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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Sep 1963, p. 17

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5 4 27--Keal Estate for Sale (27--Real Estate For Sale faces fiveroom brick buynga-|PRIVATE, 2-storey, Gilpisaiseopears 27-----Real Estate For Sale sees THE OSHAWA Tims, Fridey, September 6, 1963 7 sone tot, North|with garage, in 'cation "Phone Mr Mant Furnace, | . $12 weakly. Private en-lfiveroom ; werthiwith serege, peng lg you ai acomrces|29-Automobiles For Sale [29--Automobiles For Sale bunga' low, with two bedrooms, large good location. abe wk bah on ett io 1 725-4481,| district. Immediate possession. Telephone at 726-4139 or apply 642 Drew! pee ae eee m7. sree. E600. Private, Telephone SIRS. Mona 1960 CONVERTIBLE, fully automatic, 50/1956 BUICK, In 900d condition. ae ix-room. 'anch bul eee ee oe ' with ire PRIVATE sele, se Lt SPLL. or trade for larcer home,|COU sOURTICE - etree, bd bareelow: and take over payments. Call 725-6923. ($300. a ne. home, oil heated, Available September su' low, brick house, two "ireglect, double drive aivmi ciose to a i | y place, walk-out to to built in double garage, | bri neat, well decorated and well kept bun- owner, immaculate|1955 SUCK, Sendert, tstene, radia, 668-3) H |Schootay nes gare gare cloned' bath fie pe faye sd Full $150. 64 Lane REAL ESTATE Se ar at land tne |CMURER Sea, Two sales isch nd bus 1406, SCI 7 mala ie ali bey MIB cain ve rant New Tie, Toeghon| many . BD. W. SN AANTED IT IS TRUE TON ge ry wiv SMALL ROOM bunga base-| house, ediate possession. Apply 249 Iaaiag Street)double, rooms for rent. Private entrance.| 754 4499 Realtor Ladd pee oie a Eee poor after 6 evenings. Centrally, located. Gentlemen preterrgd.| EO iment. Storms" end. screens, TV. fower,| sluminum "windows. 4% elephone 725-69 Pick- i e For Oshawo, Whitby, Pic 100 Magnificent ty NTALS Acres, Cedars Apply address ebove. Oshawé, la iL Sroats Wireeroam Cup ee icine Street West, large, tront bedroom structed brick, bung: ie Separate and pote Boba rg +0 LL ering, Ajax, farm ond rural ind Dur- er wa dea eet abound, wide wind- ing stream SOUNDS GOOD cent NHA mort- KING STREET East, near limits, gage. Carries for. 615 principal, inter- Leh lence preferable but not nec- Lecsessastniasaeerteiotanae taasiaal oan hecain nal , REPOSSESSED [mene 'wer Perfect for Hunting Lodge furnished bedroom gentleman oo est and taxes. Telephone 668-5353, \stainers, City bus. Parking. ' Vacant. afer U essorily real estate, Replies BUSINESS confidential. Write: 1958 CHEVROKET 1958 PONTIAC or. Country Club, can be divided into 25 acre build- 4 p.m, Phone 725-2974, for rent, furnished, for working OPPORTUNITY » PATRICK C. McDANIEL BOWMANVILLE REALTOR eck, fireplace, electric heel, two' bath. rooms and many more Includ! Both six cylinder, 4-door in good shope. Best offer. ing parcels each with ideal setting for permanent resi- ey over raf years of age. After 4 p.m. 307 Lyndeview Dr, Whitby King Street West rooms, and many more exras, Including CALL 725-6571 dents or Retreat Home. Ex- .| call 728-4145, Store with apartment above, | only $17,257 with NHA financing. For ap- 20--Room and Board utes ane cellent roads and Hydro, 9-5 WEEKDAYS 27--Real berm For in huge turn-over, easy terms, |poin see call Wallace, ROOM and board, five day week, lunches BILL WHITTICK BUY NOW 725-6297 or Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377. packed, perking. near South GM ane OSHAWA MLRURTON: 35 sees oh rh only. Apply APARTMENT MOTORS LTD. Full hundred acres 5 $12,000 with terms. NEW LOCATION SIMCOE Street North, ire with ving corner lot, Green- River, paved roads, hydro, good fishi 5 Park 'Road Sou HOUSE 1250 Dundas St. East 25 acre parcels $4,- kitchen, Phone Whitby THREE RGOW compe (ias woe [ares enact phen soho See cited" Si, el iu rai eal AND BOARD, five-day week, inches vorome lg fost near South GM Eight suites, Central location in good condition, no vacan- Whitby --- Phone 668-5871| 000 with terms, ° The Home Of 26--Rooms For Rent 27--Real Estate For Sale .