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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1963, p. 1

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Osharoa 3 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1963 WEATHER REPORT Clear and not quite so cold to-| night. Tuesday sunny with cloudy periods and warmer THOUGHT FOR TODAY any tising-is--largely--the trinmoh of mind over mattress. Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Oftice payment ARMED MEN CORNERE AFTER $63 in Cash. "ay 10 Cents Per Copy Ottawa end for of Postage EIGHTEEN PAGES -- Mid-Air Kills 2 People 2-Others Safe |cident that he had been flying since about 1946, but doubted if he would ever fly again. "My plane went over on its (CP)-- Bruce Caldwell. Both men were Two people who narrowly es-|from Toronto. caped death in a mid-air colli-| The collision occurred 4,000 sion of light, planes which|feet in the air over Georgina claimed two lives Sunday, said/Township, off the south shore of| back almost, and I saw the pro- later they may never fly again.|Lake Simcoe, just south of here.|peller disintegrate," he said. Pilot Frank Greco, 41, of Tor-/Mr. Greco landed his plane|"The motor conked out, and I) onto, and Mary Hertner, 18, of|safely near the crash scene. thought that this was it -- the London, Ont., the only passe-| A third plane, carrying Miss world had come to an end. | & ger in his Piper Cub, survived|Hertner's sister Betty, of Tor-| Miss Hertner was on only her when Mr. Greco regained con-|onto, and piloted by Murray Ed-|second flight. "'And my last, trol of his aircraft after its wing|monds of Toronto, was accom-|she added. oe was clipped by another plane.|panying the other two on a plea-| Mr. Edmonds, piloting a Ces-| The collision sent the other|sure flight to the Muskoka area.|sna 140, said later he was flying| plane, a Chipmunk, spiralling to|They witnessed the accident, /behind Mr. Greco's plane when the ground in a wasteland area,|but were not involved and|the Chipmunk passed him, killing the pilot, Jack M. Mado- landed safely in a nearby field. | 'He went up and went down nik, 44, and his only passenger,| Mr. Greco said after the in-jand then pulled around and went) lafter the other aircraft. He! \dived down and the pulled up) mb d lright into the flight path of the| lother."' | UK. Ambassador "" "r=" PEFFERLAW, Ont. mama Helicopter, Dogs Sent Into Area -- 90 miles southwest of 'Trole Rivieres, to help in the ' for the remaining two men. were a tracking dog and Te forcements from "the provi police holdup squad in M real. An area near the eres dump wags sealed off, No money and no guns were - found in the car of the two men arrested, a Four hooded men smashedsa TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. (CP) Police captured two men and ee scoured dense brushland for two } . eee , ae . 5 others today after machine-gun- ) s , 4 wielding bandits robbed a sub- ag urban bank. The two men were stopped at a roadblock on the road to Louiseville about 10 miles west of Trois-Rivierés and police said one of them had been a mem- ber of Montreal's notorious Red Hood gang. He had_ recently 1 attt- * ' into the earth, while Mr. Greco, Storms E "who had just been flying along; JAKARTA (Reuters) -- Brit- minding his own business, took) ish Ambassador Andrew Gil- christ today hit back -- with apparent success--at alleged In- donesian attempts to break into) his embassy strongroom con- taining important documents. He staged a brief stay-put display in the fire-gutted em- mbassy bassy after getting information that Indonesian workmen were making an attempt on the strongroom, British officials said. Cargo Airplane _Gilchist went to tne embassy Lost At Sea ers Wednesday--from a press) a : ved With 10 Aboard |his Piper Cub in for a beautiful} landing."" | agreed to his demand for a round-the-clock Anglo - Indone- sian guard on the strongroom. In supporting Gilchrist's stand, 15 Western diplomats in- cluding Canadian Ambassador John Sigvaldason,- turned up at the embassy during the incident. Police tried to keep the doughty, goateed diplomat out of the wrecked building but he succeeded in reaching the sec- ond-floor strongroom. Gilchrist bassy and the Ind jans conference where he charged) the Ind ian government with} denying him access to the build-| DOVER, Del. (AP) -- Air force, navy and coast guard planes searched the Atlantic to-| fing. British officials got on the 0 day for an Azores - bound air} tel and sum d Cana- | But Indonesian police would not| aboard, iet them enter the building to| The four-engined C-133 turbo-| dian, American and other West-|force cargo plane presumed] { ern diplomats to the embassy.