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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Sep 1963, p. 18

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ee oe 3 Ss ee alan ~ aoe in lan cian ane <diidiiadadttt nen ciutapedtin on ke Baw. p he 1B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, September 13, 1963 mi BIRTHS OBITUARIES Maple Grove a i rs 38 u : : Bi a93 = al i i HH 4 ii i iy i ; : ; i 3 "3 is fi | ; : : ee oo 3 $ i is - i z tt hi ih i 2] Fae : i be i iF Ml ti i i zz ntl A Z #8 ANTONY GARDZINSEI High Requiem Mass will be sung in St. Hedwig's Roman Se me Oe 00 ae . at 9.30 a.m., ry all Gardzinski. who died the fam resident : Tock y lence, z son avenue, Rev. A. Bagsik will celebrate the mass. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Severin Gardzinski, Mr Gardzinski came to Canada two years ago. He was born at Domanka, Douza, Poland, in 1885. He eos an Ba ypcom ogy 8 r there prior co Consda. 1 wie a member of St. Hedwig's church. Surviving are his wife, the former Maria Piotrowski, Oshawa and two sons, Adam Garson in Bowmanville and Karzimierz Gardzinski of Osh- awa. There are eight grand- children. The body is at the Arm- strong Funeral Home. Inter- ment will be in St. Gregory's Cemetery, Oshawa. MRS. JERUSHA LUCY OGDEN A former Orono and Oshawa -Iresident, Mrs. Jerusha Lucy sh-| Ogden, died in Oshawa General farts, including the name, i} publish a Birth Notice in the next edition, 72-3492, DEATHS 'DAWES, Emily Evelyn At the family reborn 1132 Brock Street th, Whitby on Thursday, September 12, » Emily Evelyn Barton, beloved Hospital Thursday, ept., 12. A tt N. FRY h r f R ae? for the past 30 years, Mrs. Ogden was visiting relatives here when stricken. The former Lucy Plain, daugh- ter of the late Elisa and Mrs. Plain, was. born in Orono in 1881 and married there in 1896. She lived in Oshawa for five years before going to Roches- ter where she had been em- tiiployed in the sewing depart- ment of the Genesee Hospital tin, |{0r 28 years. GARDZINSKI, Antony «Entered info rest at the family resi- dence, 308 Jackson Avenue, Oshawa, on 12, 1963, Antony high requ 'Church, Saturday, Septem @m. interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. OGDEN, Jerusha Lucy Entered into rest In the Oshawa Gen- @ral Hospital on Thursday, September 42, 1963, Jerusha Lucy Plain, widow of he Western Ogden, Mrs. . Mrs. Vilda Parker, Oshawa; Mrs. Penders, Auburn N;.Y.; Wilfred, Ernest, ter, In her 83rd r. Resting at Armstrong Funeral Oshawa, with Memorial Service' 2 pm. | (Friends Funeral Mrs. Ogdn was predeceased by her husband, Western Ogden, in 1928. Surviving are four daughters and two sons, Mrs. Clara Cosco, Palmyra, N.Y.; Mrs. Ed Wend- -ler (Kathleen), Rochester, N.Y.; Mrs. Vilda Parker, Oshawa; Mrs, Emma Penders, Auburn, N.Y.; Wilfred, Oshawa, and Ernest, Rochester, N.Y. There are 26 grandchildren and 52 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Ogden is resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home. Rev. A. E. Larke, pastor of ter;|Albert Street United Church, will conduct the service Mon- Y.,|with her sister, Couple Attends MAPLE GROVE -- Sunday School is being held every Sun- day at 10:45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Miss Carole Greenham spent the weekend with Miss {rene -\Harvey at her cottage at Little Canning Lake, Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Brown and son, David, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Bill Calver, at Waupoos, Prince Ed- ward, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Davis, Of! moose Jaw, Sask., have been visiting with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney and family. attended the dedication service of the new Cemetery Chapel at Bethesdg, when the Rev. Milton Sanderson, Toronto, was the guest speaker. After the service they were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright. Mrs. Eric Freeborn and three children, Lindsay, spent Monday Mrs, Cedric' Russell. Mr. and Mrs, Joha Polman, daughter Monique, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Russell. Miss Joyce Mills left by plane from the Toronto airport on Sunday for a two weeks' visit with friends at Calgary, Alberta. family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jennings, Campbellville. