330 Miss Sheila Griggall of the Lancashire County, England, police highway patrol arrived in Ottawa Wednesday, to ad- vise police departments on the 1-04 VISITS CANADIAN POLICE Miss Griggall will travel with two other members of her force to several Canadian and United States cities. --(CP Wirephoto) role women play in British po- lice work. Here, she tells RCMP Const. Dolan Collette, the advantages of using a sports car for potice work. MONTREAL (CP) -- More than 3,500 shareholders have told the Dominion Tar and Chemical Company what they think of its annual and interim |reports. "Why not spell out your pro- fit position in laymen's lan- guage?" wrote one of the sh holders, Others asked for fore- casts on what the company's stock is likely to do in the months ahead. The comments came in re- sponse to a questionnaire sent out with the spring report to the. 40,000 Domtar sharholders ,| Shareholders Rap Reports By Firm {should be kept separate from publicity and advertising. I feel strongly that expensive annual are a waste of share- "ALOWw me 0 congratulate you oa~ the -wisdom~of-publish- ing your reports in French and Engiish . . . I hope your policy will -onen-the- eyes of other com- panies to do justice to one third of Canada's population." ®. --the NEW-FAL --HAIRSFYEES are here ! today .. . They'll style your hoger' and olders' money cause poor shareho! Ider company rela- tions."" WANT PICTURES , 3,040 sharehold- Nevertheless said, they found pictures and fal in the Domtar annual report 'informative.' Other comments: The company also received replies from its French - Cana- diar shareholders, Said one: io' ( hair in this Fall's latest fashion that suits YOU best. Make Your Appointment -- Call 728-9751 BEN VAN KUIK Returns to Oshawa + fumed to Oshawe. end joined Sur sett Sue pe Shampoo & Set Reg, 2.50 -- 2.00 and 1.00 off any permanent. FOR BEN ONLY. ANTONIO'S COIFFURES 136 Simcoe South (Just South of Memorial Park) 728-9581 RUG | CLEANING 282 King W. BEN VAN KUIK across Canada. Some of the replies were anticipated by the company; others came as. a surprise. The two main questions were: Do you prefer the annual re- port illustrated or in figures only? Does the annual report give you all the information you need? | | ASK FOR ADVICE | Some shareholders wanted to} know what the company could not tell them. Will Domtar stock rise or is this a good time to sell? To this question the company rplied: "Forecasts are made by your management as an aid to bud- geting and control and are re- vised from time to time during the year in the light of new facts or changed circumstances. "Although useful for such purposes, they are more in the nature of reasonable expecta- tions than precise figures and they could be misleading. Most companies hesitate to publish forecast earnings because so many factors in our economy are beyond the control of man- a ts? Pearson's Last Cabinet Talk Before Session OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min- ister Pearson meets with his cabinet today for a last assault on the pile of legislative pro- posals to go before the parlia- mentary session when it re- sumes next week. High on the priority list. are bills to place warring Great Lakes unions under a govern- ment trusteeship and to write the controversial Canada Pen- sions Plan into law. The session, which adjourned Aug. 2 for its summer recess, resumes Monday without spe- cial formality. Since it has been in adjournment for eight weeks, it merely picks up where it le; off without the ceremonies that mark the beginning of a new session. Cabinet committees on legis- lation and special matters were busy this week and today's meeting of cabinet is expected to climax opening preparations. Morning and afternoon meet- ings may be necess2ry since Mr. Pearson has a speaking en- gagement in Montreal Friday. The bill to establish the trus- teeship over Hal Banks' Seafar- er's International Union (Ind.) and four other labor bodies on the Great Lakes has been ready for several weeks. The problem now before cabinet, however, is whether to proceed with it in Stock Prices Dip In Medium Trade TORONTO (CP) -- The stock|metals. Cassiar was down \%4. In market slipped imto lower|golds, McIntyre and Hollinger ground during moderatelyjeach dropped % and Kerr-Addi- heavy trading Wednesday. son 10 cents. Shares of three British Colum-| The foreign market was quiet. bia companies featured the/B.C, Forest gained 2 points to day's most active issue, trading}22. 