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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1963, p. 4

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Cv: DRIVER ESCAPES TRUCK BLAZE to remove his jacket when he spotted the flames. morning, A Toronto man, he _ line, stated he. stopped the east- bound vehicle on the shoulder of Highway 401, just east of the Ontario-Durham County Driver of this McAnally Freight-Ways, Oshawa,( trans- port scrambled to safety when fire leaped through the cab floor boards late Wednesday 'Hear Account Dolls Illustrate The tractor was termed a total loss by insurance offi- cials. Oshawa and Bowman- ville fire departments denied a report that they were ca!- led to the blaze but refused to go "unless someone was trap- ped inside." Oshawa Times Photo EXTEND COURSE HALIFAX (CP)--A three year|belle Lodge, Port Perry. se_for as- sessors conducted by Dalhousie |tended to S correspondence "ge on Orono Trusiees for TBHelp Ask Federal Aid meeti Heathe : ope sg hg 334, yee _ ORONO -- The Orono Police Hooey, Noble Grand presided Trustees have instructed their with Sister. Laverne Barraball,|S¢cretary to forward a letter to vice grand assisting. jthe Department of Municipa! 1 © ihe pak Aite ah Wy |Affairs informing the depart- ailones. * drape the. charter| at sgl Peron hee Peg , ie wi e Ontario Water Re- for the late Brother "Bill" Rid- sources for the installation of a dell, who was .a charter memMm-| municipal water system. ber of Heather Lodge. | The trustees also asked that Minutes of the last meeting|this project be considered elig were read by Sister Mildred ible for benefits from the Fed-|-ounties road at the Main and Rainey, in the absence of re-jeral Municipal Development} ij| street intersection cording secretary Sister Mae|and Loan Act. A letter was als¢ at : ' Allen. isent to the OWRC, making 2 ciate e eonee cue 08 Annual reports were given by|Similar request for considera-| ning On a villas a poet Gwialae Sister Carole Boyd, conductor -- i be the "ohabak project underline post office ite " " ithe new act. : veostamgds egal Ses eg So R. Forrester stated that he| Floyd Nicholson was hired to PNG for the Benevolent Com./had contacted the OWRC in this|"@Place three fire tank tops. mittee in the absence of Sister|matter and wished an_officia) Emma Lunn, Jr, PNG, con-\tequest to be made. He also vener; -Sister Laverne Barrball,|stated that he had been inform- vice grand, convener of the\°d that the act has yet to be Visiting Committee, passed but should be within a A letter was read from the sh Wares Northumberland and Durham| ited ner yp arid on 'B Association, ssin iy further negotiations re fire pro- leneeneine kes aa ply tection and outlined that he had|them to break out in flames. {Community Hall and facilities,|informed the council represent-/There were no injuries, a CNR during the recent TB survey. jative that the police trustees | spokesman said here. The burn- Installation' of the new. offic-|Wished only to operate the, fire|ing cars, two containing gaso- ers of Heahter Lodge will take/System unrer the existing vil-\line and the other asphalt, called, partment to ask the reason why h Stop signs have not been erect- ed at streets the counties road in Orono, also to ask what progress is be- ing made towards widening the RE HITS WRECK WINNIPEG (CP) -- Twenty- three cars of an east bound CNR freight train were de- railed near Gilbert Plains, Man. early. Sunday, causing three of le . law w . yere held under control by the lace at the next regulg .|lage fire bylaw with a -few|were d ry 'be Tusslar ro . ar meet) inor changes. He felt other|district fire department. Ley Se bylaws were not necessary, nor} LEE ESSE TT RST A committee was named to) yore they in the best interest} complete arrangements to re-\of the village. The fire commit-| ceive the District Deputy Presi-ltee met last Tuesday with the! dent, Sister Grace Love of May-|fire marshall at K. Lycett's| "sy | Hydra Service we ee EAS Policy Is Set ORONO -- The Orono Hydro dential must pay the difference omes tion which, it was stated, would Commission met on aot be known until tenders were night and set a policy of under-| ground sérvice to dwellings, install) electric which to -- all The secretary was instructed; The Commission will to write the Counties Road De-| underground include however, kg iced by, overhead wiring must Pay" tie cosi-or the changeover except where they may be con- verting to electrical heating. Properties between overhead and under- Monday ground. It was noted that the use |factor of hydro improved again lin August over that of August, /1962, An additional loan of $500 home ; | thorized tl " that intersected|!he 'Owners of sub-residential Gparpaangsen + ! - heating and also to new homes. dwellings must, |mission, This brings the total loan to $1,700. It was stated pro- that the debenture bylaw was jvide the trench. Persons wish-\to he ready for Oember 1 in ing underground wiring tothe amount of $15,000. Vi YOUR MONEY EARNS ie ON TERM DEPOSITS GUARANTY TRUST University institute of 'public affairs here has been extended! to New Brunswick under that) AUCKLAND, N.Z (CP)--The approval to the cement. block Of Asian Trip Canada's History MAPLE GROVE -- Unit 3 of Maple Grove UCW met at the home of Mrs. Fred Stevens, and) ajax -- A fascinating sec of,other hand, the fiery rebel lea- worship service was conducted Canadian historical character|der, is holding forth from a by Mrs, H. Cooney. and Mrs. H./aqii¢ will make their first ap-/soap box, arms swinging wide R. Foley. Fe pearance in Ajax on Saturday, to give his oratory a flourish The chapter entitled "Are\oot 96 from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m.