fPhainvtiniae cau he ths mamha- ee ee eee tered fBLo) Belen ae Loki es pet x 7 i, ie (Mrs, J. Kellington helved.in the! The istrict Council _renortirick The different honthe wiiili_ te 4 "= sry = j Tuck Shop at Hillsdale Manor. |was aps | the seg' -- bye paige she charge of 'the: fol: Reverend Klinusko Pointed outifor the Red Cross. Mrs.. Frank |Mary. Fitzgerald. i De nen a. ek fem me ame a mcs Rallats for .tha. fartheaming!ing- for council set. for October towing sat pe semi g OF dis neat ss that-eretreat is truly a spititu-|Sheppara, sick meinbérs" con-! Mrs. Jo al '. UNITS GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES : lelection of officers were given|23- Norman Gordon; treasurejally satisfying experience. |vener; gave her report. | tae piesa rege be U lto the members, Mrs. George| ALTAR SOCIETY table, Mrs, William Spratt;! The meeting closed with pray-| Mrs, Hanson thanked Mrs | scrape Ride eg \Fitches, Mrs. John Kellington,| 'g r home baking, Mrs. Williamjer and refreshments were serv-| William Patterson, Mrs. Frank Sheppard is sick members' con- teams will be entertained onjer's Auxiliaries was held at the|.nq Mrs, Lawrence Ostrom _ (St. Philip's) sn; (Eyte;. 'ish ond, Mrs. Johnjed by the social committee. [Sheppard and Mrs. Frank Hoar|Y@ner, and Mrs. Frank. Hoar, October 19. There will be bowl-|Ist Oshawa Scout Hall on Gib-\tamed as nominating commit-|,, .°¢ just meeting of St. Phil-\Fiynn; candy, Mrs. Joseph Mc-| for helping in the Tuck Shop at/Press. The next meeting will be ing for the Atom Boys and danc-|bons street with the president,|tee 'The financial. and anugiiJ?s Altar Society of the fal"Cullough; penny sale, Mrs. John} HOLY CROSS W.A. Hillsdale Manor, heid November 5. ing for the others with refresh-/Mrs, G. N. Varnum presiding. | report forms were also given tol season opened with. prayer led/Konarowski; tea room, Mrs The Women's Auxiliary of) The Right Reverend Philip f ments for all in the clubhouse.}. The meeting opened with the| members. Ballots are to be sent by Rev. M. A, Beriault. Donald Logan: religious arti-|Holy Cross held its October/Coffey presided for the election The. president reported that/Scout Mothers' prayer. Mrs.Jin by October 10, Annual re- The president, Mrs. Harrylcies Mrs. Ivan Tomlinson;|Meeting recently with Mrs.lof officers, The new executive | the dishes for use in the club-/varnum welcomed the members! ports are to be brought to the| Gowanlock, opened the meet-/novelty, Mrs. Leonard Fleury; house have been purchased with) present. lOctober meeting which is to be |." and welcomed the new mem-|draw, Mrs. Wayne Chidley. a generous donation from the| The minutes were read by the| é a ;\bers. The secretary's report was ae H held on October 29 instead ef! ; . The guest speaker was the Harman Park bowling league.|secretary, Mrs. Fred Taylor. | read by Mrs. Wayne Chidley in - elope Details of the bazaar and tea) mrs "Varnum thanked oon * es |the absence of Mrs. Leonard Reverend Edward Klinuszko, iste ald ok Wemebailig, Oc luiitwhe tae baad with tnt hag goer meee f held Fleary and the treasurr's re-jone of the Oblate Fathers from tober 9, were discussed, Rotary dinner on August 19. {cial Conference in Kin emt a Big read by Mrs. James|The Queen of the Apostles Re- All ladies will be welcomed aa eal : : ers 7 "gr ' |Hughes. : |ireat House which is located at the next meeting on Wednes-|_2he treasurer's report Wasito er 24, to be attended by the) The various committes gave|west of Toronto, Herurged the day, November 6, at 7 p.m. |E'¥e" BY Mrs. George Fitches, executive. their different reports, gathering to make an effort to : jin the absence of'Mrs, Roland) The Regional Conferehce is to| The yearly Bazaar will bejattend the forthcoming _ re- SCOUT AUXILIARIES |Kinton. ibe held in Barrie on November|held on November 23 opening|treats. The married couples' re-jof clothing were given locally. (District Committee) | Mrs. John Kellington reported|2. Interested auxiliaries are tojat 2 o'clock. Mrs. J. L. John-|treat is to take place on October|There wepe 33 hampers of gro- OSHAWA: The regular meeting of Dis-|on sick members. Mrs. G.|contact Mrs, Fred Taylor, secre-|ston will be the convener as-|4 to 6, and the married ladies|Ceries and one baby set dis- eltipanian trict Committee of Scout Moth-'Fitches, Mrs, R. Kinton anditary, by October 26. leisted by Mrs. William' Ditt-lonly, will be on the November|tributed locally. There were 34 seskonds SIMCOE ST. CHURCH UCW Fidelis Unit The regular meeting of the Fidelis Unit was held recently in the church parlor with the president, Mrs. Harold Boddy, James Hanson presiding. The minfites were read by the sec-|"tanson; Ist vice-president, Mrs, retary, Mrs. William Patterson./H, T, Anthony; 2nd_vice-pres.