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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1963, p. 8

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MOUNTIE AND Merrithew-McElroy Wedding Solemnized At Woodstock, NB. Woodstock, N.B. was the matron|Leod presented his staff: A wedding of Oshawa interest was held im St. James United Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 16t i Company Girl Guide [Receives Coveted Gold Cord Greek Adventure For Counles' Club Of Bantist Church Mrs, McMaster's address, en-| Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Besse iitied 'A Tour ot Greece," wasjied av inspiring service. accompanied by beautiful slides barge ds sho had taxei in Greece a 'few, years ago, "A Lifelong Dream|aent came Triie Many parents and friends at- ; tended the regular meeting of the 16th Guide Company at St. Matthew's Church last Monday evening to witness the fly-up of 14 brownies and the presentation of the Gold Cord to Jacqueline Menzie. § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 7, 1963 The Guide Captain, Miss Shir- ley Temperton, welcomed those Introduces New Executive Coronation H&S Association The meeting of Coronation Home and School Association was held recently. Mrs. Ross Edmonds presided over installation of officers for the 1963-64 term, and_ introduced them to the members as. fol- lows: President, Mrs, John Chmara; vice - president, Mrs. William Morrison; recording secretary, Mrs. Roy Rhodes; ™itreasurer, Mrs. G, A. Leavitt; corresponding secretary, Mrs. C, E. Williams. The committee chairmen are as follows: Social, Mrs, K. A. Dawe; membership, Mrs. J. A. Dutchak, hospitality, Mrs. Joseph Maga; grade mothers, Mrs. Peter Ritzie; financial, \Mrs. P, Z, M. Warenycia; pro- rat Mrs. George Glassford. Mrs. John Chmara gave a {shore address and tendered the Piae of the' past president, Mr. James Allen, for his ab- lsence. She said that in lieu of receiving a past president's |pin, Mr. Allen had asked that a book be donated to the school lead this has been arranged. After acceptance of the treas- jurer's report, Mr, R. H. Me- NURSE WED --Mike Sanders Photo Kintergarten, Mrs, C. Corne- this year, a slight drop from present after which the guides formed a horseshoe by candle- light and the- brownies formed a fairy ring around their toad- stool, The following brownies re- ceived their wings from Mrs. E. L. Wood, Brown Ow! assisted by Mrs. R. J. Manning, District Guider and former Brown Owl of the 16th Pack: Daria Kuch, DElizabeth Shine, Mildred Mc- Donald and Susan _ Wiltshire were received by Orchid Patrol Leader, Bonnie Snyder; Jane Watson and Gail McKnight were received by Poppy Patrol Lead- er, Linda Duncanson; Christine Tole, Jayne McKee and Paula Horky were received by Forget- Me-Not Patrol Leader, ee D *|Bowler; Elizabeth Holodryzuk meeting weekly under the di-lang Susan Clement were re- rection of Mrs. Heard. ceived by Holly Patrol Leader, At the conclusion of the busi-|Judy Blencoe; Phyllis Johnston ness meeting, a film on child|W1s received by Fuchsia Development, 'The Terrible|Patrol Leader, Jacqueline Men- Twos and Trusting Threes,"|Zie and Jaie Russell and Linda was presented with comments|King were received by Sun- by Mrs. C. H. Jackson of the|flower Patrol Leader, Janet White Cross Unit, followed by|Orr. The Guide Company sang discussion. Mrs. William Mor-|@ welcome song to them. rison thanked Mrs. Jackson| Following badge presenta- and the meeting was adjourned.|tions, a ladder was formed in- Refreshments were served by|side the horseshoe by Patrol members of the executive. Seconds. As a brief outline of Youth Executive Elected last year, however in view of the building in progress in the vicin- ity, there will probably be an increase during the next few months, Mrs. James Allen agreed to assist in the revision of the bylaws for presentation at the next meeting. It was also agreed that the budget be presented at the same meeting. Members were reminded of the excellent discussion group Couples' t\Greek Adventure," was held JACQUELINE MENZIE Jacqueline Menzie's guiding career was read from a scroll, she advanced up the ladder breaking yellow streamers | at each rung as she proceeded to the head of the horseshoe where her mother, Mrs. J. S. Menzie tied the coveted Gold Cord on her daughter's arm. Mrs, John Horky, Parent Committee president, presented a gift from the mothers and a self-portrait in guide uniform to be taken by a local photog- rapher was given by the Com- pany, In appreciation of the en- couragement received from her mother in her guiding career, career, Jacqueline pinned a cor- sage on her mother. Following' the presentation, |colored slides of Montreal, | Western Canada and