}\down with 10 crew members| * SEPARATIST LEADER CHAPUT CHEERED BY SUPPORTERS been released from prison, A branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in a shopping centre at Trois- Rivieres was robbed by four hooded men early today. Police said the loot totalled "more than $10,000." Other esti- mates were as high as' $63,000. A light plane borrowed from the provincial depart ment was sent from Montreal, plate-glass window of. the bank with an iron bar and I through shortly befor the was to open for business. « They held employees at with sub-machine guns they. cleaned out the deposits made in drop-a.boxes at the bank since Friday, The bandits' car was found near the dump, It bore stale licence plates, police said. " Violent Quebec Weekend MONTREAL (CP)--One sep- aratist demonstration Saturday --against the teaching of Eng- join Gilchrist. prop Cargomaster was last) "It is a very serio tter|heard from at 2:53 am. EDT) that they on sane "geeies Sunday, 18 minutes after it left) to official documents," said|Dover Air Force Base. _ French Ambassador Guy Dor-| A Dover spokesman said the; flashed a '"'thumbs up" signal} to people outside, indicating the| side. 8 m had not yet been| After 95 minutes at the em- cracked. bassy, Gilchrist left when po- Gilchrist hurried to the em-jlice said Indonesia had agreed | | t to reporters gathered out-/Plane was 20 miles north of, _ 8 . iCape May, N.J., when the com-| 000 feet. He gave no indication of any trouble. mander, Capt. Dudley J. Con-| nolly Jr., 33, of Jackson Heights,| N.Y., radioed that he was at 13,000 feet and climbing to 14,- |By THE a| Thousands ASSOCIATED PRESS marched, rallied In Philadelphia, m Bombs Explodes", ™ "peated at te In Austrian Tourist Area | LINZ, Austria (AP) -- Two bombs exploded in the scenic| strongroom. Meanwhile, the government- controlled Antara news agency reported the arrest of the man- ager of British Shell Oil Com- pany installations at Balikpa- pan, east Borneo, for "insulting the government and people of Indonesia."" The Cargomaster was on } 2,260-mile flight to Lajes Air Station on the Portuguese island| of Erceira, carrying supplies for United States forces in Eu- rope. The Dover spokesman said the cargo included every- thing from footlockers to air- craft. engines. Today's search incompassed embers of ine Congress of Racial aoplity soiltter ake ot & Setar Taian ot Sunday in memorial) end of a sitdn .a rats he six Negro children|the Liberty Bell in Indepen- slain in Birmingham, Ala., ra-|dence Hall. cial disorders. _ The New York City ceremon- Some expressed bitterness, |ies attracted about 13,000 per- some charity. jsons at four different sites. There were calls for a 'non-| Some 7,000 persons gathered violent uprising' and a "mas-|at Manhattan's Foley Square on sive nation-wide campaign of|the steps of the federal court- and prayed across the Uni Non-Violent Uprising Urged To Protest Slaying Of Negroes:: Rustin urged a "non-violent" uprising in 100 cities, with sit- ins, "in every justice depart: ment building in the country,' to make Negro civil rights de- mands heard. Baldwin repeated his argu- ment that no Christmas shop- ping should be done by Ameri- cans this year because "we lish in French-language schools --was followed Sunday by dis- covery of a time-bomb at the rear of the Montreal Roman Catholic school commission building. ing with the "demented fool" who caused it In Washington, ° Negroes and whites a memorial. service. at Lafayette! Square, f: the White House, after many staged a silent two- mile walk to the scene. A dozen uniformed Nazi party members, including leader George Lincoln Rock- well, picketed the White House during the memorial service. When the service ended, some ' Another demonstration--in fa- about 10,000 er glitterin Z opening show, lice as "well made" was found in a carton Sunday about 30 feet from an area in which 10 young children were playir: at the back of the school commission > i on east-end Sherbrooke reet. A time-bomb described by po-/¢ Whereas the commission 4g , seeking to get French. children used to the sound'. English