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow, recently. Mrs. E. L. .Niddery, Toronto; Mrs. Bazil McMaster, Baker Lake, N.W.T.; Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Densem ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mellor and son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Kemble; Mr, and Mrs. Bob Griffiths and sons, John and David, and Mrs. Louie Phipps, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Laird, baby Nancy, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Grigg, Oshawa, and Mrs. Ted Grigg, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Collacutt} Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mills and] MRS. KEN GAMSBY ORONO -- Work has started on making preparations of open- ing the Orono Public Lib as a public libragy. Mrs, Bruce Mercer, Jibrarian, along with assistance from some of the Board members, is also being taken off the shelve; and. some are noted to dpte back to 1890's. On September 6th, Miss Mun- roe of the Department of Pub- lic Libraries visited the Oro- no Library and went over the books and met with the lo- cal Public Library Board and librarian. At this meeting pro- cedure to be followed in the listing of books and general policy was discussed, Following this date and with Start Work On Orono Library plans cofpleted the library will Talk Planned - On Quebec Eskimos open as a public library in the] ojaim Village of Orono. , The Orono Public Library has already received its grant from the government in an amount of $400 and also its levy from It appears that the new board is hopeful of opening a new Ju- nior section in the library and to add as many new books as possible this year. Some residents of the area have inquired on obtaining some of the discarded books and this will no doubt be discussed at the next Board meeting where a policy could be set up. tions in November. This was learned from a top government source controversy over the of Quebec Eskimos heightened with the return of Northern Af- fairs Minister Laing from -a three-week 7,000 mile northern tour. The education and welfare of the Indians)and Eskimos in the far north, including some terri- 'ory within the boundaries of the provinces, has for many years been a federal responsi- bility. Premier Lesage's Liberal gov- ernment in Quebec has laid claim to the education field as part of its development of the northern regions, called New By CAL HOLLOWAY BATHURST, N.B. (CP)--An increase in the market price of base metals could lift the cover of a mineral treasure chest to expose a glittering economy for northeastern New Brunswick. Geologists say sulphite depo- sits in the Bathurst-Newcastle area -- about 2,000 squere miles--contain 150,000,000 tons of high-grade ore, worth about $3,000,000,000 at current prices. But the low price of lead (1144 cents a pound) and zine (12% cents) is one of the main fac- tors contributing to the area's relatively sluggish development. suptimism swept this part the first two large base-meta' defiosits were discovered 18 miles southwest of here. The next year Keyment Mines began production from a deposit that has since been worked out. Two companies now are oper- Base Metal Price Could Help N.B. ating mines and a third is scheduled to go into production next spring.Consolidated Min- ing and Smelting Company's Wedge and Heath Steele mines share a concentrating mill but production is low. BUILD NEW MILL New Brunswick in 1953 when Brunswick Minin gand Smelt- ing Corporation is constructing a $17,00,000 concentrator and the 3,000-ton-a-day. mills is ex- pected to go into operation next spring. Brunswick's reserves in two main deposits are estimated at 58,000,000 tons. The area's 14 of major sulphite deposits contain 5.6 per cent zinc, 2.3 per, cent lead, .5 per cent copper and 1.9 ounces of silver to the ton. However, most deposits are fine-grained and present metal- lurgy difficulties in separation. This was one of the factors re- day, Sept. 16, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment will be in Orono cemetery. Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Saturday afternoon, Y "neon). LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangement and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ,. 24 HOUR FHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Discussion Plans On Disarmament ' AMSTERDAM, The Nether- lands (Reuters) -- British and West German socialist leaders will discuss disarmament prob- lems in London next week, it Was announced Thursday at the end of the Socialist International Congress. The British Labor party's in- ternational secretary, David En- mals, said one reason for the meetings, the first of which will be on Sept. 20, is to demonstrate the close relationship between ept.