a 5 I a CRT AI RE CIEE A Ca et oh Manager: Rae Hopkins WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 Silver Band UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 14, 1963 § R, A. Hutchison H and & Asso- To Perform In the photo above are the officers of the Kinsmen Club of Whitby for the 1963-64 sea- eon. They were installed into office at a meeting this week by the deputy-ggvernor Pim Gartshere. Seated, front row, left to right, Doug Winstanley, secretary, Cliff Gordon, vice- president, Howard Souter, pre- ident and Jim Gartshore, joint installation meeting with the Kinsmen on Tuesday night. Front row, left-to-right, Anita Hamp past president, She- Pictured above are the new. officers for the Kinette club of Whitby for the 1963-64 sea- son. They were installed at a Kin And Kinettes Hold Joint Installation Night now the deputy Governor of Zone C. He thus is a very busy man at this time of year with all the clubs in the zone seek- ing his services, Howard Souter was installed as president of the Kinsmen club, while Sheila Gordon was installed as president of the The Kinsmen Club of Whitby and the Kinette Club held a joint installation of officers at the Spruce Villa Hotel Tuesday, » night of this week. This was the first time, both clubs have held a joint installation, and it went over very well. Jim Gartshore, the past pre- sident of the Kinsmen Club, performed the installation du- ties. Jim besides being past president of the Whitby Club is ture by the deputy governor. * A Kinette Club for the coming season. Both new officers were congratulated on their new ven- Newly arrived to Canada from his home in the Nether- lands, Frank Smits gives six- year-old Timothy Barr, 922 King street, a haircut in his brothers shop. Frank, who is 19, will work for his brother Peter who operates a men's HIS BROTHER hair styling shop in Whitby and will 'ive with him until he is establised here. Frank ar- rived in Canada from his home city of The Hague, Saturday, August 31, and then came to Whitby from Montreal with his brother Peter to start a new life in Canada KINSMEN AND KINETTES INSTALL NEW OFFICERS -- past president and deputy go- vernor of Zone C. Back row, left - right, Harold Collins, director, Fred Hatdh, regis- trar, Clarence Hewson, direc- ila Gordon, president, Dorothy Munns, vice . president. Back Row, left-to-right, Ruth Hew- son, director; Wilma Heron, Geo. Munns, treasurer; Cecil Thomas, bulletin editor; tor; Joe Williams, director and Roger Pye, director. Photo by Stannett jasked to come, In Whitby Unfortunately inclement wea- ther, Thursday night, caused the cancellation of the Whitby Brass band concert scheduled for that evening at the Centennial Park. However, residents of Whitby will have an other opportunity to listen to a band concert, Sun- day evening at 7 p.m., when the Weston Silver Band will per- form, at the Band Shell. Noted for its excellent per- formances throughout the Do- minion of Canada, the Weston Silver Bead honor Whitby once a year when they arrive to en- tertain. The concert will be perform. ed solely by the Weston Silver Band and it is anticipated a large audience will be present to hear the performance. Anyone interested in playing drums are aksed to come Thurs- day evening, Sept. 19, to the band room. Those interested in playing in the junior band are Wednesday night. Bigger boys, especially, are required by both bands to play drums. of the Eastern Star held its meeting Tuesday evening, Sep- tember 10 in the Masonic Hall with Worthy Matron Sister Lou- ella Cook, presiding assisted by Worthy Patron Brother Clar- ence Hallett. with all officers present except three. Sisters Grace Blow PM Elsie Goose, PM and Marguer- ite Ross filling the stations. welcome to the members and hoped they had a good summer and were ready for the fall work, Past Matrons of Whitby Chap- ter were welcomed and given a warm welcome by the Worthy Matron: Sisters Anna Patter- son, Pearl Roper, Audrey Mc- K Thomas, Mae Phair and Elsie Goose. still members on the sick list. They were wished a_ speedy recovery by the members. tress, convener of Ways and Means spoke on the forthcom- tober 5, WHITBY CHAPTER 148 Whitby Chapter No. 248 Order The meeting opened in form Worthy Matron gave a warm There being no visitors, the enzie, Grace Blow, Julia It was reported there were Sister Mary Inkpen, conduc- ng bazaar to be held Oc- The altar was draped in meeting closed in regular form. Sister Audrey McKenzie gave the farewell. Sister Cora