to. make it easier them to leam the Bacto later grades, there has bee some criticism this would leat em uncultured. in elfier French or English. = , The marchers were i ; of three Quweb movements. _ police on horseback . but #@ demonstrators gathered agai opposite the front entrance the hall. sd They cheered -speeches ' by Marcel Chaput, :president: of: Quebec Republican P; arty, and (A Shell spokesma in Lon- don said the company had heard nothing of the reported deten- of the people there began to counter - picket the American! Nazis. have lost the right to be called a Christian nation." Also at Foley Square was The mechanism was timed to set off the eight sticks of dyna- mite at 12 o'clock but police 2,650 miles from Cape May east to the Azores in a corridor *0 miles wide. About 30 militar ivil disobedience" to protest|house. Speakers included James os a peer eh cael "the/Farmer, C.0.R.E national di- last crime against the spirit ofjrector; Bayard Rustin, deputy Guy Pouliot, head of separatist movement, Le Salskammergut tourist area ae semblement pour radopene vel day, killing one police official and imjuring another. Police believe the bombs were the work of Italian ex- tremists retaliating for pro-Aus- trian terror attacks in Italy's ane Adige (South Tyrol) 'sec- or. Two bombs were found near a salt mine at Abensee, at the southern end of Lake Traun. Two police officials defused one charge, but the second ex- ploded. Another explosion blasted a small landmark near Ebensee. Austrian Foreign Minister Bruno Kreisky. left for New York, saying he would deliver a speech to the United Nations General Assembly on the Aus- |Malaysia federation. tion.) planes and three coast guard Indonesian workers took over|cutters were taking part. several British firms last week} Survival equipment aboard in- during widespread rioting|cluded life vests, two 20-man against the new British-backed|rafte; an emergency radio transmitter and flare guns. | 23-Year-Old Man Arrested BOSTON (AP)--A 23-year-oid dancing with a blonde white man was arrested today in con-|girl, whom he apparently had nection with the shooting of|escorted to the dance. four teen-agers during a riot at} Authorities did not say what) trian-Italian dispute over the South Tyrol. Italy has" repeatedly charged Austria with sharing responsi- bility for the terror acts in the Alto Adige, a German-speaking area ceded by Austria to Italy at the end of the First World War. Austria has denied any reponsibility. The Austrians say Italy has not carried out the provisions of the 1946 Paris treaty which provided autonomy for the Alto a rock 'n' roll dance Saturday| started the fight. They said the) jnight, riot could not be described as| Police said the man, a Ne- racial. gro, was held on suspicion of} During the fight, assault by means of a danger-|fired six shots. The affair then ous weapon. He denied any con-|erupted into a riot as teen-agers nection with the shooting, po- swarmed from the building, at- lice said. tacked motorists, jumped on Three of the teen-agers were\Cars and threw bottles and in satisfactory condition in hos-|T0cks. pital. The fourth was treated) Witnesses said that before the for a minor wound and re-|riot, scores of teen - age girls lased. All four are Negroes. (s'ormed the platform: and lit- Police said a fight broke outjerally ripped-the clothes off Ne- on the dance floor at. Boston|gro singer Jack Wilson in wild someone) Adige. Italy has denied this. Arena where a Negro boy was! adulation. \brotherhood -- the sense slaughter of the bombed 6th Stre {Church in Birmingham. {died in that bombing a ago Sunday. Two Negro boys). were shot to death in separate incidents services for the boys were held |Sunday. anyone' else," said a Negro minister,| Rev. funeral. "The Lord giveth the' Lord taketh away." less children." demonstrations The largest In Shreveport, La., police riot squads and mounted sheriff's| deputies broke up an attempt by 1,000 Negroes to hold a mem-) orial parade. That was followed by a brief clash between Ne- groes and police outside a} In Shooting Of 4 Negroes ==. A group of prominent Ameri- cans, headed Governor Edmund| IG. Brown of California and) \Charles Taft of Cincinnati, an-| inounced formation of America's; 'onscience 'Fund to rebuilt the e+ Baptist ldren Four of the Negro chil week that day. Funeral "There should be no malice in s heart toward anyone at one nd J. R. Hicks, PARTY LEADERS' FINAL PUSH Campaign Metro Area By THE CANADIAN PRESS Ontario's party leaders stop- Liberal meyer holed up with their stra-|bers of t Leader John Winter-|of increasing salaries for mem-|promised the city--hard hit by he legislature and that}unemployment -- would receive ped'to catch their breath Sun-|tegists, the premier at his Grand|the recently-announced program| swift help from the federal gov- day then zeroed in on Metropo-\Bend summer home and Mr.