@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 13, 1963 Highest Stand ard Set |= In Home Construction The comment is often made these days that houses are not built the way they used to be. And they're not. Lou Pantaleo, president of Oshawa Builders' Association, feels, strongly that today's homes are safer, will last much longer and are far superior to those that were being built even 10_years ago. "Competition has increased in the building industry," said Mr. Pantaleo, "but the associa- tion is determined that in no way will this detract from the standard of the bomes which are being built. "Nowadays you don't see the row type of housing lay-out that was being done 10 years ago. On a new sub-division houses are built with different bricks, different design and dif- ferent elevations and this is what the NHA is aiming at." Founded in 1946, the Oshawa Builders' Association draws its membership from. residential builders, sub-contracting trades- men and suppliers, BIGHEST STANDARDS R Members of the association are pledged to treat their cus- tomers with the highest stan- dards of integrity and. ethics and a further objective of this trade group is to improve the standards of practice of those engaged in house building. There is now a membership of 65, 27 of whom are builders. Some OBA members special- ize in custom built homes while ethers build only project-type construction. By custom-bui't homes, it is meant that the home is sold before construc- tion is started. Projeci-type con- struction means that any num- ber of homes may be built be- fore they are sold. Many OBA members engage im a complete consiruction line, including commercia) and in- dustrial building. OBA is affiliated with National Home Builders' Asso- ciation, on organization which seis policy for builders and makes representations for the home builders of Canada. In addition, it is affiliated with the Ontario Council, NHBA, which was established to study prov- ince-wide building conditions. Two Oshawa men, Sam Jack- gon and Clare McCullough, played an important part in set- ing up the NHBA. RATES REDUCED During the last year the Osh- awa Builders' Association has been active in encouraging the reduction of interest rates and in many other ways which help poiential buyers. Interest rates through the Central Mortgage and Hows- ing Corporation wer reduced from 614 to 6% per cent. OBA, in association with other bodies, were also successful] in increasing the amount of a mort- gage, thereby reducing the amount which was necessary for a down payment. Taxes on building materials have been a thorn in the flesh of builders. There had already been a 3 per cent provincial tax on most building materials when it was announced in this year's Federal Budget that 'there would be an 11 per cent tax on all materials. The OBA was one of many erganizations throughout the eountry which protested at the mew tax. As a result of their efforts, the tax was reduced to 4 r cent, but unfortunately this only a temporary expedient, a@s the 11 per cent tax will come back again in March. MORTGAGE CHANGES As a result of discussions with Centra] Mortgage and Housing Corporation officials in Oshawa, a change has been made in the regulations govern- ing mortgages. the has been increased from $14,200 to $14,900, while for four-bed- room units and more the maxi- mum has been increased from $14,900 to $15,600. On rental units, the maximum for fully-serviced apartments has been increased from $8,750 to $12,000. Home owner and building loans are now 95 per cent on the first $13,000 instead of $12,000, Despite these attractive changes, however, they are absorbed by the increased cost of building, INCREASED COSTS An example of the increased cost of land servicing is that in 1955 a 50-foot lot could be pur- chased for $750 to $800. Today there would be few lots left at even $3,600 and most of that size would cost from $4,000 up- wards. The increased lot cost includ the installation of sanitary sew- ers, storm sewers, street lights, lew homes are subjected to complex and rigid inspection. Included in the new home in- spections are three by the city departments, one at the time of pouring the footings, another when the framework is com- plete and a final inspection when the home is finished and ready for occupation. Sewers and plumbing are in- spected hefore; being covered by another department of the city. Electrical inspections are made of the wiring before it is covered, another is made of the pane] and a final fixture inspec- tion is done when the house is completed. Finally, there is a minimu of five inspections by Central and ve on ee: ee ee The amount of building _ ing done in Oshawa has creased considerably ia recent years. ong Ana 0M dae ie mon of Apri ' were made paling 3 7 houses. In April, 1963, there were 67 starts. In apartment building, no starts were made in April, 1962, but there were 26 in the same month this year. In view of the strict rules of conduct laid down by the Osh- awa Builders' Association, it may be deemed advisable for persons buying a sew home to consider seriously buying from an OBA member. OBA emblems are displayed on all members' vehicles, and Gilens, making them easy to identify. : -- Grandview. lage by Kessinger AGENT: Carl Olson -- 723-1133 NEED AN - ADDITION: ? _ 254 CEDAR VALLEY CALL JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LTD. PHONE 723-7122 egeee NATURAL GAS ' } NATURAL GAS NATURAL GAS SHORGAS LTD. MERCHANDISE SALES Special Offer " IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW * %& * THREE STAR RATE REDUCTION x «x x (1F YOU ARE NOT NOW USING GAS) Shorgas Brings YOU a package deal and Saves YOU $289.00 > FORCED-AIR FURNACE (includes 5 Hots, 2 Cold-Airs) (Pius 2 Hot Outlets In Basement) AND WE INSTALL A + RENTAL WATER HEATER 1.75 MONTH + YOUR CHOICE THOR GAS DRYER OR BEACH GAS RANGE 2 OF A a "O20 PLUS benefit by additional savings of 10.00 annually on the New 3 Stor Rate. « ONLY $2.90 WEEKLY--PAYABLE ON YOUR GAS BILL NO DOWN PAYMENT -- No Obligation CORNER OF CELINA AND ATHOL STS. The maximum mortgage for jf three betiroons i units? and (less: For Further Information Call HORGAS LTD. = No Obligation |