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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Oct 1963, p. 17

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27-- Real Estate for aie {27--Real Estate for Ssle |27---Rea! Bstate for Sale. |27----Real Estate for Sale 25--Apertments ey : Five-sEDROOM home, two baths, $9,900\ THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow,|VERY NICE five-room brick bungalow|PRIVA SALERS oH | Pabmresoree eS sleAWibion URNACE exper Loteas ' k x and | clean furnaces|ness. Set their ing nours. No fearipiece bath, heated ive fu Ly sick acu call 725-lof lay-offs. 1212. ied. is. Wael 'Steady work, steady income,|faciiities, private entrance, Suit 2 Build security for EXPERIENCED ATING 'appii-| tuture. ple, $70. month. © Dial Whitby 6 668-4927, population creates need for er ps cesagen AN = sual. Cer! about easy perio pians apply Raw- necessary. Telephone 728- leigh's, Dept. -310-SPA, 4005 Richelieu, TAX! DRIVERS t large loi, near school. Only $7500. Estate FE viel Real Estate, . Bowmanville farm with new barn. Near school. Estate, something unusual! and A far-reached ad in 7 au bog THREE-ROOM partially ment to let. Apply 213 telephone 725-6701. on BS av On lakefront, east 'Oshawa, home, 45 broiler foasofyline consider house on trade; annually. $15,000. down, Reat Estate, Bowmanville, 623-2453. SECLUDED, scenic pen Two acres a, Whit Area, $2500 each. Hudson 9-9726 Toronto. : CARL OLSEN REALTOR i eet Rive references, Good salary WOOD MASTER and working conditions. KELLER Write to Model makers and plastic BOX 247 OSHAWA TIMES fixture builders. Long overtime program, top } |18--Male or Female , I} Tel 668-3069. wages, full fringe benefits. Street, Whitby. Telephone Help Wanted a E-ROOM five-room sparen Detroit Area THE FUTURE is yours selling natural ba ae or unfurnished, private bath, Contact Mr. Miller or gas products, if you_are between the) nogern kitchen. Available November 5. Mr, Bilattler. ages of 18 and 24. Transportation SUP-| aopiy 154 Tyler Crescent. 24838 Ryan Road THREE-ROOM apariment. Heavy duty wiring. Three-piece bath. 1625 Dutterin CHO! down, Phone Geo. Blyleven Realtor, 623-5300, FARM -- 100 acres, 90 acres clear, clay loam, field stone house, bank barn, steel seoies. Good water supply. Just off high- way 7 on paved road, et farm south of Manilla. fe' Robt. C. Moore, Manilla, : io: mney seers RG_ Bruin Biinacthent, section Ate ae lide! ith Honut Sasernent, Clas: Hic /Gewn payment, ese business resi. elahood Brothers Limited .Real- alesse te athols, 5 Percent Teor eer BOS Bene Chee fe Peel with gwosmaii_sioren, apply 184 Sirveoe + jage, S08 interest, princi! gene ng faxes with $500, down, 'Joseph Bosco, Realtor, soul, ade 4 oor. ; Private sale. Untis < p.mmy tel 728-7377. riment, two bungatow,| rooms, newly | oe 'stove. and re-|with garage, small 725-7951. Evenings 725-7160. $1800. DOWN, Sbedroom bungaow with | frigerator. No children. After 5 telephone|$2500. down. Kowal Real Bow: 7-ROOM, Wesiorey on Veacre. Very nice|rec room, in Bowmanville. immaculate "| 795-0953 or 299 Montrave. manville 623-2453. ved road, Suit VLA. Large lot, $11,500. or full E M AN KING STREET py -- Unturnish-/WALK to GM, four-room gp nm clap- Kowal Real estate, Bowmanville 623-2453, a gay Real Estate, Bowmanville "RELIABL apartment, " PRIVATE SALE -- bedroom splil- : B R @) T H F R S and bath, Sucking faciities. Central.jtion aluminum windows and doers ° e NORTH-WEST area, modern sheroom 0 Road, priced at $9200, monthly|level, one year old. Built-in garage. Lo lew, | ivi Preferably. pba Ne 25-40 TO WORK IN Aguibs. only. Apply 202" Kaiser Erescent:|Merees. Cos, avers. t Principal, interes!|cated, on, woaded lot in Rossland Manor.