|ELGIN STREET furnished room PRIVATE sale, 489 King Street East 24--Houses For Rent Ituated schools. Help dood SIX-ROOM. house, situated near _Scheola Contact _wm.|avalla fore 6 p.m. Fie amin RRs "wb CHURCA Sireet t four-roois 18--Male or Female FORME light gg room, sult lady or 72-| i pmpemeetagpmanrpannt oll furnace,| _ Mary Street. DOWN je, three-bedroom| cungaiow With im Immediate | posses Call now to inspect, Arthur Wein- T3-7TMA. henaes Realtor, 4 ACRES with 6,000 pruned Scotch Pi Christmas trees ready for mere. " miles Oshawa. Only $6,500. All Survey = A ae days 728-7551; wenn Hincluding bullt-in gareck. chee bus at door, Builder bullt this for his own use. Early possession. Shown by appointment by calling Ossie pai 728-9714. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. NASSAU Street, four-room bungalow, [Nance bath, hot water, bullt-In cup- boards, heavy duty wiring. Oi! heated. Basement. Very central, 723-3078. COUNTRY homes, modern conveniences, Ste neet, four bedrooms, partially fur- nished, $75. Three bedrooms, furnished. Call Port Perry 985-2751. 25--Apartments | OM fiat, first floor, equipped THREE-ROO! Py § Bungalow for Sale near Sun- derland, like new with all modern conveniences, new oil furnace, bathroom, 2 bed- rooms, nice kitchen with lots of cupboards, living room with picture windows, full base- ment, hydro, water on pres- sure. Plus 40 acres to roam on for pleasure or profit, On good year round road, Low toxes, full price asking $9,- 800.00 good terms. 16 Acres near Beaverton--6 réom house, garage, chickerr house, well of water, hydro, nicély treed around the build- ings, low taxes, Full price only asking $3,800.00. Neor Sunderland on Hwy. 12, modern, 34 acre garden with a lovely brick family home, 9 rooms, furnace, bath, hy- dro, etc, full basement, at- tached garage and many ex- tras, Owner being transfer- NEW and 'ready to move in. Ti Bue frame with attached gar. sun- rking space. Very cosy and hess ps Fs preferred. 725-1588. 137 Elgin Street East. COLUMBUS, three r rooms and bath, sep- arate entrances, ugereee: $70, unfurnished, 723-928 co Realtor 728-7377. GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 JUST NORTH OF PORT PERRY--200 acre farm with large 7 room modernized brick home. 3 acres of straw- berries and raspberries, 2 barns: with a chicken capa- city over 25,000 also 200 pigs. This property has just come on the market and is in 1958 dition, private sale. Telephone 1963 in CHRVRBLEY 'igor aaioalic 4 Jinder, new peint. Good out, $495, Trade accepted. 723-2281. po My FB ay four der vitae, cellent gy eX par Lid., 200 Dundes West, Whitby. it fove, refrigerator roan, RNY ee lpundry for Barber Beruty Salon, Variety Store Estate Lid., Bowmanville. eneral lecaiaty only. FAIRBANKS paabicn three unfurnished . cies, Good investment, clean. Busi-|or services. Owner will consider small bungalow in exchange. For paren call Ossie Martin 728-9714 or Joseph Bos- LIVE rent free, nine-room brick, three Kooy bathroom ns be Park none = rooms in private home, consisting of kit- Leb gs BOARD infants mr small child-| hen, living roam and bedroom, heat, the week, day, night and week-| ater and lights supplied; also garage. Best of 'care and 'attention, 'Tele For further particulars phone 723-2767. Phone 72480. ONE and two bedroom apartments. CENTRAL, priven furnished room for|Rvaitable October 1. Apply 498. Simcoe gentleman, breakfast if desired. Tele-|street North, Apartment 1, or call 728- Shone 728-1773. |3945. AGNES Street, 97: Room and board, sult-| COLBORNE Street Eest, three-reom un bie for two, double bed, five-day week,) hed apartment. Immediate posses- heer north. 