34,407 shares. The stock began) op index golds were off .12 to move following news that 84, 9177 base metals 1.57 to settlement had been reached/o15 19° and western oils .74 to over the provincial govern-|199 69. The volume was 3,231,000 ment's expropriation of B.C./shares compared with 2,122,000 Electric. ae \Tuesday. Canadian Collieries dropped} 2% to 8% following an 9 nouncement that the company has dropped negotiations for a} DIVIDENDS erg pulp mill on reece |. THE CANADIAN PRESS io-| The Bank of Nova Scotia, 55 Bi tag ag Pang had the Dig cents plus 25 cents extra, Nov. on 192 shares. U.S. Ford|! record Sept. 30. dropped %, while Chrysler| Canadian Aviation Electron- gained a point and General Mo-|ics Ltd,, common five cents, tors %. Goodyear Tire was down|Oct. 31, record Oct. 3. 2 points to 133. Dominion Bridge Co. Ltd., 10 Aluminium was ahead % on|cents, Nov. 7, record Oct. 11, new of an-increase in alumin-| Dominion Tar and Chemical ium prices. Distillers-Seagrams|Co. Ltd., common 20 cents, Feb. gained 5% to 5414. Among banks,/1, 1964, record Jan. 2, 1964. Nova Scotia and Toronto-Domin-| International Bronze Powders ion each advanced %. |Ltd., common 20 cents, pfd. 3744 Falconbridge dropped 14 for|cents, Oct, 15, record Oct, 1. the biggest loss among senior] Maple Leaf Gardens Ltd., common 50 cents, Oct. 15, rec- its present form or to delay or/ord Oct. 2. modify it in hope that the un-| Holt Renfrew Co. Ltd., 20 ions can reach agreementicents, Nov. 1, record Oct, 15. among themselves to make fed-| Texaco Canada Lid., common eral intervention unnecessary. |40 cents, Nov. 30, record Oct, 31. . GROOMING 5 BEAUTY " GLAMOUR. ae * WARDROB PLANNING 2 . ® ; . PVE A... SCHOOL tor-wemew of allaged For further information, telephone G 725-8351------ brochure on request 10 SIMCOE STREET N, ried about. the cost of producing annual reports and typical com- ment was: "Information to shareholders Aluminum Co. Raises Prices PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Alu- minum Co. of America, the U.S.'s top aluminum producer, fell into line Wednesday with other leading domestic produc- ers 'in raising the price of alu-/ minum ingot. | Besides other big domestic] firms, Canada's Aluminium Ltd. and Pechiney of France an- nounced a swing to higher quo- tatios on deliveries in the U.S. market, The giant firm announced it| was matching the action of com-| petitors in pegging its new price for ingot at 23 cents a pound, up one-half cent, effective Oct. 2. Alcoa said it also was increas. ing prices for selected fabri- cated and mill products. Speci- fic increases, to be effective) Oct. 2, are to be announced later. All the price-raisers except Pechiney pegged the ingot at 23 cents a pound, up a half cent, The moves reversed a two-year downtrend in aluminum ingot prices. Other shareholders were : | Zis BONUS Days! DECORATOR POLE LAMP INCLUDED AS A BONUS % 9 Ken | Yes, the price is right--ond what a value! You get the luxur- jous 84" sofa and matching arm styling, covered in decorator nylon 'rieze with deep, re- versible foam cushions; the king-size self-adjusting recliner chair in plastic-and-nylon frieze; cocktail table and 2 step tables in walnut finish, 2 ceramic-and-walnut lamps; plus 3- light pole lamp and pair of FRIDAY - SATURDAY - MONDAY ONLY Tl PIECE COMPLETE 00% NYLON and FOAM SUITE | Compare at $299 or More! $20 ONLY $26 DELIVERS As Little as 10.00 Monthly ~~ lounge chair in massive slont colorful toss pillows. Hurry in! OL For the first time, two ales have been blended to give you a smoother, more mellow flavour than it's possible to brew in a single ale. OKEEFE EXTRA D STOCK ALE