|Giniga voomne, family "alge ein iene tur JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD RCURY TA | | SERVICE STATION Neon oe rie sea cy a and taxes. | See this now. R. Vickery! Telephone place tile bathroom, hedged lot for pri-! LLOYD A, P, BOLAHOOD F.R.I lo. Realtor 728-9571. vacy, close to all schools and bus. $3,000! . th. Available November er nr enneneennnenenmnnen--m= | DUPLEX, Just off Mary. Seerenni MERCURY TAX We aad Working couple preferred. Affer 6 punt ($300. DOWN, $35" monThly, 100 fH, lake-lservices, | Retrigerator and. stove each peta tt cade dbe at LIST WITH US 725-477) a nile, 6 aoe road, 35, miles cat Yoo" si rapeaan jo. A contin. Sane ceria eee dod: THEN CALL YOUR MOVER Bros. Ltd., Real is the answer. It's bri in Whit-| 2 YEARS OLD SEVEN-YEAR-OLD six-room brick burloy "Residential ares. "ek Tot, sve to dun ail" Ya Beautiful 5 room brick and BURKE STREET, 217 -- Three-room|calow, two fireplaces, double garage. Loticentral. Shade trees. $8,900. Terms ar- Ais baie self-contained apartment, stove and re-|70' x 213'. Full price $14,600. Call 728-8378.) ranged. 668-2331 stone as pune bid frigerator, | private | sntrrace. | Business /iq LOTS for sale. Approved apariment| MAPLE GROVE, close to Highway, 3- garage ai reezeway couple preferred. Abstainars only. APPIY!5utiging locations. In good tacation, WHA "bedroom bungalow, with breezeway and i tached to house, lovely address above. approved. Telephone 728-8378. garage on tot which could be extended grounds, finished room in for VLA. Asking price $12,900 with $2500. basement, many extras. Lo- coted in east end at King TWO BEDROOM | Street. 900. - $2,500 down. Call BRICK now, Jack Appleby at 728- Large modern kitchen, lovely ICE CORNER LOT FOR SALE Reasonably Priced. Daytime 725-2162 5123 or 728-3398. 4 BEDROOM , plied. High commissions. 728-1352. THREE-ROOM apartment with gas Aen Warren, Michigan PHONE SL 8-7550 YOUNG MAN BETWEEN AGE 18 - 25 A career with progressive glass and paint company for counter. work and office de- | | | tails, APPLY Bookkeeper-Typist for small local office, Reply fully own handwriting, stat- ing experience and salary requirements. *Permonent. WRITE Post Office, Box 235 OSHAWA Flying Dutchman Motel Requires gr piece bath. ag ln entrance, close "e 725-8352. Evenings 728-6922 bus. T WAYNE STREET, 68, APT. 9 -- Four- room apartment, private. bath and en- trance. Adults only. Telephone 725-3938. UPPER DUPLEX, centrally located. Bus- iness woman prefer: . Telephone before 6 6 p.m, 725 725-2843, Evenings 723-7792. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE, 2-bedroom apartment, refrigerator and built-in range, $100. monthly. Working rg pre |ferred. Apply 330 Buena V Vista, Apt. |FIVE ROOMS, upstairs, | pri jheat and hot water, central, 4pm. 723-7550. FOUR-ROOM 'nd bath, second floor garage, $80. After Farm - 400 Acres Hastings County Wonderful deer hunting ond fishing. Beaver River runs through property about 200 yards from good gravel road. Good timber on 300 acres 100 acres under cultivation 25 acres splendid for cot- tages, Seven room house, double LARGE LOTS Rossland Manor $75. PER FOOT FRONTAGE bright living room. Home in immaculate condition, close to shopping and bus stop at the door. Call immediately, For appointment to inspect. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Telephone 723-1121 $9,500 $2,200 Faction: vee ie --2 rooms, le gor Carries for $85 Be: Central location, Better ny for this one. Call Ed Drumm tight now ot 728-5123 or 725-9345, $9,500 FULL PRICE $65 monthly income from upstairs; owner has four rooms on main floor. Two pri- 723-1133 JUST LISTED--Choice loco- tion. This attractive six room brick bungalow is in immacu- late 'condition, three large bedrooms, hollyweod designed kitchen, brand new broadloom in living room and hallways, new television tower. This home is priced right for some-: one who desires a nice ae For further inf Wes, Elliott at 723- i133, evenings 728-0581. 1957 CHEVROLET Deluxe, automatic, radio, new tires, mechanically. Best offer. Telephone Fisica ev 9 ae Le Sabre 4door sedan, 2- tone, nara in: Ma fda Cash ee 4 nance, nance. "Telephone Tis: «. {1982 CHEVROLET, tv ae a call 900d, with radio, a snow iat Telephone 723-5588. | | Serviced - including underground hydro and telephone. EXCELLENT TERMS apartment. Private entrance and drive- way, Available November 1. Adults, $75. 