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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1963, p. 13

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Se ELITE LN NC OTT RS # GO TO CONGO MONTREAL (CP)--Seventeen French - speaking Canadian ' teachers teft Tuesday for The Congo where they will teach for GRACE celebrations|the next year. They are spon- of. the Jewish New Tear, Jewish] sored by, the Canadian Univer- sources said. The worshippers sity Service Overseas and the arrived for the service and|United Nations Economic, So- # jabout 1,000 of them had tojcial and Cultural Organization. PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 stand outside the crowded syn-|They are all Quebec university Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister agogue. graduates. Vicar Edward Nelson Assistont SUNDAY SERVICES NS ame oe AE AL ea ee OV Tie cs Weal PI CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH 9:45 AM. LF ms aiden ™ VF 2X pits iY ANGLICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL mn» ¢ TONSA | aN <a MP roel [sana MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS : 11:00 A.M, 3 2: sala V/V NTS a ' 'Pes . RECTOR: THE VEN. H. D. SSURROON ~ HONE DIVINE WORSHIP _ 1 lake icons To All CHURCH OFFICE TEL, 728-8251 At Joseph's bidding, his father and As the famine continued, the Egyp- | When Jacob was 147 he had his last sot -- wish, his wae was illness. Before he died he called his taken to Canaan in a great ps one family (about 70) ca down tians spent all their ret ye for food ~ : Ae Sao A Ba eggs - to.Egypt, where he coulis for and still starved. Joseph had them sons together and prophesied their for burial in the grave bought by .M.--HOLY COMMUNION : them. Joseph intr ed Jacob and trade their flocks to him for more _ futures. He gave Joseph his great Abraham. Joseph himself died in er ie ae PRAYER CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH 'his brothers to Pharaoh, who ordered food; then finally they were forced blessing and predicted that Judah Egypt at the age of 110.--Genesis Sertonucthe Rev. J. 0 Oboe ' should sire the line of Israel's kings. 49: 29-50; 26. Shuriery Care ot 41:00 Gh, Service REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER Mr. R. K. Kellington, Orgonist-Choirmaster Egypt's best land given to them-- to sell their land and services to Genesis 46, 47:1-12. Pharaoh.--Genesis 47:13-26. - --Genesis 49:1-28. GOLDEN TEXT: Romans 8:28. 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER | Sermon--The Rector 1 1:00 A M BIBLE LESSON | | : | , er | BLOOR STREET | 8Y8G AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH , MORNING WORSHIP Jacob's Final __ | pansy cnurcy |) 222 cnen 7202991 || §T, GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH | Topic: "THE WILL OF GOD" 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL HARVEST YOUTH CRUSADE | The aun 1 @ Oa, -- Rector | EVERYONE WELCOME gyp ir Lewis De | Y S In E t ti Wm. ll Th rend R -- Assistant Pastor " EV. SE IST REV. FRED G. POTTER | e Reverend R. G. Brooks ssista: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd--TRINITY XV SERVICES: St. Andrew's United Church | 7:00 P.M. Evangelistic Service 0: : ' SIMCOE SOUTH AND, BRUCE STREETS i i | 9:00 A.M.