'and west plant. Telephone [Ston." Couple. only. Telephone 728-8112. Real Estate Broker in UR-ROOM apartment, downtown vicin- peg Duplate and bus, in clean, mn, quiet | fy. private bath and entrance. Heat and » Good meals, lunches packed, shift water included, Telephone 728-6463. ares welcome. English speaking gen- east san Ae ot Realtor 728-7377 apantnent type wee, upper lower, almost new, newly decorated, [ree living rooms with picture bg ied Gnettes, modern kitchens, filed rooms, large bedrooms. Weill located, i maculate condition, Rent income $190 month. For sale with $700 down or late model car to reliable party. Low monthly Payments on balance. PO Box 220, Osh- ning. condition, 675. Phone Rrooklin 655-3399 encresk oer. awa. Bowmanville tleman preferred. Telephone 723-1248. |FREE four-room unfurnished jin see for housekeeping apartment. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, willing to share room, lunches packed, home single Leundry done, GM workers only. Tele- phone 728-9523. twin beds, central, 725-3443. very widower beds, | aries only. Call from 9 to 5 cooked meals. | 728-94 amacon South, five-room apartment, pri-| vate entrance. Apply 5 John Street. Tale- ROOM and breakfast for two gentlemen,| | phone 725-0081 after 5 p.m. 725-9544. Telephone, UPPER DUPLEX, centrally | woman __ preferred. $14, PER WEEK, Suitable ror men will-| |before 6 p.m. Ing to share rooms. Single beds. Tele-| phone 728-3396 or 725-9910. ROOM and board for gentlemen, South General Motors, TV _privileg Hf 9449 after 4 lunches packed. poely 147 Mill street 725-77: er telephone ARTHUR Street, 332, good board. No shift workers. 728-243. 725-1843. |BLOOR Street, fou apartment, private bath. Telephone 725- p.m. RITSON Road South, 212: Three | rooms, main floor, hardwood floors, laundry facil- -- ities, lights, heat supplied, garage, sult- room and board,| sbie couple. Available Ist October. $68. near north Genera! Motors. Single beds, | Telephone 728-5495. SIMCOE, Rossiand West area, comfort-| heated, able room, private bath, entrance, 900d) yate entrance, $65 monthly, meals, lunches packed, laundry, parking.| ciyded. Apply 58 589 Albert Street. Gentlemen, Abstainers. 728-4845. 708 Carnegie. | -- 21--Room & Board Wanted WANTED Good Homes' FOR Oshawa Generals Hockey Players Most of these ployers cre students who will play here this winter. it is preferred to have two boys live together. However, @ach boy would require an individual bed. Room and board will be paid directly to you by the Hockey Club. CALL 723-4383 or 725-3637 \REGENCY TOWERS $100 to $118 month- lly In a very short period of time near- 11 upper wh led, heated, running water, pr! |trance. 4 Apply 1184 Cedar Street. FOUR-ROOM MARY Sireet, 531: ldren, abstainers. Parking facili jerences. Telephone 725-5691. r-room unfurnished THREE-ROOM upper flat, Splece bath, ardwood floors, hot water, pri- hydro in- Completely furnish- @d apartment, all conveniences, no chil- care for Respon- located. Telephone unfurnish- ivate en- ties. Ref- ly 70 per cent of our building |rented and suites are being daily. automatic door system, broadioom jor 728-0569, for further details. if you are interested in living in this luxurious 'buliding. Fully decorated, equipped with refrigerators, ranges, dra- peries, Hi-Fi, AM and FM radio, electric ridors and elevator. Call 728-1544, 723- +2570 | has been occupied ed cor- New _ luxurious lobby. Air conditioned with broadioom, Laundry 340. Marland or Apt. 345 Gibb St. or Phone 4283. THE DIPLOMAT apartments. Controlled entrance, modern on each floor, Apply at site halls room 107, 728- 26--Rooms For Rent neseeny bright furnished room. . Telephone Bowmanville Sult gen- 623-5903. excellent condition through- out. GLENDALE AVENUE -- Just off Rossland Rd. West a beautifully kept 6 room brick bungalow with attached gar- age and paved drive. Large well landscaped lot fenced and hedged. Priced at only $17,500. Give us a call to inspect. FULL PRICE $7,900--1% storey frame home on '% acre of land with lots of room for a garden and set out with fruit trees and berries. Schoo! ocross the road and on a paved road. Located in Epsom just 20 miles from Oshawa, N.H.A. RESALE--5¥%2 room brick bungalow with double paved. drive. Large Holly- wood kitchen. 