273 Simcoe St.S. (SODA FOUNTAIN ble November | Oshawa OPERATOR inanue-koom aime private aa | A P | t and bath. Kitchen with cup- Canadian Pittsburgh Saturdays and Sundays Only. |boards. Garage. 230 Bruce Street. After 5 ? Indust. Ltd. | Apply between 2-5. Mr. Gaye, |e Bowmanville 623-7242. gorage, new barn, other out- buildings vate 3 pc. baths, oil heat, double gorage. Hurry for this one. Ask for Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217. DOWN $1,500 DOWN Will. be sold this 'week-end, METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. East Dial 728-4678 ESTATE SALE--North Osh- awa, just listed 3. year old brick bungalow, stone trim. Here is an exceptionally well built bungalow all newly-de- corated. Contains 3 bright Must be sold at once. | This is a splendid buy. | $10,000. Half Cash | 401 Eulalie Avenue Oshawa Telephone 725-8130 For Information RALPH S. JONES TWO-BEDROOM apartment, -- refrigera- for, stove, broadioom throughout. Wash- bedrooms, WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO MEN FOR SED CAR RECONDITIONING Work involves polishing and General Clean-up of Used Cars. Applicants should be mechanically inclined and must have some experience in this type of work. Apply in person only to; MR. BRIAN KANE THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. USED CAR LOT 260 King St. West, Oshawa TOOL AND DIEMAKERS REQUIRED for precision work on figs, fixtures. ond special equip- ment items. A mini of RADIOLOGY DEPT. Requires one student with senior matriculation Grade XIII to complete a class of students in X-ray technology A transcript of marks requir- ed. Students are paid $100 per month. Please apply to director of Personnel. OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL | | ! |20--Room and Board | FURNISHED room, board (six-day week) Home Parking. Telephone 723-1435. optional, preferred. privileges. gentieman |COMFORTABLE room and board, in pri- jvate home. Suit one or two gentlemen. Near South GM. Telephone 725-1864. |SINGLE ROOM, with or without t board, 5 laundry and TV privileges, | close to town and buses. Apply 173 Ritson |day week, Road South. ROOM AND BOARD in clean, q ed. Gentleman 728-4112, preferred. quiet home. All conveniences. Lunches pack-| Telephone} 10 years toolroom or high quolity production shop ex- perience required. Modern thop with excellent warking eonditions ond attractive welfore benefits. APPLY A.M.F. ATOMIC CANADA CO, LIMITED PORT HOPE, ONTARIO room for clean gentleman. desired, central, Call 728-1773. formation, call 723-4056. beds, good- board. 726-2433. PRIVATE HOME -- furnished sing!e) Breakfast it! ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, close! to all south-end factories. For further in-) ARTHUR STREET, 332 -- Room and board, near north General Motors. Single |Seey week. Telephone 728-3466. ROOM AND BOARD for aa gentleman, |willing to share room, Home privileges, parking, lunches packed. Central. 728- [ROOM AND BOARD for 'hree gentie- jmen. Abstainers only. Single beds. emple ad 21--Room & Board Wanted ing and drying free. $95. monthly. Ade- quate parking. Apply 20 Avenue paises Apartment 40. NEW, FURNISHED "apartment, cation, adults only, please. | 725-0998. < eal BASEMENT apartment, three bedrooms,| kitchen and washroom. y monthly, |hydro and heat included. Telephone; | 728-7118. oii THREE-ROOM apartment and private bath, stove and refrigerator. Separate entrance. After 5 p.m., telephone 725-8025) SIMCOE SOUTH, 730 -- Large two-room.) unfurnished apartment. Private bath, gas range. Prefer couple. Baby welcome. Apply address. |THE DIPLOMAT | New tuxurious apartments. Conrtolled entrance, modern lobby. Air conditioned halls with broadloom. Laundry room | on each floor. Apply 340 Marlond ee 111. or _ Phone 728-428 REGENCY TOWERS LOVELY 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS Stove, refrigerator, drapes, hot, cold woter. Free. Locker and laundry on each floor. Parking. 