-11:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. | MINISTER: REV. JOHN R, LENS, M.C., B.A., B.D., D.D. | With the last of our three les-| Joseph's administration dur- } Concluding this Sunday sons 'on Genesis 37-50, we con-|ing the latter part of the famine | 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL. |) centrate on Jacob's move to|has caused a great deal of dis- } "Come ond Hear this God Appointed Evongelist Egypt, and his and Joseph's|\cussion among scholars, First of | 11:00 A.M closing days there (chapters 46-\all, Joseph brings about a vast] "TEMPTATION" Tolent--Trio, The Potter Sisters of Hamilton 50) jeconomic change by giving the Historically, this section con-/people food only in exchange 10:00 A.M. Sunday School coudes the third large period in|for their land, which then be- ; : God's redemptive purpose. The stor adit vg Logg 5 8. - 11:00 A.M..Praise and Worship first may be said to extend from rmore, he has e people Soloist--Mr. Geo Baten the creation to the fall of man;|agree to give Pharaoh one-fifth GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST | : We sal the second, from the fall tojof their produce from that time 230 Gibbon Street 7:45 Saturday, A GREAT DISTRICT C A RALLY Abraham, and this third one,)on . ALL ARE WELCOME oe gg Fr Psnsvong vine Pee ogc hog suhsey pied REV. L. M. WARE ' ple id not profit personally by) 7b M, 728-7093 4 rmedi undoy Egypt. This third period is oftenithese new conditions he im-| SERVICES: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22--TRINITY XV o 1 Pas Ya? ip fittest ao oS tee ser ' nani referred to as the Patriarchal posed, it has seemed to many od. SIMCOE : OF) line: sheene, ths tadratins a 6 on vay 11:00 A.M. eMCO§ PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Services: 9:00 AM. -- 11:00 A.M, -- 7:00 P.M. becomes more and more de-ineople are quoted as saying 7:00 P.M 245 Simcoe St. S. Pastor: REV. R. A. BOMBAY i Ae Se | Albert Street United Church tailed, so that the next four|cratefully that Joseph saved (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) books of the Bible will coveritheir lives (Genesis 47:25). The only a period of 150 years, com-|tax of one-fifth, moreover, was|| Pastor James Stevens Speaking SUNDAY. REV. ALBERT E. LARKE, Mi inister prising chiefly the life of/not excessive according to an- ALL WELCOME | | Moses. cient standards--or, for that 10:00 A.M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Organist-Choirleader: Mrs, C, A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.--R.M.T. Notice that the entire family|matter, to our own! , S. §. RALLY FOR THE FAMILY 7 eee et Dating| Note that once Jacob has ar- 51h AGM. obet PA PA HORTOP AT GLENWOOD | ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY this period of time this chosen|tived on the scene, attention in : ute OEMS. Fe a REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A, Service at 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. REV. CHARLES RATZ MISS JUDITH DAVISON, Boe. Mus. Guest Minister--The Rev. M. C. Fisher of Fenelon Falls tl ren ni may ite eae called ation, The th r oseph. Jacob's ring this. crucial period, ap no eeestars SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL--AWARD SUNDAY Mesting at 2:00 P.M--Parents ond other Adults Invited that during this crucial peti', blessing on Joseph's sons rein. Ca- , : which the second son was the | 7:30 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer : 11:00 A.M. No nie Sun ae in the Nursery Facilities available at 11:00 A.M. Service Organist ond Choirmoster:; MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. Thursday, September 26th--Holy Communion--10:00 A.M. |! 11:00 A.M THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY MORNING WORSHIP Sermon, Subject: "AT HEART A HOPE" Corner Court & Barri pene Cat & Powe aaieay BABY CARE PROVIDED if they had remained forces his own experience, in Tuesday 7:30 P.M.--C, A. Young People oad eH Posey ~~ favored. God here displays an | wedded to its vices. " 8 | Thursday 6:30 P.M.--Crusode Eavot, to, had its vices, but|@horrence of the traditional Fridey 8:30 P.M.