3 bedrooms and 4 pe. 'tiled bath. Finish- ed room in. basement. Home nicely decorated throughout and $13,500 full price. $2,000 DOWN--Quolity built home on Brentwood Ave, with stone front, and fenced yard. 3 good sized bedrooms and large living room with L-shap- ed dining room. 6%4% N.H.A. mortgage. HORTOP STREET--North of Rossland Rd.--6 room brick bungalow with attached gar- age and exceptionally nice landscaping, Deep lot with fruit trees and garden, com- pletely hedged. Finished room and extra 2 pc. wash- room in basement. This home Is in excellent condition and priced at $17,700. WASAGA BEACH--5_ mod- ern 2 bedroom housekeeping ee at Storage| 725-5985 GARAGE for storage space at 106 Elgin iret E west 7 Telephone 725-1350. ATTRACTIVELY cabins with all conveniences and fully furnished. 128 ft. beach with safe swimming for red, this is a lovely home and. must be seen to be ap- preciated. Worth much more than the asking price of $12,- 000:00. Terms may arranged. North east of Port Perry near Little Britain, 2 acres, 4 rom home, bath, oi! fur- nace, hydro, garage, ample water supply on pressure. Low taxes, full price asking $5,500.00 terms. Reach Twp, near Greenbank, 22 acres, 7 room 4 bedrooms, small barn, hy- dro, water on pressure. Full price asking $12,000.00. Brooklin Village on. Hwy, 7 and 12. Income home, 3 apts. all rented, oil furnace heated, bathroom in each apt. hwd. and tile floors situated on large lot, Fujl price asking $12,600.00 terms. Edge of Beaverton Village, 6 room brick bungalow, modern, conveniences, natural fire- place, large lot. Owner anxi- ous to sell due to ill health. Full price asking $10,500, terms. On Hwy. 12 near Sunderland, country store and gas pumps complete with living quarters. Please see this for price and terms. Owner must sell. Edge of Bowmanville on' pav- ed road near 401 Hwy. 98 acres, choice level productive farm, 7 room brick home with al conveniences, notural fire- place, attached garage, huge all steel. barn, | stanchions, water bowls, etc,. new silo, 3 wells and . pond. is is a good farm and may be bought as a going concern with large stock and full line of modern NORTH SHORE REALTY LTD. 112 Simcoe St. North Telephone 725-3568 "FOR RENT Medical or Dental office. Approximately 700 squore feet. Close to downtown area. Parking available, Electrie heated. Fer information cell 725-5132 Available in private 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | FURNISHED ROO/MS home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. children and good fishing. Room for expansion, Full price $16,500 HERE IS A GEM on a wooded ravine lot in a restricted area. Modern brick split level home, custom built for the |22---Offices, Stores, Stora present owner, Attractive en- try hall leading to living room THE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Has modern office space for rent. 400-6,000 square feet, air-conditioning available. Ample free parking Easily accessible. Contact: Administration Office Telephone 728-6231 or R. I. M. Co. Ltd., 170 Bay Street, Toronto Telephone 362-7731 with stone fireplace, dining room and ultra modern kitch- en. Family room opens to out- side patio. 