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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1963, p. 9

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DNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES HELPING HAND UNIT The Helping Hand Unit of Simcoe Street United Church opened the fall season with a pot-luck supper. The president, Mrs, Arthur Morrison, opened the meetin, by welcoming all members an: guests, 1 After a short business period, a white elephant sale took place' with Mrs, Russell Palmer act- ing as auctioneer, assisted by Mrs. Gordon McGee. TOPS CLUB TOPS members enjoyed y evening at their sealer Tuesday meeting at the ORC. "Mad Hatters" was the motif! of the evening and most of the creations were certainly mad. Prizes were won by Winnie Bril- linger , Barbara Pearrinder, Mary McConnell and Florence » Russell. Twenty members and two guests were present and after the weigh-ins and hat judging, bingo was played. Winnie Bril- linger was the highest loser of the week with three pounds, Coffee and low calorie cookies were served at the end of the evening. A few weeks ago a@ record of 11 Ibs. lost in one week was established by. Barbara Parrin- der. Weight will come off the ane way. For informatio ndial 7735. ' 8ST. ANDREWS' UCW The September meeting of St. Andrews' UCW last Tuesday evening was in the charge of * Mrs. Charles Yule and Unit 1. Dessert was served buffet style in the Ladies' Parlour then the meeting continued in the em- mon room. Mrs, Charles Rowden present- ed a worship service on the Psalms. Mrs. Charles Russell introduced the guest speaker, Miss Shirley McKee. Her sub- ject was "Covenant College and Its Training -Course', Mrs. Alfred Austin thanked Miss Mc- Kee. The busines period was in charge of the president, Mrs. J. L. Pegg. Minutes were read by Mrs. S. G. Werry and the treas- urer's report. given by Miss Marion Davenport. Miss Nellie Scorgie gave the a Friendship report. Mrs. §. Nobbin reported on the arrange- ments for the bazaar, a Christ- mas Fair, on Friday, November 1, when a wide variety of ar- ticles will be available. Special spot articles will be on sale at different times and tea will be served in the Common Room. The Presbyterial Fall Rally was announced at Newtonville on Tuesday, October 29 with regis. '|meeting with the Guest speakers will be the Rev- erend Duncan White and Mrs. Kenneth' Prior. Tickets are available for the Fashion Show sponsored by the Dorothy Tel- ford group on Wednesday, Oc- 'ober 9. The next UCW meeting will be on Thursday afternoon, October 17. NORTHMINSTER UCW Mrs, Sandford wel- comed the members of North- minster United Church Women to the first meeting of the fall season, held recently in Remembrance Hall, of the church, The Rossland Unit was in charge of the worship service with Mrs, Mervyn Cryderman being assisted by Mrs. Ronald and Mrs. Kenneth Farrow, Mrs. Philip Jeyes, Jr., sani the beautiful solo, "My God, How Wonderful Thou Art," Mrs, Kenneth Farrow gave a report of the United Church Women's school for leaders which was held at the Ontario Ladies' .Col- lege, Whitby, .in August and which was reported in detail in this paper, at that time, During the business session, presided over by Mrs, Perry, Mrs, James Semple was intro- duced to the membership as the new vice-president who will become president at the begin- ning of the new year. Mrs. G. W, Fisher, convener of the bazaar to be held Wed- nesday, November 6, gave a progress report. Tt was decided that the Aut: umn Thank - Offering envelopes would be used and donations would be given to. the UOW 'over and above' projects, Mrs, K. Farrow announced that Mr, Eric Aldwinckle would speak. on Thursday, September 26, and would show the original paintings which were used to illustrate "The Word and the Way" along with several other of his paintings, The public is invited to hear him. Refreshments were served by the Rossland Unit. 1ITH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The September meeting of the llth Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxillary was held at the Com- munity Hall, Thornton's road north, recently, Mrs, Sliter, the president, opened the Scout Moth- er's Prayer and warmly wel- comed the members, Mrs, Alex- ander Macdonald was in charge of the program and refresh- ments assisted by Mrs. Hor- ace Brown, Next month the new officers for the coming year will be in- stalled, following the pot luck supper which will be held at tration at 2.00 and 7.00 p.in. 6.30 p.m., October 21. ++ «» by STEPHENSON "wih still il Wik A ll} i : Lanagg ft ytll il. 44 PRIZES!! POLAROID CAMERA +++ by KARN'S DRUGS LADIES' WRIST WATCH . +» by BIRK'S JEWELLERS OVERNIGHT CASE .+« by HORWICH JEWELLERS GLAMOUR GIRL SUN GLASSES . «« by IMPERIAL OPTICAL PEARL NECKLACE AND EARRINGS JEWELLERS . +» AND A HOST OF OTHER FINE PRIZES Harold|! A HIT WITH Peanut Raisin Marble Squares Variation Of Old-Time Brownies An after-school or weekend get-together to listen to the latest records calls for refresh- ments, A good choice is Peanut Raisin Marble Squares, Teens will enjoy serving these unusual brownies with milk or @ fruit drink. Then pass a basket of "seconds", for one cookie isn't enough. Alternating chocolate and light batters, the cookies contain whole bran cereal, salted pea- nuts and raisins, The generous recipe makes two dozen cookies. 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened chocolate 1 cup sifted flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt ¥% cup soft butter or margarine % cup granulated sugar % cup brown sugar, firmly cked 2 an vanilla flavoring 3 eggs cup coarsely chopped salted peanuts 1 cup seedless raisins ¥% cup all-bran (whole bran cereal) Melt chocolate over hot but not boiling water; remove from heat. Cool, Sift together flour, baking powder and salt, Blend butter, sugars and vanilla, Add eggs; beat well, Stir in peanuts, waisins and all-bran, Add sifted dry ingredients; mix well, Spoon half the batter into separate ie p TEENAGERS bowl; stir in chocolate. Aler- nately spoon light and dark bat- ters into well-greased, floured 13 x 9-inch baking pan. Run knife carefully through batter several times to give marbled effect. Bake in moderate oven (360 degrees F.) about 90 min- utes. Cool, Cut into inch squares, Yield: 24 2-inch squares. HAS MADE GOAL ORILLIA, Ont, (CP)--Mayor Isabel Post, a former school. teacher who taught here for 30 LODGES AnD 'SOCIETIES CHILD GUIDANCE. BETA SIGMA PHI (Phi Phi Chapter) The meeting of Beta Sigma Phi, Phi Phi Chapter was call- ed to order by President Miss Louise Thompson, at the home 'of Miss Stella Smarz, A gift of money has been re- ceived from Mrs, Mabel Guy and this money will be included 2 the next charitable presenta- An executive meeting was held earlier at the home of Miss Louise Thompsgn. At this meet- jing, the members of each com- mittee were named and their duties outlined, The committees and members are as follows: Social, Miss Maureen Comerford, Miss Katy Smartz, Mrs. Fred 'Beare, Miss Kathy Stephenson; Ways and Means, Miss Joan Elliott, Mrs, Donald McClen- nen, Miss Judy Reeson, Miss Stella Smarz; Publicity and Historian, Mrs, Harvey Hicks; Service and gc --" Mrs, Allan Fleming, Miss Marilyn Black; Program, Miss Mar- aret Russell, Miss Louise mpson, The Valentine Queen entries must be sent to International by November 1. Voting will take place at the next meeting. A wedding gift was preserit- ed to Miss Margaret Russell and baby présents were pre- sented to Mrs. Donald Mc- \oogana and Mrs. Allan Flem- ing. Rushing for the sorority is being held during the month of October. Names of rushees are to be turned in to president, Miss Louise Thompson, by Tuesday, September 24, 1963, On Tuesday, October 1, the girls will meet at the home of Miss Marilyn Black to plan and By GARRY C, MYERS, Ph.D. There has been "a tremen- sci tng" fount et are mo! young ple." So writes Samuel M. Wis- hik, of the University of Pitts. burgh, in @ recens issue of Pediatrics, While he believes this de- velopment is one changes in cultural patterns in North America, he thinks there is flo doubt that