|Sir John A, MacDonald, the Fa-| Missions Outdated i from the at the annual bazaar being held|ther of Confederation, is elderly, | book 'Journey Into Understand-|},, the United Church Women of|tired, but immensely dignified| ing" was summarized by Mrs.|ct pauls United Church, on in frock coat and carrying his) Wm. Laird. Mrs. H. Brooks King's Crescent, Ajax. stove-pipe hat. | took charge of the business. | Phe set comprises 21 dolls,) Two other favorites are fem- Church, services next a each representing a character, |inine heroines beloved of child- and for the next year will be 4. type, from Canadian history; : a et them' de 9.30 a.m. instead of 12.00 noon./rom Frontenac, Governor often who first m It will also be World's Com-|New France, to Queen Elizabeth|de Vercheres, the fourteen-year- munion Sunday. Sunday School looking as she did when she/old who kept marauding Indians will be held at' 10.45 a.m. regu- opened Parliament in Ottawa on|at bay until her parents return- larly. October of 1957 ed to their fort on the St. Women's Institute will meet) rhe dolls are approximately| Lawrence, and Laura Secord, on Monday evening, Oct. 7, atiios high and each one is in|in dainty sprigged muslin and 8.00 p.m. Topic will be His- costume, not only of the period|straw sunbonnet. torical Research" with films, in but also to' The dolls, entirely hand-made, province's municipal affairs de--demand for New Zealand woolladdition along with other alter-| partment. More than 100 per-lis leaving the country with aiations such as a new front door DR.CHASES in Nova Scotia and New/large quantity of mutton, harderiat an added width, H. Brunswick will study this fall.'to sell than beet. sons y elongs charge of Mrs. Ron Brooks' ee er "aeiaty, For are the creation of Karshi Car-| group example, the little United Em-/ter, artist, of Clarkson, Ontario, | Several UCW members Join- pire Loyalist is dressed in taf-and were researched in the ed with Ebenezer UCW to hear! ita. with velvet cloak, complete) public library. To give the dolls Mrs. Galbraith, of Oshawa, give ith' pandbox and bird cage;|a stage-like setting, each doll an account of her trip to Hong the family of Mennonites (fa-|or group of dolls, has a three- Kong. ther, mother and child,) are in| sided backdrop, hand painted by| Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens simple homespun, both parents/another Canadian artist, which spent the weekend with their/in the simple, black costumesidepicts the scenic setting of| Kingston; Mrs. Herman Weese, Consecon, were visitors with the latter's sister and husband, Mr. daughter and son-in-law, Mr./of their strict sect. each character. | and Mrs. Roy Topping and boys, An intrepid. early French- | Barrie 'oD 'aa Ton Canadian voyageur is in buck- ' s | Mr. and Mrs. "tes ei -orey,/ skin, knitted toque and sash, Audle Girl Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Se and strapped to his waist are | | fur pelts. An early prospector, panning gold in British Colum- bia in 1850 is in striped shirt Prize Winner and Mrs. H. E. Gould. ; and red. neckerchief. Pauline Mrs. T. McGuirk, Misses) Johnson, Indian poetess, born) AUDLEY -- The community] Kathy, Barbara McGuirk, spent)in Ontario and buried in Van-|club will. meet this Saturday] the weekend in Guelph, and at-|couver's Stanley Park, is rep-|evening at the home of 'Bill and tended the funeral of the for-|resonted by a figure in Indian|Mrs. Guthrie. The program will mer's uncle, Mr, Vic Dryden costume, actually giving one of|include euchre. | Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gould at-/hor famous "readings" on stage,| Congratulations to Peggy tended the funeral of Mrs. Bam| with the book of her poems ON Squire who won the prize in the| Colt, Consecon, on Saturday the miniature lectern in front}Qshawa area for the highest! Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bleeks, of her. i mark in grade 6 piano examin- Ottawa; Mr. Don Brown, Guelph} Henry Hudson and his smaliiations held last June. This Agricultural College, were week-|eq.headed son, who accom-|prize is donated by the Oshawa| end. visitors with their parents, panied him on his fateful Arctic|and District Branch of the On-| Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown journey in the early 1600's, is|tario Registered Music inl BF and Lg Spo -- recreated in gorgeous costume chers Association. The winners Mrs Mai , pd ne Neat of doublet. and hose in richiof each grade will give a re- sick icLeae, ey ea. Peel blue velvet. Louis Riel, on the cital in Oshawa on Octt 19. McLea : Bray (en ea Tor re Su iy ie Eleanor. Westney, Renne De- qe Gain, he ie eee er sautels and Nancy Puckrin went day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.