3 generous bed- rooms with 4 pc. tiled bath and 2 pc. powder room, At- tached garage and paved drive. This is an exceptional home and well worth your in- spection, NOW' IS THE TIME to ac- quire that summer cottage and be ready for next season at the beach. We have just listed 2 properties at Ceas- area on Lake Scugog. One with 7 rooms complete with eee Mi Rent 4 26--Rooms For Rent basement, furnace and pres- sure system and winterized TWO-BEDROOM house, with pin i children. in good condition, facilities by October 15. No 5902, ° BURK Street, large front room, floor. Suitable for sleeping or preferred. ng. WANTED immediately, five or six room|phone 728-838". main Tele- for year round occupancy. The. other has 3 bedrooms, large lot and is furnished. Call for complete details. light pope Mg sa Oll heat preferred.) vewiy decorated, furnished room COUPLE with no children require three */quiet. home for 28-5984, Telephone 728-3802. WANTED -- modern two-bedroom apart- cen- ment, self-contained (rnin floor) tral. Dial SIX- OR SEVEN- ROOM house by end of + near GM _ south plant, Chris- flan adult family. Write Box 27, Oshawa Times. 4 24----Houses For Rent housekeeping. Ci Near hospitel, or without, light central. with jean, ah Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. after 5 p.m. Apply 16 Nassau Street. For full particulars call 1 caaee ROOM for gentleman, centrally) 723-112 located, $7, weekly. Telephone 728-9348 Tony Siblock Leon Manitius 725-3205. FURNISHED single room in adult home. Suit gentiemar No cooking. Telephone Roy Flintoff Irene Brown Jean Peacock Lloyd Corson ATHOL EAST, 182, si room. Suit one gentleman. Central. ply address. ' CHURCH Street, two bedroom, oll heated. 30. Adults. Tele-|725- TWO furni men, abstainers 6896, single furnished rooms for rent, for single only, Call after 5 p.m.,| Steve Zurba ap| U Dick Young | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Steve Englert as Peacock machinery. Owner retiring. now. Neor Village of Uxbridge, with @ large bubbling trout creek, 98 acres rolling land, partly treed with older house ond barn. A perfect retreat for the business man, Full price $16,900.00, Brock Twp. 515 acres, 2 sets of farm buildings, some river frontage, some farming land etc. Full price asking $35,- 000.00, terms. Brock Twp., 100 acres, 7 room house, large barn, hy- dro, water on pressure, spring pond in pasture. Full price $16,000.00 terms. East of Uxbridge, 50 acre horse: farm with deluxe home surrounded by trees, barn, box stalls, paddocks, ample water supply on pres- sure, hydro throughout, on good year round road. See this one it is lovely. We have several water front cottages reasonably priced, also several businesses with living accommodation. MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR SUNDERLAND ,ONT. PHONE 303 For full details see this one good LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER N.H.A. RESALE NORTH-WEST 3 bedroom brick bungalow situated on Stevenson Road. Very close to St. Christophers and McLaughlin -- schools. Only $89 per month, Call Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123. $3,900 DOWN ROSSLAND RD. WEST 2 year old brick ranch type bungalow with attached gar- oge, Landscaped, decorated and completely finished. One N.H.A. mortgage for bal- ance. Cal! Bill Johnston at 728-1066 0. 728-5123. SUBURBAN 1 ACRE OF LAND On year old. five room brick bungalow, extra large kitchen with double sink and lots of cupboards. 