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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1963, p. 11

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COFFEE-TABLE MAT Take time to relax with a little crochet work and in no time you will have a charm- ing and protective table mat for your coffee table which will. undoubtedly bring you compliments friends, If you would like in- structions for this fateywork write to the Needlework De- partment of The Oshawa _ handling, from your Times, Oshawa, Ontario, ask- Introduce Staff And Chairmen Ai Thornton Home And School Mts. Hartléy Delaney, presid-|publications; Mrs, Donald ed at the September meeting of} Wood, family life; Mrs. James the Dr. Robert Thornten Home| Watson, membefships; Mrs. Cy- land School Association. ril Campbell, grade representa- Mhs. E. W. Coedy read the/tives; Mrs. H. J. Mark, citizen- minutes and Mrs. Nicholas Pas-|ship; Mrs, Kenneth Bailey, fine cal the 'treasurer's report. Ajarts; Miss Ruth Hicks, chil- letter of thanks from Larry|dren's reading; Mrs. C. A, Har- Westlake, recipient of the Home|per, hospitality; Mrs. D. S. and School award for highest/Kerr, programs; Mrs, Charles academic standing was read. Highlights from the Record Book for the period September 1962 - June 1963 were read by Mrs, Kenneth Brown, Mrs. Richard Schad and Mrs. Law- rence Graham reported on the graduation banquet and the jun- ior picnic. 4 Mr. M. G. Karpiak, principal, introduced his staff of teachers for the coming term, as fol- lows: Miss Joan Esdale, Kinder- garten; Miss Ruth Best, Grade 1; Miss Marie Koster. Grades 1 and 2; Miss Ellen Gomm, Grade 2; Miss Lynne Dilworth, Grades 2 and 3; Miss Myrna Britton, Grade 3; Miss Wilma Barnes, Grade 4; Miss Ruth Hicks, Grades 4 and 5; Mr. William Haynes, Grade 5; Mr. Warren Kazor, Grade 6; Mr. Hugh Dyke, Grade 7; Mr. Mrs. Brydges, property;' Mrs. H. M. Spurrell, publicity; Mr. William Haynes, King Chung. Mrs. Donald Wood, family life chairman, announced the formation of a baby sitting course for' ages 12-14 to be handled by seven weekly lec- tures at school commenc- ing on Monday, Séptember 30. Mrs, Kenneth Bailey, fine arts chairman, asked those interest- ed in the continuance of the art course to register now. Mrs. Arthur Joynt, vice-presi- dent of the association, reed the proposed changes in the Asso- ciation Bylaws which will be voted on at the November meeting. Mrs, Nicholas Pascal, con- vener of the bazaar and fun fare which will take place on theme ing for leaflet No, C-8064 and enclosing a self - addressed, envelope, plus 10 cents for Giovanni Ianiri Theresa Nave Wed in Toronto In St. John Bosco Roman Catholic Church, Toronto, re- cently Giovanni JIaniri and Theresa Nave, both of Oshawa, éxchanged nuptial vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Luigi Nave and the bridegroom isthe son of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Ianiri, all of Oshawa. The Reverend Don Pileggi of- ficiated. The bride was given in mar- riage by Mr. Samuel Ianiri. She wore a full-length gown of peau de soie and lace, with scalloped feckline and bracelet sleeves. The bell-shaped skirt was softly pleated. A crystal tiara held her elbow-length veil of tulle illusion and she carried a cascade bou- quet of red roses, and white carnations and gladiolas. Mrs, Carmine Vespa, Toronto was matron of honor wearing pink nylon chiffon, with a shir- red, basque bodice and full, gathered skirt; a matching veil- ed hat and white accessories. She carried a cascade of white carnations and gladiolas. The flower girl, Lena Aimond, Toronto, was in pink peau de soie with a flounced skirt. She carried a nosegay of red roses and white carnations. The ring bearer was Master Aimond, Mr. Carmine Vespa was best man. The honeymoon was spent in Newark, New Jersey and Mr. and Mrs. Ianiri are making their home at 36 Elm street, Oshawa. For the wedding trip the bride wore a white lace ensemble with white accessories. Jose} Two notices side by side in this Wiltshire town catch the eye. One says: "Before you smoke-- think." The other advices that the treasury received £900,000,- 000 ($2,700,000,000) in tax last year. Saturday, October 26, asked for M. G. Karpiak, Grade 8; and) continued co-operation, The Kin- relief teacher for Grade 8, Mrs. J, M, Sandy. Mr, Karpiak noted TAKE YOUR PICK SWINDON, England (CP) -- dergarteén Mother's Tea has 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, Septem- her, at Westminster