cigarette adver. / on TV, has @ He notes what is apparent to rv age 8 that cigarette adver- tising pleye up sex and matur- ity in order to sell its product, To quote: "Smoking by young people is glamorized, made to seem sexually attractive and, in the male, equated with virility, She leers through the spiralling wisps of smoke; he wears a@ tattoo. A fellow and a girl who do not smoke are not grown up." Some of us over 50 or 60 years of age can femember the time when an athlete or eny other persons excelling in sports or physica! achievement was thought of by almost everybody, including our children, as a per: son who avoided smoking. Mem- bers of the high school or col. lege football team looked up to their coach as an exemplary model of non - smoking. Any make decorations for the com- ing model meeting. On Tuesday, October 8, the model meeting will be held with rushees as guests, The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 24, at the home of Mrs, Harvey Hicks, 287 Drew street, Oshawa, of many| Pw Increased Teen Smoking Blamed On The TV Ads. member of the team caught smoking was disciplined or kicked off. ~ ENDORSED BY ATHLETES Nowadays a favorite TV pro gram may) be interrupted by a dramatic ad in which a famous athlete or champion in physical ess -- rodeo riding, moun- climbing, swimming--does ja stunt and then says a cular cigarette is his ce, Have you ever wondered wi such influential persons will se their names to help win youths for cigarettes? Heve you ever seen in the public press or heard from the pulpit any denunciation of this unethical practice? Dr, Wishik notes that re search has established as facts that smoking does have effects rate of heartbeat after smoking, interference with blood circula- tion and reduced weight of the baby af birth whose mother had been smoking during preg. nancy, Besides, there is vincing scientific evidence that cigarette smct:ing is closely re- lated to lung cancer, But funds are not available to publicize such evidence: at all comparable to the money avall- able for the advertising which FRANCES JONES LIBERAL First Name On The Ballot! -- years before going into politics, says her election as mayor this year represents the final goal in her political career. She says she has turned down a request to run for provincial office be- cause it would require too much time away from home CARPET ANY 282 King W. 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE m ewe's heir styling teem. Presenting... INGE PLAHUTA Oshawa's well-known hoiretylis ts beck with us efter her long Bure- peon holidey. Inge ine vites all her customers and friends to visit her et the seme location where she hes been for the post twe yeers, Rudy Is pleased to wele come beck Inge to Osh- For better beauty care, call hairstyling artists at 364 WILSON RD, PLAZA PHONE: 728-7021 ents: 1, Responsible adults, includ- ing its, should try hard persuade chil 2, KID STUFF 3, Efforts teach vhildren smokin and rti-|how taly might be done.) on the human body---tincreased | otra hope im the recent announce by cigarette makers that plan to cease placing cig- ..» Moreon Men's and Boys' Wear at... DUNN'S Remember! .. . If You Don't Buy It Here You're Paying Too Much! YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD! 36 KING STREET EAST me, GG 26th 315 P.M. THURSDAY, SEPT. MAKE A DATE To See The -- The -- Will Take Place On at the NT THEATRE The "'Miss Oshawa" Pageant '64 is Sponsored by The Oshawa Jay- cees. All proceeds In Aid of CIVIC AUDITORIUM, MISS CANADA" PAGEANT '64 eTE 'KING ST, EAST OSHAWA ADMISSION $1.00 SMITH*BEVERAGES LTD. Entertainment Master of Ceremonies e IRENIE HARVEY DANCERS e BARBERSHOP QUARTET e 'hpe fl Fre en pte at | 1 | AL ff ; N NY iunyust thi Mansa ,! ' } it Hilt Haiti neal we Includes: RRY MANN, CKLB PLUS MANY OTHERS __ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 25, 1 #8 Seve ose This Advertisement Is Sponsored in the Public Interest by. . . BOTTLERS OF "PEPSI-COLA" AND "TEEM" |" 750 FAREWELL AVE. " OBHAWA aA

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