728-1544 Low. Rental Apts. Halliday Manor 620 Richmond St, E. Applications from married couples over 65 years of age with limited income now be- ing accepted for future vacancies. Full information | ot 104 King Street West. OSHAWA HOUSING' Co. LTD. H. G, CHESEBROUGH, "nice lo- | Telephone QUIET, young man looking for room and Tele-| Manager ASHBURN on paved highway in area of fine homes. $21,500 - NEW Field stone and. brick - 4 bedrooms - attached 2 car gargae - 4 acre scenic ravine lot. - Walk-out 'finished rec. room-- stone fire-place. INSPECTION THIS WEEK-END OR PHONE BROOKLIN 655-3284 GUIDE REALTY NEW LISTING--5 room bun- galow with garage just out- side the city at Zion. 3 pc. bath and all good. sized rooms. Extra large lot. Full price $9,800. THE CHARM, CONVEN- IENCE & SPACIOUSNESS of an older home can be yours in this 4 bedroom brick right on Simcoe St. N, Large living room with natural fireplace, dining room and kitchen on Ist floor. On the. 2nd floor as well as 4 bedrooms and 4 pe. modern tiled bath there is a closed in sun porch over- looking a well treed back yord and Alexandra Park. Close to schools, hospital and bus stop. Give us o call today to inspect. RITSON RD. NORTH -- 4 bedroom home on ao 2 acre lot with good gorden with fruit trees. Can be bought under V.L.A. also divided into two lots. Don't delay to see this good value at a price of $14,900. | | | | | | | 130 KING ST. EAST 728-6246 $500 ROK WORKS -- $240 DOWN TO ONE 6% % NHA MTGE. NEW NHA Bungalows--stone fronts, clay brick (no semis) hood and electric clock -- sodded front and rear large lots--corries $99 monthly interest, principal and taxes. $240 down --- 3 bedroom $13,290. $612 down -- 3 bedroom and garage, $14,540. $792 down -- 4 bedroom, split 1% baths. $14,940. Located in Whitby--All ser- vices in and paid for by build- er--Models for viewing in West Hill. Only a few avail- able at the priccs. Call Gerry Hill AM 7-9712. | _Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. 167 Simcoe St, South AND LLOYD REALTY Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 101 Simcoe Street North HAVE JOINED OFFICES UNDER A NEW NAME INSURANCE COLBORNE ST. EAST $9500.00 -- 5 room frame bungalow -- located very central -- 2 bedrooms -- very nice clean home - early possession. $870.00 down and move right in -- 3. bedroom brick veneer home - brand new. Brand new bungalows some with attached garages -- only 6 left -- get yours now before its too late -- $1505.00 down for 1100 square feet of living area plus carport. CADILLAC AVENUE 6 room home in very. cen- tral area -- close to schools and shopping - churches and transportation for. only $13,- 900.00 with $2500.00 down. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Jack Osborne Dick Barriage _- Joe Me Maga Ken Hann Hurry! Immediate possession - given on this 6 room brick bungalow, beautifully de- corated, complete with plas- tered recreation room, forced oir oit necting) call ~"'Bill'"' Horner now, for an 'inspec- tion 728-5123 or 728-2236. LUNCH and VARIETY STORE -- $3,900 Terms available, near north G.M.C., fully equipped, long established, couple can make excellent remuneration. Call "Bill" Horner at 728-5123 or 728-2236. $6,200 FULL PRICE One bedroom __ bungalow. Large. kitchen and _ living room. Very economical to heat. All new aluminum sid- ing. Ideal for young couple or retired couple. Cal) Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123) Bolahood Brothers Limited 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening OPEN THIS W HOUSE FEKEND HOURS 3 UNTIL 6 P.M, BEAU VALLEY SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED TELEPHONE 723-2265 large living room, Good size kitchen with dining areca, large dry basement, oil heating. Very convenient ,to shopping and bus. Asking $13,700 with reasonable terms. For complete informa- tion call Henry Stinson at 723-1133, evenings 725- 0243. LESLIE ST.