|sored by Maple Grove socc anc Puck! C. P. Swallow team, was won by Oliver Knapp,|to the Stratford Festival he Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bush,| Orono Thursday with the grade twelves accom:|of Hickering High : School, to Battles see the play "Troilus and in| Cressida" Betson and his mother,| Castleton, are visiting with their Miss Janice Beech, niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs.|panied by Miss Mary Cecil Mills. Bowmanville, spent Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Walter Doyle,|Peterborough and visited with| Bob in performance, ly in luxury, in value, Mercer }questioned the cost of the addi- K-L PILLS é office. Biriaay any Watson | Mr. Simpson also explained] Company of Canada nded to sister Yeima Watson.|sn engineer's drawing. for the| Due to faulty 32 KING ST. E addition to the present fir) elimination can be re . HAS LAMB GLUT hall, The trustees gave theit| "overnight wth agen 728-1653 To understand the differ- ence between the '64 Meteor and all other cars in the low-price class-- you must understand one thing. Meteor is a bigger car. It is bigger in size, bigger in performance, bigger in luxury and bigger in value. It is, in fact, the first car of medium-price AULT CH inal size and stature ever to be sold in Canada as a really low-priced car. well as up and down. This extra width 2 not only takes care of the | mean Meteor's extra chock you get from be- | ae: . dij length means neath the wheel--it also vital repens 0 \ a big car ride absorbs the shock you get | The big 64 Meteor is a from im front of the wheel | big 80 inches wide. This 7 a The '64 Meteor is a big | from bumps and holes { gives it more natural 215.5 inches long. And as | when you're travelling | stability on the road-- In SIZe 'a bigger car, it straddles | faster than 20 miles | handling and cornering are : ? the bumps better to give | per hour. much easier. you a really smooth big car ride. But the '64 Meteor just doesn't rely on extra length to give you a better ride--it gives you the extra comfort of Cushion Link Suspension that allows wheels to move backward and forward as Richvale, cailed on his brother Mr. and Mrs. Hempstead. and wife," Mr. and Mrs. Steve| Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hogg Doyle and family, on Sunday. jand family were weekend visi- Mrs. Wm. Davidson, and son tors with her parents, Mr. and Paul, Weston, spent a few days!Mrs. Cecil Milligan, Minden. last week with her sister and. Mr. ard Mrs. Harry Larmer, Mrs. A. W. Betson motored to} Brockville on Sunday to visit| Mrs, Betson's sister, Mrs. M. Brown, who retutned with them to spend a few days in Audley. Dianne Puckrin entertained brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Ron South Monoghan, were Sunday|seven of her friends on Monday Rogers and family. The draw on a $50 bond, spon-|don Beech, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-|afternoon, to help her celebrate her sixth birthday. | METEOR big news for shoulders and hips Meteor's extra size means lots of room and comfort inside. Shoulder and hip and even headroom are plenty big enough for the biggest people. If there are six inside, you don't feel as though there are eight of you after you've driven 50 miles. LEPAPAEATIVUEPLALULPEL EEE LEA [KRESGE'S] sie als Bs dite Ss Bes ec Bak ae te Sle te Se Seth sah hie EG Sak te Soe te Ne Das tis sll ...NOW! Be ahead of ol' man winter this year. Prepare your car for the rough going. ANTI-FREEZE IS A FIRST NECESSITY. PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE 1S FULLY GUARANTEED FOR YEAR 'ROUND PROTECTION. MAGNETIC FILM GUARD - AGAINST CORROSION. GALLON ONLY 2.39 Pleasant, Fast Service at Both Kresge's Stores im the Heart of Downtown Oshawa and the Oshawa Shopping Centre | PROTECT YOUR CAR SATISFACTION RANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED ' @ 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER @ DOWNTOWN OSHAWA * OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | makes it big for'6 Meteor Custom 4-door sedan, one of the Ford Family of Fine Cars made in Canada. room, leg and 'knee room, next best thing to air conditioning . Here's a big advantage that no other low-priced ear offers--an optional rear window that goes up and down. Press a switch and you get Breezeway ventilation all year 'round. In winter that rear window stays clear of ice and snow because it slopes away from the weather. If windows start to mist in cold weather, lower the rear window just a touch and your problemissolved. big warranty for a big car The purchase of a car is a major purchase--there's no question about it. So if you buy a 64 Meteor, you get a warranty from your dealer that covers the total car. This total-car warranty lasts for 24,000 miles or 24 months, whichever comes first--plenty long enough to prove the value and merit of any car. si leteor, and Mercury! BRAMLEY MOTOR SALESLTD. 1271 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Ont. Phone 723-4675 homes that are already serv-~ other than resi." weg

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