Fallow and her; committee served lunch and a social hour followed. The next meeting will be held Thursday, September 26. ALL SAINTS All Saints Anglican Church Afternoon Branch of the Parish Guild held its first meeting of the season Tuesday, September 10 in the new parish hall. President Mrs, R. E. Smith Opened the meeting with pray- er, Mrs. E, Quilter gave the scripture reading. Roll call was taken, three new members were added to the roll. Various reports were read and matters of business record- ed, among them the arrange- ments for the bazaar of Tues- day, November 19. The meeting closed with prayer. Tea was served by Mrs. G. Lomax and Mrs. L. Skaife. A social half hour was enjoy- ed by all. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, October 8. SALVATION ARMY W.HLL. Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly meeting, Thursday evening, at the Citadel. Mrs. Captain Ed- ward Reed opened the meeting and introduced the guest speak- ¢ + CLUB CALENDAR | <isiion ee east H and 8 September Assoc! ion easing = St. Mark's United Church vom Credit Union Banking 8! Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 8 . Miss Florence Davey Group All Saints Anglican Church Evening Guild Branch St. John's Anglican Church Women Unit No. 6 Colborne H and S Association Ajax Kinettes Women's Christian Temperance WEDNESDAY, September 18 Ontario Ladies College Je. Alumnae St. John's Anglican Church WA Knights of Columbus -- Rebekah Lodge No. |, 2 Men's Club TUESDAY, September 17 Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club THURSDAY, September 19 Salvation Army Women's Home evening at the home of the im- media it s|League re ig on eee King Street H and § Association President Mary Hearn presid-|St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No, All Saints Anglican Church St. Margaret Guild FRIDAY, September 20 Red Cross Senior Citizens Social Club and this year committees appointed. "Cook Book Proj- Kinettes ect" was outlined and it is expected to be ready within two months, Ajax Kinettes are continuing to sponsor their Korean adopt- ed girl Kim Mr. Hwa, September 23 "at the Ajax community centre the Kinettes will be the guests of the Kins- men and theré will be a joint installation of officers by Dep- uty Governor Dick Griffin, The next Ajax Kinettes din- ettes dinner meeting will be held Tuesday, October 15 at the &, WILLING: READY : G YOUR SERVICE ME n Say gs mp tee memory of Past Grand Matron Sister Esther Logan. There be- ing no further' business the WHITBY PERSONALS wood, sister of Mrs. Mowat and also bridesmaid of fifty years ago, and Mrs. Frank Mclean, Mrs. Philip Prioleau is return- ing to her home in Daytona Beach, Florida after spending the summer as a guest of Mrs. A. E. Sturgess. During August they had a very pleasant trip down the Saguenay river and around the Gaspe Coast. Mr. and Mrs. J. Heynemans Jr,, Mr. and Mrs. J. Heynemans Sr., Mr. M. Stlunthr and his daughter, Mrs. Jan Selhorst, of Holland, are attending today, Saturday, September 14, the Heynemans - Giddings wedding being held at St. Margaret Anglican Church, West Hill and the reception to follow at Monte. cello Restaurant, Scarborough. Kirk Fleming, son of Mr, and Mrs. D. Fleming, 708 Clarence drive, is celebrating his seventh birthday Monday, September 16. Friends of the family wish Kirk many happy returns of the day. At the annual United Church|Guests are: Susan, June and Service of Sunday, September|Donna Holmes and also Paul's secretary; Marjorie Gart-|15, Miss Ester Highfield, Asso-jbrothers, David, Alan and shore, registrar; Norma Sou- |ciate Secretary of the Board' of| Mark. Home Missions, will be guest speaker. ter, treasurer. --Photo By Stannett President Howard conducted the meeting after hig installa- tion while Kinette president Shelia and the Kinettes held a meeting in the upstairs conven- tion room. President Howard briefed the members on what is expected of the Club in the coming sea- son and also told them of their obligation to the club. He out- lined what plans call for in re- gard to the Peel Street Park, which the Kinsmen Club plan to develop. He said, this year there cannot be much work done on the park. | Past president Anita Hamp- son of the Kinette Club present- ed- president Howard with a cheque: for $300.00 to help with the Club's service work. | Senior Citizens Club Elects New Officers Whitby Senior Citizens Club Patrick Wilson, 203 Hallett avenue is in the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Happy