--Five room, 1% storey brick home in excel- lent \condition throughout, oil heated, good garage, paved drive. Listed at only $11,500 with $1,500 down. Owner will hold Ist mortgage for the balance. Call Carl Olsen at 723-1133, evenings 725- 3412, WESTMOUNT AREA -- For large family or income home, seven rooms, four bedrooms, close to all services, this home has garage, new oil furnace. Can be financed attractively. Call Wes. Elliott at 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581. IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a Split Level home with 7 large rooms, large bathroom featuring beautiful vanity with two basins, plus extra washroom off the family room, attached garage, stone trim front, prestige location, and priced to sell with reason- able terms phone Henry Stin- son at 723-1133, evenings 725-0243, GRANDVIEW VILLAGE -- Two models now ready for occupancy built: by H. Kas- singer. Low down payment, one N.H.A. 644% mortgage. Give us a call, 299 King St West B.D. MORTGAGES * 723-1133 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. -- up or down. Liens off, am DODD MOTOR SALES." 314 PARK RD. SOUTH ~" 723-9421 * VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE GENERAL REPAIR and AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE" 449 Ritson Rd, S. Oshawo 728-0921 GENERAL. REPAIRS ' ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHAM B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Road and Ki 723-4733 'and 723-7712 1961 FORD GALAXIE | CONVERTIBLE. Automatic 3 speed transmis- ° sion, red and white. Power equipped, radio, whitewalls, $2100. Terms arranged at" 6%. private, F WHITBY 668-5679 > 28--Real Estate Wanted bungalows and duplexes. McGill Estate, Post Office Box 220, Oshawa. WE HAVE NOT a single bungalow left in Oshawa for sale, We require ag ea! 29--Automobiles For Sale Have A Happy. THANKSGIVING In A Better Car from BILL DREW MERCURY SALES 1962 FORD STATION WAGON board with a Christian atmosphere. phone 725-8442. BOLAHOOD | BROTHERS 1955 BUICK sedan. Small i= condition: Must sell. $195. Whitby 668-501 1963 sven san Laurentian six, dark bive, Shadelite windshields seat belts, backup BALL POINT ON LAKE SCUGOG NORTH WEST AREA--5 room brick bungalow with paved drive and brick gar- age. The back yard is o gord- |26---Rooms For Rent |22---Oftices, Stores, Storage | scout END -- large. clean furnished WAREHOUSE space for reni 3000 feei,|P@droom, private entrance, parking, $7.| two floors, fruck level loading, $75 per | weekly. Phone 723-1359. WHITBY CLASSIFIED 9,000 miles. Phone RUPTURE-ease'. Form fitting support) ---- for reducible inguinal hernia. No fitting required sage Pharmacy, 117 Brock Street North, Whitby. FULLY FURNISHED apartment, in al- most new triplex. Adults only, please./ 725-0998. DRESSMAKING: Suits, costs, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. FOR SALE -- One muskrat jacket, in 00d condition. Fits sizes 14 to 16. Tele- phone 655- FOR RENT: Furnished light housekeep- ing room with private entrance. Tele-| phone 668-2332 or apply 542 Mary Street East. SEPTIC tanks Cleaned, prompl service on| Ches' calls. Walter nut Street West, Whitby. THREE-ROOMED unfurnished apartment, private entrance, private bath, parking, central. Available Nov. 1. Single person Preferred. 668-4091 after 6. FOR IMMEDIATE RENTAL -- Unfur- nished upper fiat, 513 Byron Street South, Contains three large rooms with rang- atte, Share cost of electricity and central heating. Own telephone, Luxurious bath- room. m. Laundry facilities. FOR Ri RENT Bungalow "Tn . Whitby, "large thr: rooms, dining room, central. Write Box' 348 Oshawa Times. FREE STORAGE ~ with spring tune-up Ward, 204 2563. Ltd. 477 Bloor West, 728-1 FOR RENT In Shopping Plaza Ideol for Grocery Furniture or Shoe Store Parking Space Apply. 378 Wilson Rd. S. . 