--=Children's Church "THE MINISTRY OF THE CHURCH" the Hebrews there, because they wg ge agg Radi -- || Friday 7:30 P.M. --Men's Proyer Meeting t so any auto- | . ; Suck more ts tersselven,as ail ™atically, wealthy or powerful] | TO SERVE GOD! nares Nee Ssaiite King St. United Church immigrants do, and so reinforce|f°rce or figure. "What have you to do with me . ' 128 KING STREET EAST The 'goparation 'wes heightlis clear' thei ef thet tres ae J Son of God?" west 'was riis clear that of the 12 tribes ened by the fact that they werejarising from his 12 sons, it is sonbbeiedambeain' | KING ST. P. EN TECOSTAL CHURCH sestaiusenaeohls to was M aitbchs wesenn tous buailie Gas oui --, a Mogg = pes --, Lewy ae be the"ac- 10:15--OPEN AIR | 611 KING ST. W BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 os down e Egyptians, |knowledg: ead, and victori- 7 ete ed Youth Department and by the fact that they set-jous as a lion. David, frequently uoLinaes Deehies Nursery ond Jr. Church ot 11 A.M. 10:00 AM. tled in Goshen, a sort of bor-jreferred to as a lion, was of : | C d Mrs. 00 P.M deriand, west and south of the|this tribe, and Christ Himself Seemvall Tilesley 7: P.M. RALLY DAY 11:00 A.M. isthmus of Suez. At this time,|is called the lion of the tribe of | incidentally, the capital of|Judah (Revelation 5:5). Allll troinm' Gaines, 'hm : where Joseph lived, was|through Israel's history, Judah] "9, CPllege, Toronto, | age he gency EVANGELISTIC SERVICE ALVARY Baprist || "THE POWER OF GOD" . e kings erusaiem were : MM, y The total number in this fam-|of this tribe. SUNDAY SCHOO SERS AND SOVIN SIBSEYS fly when Jacob went to Eeypt salle ies REV. W. R. KLINSPOHN Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Beptist Church aS 401%, HoT ios dint, and prong Fag wast Tus STN Swe ciatok aetna OF HAMILTON Assistont Poston. "Rave Ermeet_ Winter Duet: "aie = bad Jesu cul iunaders Hymn children and four great-grand 7:00 P.M. Special Tolent--Lively Congregational Singing Junior Cholr: "Thank God. for. the Hoven" tRhyddid. Willioms) ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY sons. | ° : i F ee 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Mn Wt Bee SOME FOR ALL Gave te tin. topie the | er, 4 2i -- | oy aS CKLB -- DIAL 1350 ec Caan or eae aa ---- a Pearesh, Out of his, regard for | 8:00 P.M.--WED, 11:00 A.M. : a. oe é stows. on nim some of the best], ""SPIRITUALISTS" ee ee ee | || NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH land in Egypt. THE MORNING WO RSHIP 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RDJ | "A WELCOME PSYCHIC SCIENCE Ny = AWAITS YOU || REV. W. R. KLINGSPGHN 11:00 A.M.---MORNING WORSHIP MINISTER -- REV, H. A. MELLOW B.A. HEBR nd . -- Pe ZION ee agra : SUM) AT THE ARMY" ae REV. FRANK WELLINGTON FOR BOTH SERVICES ORGANIST -- MR, J. R. ROBERTSON A.R.C.T, Churches of Oshawe | "SP -- er Tuesday 7:30 P.M.--Christ Ambassadors 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE DEACON Ven eee ee One block norm ef highway 2 on || Fe mere Thickson Rd. end -you see the || 52: | ; : ae , = BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO -- church ; 2:30 P.M, | soler & Mra, Fred . Wednesday 8:00 P.M. -- Prayer and Bible Study a 100 PM ot Reon ie CHURCH SCHOOL Superintendent--R. Pierce eed Bee eS Dap ag | ice aglrer intranet aia atc maar aemmane i Oe at OM oe io m., } t . 8: YY Yan x rs) Primary | 133 Sinveoe South 4 "A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" 11:00 AM--Primary (6, 7, 8 yeors). Beginners ( (is 4y 8 yoors). SUNDAY, SEPT. 22, 1963 eee Gath Herlick 'duo es a | (Absent Healing) EMMANUEL BAPTIST: CHURCH 11:00 A.M, | lew Fri Corner of Ev line ond Phillip Murra . Wt : a" Sea gow i ae oaten THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. IN CANADA Helgen nylen yl: SERMON: VRING. PUR Cn REV. JOHN VAN HARMELEN | Contact Secretary 11:00 A.M.---MORNING WORSHIP i Baby Sitter Service by Come Double Club Mrs. Conroy, 728-7668. 