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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1963, p. 16

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real world's fair, he invests zling and alluring probability. The 39-year-old Montreale in 1967: Big Possibilities For World's Fair QUEBEC (CP)--When Michel|--ranking it with the St. Law- Chevalier talks about the Mont-|rence Seaway as an undertak-|ster Joseph Valachi is "a ditty years ago that he was a mem- liar . . . he's insane," says John|ber of the syndicate. Canadians persisted in|C. "shontena, named by Valachi looktig upon it as a Montreal|as a onetime lieutenant in the| was president of a beer distti- Cosa|buting company. He refused in a mF flickering possibility with daz- who has world fairs in 'his|Doubt about the effect of the|Nostra. blood, sees the Canadian Worldjaffair on Canada's balance of f Exhibition as a procession of|payments had been expressed. joa hea a we iinne learn the purpose of the Apal- that Montana, 69, board chair-|@chin meeting. corporation|man of a Buffalo taxi company, world culture through Canada La Scala of Milan, the Paris BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- r,/rather than a national project.|secret crime syndicate, HAS DIFFICULTIES The exhibition Valachi 'A Dirty Liar' Buffalo Taxi Owner Says Valachi testified Tuesday be- Symphony Orchestra, the Mos-|ad_ three parents -- Ottawa,|had asked to be demoted to a| Canadian Agencies lobjsame Senate commitiee five Stephen Magaddino former'y 1959 to answer questions of a state commission that tried to cow Circus, the Senegalese Dan- i sand Montreal--and the/"soldier" in the syndicate be- Of politics created dif-|cause Montana "didn't want the RETURNING FOR OCTOBER ONLY | HOMEMAKER PLAN wv A wonderful opportunity to purchase the Silver, China, or Crystal you have always wanted. cers, the Scots Guards .. . Display In Britain Getting away from the pavil-|Me _ The fair administra-| boys contacting him anymore." ions, exhibits and amusements \ige iif had to recognize "'the| The informer also stated that) LONDON (CP) -- Members of that' will draw millions of visi-\'W®, Officially recognized ,,cul-|Montana had worked under Ste-|the Canadian Association of Ad- tors to Montreal for the cen- tural or language groups.' fano (Stephen) Magaddino of|vertising Agencies put Canada tennial project, he sees this as-| If the exhibition was can- Niagara Falls, N.Y., whose|on show for their British coun- pect as one that will have an|celled, "or worse, deteriorated|brother, Antonino, was among|terparts Wednesday. effect on all Canada. into a jumble of mediocre qual- res 60 Lgpern a oy friends} In a "ge > 5 mcg oe lec- " _jity .. . it could become the en into custody by state po-jtures a le yal Common- wache wo. senses onaaas Ue: mirror of all the tensions and/lice at the 1957 Apalachin meet-|wealth Society, the Canadians eral world's fairs in Paris dur-|™isunderstandings, hates, fears|ing. Valachi last week named|explained the opportunities and ing the 19th century, Mr. Che- and regressions which beset|Stephen Magaddino as Buffalo|obstacles facing British prod- valier was a member of the|ftench- and English-speaking/@rea boss of Cosa Nostra. ucts in Canada. Montreal fair's originating| Canadians." Montana, who also was at the|,, The main differences between group. If successful, it might do the|Apalachin meeting when police|!"e Canadian and British mar- opposite, becoming "'the mirror| arrived, told a reporter he never kets, they said, are the high MAY BE SYMBOL of the truer modus vivendi,|had met Valachi. percentage of self-service out- He told the Community Plan-|helping create a new meaning| Montana told the police he|i(, i'? Canada, the vital impor- ning Association of Canada/for this country." was at Joseph Barbara's 'Apal: tance of displaying brand names Tuesday, at its conference here, achin m his sau.(20¢,the wide range of climatic) m |that the fate of the exhibition NEED NO EYES tomobile broke down. conditions. ™jmay be a symbol of Canada's) |. 0" never saw hi fate, Tiny fish in Kentucky's Mam-|iite»" Montana said. "I yg toe The alternatives to a first-rate|moth Cave National Park have |know who he is. I don' even| [i a ie Se BUDTE, gpleed -- 'rate flop Or/no eyes and don't need them |know what he looks like except| R Cancevanen after thousands of generations |for the newspapers.' h "1; i cutie, was' awash with, prob.