725-0998 month. Apply Mackie's Van. and Storage |ONE BA ia i200 SQUARE FT. cement biock buliding,|Plant. For gentlemen only. Suitable for repair shop or storage. Cen- tral el Apply 182 Simcoe South, "MODERN | LARGE STORE FOR RENT | Medica! or Dental office. | Approximately 700 square feet. Close to downtown area. Parking available. Electric heated. For information call 725-5132 ~ furnished ling room with utilities. Close to pos | Apply 313 foeee Street (side door). CHURCH Street, 174, , Large ~ double room | with single.bed. Private entrance. Gen-| |tleman preferred. Apply above address. |LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room for two | gentiemen, willing to share and one fur-| |nished room for sleeping accommoda- | tion only. Telephone 728-7283. HOWARD STREET, 507 -- furnished | room. Call affer 3.30 p.m., 725-7014. ALL PRIVATE -- three, nice, clean fur- | nished rooms; sult two gentlemen or two girls. Apply 275 Ritson South, |CLEAN furnished room, parking, Gente | ie Seer close to north GM. | | phone 723-79) |PONTIAC INN, rooms with dil water, |TV lounge, varking Telephone 7: 25-9035, |DEAN AVENUE -- Nicely furnished | lroom, would suit lacy. Clean and iectonld Matic 728-459 7. |two furnished bedrooms, single or | double, no cooking, very central, steadily 23--Wanted To Rent only. Day workers preferred. Apply 57 Division Street. | RELIABLE "couple with two children|AGENT'S OFFICE available in commer ant two-bedroom house or apartment cial building, plenty of parking, all utili- inoelisiel: Good (era 723-19. WANTED ji references. immediately, four * house, centrally located, in Oshawa. Tele-/room. Men or women. phone Bowmanville 623-5912. SMALL APARTMENT wanied by young|ONE LIGHT housekeeping roon business lady, in Brooklin area. Abstain-! bedroom |LASALLE AVENUE, laude pow asking $40. monthy, Call m4 Furnished Quiet. Apply| above address. room, , fur-| Furni-|nished or unfurnished, for pensioner. Also Outboo:d motors and Lawnmowers ire os coo. Call evenings or weekends, cnfornished basement apartment, to re- WILDE RENTAL SALES. AND SERVICE | WHITBY 668-3226 Hin 655-4487. 'youNe MAN desires single, room in | Oshawa. Write Box 201, Oshawa Times. |Hiable couple for services. Aj io xing Street West. sigs x! furnished | ------_ itt adult home, within 1§ miles of FURNISHED BEDROOM for one lady. Use of modern kitchen, gph and tea. home. 7% HEDGES - Privet One of the best for medium to tall hedges. Plant now. Sturdy three year old bushy plants with numerous 'branches from the ground. Plant one foot apart. 3 foot size 10 for $4.80 -- 100 for $38,00 ROSES Thousands of beautiful blooms yet to be viewed in the field making it interesting te select those you like for plonting now or in the Spring. Holland Bulbs | (OOM b Telephone after 6 p.m., -Houses For Rent (24- FOUR-ROOM house, large lot, or pil road, east of Oshawa. FUR on x gravel north General ipo: Suitable for lady! | 6927. NISHED Rear hospital and session. Phone 725-644) MARY STREET, @ |house, good location. | OSHAWA -- Threebedroom fur "4% -- --Eight-room vi mS three hree people. in" WHITBY, newly References required. 68-501. ec BUNGALOW, three be bedrooms, two bath- rooms, excetient condifion. Available No- vember 1} 668-438). bungalow, Alax, | 728-8536. FOUR-BEDROOM iM home, Masson at Con- naught Street. Substential rent. win ar- range occupancy, Cali evenings 728-7669. |MONTEITH 'Avenue, house for rent, five '|Suitable for gentlemen. Off street park- irton | j ing. ranch bungalow with atiached garage. Immediate possession: $150 Call Guide Reality Limited, Simeoe ae South, 723-1121 725-6916, |weekly. Telephone 728- furnished home. Widow wishes fo share with two or Telephone f. tnadarn arena house, decorated, available Oe*over 15. $75. or Ti 723-1300. | plants Ai cthtndetatta se | |gvRNisHE® bedroom, two Blocks north) of hospital, suit one Parking. $7) pic Anal neon FURNISHED room, suit gentieman. Parking area, bus at door. Apply 573 Olive Avenue. 