Disney- jland, taken by the Captain, The first fall meeting of the Club, termed a the church on Saturday eve- ning. There was a_ large attendance, and everyone don- ned a Greek costume, including a laurel wreath headdress. The Reverend Frank Swack- hammer asked the blessing, and a Greek dinner was served! in the Sunday School Hall, which had been tastefully deco- rated in Grecian style by Mr. and Mrs. F. E, Crome. Following 'the dinner, Mr. Greece, she stated, was a tiny country, smaller than Flor- ida. She found its seven-and- one-half million people happy]. and friendly, despite their ,pov- erty and the fact that two- thirds of their country was bar- ren mountains, Mrs. McMaster's pictures in- cluded various slides of the Parthenon and Acropolis, world- famous relics of the ancient Greek culture. Mr. L. W. Parrott thanked the speaker, and presented her with a small gift. H. R. Manning moved a vote' of thanks 'to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Crome and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Barr, for their time and work spent in preparing for the evening. Mr. J. Peter introduced the speaker, Mrs. Helen McMaster. He stated that she had gradu- ated an honor student in Class- ics from Queen's University, and later went back on a Fel- lowship and obtained her: MA. Immediate 4 igs READY - MADE 4 Select your ready- ft ma drapes to- ai day--for delivery uc | tomorrow -- Huh- dreds to choose from. PHONE TAKE A BREAK! With the Y.W.C.A. TUESDAYS--Keep fit at the "Y" 2:00-3:00 P.M. THURSDAYS--Keep fit at Northminster United Church 1:30-3:00 P.M. Nursery for the Children Call 723-7625, Afternoons for Information. ey Ritson Pentecostal Church of honor; Miss Audrie Merri-| jwere enjoyed. Church, Woodstock, New Bruns- wick, recently, uniting Constable Stanley Arthur Merrithew, RC- MP, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Merrithew of Oshawa, and Dor- othy Anne McElroy, Reg. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las McElroy of Woodstock, N.B. The Reverend H. G. Mac- Kenzie officiated and the solo- ist, Constable George Neufeld of Grand Falls, N.B. was accom- panied by Mrs, Richard Mont- gomery of Woodstock. The bride's father gave her in marriage. She wore a formal own of white-bouquet taffeta, e fitted bodice styled with a scoop neckline and bracelet sleeves. A beauty bow enhanced the modified sweep skirt which extended into a chapel train. A single tulle rose surrounded by pearl clusters held her fingertip veil of imported French. illusion tulle and she carried a cascade Of white and red gladiolas. Mrs, Lawrence Rockwell of t r c Emerson, man and_ ushers stables Lawrence Rockwell and Constable C. V. Rawn, both of Woodstock. li for Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. The bride travelled} in a double-knit suit brown and beige, with brown and gold accessories and a cor-| sage of yellow roses and gold| Rochester, chrysanthemums. their home at 309 Green street,|ton, Woodstock, New Brunswick. hew, Oshawa, the bridesmaid, jlius; Grade I, Miss J. Luxton; and Miss Joan Milton of Saint) John, the flower girl. They wore|arece I I and Il, Miss J. Elliot; white with scarlet-lined peplums and| pillbox hats of white taffeta| Jackson; IV: Miss J. Greiz; trimmed with clusters of red se- quins. They carried cascades of II: Miss R. Oliver; III: Mrs. J. Liddiard; III and IV: Mrs. D. Vv: taffeta' sheath dresses | |Miss E. Calvert; V and VI: Miss ' . |G. Kennedy; VI: Mr. A. Sin- od and white giadiolas. iclair; VI and VII: Mr, R. Wal- Constable J. A. Merrithew ofl ker and Mr, R. H. McLeod; III Manitoba, was best) IMr. C. Guy, ene Mr. McLeod addressed the ae briefly on the chang- ing role of the teacher; that is becoming more and more a |question of directing a child's '|search for methods of acquir- ing information once the basic |steps have been covered. There are 389 pupils enrolled A reception was held at the hurch and later the couple left in dark} New York; Mani- jtoba; Oshawa, Houlton, Maine; The newlyweds are making|Plaster Rock, N.B.; Frederic- Saint John, and Grand} |Fails, N.B. and Presque Ile and/| from|Caribou Maine. Guests were present The Young People's group (known as Christ's ambassa- dors) of Ritson Road Pente- costal Church, gathered in their "ipresent church building on Rit- son road south near Olive ave- nue Tuesday night for their an- nual election of officers. The meeting was opened by singing the Christ Ambassador Chorus led by President Tony Zurba, Jack Shearer then pray- ed and another hymn was sung. After the offering was taken, testimonies were offered by sev- eral of the young people. Pastor N. Siblock commended the outgoing executive for their faithfulness and fine work done during the past year and