|the two parties. . son Emily and, family. = In loving memory of a + John Paterson, who passed - @way September 13, 1959. We do not you, nor do we intend, We think of you often, and will fo the -- In loving memory of a dea husband 'and father, Ernest $. Smith, who away September 13, 1962. --Always by wife Jessie and fon Donald. WEEKS -- in loving memory of @ dear peed and gr ever remember daughters and grandchildren. By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN MAPLE GROVE. -- Mr. and Mrs. Ron McCarthy, Halifax, recently visited with her broth- er, Mr. Cedric Russel and Mrs. Russell and family, The parishioners of the Cour- tice Circuit were shocked re- cently when word was received that St. Paul's Church, Sarnia, had been destroyed by fire. The minister, the Rev. Francis Yardley, was away on holiday at the time. He was a former pastor of this circuit. Peter Pritcha:d, Master Paul ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) Pritchard, Manotick, visited their grandmother, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, and uncle Boh Snow- den. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas, Rockwood, were visitors recent- 36--Legal ly with their cousin, Mrs. H.R. Fol CORPORATION OF -THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND BY TENDER The Corporation of the City of Oshawa hereby invites of- fers for the purchase from it of the following land: Part of Lot 31, Sheet 10 D (4), Plan 357, on the south- east corner of Simcoe Street North and Taunton Road, having a frontage of approxi- mately 76'6" on the east sidé | MEMORIALS * . _ MARBLE and GRANITE Designing, Carving, Lettering Installation, Repairs Open Evenings Until 9 Oshawa Monument Co. 135 King Street East 728-3111 of Simcoe Street by an aver- sage depth of approximately 120', containing .23 acres. Offers for the purchase of the above land may be made on forms provided for that pur- pose by the City Clerk, 3rd floor, City Hall, Oshawa. RIMAR -- MEMORIALS * Dignified and Distinctive MONUMENTS FLAT MARKERS tn Designs For Any Need 152 Simcoe St, S. Oshawa gp 723-1002 728-6627 ice The closing date for- tenders is 5 p.m., D.S.T., Thursday, October 10th, 1963, and all offers shall be sent to the City Clerk, City Hall, Oshawa, in a sealed envelope, clearly marked 'Tender for Land" and shall be accompanied by a certified deposit cheque payable to The Corporation ' of the City of Oshawa for an amount equal to 10% of the amount offered. The Corporation of the City of Oshawa reserves the right to refuse any or all offers whether such offer is the 88 33 i z than East Ger. potash salts are mined the northern region of the highest or not. 1, L. R, BARRAND, City Clerk. 'oley. Bob Laird, Mr. Ron Hager- man have return2d home from a motor trip to Banff, Vancou- ver. B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castle, Mr. Roger Castle, Peterborough, were recent visors with Mrs. lL. C. Snowden and Bob Snow- dew Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Collins, Nor- val. Banquet Held At Audley United Church MRS. FRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY -- The Rev. M. Buttars is bac' in the pulpit. The ladies and girls of the con- gregation held a banquet at the church on Friday evening, Sept. 6. Mrs, Comfort, of Markham, was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs, G. K. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Disney and Mrs. Lee Darwin vised recently with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pratt, Galt. Bill McDonald and Keith Puckrin returned recently from a two-week camping trip to the west coast. Among those visit- ed on the way were Bill's uncle, Donald McDonald, Nelson, B.C., Keith's great uncle, Wal- ter Fowlie, Athabasca, also Paul Benns, Jenner, Alberta, and the Hugh Miller family, Indian Head, Sask. Halifax Couple At Maple Grove Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Taunton; Mrs. Doreen Brooks, Bowmanville, were Sunday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L 'C. Collacutt. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Smith, Beth- any, were visitors one evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mor- ton. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Osborne, Bowmanvilille, were recent sup- per guests at her sister's and brother-in-law's, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, Karen and Patsy, accompanied Mrs. H. R. Foley to Brooklin to visit the latter's sister, Mrs. S. T. Bartlett. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bleeks (nee Bar- bara Brown) on their recent marriage. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Beech, Misses Janice Bonnie Beech, at- tended the Ashton-Moore wed- ding at Blackstock United Church recently, and the recep- tion at the Flying Dutchman. Cripple Jailed For Two Years OTTAWA (CP)--Clifford Spri- gings, a 59-year-old muscular dystrophy cripple, was sent- enced Thursday to two years in Kingston penitentiary after be- ing described by Magistrate L. A. Sherwood as an "'accom- plished con man without morals or conscience." Sprigings, brought into court in & wheel chair, was found guilty of "dealing in the estab- lishment of offices." " He was accused of charging people for use of his "influence"' in getting them government jobs. At his trial in July wit- nesses Said they paid him amounts up to $925 on the un- derstanding that his influence would enable them to obtain cer- tain positions, Sprigings said he only prom- ised to line up government jobs for a fee, He said he filled out standard application forms for people as a favor and any money received was "gratitude for my services." Enniskillen Women Help At SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED Jarvis St.,. Toronto 2, air dow Cleaning Contract, Federal awa, Ontario, will be received until 3.00 P.M. 26, 1963. onto 2, Ontario, or ot the office ing, Oshawa, Ontario. supplied set forth the Deportment and 'ein. 4 File No. 776-200 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS TO The Office Manager, 225 and endorsed "TENDER FOR Win- Building - UIC Building, Osh- (E.D.S.T.). Thursday, September Plans, specifications ond form of tender can be seen, or can be _ obtained ot the office of the District Manager, Prope: Building Management Branch, D.P.W., 225 Jarvis Street, rty ond Tor- of the Caretaker, Federal Build- Te be considered each tender must be made on the printed forms in accordance with the conditions The lowest or any tender not necessarily o b @ CCLORE, Office Monoger Trousseau Tea By MRS, RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN -- Mrs. H. Ashton, Mrs. 0. C, Ashton, Miss Lois Ashton assisted at the trous- seau tea recently for Miss Eve- lyn Moore, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Irwin and Rodney were recent visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Ern- est Irwin, Bobcaygeon. Mrs. Robert Preston, Maple Grove, spent an afternoon, re- cently with Miss Elsie Oke, Mr. Mrs. A. Martin and family were guests of the R. sponsible for a slackening in de- velopment between 1953 and 1958, Federal government geolo- gists say surveys indicate that the Bathurst - Newcastle area could become one of Canada's major mining districts with re- serves good for 100 years, Min- ing officials say a rise in the market price of base metals is all that is needed to develop the area's potential. Quebec, This process, it has been reported here, has been akin to staking territorial claims by moving Quebec ad- ministrative officers into the federal administration offices in northern Quebec communities. Mr, Laing said Wednesday the Eskimos of Fort Chimo, on Un- gava Bay, and Great Whale River, on the southeast coast of Hudson Bay, told him they fear a transfer to Quebec because it would mean learning French in- stead of English, QUEBEC (CP) -- Rene Le- vesque, Quebec natural re- sources minister Thursday termed "amazing" statements by Arthur Laing, federal north- ern affairs minister, that Eski- mos in northern Quebec feared a switch from English-language to French-language instruction. "They appear to me to be s0 'amazing I hesitate to believe they were said as reported," Mr, Levesque told reporters. Four-In-Accord Song Club Visits. Chatagua By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN MAPLE GROVE -- Sympa- thy of this community is ex- tended to the bereaved famil- ies in this community and re- latives in other places. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family in the loss of her sister, Mrs. §. Dew- ell, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery and Gary in the loss of her sister, Mrs. Owen Nicholas, Bowmanville. Also to Mr, and Mrs. William Laird, Shower Held At Prince Albert -- By MRS. LES BEACOCK PRINCE ALBERT --A mis- cellaneous shower was held re- cently when Mrs. Bill Peel was hostess to a party in honor of Miss Mary Lynn Hodgins. A colorful corsage was pinned on the surprised bride-to-be. A sister, Mrs. Stan Glass, assisted unwrapping the many gifts. The bride-elect expressed apprecia- tion to the thirty relatives and friends present. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. (Pat) Clayton Love in the pass- ing of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Jackson of Port Perry. Mrs. Sarjantson has returned from an interesting chartered bus trip, travelling for two weeks in Maritime Provinces and other points. Mr. and Mrs. M. Harten and family spent ten days in the Picton area, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gibson attended the 25th wedding cele- bration for their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey of Utica. Linda and John Hunter are home from two weeks at Beams- ville with Mr. and Mrs. L, Glas- gow and two sons. Mr, and Mrs, C, P. Swallow, in the loss of their cousin, Mr. C. T.. Grigg, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson, Bowmanville, visited their bro- ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E, R, Freeman, St, Cath- arines, Mrs, Otis Pritchard, and son John Manotick, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. L. C. and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Huband, and also at- tended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. S. Dewell, Hampton, her son Paul who has been visiting his grandmother, returned home with them. Mrs, H. R. Foley has return- ed home from visiting nieces and nephews, Mr, and Mrs. John 'Stevens and family, -Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs, Orland Hall and family Weston, and her sis- i. Mrs. Eva Bartlett, Brook- in. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Dobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Fry, Bear Valley, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Kaye, Wel- land; Master Darl Dobbs, who has been holidaying with his un- cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Rick, North Bay, has returned home. Mrs. Sam Brooks, Bowman. ville, Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, and daughters Bonnie and Laur- ie, Nestleton, were visitors with Myrtle Church Plans For Anniversary MYRTLE -- The United Church Women met at the home of Mrs, Allen Downy recently. Mrs. Nottingham took as the devotional, "'Beginning Again," «ul Mrs. Hedge read the scripture. The roll call was answered by the word, "Promise." The treasurer's report was given showin ga good balance and the visiting convener re- ported that several visits had been made, Mrs. Dunning and Mrs. Not- tingham will be in charge of flowers for the anniversary, Sunday, Sept. 15, and it was decided to serve lunch after the service. An _ introduction service is planned for Oct. 2 for Mr. and Mrs, E. Barrand the new stu- dent minister who resumes his duties hene in October. A social get-together after the service so all can get acquanted is planned. Rev. Mr. Norman and Mrs. Norman were present and com- mented on our accomplishments in the last two years that he has been supervising pastor. Anniversary services will be held Sept. 15 at 2.30 o'clock. Rev. Douglas Pilkey, BA, with Missionary and Maintenance of Ottawa - Montreal Bay of Quinte Virtue's. Conference will be our guest speaker. and Mr. and Mrs Ted Hoar and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- Nairn and daughters, West Hill, were Sunday callers at their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Stevens. The Four-in-Accord Barber Shop Quartette, of which Ken Brock is a member, spent the weekend: at Chatagua, New, York, with the school of Bar- ber Shop Quartettes. Bible School Conducted In Solina Church By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- Four leaders from the Canadian Sunday School Mission conducted a _ Daily Vacational Bible School recent- ly in the Sunday School room. Fifty-seven children attended Snowden and brother Bob, sister' Today's Stock $y oh segs pas Se 325 $11% 11%e 11% 445s 435 445 6 Sc 35 $14%e 14% 14% Cc imp Bk C1277 ie 63% b3%e-- % 150 Ve Wet Ve 500 6 6 +% 32% -- Ve 1% K+ % 272 2uYa $19% 215 $37 «36% 37 50$184 184 184 100 -$30%4 30V2 30% $15 14% $10% 10% $214 2% $22% 22% 100 3 6 6 3 $17%a 17% 17% 180 175 «175 «175 140 $58 (58 5B 64 $25 25 25 50 $6%4 6% 64+ 195 $12% 12% 124+ Ve 2600 100 $13% 125 = $6% 442 $43V0 25 $14% 410 $24% 2 Pr 450 $18V2 w 200 57 275 $66% $68% 68% 4% + a $24% 24% 2 370 370 370 --§ $542 54% 100 100 224 22 GN Cap w Gr Weg G Gr Weg 56 w Guer Tr Hard C pr Hawker-S Hayes Sti Horne Pt HBC +25 Husky imp Oil imp Tob Ind Accep Inland G Inland G IMc int Nicki Int Util 36% 6% 6% 240 240 24 +10 325 325 Oo H 0 --2 5% 5% 5% 285 $17% 17% 17% + Ve $6% 6% 6%+ % 400 $14% 14% 14% 425 425 425 $12% 12% 12% Me T% 37% Th Th $31% 31% 31% $21% 21% 21% . Solina Church Plans Rally Day Servi y dervice By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- Reverend Page was back in the pulpit again on Sunday, following his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor fav- ored with a vocal duet. Rally Day service will be held on Sunday, Sept. 29. Mrs. Mabel Westley, Balmer- town, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Miss Dianne Tink entered Oshawa General Hospital as a nurse-in-training on Monday. Several girl friends spent a so- cial evening at her home on Friday when she was presented with personal gifts. Mrs. Percy Dewell, of Hampton, entertain- ed several relatives at a party in her honor on Sunday. They presented Dianne with a per- sonal gift. Mr. and Mrs, Rryan Cronk, Bloomfield, visited Mr. and LobG B&B 25 Maclaren 4 4000 23 Be