to report that Mr, Wilson is progressing nicely. His friends wish him a prompt recovery. Gerry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dundas H and§ Decide New : s s M Nigh Pade' Manlio: eeting Night jeri car' clsrnics hinder, andy: "Resins MONDAY, SEPT. 16th, 8:15 P.M. a east Home and bepey birthiey Piney a mei birthday. SCUGOG ra choo ssociation held an/pressed to Gerry from is schoo : her CLEANERS ace:-- Executive meeting, Monday,|Companions of St. John's and Phe cg oo tg ag ee : , "Presiéed aire Bh Pickl an rion avenue are oth celsrat| & Shirt Lounderers |i! KATHLEEN ROWE PUBLIC SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. James Mowat, 404 Athol street, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sep- chaired the meeting. It was de- cided that all regular meetings would be held the third Tues- cousin of Mrs. Mowat. The cele- brants received numerous gifts, flowers and cards from well wishers, opened their season with a wiener roast with Mrs. Hewis charge. A large group attended and enjoyed the outing. street north, is spending a few weeks Brunswick, visiting relatives. spending the weekend in Tren- ton as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Westerhoy. J. Cyr celebrated his birthday, Thursday, Paul will entertain some of his friends Saturday at a birthday party. Oshawa are celebrating their 22nd wedding anniversary, Mon- day, September 16. Their Whit- by friends wish them every hap-| piness. of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lin- ton, Whitby is celebrating his ing their respective birthday Monday, September 16. Their friends wish them many more. Salvation Army Brownies Helen and committees in Mrs. D. Johnston, 818 Centre in St. Stevens, New Mr. and Mrs. John Jepma are Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. sixth Mr. and Mrs. William Burr of John Blair of Sarnia, nephew er Mrs. Colonel of|Spruce Villa Hotel. Belleville who was in charge of the devotional and assisted by Mrs. Captain Reed. The group sang hymns ac- companied at the, piano by Mrs. Carl Earl. During the social hour following the meeting, Colonel Semester and Captain Reed joined the group for re- freshments. At the next meeting, Thurs- day, September 19, a 'Surprise Meeting", has been arranged. Mrs. J. Wilde and Mrs. J. Kirk will be in charge of refresh- ments. ST. MARK'S UNIT 10 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 10 held its first meeting of the fall season Tuesday afternoon in the church parlor. Leader Mrs. H. Boys opened the meeting with a worship ser- vice. She was assisted by Mrs. R. Daniel who brought the Mes- sage, - No special program was ar- ranged for this first meeting as Unit No. 10 was assisting with the preparations of the pot luck supper being held that same evening. A short business session was chaired by Mrs. Boys. It was announced' that the next meet- ing of Tuesday, October 8 will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Carman 950 Henry street The meeting closed with the benediction. Tea hostesses were Mrs. F. Parrinder and Mrs, R. McLaughlin. AJAX KINETTES Ajax Kinettes Club held its Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST - 668-3552 ONTARIO RIDING LIBERAL RALLY Hear Your Candidate SAM HOLLINGSWORTH On the Election Issues Guest Speaker:-- VERN SINGER, Q.C. © M.P.P, -- DOWNSVIEW Time:-- PHONE 668-4341 ATHOL ST. S$. -- WHITBY tember 2. To celebrate the occa- day of each month instead of the second Wednesday as in previous years. Members p.ease notice the change of date. Executive meetings will be held the first Monday of each month. It was announced that the meeting of Tuesday, Sep- tember 17 will be "'A Get Ac- quainted Meeting'. Refresh- ments will be served. DEAF CONFERRED The fourth International Con- gress of the Deaf brought some 650 participants from 35 lands sion a family dinner was ar- ranged Sunday, September 1 by their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mackey, and daughter-in-law Mrs. War- ren Mowat, at the home of their son Warren Mowat. Present also were their grandchildren, Mr, and Mrs, LeRoy Mowat, Noel, and Jane Mowat, Roland and Sheila Mackey and their great- grandchild Michell Mowat. Monday "Open House" was held at their residence for friends and neighbors. Pouring to Stockholm in August, 1963.'tea were Mrs. Frank Under. TOWN OF NOTICE TO ALL CANDIDATES Candidates are hereby advised that it is contrary to Town By-laws to attac and telephone poles. ONTARIO RIDING LIBERAL