae ce hericnltirees te en 99 to 20641. western equalization tax on American|Kirkland Townsite Gold Cloils 169 to 11532 and golds purchases of foreign securities|Ltd. traded more than 700,000] sinned .67 to 94.89. continued to cast shares rising nine cents to 34 ALM th 'cial vals across Canadian stock markets) cents : fontreal the indus this past week, While Toronto followed the|Ume was 486,663 shares com The Toronto Foreign Market,|iead of the New York market|pared with 475,910 last week which opened Aug, 22 to facili-lupwards during the latter half{to 121.8, utilities 10 to 117.9, tate trading of already issuediof the week, brokers generally composite .50 to 121.2, papers American 'buyere. end. sellere | feo a sean markets will con! ep to 10638. and banks slipped mi U1, se. tinue for " i z the equalization tax does not ap- og 40 to 122.8. ply if both buyer and seller are American--ended its first full Wire ay area oame| White River Residents However, Bay Street contin- ued to hold back to await the < ir tensed tare xeedeel GALL For Public Probe ex ne 3,000,000 share mark on gh ve ree Ont. (CP)-- road community, the Heaviest day's trading on the}, WHITE RIVER, , Foreign market was Wednesday A Lege -- vv atap ed tel, the post office building, when dollar volume hit $447,803/residents eed Northern ae the CROSSWORD : and trading crept over the 19,-|tario comm re y ro . 1000 nftark. International Nickel] municipal ic inquiry into the : re was responsible for the greater|order ® pu oa "s ACROSS DOWN 20. Exact FROPIEMALioiels] [Part of this figure, ment District of White River,|zation 'of any personal or com- 1, Nehru's 1. Certain counters [Ale(e[ /alimw] | INCI} Volume for the week on the ciiaine of as aa ' gakoty " trees: part gE | Foreign market was 87,761\and the eee c "er eager neg rs po way e' 6. Hide away or 21, Splic- LEM CE MRI! |shares, worth about $809.400. yori yr ol Lh aga br vcty in ble, podition sed oo ae 27 EP WSLCme) PM | roUR MINES MERGE Two of the first persons tola financial audit of the financial . J apg 3. ea fe 23. Body of [Alc MiEIT|OWmENIE IW A major merger and two take/sign are Rev. John Kaptein, alaffairs of the improvement dis- ae i aed ish: ie eople * water S I over bids provided some inter-/Roman Catholic priest, and Rev.|trict be conducted, dating to en poo ga f 4 even 25. Peru- ¢ 2a ff est in an otherwise dull week.|/Michael Dunnill, an Anglican|Jan. 1, 1959, the year Mr. Bracci 18. Correct 5. 'To muddle vian tas Seb Monday, four members of the|/clergyman. They said they had/was appointed chairman, - 14. Be in 6. Sculptured coin * |Keevil Mining Group, Canadian/asked Municipal Affairs Minis-| It says the accord likenesses 26,Girl's = Yesterday's Answer =/Devonian Petroleums Ltd.,/ter J. W. Spooner. last June to 15, God of 7. Children's name TeckHughes Gold Mines Ltd.,/conduct an inquiry. evil: game 27,Japanese 87. Spanish Lamaque Gold Mines Ltd, and! 'The minister had advised Egyp. 8. Subtle coin dollar Consolidated Howey mergedithem that department officials|¢ 16, His wife emanaticn 29. Moves 38, The Orient into a new company to be listed! were not aware: of any irregu- turned 9. Hastened violently 40, Eager on the stock market as Teck/jarities, to salt 10, Pay $2, Part of 41. Fail to win Corporation. 18, Affix attention acheer 42,Godofwar | "Ontario Loan and Debenture Bg eS! ni neg Message 'oronto 19, Whey 17. Grampus 8d, Cut 44, Hint Company attracted interest Fri- I , L d C of milk | 19. Booth 38. Dry 46.Man'sname | day when Midland Osler Secur-|M@il Friday night Mr, Spooner! LANGAU GaSe 21, Clenched ais la is 8 |o fro ities Ltd. made a second offer happy to receive the petition, ' hand to purchase 51 per cent of thelnut would not act on it unlese Denied B MD 28. Concepts company's outstanding stock atl included concrete evidence of Y 30, Plece of $53.75 a share. Price of | thelirregularities. MOSCOW (AP) -- Dr. Lev \ prize-winning So. stock promptly rose from $53 to)" .. , en (We just can't put people in| Landau, Nobel po $53.75 during the dav to set 8/0 on rumors. Someone willl viet physicist, was reported last 31, Certain Oy nen have to give up some evidence|winter to have been snatched card British oe ager there is something wrong." |back four times from "clinical GHUX, f CHOULD HAVE KNOWN) player (Canada) Ltd. last month of. death." Actually, says one of NOT YO GING OUTDOORE.. , 33, Social fered to purchase Ontario Loaniiy INVESTIGATING the doctors who attended Lan- é group: Scot, shares at $50 a share and ear- (Mr. Spooner said his depart- dau, "his heart never stopped."* 84, Line for lier this month Midland had of-iment was still looking into the! Dr, vy, A. Negovsky, the Su a dog /, fered $52.50 a share. matter.) viet Union's leading expert. on 36, Mimi¢ ss Canadian Collieries bon rose) Earlier this week, Ontario| reviving dying persons, said in 39, Definite carly in the week following @0\riberal Leader John Winter-lan interview Sunday: article Y unsubstantiated rumour Of &/ mover described Mr. Bracci at tanden 40. Wing-ike take-over bid, a public election 'campaignior oiiment ae oo x & bocnath BID FOR ROYALITE meeting in Sudbury as a Pro-jto it, but his heart never 47, Come forth | Another highlight was BA a ig ne 84 beg cer stopped." 48. Like a k Oil' offer Monday to acquire/who runs affairs Negoveky mae the state. leaf edge son.ene Foaratgey ey phy River. ment during questioning about 49, Shows stock shares of Royalite 0, extreme Ltd. at $13 (US) @ share These sae Secheiaes Ee fondness shares had not been acquired/! 60. Storms *S j|when BA earlier took over Roy-|in alite jonly 4 y buy a new Pontiac or Buick, the next best investment yo ucan make-is "Guardian Maintenance" to keep your pt: ge Aaa pp ce: ie pee better, longer, and with fewer costly repairs. "'"Guardian Maintenance" is your Assurance of factory THE BEST ' : pr Paola led sérvice for longer driving pleasure. THE BEST : THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHEN YOU USE... 226 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 5 PHONE 723-4634 COURT INJUNCTION ON THE BARON THATD KEEP WIM, ; A\ FROM TRYING TO FORCE THE HOMESTEADERS OFF 6AW. ' 8. y THE LANDS THE ARMYS AWAY FIGHTING wie "His heart was not permitted APACHESS to ae because we' transfused blood into the arteries under nny in the direction of the This method was pioneered by Negovsky, Doctors in the West to be sceptical ped a ut its value. Negovsky hae conceded it can be dangerous, Negovsky and his institute i the Soviet Academy of Medical i Sciences laboratory of experi. q mental BR om for resusci- tation, by Russians ag the only one of its kind in the world--are to pers . ogg an techniques of revival, YOU MEAN YOL) SHOULD!) I "4 : / " CHARCOAL BRICKETTES | 4 YOURE IN BAD SHAPELY| | UGinsont Hee , : i y i yesenom ate tos tena poy ready mentioned, USE BREATHING AIDS 2. Artificial breathing aids, This may include mouth .\to. mouth forced breathing or us of machines. These meth. i applied to. the heart to start it beating again. Negovsky uses durect current, with voltages up to 3,000 or 4,000. The shocks are applied for short periods--sa: A one-hundredth of a second. In North America, alternating cur. rent, with lower voltages, ig preferred, Although Negovsky considers direct. current' more a he was unable to say why. 4. Manipulation of the heart, This may be done directly by cutting open the chest, takin the heart between the hands and massaging it. Another method is to leave the chest intact and apply rhythmic pressure to the. chest itself. Both methods are used in the West. SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER og 4 } DONALD~-DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES LARRY BRANNON "Do you mind, <It's just until Down Payment/ they fix my chair." | ote Zi mh " =| sh