723-1832. ROOM FOR RENT, turnished, close to north GM and heepital. Telephone 725-8702 ALL f PRIVATE -- } - three, +f nice, clean ture nished rooms; suit two gentlemen or two girls. Apply 275 Ritson South. |KING STREET EAST, 597 -- two unfur- nished downstairs rooms, oil heat and pri- eate entrance. Call ovenings or week- ends to above address. CENTRAL -- Phone 725-5704. Two singie furnished rooms, one with light house- |keeping privileges, stove, refrigerator. 'ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in privote home, ousekeen ener's delight with flowers and fish pond. Large living roo m and roomy kitchen with ample cupboard space. Home is in immatuldte condition and is listed at $15,900. MUST BE SOLD--Body re- pair shop equipped with all the latest equipment in a nearly new cement block building. Excellent opportun- ity for a Licensed: Body Me- chanic. A going concern with lots of room for expansion. Owner is anxious to sell and has reduced the price sub- stantially. ' FULL PRICE $14,800--5! room brick bungalow with 3 good sized bedrooms and 4 pc. bathroom. Storm windows all round even the basement are included. A 3 room base- ment apartment renting for $65.00 per month with separ- ote bath and entrance makes this property perfect for home and income. Located just off Rossland Rd. West close to schools, bus and shopping plaza. OWNER LEAVING = THE COUNTRY and has greatly reduced the price of this 6 room brick bungalow. Finish- ed recreation room, large family kitchen with more than usual cupboards. Vs acre of land all nicely londscaped with an attractive 'free form' patio. Located only | block off King St. East on a street w' --e the owners take pride ir ir homes. $17900--in East Oshawe overlooking the city. 7 room brick and stone bungalow with attached garage. 4 bed- rooms, broadloom in living room and beautifully tinish- ed recreation room with elec- tric fireplace. Electric heat- ing. This is on exceptionally nice home and one you should see today. THINKING OF BUILDING-- Don't overlook these two lots in North Oshawa close to Separate and Public School. Good level land just off Sim- coe St. : LIMITED |' REALTORS--INSURANCE 101 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | 728-5123 SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 $10,500.00 -- A TERRIFIC BUY--in a 5 room bungalow located in a good residential area in the North End. Ex- tras include all new aluminum storms ond screens, TV aerial, wired for dryer, venetian blinds. Taxes only $242.61 --Owner must move due to circumstances. HIS LOSS |S YOUR GAIN. Be sure to in- spect soon or it will be too lote. BEAU VALLEY OPEN HOUSE Evenings--6 to 7.30 P.M. Weekends--3 to 5.00 P.M. 6 ROOM - BRICK RANCH BUNGALOW with 2 cor gar- age located in Beau Valley. Lot size 60 x 144, Features include Hollywood kitchen-- walk-out through sliding doors to patio, 4 pc. ceramic tiled bath with large vanity--3 good size bedrooms--well planned rec area in base- ment hos extra flue for fire- place. Immediate possession. Let us show it to you today. BRAND NEW---2 storey 4 B.R. home in Brookside Acres. Features spacious L.R. with stone fireplace, wall to wall valances. Built-in buffet and china cobinet across one end of D.R. Eating area in kitchen with lots of mahog- any finished cupboerds, ex- haust fan and copper hood, 2 pc. bath on main floor. Upper and lower halls pleas- ingly decorated.. Double at- tached gorage. Features in- clude underground wiring and television antenna. Sale of This Seasori's Seven Model Cottages CHOOSE NOW -- PAY MAY '64 Architect designed 3 bedroom cottages, split levels, '"U' shaped huge picture windows, fireplaces, conveniences, PLANNED VACATION COMMUNITY FOR ALL THE FAMILY'S ENJOYMENT Treed lots, safe beaches, marina sit on Trent Canal System. Port Perry north to Seagrave, follow sings to Ball Point. NORTH SHORE REALTY CO. LTD. | 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Evenings Whitby 668-8042 725-3568 Brooklin 655-3853 REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Oshawo--beautifully kept storey and a half, featuring extra large master bedroom, attractive living room with brick fireplace, large bright sunroom, garage and patio, fruit trees, reduced to $14,000. Ask for Phyllis McRobbie. Whitby triplex, centrally locoted, in spotless condition 3 two bedroom apartments, basement apartment furnished, stove and frig, storms ond screens, good return on investment. To inspect call the office. Stoney Lake--4 bedroom cottage with 100' lake frontage, good fishing and hunting, ask for Phyllis McRobbie. Rosedale Dr.