4 piece ceramic tile .bath with vanity and many extras including gar- age. Substantial down pay- ment required and inthly payments of $93.00 including taxes, on one mortgage. Call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728-5205 or 728-5123. $12,500. FULL PRICE $2,600. DOWN 4 bedroom brick bungalow. Only 5 years old. Walk-out basement. Carries for $99 monthly including taxes on one open mortgage. Don't de- lay on fhis one. Call Ed Drumm oat 728-5123. or 725-9845. EAST-END BRICK BUNGALOW $12,600. FULL PRICE 3 bedrooms, modern oil heat, garage--owner requites $4,- 500.00 down, one mortgage for balance. Close to schools, shopping, etc. Call Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725-9345. FOR RENT SEPT. 30 $115 monthly, 2 bedrooms, electric heat, balcony, paved parking. Coll 'Bill' Horner ot 728-5123. NEAR G. N.C. $4,200. Modern lunch counter, good equipment, good turnover, variety lines could be added to increase volume, no com- petition in area, Long term lease available at $75 month- ly including heating of build- ing. To discuss this opportun- ity call "BiJl" Horner at 728-5123 or 728-2236. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Oshowa, Ontario Open Evenings 623-5919 ~ METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King Street East Dial 728-4678 CHECK THESE VALUES $13,800.00 - N.W, area - 3 bedroom brick bungalow - 2Y%2 years old and modern in ga - all schools adja- $11,000.00 - South east - 2 storey home on large lot - Only $1500.00 down. $13,900.00 - south west - one on Quebec street - one eon Beaupre Avenue - both homes completely finished decorated and landscaped. $13,195.00 up - new homes in Golfview Heights - 5-6 room bungalows with all the extras included - N.H.A, terms of course. $17,000.00 - $17,900.00 - 4 new in Downsview Park - Classic design - top quolity construction - worth © real close look - move im- mediately. CALL cee el FULL INFORMATION OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 John Kemp Dick Borriage Ken Hann Jack Osborne Joe Maga JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167. Simcoe St. S. Office we Bed a.m. to 9 p.m.) 'GAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD SPECIAL Look, only $1,000 down for this 5 room brick home, 3 bedrooms, family size kitchen, full basement, neat os o pin, well landscaped grounds, Must be seen. Ask for Mr, Yeo at 725-6544, or 725- room brick bungglow with garage, ond very anxious to sell. For full details call Mr. Rankine at 725-6544, OPEN TO OFFER Large attractive 10 room in- come home. 2 large kitchens, 2 3-pc. baths, 'oil heat, large lot 65' x 200'. Asking only $13,900. with excellent terms for balance, Give us a call, we'll do tne rest. Ask for Mr. Yeo ot 725-6544 or 725- 2217. NEWTONVILLE This almost new rug brick bungalow has 1,500 square feet of floor space and two acres of land, at only $11,- 500 with $1, (500 down ond the balance in one easy mort- joge. Cail Mr. Rankine at 25-6544, WE LIST ONLY TO SELL " NASSAU STREET Owner moving fr this~S__ PRIVATE SALE Beautiful modern brick house, spotless condition, nearly new lovely' large living room, two large bedrooms, cheerful kit- chen spacious cupboards broadioom = floors in living room and hall. Full size basement. Gas furnace pawnan garage, landscaped PRICE $14,500 Low Down Payment 1243 Dundas Street East Whitby Call Owner 725-2539 or 723-3291 1957 PONTIAC two door Good Used Cars - eat en 3 "Before You Buy Wainy: George Blyleven Realtor PHONE 623-5300 Maple Grove 3 bedroom bungalow with breezeway ond big garage on nicely landscaped lot, which can be extended for V.L.A, Priced at $12,900 with $2500.-- down, Balance one mortgage, 2 bedroom bungalow with ot- atched gorage and sunporch on 2 acre lot. House must be seen to be appreciated. Priced ot $11,000 with sub- stantial down payment. Excellent opportunity for the man who wants to hove a side-line. 3 bedroom bunga- Give Bill A Try" etek Cae eee a Martin's Auto Electric low mileage. under 1960 PONTIAC guarantee. Terms can arrai |. Private, T inged al ele 2 door automatic. Shorp, a an a Bm ae 1961 PONTIAC seat belts, tires, wheel disca, condl- 4 door hardtop, power steer- three speed floor shift, excellent tion. Telphone 728-1912. ing, power brakes, radio, automatic transmission. 19590 MERCURY coupe, sin 'thousend griginal miles, radio, white no Dunlop Street W i " Ready to go. West, Whitby. 