ASSOCIATION WHITBY WHITBY PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 307 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY. Your WHITBY h posters to street light held its weekly meeting at All Saints Anglican Church Wed- nesday, September 11. Albert Gould was elected) president, W. E. Mifflin, vice president, Miss Cameron, sec- retary, Miss Anderson assistant secretary, Mrs. Bently treasur- er and J. W. Rainie pianist, It was agreed that in future the Club will meet at 2 p.m. Friday, commencing Friday, September 20. All Senior Citizens in and around Whitby, independent of any denomination, are wel- come to a very pleasant after- noon every Friday from 2 to 4 P.m., so please come along and introduce yourself amongst friends, Senior Citizens Group wish to thank all ladies who donate their time to arrange pleasant afternoons for Senior Whitby Citizens; . Tillsonburg People Rid Tobacco Farms TILLSONBURG (CP) -- The community at large turned out BROCK Evening WHITBY HARRY SALTZMAN we ALBERT R. BROCCOLI Ey Call Me Buana Shows Start 7 & 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 IBob'HOPG;/ Anita Exb6Is +3 Friday in this tobacco rich area, helping farmers clear their tobacco fields in the face of a "frost for sure" warning. Scores of elementary school students, off for the day be- caus of teachers' meetings, flocked to the field. Merchants in town offered their staffs and even some housewives pitched in. Frost Thursday night killed about a quarter of the unhar | | vested tobacco crop in the |Southampton area, near Owen |Sound, | STUDY TEACHING WINNIPEG. (CP)--More than 1,000 Manitobans have applied |for teacher training this fall at The BEST Kind of ... INSURANCE ... for the people of Ontario ia W. S. MARTIN, 10:00 A.M. Mayor Sunday School 11:00 A.M. CHURCHES Reg. MacDonald 7:00. P.M. Alex Bedford ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron & St, John Rev. W. J. S. McClure, BA,, Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OF HIGHWAY 12 Canada. Send her to ative ... help gain ment, MRS. FRANCES JONES k Our Liberal Candidate IN OTHER WORDS . . . A LIBERAL GOVERNMENT! ! In Oshawa Riding, your Liberal choice is FRANCES JONES, housewife and mother, who has at heart the interests of every person in this Province and in. all of provide. Ontario with an efficient, far-seeing Govern- is to elect a Government that means what it says and says what it means. A Government that can -- and will ~bring every effort to bear in providing equal educa- tional opportunity and security to all . . . young, aged, destitute or infirm. A. Provincial Government that will work hand-in-hand with the Federal Government in the best interests of ALL CANADIANS! : A Liberal Government Means: @ GO FORWARD GOVERNMENT @ MORE AND BETTER SCHOOLS @ CONCERNED GOVERNMENT @ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. AND EQUAL RIGHTS Queen's Park as YOUR represent- a Liberal majority . . . and help 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND . saa ies Oe tae DUTCH SERVICE ee 7PM, ENGLISH SERVICE 11:00 A.M, EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOME Topic--I'm Learning ST. MARK'S WHITBY UNITED CHURCH BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., B,D, : REV. JOHN MecLEOD Miss tla Newton, Di Mrs, J. L. Beaton, A.R.C.T. Organist: Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M, MORNING WORSHIP 117 A.M. 11:00 AM.-- U.C.W. ANNUAL SERVICE Friend ond Neighbor SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.-- 9.45 a.m. Junors, Intermediates, Feats BY.P.U. -- 8:15 P.M, 11.00 a.m. Nursery, a! web ents worship, E 11.00 a.m. Infant care while par- Bible Schuol meets ot 9:45 em. Primary with classes for all ages, FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK ST. N. REV. DELOSS M, SCOTT, PASTOR 9:18 A.M--"FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST, STATION C.K.L.B. 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--PASTOR SERMON--REDEMPTIONS SONG 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE OF SERMON AND SONG PASTORS SERMON--IT IS FINISHED WEDNESDAY EVENING, 8:00 P.M. Prayer, Praise and Pastor's Bible Class "A Welcome Awaits You at Faith" |Manitoba Teachers College and| [/Brandon College. An additiona" 150 students applied for enrol- {ment in education courses at lthe University of Manitoba. Vote for a Change . . . Vote LIBERAL . .. Vote JONES OSHAWA RIDING. LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ! --_ io goede ae " ne re nee ee cease Rp)