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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1963, p. 27

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 25, 1963 27 ~ EDWARDS AT ROTARY = | PC Pension Proposal Should Be Dismissed It is still little more than 40 per cent and several western Mrs. Robert and chil- dren Todd and my are spending one month in Bridge- town, Nova Scotia, as the guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Jefferson. Mrs. G. A, Scott has been ted vice- of by and District Council, Home; and School Associations at meeting held at Ba: eye School in Bayridges. itby delegates attending the meeting were Larry Jackson, president of King Street Home and School Association and Mrs. William- son, secretary of Kathleen Rowe Home and School Association. progressive ideas to council during his two years in office. Mr. Bevan's announcement of his intention to seek re-election as a councillor discounts wide- spread rumor that he would challenge Reeve Everett Quan- trill for his position as second in command of the town council. WHITBY PERSONALS Whitby guests attending the Mitchell 'Te wedding which Thomas Edwards, Ontario a for the ee ee Riding New Democratic Partyjnot @ concern 3 standard bearer in today's pro-| This, the speaker said, is pure| provinces are providiag up | se vincial election said Tuesday|party propaganda except the) per cent of the cost of the Progressive Conservative| Tories are now finding it exped-|tion, Mr. Edwards said. government's portable pensions|ient to give lip service to the| Each year at budget time, he (GR DOLLAR PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT 48-0Z, $ plan can be dismissed because added, school boards and coun- it is provincial in scope. Speaking to the Whitby Ro- tery Club, Mr. Edwards said because the Tory pension plan is provincial in scope its por- ity is destroyed. Because the plan is to be ad- ministered by private compan- fes, Mr. Edwards added, untold restrictions will be intro- duced in order to preserve the profit margin. « The plan proposed by the fed- '"pral government, the NDP can- didate said, could stand much improvement, but nevertheless contain: question of medical coverage. ards|cils are at each other's throat. Most doctors, Mr. Edw said will agree that it is inevit-/The provincial government, he able that some sort of univer-jcharged, sits back enjoying sal, compulsory, government-\this and when approached, administered medical plan will|prushes off protests with the come about. magic words "local autonomy" The NDP proposed medicare|the speaker said. cur would vary svcording to i come. A person earning $3,000 Bev an Will Seek Second Council Term per annum would pay $33.28 an- Councillor George H, Bevan $11,000 per annum would he be charged the equivalent of what pains gh basic provisi to make it acceptable. A pension plan, Mr. Ed- wards claimed should be avail- able to everybody at a cost nually for medical coverage. A person earning $5,000 per year would pay $47.40 per year. -- Not until a person is earning people are now paying for PSI for the NDP proposed medi-|this week announced his inten- care plan, Mr. Edwards said. |tion to seek a second two-year Let us admit, the candidate|term among the town fathers. said, that people of all political) The retired registered profes- took place in St. Columbkille's Roman Catholic Church, Upter- grove, Saturday, September 14, were: Mrs, R. A. Rousseau, Mrs. V. D. Richardson, Mrs. Aime Rousseau, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rousseau, Aime Rousseau Jr., Miss Beverley Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, Gary Winters. They were also guests at the recep- tion which followed at Birch- more Hotel, Orillia. The many friends of Charles Lintner, 409 Perry street, are sorry to learn that he is in the Oshawa General Hospital under observation, They wish him a prompt recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuenen spent last weekend in Ottawa as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Venstonk. TINS Joose plate oa improv upper and MoreComfortWearing FALSE TEETH Here is 8 pleasant way 40 ore TH, discomfort. Date fie "te paths tse fimet 2° Not gunn, B pe . No 5 A Caste of feeling, It's 'alkaline 'non- odor" denture 'breath). Get As TEETH today at any oes coun! DELMONTE DRINK IGA APPLE SAUCE PINK SEAL SALMON EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK IGA INSTANT COFFEE 7 VARITIES PILLSBURY CAKE MIX ALL FLAVORS LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS WESTINGHOUSE 7 2 7 TINS TINS PKGS. PKGS, 40-60-100 15-0Z. 1-8. TALL $ TINS 10 02. g JAR l 18-02. ¢ 10 REG. $ 2 BULB *l GARDEN PATCH CHOICE KERNEL CORN HOICE DAYS | SALES $ GREE PEAS IGA BEANS with PORK 2¢ OFF DELSEY LIGHT BULB 37¢ OFF FAB DETERGENT 6 VARIETIES OF CREAMS Peak Frean BISCUITS BRIGHTS FANCY TOMATO JUICE YORK CHOICE BARTLETT PEARS DOG OR CAT IGA PET FOOD PAKS KING SIZE | 8-0Z. $ PKGS 20-0Z. $ TINS ] 15-0Z. $ TINS 16-02. $ TINS they can afford, therefore it must be compulsory. Benefits, he added, should be in relation to the cost of living at the time of their receipt, rather than tied stripe demand an efficient medi- care scheme -- but only the New Democrats have the cour- sional engineer was for 36 years WATT employed in engineering with the Canadian National Railways age to state so openly. (Communications) in Toronto. It is not enough, he said, to/Fourteen of those years Mr. to a percentage of income/have a scheme in which your|Bevan was plant _ super- earned. bill gets paid provided you have! intendent. According to the speaker|sold your chesterfield and TV) Because he is retired, Mr. newspaper reports have attri-|set. It is not enough that as-|Bevan says, he feels he can de- buted a statement to NDP Pro-|sistance will be