- Miss Mary Fitzgerald, treasur-/dnt, Mrs.. Joseph Callahan: er, gave the annual financial re-3q yice-president, Mrs. Frank port, Mrs. Joseph Ca!lahan wel-|Sheppard; secretary, Mrs . fare Sonvenes, stated that 200) ----------------- articles of clothing and 115 ar- ' ticles of jewellery were sent to 30 DAYS OVERSEAS a Northern Ontario mission dur- (OCT. Ist -- MAR, Ist) $312.00 ROUND TRIP AT ing the year, and-.147 articles FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL are: president, Mrs. Hames' How's the Time to B eoutify Your Home with CUSTOM AND READY MADE DRAPES M. & C. Dry Goods & Draneries 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 ding. " Jack Young conducted the devotional period. She read the scripture lesson and a fur- ther article relating to the pas- sage. Mrs. Lloyd Whittington read the minutes. The treasurer, Mrs. George Durno, gave her report and Mrs. Ernest Knaggs reported on the flower fund, Projects for the coming sea- gon were discussed. It was de- cided to hold a rummage sale} PHONE 728-6201 Friday, October 18, in Memorial Hail. At the close of the business session Mrs, Boddy read the story of Muril Tong's abandon- ed babies from an article in the Observer. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by Mrs. Jack Young and her group. 8ST. GERTRUDE'S CWL St. Gertrude's CWL held its first meeting of the season re- cently, with Mrs, James Noonan presiding. Following the min- utes read by Mrs. Frank Doreen and the treasurer's report given by Mrs. Geo. Bogaard, several committees were heard from. Miss Eva Bruckner tendered her resignation due to a move: -------- -- to Toronto, Her warm person-| ality and work for the League will be missed by all. Mrs. William Clancy reported) that several families were| assisted during the summer months with food, clothing and| rent. Mrs. Frank Flynn reported on the Grade 8 supper and also on the new system of the house committee and that it was work-| ing well. Discussion on the fall bazaar, October 24 was held by the con- vener, Mrs. John Melnychuk and it was decided to have an evening bazaar from 7 until 10) o'clock. | The Reverend J. B. Myers spoke briefly to the members) and urged them to read the life) of Father Brebeuf of the Cana- dian Martyrs. Mrs. John Byrne and her committee served re- freshments. The welfare draw was made and the winner was Mrs. George Bogaard. SA HOME LEAGUE The meeting opened with a few choruses led by Mrs. Frank Buller; the sick were remem- bered and Mrs. Christian Osbourn prayed. The Home League Rally will be held in Peterborough October| 21, seats are still available in the bus. } Birthdays were mentioned and flower money received. | Mrs. George Beard read the) minutes. The Rainbow Group, under the leadership of Mrs. Thomas Myers took the devotional period and spoke on various) baskets, the members giving a short talk on each subject. Mrs. Edward Townsend spoke on the fruit basket, Mrs. John Bellingham led in a song, Mrs.) Cecil Gurney spoke on the flow-| er basket, Mrs. Walter Reid on the work basket, Mrs. Melville Arnold on the clothes basket,| © -- Mrs. Douglas. Bryant on the waste-paper basket and Mrs. John Dixon on the bread bas- ket. At the close of this. item, Mrs. Thomas Myers gave a reading, "'The World is Differ-| | ent Today" and the group sang together 'In Times Like These"' Mrs. Major Fred Lewis closed in prayer. There was a birthday cake for a member celebrating her § ninety-fourth birthday this week. Next week there will be a colored film shown on Canada. CONNAUGHT PARK AUX, The monthly: meeting of the) Connaught Park Ladies Auxil-| iary was held recently in the clubhouse with the President| Mrs, John McQuade presiding. Roll call showed just seven members present. The secre- tary's report Was given by Mrs.! H. G. Dick and the treasurer's report by Mrs. George Waite. One member contributed to the birthday box. The president reported on pre-| vious building committee meet-) ings and also distributed tickets} to the members to sell on a turkey draw for the December meeting. i Our lucky draw was donated) by Mrs. John McQuade and won by Mrs. Garnet McLaughlin. | Next month members will have a draw on a grocery bas- ket which will be donated by -the auxiliary. An apron draw| was made and won by Mrs. George Waite. After a penny sale Mrs, H. G. Dick and Mrs. L. G, Clapp! served refreshments. 25TH SCOUT AUXILIARY The Auxiliary of the 25th Oshawa Cub Pack met recently to elect-its new executive for the coming year. The officers were installed by Mrs. Gordon Varnum and are as follows: president, Mrs. W. G. Grant; vice - presidents, Mrs., Arthur Recalla, Mrs .Arthur Griffith; treasurer, Mrs. C. W . Snell;/ secretary, Mrs. P, B. Wilkins. Mrs. Varnum outlined briefly, the aims and functions of the! auxiliary after which refresh. ments were served and the) meeting closed with the repeat-| ing of the Scout Mizpah. HARMAN PARK LADIES' AUX. The October meeting was held in the clubhouse with Mrs. Robert! Lewis presiding. Mrs. Roy Foster read the minutes of} the last meeting. The treasur-| er's report was read by Mrs. Reginalg Montpetit. The bers of the four ball WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 7.2-02, Phg. Borden's instant Whipped POTATOES Coupon Expires Oct 16 EXTRA STAMPS 2) di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS Me WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One Bottle of SO PHILLIPS TABLETS Milk of Magnesia STAMPS mis Coupon Cxpres Oct 16 ROSE WHOLE DILL PICKLES 2nd WEEK'S 1964 | PONTIAC WINNER Mrs. Ruby Thomson Hamilton "2nd WEEK'S $1000. GROCERY WINNER Mrs. Robert King Port Colborne 2nd WEEK'S $500. CASH WINNER Mrs. C. Kirk Toronto WITH COUPON AND PURCHASE One 9 fi. ox. Jer £. 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