--3 bedroom brick semi-detached, beautifully kept. $82.75 monthly. Maria St.----3 bedroom brick bungalow featurin room 24 ask for Audrey Moore, Dunlop St.--3 bedroom brick with carport, Full price $12,000. Ask for Phyllis McRobbie. nice deep lot. Full Fd $10,900 with $1,500 down and. the balance at H ponelled rec. x 12' with bar, oil heating. For further information hollywood kitchen, McCullough Dr.--3 bedroom brick, newly decorated, storms and screens, extras, Owner anxious to sell. Ask for Audrey Moore, Beech St.--6 room brick bungalow beautifully kept. L-shaped living and dining room, oi! heating. $15,100. Ask for Audrey Moore. Annes St.--Colonial style bungalow with attached garage, ex- cellent condition, 4 pc. bath with vanity, full divided basement, -- extras. Ask for Audrey Moore. Houses for rent--$110 and $120 monthly, lights, ws washers, 723-2400 between 6 and 8 p.m. $ ALL CASH $° For clean cars we deal up-or down. Leins paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY New Telephone 668-3331 KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY --~ 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality. Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 -- Res, 725-5574 100 CARS WANTED __ MUST SELL LOST LICENCE Fully equipped. 1963 FORD 500XL Convertible PHONE 725-6823 1962 FORD GALAXIE - - 6 cylinder, automatic power steering, seat belts, radio. 728-2485 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 625-6553 14 Albert St. Single Compartment Rear End Delivery Reverse Pump 56 Ford (ae "TANKER--1600 GALLON Two-tone finish. Standard transmission and custom? radio. A perfect automobile," 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Sun-roof model complete with custom radio, ay 35,000 miles. 1960 BUICK LE SABRE SEDAN automatic and radio. automobile inside and Finished in sparkling V-8, A-1 out. white. 1960 CHEVROLET HARDTOP Popular Bel-Air, six cylinder, automatic. Original mist green metallic, deep-tread whitewall tires. 1959 FORD STATION WAGEN 2-door. A low milage two-tone beauty. Ready for mony trouble-free miles, _1959 METEOR MONTCALM Four-door hardtop, V8, aute- matic and radio, two-tone, a clean one owner automobile. 1958 FORD Two-door. V-8, standard transmission. Complete with radio. Sharp two-tone finish. 1963 MERCURY Demonstrators They must go. Drop in and save $ $ $ See Joe Barjok or Cec Hort BILL DREW MERCURY SALES Your MERCURY Descler Open 9 to 9--Sat, 9 to 5. Bill Mc Feeters 725-1726 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Charles Chaytsr . 723-7996 Morgaret 'Hall 723-1358 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Steve Macko 728-5868 360 King St. W. Free Parking In Ajox TELEPHONE AJAX 942-1030 5 Speed, 900 x 20 Tires 24000 License Good condition. PRICE COMPLETE | $2195. | Golden Mile Motors Limited, Top Quality THREE - storey For full ticul it {houses vicinity Choi Street ad of Park Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. es 723.1 12) . PICKERING For turther inquiry call after 6 82 PARK RD. N. Dick Young NURSERIES = = dens 728-8671 Tony Siblock Highwoy 2 West of Dunbarton "Ww '25--Apertments Jean Peacock -- Roy Flintoff ' Open All Weekend APARTMENT in beautiful mag a 27--Reol Estate For Sele Lloyd Corson. . Irene Brown house, | Evenings coll Phyllis McRobbie, Bowmanville 623-7159 or Audrey Moore 668-4088 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-5853 g Lucas Peacock Leon Manitius 839-2111 rk tae tee me Steve Englert Steve Zurba firepla Comaeney |trech sirest main eines GUIDE REALTY LIMITED plus 3-piece bath. 1897 Eglinton Avenue East, Pome Available Brock Street South, Whitby. Adults. Telephone Bowmanville 423§406. | 640-8948, enytime. Realtors, 16 Simece St. §, Scarborough, Ontario. PL §-2201 (Continued on Page 18)

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