4 ' 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE Socrement Bopti KNOX ST. LUKE S ST. PAUL S REV, ERNEST WINTER FOR BOTH SERVICES oe oe tendly' ot poll aul ov, 'Mallow ' .M. lendly 'Chat over B--Rev. 10:00 A.M. REV. JOHN VAN HARMELEN =a SIMCOE ST. NORTH Rossland Rd. W. at Nipigon KING ST. E. & WILSON (Four blocks from King) Rev. D. A. P. Allen, M.A, T.C.D, FREE METHODIST CHURCH fie ean | io i wa |G a 7 eee ee 17 Erie St. Ww. A. wipes -- 728- rie St Rev. W. A. MeMillon, Postor Diol 725-3872 nec Bisbnts 492 Masson Street = 728-9178 Mr, Prank Welter, : <a ' SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH 9:00 A.Mm"The Light And Life Hour" = 900 on your Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 3 . : ' The Church In the heart of the city with the World on Its heart. Radio Dial. 9:30 A.M 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 748 ka bbe Con Chureh' Schoo! bean Ng MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. SUNDAY SCHOOL Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, 11:00° A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 11:00 A.M, RALLY DAY ------ MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. : : : i shpupen gree RD. W. "Heirs of God's Enterprise" 11:00 A.M, MORNING WaratHP acs 11:00 A.M. 45 AM! Y SCHOOL : MORNING WORSHIP ' ' . a" 11:00 A.M.--WORSHIP SERVICE : 7:00 P.M. o ; ae ; "HOW BIG IS YOUR WORLD? €VERYONE WILL BE WARMLY Preaching and Teaching 7:00 P.M. wee . WELCOMED EVENING WORSHIP .. See . YOUNG PEOPLES hte: ae, ev. Douslos Pilkey, Field Serevory of the "A Programme for the Church'* All Cordially Invited. Nursery Care Prov . . : . } canes > a3 'theo SACRANERET OF INFANT | BAPTISM a The Baha'i World Faith su we ee a SUNDAY SCHOOL The light of the unity of mankind is beginning CHRISTI AN MISSION ARY all d ALLI ANCE ; 9:45 A.M.--dJunior, Intermedicte, Senior Department to illumine the world, and soon the banner of divine harmony and the solidarity of nations Richmond St. E. Rev. C. V. Freeman | 1108 ey Oe "Nunn, ea Aol aR ae witb ira hie Peo ass we PALL CRUSADE with REV. LEONARD DUNN Me hen Perk Won a et ise se oe , Senge hava Sndoy Scheel ronasst| |= WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH OSHAWA BAHA"!I COMM : : ' SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. ag Jamas ; 'MUSICAL STORY MAN" GERRARD ROAD AND MANNING STREETS le SEPTEMBER 22-29 coming to REV. JOHN PORTER . ORGANIST--MRS. JACK ALLAN CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | te Wr yice Lae . = spline et SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. | . : ee oA, : j Bronch of The Mother Church, The Firt Church of ya Selentist s 8:00 P.M, Week Nights "EAMILY CAMPAIGN" Starting Sunday September 22nd . 11:00 A.M.--MORNING SERVICE : s except Seturdoy SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. , 3 >] 7:45 P.M, Song Service Sunday - Friday, 7:00 p.m. Daily 10:00 A.M.-SENIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL (9 years ond older) September 22 - 27 Young People's Discussion SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 \A.M. r he Special music throughout " : * rusode by - MATTER" * ite, Gumete by Oe ee 11:00 A.M--JUNIOR SUNDAY SCHOOL (under 9) WED. SERVICE (includes Testimonies) > ~ en Canenie 7" with REV, FRANK R. WELLINGTON er ee ee : saaninia ess soap fe dl ees ot Emonuel, Baptist Church | A New Church in a new Community with on URS ! SUNDAY SCHOOL | corner Evangeline and Phillip Murray Streets opportunity for Christian Service and Worship Tuesday and Thursday 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m. } i : Mond: hi h Friday 4:0 : Excepting Holidays REV. LEONARD DUNN 9:45 A.M. _ MISS HARRIET HAVEY ee aaplawer 23 oo WELCOMES YOU

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