\of free textbooks in Grades 9jernment's new municipal loan litan Toronto today in the last! Wintermeyer in Toronto. push before Wednesday's gen-| Today all three stump the and 10, eventually to be ex-jfund if a Liberal administration tended to all grades, will allowjis elected 'to attend early morning mass. 0 eral election. Metro area, which many observ-'the updating of texts without \director of last month's march on Washington; veteran socialist leader Norman Thomas, and were held in New York City and|Negro author James Baldwin. |Washington. Farmer said the department jof justice and President Ken- nedy must share the blame for \the Birmingham church bomb- Malcolm X, a leader of the Black Muslim separation-of-the- races movement, He disap- proved of the number of white people attending, observing: "A cup of coffee is strong when it is black. When you mix it with cream it only dilutes it." | Museum CHICAGO (AP) -- Valuable jewels, paintings, statues and antiques were stolen by three robbers Sunday from the larg- lest Polish-American museum in \the United States. The robbers forced. their way Hato the Polish Roman Catholic |Union and ransacked the four- {storey building for four hours before escaping with the art \treasures. | The -museum contained relics \of Polish kings and leaders, |some dating back to the year /1,000, said Frank Litwin, treas- | jurer of the union. Among arti-| icles stolen, he said, were a dia- mond-studded watch and cuff links of the late Ignace Jan Pad-| erewski, Polish pianist-states- |man. | The value of the stolen goods jwill not be-determined until an inventory is completed. A union | official said many of the arti- |cles had great sentimental value to the Polish peopie. The robbers gained entry to the building, on the city's north- |west side, after they bound and |gagged watchman Leon Krem- |pek, 72, as he left the building n the second floor, which NDP Leader MacDonald who | houses full-scale reproductions 3 Robbers Steal The New Democratic Party's\¢"s consider holds both the key! burdening parents with the cost. lhas spent much of. his cam-|° apartments Paderewski had | Donald C. MacDonald, only ma-|to victory and a lot of political question marks since redistribu-|qnto today he will campaign in paign in Northern Ontario, After his gruelling day in Tor- | which once strongly supported jor party leader to make a speech Sunday, told a meeting of NDP workers. in Toronto their party was developing "greater strength than we ever dare hope for." Premier John Robarts and tion added 10 seats Metro 29 of the 108 in the next)Tuesday, legislature. day there. Premier Robarts, who makes! Liberal half a dozen appearances injhad his biggest and most rous- Toronto today, two of them atiing day so far in the ca major rallies, took it easy on Saturday in the four - and CITY EMERGENCY PHONE . NUMBERS he campaigned in the Liberal! Windsor. jstronghold of Brantford. He to give/his home riding of London North| the NDP's predecessor, the Co- spend election|/operative. Commonwealth Fed- leration, Saturday hit out at gov- Leader Wintermeyer|ernment policies for the North. He said in Sudbury Premier A 100-car motorcade that in- permanent ghost towns. and Progressive Conserva-jcluded a band and a beauty) Sunday in Toronto he told ltive candidate Richard Beckett|queen honked its way through 90|/party workers that "'the longer |did a half-hour campaign broad-|miles of the riding of Essexjthe campaign has gone on, the POLICE 725-1138 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 4 cast, answering telephone ques- South, the only one in the coun-|more Conservative propaganda tions from listeners. They broke no new campaign the last legislature groud, but the premier empha- At a Saturday "night rally in veal jsized that he has no intention|Windsor. Mr, Wintermeyer!Tory regime." | N.Y. Ferry Rams | Fuel Oil Tanker | NEW YORK (AP)--A ferry mpaign Robart's government refuses to\poat collided with a tanker in/Taylor -- two of the toughest riding,|put into effect policies that willl upper New York Bay today,men in the administration -- the speechmaking Saturday as\heavily - Liberal area atound|save many Northern Ontario|then rammed into a slip at St.