urged the new executive to even great- er efforts. President Tony Zurba remark- jed on the good co-operation he had received from the execu- |tive. Pastor Siblock offered prayer and the elections proceeded by secret ballot. Following is a list of officers elected for the new executive: President, Tony Zurba; . vice - president, Jack Shearer; secretary, Anne Pen- icka; treasurer, Shirley Zurba. The program committee was composed of Joan Zajac, Mari- lyn Zurba, Jenny Shearer and| Cecil Kozak. Joan Zajac willl be acting chairman. The. social committee included Mary Siblock, Gloria Wolose- g\wich, Anne Penicka, and Peter MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL LEE WESTLEY Alice Elizabeth Northey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. D. Northey, ex- changed wedding vows with Westley, recently in St. Mary Michael Lee Westley, son of of the People Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred L. --By Sneyd Yacknovets with Mary Siblock acting as convener. | Sharon Siblock and Jack'| Zurba were elected on the wel- coming committee and Shirley Zurba was installed as news- paper reporter. Everyone entered into these elections with interest and zest and the new executive is anx- ious to go into action to "reach the youth with the Truth" dur-} ing the forthcoming year. Al- favorite verses of Scripture and/| |Christmas booth displayed with} A decorated cake congratulat- ready a group project is welll g Jacqueline on this" special under discussion. occasion was shared by every- The young people stood and|one. sang the CA chorus with fresh] Brownie and Guide Taps DRY GOODS SIMCOE ST. S, AT ATHOL ST. enthusiasm Jed by their re-elect-|brought the evening to a close. YY. W.C.A. 199 CENTRE ST. ed president, Tony Zurba, The meeting was closed in prayer by Cecil Kozak and all gathered downstairs in the Young Peo- ple's auditorium for refresh- ments. No Northminster Units Busying For Bazaar The Northminster Cnuntry| Fair Committee is busy with) plans for a Dessert Tea and| Bazaar to be held early next} month, All the members of the; units of Northminster United) Church Women are busy sew- ing and creating fancy and novelty items for the public to view. Unit one will staff the ever - popular home baking |booth. Unit two needs the per- fect setting of the stage to dis-| play the aprons that so many | ladies need, | Unit three has plans for a| novelty booth which should) prove surprising and entertain-| 1g. Unit five is well organized | with the convening of the des- sert tea and the attractive) eandy booth in the centre, Unit six will have the large stereo sets. Result: components used in missi No heat. Purer sound re guarantee. quality. Keeps wives and Come in and experience Hear the full beauty of and true. so many gifts, we are anxious| to see them all. Unit seven is working on al children's booth. This will be so) appealing with Barbie Doll) clothes, warm mitts and small} aprons. Every woman of every unit| working together will help to) make this a successful day. 918 SIMCOE NORTH iw at PARKWAY CLAIRTONE banishes tubes that cause heat deterioration in the glowing an astonishing five- year guarantee. Clairtone's new solid state system is as reliable as the le control systems. No tubes production. And a five-year Clairtone's remaikable new low level fidelity control lets you turn volume way down without losing sound neighbours happy. the magnificent Clairtone. music -- undistorted, pure CLAIRTONE @ USE OUR CONVENIENT 1.A.C. MERIT PLAN "YOUR COLOUR TV STORE" PARKWAY TELEVISION "Every Sale Fully Serviced" ° DUGHETS STOAWAY: Italian Provincial styling hand-rubbed walnut. Legs are ed, Sliding doors conceal space for 100 records or portables TV. $599.00. BARONESS: French Provincial styling. Carved legs hand-worked from solid blocks of fruit- wood. Hand-woven lattice work. Also in ane tique ivory, with gold leaf detail. $799.00, PHONE 723-3043 ins LANDER FUEL OIL Let us supply Your HEATING OIL ' ms i ze 3 this Winter ! Now is the time to change to Lander-Stork for the new heating season'. . know you ore getting only top qaulity oi! . . . and accurate, ceritified measurement. « you'll delivered on time, automatically . . . And, as a residential customer, you'll receive FREE annual furnace. cleanout and tune-up ond radio-controlled Emergency Service right through the season . . guoronteed service by our own staff of fully quolified technicians. Make the change now . . . just pick up your phone and diol 725-3581 for imme diate, courteous attention. STTETTTIVIUGE eres SrEeeet? 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAW/ PHONE 725-3581 As you watch football on TV: "take tive" for fifty ale!

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