United Church. Co-conveners of: annuel event will he Mrs. neth Young and- Mss. W: Lovelock, Church and School week will be observed September 22-29 this year and a motion was assed that the members of the ome and School Association at- tend services at 11 a.m. on Sun- day, September 22 at Westmin- ster United Church. Mrs. D. §S. Kerr, program chairman, in keeping with the zenship, introduced the speaker, Ts. Aiken then detailed many aspects of citizenship which possibly many' of those present to take place at/had never given much thought. Unselfishness in the molding of our citizens-of tomorrow is ¢ de- sirable trait of we mothers; she;- stated. Mrs. Aiken. had a rant and attentive audience for short duration of her talk, Mrs. Aiken was thanked by Mrs. Charles Brydges. During a social half-hour refreshments were served by mothers of Grades 7 and 8 under the direction of Mrs. Rob- ert Jennings and Mrs. Alec MacDonald. 30 DAYS OVERSEAS (OCT. 1st -- MAR. Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) PHONE 728-6201 s imeiaanine seca LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Choracter, Pre-School, Kinderdanee. FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS et the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St. INFORMATION: 723-7253 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 26,1963 9 "WORK THROUGH WIVES <a KIRKBY, England (CP) -- 'This Lancashire community wants to become the town with the trimmest males. The coun- cil has sent leaflets to wives asking them to send their tubby husbands to special weight - reducing courses. Delaney noted that for the evening of Citi- est Mrs. Lioyd Aiken. seeanaiiadeal 723-7928 @ Fine Furniture -- Broadloom @ Custom Made Draperies @ Bamboo and Ready Made Drapes @ Personalized Decorating Service SIACE 1927 ° Reliable FURNITURE -- INTERIORS that as compared to 385 last June there are now 438 pupils. The attendance plaque was won by Miss Koster. The president then introduc- ed following committee dnt the chairmen: Mrs. Oswald Moore, | STOP Ansus-GRavpon CARPET ANY 282 King W 728-9581 BROADLOOM TILE SEE... Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. E. -- OSHAWA Only A Few Models Of Quality Frigidaire e AUTOMATIC WASHERS e AUTOMATIC DRYERS Left To Sell At These Low, Low Prices oo.» Last Call THIS WEEK-END! OUR SALE LAST WEEK WAS A TREMENDOUS SUCCESS!! THANKS FOR | | YOUR PATRONAGE!! f TVETERYTED TVPTETEDEPEOOESY Ml Uy int j Herero Mode! FD-13TC-63 13.24 cu. ft. SPECIAL PURCHASE ONLY 8 UNITS AVAILABLE AT THIS LOW PRICE 8 UNITS ONLY - WERE $359.00.. Space galore in FRIGIDAIRE ECONOMY 2-DOOR! ® 100-Ibs. of storage space in zero zone freezer with separate insulated storage door, SWEATERS Featuring cardigans and "pullovers, regular knits, "Bulkies" and the classie double knits. Choose plaing, stripes or tasteful patterns. From 8.95 e Plenty of fresh food storage space in family size, self-defrosting refrigerator séctign. e Twin fruit afd vegetable Hydrators hold nearly % bushel. e Extra storage in door for slim, fat, short and tall containers -- even half gallons of milk. Frigidaire dependability, too. DUNN'S en seni 96 KING EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Natural Shoulder SUITS Dunn's specializes in young men's stylings, in both vested and regular suits. They're cut and tailored in the authentic natural shoulder monner , .. with slim, tapered, self-adjusting trousers. And, . . . there's a wide, wire choice... if you shop now! a With FREE TOPCOAT or CAR COAT SLIM-CUT SLACKS | If you're after comfort and style in this year's "skinny" pants, Dunn's campus corner is the place to go, All the fav- ourite dark and muted shades to choose from. Self - adjusting waist- bands. From 9.95 319. No Trade Needed 90 SIMCOE SOUTH Feeresmnnenenaernnconienvenser re SAREE MISTI EMINENT INSTANT CREDIT ... NO MONEY DOWN, MINIMUM SERVICE CHARGE USE DUNN'S NEW SUPER/CHARGE PLAN 60 day charge plan privileges -- no service charge If account peld in 60 days. - © USEOUR CONVENIENT G.M.A.C. TERMS © SATISFACTION GUARANTEED © OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. "Where Service Is A Fact... Not A Fancy" HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. PHONE 725-5332 OR IF BUSY 725-6335 DUNN'S CANADA"S FOREMOST Open Fridav niaht until 9:00 P.M. @ 36 King East, Dow=*awn Ochawa and Oshawa Sheestna Contea - - - cater to career seekers and University Men! EINE CLOTHIERS .

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