\carry the president's authority 1 communities from becoming/George, Staten Island, the -po-|and backing. One senior source said McNa-| ' \lice marine division reported. Three persons were injured,| none severely. | The U.S. Coast Guard said) the weather was clear when the} Corporation. Relics in New York and Switzerland, ithe robbers took many letters sent to his relatives by famous people at the time of his death in 1941, The robbers smashed glass showcases, forced open doors and overturned statues. Nine oil painti were slashed from their frames and stolen, U.S. Mission To Viet Nam | Gets Orders | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- jident Kennedy summoned De- \fence Secretary Robert S. Mc- |Namara and Gen. Maxwell D. \Taylor for final instructions to- |day before the two leave on a jspecial mission to review mil- jitary efforts in South Viet Nam. McNamara and Taylor, chair- man of the joint chiefs of staff, ment, with Kennedy at the White House. From there, air force jet with a small party of aides for a 20-hour flight. to Saigon, The farewell White House meeting obviously was in- tended to dramatize the week- long mission and to demon- onstrate that McNamara and mara and Taylor will be out 'under every bush and tree" in had @ mid - morning appoint-|, t the president's| , |two chief military advisers plan to fly by helicopter to Andrews ' |Air Force Base, then board an] One of the counter-pickets was arrested for spitting. With the atmosphere tense, police hustled Rockwell and his followers into cars and took them away. President Kennedy planned three separate meetings today in connection with the racial situation in Birmingham. First the president meets with five white Birmingham civic leaders. 'Then, late this after- noon, he talks with six white Alabama ¢hurch leaders. Im- mediately after that he is to confer with the two men he named last week as his' personal representatives in the Birming- ham situation -- former army football coach Earl (Red) Blaik and former secretary of the army Kenneth C. Royall, said: "'We don't know if it was ence Nationale. amonymous telephone warning from a French-speaking caller. ended May 20 after three months of blasts in which one man was killed and another in- jured. A CPR lift bridge off the southwest corner of Montreal Island was damaged by a bomb Aug. 22. PROTEST PROGRAM onstrated against a commission program to try English - lan- guage instruction in Grade 1 on an experimental basis. a.m. or p.m." The police mobile emergency squad, set up to combat Le Front de Liberation Quebecois terrorist bombings last spring, took apart the device aftc> an Youths waving separatist FLQ flags from 'nea' a od ment windows jeered about 300 policemen om hand and some of the demonstrators threw stones, hitting the constables. Of the 19 arrested, all but one found with a rapier in his pos- session, are free on bail, : OUTLINE COMPLAINTS : _ The sepatatist groups, worl ing in unison for the second time in a day, said they were d onstrating against: Mana ment of the concert hall by a private corporation; hiring of Silas Edman, a U.S. citizen, its manager and failure of : Montreal Union des A (CLC) to obtain jurisdiction over performers at the centre, A series of FLQ bombings On Saturday 200 persons dem- U eo South Viet Nam, judging for themselves whether the U.S.- try not held by the Liberals in facade of a new and victorious) ferry Verrazano collided with a/Supported fight against Commu-| tre) of St. Catharines, Ont., regime has fallen away to re-|tanker loaded with fuel oil andjnist the same old stand-pat)owned by the Poling Transport|back by internal religious-polit-| Grape Queen, is flanked by guerrillas has been set ical divisions there. | _ REIGNING: GRAPE Patricia Schwenk, 1,.(cen- Palis, 17, of Niagara Falls, who came third. Miss Scwenk reigns over Niagara Grape now reigning as Niagara runner-up. Janet Troup, . 20, eet aewemdh 5. QUEEN (left) of Jordan and Carol Festival events in St. Cathe ines this week culminating ip ayparade Saturday,

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