("2t0 subterranean dark, Montana deniied heiore the} lems. The over-all cost to ev- er ° a | UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY NO CARRYING CHARGES Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE 725-3511. TERMS © = \eryone concerned, even foreign! ~""* exhibitors, would be -- 000,000 péestsciksarte ie | (Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CRANES ARE FLYING rating from Wood Buffaio have been lost aad only 3 Park in Northern Alberta to hatched. This leaves the pop- : National Wildlife ulation at 31. @ Rheumatism | @ Migraine Headaches i . Sine t i iia faim ue Sess CCP Meme | T60 ing SE 728 556 723-7928 : n a, commen ee Chaput Criticizes . lexis dincwe tc klcren, fo LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING |mer president of the Montreal D.E.A. Taxes For Ottawa | land Canadian stock exchanges, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, las a "Trojan horse' imposed QUEBEC (CP)--Marcel Cha- Iby Anglo-Saxon finance on a} Choracter, Pre-School, Kinderdance. FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS put, leader of the separatist government "financially against} et the MASONIC TEMPLE, 91 Centre St. the wall." INFORMATION: 723-7253 | Quebec Republican Party, said Waterfowl! hunters have been urged by the Northern Affairs department to take special Arkansas care this fall not to shoot any of the Whooping Cranes mig- CHIROPRACTOR THE FAMILY DEPARTMENT STORE i eee Now Is The Time to Select Your Family's Winter Wardrobe ! Our stock for the entire family hes been carefully selected from Conade's finest mokers ... . and all selling at sensible prices that you con afford! Yes, Canada's leading have d with GLAZIER'S for the best selection of "wioter, merchandise in town. Remember . . « you SAVE and SAVE PLENTY ot GLAZIER'S. Come ond see for yourselves. Lots of Free Parking. * LADIES' WINTER COATS A__ stunning -- selection TRIMMED = and UNTRIN 29. RA rom up LADIES' CAR COATS MED coats in this season' most exotic fabrics. "Priced A marvelous selection of beautifully styled coats and jackets at R-E-A-L-L-Y sensible prices, Come in i ish see for yourself. | i, * LADIES aus 018 GIRLS' _ 'SKIRTS and SPORTWEAR Shipments. orriving daily! Lotest styles, latest fobries, best prices. @ Fine Furniture -- Broadloom @ Custom Made Draperies @ Bamboo-and Ready Made Drapes @ Personalized Decorating Service SHACE 1927 Reliab 96 KING EAST Wednesd: bec ld meet pa lang MAPLE CLEANERS all its financial obligations if it stopped paying taxes to Ottawa.|] $04 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA | Cash & Corry -- 4 Hr. Service | "He told a rally here that Que- becers pay $2,000,000,000 a year in federal government taxes and) half of this money never comes| back to Quebec. FURNITURE -- INTERIORS. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA MEN'S & BOYS' COATS, SKI JACKETS and OVERCOATS A really big selection . . . all priced to save you money . . . all top quality merchandise. & >) 4 Can t EXTRA mtg pt SOLLAR GIRL' T-ST SAVERS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY ga MEN'S SUITS FF LEATHER SHOES An excellent range of suits that 4 i normally sold up to $49.98 By well-known Canadian manufac- now going at this extra special turer Sturdy leather with Neolite price. us HOMOGENIZED EANUT Burret soles, Brown only. Sizes 8 to 13 ond | to 2, Compare 19. 99 (extra pants $5.00) anything Better than _ iB eurre d arachid é ae o| ee 8.498. o BRAKES THINGS GOOD AND si MEN'S SHIRTS Extra Pants where available. Peanuts 2h | TED sett lt tl Sa ~ SONTAINS. PEANGTS, SALT, EMULSIFIER Eide SUGAR MEN'S For work or casual wear. Clearing t 79 lines that sold at prices up to $9.98. eq, e@ 2 FOR $3.50 & $10.00 Rack of Spectacular Savings Clearing samples and discontinued lines . . , some of the most fantastic savings you've ever seen . . . limited quantities ... . so hurry! . LADIES' WINTER COATS = @ GIRLS' & LADIES' CAR COATS @ GIRLS' 3-PIECE COAT SETS eoch & @ A FEW BOYS' COATS WOOL SLIMS For the young Miss, Teenager and Mrs.! Beautiful blended smal! check potterns. Expertly tailored (with side zipper). Imported Italian Wool. 95% Wool, 5% Nylon. A truly excellent dollar saver. $1 59 3 to 6x + BOe 7 to 14 $1.99 | 8to14...... GOe $2.99 LADIES' BUDGET TERMS -- NO INTEREST ON CARRYING CHARGES CLAZIER'S 498 SIMCOE SOUTH checks. All sizes. for York Peanut Butter OPEN ALL DAY. WED. EVERY WED. FRI. UNTIL P.M. REPORT TO MOTHERS: No matter how much we test and experiment we haven't been able to improve on the flavour and natural goodness of peanuts. They have to be especially good peanuts, mind you! They have to be skilfully cleaned, radiant-roasted and carefully homogenized to make sure the delicious nutty butter stays smooth and creamy right to the bottom of the jar. Apart from a pinch of salt and a smidgin of sugar we've found that nothing else can add to the satisfying flavour of what has become Canada's favourite Peanut Butter. We'll keep experimenting, naturally, but if you want whole- some peanut butter for your family . . . always make sure to get York Peanut Butter .. . smooth, or crunchy. [ vor ] IS CANADA'S FAVOURITE PEANUT BUTTER BOYS' FLANNELETTE SHIRTS In attractive small checks and patterns, 3 to 6x... (Across from South Simcoe School)

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