1959 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE V-8, Automatic, power steer- Ing, power brakes, like new. 1959 OLDSMOBILE 98 CONVERTIBLE Fully powered. A real dream, 1960 PONTIAC Four door automatic, radio, whitewalls, Clean, One since Must be sold to settle "Apply 49 Colborne Street Gast, NaTeOR Rideau od fully py Mee + pay Mey In_A-1 condition. Sea- way Motors oes. 20" Dundas West, Whit THE discrimi buyer this 1963 Acadian Ont: 6,000 caréful miles, fully bucket seats, consolé, oe Positraction. gleaming black, terior. After 5 p.m. r_5 p.m. telephone 723-7389. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off, low with double garage, re- creation room on 20 acres of land. Chicken barn for raising of 4000 broilers, Going concern Equipment in- cluded, Asking price $22,000 with $7,000 down. The Professional Touch Characterizes Ball Point Properties On Lake Scugog Architect designed Cottages on the finest property on Lake Scugog. Boating, Swim- ming ond fishing. Registered plan of lots. Roads, Hydro, Plumbing. From Seagrave follow signs to Boll Point. NORTH SHORE REALTY LTD. 112 Simcoe St. North Telephone 725-3568 PRIVATE SCHOFIELD-AKER WHITBY BARGAIN -- 301 Ande S Owner Must Sell - LOVELY RANCH TYPE SIX ROOM 1956 PONTIAC 4 door, V8, stick shift, radio. Real sharp. 1959 PONTIAC 4 door, Station Wagon, Fully Recondtiioned. Fully Guaronteed. 1960 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 door, V8, automatic, radio, power steering, power brakes. 1959 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4 door, automatic, radio, Like new. 1958 CHEVROLET 2 door, 6 cylinder, radio, two tone coral ond white, 1957 CHEVROLET 4 qoor sedan, 6 cylinder, stick shift, radio, Martin Auto DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For Cleon cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off, NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE 449 Ritson Rd. S, Oshawa 728-0921 GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM ine A SERVICE tson Road and Ki 723-4733 and 723-7712 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought ond sdld Liens paid off Trade up or down Aways tep quality Avaliable le phone between 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 725-3968. BUNGALOW Close to lake, well landscap-* ed, half acre corner lot which includes beautifully built stone barbecue on patio. Paved double drive. This house features builtin oven, range, refrigerator in hdlly- wood type kitchen. Colored bathroom fixtures with vani- ty and ceramic tiled walls. Large living room includes broadioom and drapes, Chil- rens' rooms include built-in furniture plus mony other extras. _ Furnace oil fired forced air. FULL PRICE $13,300 For further information call éwner R. J. FINNEGAN AJAX 942-4875 28--Real Estate Wanted SOLD 23 homes in August. Listings ur- ELGIN Street East, 99: Two furnished rooms, bedroom kitchen with cupboards and sink, refrigerator, range. Suit couple. Close fo hospital. Apply address. SMALL four-room cottage, suitable for reliable couple. Outside conveniences. Townline North. $50 per month, 725-6597. WILSON. Road South, modern five room Tight room pyiles close to bus stop and schools.|for gentleman; central, dishes, linens, re- Basement reserved. For further informa-jfrigerator, hot plate supplied. Abstainers tion call 728-9868. only. Apply 12 Elgin Street East WHITBY CLASSIFIED WILL give competent care and super-/LADY fo come in and mind children vision to small children (any age) In my| Tuesday to Friday. Telephone Saturday, own home. Monday to gh 20 years|10 to 12 a.m. only, 668-5772. { uraing' experience. 6 Gon |PRIVATE sqie. Three-bedroom bungalow, TWO Findlay space heaters; 7 one t kitchen |large lot and very large basement. 608 fable, four chairs; one double bed. Tele-| Clarence Drive, 668-4643, geene GESEs FOR RENT: Twobedroom apartment, 706 Dunlop Street West. 