HA Seb gh SSB seghs hehe ise yseSsgsebgssaage SS Ss ETEFTE riul Ssh ese atk 5 PEER EE g aay ySssRessseyezessanssy ttle 1++ + + Sesseses ¢ 5 $F P 3 1+ =F g2gtp2Bgegty stg apg z77-tgge -bessgtgt go Ey SSS8ssuRsBeRs Ee ~ ~ Pe ¥ Sesk5e8* é E85 Rie LL ae ee a Fe FF Riad z 1 2 + o 320 2700 174 172 172 400 $11¥%e 11% 11% 1 uv" a +2 + ve - I H H = 4 B/ aq <: Sgu~agsdedghse 38 dakevvagsdadshec 33 +) th Sa88s ' Fs EgsysGos UagyhedyereysesSkszes, -28ss-ysckguogsdesshss % naga Scusdatedddvetesseonudl 8 8$+93s i eat : 8 Ss 3= Blae S33 g i i Hy z th -- z 2 a i i SeseeesesssSSsszssBeeesseseed 3 3 as bt Lttleeei2L LS geeue gut te 1 suSGesSeGyteigerhgsess ei s BesysGasSgayhetyeenysasshs S > = z= = s333833 $8 adeelse.d< Gass $g58a8238 238 FuaSeskseogc.ge sBaedeoSeskss. sc.ue o S338 on 2Ea= 2 1 = Bya=e 3 488,000. COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE, basement of day, September 16, at 1.30 p.m. Presbyterian Church, Simcoe North, Mon- RACING FAMILY KARTWAY LTD. HWY. 12--1¥ Miles North of Whitby SATURDAY SEPT. 14th Practising starts 10 a.m. RACING STARTS 12 A.M. Rentals after Racing : RACING SHOP the "variety store" of ies Section "Miccolisueees tar today It's loaded with wonderful offera TEEN-AGE DANCE U.A.W. HALL 1 P.M., SATURDAY NO es OR JEANS Sept. 14th ADMISSION 25¢ Chartered Bus GOING TO BOSTON MASS. Oct. 11 to 14 Inclusive Hotel and tour ~ Cape Cod arrang ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY PORT HOPE 885-2527 BINGO HARMAN PARK ASSOCIATION ST. JOHN'S HALL Corner Bloor and Simcoe FRIDAY, SEPT, 13th 7:45 P.M. 20 Games $8 and $10 5--$40 Jackpots CIRCLE 8 SQUARE DANCE BEGINNERS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 8 to 10:30 P.M. October to April Phone or write immediatly MRS, E. J. REED 735. Masson St. 725-5595 BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, SEPT. 14 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4---$40 Jackpots to go 1--$150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted Mrs. Wes Hills and family. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Hocka- day spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees at Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grooms, Toronto, were Sunday tea guests with the Werry's. 4 Life Imprisonment For Shooting Wife KITCHENER (CP) -- George Hudson, 43, of Kitch was Share-The-Wealth MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE Christ Memorial Church grounds Hillcroft and Mary Streets SATURDAY, SEPT. 14 FROM 10 A.M. -- 4 P.M. HARMAN PARK CLOSING _ SATURDAY _ SEPT. 14,2 P.M. . Enjoy the childrens' costume parade, bingo, dancing, pony rides and home baking. Prizes awarded 'to best dressed children in parade found guilty Thursday of the non-capital murder of his wife land sentenced to life imprison- ment.: oe Mrs. Hudson was shot seven times while standing in front of a downtown hotel July 23. The jury was out two hours and 40 minutes before bringing in its verdict. Parents of the children were invited to the program present- DEATHS ed by the children. Miss Wilcox, music director, favored with a violin solo. Miss Parrott, e@ leader who will leave to serve as a missionary in Arabia in the fall, showed colord pictures of that country and its people. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Davis were guests at the Kellar-Mc- Kenzie wedding in Columbus United Church recently .and at the reception at Adelaide House, in Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs. Wes Yellow- lees, Harold and Murray, join- ed a family gathering at the home of Miss Nan Allin in Toronto recently, when Mr. his 8th birthday. Charles Allin was honored " By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipeg--Mrs. Jack David- "'/RENDEVOUS WITH EUROPE" "HUNGARIAN WEDDING" ADMISSION $1.00 CONTINENTAL PARADE International Film Show at United Auto Workers Hall--8:00 p.m. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th: WT HE NUTCRACKER FROM TCHAIKOWSKY" "THE BIG FUTURE--BEYOND TOMORROW" CHILDREN 50c son, 52, wife of the general man- ager of Channel 7 Television Limited, operator of CJAY-TV in Winnipeg. Kitchener--Vic McKenty, 55, retired Kitchener industrial conimissioner and former sports editor of the Kitchener-Water- loo Record. Toronto -- William R. Mac- namara, 82, former credit and subscription manager of Mac- pany. Toronto -- Robert W. Anglin, 89, former registrar of the Onta- tie department of education. lean - Hunter Publishing Com-|. MONSTER Over $500 e BINGO in Prizes SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th AT 8:00 P.Myp ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM - SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED

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