provided as long|yote his full time to Whitby's vinclal Leader Donald C. Mac-jas you can prove you a@re a/ municipal affairs, Donald in which he says he|pauper. : : As chairman of - council's now wants to Apher a pen- se aang Sgrnnat ay he Yt - streets committee, Councillor sion plan of his own. volving the most up a! ; i Pp methods and regardless of cost anes has introduced many "I think, as usual, he is be- ing misquoted, but if not then|must be made available to all. I will give as much battle to|The New Democratic Party be- him as I would to a member of|lieves the doctor must make the another party who made a simi-| medical decisions. Attacking the Conservative lar equivocation," the candi- : |government's stand on educa- date said, Dealing with the medicare|tion, Mr. Edwards said the gov-| : chargedjernment was elected back in|; issue, Mr. Edwards Dr. Dymond, as minister of|1943 on a promise to provide 50 health has said that health is aj per cent of the school costs. Four-Year Pen Term ; Given Vault Breaker He said approximately $230 was E JONES VOT LIBERAL On September 25th vcaiiaaiin Phone 728-9467 LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS!! 8 12 COLOURS Go KRAFT 7Y%-OZ. $ An Oshawa construction work 10 PKGS. er was Tuesday sentenced to/taken from the vault. four years in Portsmouth Pen-| Desks, Sgt. Bodley said, in itentiary, Kingston, when he/the main office and the man- : . | pleaded guilty before Magistrate|ager's office had been pried| : fe ' om 4 ) SOUTH AFRICAN VALENCIA Harry W. Jermyn to a charge|open and papers were scattered CALIFORNIA'S FINEST of vault-breaking at the office of/around the room. Approximate TOKAY GRAPES © au: a former employer. jy $100 damage was done to the Daniel Albert Huntington, 28, | office. RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT Ficus ONTARIO GROWN CARROTS '3. FOR A LIMITED 211 Harmony road south told the; The following day, the officer TIME court he had not planned the of-| testified, the accused paid $55 of fence before it had been com-|the stolen money on a used car. | mitted. Some of the stolen money was |. Pickering Township Policejrecovered on Huntington's per- Sergeant Richard H. Bodley told|son, some in the car, some in aj -- the court the accused drove ajglove at his place of employ- panel truck to a wooded area|ment and some at his residence. off the Baseline road, near Pick-| After leaving the premises,| } ering, left the vehicle then walk-|Sgt. Bodley said, the accused ed a mile and a half back tojdestroyed his footwear to pre-| §. Colonial Homes Limited, where|vent footprints at the scene from} ; he was once employed. being matched up to him. SIZE 252's DOZ. } ws 39° 6 ie. 49 2sAcs' 29° FRASERVALE FROZEN STRAWBERRIES IGA COLORED MARGARINE ROYAL GOLD -- REG. or NIPPY curese SLICES 4+ 1.00 PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 25, 26, 27, 28 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES = 1.00 1.00 IN BONUS TAPES 1-LB, PKGS. 8-02. PKGS, DOLLAR DAY, COMBINATION OFFER ONE sacunre WIENERS ONE factsre SAUSAGES scnuess ONE BOLOGNA suc TABLERITE 6-0Z. PKG. TABLERITE m 1.00 According to Sgt. Bodley the} Huntington's record produced eccused attempted to enter the|in court indicated he had 18 premises at three locations, in-|previous convictions of various cluding two windows and a door. types, : = said Pad Lee yi A ing @ screw driver ing the glass in a window near a FRANCES JONES rear door. Inside the premises, Sgt. Bod- LIBERAL : ley testified, the accused took ° P : the handles off two mop buckets| First Name On : ie A and forced off a large bolt and The Ballot! || : : TOTAL 300 lock securing a walk-in vault.!! ' OF e : RECEIVE $10.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH Learn Bookkeeping peta a ls. RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH 2 4 Ni h LYONS TEA BAGS °°°"S,"io In 1g ts NUMBER "7" Cigarettes 0°: ° RECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH At Night School SHREDDED WHEAT _--«oS*S ! 40 Fathom SOLE FILLETS "cc! . Ontario POTATOES = "°;'.s"2s Special NIGHT SCHOOL "Sliced Cooked MEATS aziz" MON, & bi egaiag i 7:00 - 9: for 12 consecutive weeks-- FRESH! GRADE "A" P RE-DRESSED 2 nights weekly. : ENROLL NOW Under Individual Instruction FRYING OR ROASTING : Average 2% To 3 Lb. YOU WILL LEARN... @ Journelizing ©@ Posting © Balancing ®@ Financia! Statements © Worksheet Register Now ond Be Assured of « Place; This course is designed for beginners -- housewives, school teachers, high schoo! students, business men ond mony others who ore primarily interested in learning bookkeeping, either for business or personal use. It is not © speed class, New package convenience, same famous. Blue Bonnet 100% vegetable oil quality. Each quarter pound is individually wrapped. Simply unwrap and serve as Is, the rest stay fresh. Enjoy the nutritional advantages of a margarine made only from pure vege- table oil...sunny-sweet Blue Bonnet Margarine, Canada's favorite --now In a handy new package! : There is also o Special ADVANCE CLASS for those i d in higher i Adult Education Bed courses fi For full information, Write or Phone THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 5212 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 728-7081 Alr Conditioned for Your Comfort ~ ALSO AVAILABLE mney CDLB, PACK. Each pound wrapped separately. 6° orr €: Golden yellow, or uncolored with FOR A LIMITED TIME 12-0Z. PLASTIC SHOPSY POTATO SALAD & COLE SLAW '*<o;tainen WE FEATURE TORONTO CITY PRICES EVERY DAY! College Hill IGA °YRNS7*""" | Lansdowne IGA suoprmc cnern OSHAWA Motor City IGA ""seN.t0?*| South End IGA "ure 'Hope IGA Store "7" Bilsky IGA ='? osawa"™ * Dyl's IGA Beckstead IGA ONTARIO. 166 ADELAIDE AVE, Ot color tabs enclosed. OSHAWA

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