'Avaliable September Ist. Telephoe 668-8560. PRIVATE sale: Six room bungalow, oll FOR SALE: Tease Kroehier chester-|furnace, garage, aluminum storms, Close field suite, two years old, good condition,| to schools. Telephone 668-2930. brown. Cali 6ab2175 after $ pum. FOR RENT: Central Whitby, two storey, 1956 Chevrolet 6 Cylinder, Standard Mechanically sound and clean, Apt. 1, 1056 Ravine Rd. TELEPHONE 728-9374 after 6 sell, Price slashed a whop- ping further $2,000 to just $11,000. No favorites! First come, first served! This is on only one, but if you are disappointed let us discuss OPEN HOUSE IN DOWNSVIEW PARK CRAND OPENING | 2e ss -CONTINUING THIS WEEKEND ies STARTING FRIDAY AT 6:00 P.M. Electric Used Cars 409 Brock Street South Whitby. ----- 668-3652 FOR RENT: : Three-bedroom jalow,| Dut $100 monthly. Apply 129 Annes Street. October WANT TO GET BEHIND A NEW WHEEL? GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH 4 LOW.COST, LIFEINSURED SCOTIA BLAM LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA bethrooms, _ private ned driveway, pi. Baw ge storms and sc Give us © call, it will sell f fost. GARRARD ROAD -- Why settle for less? Here is a preferred. Telephone 668-3795 after five. : ; : : é pee one. ; tion. All homes with good N.H.A. financing. Come and see Oshawa's finest home: with three ns FOR RENT eh See ree, VEY sultable for di iced sullivini hi ee s . and lots of room. The extra : es {pet aces -- medium priced subdivision this weekend. large lot gives omple space Boats, Outboard (Piet Clean, quiet, adult . Laundry _and : pid Ps corte aa Asking |gently. required. Some all 'cash buyers. Boat Troilers, Tent, Stoves, breakfast optional. 117 Cedar Street, Tele) = DIRECTIONS: -- Adelaide Street East at Wilson Road North. af property. Comect Jeveph teen, Rest erns, ond Cabin and basement is divided, so See our beautiful French Provincial home furnished by Holden Bros Furniture beauty you con afford. We FOR ye oh Nicely furnished apartment.|six-room house. geod October shall be proud to show it. bom . 723-2268 « Open 9 to 9- tor. 728-7377. en rai ad ns Trailers. tes 29--Automobiles For Sale it could be used es. on opert. ment. Other feotures - ----drapes by Howard Draperies. 8 other distinctive homes in this design jing room, kitchen and bathroom.| Write Box 202, Oshawa Times, Whitby. PRS ' ee : ev Pate You'll | Nan privates 'central, "Lody sbstainer rl FOR SALE; ior Sa catia oie: controlled subdivision either finished or nearing completion for your inspec- Biron Shy asihtovel aemn th 1958 METEOR ranch wagon, [i dition, $950. 1180 Simcoe street North| 728-0031. 1954 METEOR, four-door, green and jwhite, radio, windshield weshora, excel- lent running condition. 601 Dunlop Street | West, Whitby, 668-4065. WILDE peggp Bag ha gg <a RENTAL Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas East (sea work, Pick up, delivery. George 1700 Charles Street, Whitby. alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a 2372. \. Whitby 668-3226 --[dawsoaa, XXX XXX EXCLUSIVE AGENT LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE BOARD 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 Margoret Holl .. 723-1358 725-1726 Bill McFeeters .. 725-0201 +» 728-5868 Pauline Beol ... 725-0239 Charlie Chaytor | 723-7996 Ken Morris .... 623-5406 (Bowmanville) » 360 King St. W. Free Parking 1963 PONTIAC, two-door, standard, white- walls, discs, perfect condition, 22 months warranty. Low mileage. 3000 miles. Low price, $2375. Call 728-6386, 1962 CHEVROLET impala, like new, automatic, power steering, power brakes, many extras, Sacrifice, $2,650, Telephone 728-6020, . : specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-i BICYCLE repairs, used picycies. Guaran- (Continued on Page 18)

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